BIOLABO - Applications Humastar 180
BIOLABO - Applications Humastar 180
BIOLABO - Applications Humastar 180
Expected values:
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase at 30 or 37°C
0 – 0.6 IU/L 0 – 0.01 µKat/L
Manufacturer Use by IVD: In vitro diagnostic Temperature limitation REF: Catalogue number See insert LOT: Batch number
02160, MAIZY, FRANCE |
REF 80002 R1 2 x 200 mL R2 1x 5 mL
Tel: (33) 03 23 25 15 50
Fax : (33) 03 23 256 256
Humastar 180 - Preliminary
Reagents preparation:
REF 99029: Use a non-sharp instrument to remove aluminium cap. Test ID ALC2
Add promptly to the contents of the vial R1 the volume of demineralised Name ALC2
water stated on the label. Mix gently and wait for complete dissolution Test Type End point
before using reagent (approximately 10 minutes). Units mg/dL
Standard (vial R2) :
Transfer the requested quantity, recap and store at 2-8°C. Digits 0
Temperature (°C) 37
Stability and storage Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Reag. Blank #|#
Store at 2-8°C, in the original vial and away from l ight. man #
Without contamination and use as described in the packaging insert, woman #
reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. child #
Once reconstituted, working reagent (vial R1) is stable at least for
7 days when free from contamination.
Descending reaction NO
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance at 340 nm is > 0.500. OD limit for used 500
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. substrate
Linearity limit 300
Performances characteristics: Filter (nm) 340
Linearity: the assay is linear up to 300 mg/dL (65 mmol/L) Ref. Filter (nm)
Detection limit: approximately 10 mg/dL. Blank Normal Blank
Reagents 1
Specimen collection and handling: Bottletype #
Whole blood, hemolysed, icteric or cloudy sera or plasma: Controls #
Stability in whole blood (without sodium fluoride as preservative): Volume
at 18-25° C up to 2 days, at 2-8° C up to 2 weeks, at –15° C up to (1) Sample (µl) 10
4 weeks. Reagent 1 (µl) 300
Stability in whole blood (with sodium fluoride as preservative) :
at 18-25° C up to 2 weeks at 2-8° C up to 3 months , at –15° C up to Reagent 2 (µl)
6 months. Reagent 3 (µl)
Specimens must be kept capped to avoid evaporative loss to the Calibration (**)
atmosphere. Volume water
Prepare supernatant as indicated in packing insert § Manual Procedure Calibration Fixfactor
(n ° 2 : with deproteinization). Correlation Factor
Correlation Offset
Calibration: Method definition PR1
Use Standard (vial R2) enclosed in the kit or any calibrator traceable to PS
a reference method or material. InkR600
Dilute as indicated in packing insert § Manual Procedure (Procedure
n ° 2: With deproteinization).
Manufacturer Use by IVD: In vitro diagnostic Temperature limitation REF: Catalogue number See insert LOT: Batch number
MANUFACTURER: Enzymatic method
02160, MAIZY, FRANCE |
REF 99029 R1 10 X 10 mL R2 1 x 5 mL IVD : IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE
TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ORDERS REF 99059 R1 2 x 100 mL R2 1 x 10 mL
Tel: (33) 03 23 25 15 50
Fax : (33) 03 23 256 256
Manufacturer Use by IVD: In vitro diagnostic Temperature limitation REF: Catalogue number See insert LOT: Batch number
02160, MAIZY, FRANCE |
REF 92214 R1 8 × 30 mL R2 8 × 30 mL
REF 92314 R1 10 × 100 mL R2 10 x 100 mL IVD : IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE
Tel: (33) 03 23 25 15 50
Fax : (33) 03 23 256 256
Humastar 180 - Preliminary
Kinetic photometric test ASSAY PARAMETERS AT 37°C
Reaction direction: increase in absorbance. PROGRAMMING TESTS
Reagents preparation: Test ID ALKP
Vial R2: Use a non-sharp instrument to remove aluminium cap.
Add promptly the contents of vial R2 (Substrate) into vial R1
Test Type Kinetic
Mix gently and wait for complete dissolution before using Units UI/L
reagent (approximately 2 minutes). Digits 1
Temperature (°C) 37
Stability and storage: Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Store at 2-8°C, well recap in the original vial and away from
Reag. Blank #|#
Unopened, when used and stored as described in the insert, man #
reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. woman #
Once reconstituted, working reagent is stable at least for 30 child #
days when free from contamination. Descending reaction NO
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance of working OD limit for used 2500
reagent at 405 nm is > 0.800. substrate
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. Linearity limit 1200
Specimen collection and handling: Filter (nm) 405
Unhemolysed serum or heparinised plasma, immediately Ref. Filter (nm)
refrigerated. Blank
ALP activity is stable in the specimen for 2-3 days at 2-8°C, or Reagents 1
1 month at -25°C. Bottletype #
Performances characteristics: Controls #
Linearity: the assay is linear up to 1200 IU/L (20 µKat/L) in the Volume Sample (µl) 3
conditions describe opposite. Reagent 1 (µl) 300
Detection limit: approx. 30 IU/L. Reagent 2 (µl)
Reagent 3 (µl)
Calibration: Calibration Multicalibrator
It is recommended to verify the calibration factor (5450/1 cm Volume water
pathlength) with BIOLABO-Multicalibrator REF 95015 Calibration Fixfactor **
(10 x 5 mL) or any calibrator traceable to a reference method Correlation Factor
or material.
Correlation Offset
Method definition PR1
Quality Control:
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 PS
(10 x 5 mL) InkR60
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 MDOD180
(10 x 5 mL) or any control sera referring to the same method.
Mixing Parameter
Expected values: Volume (µl) 170
Repetitions 2
ALP (IU/L à 37°C) # Data entered by user
** Refer to §Calibration
Age Men Women
20-29 years 100-320 70-260
30-39 years 90-320 70-260
40-49 years 100-360 80-290
50-59 years 110-390 110-380
60-69 years 120-450 110-380
> 69 years 120-460 90-430
Manufacturer Use by IVD: In vitro diagnostic Temperature limitation REF: Catalogue number See insert LOT: Batch number
02160, MAIZY, FRANCE |
REF 80027 R1 20 x 10 mL REF 80127 R1 8 x 30 mL IVD : IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE
TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ORDERS REF 80227 R1 10 x 125 mL REF 80127 R1 6 x 200 mL
Tel : (33) 03 23 25 15 50
Fax : (33) 03 23 256 256
Humastar 180 - Preliminary
Kinetic photometric test. PROGRAMMING TESTS
Reaction direction: decrease in absorbance.
Reagents preparation: Name GPT
REF 80027: Use a non sharp-instrument to remove the cap. Test Type Kinetic
Add promptly to the contents of the vial the amount of Units U/L
demineralised water stated on the label. Mix gently and wait for Digits 1
complete dissolution before using reagent (approximately
Temperature (°C) 37
2 minutes).
Clinical normal values Lower/Upper
Stability and storage: Reag. Blank #|#
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away from man #
light. woman #
Unopened, when used and stored as described in the insert, child #
reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. Descending reaction YES
Once reconstituted, working reagent is stable at least for 60 OD limit for used #
days when free from contamination. substrate
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance measured at Linearity limit 350
365 nm is < 1.000.
Filter (nm) 365
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label.
Ref. Filter (nm)
Specimen collection and handling: Blank
Unhemolysed serum or heparinised plasma. Reagents 1
ALT is stable in serum or plasma for: Bottletype #
24 hours at room temperature. Controls #
7 days at 2-8° C. Volume Sample (µl) 25
Reagent 1 (µl) 250
Performance characteristics: Reagent 2 (µl)
Linearity: The assay is linear up to 350 IU/L. Reagent 3 (µl)
Detection limit: approximately 7 IU/L. **
Calibration Multicalibrator
Volume water
Calibration: Calibration Fixfactor **
It is recommended to determine the calibration factor (K=1746 / Correlation Factor
1 cm pathlength) with BIOLABO-Multicalibrator REF 95015 or a Correlation Offset
multiparametric calibrator traceable to a reference method or
Method definition PR1
Quality Control: InkR60
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x 5 mL) MDOD180
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011
(10 x 5 mL) or any assayed control sera referring to the same Mixing Parameter
method. Volume (µl) 170
Repetitions 2
Expected values: # Data entered by user
** refer to § Calibration
IU/L at 30°C IU/L at 37°C
Newborns, infants 9-32 13-45
Men 7-28 10-40
Women 5-25 7-35
Reagents preparation:
REF 80023: Use a non-sharp instrument to remove the cap. Test ID AMG7
Once opened, add promptly the amount of demineralised water Name AMG7
stated on the label. Mix gently and wait for complete dissolution Test Type Kinetic
before using reagent (approximately 2 minutes). Units UI/L
Stability and storage: Digits 1
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away from Temperature (°C) 37
light. Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Unopened, when used and stored as described in the insert, Reag. Blank #|#
reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. man #
Once reconstituted, working reagent is stable at least for 3 woman #
months when free from contamination.
child #
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if reagent blank at 405 nm
is > 0.600. Descending reaction NO
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. OD limit for used 2500
Specimen collection and handling: Linearity limit 2000
Unhemolysed serum or heparinized plasma. Filter (nm) 405
α-amylase activity is stable in serum/plasma for : Ref. Filter (nm)
at least 7 days at room temperature and 1 month at 2-8° C. Blank
Urines: Adjust pH to alkalin range before storage. Reagents 1
α-amylase activity is stable in urines for 7 days at 2-8° C. Bottle type #
In case of delay in transporting urines to the laboratory, use a
Controls #
preservative as merthiolate (thimerosal) 0.24mM or 0.1 g/L.
Volume Sample (µl) 6
Performance characteristics: Reagent 1 (µl) 250
Linearity: the assay is linear up to 2000 IU/L (33 µKat/L) Reagent 2 (µl)
Detection limit: approximately 10 IU/L (0.1 µKay/L). Reagent 3 (µl)
Calibration Multicalibrator
Calibration: Volume water
It is recommended to determine the calibration factor Calibration Fixfactor **
(5140 / 1 cm pathlength) with BIOLABO-Multicalibrator Correlation Factor
REF 95015 or a multiparametric calibrator traceable to a Correlation Offset
reference method or material. Method definition PR1
Quality Control: InkR60
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x 5 mL)
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011
(10 x 5 mL)
Mixing Parameter
or any assayed control sera referring to the same method.
Volume (µl) 170
Expected values: Repetitions 2
# Data entered by user
α-AMYLASE at 37°C ** Refer to §Calibration
IU/L µKat/L
Serum 22-80 0.38-1.36
Reagents preparation:
Test ID AMG3
Vial R2: Use a non-sharp instrument to remove aluminium cap.
Name AMG3
REF 99523: Once opened add promptly 5 mL of reagent R1 (Buffer) to
the contents of vial R2 (Substrate). Test Type Kinetic
REF 99123 and 99223: Once opened add promptly the contents of vial Units UI/L
R2 (Substrate) into vial R1 (Buffer). Digits 1
To avoid contamination with salivary amylase, do not pipette by mouth. Temperature (°C) 37
Mix gently and wait for complete dissolution before using reagents
(approximately 2 minutes).
Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Reag. Blank #|#
Stability and storage: man #
woman #
Store at 2-8 °C, in the original vial and away from light.
child #
Without contamination and use as described in the packaging insert, Descending reaction NO
reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. OD limit for used 2500
Once reconstituted, working reagent is stable at least for 15 days at
18-25° C and for 90 days at 2-8° C.
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if reagent blank at 405 nm is > 0.600. Linearity limit 2000
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. Filter (nm) 405
Ref. Filter (nm)
Specimen collection and handling: Blank
Unhemolysed serum or heparinized plasma. Reagents 1
α-amylase activity is stable in serum/plasma for : Bottletype #
at least 7 days at room temperature and 1 month at 2-8° C. Controls #
Urines: Adjust pH to alkalin range before storage.
α-amylase activity is stable in urines for 7 days at 2-8° C. Volume Sample (µl) 6
In case of delay in transporting urines to the laboratory, use a Reagent 1 (µl) 250
preservative as merthiolate (thimerosal) 0.24mM or 0.1 g/L. Reagent 2 (µl)
Reagent 3 (µl)
Performance characteristics: Calibration
Linearity: the assay is linear up to 2000 IU/L (33 µKat/L) Volume water
Detection limit: approximately 6 IU/L (0.1 µKay/L). Calibration Fixfactor **
Correlation Factor
Calibration: Correlation Offset
It is recommended to verify the calibration factor with Method definition PR1
BIOLABO-Multicalibrator REF 95015 or a multiparametric calibrator PS
traceable to a reference method or material. InkR30
Quality Control:
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x 5 mL) Mixing Parameter
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 (10 x 5 mL) Volume (µl) 170
or any assayed control sera referring to the same method. Repetitions 2
# Data entered by user
Expected values: ** Refer to §Calibration
α-AMYLASE at 37°C
IU/L µKat/L
Serum 22-80 0.38-1.36
Reagents preparation:
Reagents are ready for use.
Stability and storage: Test Type End point
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away Units mg/dL
from light. Digits 2
Unopened, reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the Temperature (°C) 37
label. Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Once opened, reagents R1 and R2 are stable at least 6 months Reag. Blank #|#
when freefrom contamination. man #
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance > 0.100 at
woman #
546 nm.
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. child #
Descending reaction NO
Specimen collection and handling: OD limit for used 2500
Unhemolysed serum or plasma. substrate
Bilirubin is photolabile. Store the specimen away from light. Linearity limit 20
Stability in the specimen: 4 to 7 days at 2-8° C, or 2 days at Filter (nm) 546
room temperature. Ref. Filter (nm)
Blank Process blank
Icteric or pediatric specimens: do not dilute, see specific Reagents 2
Bottletype #
Controls #
Performances characteristics: Volume
Linearity: the reaction is linear up to 20 mg/dL (342 µmol/L) Sample (µl) 25
Detection limit: approximately 0.1 mg/dL Reagent 1 (µl) 250
Reagent 2 (µl) 5
Calibration: Reagent 3 (µl)
Use BIOLABO Multicalibrator REF 95015 or a calibrator Calibration Multicalibrator
traceable to a reference method or material. Volume water
Calibration Fixfactor
Correlation Factor
Quality Control:
Correlation Offset
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x
Method definition PR1
5 mL)
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 (10 x
5 mL) InkR300
or other assayed control sera referring to the same method. Process blank
Expected values: InkR300
Mixing Parameter
Adult and Direct Bilirubin Volume (µl) #
mg/dL [µmol/L] Repetitions #
Child > 5 days # Data entered by user
> 5 days-60 years <0.2 [< 3,4] ** Refer to §Calibration
60-90 years < 0.2 [< 3,4]
< 0.2 [< 3,4]
> 90 years
Reagents preparation:
Reagents are ready for use.
Stability and storage: Test Type End point
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away Units mg/dL
from light. Digits 2
Unopened, reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the Temperature (°C) 37
label. Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Once opened, reagents R1 and R2 are stable at least 6 months Reag. Blank #|#
when freefrom contamination. man #
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance > 0.100 at
woman #
546 nm.
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. child #
Descending reaction NO
Specimen collection and handling: OD limit for used 2500
Unhemolysed serum or plasma. substrate
Bilirubin is photolabile. Store the specimen away from light. Linearity limit 20
Stability in the specimen: 4 to 7 days at 2-8° C, or 2 days at Filter (nm) 546
room temperature. Ref. Filter (nm)
Blank Process blank
Icteric or pediatric specimens: do not dilute, see specific Reagents 2
Bottletype #
Controls #
Performances characteristics: Volume
Linearity: the reaction is linear up to 20 mg/dL (342 µmol/L). Sample (µl) 5
Detection limit: approximately 0.1 mg/dL. Reagent 1 (µl) 250
Reagent 2 (µl) 5
Calibration: Reagent 3 (µl)
Use BIOLABO Multicalibrator REF 95015 or a calibrator Calibration Multicalibrator
traceable to a reference method or material. Volume water
Calibration Fixfactor
Correlation Factor
Quality Control:
Correlation Offset
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x
Method definition PR1
5 mL)
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 (10 x
5 mL) InkR300
or other assayed control sera referring to the same method. Process blank
Expected values: InkR300
Total Bilirubin (mg/dL) [µmol/L] Mixing Parameter
new-born Premature Full term Premature Full term Volume (µl) #
in cord < 2.0 < 2.0 [< 34] [< 34] Repetitions #
# Data entered by user
0-1 day < 8.0 1.4-8.7 [< 137] [24-149] ** Refer to §Calibration
1-2 days < 12.0 3.4-11.5 [< 205] [58-197]
3-5 days < 16.0 1.5-12.0 [< 274] [26-205]
Reagents preparation:
Reagents are ready for use.
Stability and storage: Name BILD
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away Test Type End point
from light. Units mg/dL
Unopened, reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the Digits 2
label. Temperature (°C) 37
Once opened, reagents R1 and R2 are stable at least 6 months Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
when free from contamination. Reag. Blank #|#
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance > 0.100 at man #
546 nm.
woman #
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label.
child #
Specimen collection and handling: Descending reaction NO
Unhemolysed serum or plasma. OD limit for used 2500
Bilirubin is photolabile. Store the specimen away from light. substrate
Stability in the specimen: 4 to 7 days at 2-8° C, or 2 days at Linearity limit 20
room temperature. Filter (nm) 546
Ref. Filter (nm)
Icteric or pediatric specimens: do not dilute, see specific Blank Process blank
procedure Reagents 2
Bottletype #
Performances characteristics: Controls #
Linearity: the reaction is linear up to 20 mg/dL (342 µmol/L) Volume
Detection limit: approximately 0.1 mg/dL Sample (µl) 25
Reagent 1 (µl) 200
Calibration: Reagent 2 (µl) 50
Use BIOLABO Multicalibrator REF 95015 or a calibrator Reagent 3 (µl)
traceable to a reference method or material. Calibration Multicalibrator
Volume water
Calibration Fixfactor
Quality Control: Correlation Factor
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x Correlation Offset
5 mL)
Method definition PR1
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 (10 x
5 mL)
or other assayed control sera referring to the same method. InkR300
Process blank
Expected values: PR2
Direct Bilirubin MesOD
Adult and Mixing Parameter
Child > 5 days mg/dL [µmol/L]
Volume (µl) #
> 5 days-60 years <0.2 [< 3,4] Repetitions #
60-90 years < 0.2 [< 3,4] # Data entered by user
< 0.2 [< 3,4] ** Refer to §Calibration
> 90 years
Reagents preparation:
Reagents are ready for use.
Stability and storage: Name BDP
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away Test Type End point
from light. Units mg/dL
Unopened, reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the Digits 2
label. Temperature (°C) 37
Once opened, reagents R1 and R2 are stable at least 6 months Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
when free from contamination. Reag. Blank #|#
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance > 0.100 at
man #
546 nm.
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. woman #
child #
Specimen collection and handling: Descending reaction NO
Unhemolysed serum or plasma. OD limit for used 2500
Bilirubin is photolabile. Store the specimen away from light. substrate
Stability in the specimen: 4 to 7 days at 2-8° C, or 2 days at Linearity limit 20
room temperature. Filter (nm) 546
Ref. Filter (nm)
Icteric or pediatric specimens: do not dilute, see specific Blank Process blank
Reagents 2
Bottletype #
Performances characteristics: Controls #
Linearity: the reaction is linear up to 20 mg/dL (342 µmol/L). Volume
Detection limit: approximately 0.1 mg/dL. Sample (µl) 5
Reagent 1 (µl) 200
Calibration: Reagent 2 (µl) 50
Use BIOLABO Multicalibrator REF 95015 or a calibrator Reagent 3 (µl)
traceable to a reference method or material. Calibration Multicalibrator
Volume water
Calibration Fixfactor
Quality Control:
Correlation Factor
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x
Correlation Offset
5 mL)
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 (10 x
Method definition PR1
5 mL) PS
or other assayed control sera referring to the same method. InkR300
Process blank
Expected values: PR2
Total Bilirubin (mg/dL) [µmol/L] MesOD
new-born Premature Full term Premature Full term Mixing Parameter
in cord < 2.0 < 2.0 [< 34] [< 34] Volume (µl) #
0-1 day < 8.0 1.4-8.7 [< 137] [24-149] Repetitions #
# Data entered by user
1-2 days < 12.0 3.4-11.5 [< 205] [58-197] ** Refer to §Calibration
3-5 days < 16.0 1.5-12.0 [< 274] [26-205]
Reagents preparation:
Reagents are ready for use.
Reagent 1 : Contents of vial R1; Reagent 2 : Contents of vial R2 Test ID CA
Stability and storage: Name CA
Store at 18-25° C, in the original vial and away fro m light. Test Type End point
Without contamination and used as indicated, reagents are stable until Units mg/dL
expiry date stated on the label of the kit. Digits 2
Discard reagent if cloudy or reagent blank at 546 nm is > 0.800.
Temperature (°C) 37
Specimen collection and handling: Clinical normal values Lower / Upper
Serum or heparinised plasma. Do not use citrate, oxalate or EDTA. Reag. Blank #|#
Blood obtained on fasting patient with minimal venous occlusion and man #
without exercise or after restoring circulation at least for 1 minute. woman #
24 h Urines : Acidify before assay with 20 to 30 mL HCl 6 N to dissolve child #
calcium salts. Descending reaction NO
Mix well then dilute (1 + 2) with demineralised water before performing
the test. OD limit for used 800
Calcium is stable in serum for : substrate
• at least 7 days at 2-8°C. Linearity limit 17.5
• 6 months at -20°C. Filter (nm) 546
Plastic and glass may adsorb calcium during storage, especially with Ref. Filter (nm)
diluted solution. Blank Normal blank
Long-term freezing may lead to associated evaporation, lyophilisation or Reagents 2
coprecipitation with fibrin (i.e. heparinised plasma) or lipids.
Bottletype #
Performances characteristics: Controls #
Linearity between 7.5 and 17.5 mg/dL (1.88 to 4.37 mmol/L). Volume
Detection limit: approximately 0.16 mg/dL.
Sample (µl) 5
Calibration: Reagent 1 (µl) 100
Use Standard enclosed in the Kit (vial R2), BIOLABO Multicalibrator Reagent 2 (µl) 100
REF 95015 or any calibrator traceable to a reference method or Reagent 3 (µl)
material. Calibration Multicalibrator (**)
Quality Control: Volume water
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x 5 mL) Calibration Fixfactor
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011 (10 x 5 mL) or Correlation Factor
any assayed control sera referring to the same method. Correlation Offset
Method definition PR1
Expected values: PS
in serum : PR2
Population mg/dL mmol/L InKR300
Premature 6.2-11.0 [1.55-2.75] MesOD
0-10 days 7.6-10.4 [1.90-2.60] Mixing Parameter
10 days –24 months 9.0-11.0 [2.25-2.75] Volume (µl) 170
24 months –12 years 8.8-10.8 [2.20-2.70] Repetitions 2
12 years -18 years 8.4-10.2 [2.10-2.55] # Data entered by user
18-60 years 8.6-10.0 [2.15-2.50] (**) Refer to §Calibration
60-90 years 8.8-10.2 [2.20-2.55]
> 90 years 8.2-9.6 [2.05-2.40]
Serum or Plasma mg/dL mmol/L
Recommended value < 200 < 5.18
low risk 200 - 239 5.18 – 6.19
high risk ≥ 240 ≥ 6.22
For more details, see packing insert.
Version AT 80106 14 05 2008 MAJ 08/08/2008
Manufacturer Use by IVD: In vitro diagnostic Temperature limitation REF: Catalogue number See insert LOT: Batch number
MANUFACTURER : Direct Method
REF 90206 200-250 tests R1 1 × 60 mL R2 1 × 20 mL |
TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ORDERS REF 90406 400-500 tests R1 2 × 60 mL R2 2 × 20 mL
Tel : (33) 03 23 25 15 50 REF 90426 2000-2500 tests R1 4 × 150 mL R2 4 × 50 mL IVD : IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE
Fax : (33) 03 23 256 256
Reagents preparations:
Reagents are ready for use. Test ID HDLD
Stability and storage: Test Type End point
Store at 2-8° C, in the original vial and away from light. Units mg/dL
Unopened, reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. Digits 1
Once opened, when free from contamination, reagents are stable at least
for 3 months at 2-8° C, 24 h at room temperature an d 30 days on board of
Temperature (°C) 37
refrigerated analyser. Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if reagent blank > 0.100 at 620 nm. Reag. Blank #|#
This Kit should be refrigerated during transport. man #
woman #
Specimen collection and handling: child #
Specimens should be collected after 12-14h fasting.
Plasma: collected on EDTA ot lithium/sodium heparinate.
Descending reaction NO
Centrifuge and remove plasma from blood cells as soon as possible. OD limit for used 100
(within 3 hours). substrate
Serum: Centrifuge and remove serum from clot as soon as possible. Linearity limit 200
(within 3 hours).
HDL Cholesterol is stable in specimen for 1 to 3 days at 2-8° C, 1 month
Filter (nm) 620
at -20° C (Avoid repeated freezing and thawing). Ref. Filter (nm)
Blank Process Blank
Performances characteristics: Reagents 1|2
The reaction is linear from 2.5 to 200 mg/dL (0.065 to 5.17 mmol/L). Bottletype #|#
Detection limit: approximately 2.5 mg/dL (0.065 mmol/L). Controls #|#
Sample (µl) 3
Do not use aqueous calibrator.
Use BIOLABO HDL-Cholesterol Calibrator REF 95406 or a calibrator of Reagent 1 (µl) 300
human origin traceable to reference method or material. Reagent 2 (µl) 100
Reagent 3 (µl)
Quality Control: Calibration **
Assayed control sera of human origin referring to the same Volume water
method :( accelerator selective detergent). Calibration Fixfactor
Correlation Factor
Expected values: Correlation Offset
Method definition PR1
HDL-Cholesterol mg/dL [mmol/L] PS
Low level (Risk factor) < 40 < 1.0 InkR300
High level (Protective factor) > 60 > 1.5 Process blank
Mixing Parameter
Volume (µl)
# Data entered by user
** Refer to §Calibration
Manufacturer Date de péremption IVD : Usage in vitro Température de conservation REF: Référence du produit Consulter la notice LOT : Numéro de lot
MANUFACTURER: Immunoinhibition Method
02160, MAIZY, FRANCE |
REF 97217 R1 10 × 3 mL R2 1 x 30 mL
REF 97317 R1 8 × 20 mL R2 8 x 20 mL IVD : IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC USE
Tel : (33) 03 23 25 15 50
Fax : (33) 03 23 256 256
Humastar 180 - Preliminary
Kinetic UV photometric test. ASSAY PARAMETERS AT 37°C
Reaction direction: increase in absorbance.
Reagents preparation:
Vial R1: Use a non-sharp instrument to remove aluminium cap.
REF 97317: Add promptly the contents of vial R1 (Enzymes- Test ID CK-MB
Substrate) into vial R2 (Buffer). Name CK-MB
REF 97217: Add promptly 3 mL of vial R2 (Buffer) into vial R1 Test Type Kinetic
(Enzymes-Substrate). Units U/L
Mix gently and wait for complete dissolution before using Digits 1
reagents (approximately 2 minutes). Temperature (°C) 37
Stability and storage : Clinical normal values Lower/Upper
Store at 2-8° C, well recap in the original vial and away from Reag. Blank 0.0/0.7
light. man #
Unopened, when used and stored as described in the insert, woman #
reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label. child #
Once reconstituted, working reagent is stable at least for 7 days Descending reaction NO
when free from contamination.
OD limit for used 2500
Discard any reagent if cloudy or if absorbance at 365 nm
is > 0.700. substrate
Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label. Linearity limit 1000
Filter (nm) 365
Specimen collection and handling: Ref. Filter (nm)
Unhemolysed serum. Use an airtight container to prevent loss
of CO2. Plasma is not recommended because anticoagulants
as heparine, EDTA, Citrate or fluoride interfere with the Reagents 1
determination. Bottle type #
If myocardial infraction is suspected, it is recommended to Controls #
collect patient after 6 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours. Minimum Volume Sample (µl) 10
requested number of collects is two: 12 hours and 24 hours Reagent 1 (µl) 200
after symptoms appearance. Reagent 2 (µl)
CK-MB activity in serum is stable for : 4 to 8 hours at room Reagent 3 (µl)
temperature, 1 to 2 days at 2-8° C or 1 month at -2 0° C. Calibration
Performance characteristics: Volume water
Linearity: the assay is linear up to 1000 IU/L (17µKat/L) Calibration Fixfactor **
Detection limit: approximately 5 IU/L. Correlation Factor
Calibration: Correlation Offset
It is recommended to determine the calibration factor Method definition PR1
(6667/1 cm pathlength) with REF 95516 HDL / LDL / CK-MB PS
Calibrator or any human calibrator traceable to a reference InkR300
method or material. MDOD300
Quality Control:
• REF 95516 HDL / LDL / CK-MB Control, level 1 (2 x 2 mL)
Mixing Parameter
Volume (µl) 170
• REF 95526 HDL / LDL / CK-MB Control, level 2 (2 x 2 mL).
Or any assayed human control sera referring to the same
Repetitions 2
method. # Data entered by user
** refer to § Calibration
Expected values:
Men 2 - 30
Women 1 - 24
Reagents preparation:
Vial R1 and R2 : if appropriate, use a non-sharp instrument to
remove aluminium cap. Test ID GLU
Using a volumetric flask, measure the volume of demineralised
Name GLU
water stated on the label of the vial R1 (Enzymes-Buffer).
Transfer the contents of vial R1 into the flask and mix gently
Test Type Initial Rate
until complete dissolution (approximately 2 minutes). Then add Units mg/dL
the contents of vial R2 and mix gently. Digits 0
Temperature (°C) 37
Stability and storage: Clinical normal values Lower | Upper
Store at 2-8°C, well recap in the original vial and away from Reag. Blank #|#
light. man #
• Standard (vial R3) : Transfer the requested quantity, recap woman #
and store at 2-8°C. child #
• Reagents are stable until expiry date stated on the label of the Descending reaction NO
kit when stored and used as described in the insert. OD limit for used 400
• Working reagent is stable at least for 2 years. substrate
• Discard any reagent if cloudy or if reagent blank at 505 nm > Linearity limit 500
Filter (nm) 505
• Don’t use working reagent after expiry date stated on the label
of the Kit.
Ref. Filter (nm)
Blank Normal blank
Specimen collection and handling: Reagents 1
Serum or plasma: Separate promptly from blood cells to prevent Bottle type #
glycolysis. Controls #
If fluorure is used as a preservative, a decrease of 9 mg/dL is Volume
seen within the first 2 hours, then concentration stabilises. Sample (µl) 3
Glucose is stable: Reagent 1 (µl) 300
- in serum or heparinised plasma for 8 hours at 25°C or 72 Reagent 2 (µl)
hours at 2-8° C,
- in plasma (fluoride or Iodoacetate) for 24 hours at room
Reagent 3 (µl)
temperature. Calibration Multicalibrator
CSF: process immediately to avoid falsely low results. Store at Volume water
-20° C. Calibration Fixfactor
Urines: collect in dark bottle and store at 2-8° C. Preser ve 24h Correlation Factor
urines with 5 mL glacial acetic acid or 5 g sodium benzoate or Correlation Offset
sodium fluoride. Method definition PR1
Performances characteristics: PS10
Linearity: the assay is linear up to 500 mg/dL (28 mmol/L)
Detection limit: approximately 10 mg/dL.
Standard enclosed in the kit (vial R3) Mixing Parameter
or BIOLABO Multicalibrator REF 95015 Volume (µl) 170
or any calibrator traceable to a reference method or material. Repetitions 2
# Data entered by user
Quality Control: ** Refer to §Calibration
BIOLABO EXATROL-N (normal values) REF 95010 (10 x 5 mL)
BIOLABO EXATROL-P (pathological values) REF 95011
(10 x 5 mL) or others assayed control sera referring to the same