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Yardi Voyager

Core Financials
User’s Guide

Corporate Website
Client Central

Documentation and Online Help
Published by
Yardi Systems, Inc.
430 South Fairview Avenue
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
© 2015 by Yardi Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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constitutes trade secrets, and which is intended for utilization solely in connection with Yardi software licensees' use of Yardi
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Document Changes
The following table lists the plug-in versions documented in each manual revision. To determine
which plug-in versions you use, select Administration > About. If a manual documents multiple plug-
ins, use the manual revision associated with the most recent plug-in version you use.

A number following the revision letter indicates changes since the previous revision are non-substan-
tive: style, pagination, and so on. Thus, revision a.1 contains the same substantive material as
revision a.

Publication Date Revision Newly Documented Software Other Substantive Changes

12 June 2015 j Changed the section on posting your own batches.

20 April 2015 i Plug-in 5

07 January 2015 h Added a chapter on Service Contracts.

05 December 2014 g Some review procedures were added to the manual.

02 October 2014 f Plug-in 4

27 June 2014 e Some updates to the section on AP Templates and to

the Management Fees chapter.

24 March 2014 d Plug-in 3.1

19 December 2013 c.1

9 December 2013 c Added Batch Processing.

27 November 2013 b Added AP Templates, If Fund, GL Disbursements,

Remittance Vendors, PO Optional Parameters, GL
Admin Procedures, Deposit Receipts.

10 July 2013 a Voyager 7S Core Financials


Chapter 1: Batch Processing ..............................................................................................................1

Chapter 2: Charges .................................................................................................................................9

Overview ................................................................................................................................ 9
Charge Display Types........................................................................................................10
Creating Charge Batches .................................................................................................13
Reviewing and Editing Charges .....................................................................................16
Finding Charge Batches ...................................................................................................17
Quick Charges .....................................................................................................................19
Overview ...........................................................................................................................19
Using Quick Charges .....................................................................................................19
Examples of Different Distribution Methods ..........................................................21
Accessing Quick Charges from the Payable Screen ..............................................24
Reversing Charges .............................................................................................................26
Reversing Charges (Open Period) ..............................................................................26
Reversing Charges (Closed Period) ............................................................................30
Merging Charge Batches..................................................................................................32
Write-Offs (US) ...................................................................................................................35
Recommended Setup for Write-Offs .........................................................................35
Creating a Write-Off Batch ...........................................................................................36
Charge Adjustments (Global) .........................................................................................39
Adjustments Overview .................................................................................................39
Recommended Setup for Adjustments ....................................................................39
Creating an Adjustment Batch....................................................................................42
Canceling a Provision Batch ........................................................................................44
Credit No Original Charge ............................................................................................45

Chapter 3: Receipts ............................................................................................................................. 47

Overview ..............................................................................................................................47
Receipt Display Types ......................................................................................................48
Receipt Batches ..................................................................................................................51
Creating Receipt Batches ............................................................................................51
Using the Fill Button ......................................................................................................55
Reviewing and Editing Receipts .................................................................................56
Finding Receipt Batches ...............................................................................................57
Charge Payment Sequence .........................................................................................59
Cash Accounts .................................................................................................................63
vi Contents

List of Receipts Already Entered .................................................................................65

Modifying Receipts ............................................................................................................66
Reversing Receipts .........................................................................................................66
Recording Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Payments ..................................................69
Reapplying Receipts (Posted Receipts) .....................................................................72
Reapplying Receipts (Unposted Receipts) ...............................................................75
Charge From Receipt ........................................................................................................76
Non-Person Receipts .........................................................................................................79

Chapter 4: Prepays .............................................................................................................................. 81

Overview ..............................................................................................................................81
Prepays Setup .....................................................................................................................81
Recording a Prepay in the Receipt Screen ...................................................................84
Apply Prepays .....................................................................................................................85

Chapter 5: Quick Receipts ................................................................................................................ 89

Quick Receipts Overview .................................................................................................89
Quick Receipt Setup ..........................................................................................................90
Prepayments ....................................................................................................................90
Unapplied Cash ...............................................................................................................91
System-wide Parameters for Quick Receipts ...........................................................92
Adding a Custom Table to the Lease Screen for a QR Plan..................................93
Adding QR Plan Amounts.............................................................................................95
Customer Records and Quick Receipts .....................................................................96
Creating Quick Receipts Using a Fill Method ..............................................................97
Creating Quick Receipts Manually .............................................................................. 100
Editing Quick Receipt Batches ..................................................................................... 103

Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures ................................................105

Apply Credits .................................................................................................................... 105
Apply Prepays .................................................................................................................. 108
Quick Cleanup .................................................................................................................. 109
Quick Cleanup Overview ........................................................................................... 109
Setup for Quick Cleanup ............................................................................................ 110
Using the Quick Charge Cleanup Function .......................................................... 112
Using the Quick Overpay Cleanup Function ........................................................ 115

Chapter 7: Vendors............................................................................................................................119
Vendor Overview ............................................................................................................ 119
Vendor Setup ................................................................................................................... 121
Vendor Records and Workflows .................................................................................. 127
Preferred Suppliers (Global) ......................................................................................... 129
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide vii

Optional Parameters for Preferred Suppliers ....................................................... 130

Setting Up Regions and Expense Types ................................................................ 131
Setting Up Vendors As Preferred Suppliers .......................................................... 132
Vendor Property Security .............................................................................................. 132
Vendor Discounts (US) ................................................................................................... 133
Vendor Discounts (Global)............................................................................................ 133
Setting up Discounts .................................................................................................. 135
Vendor Discounts in the Payable Process ............................................................. 136
Remittance Vendors ....................................................................................................... 137

Chapter 8: Accounts Payable ........................................................................................................ 143

Setup for Payables ......................................................................................................... 143
Setting Up Payable Display Types .......................................................................... 143
Vendor Setup................................................................................................................ 147
Payable Expense Types .............................................................................................. 147
Approval Workflow Setup ......................................................................................... 148
Creating and Processing Payable Records .............................................................. 148
Creating Payables ........................................................................................................ 149
List of Payables Already Entered ............................................................................. 154
Reviewing and Editing Payables ............................................................................. 155
Finding Payable Batches ........................................................................................... 156
Commit Payments ....................................................................................................... 158
Uncommit Payments .................................................................................................. 162
Processing Payments ................................................................................................. 163
Printing Checks ............................................................................................................ 166
Voiding Checks ............................................................................................................ 169
If Funds (Overdraft Prevention) ................................................................................... 172
Bank Account Grid ...................................................................................................... 172
Automatic Selection of Payments ........................................................................... 174
GL Disbursements ........................................................................................................... 177
GL Disbursements Overview .................................................................................... 177
Setup for GL Disbursements ..................................................................................... 178
Using GL Disbursements ........................................................................................... 179
AP Templates ................................................................................................................... 182
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 182
AP Templates and Payable Display Types............................................................. 183
Adding AP Templates................................................................................................. 183
Using AP Templates to Complete Payables.......................................................... 190
Posting AP Templates ................................................................................................ 192
Adjustments ..................................................................................................................... 194
Adjustment Workflow ................................................................................................ 194
Processing Adjustments ............................................................................................ 195
viii Contents

Changing Payables ......................................................................................................... 195

Reviewing and Editing Payables.............................................................................. 196
Reversing Payables ..................................................................................................... 196
Reclassing Expenses ................................................................................................... 197
Payable Holds................................................................................................................... 198
Setting a Hold on the Payable Screen .................................................................... 198
Setting Holds on the Vendor screen ....................................................................... 199
Setting and Releasing Holds (Bulk Process) .......................................................... 199
Other Payable Procedures ............................................................................................ 200
Paying an Owner (Legal Entity) ................................................................................ 201
Paying a Percentage of a G/L Account ................................................................... 202
Vendor Refund ............................................................................................................ 204
Permission to Use a Cash Account As An Expense Account ............................ 205

Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures ....................................................................................207

Journal Entries ................................................................................................................. 207
Setting up Journal Entry Display Types ................................................................ 208
Creating Journal Entries ............................................................................................. 211
Reviewing and Editing Journal Entries .................................................................. 214
Finding Journal Batches............................................................................................. 215
Foreign Currency Journal Entries ............................................................................ 217
Reversing Journal Entries .......................................................................................... 217
Unposting Journal Entry Batches ........................................................................... 218
Recurring Journal Entries ............................................................................................. 219
Adding Recurring Journal Entries ........................................................................... 219
Posting Recurring Journal Entries .......................................................................... 221
End of Period Closing Procedures ............................................................................. 222
Closing Overview......................................................................................................... 222
Closing Properties ....................................................................................................... 224
Closing Months ............................................................................................................ 225
Closing the Year ........................................................................................................... 226
Closing the Leasing Week ......................................................................................... 227
Posting Transfers Between General Ledger Accounts ....................................... 228
Opening a Closed Period for a Specific Book ....................................................... 230
Property Budgets ............................................................................................................ 233
Setting Up Budgets ..................................................................................................... 233
Exporting Budget Data to Excel and Re-Importing to Voyager (Using Copy and
Paste) .............................................................................................................................. 236
Using the Budget ......................................................................................................... 236
Rebuilding Budgets .................................................................................................... 238
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide ix

Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees .................................................................................. 239

Property-Management Fees Overview ..................................................................... 239
Management Fees .......................................................................................................... 241
Setting Up Management Fees (Overview) ............................................................ 241
Creating a Fee Pool .................................................................................................... 242
Creating a Property Fee Pool ................................................................................... 246
Copying a Fee Pool ..................................................................................................... 251
Processing Management Fees ................................................................................. 251
Unposting Management Fees.................................................................................. 254
Pay Commission .............................................................................................................. 255
Specifying General Ledger Accounts as Commissionable................................ 256
Setting the Commission Percentage ..................................................................... 257
Creating a Payable Batch for Commission Payments ........................................ 257
Generating a Management Fee Summary Report .............................................. 259

Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation ................................................................................................... 261

Bank Reconciliation Overview ..................................................................................... 261
Reconciling Bank Statements to the Voyager General Ledger .......................... 261
Adjustments for Bank Reconciliation ........................................................................ 265
Merging Deposit Records ............................................................................................. 266
Admin Procedures .......................................................................................................... 267
Check Book Maintenance .......................................................................................... 267
Unposting Bank Reconciliations .............................................................................. 268
Modifying Bank Reconciliation Dates .................................................................... 269
Depositing Receipts .................................................................................................... 269
Bank Reconciliation Reports ........................................................................................ 272
Bank Directory Report ................................................................................................ 272
Property Funds Report ............................................................................................... 273
Bank Reconciliation In Progress Report ................................................................. 274
Bank Reconciliation Exceptions ............................................................................... 275
Bank Reconcile History Report ................................................................................. 276
Bank Register Report .................................................................................................. 278
Daily Bank Reconciliation.............................................................................................. 279

Chapter 12: Purchasing ..................................................................................................................... 281

Purchase Procedures Overview................................................................................... 281
Setup for Purchasing ...................................................................................................... 283
Setting Up Display Types for Purchase Orders .................................................... 283
Setting Up Expense Types......................................................................................... 287
Upgrading Voyager 6.0 Purchase Orders to Voyager 7S ................................... 288
Purchase Orders .............................................................................................................. 289
Adding Purchase Orders ........................................................................................... 290
Purchase Orders and Workflows ............................................................................. 295
x Contents

Receiving Items on Purchase Orders ...................................................................... 297

Using PO Details in Payables .................................................................................... 297
Manually Closing Purchase Orders ......................................................................... 298
Closing Purchase Order Detail Rows ...................................................................... 298
Emailing Purchase Orders ......................................................................................... 299
Optional Parameters for Receiving ............................................................................. 299
OptPOReceivePrompt.pkg ........................................................................................ 300
OptPOReceivePreference.pkg .................................................................................. 303

Chapter 13: Cross Entity Transactions ........................................................................................305

Overview ........................................................................................................................... 305
Setup .................................................................................................................................. 306
Plug-In ............................................................................................................................ 306
Creating Person Records to Charge and Pay ........................................................ 306
Optional Parameter for Auto Receipts ................................................................... 307
Creating Cross-Entity Transactions ............................................................................. 307
Creating Ad hoc Cross-Entity Transactions ........................................................... 307
Importing Cross Entity Transactions....................................................................... 309
Reviewing and Posting Cross Entity Transactions .................................................. 310
Cross Entity Trans Report .............................................................................................. 312

Chapter 14: Service Contracts.........................................................................................................313

Service Contracts Overview.......................................................................................... 313
Initial Setup ....................................................................................................................... 314
Setting Up Service Contract Display Types ........................................................... 314
Setting Up Approval Workflows for Service Contracts ...................................... 315
Data Permissions for Service Contracts ................................................................. 316
Adding Service Contracts.............................................................................................. 318
Posting Service Contracts ............................................................................................. 322
Changing Service Contracts ......................................................................................... 326
Increasing Service Contracts by a Percentage ..................................................... 326
Adding Service Contract Change Orders .............................................................. 329
Reviewing and Editing Service Contract Change Orders .................................. 332
Reviewing Service Contract Records.......................................................................... 333

Chapter 15: Financial Admin Procedures ..................................................................................343

Deleting Transactions .................................................................................................... 343
Deleting Empty Batches ................................................................................................ 347
Rebuilding the General Ledger ................................................................................... 348
Changing the Post Month of a Receipt ..................................................................... 349


Batch Processing
Voyager processes charges, receipts, payables, and journal entries in groups called batches. Each batch
has a header record (information about the batch) and detail records (information about a single trans-
action). When you have entered all the detail records, you return to the header and post the batch.

Complete one
Complete Batch Post the Batch
record for each

In the following screenshots, we show an example of batch processing.

Complete the
Batch Header.

Click the New Record

button to add
individual records to
the batch.
2 Chapter 1: Batch Processing

A screen appears for

the individual record
-- complete it.

After entering
individual records,
return to the Batch
Header and click
the Post button.

Batch Controls
Batch controls are used to check data entry.

For example, you have a stack of checks that you are going to enter as a receipt batch. Before you cre-
ate the batch in Voyager, you add up the checks manually, and you record the total amount and the
number of checks.

In Voyager, in the batch header, you complete the Declared fields: Total Declared and Items
Declared (the number of checks).

Declared fields Entered fields

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 3

Then you complete a receipt record for each check. As you save each receipt, Voyager updates the
numbers in the Entered fields: the total amount of the batch, and the number of items entered.

When you go to post the batch, the Declared fields must match the Entered fields. If not, you cannot
post. This ensures that the individual items have been entered correctly.

Hide/Show Batch Controls

By default, batch controls are set as follows:

c For A/R (charges and receipts), the Declared fields are shown on the screen.

c For A/P (payables), the Declared fields are shown on the screen.

c For journal entries, the Declared fields are not shown.

On the Accounts and Options screen, there are options that allow you to change the default settings
for A/R and journals.

Batch Control Options

With the check boxes, you can:

c Hide batch controls on AR transactions (charges and receipts).

c Show batch controls on journal entries.

For AP transactions, you can change the default setting by loading an optional parameter:
4 Chapter 1: Batch Processing

c optHideDeclaredAmt.pkg Hides Amount Declared, Count Declared

The package hides batch controls on payables.

Batch Records
In Voyager 7S, batch records are available after you post the batch. You can search for a particular
batch, open it up, and view the batch header as well as the individual items in the batch.

In Voyager 6.0, once you posted a batch, you could not go back to the batch record. You could only
view the individual items in the batch.

The following example shows the Receipt Batch Filter (Receivables > Find Receipt Batch), with a
search for :QR (Quick Receipt) batches.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 5

The search returned open and closed batches. (In 6.0, a similar search would only return open batches.)
To view a batch, we clicked the Edit button for one of the batches.

In the batch screen (in this case, the Batch Receipt screen), you can do the following:

Z drill down to individual records (for posted and unposted batches)

Z edit and post the batch (if it is unposted)

Z run the batch report (for posted and unposted batches)

Printing Batch Reports

in 6.0 before you could post a batch, you had to print a batch report. (The Post button was not active
until you printed the report.)

In 7S, printing a batch report is optional. (You can click Post without first printing the batch report.)
This change was made because in 7S you can go back to the batch record at any time and view the
contents of the batch.

Permission to Allow/Restrict Users from Posting Their Own Batches

There is a permission to allow or restrict users from posting their own batches:

c Financial-Can_post_own_batches.

The permission has two settings:

6 Chapter 1: Batch Processing

c Access: The user can post their own batches.

c No Access: the User cannot post their own batches. Another user must post the batches, adding a
layer of security.

When you upgrade to Plug-in 4, the default setting for all groups is Access. (This is an exception —
usually permissions are set to No Access during an upgrade.) After the upgrade, you can add the
restriction as needed for different user groups by setting the permission to No Access.

The permission does not change a user’s ability to post another user’s batch, only their own. This per-
mission applies to all financial batches: charges, receipts, payables, and journals.

You can use this permission with the View all financial batches option on the User screen to set up
different levels of security.

View all financial batches

When this option is selected, the user can view everybody’s batches. When it is not selected, the user
can only view his/her own batches. The following table shows how the two settings interact.

View All Financial Batches Permission: Financial- Result


Not selected Restricted (setting = No Access) The user can only view his own batches.
The user cannot post any batches.

Not selected No restriction (setting = Access) The user can only view his own batches, and can
post them.

Selected Restricted (setting = No Access) The user can view all batches, but cannot post his
own batches.
He can post other user’s batches.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 7

View All Financial Batches Permission: Financial- Result


Selected No restriction (setting = Access) The user can view and post all batches, including
his own.
8 Chapter 1: Batch Processing


In this chapter:
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Charge Display Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Creating Charge Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Reviewing and Editing Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Finding Charge Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Quick Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Reversing Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Merging Charge Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Write-Offs (US). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Charge Adjustments (Global). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

This chapter describes ad hoc charges, quick charges, and ways to change or adjust charges and
charge batches.

Recurring Charges
Recurring charges are created by three features:

c Monthly Posting, used by US residential clients

c Commercial Billing, used by US commercial clients

c Periodic Invoicing, used by global clients (non-US)

For information on these features, see the relevant user guide.

Charge Batches
Charges are always created in batches. A batch has three levels: Charge Batch > Charge Invoice >
Charge. (A Charge Invoice is a group of charges with a single invoice number, for example, a number of
charges sent to the same tenant.)
10 Chapter 2: Charges

The following table shows how the charges and receipts affect G/L accounts in accrual and cash

Charge Display Types

Charge display types are customized views of the Charge screen. Before you can create charges, you
must have at least one charge display type in your database.

Note: If you are upgrading from Voyager 6.0, a “standard” charge display type is added automatically
to the database, so that you can create transactions immediately without having to set up display

When you set up a display type, you select from a list of optional elements. Display types are associ-
ated with users. When a user opens the screen, the system remembers the last display type used by
that user. The user can then choose another display type if needed.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 11

Charges > Add Charge Display Type

Tax Note: These options require the International module.

Tax 2 These check boxes add fields for taxes to the Charge screen.

From/To Dates Adds from/to date fields to the Charge screen.

If from/to dates on charges are mandatory on the country level, you must have a display type that
includes them.
From/to dates are mandatory for countries where Region = UK or All.

Job Cost Note: This option requires the Job Cost module.
Adds Job Cost fields to the Charge screen.

Multi-Currency Note: This option requires the International module.

Adds fields for non-base currency charges.
For international properties, the appropriate currency will always appear (the base currency of the
property). Only select this option if you will be creating non-base currency charges.

Estate Charge Changes the Property field on the Charge screen to Estate. An estate is a group of properties for
service charge reconciliation purposes (a business park, for example).

Show Unit Note: This option is only used by the Condo module.
Adds the Unit column to the detail section of the Charge screen. For each charge, you must select
a unit.

International This option is required for International charges (and requires the International module).

Segments In the Segments tab, select the segments that should appear on the Charge screen for this display
type. (The Segments tab displays all the segments that have been set up in your system.)
12 Chapter 2: Charges

Labels In the Labels tab, enter labels for tax fields (if needed). Labels entered here will appear when you
first open the page.
If this display type is used for only one country or region, you can enter the country specific tax labels
here. For example, in Canada, you could enter “HST.”

User Group Security In the User Group Security tab, select the user groups that should not have access to the display
type. By default, all groups have access.

Display Type Example

This screenshot shows the Charge Invoice screen with following option: Job Cost.

Job Cost fields

Charge Display Types and System-Generated Charges

Most charges are system-generated, created when you run Monthly Posting, Commercial Billing, or
Periodic invoicing.

For system generated charges, there is no display type tied to the charge. When you review a system-
generated charge, Voyager displays the fields that are appropriate for the charge. For example, if a
charge has two different taxes added to it, the screen will display fields for both.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 13

Creating Charge Batches

A charge batch has three levels: Charge Batch > Charge Invoice > Charge.

Charge (single transaction)

Charge Invoice
Charge (single transaction)
Charge Batch
Charge (single transaction)
Charge Invoice
Charge (single transaction)

A Charge Invoice is a group of charges sent to the same person. For global and commercial clients, a
charge invoice has an invoice number (a document sequence number).

Most charges are system generated, created for recurring lease charges by using invoicing (for global
clients), commercial billing (for US commercial clients), or monthly posting (for US residential clients).

The following procedure describes how to create ad hoc charges (not system-generated).

To create an ad hoc charge batch

1 Select Charges > Create Detail Batch.

New Record button

2 Complete the top part of the screen (the batch header).

14 Chapter 2: Charges

The Total Declared and Items Declared fields act as batch controls. When you are entering charge
invoices, and the totals meet (or exceed) the number in either field, the batch header screen
reappears after you click Save.

3 Click the New Record button . The Charge Invoice screen appears.

4 If needed, change the Display Type. (Change the display type before you enter data; if you change
it after entering data, the data will be lost.)

5 Complete the Charge To field. (If needed, complete the Property and Unit fields to narrow the
choices in the Charge To lookup.)

6 In the Details grid, enter the charges.

a Select a Charge Code and type the Amount for each charge. When you tab out of the Amount
field, the system calculates the tax (if applicable) and the totals.

b Click Save. A blank screen appears where you can enter the next charge invoice.

c When the items entered meet (or exceed) the control numbers (either the number of items or the
total amount), the batch header screen appears.

7 In the batch header screen, adjust the Total Declared and Items Declared fields, if needed, and
post the batch. (You cannot post a batch until the two sets of figures match.)
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 15

Customer Charge Invoices

If you select a customer in the Charge To field, the screen changes: the Property field at the top of the
screen disappears, and a Property column appears in the Details section.

A customer charge invoice could contain charges for multiple properties. Voyager allows you to select
a different property for each charge.

Property column

If you select multiple properties, the currencies must match: all the properties must use the same base
currency and the same transaction currency.

Note: To use more than one currency, you must have an International license.
16 Chapter 2: Charges

Reviewing and Editing Charges

This procedure describes searching for individual charge invoice records (posted charges).

To find charge batches, see “Finding Charge Batches” on page 17.

To find unposted charges, use the procedure for finding charge batches and select Open in the Batch
Type field.

To review and edit charges

1 Select Charges > Review Charge. The Charge filter appears.

2 Complete the filter and click Submit.

3 The Charge Invoice screen appears. For information about this screen, see “Creating Charge
Batches” on page 13.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 17

Finding Charge Batches

In Voyager 7S, batch records are available after you post the batch. You can search for a particular
batch and view the batch header as well as the individual items in the batch.

To find charge batches

1 Select Charges > Find Charge Batches. The Charge Batch Filter screen appears.

2 Complete the top part of the screen. The following field requires explanation:

Batch Type Open Only Show only unposted batches. (Unposted batches are “open” because you
can edit them — you can add or delete charges. Posted batches are “closed.”)
Empty Only Show only empty batches (batches that have a header but no charges).
All Show posted and unposted batches, including empty batches.

3 Click Find. Voyager displays the matching batches.

“Sorted by” icon

18 Chapter 2: Charges

The triangular “sorted by” icon tells you by which column the results are sorted. (The default sort is
by batch ID.)

You can click on any column header to change the sort order.

If you click the same column header again, the order is reversed, from ascending to descending, and
the triangle points down.

“Sorted by” icon pointing down

4 To view a batch, click the Edit button. The Batch Charge screen appears (the batch header).

5 In the Batch Charge screen, you can do the following:

Z Drill down to individual records (for posted and unposted batches).

Z Edit and post the batch (if it is unposted).

Z Run the batch report (for posted and unposted batches).

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 19

Quick Charges
In this section:
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using Quick Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Examples of Different Distribution Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Accessing Quick Charges from the Payable Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

The Quick Charges feature enables you to create an ad hoc charge batch for tenants at a single prop-
erty. You enter a total amount, and Voyager distributes it among the tenants and creates a posted
charge batch.

You can access the Quick Charges screen from the side menu or directly from a posted payable. You
would do the latter if you wanted to distribute the amount of a payable (for example, an insurance bill)
among all the tenants of a building.

In this chapter, we first describe using the feature from the side menu, and then include a section on
accessing the feature from the Payable screen.

Using Quick Charges

To create quick charges

1 Select Charges > Create Quick Charges. The Quick Charges screen appears.

2 Complete the top of the screen.

Property These fields specify the tenants that will receive the charges — the tenants occupying the
selected property in the date range entered.
Tenant Current In Period
“Current” in this case means a tenant whose lease date range (as determined by from and to
dates) includes the date range entered here.
20 Chapter 2: Charges

Amount The total amount that will distributed among the tenants (before any applicable taxes have
been added).

Distribution Method Even Voyager divides the amount equally among the tenants.
Flat Voyager charges the same amount to each tenant. For example, if you enter 100.00 in the
Amount field, each tenant will be charged 100.00.
Prorated Voyager divides the amount based on tenant occupancy during the date range
specified by the Tenant Current In Period fields.
None Voyager does not distribute the amount; the user enters the amounts manually.
Note: The Occupied Area and Property Area options do not apply to residential properties.

3 Click Display.

4 Voyager displays the charges according to the filter criteria and distribution method.

5 You can manually change the distribution:

a You can change the amounts and click Recalculate, and Voyager will update the Percent column.

b You can change the percentages and click Recalculate, and Voyager will update the Amount col-

c You can deselect a tenant and click Recalculate, and Voyager will update the percentages and
amounts. (Voyager redistributes the total amount among the remaining tenants.)

6 Complete the Charge Details section of the screen.

Display Type The display type for the charges that will be created.

Charge Code The charge code Voyager will use to create the charges.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 21

Due Date These fields default to today’s date and the current operating month.
Invoice Month

Notes Notes entered here will appear on the individual charges.

7 Click Post. Voyager creates a posted charge batch. If taxes are applicable, they are added to the

Examples of Different Distribution Methods


Voyager divides the amount equally among the tenants.

Even, with Recalculation

22 Chapter 2: Charges

We deselected the first tenant, and clicked Recalculate. Voyager redistributed the total amount
(1,500.00) to the remaining tenant.


Voyager charges the same amount to each tenant. In the example, we entered 1,500.00 in the Amount
field, and each tenant is charged 1,500.00.


Voyager divides the amount based on tenant occupancy during the date range specified by the
Tenant Current In Period fields.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 23


Voyager does not distribute the amount; the user enters the amounts manually.
24 Chapter 2: Charges

Accessing Quick Charges from the Payable Screen

You can set up Voyager so that you can access the Quick Charges screen directly from the Payable
screen. This allows you to distribute the amount of a payable (for example, an insurance bill) among all
the tenants of a building.

In the Payable Display type screen, select the Quick Charges option.

Quick Charges
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 25

After a payable (that uses this display type) has been posted, a D link appears in the Detail section.
(“D” stands for “distribute”).

D link

When you click the D link, the Quick Charges screen opens, with all the relevant information from the

To complete the process, click Display and then Post.

26 Chapter 2: Charges

When the charges are posted, they display the control number of the payable in the Reference field.

Control number
of payable

For more information, see “Using Quick Charges” on page 19.

Reversing Charges
In this section:
Reversing Charges (Open Period) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Reversing Charges (Closed Period) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Reversing Charges (Open Period)

With the Reverse Charges (Open Period) function, you can:

c Use a filter to find the charges you want to reverse.

c Reverse charges individually, or by invoice (an invoice is a group of charges with one document
sequencing number).

c Reverse multiple charges (or invoices) at the same time.

You can only reverse charges in the current post month, or in a future post month.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 27

To reverse charges
1 Select Charges > Reverse Charges (Open Period). The Reverse Charges screen appears.

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Use it to select the items you want to reverse.

3 In the Display by field, select Charge or Invoice. Select Invoice if you want to reverse an entire

If you select Invoice, the CTRL # field is grayed out (control numbers refer to individual charges, not

4 Click Display. The screen displays the items that match your filter criteria.

Display by Invoice:
28 Chapter 2: Charges

Display by Charge:

5 Select the items you want to reverse. Click the Check All button to select all the items that are dis-
played for reversal.

6 Complete the Charge Details section of the screen (enter the Post Date and Post Month). If you
leave the fields blank, Voyager will use the dates of the original charge.

Note: The dates cannot be prior to the dates of the charges you are reversing.

7 Click Post. Voyager reverses each charge by creating an offsetting negative charge and zero receipt.
The screen refreshes, and displays links to the charge and receipt batches created.

Links to receipt batch and charge batch

The following screenshots show the transactions created by Voyager.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 29

Charge Invoice screen (Details tab)

Charge Invoice screen (Payment Detail tab)

Receipt screen
30 Chapter 2: Charges

Reversing Charges (Closed Period)

Charges > Reverse Charges (Closed Period)

The Reverse Charges (Closed Period) function works exactly the same way as the one for open periods;
the only difference is that you can display and reverse charges from closed periods.

The following screenshots show filter results from both functions. In our example, there are two
charges: one in an open period and one in a closed period.

When we run the function for closed periods, both charges are displayed:

Charge from closed period

Charge in open period
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 31

When we run it for the open period, only one charge is displayed.

Charge in open period

When you reverse charges from a closed period, the mechanics are the same — Voyager creates a neg-
ative charge and a zero receipt.

The Post Date and Post Month default to the current date and month, but you can change them; for
example, If you have permission to post in a prior month, you can reverse the charges from a closed
period in the same month they were posted.
32 Chapter 2: Charges

Merging Charge Batches

You can combine charge batches so that multiple charges for a person can be posted together and
appear on one invoice.

The function is designed to add other types of batches to those created by recurring charges (monthly
posting or periodic invoicing). Select the recurring charge batch first, and then add the other batches
to it.

To merge batches
1 Select Charges > Find Charge Batch.

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Use it to search for the batches you want to merge.

In this example, we are going to merge batches 62 and 63 with batch 60.

Z Batch 60: one charge for tenant Jane Smith (rent).

Z Batch 62: one charge for tenant John Smith (misc.).

Z Batch 63: one charge for tenant Jane Smith (key fee).

3 Click the edit button for batch you want to retain (the other batches will be merged into it).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 33

The Batch Charge screen appears.

Add Batch button

4 Click the Add Batch button The Add Batches screen opens.

5 Select the batches you want to add and click Save.

34 Chapter 2: Charges

6 Click Close. The Batch Charge screen reappears.

If you drill into the Charge Invoice for Jane Smith, you can see that Voyager combined charges from
two different batches.

Charges from different batches

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 35

Write-Offs (US)
In this section:
Recommended Setup for Write-Offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Creating a Write-Off Batch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

You may need to write off a charge, or a range of charges, when you know you cannot collect payment.
Voyager creates a reversing charge and a zero receipt for each charge you write off. The reversing
charge uses a write-off charge code that moves the charge into a write-off account.

Note: We recommend that global clients use the Adjustment feature for write-offs. The Write Off func-
tion (described below) is available on the International men (at Charges > Charge Functions > Write
Off Charge) but it does not handle taxes in a sophisticated way — it reverses taxes with the original
tax charge code; it does not move the taxes into a tax write-off account. Depending on local tax law,
this may not be appropriate.

Recommended Setup for Write-Offs

Write-offs require a G/L account and a write-off charge code. G/L Account for Write-Offs

Create an expense account for bad debt. An example is shown below.

36 Chapter 2: Charges

Write-Off Charge Codes

Create one or more charge codes for the bad debt and link them to the G/L account for bad debt.

Note: There is an option that allows you to use the feature without a write-off charge code. For more
information, see “No Charge Code Option” on page 38.)

Creating a Write-Off Batch

To create a write-off batch

1 Select Charges > Write Off Charges. The Write Off screen appears.

2 Use the filter fields to select the charges you want to write off.

3 Click Display. The Charges tab displays the matching charges.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 37

4 Select the charges to write off.

5 In the Charge Details section, select a write off charge code, and enter the Post Date and Post

The date fields are not required. If left blank, the dates on the reversing charges and zero receipts will
default to the dates on the charges being written off.

6 Click Post. The screen displays links to the system-generated charge batch and receipt batch.

Links to batches

Example Screenshots
The following screenshots show examples of a system-generated reversing charge and zero receipt.
38 Chapter 2: Charges

No Charge Code Option

The following parameter makes the WriteOff Code field an optional field.

c Write Off Charge Code Optional OptWriteOffChargeCode.pkg

When the parameter is loaded and the WriteOff Code field is left blank, the reversing charges use the
charge codes used by the original charges.

For example, a rent charge would be written off with a reversing charge that used the same rent
charge code used by the original charge.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 39

Charge Adjustments (Global)

In this section:
Adjustments Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Recommended Setup for Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Creating an Adjustment Batch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Canceling a Provision Batch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Credit No Original Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Adjustments Overview
Adjustments can be made to unpaid charges. You can make the following types of adjustments:

Write-Off Used for bad debt (un-collectable accounts receivable). It allows you to reclaim the tax from
the tax authority. Typically you would use a write-off charge code that is linked to an
expense account. The tax is automatically moved to a tax relief on bad debt account.

Credit Adjustment Reduces an existing charge by creating additional transactions (a credit charge and a zero
receipt). The original charge contains a link to the receipt; the receipt contains links to the
adjustment and the original charge.

Debit Adjustment Increases an existing charge by creating an additional transaction (a debit charge).

Provision (provision for bad debt) Moves the charge to the provision account. Typically, you do not leave a charge in provision;
you cancel the provision when the charge is paid off, or when you are ready to write it off
as bad debt.
The adjustment creates a journal entry that debits the income account and credits a
selected G/L account (the provision account). (The provision account is set up on the
Country Information screen, Lease tab.)
The Notes field of the original charge is updated with a reference to the journal entry. If you
make a further provision against the original charge, Voyager will show the prior provision
amount in the Adjustment screen.

Recommended Setup for Adjustments

Write-off adjustments require G/L accounts a write-off charge code, and a tax tran type. Provision
adjustments require a G/L account.
40 Chapter 2: Charges

G/L Accounts for Write-Offs

Create a balance sheet account for tax relief on bad debt. An example is shown below.

Create a contra income account, or expense account for bad debt. An example is shown below.

Write-Off Charge Codes

Create one or more charge codes for the income bad debt and link them to the G/L account for bad

In the Country Information screen, Accounting tab, complete the Write Off Charge Code field. This
sets a default value for the charge code used in write-offs.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 41

Write-Off Tran Type

Create a write-off tran type.

Write-off tran type Type = Write-Off

In the Type field, select Write-off. The account entered in the Tax 1 Accrual Account field should be a
special account for taxes to be reclaimed, not the regular tax account.

G/L Account for Provision Adjustments

Create a “provision for bad debt” account, an asset account with a credit balance, in the account range
for A/R. The provision account is used along with the other A/R accounts in order to report the net
value of the accounts receivable.

In the Country Information screen, Accounting tab, complete the Provision Account field. This sets
a default value for the account used in provision adjustments.
42 Chapter 2: Charges

Creating an Adjustment Batch

Adjustments are created in batches. In this example, we use a credit adjustment as an example.

To create an adjustment batch

1 Select Charges > Adjustment > New Adjustment Batch. The Adjustment Batch screen appears.

2 In the batch header (the top part of the screen) select the Type. (In this example, we picked Credit

3 Click Save.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 43

4 In the Adjustment tab, click the New Record button. The Adjustments screen appears.

Left side of the screen:

Right side of the screen:

5 Use the top left part of the screen as a filter (to find the charges you want to adjust).

6 Click Display. The lower part of the screen displays the open charges that match the filter criteria.
(The columns in the table vary according to adjustment type.)

7 To adjust a charge, enter the adjustment amount in the first Net column. When you tab away from
the Net column, Voyager will complete the Tax (in the example, GST) and the Total fields.

8 Complete the Notes field.

9 Click Save and Close.

10 In the Adjustment Batch screen (the batch header screen), add more adjustments to the batch as
44 Chapter 2: Charges

Canceling a Provision Batch

A provision adjustment moves a charge to the provision account. Typically, you do not leave a charge
in provision; you cancel the provision when the charge is paid off, or when you are ready to write it off
as bad debt.

To cancel a provision batch

1 Select Charges > Adjustments & Write Offs > Cancel Provision. The Cancel Provision Batch
screen appears.

2 Click New. The Cancel Provision screen appears.

3 Use the top part of the screen as a filter, and click Submit. The provision adjustments that match
the filter criteria are displayed in the bottom part of the screen.

4 Select the provision adjustments you want to cancel.

5 Click Save. A posted journal batch is created, and the bottom part of the screen is refreshed without
the cancelled provision.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 45

The Journal Entry screen (for the Cancel Provision journal entry) shows the control number of the
original provision in the Reference field.

Credit No Original Charge

Charges > Adjustments & Write Offs > Credit No Original Charge

Negative Amount

Voyager allows you to create a credit that is not associated with a charge. Create the charge as you
would normally, but enter amounts as negative values to make them credits.
46 Chapter 2: Charges


In this chapter:
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Receipt Display Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Receipt Batches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Modifying Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
Charge From Receipt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Non-Person Receipts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

Receipts record revenue and match the funds against open charges (the charges are “paid off”). If
there are no open charges, the funds are then considered prepayments.

Manual Receipts vs. Automatic Receipts

The Receipt feature described in this chapter is used for check and cash payments. If you use the Direct
Debit feature to receive money from tenants, receipts are created automatically by Voyager. For more
information on Direct Debit, please contact Yardi technical support.

Person Receipts vs. Non-Person Receipts

Money is typically received from tenants, but you can also receive money from customers, vendors,
owners, or employees. (In Voyager, records for tenants, customers, vendors and employees are consid-
ered “person-type” records, and the Receipt feature works with any “person-type” record.)

Voyager also has a “non-person receipt” feature. In this case, you receive money without referencing a
“person-type” record. This could be used for money from vending machines, for example, or washers
and dryers in an onsite laundry room. This feature is covered in a separate section at the end of this
48 Chapter 3: Receipts

Receipt Display Types

Receipt display types are customized views of the Receipt screen. Before you can create receipts, you
must have at least one receipt display type in your database.

Note: If you are upgrading from Voyager 6.0, a “standard” receipt display type is added automatically
to the database, so that you can create transactions immediately without having to set up display

Receivables > Add Receipt Display Type

Complete the screen. The following fields require explanation:

International Note: This option requires the International module.

There are a number of differences between domestic (US) and international receipts. See the
next section for details.

Show Invoice Date Adds the Invoice Date field to the Receipt screen. This is typically used if charges show the
invoice date.
Not recommended for Canada.

Show Job Cost Adds the Job, Contract and Category fields to the Receipt screen. This is typically used for
construction receivables.

Intercompany Adds the Company field to the Receipt screen.

This field is used for intercompany receipts, where one entity receives money for another.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 49

Print Receipt It adds the Print Receipt tick box to the Receipt screen. If it is selected, when you save a receipt,
Voyager generates a receipt that can be printed and given to a tenant.
This option is typically used by Residential.

Hold Until This option applies to prepayments.

It adds the Hold Until date field to the Receipt screen. If the user enters a date in this field,
Voyager will not apply the receipt to a charge before this date.

Doc Seq Number Adds the Charge Document Sequence Number column to the detail section of the Receipt
screen. The receipt doc sequence number is added to the record automatically after you post
the receipt batch.
Note: This option requires the International module.

Default to Auto Apply If selected, the Auto-Apply option is selected by default for any prepayments on the Receipt
The Auto-Apply option means that when charges are raised that match existing prepayments,
Voyager will automatically apply the prepayments to the charges, and create zero receipts.

Non Person Receipt Adds the Non-Person Payer field. For more information, see “Non-Person Receipts” on
page 79.

In the Segments tab, select the segments you want to appear on the Receipt screen. (The Segments
tab displays all the segments that have been set up in your system.)

User Group Security Tab

Select the user groups that should not have access to the display type. By default, all groups have

Note: This feature was designed this way (preventing access instead of granting access) in order to
make transitioning to it easier. If the default was no access and you had to select each group that
should have access, when you upgraded no user groups would have access to any display type.
50 Chapter 3: Receipts

US vs. Global Receipts

The standard receipt display type is the US version. If you select the International tick box, the screen
changes in a number of ways.

US Receipt Global Receipt

Check Number field, to record the check number. Payment Ref field, to record the cheque or EFT payment number).

“Check” is spelled the American way. “Cheque” is spelled the British way.

The Tenant Info tab appears. There is no Tenant Info tab.

The Payment Method options are: The Payment Method options are:
c Check c Cheque
c EFT c Cash
c Cash c EFT
c Direct Debit
c Draft
c Cheque soc gen
c Payment Plan

Does not show tax or currency information. Will show tax and currency information, if the charges include them.

The screenshots below show some of the differences. (In both screenshots, we left out the Notes field
on the right, due to space limitations.)

US Receipt Screen

Check Number field

Tenant Info tab

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 51

Global Receipt Screen

Payment Ref field

Receipt Batches
In this section:
Creating Receipt Batches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Using the Fill Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Reviewing and Editing Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Finding Receipt Batches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Charge Payment Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Cash Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
List of Receipts Already Entered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Creating Receipt Batches

To create a receipt batch, you perform the following:

c Complete the batch header (the top part of the Receipt screen).

c Add individual receipts (in the bottom half of the screen).

c Post the batch.

52 Chapter 3: Receipts

To create a receipt batch

1 Select Receivables > Create Detail Batch. The Batch Receipt screen appears.

2 Complete the top part of the screen (the batch header) and click Save.

Total Declared These fields act as controls. When you are entering receipts, and the totals meet (or exceed) the
number in either field, the batch header screen reappears after you click Save.
Items Declared

Deposit Date Enter the date the bank will process the deposit. For example, if you will take the deposit to the
bank tomorrow, enter tomorrow’s date.

Deposit Memo Enter information that can help you identify the deposit later. The deposit memo appears in the
Bank Rec screen, and can help you distinguish one deposit from another.

3 In the Receipt tab, click the New Record button . The Receipt screen appears.

4 Complete the Payer field.

You can select a Property and a Unit first, to limit the choices that appear in the Payer lookup.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 53

When you complete the Payer field, Voyager displays the open charges for that payer in the datagrid
(the bottom portion of the screen) and fills in the Total Amount field with the sum of the open

5 Adjust the Total Amount as needed.

When you tab out of the Total Amount field, Voyager distributes the amount against the open
charges (by completing the Pay column in the datagrid).

Note: Due to size restrictions, some of the fields on the right side of the screen are not shown.

If the total amount is less than the sum of the charges, Voyager “pays off” the charges in the order that
they are presented.

6 Make adjustments in the Pay column as needed.

To start from scratch, click Erase Distribution. (This clears the cells in the Pay column.) You can then
click in the rows you want to include in the distribution, or you can enter amounts manually.

Click Reselect to select another payer, or to start over with the same payer.

7 Complete the Check field (use it to record the check or EFT payment number).

8 When the screen is complete, click Save. A blank screen appears where you can enter the next

After saving, you cannot edit the details lines. If there are errors, you can delete the receipt and re-
enter the data.

However, after saving, you can edit the fields at the top of the screen: the notes, check number, the
dates, and so on.
54 Chapter 3: Receipts

9 Continue entering receipts. When the items entered meet (or exceed) the control numbers (either
the number of items or the total amount), the batch header screen appears.

10 When you have entered all the receipts, return to the top part of the screen (the batch header).
Adjust the Total Declared and Items Declared fields, if needed, and post the batch.

After you post the batch, the Deposit button appears on the screen.

Deposit button

11 Click the Deposit button to print a deposit slip.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 55

Using the Fill Button

By default, Voyager returns all the open charges for the selected payer. By using the Fill button, you
can limit the charges returned; for example, you could limit the charges to a single invoice or post

To use the fill button

1 In the Receipt screen, click the Fill button. The Fill Receipt screen appears.

2 Complete the screen as needed. Each field limits the charges returned. For example, if you want to
limit the charges for a payer to a single month, complete the Post Month field.

3 Click Fill. The screen closes, and the Receipt screen displays all outstanding charges that match the
criteria you have entered.

For Global Users

If you need to find a payer code, but only have an invoice number, you can complete the Legal Entity
and Invoice # fields. The Payer lookup will then show only a single tenant.

This applies to users with an International license and a database that includes legal entities.
56 Chapter 3: Receipts

Reviewing and Editing Receipts

This procedure describes searching for individual receipt records (posted receipts).

To find receipt batches, see “Finding Receipt Batches” on page 57.

To find unposted receipts, use the procedure for finding receipt batches and select Open in the Batch
Type field.

To review and edit receipts

1 Select Receivables > Review Receipt. The Receipt filter appears.

2 Complete the filter and click Submit.

3 The Receipt screen appears. For information about this screen, see “Creating Receipt Batches” on
page 51.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 57

Finding Receipt Batches

In Voyager 7S, batch records are available after you post the batch. You can search for a particular
batch and view the batch header as well as individual items in the batch.

To find receipt batches

1 Select Receivables > Find Receipt Batches. The Receipt Batch Filter screen appears.

2 Complete the top part of the screen. The following field requires explanation:

Batch Type Open Only Show only unposted batches. (Unposted batches are “open” because you
can edit them — you can add or delete receipts. Posted batches are “closed.”)
Empty Only Show only empty batches (batches that have a header but no receipts).
All Show posted and unposted batches, including empty batches.

3 Click Find. Voyager displays the matching batches.

“Sorted by” icon

58 Chapter 3: Receipts

The triangular “sorted by” icon tells you by which column the results are sorted. (The default sort is
by batch ID.)

You can click on any column header to change the sort order.

If you click the same column header again, the order is reversed, from ascending to descending, and
the triangle points down.

“Sorted by” icon pointing down

4 To view a batch, click the Edit button. The Batch Receipt screen appears (the batch header).

5 In the Batch Receipt screen, you can do the following:

Z Drill down to individual records (for posted and unposted batches).

Z Edit and post the batch (if it is unposted).

Z Run the batch report (for posted and unposted batches).

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 59

Charge Payment Sequence

Voyager “pays off” the charges in the order they are presented. By default, the Receipt screen presents
the oldest charges first.

Charge Date column shows oldest charges first

You can modify the order in two ways:

c you can reverse the chronological order (have Voyager start with the most recent, instead of the

c you can group the charges by income account, and present the groups in a specific order; for exam-
ple, miscellaneous charges first, then rent.
60 Chapter 3: Receipts

To reverse the chronological order

Reversing the order is done at the property level, In the Property Control screen, Accounting Control
tab, select the Receipts to Newest Charges tick box.

Receipts to Newest Charges tick box

The following example shows the charges in reverse order (newest first).

Charge Date column shows newest charges first

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 61

To group the charges by account

Charge Payment Sequence section

The option for grouping charges is a system-level option. In the Accounts and Options screen,
Receivable Accts tab, set up a Charge Payment Sequence by selecting income accounts.

If there are multiple charges in the same group, they will be presented chronologically, either oldest
first, or most recent first, depending on the setting in the Property Control screen.
62 Chapter 3: Receipts

The following example shows charges grouped by account.

Charges grouped by account

Note: Grouping charges by account is not recommended for global clients. For global clients, charges
are grouped by invoice number.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 63

Cash Accounts
The Cash Account field is completed by Voyager when you select a property.

Cash Account field

The cash account must be linked to a bank account. The default cash account comes from one of three

c the cash account specified at the system level, in the Accounts & Options screen.

c the cash account specified at the property level, in the Property Control screen.

c the Offset account associated with the G/L account (the G/L account specified by the charge, or by
a prepay).

Lower level settings override higher level settings. (The system-level is the highest level.)

When you complete a receipt, you can change the default Cash Account. If you choose an account
that is not linked to a bank account, Voyager displays an error message and does not allow you to save
the receipt.
64 Chapter 3: Receipts

Optional Parameter to Limit a Receipt Batch to a Single Bank Account

There is an optional parameter that adds the Bank field to the filter.

c BankOnReceiptBatch

Bank field

When this parameter is loaded, all the receipts in a batch must be for the same bank account. (In previ-
ous versions of Voyager International, this was the default.)

For the individual receipts, the Cash Account field is auto-populated (based on the bank entered in
the header).

In normal operations (without this parameter loaded), you can create a receipt batch for receipts for
multiple bank accounts. When you create the deposit slip, Voyager sorts the receipts according to
bank account.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 65

List of Receipts Already Entered

There is an option that allows you, when entering a receipt batch, to view a list of the receipts already
entered. (You can view the list from the Receipt screen — you don’t have to go back to the receipt
batch header to see what’s already in the batch.)

Load the following optional parameter:

c Voyager Show Batch History OptShowARBatchHistorySS.pkg

The option adds the Batch History tab to the Receipt screen.

Batch History tab

The Batch History tab lists all the receipts in the batch.
66 Chapter 3: Receipts

Modifying Receipts
In this chapter:
Reversing Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Recording Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Reapplying Receipts (Posted Receipts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Reapplying Receipts (Unposted Receipts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

This section describes three procedures for modifying receipts.

Reversing a receipt Used to correct bookkeeping errors. Can only be done before bank reconciliation.

Recording a NSF receipt Used when a payment is returned by the bank for NSF (non-sufficient funds). Can be done
before or after bank reconciliation.
Recording a NSF receipt does not affect the deposit record for the receipt; it creates a
returned check item for the bank reconciliation. The returned check item appears on the
bank reconciliation as “RC [CTRL number of NSF'ed receipt].”

Reapplying a Receipt Used to correct bookkeeping errors, without changing the deposit record in bank
reconciliation. You cannot change the amount, but you can apply the receipt to different
charges or to a different tenant.
Can be done before or after bank reconciliation.

Reversing Receipts
Reverse a receipt to correct a bookkeeping error.

Reversing a receipt creates a negative receipt that zeroes out the original receipt. The entries are not
shown on the tenant ledger.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 67

To reverse a receipt
1 In the Receipt screen, click the Reverse button.

Reverse button

The Reverse Receipt screen appears.

2 The Reversal Date and Post Month fields default to today’s date and the current month. Change
them if needed. (The dates cannot be prior to the date and post month of the receipt.)

3 In the Notes field, enter the reason for the reversal.

4 Click Save. The Receipt screen reappears, with a message that the receipt has been reversed.
68 Chapter 3: Receipts

5 If you click on the link for the original charge, you can see that the status is now Unpaid.

Status = Unpaid

Negative receipt

In the Payment Detail tab, you can see that Voyager reversed the original receipt by creating a new,
negative receipt. The original receipt and the negative receipt reference each other, in the Notes field.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 69

Recording Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Payments

Use the following procedure when a payment is returned by the bank for non-sufficient funds (NSF).

You can charge the tenant for bank fees and assess a penalty. (Voyager creates a posted journal entry
for the bank fee and an unposted charge batch for the tenant fee.)

When you save, Voyager creates a negative receipt to reverse the original receipt. The charge is then
marked “Unpaid.”

NSFs appear on the tenant ledger because the tenant is responsible for the error.

To record a NSF
1 In the Receipt screen, click the NSF button.

NSF button
70 Chapter 3: Receipts

The NSF Receipt screen appears.

Fields for bank

and payer fees

2 Enter fees, if applicable.

3 Click Save.

The Receipt screen reappears, with a confirmation that the receipt has been NSF’ed.

Confirmation message

Link to charge
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 71

4 To view details, click the link to the charge. The Charge Invoice screen appears.


Second receipt
(a negative receipt)

The charge is marked Unpaid.

If you look at the Payment Detail tab, you can see there was another receipt created — a negative
receipt for the NSF.
72 Chapter 3: Receipts

Reapplying Receipts (Posted Receipts)

The Reapply feature allows you to modify a posted receipt, without changing the deposit record in the
bank reconciliation (as long as the bank is the same for the new receipt). You cannot change the
amount, but you can apply the receipt to different charges or to a different person.

In the following example, we modify a receipt for a prepayment — we apply the amount to another
tenant. The bank is the same.

To reapply a receipt
1 In the Receipt screen, click the Reapply button.

Reapply button

A warning message appears:

“This function will reverse this receipt and require you to enter a new receipt. Are you sure you
want to reapply this receipt?”
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 73

2 Click OK. A new Receipt screen appears. The payer information is copied over, but the Charges sec-
tion is cleared.

3 Complete the Receipt screen. You can apply the amount to different charges (for the same tenant),
or you can use the Reselect button to select another tenant.

You cannot change the total amount of the receipt.

4 When you click Save, the original Receipt screen appears.

The Notes field contains a system-generated note, stating that the receipt was reapplied. The Charge
field contains a link to the reversing receipt (the negative receipt).

Note states receipt was reapplied.

Related Receipt link

Link to the negative receipt

The Related Receipt link appears on both the original receipt and the reapplied receipt. On the
original receipt it links to the reapplied receipt. On the reapplied receipt, it points back to the original.
74 Chapter 3: Receipts

The reversing receipt is shown below.

5 If you run the Deposit Register analytic, can see the original receipt, the reversing receipt, and the
new receipt.

Reapply Receipts
(except for the receipt
for 1,375.00)
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 75

Reapplying Receipts (Unposted Receipts)

For an unposted receipt, the Reapply function allows you to reallocate the funds to different charges.
There is no reversing receipt, since the original receipt was never posted. The function merely deletes
the original receipt and copies over the payer information to a new receipt.

To reapply an unposted receipt

1 Open the receipt record and click Reapply. A warning message appears:

“This function will delete this receipt and require you to enter a new receipt. Are you sure you want
to reapply this receipt?”

2 Click OK to continue.

The original saved receipt is deleted. The header information is copied over into a new, unsaved
receipt. The charges linked to the original receipt are no longer considered “paid” — they are now
available to be paid by another receipt.
76 Chapter 3: Receipts

Charge From Receipt

You can create a charge from the Receipt screen in Voyager.

This is helpful when you are processing receipts and there is a receipt without a matching charge
(either there is no charge, or there is a charge that is significantly larger or smaller than the receipt). If
you know the reason for the mismatch, you can create a charge, either positive or negative, that will
eliminate the discrepancy and allow you to continue processing the receipt.

In the following example, the receipt is greater than the outstanding charges. The user knows what the
additional money is for, and creates a new charge on the fly.

To create a charge from the Receipt screen

1 In the Receipt screen, click the Create Charge button.

Create Charge button

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 77

The Charge Invoice from Receipt screen appears.

2 Complete the screen.

Voyager completes the top of the screen automatically (based on information in the receipt). Add one
or more detail lines. Each individual charge is a line; the total is an “invoice.”

3 Click Save.

The charge batch is immediately posted, and the screen displays a link to the posted batch.

Link to posted charge batch

78 Chapter 3: Receipts

4 Close the Charge screen, and go back to the Receipt screen. The Receipt screen shows the newly
created charge.

New charge

5 Create the receipt in the Receipt screen.

Note: When you click Save, the charge that you created is immediately marked Fully Paid (before
posting the receipt batch). This prevents other Voyager users from taking the charge and paying it off
in a different receipt batch.

Fully Paid
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 79

Non-Person Receipts
You can receipt money from non-persons. A “non-person” is a source of revenue that is not linked to
any person-type record in the database; for example, vending machines, or washers and dryers in an
onsite laundry room.

Tenants, vendors, customers, and employees are all considered “person-type” records. The “non-per-
son” receipt feature is for other sources of revenue.

To use this feature, you must set up a display type for non-person payers. In the Receipt Display Type
screen, select the Non-Person Receipt tick box.

Non-Person Receipt tick box

This adds the Non-Person Payer field to the Receipt screen.

Non-Person Payer field

When you complete the screen, a charge code is not required — you can link the receipt directly to a
GL account.
80 Chapter 3: Receipts

This feature does not include the automatic calculation of taxes, because there is no charge. We do not
recommend using this function if the receipt has a tax component.

This feature is only supported for single-currency receipts.



In this chapter:
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Prepays Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Recording a Prepay in the Receipt Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Apply Prepays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85

A prepay occurs when a tenant makes a payment before a corresponding charge has been recorded;
for example, when a tenant pays the rent on the twenty-fifth of the month but the rent charge is not
created until the thirtieth. If there are no open charges, the funds are marked as a prepayment.

The prepayment will then be applied to the rent charge after the charge is created on the thirtieth of
the month.

Prepays Setup
For prepayments, you have to set up an income account, a liability account, and a charge code. The
income account is for cash books, the liability account for accrual books (both are needed for Voyager,
regardless of the type of reporting you do). The accounts must be different. The charge code should be
linked to the income account.

You also have to enter the account numbers in the Accounts and Options screen. Examples are shown
82 Chapter 4: Prepays

Income Account for Prepayments

The prepaid income account needs to be set up as a revenue account (Normal Balance = Credit and
Report Type = Income Statement). Set the Account Type to Regular. To indicate this is a prepay G/L
account, select the Prepay Holding check box.

Liability Account for Prepayments

The prepaid liability account needs to be set up as a liability account (Normal Balance = Credit and
Report Type = Balance Sheet). Set the Account Type to Regular. To indicate this is a prepay G/L
account, select the Prepay Holding check box.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 83

Accounts and Options for Prepayments

Prepayment Income
and Liability Accounts

Enter the prepay income and liability accounts on the Accounts and Options screen.

Charge Code for Prepayments

Prepayment charge code

Enter the prepaid income

account set up in Accounts
and Options.
84 Chapter 4: Prepays

Recording a Prepay in the Receipt Screen

You enter a prepay in the Receipt screen. When you complete the Amount field and then tab or click
outside of that field, Voyager automatically applies the amount to the charges that appear at the bot-
tom of that screen.

If the amount of the receipt exceeds the total amount of the charges, Voyager creates a prepay line
and assigns the excess amount to that line.

Prepay charge code

In the example shown above, there were no charges, so Voyager assigned the total amount to a pre-
payment charge code.

If you select the Auto Apply check box, Voyager will automatically apply the prepayment to the next
available charge. (If there are multiple charges, Voyager uses the charge payment sequence. For more
information, see “Charge Payment Sequence” on page 59.)

You can use the Hold For field to reserve the prepayment for a charge with a specific charge code; for
example, you hold the prepayment for a charge with the misc charge code.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 85

Apply Prepays
Voyager typically applies prepays automatically when new charges are created. This section describes
how to apply prepays in situations where Voyager does not apply them automatically.

You create zero receipts to apply prepays — to combine outstanding prepays with the applicable
charges. You can create zero receipts manually, one receipt at a time, or you can use the Apply Prepays
feature to create a set of zero receipts (for all the prepays at a property, for example).

The Apply Prepays feature looks at all the accounts marked “prepay.”

To apply prepays
1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Apply Prepayments. The Apply Prepays screen

2 Use the screen as a filter. The following fields require explanation:

Prepay Date Enter a date range, to select prepays made in a specific period.

Prepay Month Enter a range of months, to select prepays with post months in a specific period.

Charge Month Enter a range, to select the charges that the prepays will be applied against.
For example, near the end of April, you received several payments for May rent. You
entered them as prepays, because you had not raised charges yet for May.
After raising the charges, you decide to apply the prepays. In the Prepay Date fields, you
enter 4/20/2013 to 4/30/2013 to cover the end of April. In the Charge Month fields, you
enter 05/2013 (in both fields) to cover the May charges.

Lease Charges Only Prepays will only be applied against recurring charges, not against ad hoc charges.

Show Hold Charges If selected, Voyager will show charges that have been flagged as on “hold”, and you can
apply prepayments to them and pay them off.
(In the Charge Invoice screen, charges can be marked as being on “hold.”)

Prepay Code There can be more than one prepay charge code.
Use this field to select a single code, or leave it blank to select all codes.
86 Chapter 4: Prepays

3 Click Display. The screen displays all the matching prepays (the leases where there is a prepay and
an outstanding charge that match the criteria).

4 Select the leases where you want to apply the prepays.

5 In the Receipt Details section of the screen, complete the Post Month and Post Date fields. If you
leave them blank, they will default to the current system operating month and date.

6 Click Post. Voyager creates zero receipts that bring the prepays and the charges together.

If the prepay amount is larger than the outstanding charges, the charges are paid off and there is a
remaining prepay.

If the prepay amount is smaller than the outstanding charges, the charges are partially paid off.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 87

The screen displays a link to the receipt batch.

Link to receipt batch

7 Click the link to view the batch.

Note: Voyager creates one zero receipt per charge (not one per prepay). In our example, we had 1
prepay and 1 zero receipt.
88 Chapter 4: Prepays

8 To view an individual receipt, click the Edit button for it.



Quick Receipts
In this chapter:
Quick Receipts Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Quick Receipt Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
Creating Quick Receipts Using a Fill Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Creating Quick Receipts Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Editing Quick Receipt Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Quick Receipts Overview

The Quick Receipt feature allows you to create a receipt batch in one screen, with minimal data entry. It
is intended for quickly processing a large number of receipts. There are two ways to create quick

c using a fill method (QR plans or open charges) to auto-populate the Amount fields

c manually entering the data

Some aspects of this feature were designed for use in Canada: QR plans, showing open charges for
only the current post month, and the distinction between unapplied cash and prepayments.

You cannot post receipts against multi-currency charges using this feature. Multi-currency transac-
tions must be processed through the regular Receipt screen.

QR Plans
A QR (quick receipt) plan is a custom table attached to the Lease screen. It contains one figure: the
amount you expect to receive from the tenant on a monthly basis. This is typically the total of the
monthly recurring charges, including taxes. The QR plan can be used to auto-populate the Amount
field in the Quick Receipt screen.
90 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

Fill Method: Charges for the Current Post Month Only

The Open Charges Fill Method shows all the outstanding amounts from recurring charges, unless you
select an option in the Quick Receipts Accounts & Options that limits the charges shown to charges
from a specific post month.

You can also select an option that includes prepays. In this case, the Open Charges Fill Method will
show charges and any available prepays.

Prepayments vs. Unapplied Cash

In Canada, clients typically segregate prepayments into two categories:

c Prepayments: Receipts for next month’s charges.

c Unapplied Cash: Receipts not yet linked to specific charges.

To segregate prepayments, select the Current Post Month Only option in the Quick Receipts
Accounts and Options screen.

Quick Receipt Setup

The setup for quick receipts includes the following parts:

c Setting up accounts and a charge code for prepayments.

c Setting up an account and charge code for unapplied cash (optional, only required if you distin-
guish between prepayments and unapplied cash).

c Setting system-wide parameters for quick receipts (Quick Receipt A & O).

c Adding a custom table to the Lease screen, for the QR plan (optional, only required if you use QR

c Adding a QR plan amount to each lease (optional, only required if you use QR plans).

c Adding Customer records, and linking them to leases (optional).

For prepayments, you have to set up an income account, a liability account, and a charge code. For
more information and examples, see “Prepays Setup” on page 81.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 91

Unapplied Cash
If you distinguish between prepayments and unapplied cash, you need to set up a G/L account and a
charge code for “unapplied cash.” In the following screen shots, we show examples of both.

G/L Account for Unapplied Cash

Charge Code for Unapplied Cash

Unapplied Cash Charge Code

92 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

System-wide Parameters for Quick Receipts

1 In System Administration, select System > Quick AR A&O.

2 Complete the screen.

Unapplied Charge Code The charge code for unapplied funds. If you do not distinguish between unapplied cash
and prepayments, enter the charge code for prepayments.

Current Post Month Only If selected, the Quick Receipt screen will display outstanding charges only for the post
month selected by the user (in the Quick Receipt screen, or in the Fill filter available
from the Quick Receipt screen).
If you select this option, the prepayment and unapplied tick boxes appear on the Quick
Receipt screen, allowing you to distinguish between prepayments and unapplied

Allowed Difference When the amount of the receipt does not match the amount of outstanding charges:
If the difference is within the allowed amount, the system uses the receipt to pay off the
charge. The difference goes to Unapplied Funds.
If the difference is greater than the allowed amount, the system puts the entire amount
of the receipt in Unapplied Funds and does not pay off the charges.
Note: This option only applies if you select the Current Post Month Only setting.

Quick Write Off Threshold The threshold for transactions used in the Quick Write-Off feature (only amounts
smaller than this tolerance can be written off).

Quick Write Charge Code The charge code for used in the Quick Write-Off feature.

Include Prepays with Open The Open Charges Fill Method is designed to show the amounts of recurring charges.
Charges If you select this option, the amounts shown will include prepays.

Default to Auto Apply Any prepayments created by the Quick Receipt feature will be marked as “auto-apply.”
When charges are raised that match these prepayments, Voyager will automatically
apply the prepayments to the charges and create zero receipts.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 93

Allowed Difference Warning Message

The allowed difference can be between 0.00 and 10.00 (dollars, or other monetary unit). If you enter
another figure, Voyager will display a warning message.

Adding a Custom Table to the Lease Screen for a QR Plan

1 Load the following package:

Z ss_leasebut_QRPlan.pkg

2 In Voyager System Administration, select Admin > Custom Tables > Tenant/Resident.

3 Locate the LEASEBUT_QRPLAN table, and change the display type from Pre 5.0 to 1 to 1.

Display Type column

QR Plan

4 Select Admin > Button Setup > Property Management.

94 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

5 In the Button Setup screen, complete a row as shown below.

Right side of screen:

Caption QR Plan Amount

Code or File or Table LEASEBUT_QRPLAN

Base Commercial Lease Buttons

Index 1

Frameset (leave blank)

Location Other Data

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 95

Adding QR Plan Amounts

For each lease with a QR Plan, you will need to add a QR Plan Amount to the lease record.

To add a QR Plan Amount

1 Open the Lease screen.

2 In the Links menu, click QR Plan Amount.

QR Plan Amount link

QR Amount

3 In the QR Plan screen, enter the appropriate QR Amount — the amount you expect to receive from
the tenant each month (typically the total of the monthly recurring charges, including taxes).
96 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

Customer Records and Quick Receipts

In Voyager, you can set up customer records for tenants that have more than one lease, for example, a
larger retailer that has leases at many different properties.

When you use the Quick Receipt screen, you can filter by customer. This allows you to bring up all the
leases for a single tenant, and create receipts for them with minimal data entry.

The following graphic shows a customer record linked to two leases.

To set up customer records, select Lease Administration > Customer > Add Customer.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 97

Creating Quick Receipts Using a Fill Method

To create quick receipts using QR plans
1 Select Receivables > Create Quick Receipts.

Fill button

2 Click the Fill button. The Fill Quick Receipt screen appears.

3 Complete the filter.

Customer These are filter items that limit the results.

Property For example, you could select a customer to view all the outstanding charges for a
particular customer across properties.

Charge Type Limits the results to a single charge type. Options are: CAM, Overage, Rent, Misc.

Charge Code Limits the results by charge code. You can multi-select, to filter by multiple charge

Receipt Date The Receipt Date in this screen updates the Deposit Date field in the main screen.

Charge Post Month The Charge Post Month limits the outstanding amounts to a single month.

Sort By Select Name or Code. (You can sort by tenant name, or tenant code.)
98 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

Fill Method Select QR Plan or Open Charges.

Note: Voyager only shows the QR Plan option if the parameter for it has been loaded.
For more information, see “Adding a Custom Table to the Lease Screen for a QR Plan” on
page 93.

4 Click Fill. Voyager populates the Quick Receipt screen with information from the Fill filter.

In the screenshot, we used the QR Plan fill method.

5 Enter check numbers and notes as needed.

6 Click Save.

For one of the leases in our example, the QR amount did not match the outstanding charges and
exceeded the allowed difference, so the entire amount is unapplied.


7 Review the receipts on the screen and click Post.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 99

8 After posting, you can click the Deposit link to print a deposit slip.

Deposit link
100 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

Individual Receipt Records

The Quick Receipts feature creates individual receipt records. To view them, click the Report button on
the Quick Receipt screen. In the report, you can click links for individual receipt records.

This section show a receipt record created by the example shown above. (Due to size limitations, we
do not show the full screen.)

Creating Quick Receipts Manually

To create quick receipts manually
1 Select Receivables > Create Quick Receipts.

Note: Due to size constraints, some field on the right side of screen are not shown.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 101

2 Complete the top part of the screen.

Total Enter the total monetary amount.

Item Count Enter the number of receipts.

Apply Current Month Only This checkbox and field only appear if you select Current Post Month Only in the
Quick Receipts A&O screen.
The field defaults to the current post month; change it if needed.

Deposit Date Enter the deposit date (the date the bank will process the deposit).

Deposit Memo Enter identifying information. The Deposit Memo appears in the Memo field in the
Bank Rec screen.

3 For each receipt, complete a line in the table.

We recommend that you start with the Payee field. When you select a payee, the system completes
the Property, Payee Name, Amount, and Outstanding Amount fields automatically.

Payee, Property In the Payee field, select the tenant or customer, using the Ajax lookup feature. When you select
a payee, Voyager completes the Property field.
Or you can select the property first, to limit the number of tenants in the lookup.

Payee Name Completed by the system, when you select a payee.

Amount Enter the amount of the receipt.

Outstanding Amount Completed by the system, when you select a payee. Voyager displays the total of the
outstanding charges.

Check # Enter the check number (or other numerical payment reference).
To make Check # a required field, load the following optional parameter:
c OptRequireCheckNum_voy.pkg

Notes Enter notes as needed.

Cash If the tenant is paying by cash (instead of check or EFT), select this tick box.

Date The date the check was received. The date defaults from the date at the top of the screen;
change it if needed.

Unapplied Note: The Unapplied and Prepay tick boxes only appear if you select Current Post Month
Only in the Quick Receipts Accounts and Options screen.
Select this tick box for unapplied funds.
If the amount of the receipt does not match the amount of outstanding charges and is beyond
the allowed difference, this tick box will be selected automatically, and the entire receipt
amount will be treated as unapplied funds. If you want Voyager to apply the funds to the
charges, you can de-select the tick box. Voyager will then pay off as much of the outstanding
charges as possible, with the remainder going to unapplied funds.
102 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts

Prepay Select this tick box if you want the receipt to be handled as a prepayment, instead of unapplied
funds. Typically, prepayments are only used if the receipt amount matches next month’s
If the check is dated in the next month, we recommend that you do not include it in the current
receipt batch, and hold it for the next month’s batch.

If you need to correct a line, we recommend that you delete the line and start over. (Note: The Delete
tick box appears after you save the batch.)

4 When the data entry is finished, click Save.

The Property and Payee fields are greyed out, and the Fill button is disabled, but you can still make
changes to the tick boxes (Cash, Unapplied, and Prepay).

5 If you are ready to post the batch, click Report, review the batch, and click Post.

If you are not ready to post (for example, if you are preparing a batch in advance), you can exit the
screen without posting and return to it later.

For instructions on how to re-open a saved batch, see “Editing Quick Receipt Batches” on page 103.

6 After posting, you can click the Deposit link to print a deposit slip.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 103

Editing Quick Receipt Batches

In this procedure, “Edit” means to re-open a saved quick receipt batch, for data entry or posting. The
path shown below (Quick Receipt screen > Edit Batch button) is one way to access Quick Receipt
batches; you can also use the side menu (Receivables > Edit Quick Receipt Batch).

To edit quick receipt batches

1 Select Receivables > Quick Receipt. The Quick Receipt screen appears.

Edit Batch button

2 Click the Edit Batch button. The Receipt Batch filter appears.

3 Use the filter to locate the batch you want to edit.

When you access the Receipt Batch filter from the Quick Receipt screen, it displays only Quick
Receipt batches, not regular receipt batches. If you use the side menu, the filter returns all receipt
batches (Quick Receipt batches and regular receipt batches).
104 Chapter 5: Quick Receipts


Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

In this chapter:
Apply Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Apply Prepays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Quick Cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

This chapter contains a set of procedures that will help ensure that ledgers are accurate and tie to
financial statements and A/R aging reports.

We recommend that you run these functions on a monthly basis, and in the order shown above: Apply
Credits, Apply Prepays, and then Quick Cleanup.

Apply Credits
Negative charges create credits on ledgers. (Negative charges are often the result of rent concessions).
You create zero receipts to apply credits — to combine negative charges with positive charges.

You can create zero receipts manually, one receipt at a time, or you can use the Apply Credits feature to
create a set of zero receipts (for all the credits at a property, for example).

Credits vs. Prepays

Credits and prepays are not the same thing. Credits are the result of negative charges, for example, a
concession; prepays are the result of receipts that do not have matching charges.

There are two separate procedures to deal with credits and prepays: Apply Credits and Apply Prepays.

For information on prepays, see “Prepays” on page 81.

106 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

To apply credits
1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Apply Credits. The Apply Credits screen appears.

2 Use the screen as a filter to select persons that have both outstanding charges and credit that can
be applied to them.

Charge Code Filter by the charge code of the outstanding charges.

Credit Charge Code Filter by the charge code of the credits that can be applied.

Credit Date Credit Date (transaction date) and Post Month do not necessarily match on a credit, and for
that reason, they are separate filter items. For example, if you search for credits with a post
Post Month
month of February, Voyager will return all credits with a post month of February, even if the
transaction date is in another month.
Credit Date and Post Month operate on the dates of the credits, not the dates of the charges
connected to them.

Charge Month Enter a date range for outstanding charges.

Ignore Hold For Choose Yes to include charges that are flagged as on hold.
(In the Charge screen, you can designate that a charge is on “hold.”)
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 107

3 Click Display. Voyager displays the persons that match the filter criteria, where there is both a credit
and an outstanding charge. If there is only a credit on a person, it is not displayed.

4 Select the persons that you want to apply credits to. To select all of them, click the Check All but-

5 In the Receipt Details section of the screen, complete the Post Month and Post Date fields.

6 Click Post. Voyager creates zero receipts that apply the credits to outstanding charges.

If the credit and outstanding charges match, Voyager pays off all the charges.

If the credit is larger than the outstanding charges, Voyager pays off all the charges, and there's a
remaining credit.

If the credit is lower than the outstanding charges, Voyager pays off a portion of the charges.
108 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

The following screenshot shows an example of a zero receipt created by the Apply Credits feature.

Apply Prepays
Prepays are described in a separate chapter that includes information on the following topics:

c the setup required for prepays,

c how to post a prepay, and

c how to apply prepays.

For more information, see “Prepays” on page 81.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 109

Quick Cleanup
In this section:
Quick Cleanup Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Setup for Quick Cleanup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Using the Quick Charge Cleanup Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Quick Cleanup Overview

Quick Cleanup refers to two Voyager functions that allow you to write off small amounts (either over-
payments or underpayments).

When the amount of a receipt does not exactly equal the amount of the matching charge, there may
be an additional amount remaining, either an overpayment or an underpayment.

With the Quick Cleanup functions, you can easily write off these amounts. You can search by property
or customer, or run the function for the entire database. Any amount that falls within the threshold
amount will appear in the screen, and can be dealt with quickly.

This function is not meant to be used to write off bad debt; it is only meant for small underpayments or
overpayments. There are two variations: Quick Charge Cleanup, and Quick Overpay Cleanup. You can
set up a single GL account for both functions, so the amounts will offset each other.

Quick Charge Cleanup

This function is used for underpayments. For example, the original charge is for 100 and you receive
99.50. The charge is underpaid by .50, leaving a remainder.

Quick Charge Cleanup creates a negative charge using the cleanup charge code. A companion zero
receipt is created to apply the two charges together.

Quick Overpay Cleanup

This function is used for overpayments. For example, the original charge is for 100 and you receive
100.50. The remainder is .50, which is booked as a prepay.

Quick Overpay Cleanup creates a positive charge using the cleanup charge code. A companion zero
receipt is created to apply the prepay to the positive charge.

Quick Cleanups and Taxes

For quick cleanups, you must set up a special cleanup account that is outside the tax range. This fea-
ture only writes off the net amount, not any tax amount, by design.

To write off net plus tax for amounts considered bad debt, you should use the regular write-off feature,
not quick cleanup.
110 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

Setup for Quick Cleanup

The setup for quick cleanup includes the following:

c creating an account and a charge code for quick cleanups.

c specifying the quick cleanup threshold amount and the quick cleanup charge code

The setup applies to both charge and overpay cleanups.

Quick Cleanup Account and Charge Code

Set up a quick cleanup GL account. Create a quick cleanup charge code, and link it to the cleanup

If you need to consider taxes, make sure the quick cleanup account is outside the range of accounts
that are subject to tax.

Example of a Quick Cleanup Account

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 111

Example Charge Code For Quick Cleanups

Quick Cleanup Account

Quick Cleanup Charge Code

Quick Cleanups and Taxes

The quick cleanup account should not be included in the range of accounts that are subject to tax. The
following example shows a tax rate setup screen for Ontario that excludes the quick cleanup account.
112 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

To set system parameters for Quick Cleanups

1 In System Administration, select System > Quick AR A&O.

2 Complete the screen.

Unapplied Charge Code These fields are used for the Quick Receipt feature (not the Quick Cleanup
feature). For more information, see “System-wide Parameters for Quick
Current Post Month Only
Receipts” on page 92.
Allowed Difference

Quick Cleanup Threshold The threshold for charges and overpays (only charges and overpays smaller than
this amount will be available to write off).

Quick Cleanup Charge Code The charge code for the Quick Cleanup feature.

You can set the threshold at .01 to 10.00 (dollars or other monetary unit).

Using the Quick Charge Cleanup Function

To use the Quick Charge Cleanup function

1 Select Charges > Quick Charge Cleanup. The Charge Quick Cleanup screen appears.

2 The first three fields (Property, Payee, and Post Month) function as a filter. Use them to locate the
charges you want to write off. You can leave them blank, if you want to look at all the charges in the

The Threshold field is read-only. The value comes from the Quick AR A&O screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 113

3 Click Display. Voyager displays the matching charges.

4 Review the possible write-offs.

5 Click the Cleanup tick box for each charge you want to write off, or click the Check All button to
select all the charges.

6 Complete the receipt details: Post Date and Post Month. (If you leave them blank, they will default
to today’s date and the current operating month.)

7 Click Post. The Batch Charge screen appears.

Edit link for charge invoice

114 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

8 To view a specific charge invoice, click the Edit link for it. The Charge Invoice screen appears.

Payment Detail tab:

Voyager creates a negative charge for each write-off. The reference is :Quick Cleanup. Only the net
amount is written off, not the taxes.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 115

A companion zero receipt is created to apply the two charges together, with the same reference
of :Quick Cleanup.

Using the Quick Overpay Cleanup Function

To use the Quick Overpay Cleanup function

1 Select Charges > Quick Overpay Cleanup. The Overpay Quick Cleanup screen appears.

2 The first three fields (Property, Payee, and Post Month) function as a filter. Use them to locate the
items you want to write off. You can leave them blank, if you want to look at all the receipts in the

The Threshold field is read-only. The value comes from the Quick AR A&O screen.
116 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

3 Click Display. Voyager displays receipts that match the filter elements where the prepay is less than
the Threshold amount.

4 Review the possible write-offs.

5 Click the Cleanup tick box for each item you want to write off, or click the Check All button to
select all the items.

6 Complete the receipt details: Post Date and Post Month. (If you leave them blank, they will default
to today’s date and the current operating month.)

7 Click Post. The Batch Charge screen appears.

Edit link for charge invoice

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 117

8 To view a specific charge invoice, click the Edit link for it. The Charge Invoice screen appears.

Payment Detail tab:

Voyager creates a positive charge for each write-off. The reference is :Quick Cleanup. Only the net
amount is written off, not the taxes.
118 Chapter 6: Accounts Receivable Month-End Procedures

A companion zero receipt is created to apply the prepay to the charge, with the same reference
of :Quick Cleanup.


In this chapter:
Vendor Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Vendor Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Vendor Records and Workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Preferred Suppliers (Global) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Vendor Property Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Vendor Discounts (Global) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Remittance Vendors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

This chapter describes how to set up and maintain vendor records.

Vendor Overview
Vendors are people and organizations that you pay for goods and services, for example, contractors,
landscapers, and home improvement stores. Set up the property management company as a vendor if
it receives commissions or other fees.

Before you can make a payment to a vendor, you have to set them up in the database and approve

Paying Non-Vendors
Although you may occasionally pay legal entities, owners, employees, and tenants, do not add them as
vendors; Voyager allows you to make payments to non-vendors.
120 Chapter 7: Vendors

When you enter a payable, you select a payee. The lookup defaults to vendors, but you can select any
“person-type” record in the database.

Person Type menu

Besides vendors, you can select:

c tenants

c property owners

c prospects

c employees

c roommates

c customers
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 121

Vendor Setup
To add a vendor
1 Select Payables > Vendors > Add Vendor. The Add Vendor filter appears.

Note: This filter only appears if you have done the setup for countries in your database and if you are
logged in as a user. If you are logged in as DBO, it does not appear.

If Auto-Code Vendors is selected in the Accounts & Options screen, the Code field displays (new)
and Voyager generates the code after you complete the vendor record. The Country field determines
the configuration of the address block (this field only appears for clients with a license for

2 Complete the screen and click Submit. The Vendor screen appears.

3 Complete the Vendor screen. The following sections describe each tab and section of the Vendor
122 Chapter 7: Vendors

Top Section of the Vendor Screen

The following fields require explanation:

Company Voyager uses the Name field followed by the Company field, to form the payee name on
For individuals, enter the first name in the Name field and the last name in the Company field. For
example: Name = John, Company = Doe. Payee Name = John Doe.
For businesses, the Name field is optional. You can enter the entire payee name in the Company
field, or you can split the payee name between the two fields.
For example, if the vendor’s name is The Ace Company, type The in the Name field and Ace
Company in the Company field. The vendor name, The Ace Company will be used on payments.
Note: The Vendor filter searches for the contents of the Company field, not the Name field. If
there is part of the name that you want to use in searches, be sure it is in the Company field. For
example, if you will use “Ace” in searches, it should be entered in the Company field.
Note: If you use Voyager to file 1099s electronically, punctuation should be avoided in the
Company field. Punctuation can cause data misalignment in 1099 files generated for electronic
submission to the IRS.

Dear Type the text that should appear after the word Dear at the beginning of a letter. For example, if
your contact is Patricia Smith, you might type Ms. Smith in the Dear field. If you are unsure of the
appropriate courtesy title, you can type the name with no courtesy title. For example, if your
contact is Pat Smith, you might type Pat Smith in the Dear field.
The Dear field is used in system-generated letters, for example, letters created by the
Correspondence feature.

Payment Method Select Check or EFT. Sets a default for payments to the vendor. (If needed, you can override the
default when you create payables.)

Consolidate Specifies that multiple payables to the same vendor are paid with one payment. (This tick box is
selected by default, but not required.)

Check Memo from Inv Select this check box if you want the memo on the check to come from the Notes field at the top
of the Payable Invoice screen.
If not selected, the memo on the check will come from the Memo field on the Vendor screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 123

Hold Payments Prevents processing a payment to this vendor.

PO Required Select this check box if you require purchase orders for payables to this vendor.

No Signature/On checks If you sign checks with a bitmap signature and you want to suppress the bitmap for checks over
Over a certain amount, select the No Signature check box and type the highest amount for which a
bitmap signature is permissible.

No Duplicate Invoice Select this check box if you want to prevent users from saving more than one payable with the
same date and invoice number. For example, if there is an existing payable with an Invoice Date
of 05/31/2011 and an Invoice # of 1234, and a user tries to save another payable with the same
invoice date and invoice number, they will not be able to.
Note: In addition to the vendor-level setting described above, there is a system-level setting to
prevent duplicate invoice numbers (Accounts and Options screen > Payable Opts > Error for
Duplicate Invoice Number tick box).

Tax Info Tab (Global, Region = All or UK)

Tax Required If selected, Voyager calculates tax on transactions involving this vendor.

Tax Authority The organization that receives the tax.

Reg # The tax registration number of the vendor.

Tran Type (Domestic) The default transaction type for the vendor.
The transaction types specifies if the transaction is taxable or not.

Tran Type (Cross border) For transactions between countries or Canadian provinces (i.e. for transactions where the vendor’s
tax authority does not match the property’s tax authority).

Taxpoint When the tax is due.

For more information about taxation, see the International User’s Guide.

The Region setting refers to the country where the vendor is located.
124 Chapter 7: Vendors

Tax Info Tab (US)

Gets Select the type of tax document you are responsible for providing to the vendor: None, 1099
(U.S.), or T5018 (Canada).

ID Enter the vendor’s tax identification number.

Name If the vendor will receive a 1099, and the name that appears in the Company field at the top of the
screen, differs from the official taxpayer identification name, enter the official name here.
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
The name in this field prints first on the 1099, before the name in the Company field.

Sales Tax % No longer supported.

Tax Info Tab (Global, Region = US or Canada)

If you have an International license, and the Region is set to US or Canada, the Tax Info tab shows
both sets of fields — the global fields and the US fields.

This allows you to calculate taxes and designate the vendor for a 1099, or a T5018.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 125

General Tab

Status The status of the vendor.

If your vendors do not go through a workflow, select a status. If your vendors go through
a workflow, this field is informational and contains a status based on the Next Step field.
For more information, see “Vendor Records and Workflows” on page 127.
Pending The default status for new vendors. The vendor has not been approved or
rejected, and payables for this vendor cannot be added.
Approved The vendor has been approved and payables for this vendor can be added.
Rejected The vendor has been rejected and payables for this vendor cannot be added.
Inactive This status is applicable if you have not set up vendor authorization. Select this
check box for vendors you no longer use. Voyager removes the vendor code from lookup
lists; however the vendor will still appear on reports that include transactions prior to the
inactive date.

Employee Select this check box if this vendor is also an employee of your organization. This field is
informational only.

(Sub) Contractor For clients using the Construction/Job Cost module, this setting marks the vendor as a
subcontractor and allows you to set up default vendor retention.
In the UK, use this setting for CIS vendors. For information about CIS functionality, see the
International User’s Guide.

Expense Type Expense types are categories of expenses, for example, capital, construction, tenant
improvements, repairs, and maintenance.
Expense Type is a required field on payable invoices. If you want the Expense Type field
on payable invoices to default to a particular setting for this vendor, select it here.
Note: Expense types are set up in Voyager System Administration. For more information,
see “Payable Expense Types” on page 147.

Default Display Type If you want the Display Type field on the Invoice Register screen to default to a particular
display type for this vendor, select it here.
126 Chapter 7: Vendors

Usual Account If you want the GL Account field on the Purchase Order and Payable Invoice screens to
default to a particular G/L account for this vendor, select that G/L account.
Note: If you have Multiple Chart of Accounts (MCA), the Usual Account field does not

Default AP Account These fields only appear if you have an International license.
Default Cash Account If you want the AP Account and Cash Account fields on the Purchase Order and Payable
Invoice screens to default to a particular accounts for this vendor, select those account.
Settings for accounts in this screen will override settings made at a higher level (property
and system levels).
If you have Multiple Chart of Accounts (MCA), these fields do not appear.

Insurance Expiration Section Enter the insurance expiration dates.

Liability After the dates have passed (one or both), you cannot process payments to the vendor.
Workers Comp

For information on Discounts/Payment Terms, see “Vendor Discounts (US)” on page 133 or “Vendor
Discounts (Global)” on page 133.

Other Info Tab

This tab contains user-defined fields.

You can set up these fields in Voyager System Administration. Select Admin > Environment > Vendor

Note: If you set up a Category field, you can use it as a criterion to auto-attach approval workflows to
vendor records — the system will attach different workflows based on the vendor Category.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 127

Vendor Records and Workflows

You can set up approval workflows for vendor records. For information on setting up workflows, see
the Contacts, Notifications, and Workflows User's Guide (available on Client Central).

The following sections explain how to use the workflow fields in the Vendor screen.

Workflow Fields and Tabs on the Vendor Screen

Workflow fields

Approvers tab

Workflow tab

In the top right of the Vendor screen, there is a group of workflow fields. There are also two tabs
related to workflows: the Workflow tab, and the Approvers tab.
128 Chapter 7: Vendors

Workflow Fields

Workflow The name of the approval workflow.

The workflow can be automatically attached (depending on setup), or you can select a workflow.

Status The status of the vendor in the approval workflow.

The Workflow tab displays detailed information about the progress of the vendor through the

Current Step The current step in the approval workflow.

The Approvers tab displays information about the employees who are authorized to approve or
reject the vendor

Next Step Select the next step in the workflow, for example, Approve, or Reject.

Notes Enter information about the action you are taking, for example, your reason for approving or
rejecting the vendor.

Workflow Tab

The Workflow tab displays the history of the workflow, step by step.

Approvers Tab

The Approvers tab displays the name of the person who can select the next step in the workflow. (An
employee with a role that matches the role of the next step.)
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 129

Preferred Suppliers (Global)

In this section:
Optional Parameters for Preferred Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Setting Up Regions and Expense Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Setting Up Vendors As Preferred Suppliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Note: This section only applies to users with an International license and setup.

You can designate certain vendors as “preferred suppliers” and then use “preferred supplier” as a
search criterion in lookups and in the Vendor filter. Preferred Suppliers can also be associated with
regions and expense types, and you can search for all three criteria.

The screenshot below shows the Payee lookup (accessed from the Payable screen). We searched for a
preferred supplier with the Maintenance expense type in the Alberta region.

Preferred Supplier tick box

130 Chapter 7: Vendors

The following screenshot shows a similar search In the Vendor filter.

Preferred Supplier

The setup for preferred suppliers includes the following:

c loading two optional parameters

c setting up preferred supplier regions

c setting up additional expense types (as needed)

c setting up vendors as preferred suppliers

Optional Parameters for Preferred Suppliers

Load the following optional parameters:

c optPreferredSupplier.pkg

c ss_PreferredSupplier_Lookup.pkg
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 131

Setting Up Regions and Expense Types

Select System Administration: System > Look-up Lists.

Preferred Supplier Region list

In the Look-Up Lists screen, add values to the Preferred Supplier Region.

For information about setting up expense types, see “Payable Expense Types” on page 147.
132 Chapter 7: Vendors

Setting Up Vendors As Preferred Suppliers

Payables > Vendors > Review Vendor

Preferred Supplier tick box

In the Vendor screen, General tab, select the Preferred Supplier tick box. Select a Region and
Expense Type as needed.

Note: When you enter a payable invoice, you select an expense type. The Expense Type field on the
Vendor screen sets a default expense type for payable invoices to this vendor.

Vendor Property Security

With Vendor Property Security, you can set up a list of approved vendors for a given property. For infor-
mation on using this feature, see the Core Administration and Setup Guide.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 133

Vendor Discounts (US)

Some vendors allow discounts on invoices, if paid within a certain time period. Voyager calculates ven-
dor discounts and applies them to payables.

On the Vendor screen, you set up the discount.


Complete the following fields in the General tab:

Percent Type the percentage discount the vendor allows.

Day Type the last day the discount is available (either the number of days from the invoice, or a day of
the month).

Days from Invoice Select this option if the discount expires a certain number of days from the invoice date.

Day of Month Select this option if the discount expires on a specific day of the month. Voyager uses the month
of the invoice date to determine when the discount expires.

Payment Terms If you are using discounts, set this field to 0, or leave it blank.
If you are not using discounts, enter the number of days between the invoice date and the due date.
(Voyager adds the number in the Payment Terms field to the invoice date to calculate the invoice
due date.)

Vendor Discounts (Global)

In this section:
Setting up Discounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Vendor Discounts in the Payable Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

Some vendors allow discounts on invoices, if paid within a certain time period. Voyager calculates ven-
dor discounts and applies them to payables.
134 Chapter 7: Vendors

Voyager has three methods for calculating discounts:

c Gross: The discount applies to the net amount and the tax.

c Net: The discount applies to the net only; the tax remains the same (as if there were no discount).

c Discount on VAT (UK): The discount applies to the net amount and the tax. The discount to the net
applies if you pay within the required time period, but the discount to the tax is always applied, and
is calculated when you first create the payable.

c There are no discounts on partial payments.

c On the Payable screen, when the discount is applied, Voyager adds one discount line for each
detail line.

c Voyager uses the discount account specified in the Accounts & Options screen. If no discount
account is specified, the discount reduces the expense.

c Discounts on tax affect the tax account, except for discounts on sales tax (which affect the expense).

c Discounts are calculated for base-currency payables only.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 135

Setting up Discounts
You set up discounts at the country level and vendor level. At the country level, you specify which dis-
count calculation method to use.

Discount Method field

Complete the Discount Method field.

Gross The discount applies to the net amount and the tax.

Net The discount applies to the net only; the tax remains the same (as if there were no discount).

DiscountOnVatUK The discount applies to the net amount and the tax. The discount to the net applies if you pay
within the required time period, but the discount to the tax is always applied, and is calculated
when you first create the payable.

The method that you set up at the country level flows down to all the vendors in that country (but you
must set up discount terms for each vendor).
136 Chapter 7: Vendors

On the Vendor screen, you set up the discount.


Complete the following fields in the General tab:

Percent Type the percentage discount the vendor allows.

Day Type the last day the discount is available (either the number of days from the invoice, or a day of
the month).

Days from Invoice Select this option if the discount expires a certain number of days from the invoice date.

Day of Month Select this option if the discount expires on a specific day of the month. Voyager uses the month
of the invoice date to determine when the discount expires.

Payment Terms If you are using discounts, set this field to 0, or leave it blank.
If you are not using discounts, enter the number of days between the invoice date and the due date.
(Voyager adds the number in the Payment Terms field to the invoice date to calculate the invoice
due date.)

Vendor Discounts in the Payable Process

Create the payable as usual. For the gross and net methods of calculation, you do not see the discount
on the Payable screen when you first enter the data — you only see it when you have processed the
payment. For the UK method, you see the discount on the tax when you first create the payable.

If you approve the payable within the time frame, you see the discount amount in the Disc Avail col-
umn of the Commit Payments screen. If you process payments within the time frame, you see the dis-
count amount on the Process Payments screen, in the Discount column.

After the payable has been paid, the discount appears on the Payable screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 137

Remittance Vendors
You can set up multiple remittance vendor records under a single vendor record.

Vendor A

Remittance Remittance Remittance

Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Vendor 3

This allows you to set up a main vendor with local branches; for example, the vendor could be “Home
Depot,” and the remittance vendors could be local “Home Depot” stores in various cities.

You could also use this feature to set up different payment arrangements for a vendor; for example,
checks vs. EFT.

When you create a payable, you pick a vendor and a remittance vendor.

Payee (vendor)


The payment information comes from the remittance vendor record.

The following sections describe how to set up and use remittance vendors.
138 Chapter 7: Vendors

Setup: AP Configuration

Show Remittance Vendor check box

In the AP Configuration screen, select the Show Remittance Vendor check box.

The following changes occur:

c On the Vendor screen, Voyager adds the Remittance Vendor tab.

c On the Payable Display Type screen, Voyager adds the Remittance Vendor option. If you select
this option, the Remittance field then appears on the Payable screen (and the Invoice Register

c The Remittance field is added to the Commit Payments screen and the Process Payments screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 139

Setup: Remittance Vendors

Open the Vendor record(s), and create the remittance vendors.

Vendor Tab

New Remittance Vendor button

140 Chapter 7: Vendors

In the Remittance Vendor tab, click the new Remittance Vendor button. The Remittance Vendor
screen is shown below.

The Remittance Vendor screen is similar to the Vendor screen, except that it does not have as many
tabs (it is missing the Tax Info tab, the General tab, and the Other Info tab).

It also has a new tab: the Prop List tab. If no properties are selected, the remittance vendor is available
to all properties in the system. If you select properties on this tab, the remittance vendor is only avail-
able to those properties.

Setup: Payable Display Type

Set up a Payable Display Type with the Remittance Vendor check box selected.

Remittance Vendor
check box
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 141

Using Remittance Vendors

When you create a payable, select the Remittance Vendor display type. Complete the Remittance field
(select the appropriate remittance vendor).

Remittance field

Payee Info comes from

remittance vendor.

All the payment information, including the information displayed on the Payee Info tab, comes from
the remittance vendor record.

When you go to Commit Payments and Process Payments, you can filter by remittance vendor.
142 Chapter 7: Vendors


Accounts Payable
In this chapter:
Setup for Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Creating and Processing Payable Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
If Funds (Overdraft Prevention) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
GL Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
AP Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Adjustments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Changing Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Payable Holds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Other Payable Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

This chapter describes how to process payable invoices.

Setup for Payables

In this section:
Setting Up Payable Display Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Vendor Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Payable Expense Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Approval Workflow Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

This section describes the setup work for payables.

Setting Up Payable Display Types

Payables > Add Payable Display Type

Display Types are customized views of the Payable screen. Before you can enter payable invoices, you
must have at least one payable display type in your database.
144 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Note: If you are upgrading from Voyager 6.0, a “standard” payable display type is added automatically
to the database, so that you can create transactions immediately without having to set up display

Display types are associated with users. When a user opens the screen, the system remembers the last
display type used by that user. The user can choose another display type as needed.

In the Payable Display Type screen, you name a display type, and you add optional elements as
needed. The elements then appear on the Payable Invoice screen.

Note: The Utility Billing tab appears on this screen if you have a license for it. (Utility Billing is a US fea-
ture, not applicable to Voyager International.)

Regional Settings

1099 Adds the 1099 check box to Payables. The 1099 form is used in the US for tax reporting.

Tax 1 Add fields for first and second taxes.

Tax 2

Use OCR Number Note: This option requires the International module.
Adds an additional field on payables (the OCR Number field) where you can enter the OCR number
from the invoice.
Used in conjunction with the Use OCR Number field on the Country Information screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 145

CIS Invoice Note: This option requires the International module.

Adds the CIS Info tab.
CIS is functionality designed for the UK. For more information, contact Yardi Technical support.

Multi-Currency Note: This option requires the International module.

Select this check box to include currency fields on the screen: Total Amount (with select currency
dropdown), Base Amount, Exch Rate, and Exch Rate Date.

Acct Description Adds a column in the Details tab for account descriptions. When you select an account, Voyager
displays the account description in addition to the account number.

Notes 2 Adds a second Notes field, typically used for notes in a second language.

Intercompany Adds the Company field, used for intercompany accounting.

TaxPoint, Tax Inv Note: This option requires the International module.
Adds fields for the taxpoint date and the tax invoice number.

Owner Note: This option requires the International module.

Adds the Owner field (owner = legal entity). When you select a legal entity on the Payable screen,
all the properties selected in the Details tab must belong to that legal entity.

PO Adds the PO field. When you select a PO (purchase order) on the Payable screen, the payable
details are imported from the purchase order.

Prop Description Displays the property description.

AP Template and Allows you to use AP Templates with payables.

Adds the AP Template field and the Memorize button to the Payable screen. For more
information, see “AP Templates” on page 182.

Manual Check Tab Adds the Manual Check tab, where you can enter information about a manual payment prior to
posting the payable.
When you post, the payment information is recorded and the payable is considered “paid.”
If the payable has already been posted, you cannot use the Manual Check tab. In this case, use the
Manual Payment function. See “Processing Manual Checks” on page 165.

UB Month To “UB” stands for “Utility Billing.”

Note: Utility Billing is a US feature, not applicable to Voyager International.

Quick Charge Adds the D link to a posted payable (“D” stands for “Distribute”). This allows you to charge back the
amount of the payable to the tenants at a property.
For more information, see “Accessing Quick Charges from the Payable Screen” on page 24.

From/To Dates Adds from/to date fields, for payables that affect a period. This is often used with service charges,
when it is necessary to detail which period a transaction covers.

Make From/To Dates Makes the from/to date fields required fields.
146 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Job Cost Settings

If you have Voyager Construction Management, select those fields you want to display on the Payable
Invoice screens:

Job Cost Adds the Job and Category fields.

Job/Categ Req. If you selected Job Cost and you also want to make the Job and Category fields required, select this
check box.

Retention Adds the Retention and Retention Account fields.

Cost Code Adds the Cost Code field (which is labeled C).

Contract Adds the Contract field and the Load Contract button.

Draws Adds the Draw Info and Draw Date fields.

2nd Vendor Select this check box to display the 2nd Vendor field. This is useful for writing joint checks. Printed
checks are made out to the primary vendor and the 2nd vendor.

Units of Measure Adds a field for units of measure, used for unit-based accounting.

Segments Tab

You can add segment fields to the Payable screen and make them required fields (the user must enter
a segment value to complete the payable).

Note: Do not select the Mandatory check box if you use segment validation rules set up in System
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 147

Labels Tab

In this tab, you can customize some of the field labels on the Payable screen.

Type the customized version in the Label column.

User Group Security Tab

Select the user groups that should not have access to the display type. By default, all groups have

Note: This feature was designed this way (preventing access instead of granting access) in order to
make transitioning to it easier. If the default was no access and you had to select each group that
should have access, when you upgraded no user groups would have access to any display type.

Vendor Setup
For information about setting up vendors, see Chapter 7, “Vendors.”

Payable Expense Types

Expense types are broad categories of expenses, for example, capital, tenant improvements, and main-
tenance. Before you process payables, you need to set up expense types at the system level. In 7S, the
Expense Type field is mandatory on the Payable screen.

Setting up expense types is described in the Core Financials Setup Guide.

148 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Approval Workflow Setup

You can use approval workflows with payables. For more information, see the Contacts, Notifications,
and Workflows User's Guide.

Creating and Processing Payable Records

In this section:
Creating Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
List of Payables Already Entered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
Reviewing and Editing Payables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Finding Payable Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156
Commit Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
Uncommit Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
Processing Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
Printing Checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
Voiding Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169

Payables typically follow this sequence:

1 You receive an invoice from a vendor.

2 You enter the invoice in Voyager, creating a payable record, as part of a payable batch.

3 You post the payable batch.

4 You commit payments (in this step, you approve the payable).

5 You process payments (write checks or create EFTs).

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 149

The following table shows how the transactions affect G/L accounts in accrual and cash accounting.

Creating Payables

To create a payable batch

1 Select Payables > Payable Processing > Create Payable Batch. The Batch Payable screen

New Record button

2 Complete the top part of the screen (the batch header).

If you are not using batch controls, you can leave everything blank and click Save.
150 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

3 In the Payables tab, click the New Record button .

The Payable Invoice screen appears.

4 Complete the screen. The following sections describe the screen in detail.

5 When you have entered all the Payable Invoices, return to the top part of the screen (the batch
header). Adjust the Total Declared and Items Declared fields, if needed, and click Post.

Payable Invoice Screen

The following fields require explanation:

Type Invoice The default type. Payables are typically created to record invoices.
Adjustment A payment made outside of the Voyager system that should be accounted for within
the system. For example, you would use an adjustment to account for a mortgage payment
automatically deducted from your bank account.
For more information on adjustments, see “Adjustments” on page 194.
Credit Typically a refund from a vendor. A positive total amount on a credit reduces the amount
you owe or have paid to the vendor. When recording a credit against a previous invoice, you can
assign the same G/L account used for the original invoice or credit another appropriate account.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 151

Payee Info Tab

Hold Payment If selected, you cannot commit payments or process payments for this invoice.

Consolidate Checks If selected, multiple payables to the same vendor are paid with one check.
152 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

International Options: Top of Screen and Details Tab

Base Amount Shows the amount in the base currency of the property.

Exch Rate Shows the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to base currency.

Taxpoint Date If the taxpoint is Invoice, Voyager enters the Inv Date. If the taxpoint is Payment, complete this
field after you receive the tax invoice from the vendor.
Note: This field is not shown in the screenshot.

Tax Invoice Number If the taxpoint is Invoice, Voyager enters the Invoice #. If the taxpoint is Payment, complete this
field after you receive the tax invoice from the vendor.
Note: This field is not shown in the screenshot.

Tax Fields (VAT, GSW, Voyager updates these fields when you enter the Net amount and tab away from the field.
BTW, etc.)

Tran Type You must click Show Taxes if you want to change these fields.
VAT Rate

Exch Rate These fields show the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency to base currency, and
the date of the exchange rate.
Exch Rate Date
Note: These fields appear because the Multi-Currency check box was selected on the Display
Type screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 153

International Options: Payee Info Tab

Tax Invoice Received Selected by default if the Taxpoint field is set to Invoice in the Vendor screen for the vendor
associated with the payable.

VAT Return Month Completed by Voyager, when the payable invoice is included in a tax report.
154 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

List of Payables Already Entered

There is an option that allows you to view a list of the payables already entered (when you are creating
a payable batch). You can view the list from the Payable Invoice screen — you don’t have to go back
to the payable batch header to see what’s already in the batch.

Load the following optional parameter:

c Voyager Show Batch History OptShowAPBatchHistorySS.pkg

The option adds the Batch History tab to the Payable Invoice screen.

Batch History tab

The Batch History tab lists all the payables in the batch.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 155

Reviewing and Editing Payables

This procedure describes searching for individual payable records (posted payables).

To find payable batches, see “Finding Payable Batches” on page 156.

To find unposted payables, use the procedure for finding payable batches and select Open in the
Batch Type field.

To review and edit payables

1 Select Payables > Payable Processing > Review Payable. The Payable filter appears.

2 Complete the filter and click Submit.

3 The Payable screen appears. For information about this screen, see “Creating Payables” on
page 149.
156 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Finding Payable Batches

In Voyager 7S, batch records are available after you post the batch. You can search for a particular
batch and view the batch header as well as individual items in the batch.

To find payable batches

1 Select Payables > Payable Processing > Find Payable Batches. The Payable Batch Filter screen

2 Complete the top part of the screen. The following field requires explanation:

Batch Type Open Only Show only unposted batches. (Unposted batches are “open” because you
can edit them — you can add or delete payables. Posted batches are “closed.”)
Empty Only Show only empty batches (batches that have a header but no payables).
All Show posted and unposted batches, including empty batches.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 157

3 Click Find. Voyager displays the matching batches.

“Sorted by” icon

The triangular “sorted by” icon tells you by which column the results are sorted. (The default sort is
by batch ID.)

You can click on any column header to change the sort order.

If you click the same column header again, the order is reversed, from ascending to descending, and
the triangle points down.

“Sorted by” icon pointing down

158 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

4 To view a batch, click the Edit button. The Batch Payable screen appears (the batch header).

5 In the Batch Payable screen, you can do the following:

Z Drill down to individual records (for posted and unposted batches).

Z Edit and post the batch (if it is unposted).

Z Run the batch report (for posted and unposted batches).

Commit Payments
The Commit Payments step occurs after you have posted the payables, and before you process pay-

It is an approval step -- it marks the payables as ready for payment. Typically this step is performed by a
manager, not the person who entered the payables, and not the person who will process the pay-

You can approve the whole amount, or you can approve a partial payment.

Eliminating Approvals
If you do not wish to approve payables, there is an option to eliminate the Commit Payments step. Pay-
ables will be automatically approved, and you can go directly from posting payables to processing
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 159

In System Administration, select System > AP Configuration. In the AP Configuration screen, select
the Auto Commit Payments check box.

Making a partial payment (changing the amount to be paid) is done at the Commit Payments step. If you choose to
eliminate approvals, you will lose the ability to make partial payments.

To commit payables
1 Select Payables > Payments > Commit Payments.

Right Side of Screen:

Exceptions Tab:

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Complete it as needed.

160 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

3 Click Display. The Payments tab appears, displaying payables that are ready for approval. The
Exceptions tab shows payables that cannot be committed, due to errors.

Note: The number of lines that appear in the Payments tab is controlled by a setting on the AP
Configuration screen. If there are more payments than the Number of Detail Lines setting (in the
Payments Processing section), the tab is broken into separate pages.

4 Select the appropriate check boxes in the Approve column. To approve all payables on the list, click
Check All.

5 Review the amounts in the Amount to Pay column, and change them as needed.

6 Click Commit to approve the selected payables. Voyager saves your approval selections, and
updates payable records. The Commit Payments Report screen appears, displaying the approved
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 161

Partial Payments
In the Commit Payments stage, you can change the amount of a payable, in order to make a partial

After a partial payment is processed, the Payable screen shows the original amount separated into the
paid amount and the unpaid amount. The line for the paid amount will have a link to a payment; the
line for the unpaid amount will not.

Status = Partially Paid

Original amount split into two, Link to payment

paid and unpaid

Note: If a partial payment is voided, the two amounts remain separate.

162 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Uncommit Payments
If you make an error in committing payments, you can use the Uncommit Payments function to correct
it. This function moves a payable back to its former status — uncommitted.

To uncommit payments
1 Select Payables > Payments > Uncommit Payments.

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Complete it as needed.

3 Click Display. The Payments tab appears, displaying committed payables.

4 Select the appropriate check boxes in the Uncommit column.

5 Click Save to “uncommit” the selected payables. The uncommitted payables disappear from the
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 163

Processing Payments
The Process Payment function creates a payment for each payable (either a check or an EFT payment).

To process payments
1 Select Payables > Payments > Process Payments. The Process Payments screen appears.

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Complete is as needed to select the payables you want to pro-

In the Payment Type field, select Check or EFT.

3 Click Display. The Payments tab appears.

Note: The number of lines that appear in the Payments tab is controlled by a setting on the AP
Configuration screen. If there are more payments than the Number of Detail Lines setting (in the
Payments Processing section), the tab is broken into separate pages.

4 Select the check boxes in the Pay column for the payables that you want to process. To select all
payables, click Check All.

5 Click Process. Voyager creates checks or EFT payments.

The next part of the procedure varies, depending on whether you are processing EFT payments or
checks, and on your region. Each variation is explained below.
164 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Checks in Canada and the US (yCheck)

If the vendor is in a country with a Region setting of US or Canada, the Write Checks screen appears
(the yCheck screen). Use it to print the checks.

Note: If you are using the International module, and are located in the US or Canada, load the follow-
ing optional parameter:

c International: Allow the usage of yCheck OPTBINTYCHECK.pkg

yCheck is NOT supported outside the US and Canada.

Checks in Europe and Asia (Correspondence)

In Europe and Asia, checks (cheques) are produced with the Correspondence feature. For more infor-
mation, contact Yardi technical support.

Note: You should process yCheck and Correspondence check payments separately. The first invoice
selected for payment will determine the method used for the whole batch. yCheck is not supported
outside the US and Canada.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 165

EFT Payments (All Regions)

When you process EFT payments, the screen displays a link to the EFT batch report.

Link to EFT
batch report

Voyager does not create the actual EFT file in this step; it creates a payment batch that is ready to be
inserted in an EFT file.

To create the EFT file, select Payables > Payments > Electronic Payments > Create EFT file.

For more information on EFT, contact Yardi Technical Support.

Processing Manual Checks

Manual checks are checks that have been filled out by hand, not printed from Voyager. “Processing
manual checks” means recording them in Voyager.

Processing manual checks is done in almost the same way as Voyager checks. Select Payables > Pay-
ments > Manual Check. The screen is the same as shown above, except that there is an additional
field (the Check Number field) where you can enter the check number or payment reference number.
This field only accepts numbers, and will take up to 8 digits. The following optional parameter extends
the length of the field to 12 digits:

c OptLongChkNumsSS.pkg Long Check Numbers

166 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Printing Checks
The Print Checks function can be used in two ways:

c To print new checks, if you have already processed a set of payments but did not print the checks in
the Process Payments screen.

c To print copies of checks that have already been printed. In this case, the new checks are marked
“copy” and cannot be used as payments.

To print checks
1 Select Payables > Payments > Print Checks. The Write Check filter appears.

2 Complete the filter.

Bank Filter by bank, check batch number, or check number.

Check Batch
Check Number

Print Type Rewrite Check Only The search only returns checks that have already been printed.
New Check Only The search only returns checks that have not been printed.

Display By Check Each line in the results represents a check.

Batch Each line represents a check batch.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 167

3 Click Search. The bottom half of the screen displays the results.

4 Select the checks (or check batches) you want to print.

5 If needed, edit the Max Check Run Count field.

This field determines how many checks to send to the printer in one batch. The default value is 150,
but you can edit it to print a larger batch. (You can also change the default value for the field in the
AP Configuration screen.

This field is designed for clients who print a large number of checks at one time; for example, several
thousand. The field breaks a large batch into more manageable smaller batches.

If there are multiple check run batches (if the number of checks exceeds the Max Check Run Count),
after you print the one batch, click Search to bring up the next batch, and click Print again.
168 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

6 Click Print. The Write Checks page appears. Select a printer and click Print.

Note: The appearance of this screen may vary, depending on the printing option you have set up in
the AP Configuration screen (Silverlight, Classic YCheck, or VB.NET Client).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 169

Voiding Checks
If a check has not been reconciled, you can void it. Voyager creates a new payment record with a nega-
tive amount to back out the original one.

When you void a check, you can also reverse the associated invoice (the payable). In this case, Voyager
creates a new invoice with a negative amount to back out the original one.

You can void checks by selecting a function from the side menu or by clicking the Void button on a
payment record. If you want to void a number of checks, we recommend using the function from the
side menu, because it allows you to void a number of checks at once.

To void checks
1 Select Payables > Payments > Void Checks. The Void Check filter appears.

2 Select a bank and enter a range of check numbers.

3 Click Submit.

4 Select the checks you want to void.

5 Complete the fields in the top part of the screen.

Void Date Enter the date you want to record the check as being voided.

Post Month Enter the month in which you want the voiding transaction to affect the G/L.

Reverse Invoices? Select Yes to reverse the original payable, as well as the payment.
170 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Invoice Date If Reverse Invoices = Yes, complete these fields for the reversing payable.
Post Month
Invoice Notes

IR Options This field only applies if Reverse Invoices = Yes, and you have a license for PAYscan.
Select the status for an Invoice Register (IR) linked to a voided check.
Restart Workflow The IR’s workflow is restarted. It needs to go through the approval
process again before it can be posted into a new payable invoice.
Leave as Approved The IR keeps its status of Approved, so it can be posted again into
a new payable invoice.
Delete IR The IR is removed from the database.
Leave IR Posted The IR remains in the system, with a status of Posted. This prevents it
from being posted again into a payable invoice.

6 Click Post.

A confirmation message appears: “The checks have been successfully voided.”

Payment Records and Payables after Voiding a Check

The payment record of the original check contains a “voided by” note with the control number of the
reversing payment.

“Voided by” note

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 171

The reversing payment displays a “voider of” note with the control number of the original check.

“Voider of” note

If you view the original payable, you can see two new lines in the Detail section, giving a total of three
172 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

The first line is the original payable amount, with the check number that paid it off.

The second line is the reversing payment that voided the check.

The third line is added by the system so that the payable is still open — it can be paid off with a new

If Funds (Overdraft Prevention)

In this section:
Bank Account Grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
Automatic Selection of Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174

This feature has two components:

c A bank account grid and error/warning messages in the case of an overdraft

c Automatic selection of payments based on available funds

You can use the bank account grid without automatically selecting payments; however, if you want to
have Voyager select payments you must use the bank account grid.

Bank Account Grid

The bank grid shows the total of the selected payments. Optionally, the grid can show the cash bal-
ances as well.

Bank grid with cash balances

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 173

In addition to displaying the bank grid, Voyager can help prevent overdrafts. When you click Process,
Voyager displays an error message if the selected payments would cause an overdraft. (With a permis-
sion setting, you can allow users to override the message and proceed.)

This feature is controlled by a setting on the AP Configuration screen and two permissions.

AP Configuration Screen Setting

System Administration: System > AP Configuration

Show Cash Balances By If you do not want to display the bank grid on the Commit Payments and Process
Payments screens, leave this field blank.
If you want to display the bank grid on the Commit Payments and Process Payments
Select Bank to display information by bank, or Property to display by bank/property

System Administration: Security > Set Permissions

Permission Access Level

Payable-Payment_Show Cash Balance Set to Access to add the cash balances to the bank grid.
If set to No Access, users only see the total of the selected payments; they
do not see the actual cash balances.

Payable-Payment_Cash Balance Overdrawn (Optional)

Set to Access if you want users to receive a warning message and be able
to choose to overdraw anyway.
If you do not give a group this permission, users will receive an error
message and will not be able to continue.
174 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Automatic Selection of Payments

In addition to displaying bank balances, you can configure Voyager to automatically select payments
for processing based on available funds.

If the If Funds check box is selected, Voyager automatically selects the Pay check boxes of the pay-
ables that you have the funds to pay.

Sort By field

If Funds
check box

Pay check boxes (automatically selected if there

are sufficient funds in the bank account)

Voyager follows the sort order on the screen, starting at the top. (When the funds are exhausted, Voy-
ager leaves the Pay check boxes clear.) The sort order is determined by the Sort By field.

This feature is controlled by options on the AP Config screen and by permissions.

AP Configuration Screen Setting

System Administration: System > AP Configuration

Show Cash Balances By This option adds the bank grid to the Process Payments screen.
It is required for the automatic selection of payments.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 175

Default Sort By (Process This field specifies the default value of the Sort By field on the Process Payments filter.
Payments only) (The Sort By field determines the order in which payments are listed.)
Due Date, Inv Ctrl Lists payments first by due date and secondarily by invoice control
Inv Ctrl Lists payments by invoice control number.
If left blank, Voyager lists payments by property.

Default If Fund (Process This field specifies the default value of the If Funds check box on the Process Payments
Payments only) screen.
If you select Check by sort order here, the If Funds check box on the Process Payments
screen is automatically selected.

System Administration: Security > Set Permissions

Permission Access Level

Payable-Payment_Show Cash Balance Set to Access to show the cash balance grid at the top of the screen.
This permission is required for the automatic selection of payments.

Payable-Payment_Show If Fund Set to Access to make the If Funds check box appear on the screen.

Payable-Payment_Cash Balance Overdrawn (Optional)

Set to Access if you want users to receive a warning message and be able
to choose to overdraw anyway.
If you do not give a group this permission, users will receive an error
message and will not be able to continue.
See the next section for a description of how this permission works with
the If Funds feature.
176 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

The Warning Check Box

If users have access to the If Fund and Cash Balance Overdrawn permissions, an additional check box
may appear on the screen: the Warning check box.

Warning check box

If Funds check box (cleared)

The Warning check box appears if you clear the If Funds check box and then click Display.

When it appears, it is selected by default. “Warning” means that the system will display a warning mes-
sage if the selected payments would cause an overdraft. (The message appears when you click Pro-

If you want to suppress the warning, you can clear the Warning check box. For example, a user may
want to do this if they are writing a check out of a bank account whose balance is being maintained
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 177

GL Disbursements
In this section:
GL Disbursements Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Setup for GL Disbursements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Using GL Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

GL Disbursements Overview
G/L Disbursement is a method of processing payments that adds another layer of approval. In the pro-
cess payments step, payables are grouped together to become a disbursement. The disbursement then
goes through a workflow for approval or rejection. After approval, the disbursement is processed —
checks are written or EFT payments are created.

The following diagrams contrast the normal payment process (without G/L Disbursements) to the G/L
disbursement process:

Without G/L Disbursement:

With G/L Disbursements:

178 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Setup for GL Disbursements

AP Config Options for GL Disbursements

System Administration: System > AP Configuration

G/L Disbursement Settings

In the AP Configuration screen, there are two settings for G/L Disbursements:

Use GL Disbursement If selected, GL Disbursement will be turned on when going through the process payments
workflow. GL Disbursement provides an extra workflow layer in the Accounts Payable
process. This extra layer must be passed before any money can be disbursed.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 179

GLDisbursement Max Check Amt This field is applicable only if the Use GL Disbursement check box selected.
Leave this field empty if you want G/L Disbursement to create one G/L Disbursement for all
Complete this field if you want to automatically create G/L Disbursements based on
amount ranges, that match the amount ranges used by your GLDisbursement workflow.
To complete this field, type check amount ranges, separated by commas.
c Example One: Typing 3000 will automatically create two G/L Disbursements.
1) Checks with amounts less than or equal to $3,000 (goes to AP clerks).
2) Checks with amounts greater than $3,000 (goes to Company Owners).
c Example Two: Typing 1000, 5000, 10000 will automatically create four G/L
1) Checks with amounts less than or equal to $1,000 (goes to AP clerks).
2) Checks with amounts greater than $1,000 and less than or equal to $5,000 (goes to
3) Checks with amounts greater than $5,000 and less than or equal to $10,000 (goes to
Vice President).
4) Checks with amounts greater than $10,000 (goes to Owners).

Workflow for G/L Disbursements

Set up at least one workflow for G/L Disbursements.

For more information, see the Contacts, Notifications, and Workflows User's Guide.

Using GL Disbursements

Basic G/L Disbursement Workflow (Summary)

1 Create payables as you normally would.

2 Commit payments as you normally would.

3 In the Process Payments screen, select the payments you want to group into a GL disbursement,
and click Process. The following message appears in the top-left portion of the screen:

4 Open the Disbursement screen (described in the next section of this chapter). Approve the dis-
bursement, and process it. (“Process it” = writing checks or creating EFT payments.)
180 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

To approve and process a G/L disbursement

1 Select Payables > Payments > Review GLDisbursement. The Disbursement Filter appears.

2 Complete the filter.

Status Select a status.

Options are: All, Not Assigned, InProcess, Completed, Rejected, and Processed.

Check Date Enter a check recording date (if you are reviewing processed batches).

Post Month Enter a check post month (if you are reviewing processed batches).

3 Click Find. The GLDisbursement tab displays the disbursements that match your filter criteria.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 181

4 Click the Edit button for the disbursement you want to approve or process. The Disbursement
screen appears.

5 To approve a disbursement:

a Complete the Next Step field.

b Click Save.

6 To edit a disbursement:

If you want to remove a payment from the disbursement, select the Remove check box and click

7 To process the disbursement:

a Click Print Check. The Write Checks screen appears.

b Complete the Write Checks screen.

c Click Print Checks. The printer prints the checks and Voyager displays a confirmation message.

d Click OK.
182 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

AP Templates
In this section:
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182
AP Templates and Payable Display Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Adding AP Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Using AP Templates to Complete Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190
Posting AP Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192

An AP template can be used to help complete the Payable Invoice screen in Voyager. It can contain all
the information needed to create a payable record. Templates are especially useful for payables that
recur on a regular basis; they reduce data-entry work and ensure consistency.

AP templates can be used in two ways:

c You can open the Payable Invoice screen, select an AP template, and Voyager will complete most
of the screen for you.

c You can select one or more AP templates and “post” them. Voyager creates payable records from
the templates.

AP Templates vs. Recurring Payables

The AP Template feature replaces Recurring Payables. Recurring Payables are no longer supported.

AP templates enable you to automatically distribute payable invoice amounts to different properties
and/or G/L accounts. You can distribute amounts based on percentages or flat amounts.

For example, you receive a water bill every month, for a single water main that serves two apartment
buildings. Building A has three times as many units as Building B, so you want Building A to pay 75% of
the bill and Building B to pay 25%. You set up a template for the payable with a distribution based on

You can use the template to complete payables, but you can't post it. (The template does not have
enough information.) When the bill arrives, you create a payable invoice. You enter the total amount,
and then pull in the details (including the distribution) from the template.

An example of distribution based on flat amounts might be a bill for landscaping. The amount is the
same every month: 200. You create a template that allocates 150 to Building A and 50 to Building B. In
this case, you can post the template, creating the payable invoice automatically.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 183

Permission for Changing Expense Types

A permission has been added to restrict users from changing expense types on transactions created
from AP Templates.

c GLAPTemplate-Change to expense type on payable and IR

When you upgrade, all users are set to Access for this permission (Access means they can change the
expense types.)

If you want to restrict users, you have to change the setting for their user group to No Access.

AP Templates and Payable Display Types

AP Template and
Memorize check box

In the Payable Display Type screen, select the AP Template and Memorize check box.

This option does two things:

c It adds the AP Template field to the Payable Invoice screen, allowing you to use an AP template to
populate a payable.

c It adds the Memorize button to the Payable Invoice screen, allowing you to create an AP template
from an existing payable.

Adding AP Templates
This section describes how to add AP templates to the database. There are two ways to start:

c From the side menu, you can select Payables > Payable Processing > AP Template > Add AP

c From an existing payable record, you can click the Memorize button.
184 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

In both cases, the AP Template screen opens. (If you start from an existing payable, most of the fields
are completed automatically.)

Before you complete the rest of the screen, select a Display Type. The following sections describe
each field on the screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 185

Top Part of the Screen

Code Enter identifying information for the AP template: a code and a brief description.

Payee Enter a payee code.

Company If you selected an intercompany display type, you must complete this field. Select the funding
If you selected a display type that is not intercompany, this field will be grayed out.

Expense Type Enter the expense type of the payables to be created by this function.
Expense types are broad categories of expenses, for example, capital, tenant improvements, and

Amount If you want the amount distributed based on a flat amount, complete this field. Otherwise, leave
this field empty.

Type Select the type of payable to be created.

Invoice The regular type. Payables are typically created to record invoices.
Adjustment A payment made outside of the Voyager system that should be accounted for within
the system. For example, you would use an adjustment to account for a mortgage payment
automatically deducted from your bank account.
For more information on adjustments, see “Adjustments” on page 194.
Credit Typically a refund from a vendor. A positive total amount on a credit reduces the amount
you owe or have paid to the vendor.

Cash Acct To use the default cash account, leave this field blank. When the record is saved, Voyager will
automatically complete this field.
To use a cash account, other than the default, complete this field.
The default cash account is defined on the property’s Property Control screen, in the Cash
Account (Payables only) field. If this field is empty, the cash account defined on the Accounts and
Options screen, Essential Accounts tab, in the Cash field is used.

AP Acct To use the default accounts payable account, leave this field blank. When the record is saved,
Voyager will automatically complete this field.
To use an accounts payable account, other than the default, complete this field.
The default accounts payable account is defined on the property’s Property Control screen, in the
Payable Account field. If this field is empty, the accounts payable account defined on the Accounts
and Options screen, Payable Accounts tab, in the Payable field is used.

Post Code Enter the code you want to use for posting AP templates.
You can use the same post code for more than one AP template. For example, if you want to post
multiple AP templates every month, you might use monthly as the post code.

Date Range Enter the date range during which you want the AP template to be in effect. Leave the to field
empty if you want to post the AP template indefinitely.

Post Months Specifies the months that Voyager posts the AP template. Select the Month check boxes for the
months that you want to post the AP template.
186 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Recur Day Enter a day of the month, from 1 to 28, for the recur day and the due day. The range is from 1 to 28
to accommodate all the months in the year, including February.
Due Day
The recur day is the invoice date on the payables posted from the template.
The due day is the due day on the payables posted from the template.

Inactive Select this check box to inactivate an AP template. An inactivated AP template cannot be posted.
Note: If you use approval workflows for AP templates, this check box is set by the system. When the
template is approved, the Inactive check box is cleared.

Display Type Select the appropriate Display Type for the invoice.
What appears in the Display Type list is dependent on your payable display type set up. For more
information, see “Setting Up Payable Display Types” on page 143.

Workflow Fields
If your company approves AP templates through workflows, the following fields are relevant.

Workflow The name of the workflow.

You can select a workflow, or one will be automatically selected based on the workflow
auto-attach setup.

Status These fields are informational: they show the status of the AP template in the approval workflow,
and the current step.
Current Step

Next Step Select the appropriate next step.

Notes Information about the approval or rejection of the AP template. This note will appear on the
Workflow tab.
If notes are required, the Notes field will be blue.
(In the workflow setup, you can specify that notes are required.)
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 187

AP Template Screen: AP Details Tab

Amount If you want the amount distributed based on a flat amount, complete this field. Otherwise, leave
this field empty.

Percentage If you want the amount distributed based on a percentage, complete this field. Otherwise, leave
this field empty.
If you enter a percentage, leave the Amount field blank.
If you use percentages, you can use the template to complete payable invoices, but you can’t post
it (there is no total amount in the template, just percentages).

Notes If you want a note to automatically appear on the detail line, type the note.

Segments If you are using segmented accounting, the segments you set up appear.

AP Template Screen: Workflow Tab and Approvers Tab

if you use approval workflows with AP Templates, the Workflow tab shows the workflow history, and
the Approvers tab shows the employees who can approve the current step.
188 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Limit Field and Limit Tab

On the AP Template screen, the Limit field and the Limit tab determine if workflows are attached to
the payables and invoice registers created when you post the template.

Limit field

If the payable or invoice register is below the amount entered in the Limit field, it can be posted with-
out an approval workflow.

If it’s over the amount in the Limit field, an approval workflow is attached to it. The Limit tab deter-
mines which workflow is used, based on amount.

Exceeds by The amount over the limit that triggers a specific workflow.

To The upper end of the range for a specific workflow.

You cannot leave the To field blank. If you want to have no effective upper limit, enter a
very large number in this field.

Payable Workflow The workflow to attach to payables in a specific amount range.

IR Workflow The workflow to attach to IRs in a specific amount range.

In the setup shown above, payables and IRs would be handled as follows:

c Up to 250.00: No workflow required.

c Over 250.00: A workflow is attached: Payablewkf or Invoiceregwkfl.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 189

The History Tab

The History tab gives a record of every time the AP template was used — each time it was posted or
pulled into a payable/IR.

Note field

The contents of the Note field are system generated.

c If the template was posted, the Note is blank.

c If the template was pulled into a payable/IR: the Note is “Manual.”

190 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Using AP Templates to Complete Payables

You can use AP Templates to help complete the Payable Invoice screen.

The following example shows how you would use an AP Template to distribute an electricity bill
among four properties. The total amount varies each month, but the percentage distribution remains
the same.

We open the Payable Invoice screen and enter the amount of the payable: 8,500.00.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 191

We then select an AP Template, and Voyager completes the screen, based on the information in the

All the fields (except for the Total Amount field) are completed automatically by Voyager.
192 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

The amount (8,500.00) is distributed by the percentages set in the template, shown below.

Distribution percentages

Posting AP Templates
This section describes how to post AP templates and automatically create payable batches. Posting AP
templates can be part of your regular month-end process.

You can only post AP Templates that use flat amounts, not percentages.

To post an AP template
1 Select Payables > Payable Processing > AP Template > Post AP Template. The Post AP Tem-
plate screen appears.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 193

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Use it to select AP Templates.

3 Click Submit. The AP Templates tab displays the templates that matched your search criteria.

Right side of screen:

4 Complete the AP Template tab.

Be sure to scroll to the right and complete the Select check box for the AP templates you want to post.

Due Enter a due date.

Invoice Register or Select Invoice Register to create an invoice register batch. Select Payable to create a payable
Payable batch.

AP Template Clicking this link displays the AP Template screen.

Expense Type The expense type of the AP template.

Recur Code The AP template post code.

Last Posted Date The last date this AP template was posted.

Jan - Dec Select the months you want to post the AP templates.
Select the column heading check box to select (or clear) all the check boxes below it.

Posted Invoice Registers Links to the invoice registers created by the AP template.

Posted Payables Links to the payables created by the AP template.

Select Select the Select check boxes of the AP templates you want to post.
Select the column heading check box to select (or clear) all rows.

5 Click Post. Voyager creates payable invoice batches (or invoice register batches). Review and post
them as appropriate.
194 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

In this section:
Adjustment Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194
Processing Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195

Adjustment Workflow
Adjustments record payments made without a check or an EFT payment. The most common use for
adjustments is for payments the bank automatically deducts from your account periodically. For exam-
ple, if you have arranged for a bank to automatically deduct a monthly loan payment from your
account, you use this feature to record the payments.

The workflow for adjustments is similar to the workflow for regular payables:

1 Create a payable with a Type of Adjustment.

Type = Adjustment

2 Approve the adjustment, using the Commit Payments function. In the Commit Payments screen,
select a Payment Type of Adjustment.

Payment Type = Adjustment

3 Process the adjustment, using the Make Adjustment function.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 195

This is similar to Process Payments, but uses a different screen. See the following procedure. When
you process an adjustment, no payment is created (no check or EFT payment). There is also a
separate numbering sequence for adjustments.

Processing Adjustments

To process adjustments
1 On the side menu, select Payables > Payments > Make Adjustment. The Make Adjustment
screen appears.

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Use it to select the adjustments you want to process.

3 Click Display. The Payments tab appears.

4 Select the Pay check boxes for the adjustments that you want to process.

5 If you want to preview the adjustments on the screen, click Report. The Process Payments Report

6 Click Process. Voyager processes the adjustments.

Changing Payables
In this section:
Reviewing and Editing Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Reversing Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Reclassing Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
196 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Reviewing and Editing Payables

You can make the following changes to posted payables:

c payment method

c due dates

c notes

c cash account (unpaid payables only)

Select Payables > Review Payable. Use the filter to locate the payable you want to change. In the Pay-
able Invoice screen, click the Edit button.

Reversing Payables
Payables > Review Payable

Reverse button

You can reverse a posted payable by clicking the Reverse button in the Payable screen (if the pay-
ment has not been processed).

If the payment has been processed, you must void the payment before you can reverse the payable.

When you reverse a payable, Voyager creates a new payable record with negative amounts to com-
pensate for the original payable. The two payables (old and new) reference each other in the Notes
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 197

Reclassing Expenses
Using the Reclass Expense feature, you can change the expense account on a payable, after it has been

To reclass expenses
1 Select Payables > Reclass Expense.

2 Complete the filter to locate the payable records you want to reclass.

3 In the Reclass Payable screen, click the Edit button. You can change the Account and Notes fields
for each line item. You can also change segment values.

If the payable includes tax, be careful how you use this function. Voyager does not recalculate taxes if
you move an expense from one account to another. You should only move an expense to an account
with the same tax rate as the original account.

Also, you cannot move the amount of the tax to a different account.

Journal Entries
You can change the expense account for a line item before or after it has been paid. If the expense is in
a prior period, Voyager will create journal entries in the current period that move the expense from
one account to another, to maintain an audit trail.

There is an optional parameter to specify that Voyager should always create journal entries for this
function (for prior periods and for the current period): OptReclassJournal.pkg.
198 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Payable Holds
In this section:
Setting a Hold on the Payable Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198
Setting Holds on the Vendor screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
Setting and Releasing Holds (Bulk Process) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199

A hold on a payable prevents it from being approved or processed. (A payable with a hold appears in
the Exceptions tab of the Commit Payments or Process Payments screen.)

Holds can be set for a variety of reasons; for example, a vendor’s work is not satisfactory and you want
to hold payment until the problems are fixed.

You can set a hold manually, or a hold can come from a setting on the Vendor screen.

Setting a Hold on the Payable Screen

Payables > Review Payable

You can set and remove holds on the Payable screen. In the Payee Info tab, select the Hold Payment
check box.

Hold Payment check box

To remove the hold, clear the check box.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 199

Setting Holds on the Vendor screen

Payables > Vendors > Review Vendor

Hold Payments check box

If the Hold Payments check box is selected, all payables for this vendor will have holds on them.

Setting and Releasing Holds (Bulk Process)

The Adjust Payable Holds function allows you to set/release holds on a number of payables at the
same time.

To adjust holds on payables

1 Select Payables > Payable Processing > Remove Payable Holds. The Adjust Hold on Payables
screen appears.

Select an action: Release Hold or Set Hold

Column label = Action

(Release Hold or Set Hold)
200 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

2 The top part of the screen is a filter.

Inv. Date From Enter a range of invoice dates.

Inv Date To

Ctrl # From Enter a range of payable control numbers. To review a single payable, type the control number
Ctrl # To for that payable in both fields.

3 In the Action field, select Set Hold or Release Hold.

If you select Set Hold, Voyager will display payables without holds, and you can add holds.

If you select Release Hold, Voyager will display payables with holds, and you can remove them.

4 Click Find. The payables that match the filter criteria appear in the bottom of the screen.

5 By default, all the payables are selected for the Action (either set hold or release hold). Deselect
payables as needed.

6 Click Save. Voyager performs the Action (either set hold or release hold).

Other Payable Procedures

In this section:
Paying an Owner (Legal Entity). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
Paying a Percentage of a G/L Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Vendor Refund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Permission to Use a Cash Account As An Expense Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205

This section contains descriptions of other payable procedures.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 201

Paying an Owner (Legal Entity)

Payables > Pay Owner (for US users)

Payables > Payable Invoices > Pay Legal Entity (for global users)

Use the Pay Owner/Pay Legal Entity function to create payable invoices for owner distributions. Voy-
ager calculates the amount available for owner payments from the current balance in the main cash
account, less any reserves defined on the property’s Ownership screen (Property screen > Functions
menu > Ownership).

Distributions are typically made at the end of the month, after the rent is received and the bills have
been paid. A typical distribution would be the balance remaining in the cash account, divided among
the owners, according to the ownership percentage. You have the option of including deposit funds or

This function creates a unposted payable batch. The following fields require explanation:

Draw Account The G/L account from which owner distributions are paid (typically the Capital account).

Draw Type Pay Deposit Pays the owner or entity’s share of the balance in the main cash account, including
deposits, less any reserves.
Hold Deposit Pays the owner or entity’s share of the balance in the main cash account, not
including deposits, less any reserves.
Deposits are the year-to-date totals of all general ledger accounts that have the Tenant Deposit
check box selected on the Account Info screen.
Flat Amount For this option, Voyager multiplies the flat amount by each owner’s percentage, as
defined on the Ownership screen.
If property ownership is defined as a number of shares, Voyager multiplies the flat amount by each
owner’s number of shares over the total number of shares.

Amount Applies only if the Draw Type is Flat Amount.

Expense Type Select the expense type of the payables to be created by this function.
202 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Invoice Numbers with Pay Legal Entity

You can add invoice numbers and segment values to the payables created by the Pay Legal Entity func-
tion. Load the following optional parameter:

c OptInvoiceNumberOnPayOwner.pkg Invoice Number on Pay Owner

The parameter adds the Invoice Number field and fields for segments to the Pay Legal Entity screen.

On the payables, the invoice numbers are generated as follows:

<invoice number you enter on the Pay Legal Entity screen> + <legal entity code> + <property

Voyager adds the legal entity code (for the owner) and the property code in order to create unique
invoice numbers.

You can use the Pay Legal Entity function to pay multiple owners at once. If the system did not add the
additional information to the invoice numbers, multiple payables could have the same invoice num-

Paying a Percentage of a G/L Account

You can create payables based on a percentage of the amount in a G/L account. This function can be
used as an alternate method for paying commissions or rebating funds to tenants.

To pay a percentage of a G/L account

1 Select Payables > Pay Percent. The Pay Percent screen appears.

2 Complete the screen. The following fields require explanation:

Account Select the G/L expense account (the account that will appear on the payable).

Type % of Month to Date

% of Year to Date
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 203

Base Account Select the account that will be used to calculate the amount of the payable.
Percent * Base Account = amount of the payable

Base Month Type the month for the base account balance (mm/yy). If you select % of Year to Date
as the Type, Voyager uses the fiscal year-to-date balance through this month.

3 Click Submit. Voyager creates the payables, and a report appears.

204 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable

Vendor Refund
If you receive a refund from a vendor:

1 Create a payable as you normally would, but select Credit in the Type field.

2 Process the credit payable, using the Record Vendor Refund function (described below).

To process vendor refunds

1 Select Payables > Payable Invoices > Record Vendor Refund. The Refund Payable filter appears.

2 Use the filter to select the appropriate credit payables. The Refund Payable screen appears.

3 Enter the Payment Date and Payment Month,

4 Click Refund.

Effect on G/L
A credit payable affects the G/L accounts the same way a payable does, except that the amounts are
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 205

Bank Rec
In the Voyager Bank Rec feature, vendor refunds appear as negative checks, not deposits.

For this reason, we recommend that you deposit vendor refunds separately (without putting them in a
batch with regular deposits).

Permission to Use a Cash Account As An Expense Account

There is now a permission that allows you to use a cash account as an expense account:

c Payable: Use Cash Account as Expense Account

The permission has two settings:

c Access: the user can create a payable to a cash account in the payable's expense account lines.

c No Access: the user cannot create a payable to a cash account in the payable's expense account

Previously, there was no permission and no restriction. All users could create payables to a cash
account. We added the permission for clients who do not want users to have this ability.

On the other hand, creating a payable to a cash account is useful if you are transferring money
between different banks (between accounts at different banks). In some cases, it is easier to write a
check and deposit it at the other bank than to send the money via a wire transfer.

Note: This permission was added in PI 4.

206 Chapter 8: Accounts Payable


General Ledger Procedures

In this chapter:
Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Recurring Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
End of Period Closing Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Property Budgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

This chapter describes journal entries, how to close periods, and property budgets.

Journal Entries
In this section:
Setting up Journal Entry Display Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Creating Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Reviewing and Editing Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Finding Journal Batches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Foreign Currency Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Reversing Journal Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Unposting Journal Entry Batches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

This section describes how to create journal entries to move funds from one general ledger account to
another. For example, you may need to book depreciation expenses against assets, or transfer bal-
ances at the end of a month or year.

You enter journal entries in groups called batches. Before posting a batch, you can edit items in the
batch, add items to the batch, and delete items from the batch. Journal entries in an unposted batch
do not affect ledgers or property financial records. When you post a batch, Voyager updates balances
on the general ledger.
208 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

Setting up Journal Entry Display Types

G/L > Add Journal Display Type

Journal display types are customized views of the Journal screen. Before you can use journal entries,
you must have at least one journal display type.

Note: If you are upgrading from Voyager 6.0, a “standard” journal display type is added to the data-
base, so that you can create transactions immediately without having to learn about display types.

Display types are associated with users. When a user opens the screen, the system remembers the last
display type used by that user. The user can choose another display type as needed.

In the Journal Display Type screen, you name a display type, and you add optional elements as
needed. The elements then appear on the Journal screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 209

Fields in the Top Left

Default for System JE Voyager will use this display type for all system-generated JEs. There are many types of
system-generated JEs, for example, currency gain/loss JEs and VAT transfer JEs.
Do not select the multi-currency option for system-generated JEs — they are always done
in the base currency.

Default Book The default book for JEs created with this display type. You can select another book when
you create the JE.

Regional Settings
The following options are designed for global clients:

Legal Entity Adds a column to the detail section of the JE screen. The column appears after you save, and
displays the legal entity of the selected property.

International Adds taxpoint and tran type fields.

From/To Dates Adds from/to date fields, for JEs that cover a period. This is often used with service charges,
when it is necessary to detail which period a transaction covers.

Multi-Currency Adds the Currency and Exchange Rate fields, allowing you to create non-base currency
JEs (to record transactions in a “foreign” currency).

Tax Journal Adds a field for the tax rate, for clients who use the JE screen to record taxable transactions.
With the proper setup, this type of transaction can appear on the tax report.

2nd Notes Field Adds a second Notes field to the JE screen. (The second Notes field is typically used for
notes in a second language.)

One Tran Currency Used with the Multi-Currency option. If selected, all line items must use the same
transaction currency (foreign currency).

All of the options above require an International license, except From/To Dates and 2nd Notes Field.
They are typically used by global clients, but domestic clients might use them as well.
210 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

The following options are used by all clients (US domestic and global):

Intercompany For intercompany transactions. This option adds the Company field to the JE screen.
If you select this check box, do not select the 6.0 Intercompany check box. The two
features are incompatible.

Show Ent Descr Displays the property name, in addition to the code.

Auto Reversal Book Adds a field where you can select a different book for an auto-reversing journal.

G/L Allocation Adds the G/L Allocation Template field.

Used for creating a journal based on the allocation rules in the selected template.
For more information on G/L Allocations, see the G/L Allocation User’s Guide.

Balance Account Adds a field where you can enter a single balancing account that will be used for the entire
journal entry. (This speeds data entry; if all the lines use the same balancing account, you
only have to enter the balancing account once, instead of entering it for each line.)

6.0 Intercompany Adds 6.0 intercompany functionality to the JE screen.

If you select this check box, do not select the Intercompany check box.
Note: This option was added as a convenience for clients upgrading from 6.0 who are
currently using the 6.0 version of intercompany. Because the functionality has been
completely redesigned in 7S, new clients should not select this feature.

Job Cost Settings

If you have Voyager Construction Management, select those fields you want to display on the Journal
Entry screens

Job Cost Adds the Job and Category fields.

Job/Categ Req If you selected Job Cost and you also want to make the Job and Category fields required,
select this check box.

Cost Code Adds a field for cost codes. (The label is C.)

Contract Adds the Contract field.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 211

Segments Tab

You can add segment fields to the Journal Entry screen and make them required fields (the user must
enter a segment value to complete the journal).

Note: Do not select the Mandatory tick box if you use segment validation rules set up in System

User Group Security Tab

Select the user groups that should not have access to the display type. By default, all groups have

Note: This feature was designed this way (preventing access instead of granting access) in order to
make transitioning to it easier. If the default was no access and you had to select each group that
should have access, when you upgraded, no user group would have access to any display type.

Creating Journal Entries

G/L > Create Journal Batch

To create a journal entry batch, you perform the following:

c Complete the batch header (the top part of the Journal Entry screen)

c Add individual journal entries (in the bottom half of the screen)
212 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

c Post the batch.

To create a journal entry batch

1 Select G/L > Create Journal Batch. The Batch Journal screen appears.

New Record button

2 Complete the top part of the screen (the batch header).

If you are not using batch controls, you can leave everything blank and click Save. The Journals tab
appears in the bottom of the screen.

3 In the Journals tab, click the New Record button .

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 213

The Journal Entry screen appears.

Note: The appearance of the screen differs, depending on the options selected for the display type

4 Complete the screen. The following fields on the Journal screen require explanation:

Source Use this field, to record the source of the information used to create the journal entry. For
example, for a journal entry created for bank fees, the source could be the bank statement.
Voyager includes the source on the Journal Entry Register report. You can use the source as
selection criteria when you review JEs.

Reference On Voyager-generated journal entries, this field notes the purpose of the journal entry. Voyager-
generated references are preceded by a colon ( : ). An example of a program-generated journal
entry is an intercompany reimbursement. For recurring journal entries, the Reference field
displays the posting code in each journal entry generated by posting the recurring journal entry.

Reverse Next Month Simultaneously creates a second journal entry reversing this journal entry in the following

Tran Type Note: This functionality requires the International module, and this field only appears if you
select the International option in the Journal Display Type screen.
(not shown above)
For more information about using tran types with JEs, see the International User’s Guide.
214 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

If the Multiple Properties on JE check box is selected in the Operations section of the Environment Options tab in
the Accounts & Options screen, each journal entry can be for multiple properties. If this check box is not selected, the
journal entry screen will include one Property field and one Base Currency field that apply to the entire journal entry.

5 When you have entered all the JEs, return to the top part of the screen (the batch header). Adjust
the Total Declared and Items Declared fields, if needed, and post the batch.

Reviewing and Editing Journal Entries

This procedure describes searching for individual journal records (posted journals).

To find journal batches, see “Finding Journal Batches” on page 215.

To find unposted journal entries, use the procedure for finding journal batches and select Open in the
Batch Type field.

To review and edit journal entries

1 Select G/L > Review Journal. The Journal filter appears.

2 Complete the filter and click Submit.

3 The Journal screen appears. For information about this screen, see “Creating Journal Entries” on
page 211.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 215

Finding Journal Batches

In Voyager 7S, batch records are available after you post the batch. You can search for a particular
batch and view the batch header as well as individual items in the batch.

To find journal batches

1 Select G/L > Find Journal Batches. The Journal Batch Filter screen appears.

2 Complete the top part of the screen. The following field requires explanation:

Batch Type Open Only Show only unposted batches. (Unposted batches are “open” because you
can edit them — you can add or delete journal entries. Posted batches are “closed.”)
Empty Only Show only empty batches (batches that have a header but no journal
All Show posted and unposted batches, including empty batches.
216 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

3 Click Find. Voyager displays the matching batches.

“Sorted by” icon

The triangular icon tells you by which column the results are sorted. (The default sort is by batch ID.)

You can click on any column header to change the sort order.

If you click the same column header again, the order is reversed, from ascending to descending, and
the triangle points down.

“Sorted by” icon pointing down

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 217

4 To view a batch, click the Edit button. The Batch Journal screen appears (the batch header).

5 In the Batch Journal screen, you can do the following:

Z Drill down to individual records (for posted and unposted batches).

Z Edit and post the batch (if it is unposted).

Z Run the batch report (for posted and unposted batches).

To delete a line from an unposted journal entry

To delete a detail line from an unposted JE, set the amount to 0. (Leave the rest of the line as is.) Click
Save. The line is erased from the screen.

Foreign Currency Journal Entries

If you pick a multi-currency display type in the Journal Entry screen, you can create non-base cur-
rency journal entries.

For more information, see the International Currency User’s Guide.

Reversing Journal Entries

You can reverse posted JEs. (There is no need to reverse an unposted JE — you can just delete it, if

This function creates new, reversing JEs in a new batch. The Notes field references the original journal.
Both the original JEs and the reversing JEs can be reviewed, giving a complete audit trail.
218 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

To reverse journal entries

1 Select G/L > Reverse Journals.

2 The top part of the screen is a filter. Use it to find the JEs you want to reverse.

3 Click Submit. Results appear in the bottom half of the screen.

4 Select the JEs you want to reverse.

5 Complete the Reverse Batch Details section of the screen (Journal Date, Post Month, and Tax-
point Date fields) as needed. (Taxpoint is International only.)

6 Click Create Batch. Voyager creates and posts the batch.

Note: When you create a JE, if you know you are going to reverse it later, you can select the Reverse
next month tick box. Voyager will create the journal entry and the reversing journal entry simultane-

Unposting Journal Entry Batches

System Administration: Toolbox > Unpost Batch JE

We do not recommend this feature because it does not leave an audit trail. We recommend reversing the journal
entries, instead of unposting them.
The unposting feature should only be used during an implementation, to correct data entry errors.
When you unpost a journal entry batch, the program creates a new batch containing the original journal entries. Your
new batch has the same name as your original batch, preceded by a tilde ( ~ ). The new batch is unposted.
The journal entries in the new batch have new control numbers. Voyager removes the old control numbers from the
database. It is possible to delete the new batch, leaving no record of the old or new transactions in the database.
For this reason we do not recommend using this feature.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 219

Recurring Journal Entries

In this section:
Adding Recurring Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Posting Recurring Journal Entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

Adding Recurring Journal Entries

G/L > Add Recurring Journal

Recurring journal entries are repetitive journal entries made periodically for a fixed amount.

When you add a recurring journal entry record to the database, you are adding a template. To create
the actual journal entries, you post the recurring journal entry. This is typically done on a monthly
basis, usually at the end of the month.

Most of the fields on the Recurring Journal Entry screen match those on the Journal Entry screen.
(Recurring JEs use the same display types as regular JEs.)
220 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

There are some additional fields that require explanation:

Post Code Identifies the recurring JE template. When you go to post recurring JEs, you select the post code.
Multiple recurring journal entries can have the same code, so that they can be posted together.

Date Range If the second field is blank, Voyager posts the recurring journal entry indefinitely.

Day The day of the month. For example, if you enter “25,” the JEs will be dated on the 25th of each
If this field is blank, Voyager uses the post date in the filter during posting.

Post Warning If this option is selected, and you try to post a recurring journal entry for a month in which it has
already been posted, Voyager will display an error message and not create the batch.
The warning feature looks at the Post Code. if multiple recurring JEs have the same post code, we
recommend that you post all of them at the same time. Otherwise you might have difficulties
posting some of them.
For example, you have two recurring JEs with the same Post Code. You have posted one but not the
other. When you try to post the second one, the system will give you a error message and not allow
you to post.

Post Months By default, all months are selected. Deselect specific months as needed.
Voyager does not allow you to post the template in an unchecked month.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 221

Posting Recurring Journal Entries

Posting a recurring journal entry creates an unposted journal batch.

To post recurring JEs

1 Select G/L > Review/Post Recurring JE.

2 Use the top of the screen as a filter.

If you filter by Post Code, you can use the Matching field to select multiple journal entries with similar
post codes. For example, you could post for codes 0011, 0012, and 0013 by typing 001 in the Post
Code field and selecting Starts With in the Matching field.

3 Click Find. Results appear in the bottom half of the screen.

4 Select the Recurring JEs you want to post.

5 Enter the Post Date and Post Month and click Post.

If the Day field is defined on the Recurring Journal Entry screen, Voyager uses the month from the
Post Month field and the day from the Day field on the Recurring Journal Entry screen.

If the Day field is undefined on the Recurring Journal Entry screen, Voyager uses the day and month
defined here.
222 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

End of Period Closing Procedures

In this section:
Closing Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Closing Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
Closing Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
Closing the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
Closing the Leasing Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Posting Transfers Between General Ledger Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
Opening a Closed Period for a Specific Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230

Closing Overview
You close accounting periods to ensure that transactions are booked in the appropriate periods.

The system has an operating month that by default is also the data-entry month for all properties.
There is an option to have separate data-entry months per property: the Manual Property Close
check box on the Accounts & Options screen.

We first describe the default scenario and then the Manual Property Close option.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 223

Close Functions (Without Manual Property Close)

Period Description Closing

System operating Default post month for new Function: Close Month
month transactions.
You must close the system operating month manually.
Used for date warnings and date-
Closing the month advances the system operating month,
related prohibitions on
carries forward year-to-date account totals, and saves month-
transaction entry.
end account totals. It also calculates and saves the month-to-
date totals for the upcoming month. You typically close a month
at the end of the month, after you have entered all transactions
for that month.
Closing the system operating month moves all the property
months forward.

Year Fiscal year. Function: Close year.

Close year works on a per-property basis.
Closing the year clears general ledger income and expense
account totals, and carries forward balances in assets, liabilities,
and capital accounts.
You must close the year manually, unless you have selected the
Automatic Close Year option in the Accounts & Options
If Automatic Close Year is active (recommended), Voyager
automatically closes the year for each property when you close
the last operating month of the fiscal year for the property.

Leasing Week Used for residential properties Function: Close Leasing Week.
Activity regarding prospects is processed in the open leasing
week (so that you can run reports per leasing agent on a weekly

Manual Close Property Option

If the Manual Property Close option is selected in Accounts and Options, properties can have differ-
ent data-entry months, and each property’s month must be closed separately.

You can close the data-entry month for all transaction types at once or separately. If you close transac-
tion types separately, you would typically close payables and receivables before journal entries.

If you use Manual Property Close, you still have to close the system operating month, in addition to
closing each property.

If you use both the Manual Property Close and the Automatic Close Year options, Voyager automat-
ically closes the year for each property when you close the last data-entry month of the fiscal year for
the property.
224 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

Retained Earnings at Year End

As part of your year-end procedures, you should transfer current year retained earnings to prior year
retained earnings. Use the Post Transfer function to do this, for cash and accrual books. For more infor-
mation, see the next procedure in this section (“Posting Transfers Between General Ledger Accounts”
on page 228).

In the Yardi chart of accounts, retained earnings is a unique G/L account. It is a calculated value, the
sum of income minus expenses. For example, if you receive 500.00 in rent to a property in a period and
you pay 100.00 in expenses for that same property during that period, retained earnings equals

If you don’t transfer prior year earnings to a separate account, the retained earnings account will not
be accurate for the current year.

Closing Properties
The following procedure is required if the Manual Property Close check is selected on the Accounts
and Options screen.

To close a property
1 Select G/L > End Period > Close Property.

2 Enter a property code or a property list code.

3 Select the Function (the transaction type that you want to close the month for). Options are as fol-
lows: All, Receivable, Payable, Journal, Rec/Pay.

4 Click Submit. The screen displays a grid that shows each property you are about to close and the
current accounting month for different transaction types.

The months shown here correspond to the current accounting months shown on the Property
Control screen.

5 Click Post. A warning message appears.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 225

6 Click Post again to confirm the action. In the grid, the months advance and display the new current
accounting months. The new months are in red.

Closing Months

To close a month
1 Select G/L > End Period > Close Month. The Close Month screen appears.

The screen shows the number of open transactions. (The counts are for transactions in past months
and the current month, not future months. “Open” means unposted.)

Automatic Close Year and Manual Property Close are options on the Accounts and Options
screen. “True” means the option is selected.

Note: When the screen was redone in .NET, the Month field was removed. The function always closes
the current month, so there is no need to enter the month.

2 Click Submit. A warning appears.

226 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

3 Click Submit again to confirm. In the grid, the Current Month field is updated by one, to show the
new current month.

Current Month field

The new current month appears in red.

Note: The Current Month on this screen corresponds to the Operating Month on the About screen
(Administration > About).

Closing the Year

To close the year

1 Select G/L > End Period > Close Year. The Close Year screen appears.

2 Enter a property or a property list.

3 Click Submit. A grid appears that shows each property in the list, its End of Year Month, and its
Current Month.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 227

Note: The End of Year Month value comes from the Month fiscal year ends field on the Property
Control screen. The Current Month field corresponds to the Operating Month on the About screen
(Administration > About).

4 To close the year, click Post. A warning message appears. Click Post again to confirm the action.

Closing the Leasing Week

To close the leasing week

1 Select G/L > End Period > Close Leasing Week. The Close Leasing Week screen appears.

2 Enter a property code.

3 Click Submit. Voyager closes the week and displays a confirmation message.
228 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

Posting Transfers Between General Ledger Accounts

This function allows you to move all or part of the balance of one G/L account to another G/L account.
In the following example, we transfer the entire balance of one expense account to another.

To post a transfer from one G/L account to another

1 Select G/L > Post Transfer. The Post Transfer filter appears.

Property Select a property, properties, or a property list.

From Account Select the G/L account from which you want to post the transfer.
(You cannot transfer from an account with a zero balance. If you do, Voyager returns the
following message: Journals created for 0 properties.)

Percent Type the percentage of the From Account balance you want transferred, as a whole or
decimal number.

Type Select the period for the calculation: year to date or month to date.

Base Month The starting month for the time period (if type = year to date).
The month to use for the calculation (if type = month to date).

To Account Select the G/L account to which you want to post the transfer.

JE Date The date and month of the journal entries.

JE Post Month

JE Notes Enter text here to populate the Notes field on the journal entry records.
Note: Voyager automatically enters :Transfer at the start of the Notes field, to indicate
that the journal entry is a system generated transfer.

Book Select the book for your journal entries. We recommend Both (cash and accrual).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 229

Create Batch? Yes: Voyager creates an unposted batch that you can review before posting.
No: Voyager posts the journal entries, without creating a batch.
We recommend Yes, so you can review the batch before posting it to the G/L.

Transfer Segments? Yes: Voyager separates segmented values into their own journal entries. As a result,
segmented amounts in the “from” account are transferred to the same segments in the
“to” account.
No: Voyager consolidates segmented values into a single journal entry. Segments are
not transferred.

2 Click Submit. Voyager displays a message showing the properties and amounts for each journal
entry it created.

Link to batch

3 To view details, click the link to the batch. The Batch Journal screen appears.

Voyager creates two journal entries, one for each book (in the filter, in the Book field, we selected
Both, meaning cash and accrual).
230 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

The journal entry for the Cash book is shown below.

Opening a Closed Period for a Specific Book

G/L > End Period > Open/Close Books

You can reopen a closed period for a specific book, for example a currency book or a consolidation
book, and make journal entries. (You cannot reopen the cash or accrual books.) In the past, the only
way to make adjusting entries was to reopen a period, which would open all the books, including cash
and accrual books.

There are two versions of this function: with the Manual Property Close option selected, and without
the option.

Manual Property Close is an option on the Accounts and Options screen. If selected, you must close
each property’s operating month separately. If not selected, you close the operating month for the sys-
tem (all properties).

We start with the default: without Manual Property Close.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 231

Without Manual Property Close

Without manual property close, the function works system-wide: you open a book for all properties.

1 Locate the book you want to reopen. In the New Month field, enter the month/year combination to

2 Click Save. This opens the past period and allows you to make journal entries.

When you are done making changes, return to this screen to close the book. in the New Month field,
enter the current month and click Save.
232 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

With Manual Property Close

With manual property close, the function works on a per-property basis.

1 In the filter, select a book and property (if needed).

2 Click Display. The screen displays a line for each property, showing the current operating month.

3 In the Set Period To field, enter the month you want to open.

4 Click Save. Voyager displays the new open month in the Adjusted Month field.

When you are done making changes, return to this screen to close the book. In the Set Period To field,
enter the current month. When you click Save, the Adjusted Month field and the Current Month field
will match.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 233

Property Budgets
In this section:
Setting Up Budgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Exporting Budget Data to Excel and Re-Importing to Voyager (Using Copy and Paste). . . . . . . . . . 236
Using the Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Rebuilding Budgets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Setting Up Budgets
G/L > Review/Edit GL Budget

You can use Voyager to keep a separate general ledger budget for each property, each account book
(cash, accrual, and user-defined books), and each fiscal year. Each budget is for a 12-month period.

For more sophisticated budgeting, you can use the Budgeting module. It allows you to create budgets for your
properties, run commercial revenue projections, and transfer your finalized budgets to your general ledger (G/L). You
can include projected revenues and recoverable expenses, based on actual leases in your system.

To set up a budget
1 Complete the top part of the screen.

Property, Start Month, Book These fields identify the budget; you can keep a separate budget for each
property/start month/book combination.
234 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

Account Tree You can use the default budget account tree (ysi_bf) or select another account tree.
The ysi_bf account tree is created when you run Rebuild Standard Account Trees. It
includes all accounts, except those flagged Exclude From Budget in the Account
If you make changes in the accounts that you budget for (for example, you add a new
account to the G/L, or exclude an account from the budget), and you want the changes
to be reflected in the budget account tree (ysi_bf), you must run Rebuild Standard
Account Trees.

Report Style Select Budget when you first create a budget.

Post Month, Actual Book N/A for the Budget report style.
These fields are used in the other report styles: Variance and Reforecast.

Segment Allows you to select a value for each segment. Used for segmented budgeting.

Grids Adds grid lines to the display.

Decimals If selected, the report shows decimals. If not selected, Voyager rounds to the nearest
whole number.

Zero Suppress If selected, Voyager only shows accounts with values.

Freeze Pane If selected, Voyager freezes the header row, so it remains visible as you scroll down.

Line Numbers Adds a number for each row, to the left of account numbers.

2 Click Display. For each account, the screen displays the total for the year, and a figure for each
month. Initially, the figures are all zeros.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 235

3 Click an account number link. The Budget Detail screen appears.

4 In the Budget Detail screen, you can enter amounts manually, or you can enter a total for the year
and click Distribute.

5 To increase existing figures, you can enter a percentage and click Increase. (You can decrease exist-
ing figures by entering a negative percentage and clicking Increase.)

6 To display the next or previous G/L account, click the right-arrow or left-arrow button at the top
right of the screen.

7 When you save and close the Budget Detail screen, the figures appear in the G/L Budget screen.

Budgeting and Segments

If you use segments in your database, the system assumes you will budget by segments.

If you enter a budget figure with no segment value selected, Voyager stores the data as a “unallocated”
budget item, not as a total for all the segment values. (“Unallocated” means there is no segment value
assigned to the amount.)

Budget reports (for example, the Budget Comparison report in Financial Analytics) have a different
behavior. If you run the report with the segment field blank, it will show totals for all segment values
(including the “unallocated” budget figure).

If you run Segment Analytics, the report will show a line for the unallocated amount and another line
for the total.
236 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

For more information and examples, see the “Frequently Asked Questions” chapter in the Segments
User’s Guide.

Exporting Budget Data to Excel and Re-Importing to Voyager (Using

Copy and Paste)
You can export budget data from Voyager to Excel and you can import back to Voyager.

You can import a partial budget or an entire budget. You can also import data into a different budget
in Voyager, enabling you to transfer data from one budget to another.

If you want to create a budget from scratch in Excel, we recommend that you start by exporting a
blank budget from Voyager and then editing that budget in Excel. That will guarantee that the format
is correct when you import the budget to Voyager.

To export and re-import budget data

1 Open the G/L budget that contains the source budget data that you want to copy.

2 If the budget displays line numbers, clear the Line Numbers tick box on the G/L Budget screen and
click Display again. Line numbers will interfere with the import process.

3 Click the Excel button. A download file dialog box appears.

4 Save the file on your local system.

5 Edit the budget as needed in Excel.

6 In Excel, copy the rows that you want to re-import to Voyager. (You can copy a partial budget, or the
entire budget.)

7 In Voyager, open the G/L budget in which you want to paste the budget data, if it’s not already
open. (Enter the property/start month/book combination and click Display.)

8 Click Paste. Voyager copies the budget data to the matching account numbers.

When you paste data to a G/L budget, Voyager saves the changes immediately. There is no “undo” command.
If you are transferring budget data from one budget to another (via Excel), make sure that the new budget is open
before you click Paste.

Using the Budget

Budget Data in Reports

In the G/L Budget screen, you can use the Variance and Reforecast report styles to compare budget
data with actual data.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 237

c Variance This report compares G/L actuals to budget totals and then displays variances between
them in monetary amounts and percentages. There are month to date (MTD) and year to date (YTD)
totals for actuals and budget amounts. In the Post Month field, enter the month for the MTD vari-
ance analysis calculations. This is also the last month of the year-to-date calculations.

c Reforecast This report “splits” the worksheet to show both G/L actuals and forecasted figures. The
report displays G/L actuals up to the specified Post Month and forecasted figures for the remainder
of the budget duration.

Use the Actuals Books field if you want to bring in actual figures from another book, or set of books.
(You can multi-select in this field.)

Many other reports in Voyager display budget data; for example, the Financial Analytics contain col-
umns for budget data.

“Over Budget” Warning Messages

If the Budget Warning check box is selected on the Environment Options tab in the Accounts &
Options screen, Voyager displays a warning message when a user adds a transaction that causes a
general ledger account to go over budget.
238 Chapter 9: General Ledger Procedures

Rebuilding Budgets
You would typically run this function if you import G/L budgets for partial fiscal years; for example, if
you import a budget that for a quarter, not the entire year.

To rebuild budgets
1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Rebuild Budget.

2 Enter a property and time period.

3 Click Submit. The screen displays a confirmation message, stating that the budget has been rebuilt.


Property-Management Fees
In this chapter:
Property-Management Fees Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Management Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Pay Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

This chapter describes how to use Voyager to process property-management fees.

Property-Management Fees Overview

Property managers receive management fees as payment for their work. Management fees are also
known as commissions; in this chapter, we use both terms.

Voyager offers two different features for processing management fees:

c Management Fees

c Pay Commissions
240 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

The following table compares the features in detail.

Management Fees Pay Commission

General Description Flexible, but requires more setup. Simple setup, but not very flexible.

Setup First, create fee pools that specify the G/L First, select the Commissionable check
accounts and percentages or flat amounts box on the Account Info screen for each
for commissions. G/L account that you want to pay
commission on.
Second, apply one or more fee pools to
each property. Second, specify the Commission % in the
Ownership screen for each property.

Tax Calculation Yes. No.

Different G/L Accounts for Yes. No.

Different Properties

Different Percentages for Yes. No.

Different G/L Accounts

G/L Segments Yes. No.

Flat Commission Amount Yes. No.

Multiple Commissions Per Yes—for example, you can pay a flat No.
Property commission and a percentage commission
on the same property.

Use if... c You need to apply taxes to commissions. You pay a simple percentage commission
c You want to pay commission on for each property, and you pay commission
different G/L accounts for different on the same G/L accounts for all properties.
c You want to pay different percentages
for different G/L accounts.
c You are using G/L segments.
c You want to pay a flat commission.
c You want to pay multiple commissions
per property.

If necessary, you can use both methods within the same database, but for individual properties, you
should select one method or the other.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 241

Management Fees
In this section:
Setting Up Management Fees (Overview). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Creating a Fee Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Creating a Property Fee Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Copying a Fee Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Processing Management Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Unposting Management Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254

This section describes how to set up and use the Management Fees feature for paying property-man-
agement fees.

Setting Up Management Fees (Overview)

Setup requires two tasks:

c Creating a fee pool, specifying the G/L accounts and percentages for management-fee calculations.

c Creating a property fee pool, associating one or more fee pools with a property and optionally add-
ing G/L segment information.

You create one fee pool for each calculation method that you want to use. For example, if you want the
fee percentage for rent to be 3.5%, but you want the fee percentage for late fees to be 50%, create one
fee pool for rent and another for late fees. You can include multiple fee pools in a single property fee

If you use G/L account segments, you can add segment information to property fee pools. You can use
G/L segments for both management-fee calculations and the transactions used to pay management
fees (payable invoice, payable adjustment or journal entry). Voyager honors G/L segment validation
rules when you use segments with management fees.

This section also includes a procedure for copying fee pools. Copying is useful when:

c You want to create several similar fee pools.

c You want to change a fee pool that has already been used.

After you have used a fee pool to process management fees, you cannot modify many of its settings.
Instead, you can copy the fee pool and modify the copy.
242 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

Creating a Fee Pool

Payables > Management Fees > Fee Pools > Add Fee Pool

To complete the screen, you perform three tasks:

c Complete the fields in the top part of the screen

c Load or select accounts

c Set options for accounts

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 243

To complete the top part of the screens:

Code Enter a unique code. You will use the code to associate the fee pool with a property.

Description Enter the description that will appear as a note on invoices created using this fee pool. If
you consolidate fees from multiple pools on a single invoice, this text appears in the Notes
field of the associated line item. If you do not consolidate, the description appears in the
Notes field for the entire invoice.

Calc Method Select Percent if you want to pay a percentage of transactions associated with the G/L
accounts specified on the Load Accounts tab. Select Flat Rate if you want to pay a set

Flat Period Select Per Month if you want to pay a flat rate per month. Select Calculation if you want
to pay a flat rate per calculation. If the Calc Method is Percent, this field is not available.

Percent Enter the management fee percentage of transactions associated with the G/L accounts
specified on the Load Accounts tab. If the Calc Method is Flat Rate, this field is not
You can pay different management fee percentages for different G/L accounts by creating
multiple fee pools. For example, you could create a fee pool that pays a 4% commission for
the G/L account used for rent, and another fee pool that pays a 6% commission for vending
machine income.

Flat Rate Enter the management fee amount. If the Calc Method is Percent, this field is not

Minimum Monthly Fee If the management organization should receive a minimum fee each month, enter the

Book Select the accounting book (cash, accrual, or user-defined) containing the transactions
that you want to base commissions on.

Negative Tran Select Yes if you want Voyager to create a credit invoice if the calculated amount of fees is
a negative amount. Otherwise, select No.

Fee Acct Enter the number for the G/L account for management fee payments or credits.

A/P Acct Enter the relevant account numbers, if you want to override the defaults.
Cash Acct

Tax Tran Type If you are using Voyager International and you want taxes to be calculated on management
fees, select the tax transaction type. For more information, see the section on tax
transaction types in the Voyager International User’s Guide. If you are not using Voyager
International, this field has no effect.
244 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

You can specify the A/P account in five places in Voyager. Voyager uses the most specific entry. From general (system-
wide) to most specific, they are as follows:
c The entry in the Payable field under the Payable Accts tab in the Accounts and Options screen.
c The entry in the Payable field in the Account Info screen for the G/L account specified in the Fee Acct field.
c The entry in the Payable Account field in the Property Control screen for the property the pool is used for.
c The entry in the AP Acct field in the Fee Pool screen described in this procedure.
c The entry in the AP Acct field in the Property Fee Pool screen. For more information, see “To create a property fee
pool” on page 246.

You can specify the cash account in five places in Voyager. Voyager uses the most specific entry. From general (system-
wide) to most specific, they are as follows:
c The entry in the Cash field under the Essential Accts tab in the Accounts and Options screen.
c The entry in the Offset field in the Account Info screen for the G/L account specified in the Fee Acct field.
c The entry in the Cash Account (Payables only) field in the Property Control screen for the property the pool is used
c The entry in the Cash Account field in the Fee Pool screen described in this procedure.
c The entry in the Cash Account field in the Property Fee Pool screen. For more information, see “To create a property
fee pool” on page 246.

To select accounts
If Percent is selected as the Calc Method, you need to select accounts. You can select accounts manu-
ally, or you can use the Load button.

Load button

There are three options for loading accounts:

c Account Tree

c Fee Pool (an existing fee pool)

c Account Range
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 245

When you select an option, a field appears where you enter additional information; for example, if you
select the Acct Tree option, the Acct Tree field appears.

To select accounts manually, click the button to the right of the Account field in an empty row. A
lookup appears, where you can select an account.

To set options for accounts

After you select the accounts, you can set the following options for them:

Add/Subtract Add Transaction data increases the commission. This option is typically used for income accounts,
but it can also be used to pay commission on expense accounts or cash accounts.
Subtract Transaction data decreases the commission. You can use this feature to subtract
expenses that are included in lease charges but for which you are not entitled to a commission. For
example, if the rent lease charge includes telephone service, but you are not paid a commission on
telephone service, you would subtract the telephone expense. If you use a separate lease charge
for telephone service, you can leave that lease charge out of the commission calculation, in which
case you would not have to subtract the expense.
Blank Transactions do not affect the commission.

Exclude JE If selected, Voyager does not include journal entries made to this account in management-fee

Remove If selected, Voyager removes the row when you save.

246 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

Creating a Property Fee Pool

To create a property fee pool

1 From the side menu, select Payables > Management Fees > Fee Pools > Property Fee Pool. The
Property Fee Pool filter appears.

2 In the Property field, enter the code for the property.

3 Click Submit. The Property Fee Pool screen appears.

4 Click the New Record button . The Add Property Fee Pool screen appears.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 247

5 In the Pool field, enter the code for the pool. When you tab out of this field, Voyager updates the
screen with data from the specified pool. For information about the fields in the Fee Pool screen,
see “Creating a Fee Pool” on page 242.

6 Complete the rest of the screen:

Consolidate Payables If you want management fees based on this fee pool to have their own payable, select No. If you
want management fees based on this fee pool to be combined with management fees based
on other fee pools, select Yes.

Expense Trans Type Select how you pay management fees:

Payable Invoice Voyager will create a payable invoice.
Payable Adjustment Voyager will create a payable adjustment.
Journal Entry Voyager will create a journal entry. If you select this option, the Book and
Offset Account fields appear. You must specify the G/L book and offset account.
The Journal Entry option is for use with in the U.S. and Canada. Users in other countries must use
one of the other options for paying management fees.
A management-fee journal entry generally:
c Debits the amount of the management fee from the management fee G/L account.
c Debits the amount of the management-fee tax, if any, from the account specified in the Tax
Account field.
c Credits the total amount of the above debits to the offset account.
In the rare event of a negative management fee, the management fees and taxes are credited
and the offset account is debited.
248 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

Vendor Enter the vendor code for the property manager.

Expense Type Select an expense type for the payables that will be created.

AP Acct/Cash Acct If you want to override the A/P account and cash account specified in the fee pool, enter the
account number. For more information, see “Creating a Fee Pool” on page 242.

7 If you are not using Voyager International, but you need to calculate tax on management fees, com-
plete the tax fields. (If you are using Voyager International, management fees are taxed using trans-
action types.)

Tax Rate Enter the tax rate for management fees.

Tax Account Enter the G/L account number for the tax on management fees.

Tax Description Enter a description of the tax.

8 If needed, complete the Cross Entity Trans Setup section:

US version Global version

Create Charge Creates a charge in addition to creating the payable.

This feature is meant for clients who are operating their own books in the same database as the
properties they are managing. When they charge management fees, they can record the income on
their own books at the same time.

Billing Entity The property/entity where the charge is recorded. It would typically be the property management

Charge To The person who is charged, typically the property owner.

Charge Code The charge code for the property management charge.

Add Sales Tax If sales tax should be calculated for the charge (in the same amount as on the payable), select this

Sales Tax Code The charge code for the sales tax charge

Tax Tran Type For global users, select the appropriate tax transaction type (if sales tax should be calculated for the
charge in the same amount as the payable). Using this feature might require adding an additional tax
tran type to your taxation setup.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 249

9 Edit the Property Fee Pool Detail tab as needed.

Start Date Enter the first month that the pool will apply to this property. (In this case, “start date” means
starting post month.)

Percent If you want to override the percentage specified in the fee pool, enter the amount. For
information about the Percent fields in the Fee Pool screen, see “Creating a Fee Pool” on
page 242.

Minimum Monthly Fee If you want to override the minimum monthly fee specified in the fee pool, enter the amount.

10 In the Fee Pool Accounts tab, you can review the accounts.

11 If you want to use G/L segments for management-fee calculations, click the Fee Pool Segment
Setup tab
250 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

The following graphic shows three segments: Department, Section, and Unit.

Complete the segment fields you want to use. You can add rows to select multiple segment options
for a single G/L account. For example, if you have a Department segment, and you want to use G/L
account 1000-0000 with two departments, you would specify one department for the 1000-0000 row
that appears by default, and then add another row for the same G/L account and specify the other
department for it.

Only manually added rows can be deleted using the Remove check box.

12 Click Save and Close.

13 If you want to use G/L segments with management-fee expense transactions:

a On the Property Fee Pool screen, click the View/Edit button for the fee pool. The Edit Property
Fee Pool screen appears.

b Click the rightmost tab.

The Expense Trans Type on the Property Fee Pool screen determines the name of the tab: Payable Invoice
Segment Setup, Payable Adjustment Segment Setup, or Journal Entry Segment Setup.

A table appears, showing the management-fees G/L account specified on the Add Property Fee
Pool screen. If a tax account was specified, it also appears. The following graphic shows three
segments: Department, Section, and Unit.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 251

c Complete the segment fields you want to use.

d Click Save.

Copying a Fee Pool

After you have used a fee pool to process management fees, you cannot modify many of its settings.
Instead, you can copy the fee pool and modify the copy. Then you associate the new fee pool with the
property, setting the end date for the old property fee pool to the day before the start date of the new
property fee pool.

To copy a fee pool

1 Select Payables > Management Fees > Fee Pools > Copy Fee Pool. The Fee Pool filter appears.

2 Complete the following filter:

Copy From Enter the existing fee pool from which you want to copy information.

New Fee Pool Code Enter a unique code for the new fee pool.

New Fee Pool Description Enter the description that will appear as a note on invoices created using the new feel pool.

3 Click Submit. The Fee Pool screen appears showing the new fee pool. Voyager copies the informa-
tion from the source fee pool to the new fee pool.

4 Edit as needed.

If you plan to use the copied fee pool to replace an existing fee pool, ensure that the ending month for the old fee
pool is one month before the starting month for the new fee pool. If the old fee pool has no ending month, Voyager
will calculate fees for both the old and new pools.

Processing Management Fees

This section describes how to use the Management Fees feature to pay management fees.

If a fee pool includes a minimum monthly amount, and the calculation for that pool is less than the
minimum, Voyager pays the minimum monthly amount. It subtracts minimum monthly amounts paid
earlier in the month when calculating management fees due later in the month. For example:

Minimum monthly fee: $300

252 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

Management fee calculated June 15: $250

Amount paid June 16 (for period from June 1 to June 15): $300

Management fee calculated July 1 (for period from June 16 to June 30): $650

Total management fee due for the month: $250 + $650 = $900

Amount paid July 1: $900 - $300 = $600

Voyager flags the transactions for which it processes management fees, so that it does not pay man-
agement fees for the same transaction more than once. When processing, it includes transactions from
the date range that you specify, including previously unprocessed transactions from closed periods
within that range.

When you use either the Management Fees or Pay Commission feature to process management fees, processed
transactions are flagged and will not be processed again by either feature.

If you reverse a receipt or charge, Voyager accounts for the reversal in future calculations of manage-
ment fees.

To post management fees

1 From the side menu, select Payables > Management Fees > Management Fee Calculation. The
Management Fee Calculation screen appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Legal Entity If you are using Voyager International, enter the code for the legal entity. If you are not using
Voyager International, leave this field empty.

Property Enter the property code.

Fee Pool If you want to calculate fees for all fee pools associated with the property, leave this field empty.
Otherwise, select the fee pools that you want to include in the calculation.

Fee Date Enter the date for the payable invoice or adjustment.

As Of Month Enter the range of post months for transactions to be processed. To process transactions for a
single month, enter the same month in both fields. If you want to include unprocessed
transactions from all prior periods back to the start date for the fee pool, leave the first field

Post Month Enter the post month for the management-fee charge.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 253

Report Type Select Calculate Management Fee.

3 Click Calculate. A table showing the calculated amounts appears below the filter.

4 If you want to review a summary of the management fees calculated prior to posting:

a In the Report Type field, select Unposted Management Fee Summary.

b Click Display. A summary of the management fees calculated, by property, is displayed.

5 If you want to review the detail of the management fees calculated prior to posting:

a In the Report Type field, select Unposted Management Fee Detail.

b In the Summarize By field, select Property or G/L.

c Click Display. The transactions used to create the management fee calculation is displayed.

If you leave the Management Fee Calculation screen without posting, the calculation is saved. When you return
to the Management Fee Calculation screen, you cannot calculate management fees for the same period. To
review the management fees, you must select the Report Type: Unposted Management Fee Summary or
Unposted Management Fee Detail.

6 To post the management fees and create the expense transactions, click Post. A confirmation
request appears.

7 Click OK. The screen displays the posted amount in bold.

Link to transaction

This function posts the calculations and creates an unposted payable batch.
254 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

The screen contains a link to the transaction created. You can use the link to open the Payable screen,
and from there go to the batch screen and post the batch.

Unposting Management Fees

If you want to recalculate management fees after they have been posted and the payable or journal
entry batch has been created, you can unpost management fees by:

c deleting the payable or journal entry transaction and/or batch

c running the Unpost Management Fees function

To unpost management fees

1 From the side menu, select Payables > Management Fees > Unpost Management Fee Calcula-
tion. The Unpost Management Fee Calculation screen appears.

2 Complete the filter, as needed:

Ctrl # If you want to unpost a specific payable invoice, payable adjustment or journal entry, enter the
control number of the transaction.

Fee Date Enter the fee date used when you calculated the management fee.

Post Month Enter a range of months used when you calculated the management fee.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 255

3 Click Submit. A table showing the posted management fees appears below the filter.

If the management fees calculated do not appear in the table:

c the transaction or batch is not deleted
c the payable or journal entry batch is posted
The expense transaction (payable invoice, adjustment or journal entry) must be deleted to unpost management
fees. Review the payable or journal entry batches for the management fees calculated. The Batch Description begins
with “:Pay Fees”.

4 Select the Select check box for any management fee calculations you want to unpost.

5 Click Delete. A confirmation request appears.

6 Click OK. The rows you selected are removed from the table and the transactions used to calculate
the management fees have be updated to be unposted to management fee.

Pay Commission
In this section:
Specifying General Ledger Accounts as Commissionable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Setting the Commission Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Creating a Payable Batch for Commission Payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Generating a Management Fee Summary Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

This section describes how to set up and use the Pay Commission feature for paying property-manage-
ment fees.

The setup work includes two parts:

c specifying accounts as commissionable

c entering the commission percentage for each property that uses the feature
256 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

When the setup is complete, you can create a payable batch for commissions.

Specifying General Ledger Accounts as Commissionable

Setup > System > Review G/L Account

Commissionable check box

In the Account Info screen, select the Commissionable check box.

When you are finished updating the Account Info screens, run the Rebuild Standard Account Trees
function (located at: Setup > System > Rebuild Standard Account Trees).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 257

Setting the Commission Percentage

Setup > Property > Review Property > Property Screen: Function Menu > Ownership

Commission fields

In the Ownership screen, In the Commission % field, enter the commission that the property-man-
agement organization receives. Voyager will process commissions at this percentage for all commis-
sionable G/L accounts.

If the property-management organization receives a minimum commission, enter the amount in the
Commission Min field.

Creating a Payable Batch for Commission Payments

This section describes how to calculate management commission for the operating month. You should
pay commission before closing each month and before paying owners.

You specify which G/L accounts are included in commission calculations in the Account Info screen for
each G/L account. You set up commission percentages in the Ownership screen for each property. If
the Ownership screen includes a monthly minimum commission, Voyager pays whichever is higher—
the commission percentage or the minimum. For information about setting up the Account Info and
Ownership screens, see “Specifying General Ledger Accounts as Commissionable” on page 256.

When you perform this procedure, Voyager flags the transactions for which commission has been paid.
It will not pay commission on the same transaction twice.
258 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees

To pay commissions

1 From the side menu, select Payables > Pay Commission. The Pay Commission filter appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Property The code for one or more properties or property lists.

Vendor The vendor code for the property-management organization.

Commission Account The G/L account number for management commission.

Late Fee Acct If you want 100% of late fees to be paid as commission, enter the late fee G/L account
number. If you want to pay the same commission percentage for late fees as you do for
other G/L accounts, leave this field empty and select the Commissionable check box in
the Account Info screen for the late fees G/L account.

Invoice Date The date for the commission invoice.

Post Month The month that the commission invoice will affect the G/L (mmyy). The post month can
be different from the month for which you are posting commission (the operating

Payable Notes Enter text that you want to have appear in the Notes field of the commission invoice.

Books Select the accounting book.

Create Batch As There are two options: Posted and Unposted.

3 Click Submit.

Voyager posts commission invoices in a payable batch. Voyager displays the total commission and
the commission for each property.

The payable batch number appears as a link. You can click the link to review the payable batch. You
must post the batch to complete the process.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 259

Generating a Management Fee Summary Report

Payables > Management Fees > Management Fee Calc Summary

The Management Fee Calculation Summary report displays the commission calculated for each prop-
erty, by month. In spite of the name, this report works with the Pay Commission feature rather than the
Management Fees feature.

The commission minimum, if any, is not included in the report, so commissions paid based on the
commission minimum will not match the commissions displayed in the Management Fee Calculation
Summary report.

If you pay 100% of late fees as commission, enter the late fee G/L account number. If you pay the same
commission percentage for late fees as you do for other G/L accounts, leave this field empty.
260 Chapter 10: Property-Management Fees


Bank Reconciliation
In this chapter:
Bank Reconciliation Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Reconciling Bank Statements to the Voyager General Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Adjustments for Bank Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Merging Deposit Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Admin Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Bank Reconciliation Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Daily Bank Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

This chapter describes the procedures for reconciling bank accounts.

Bank Reconciliation Overview

Bank reconciliation ties out the bank statement balance to the Voyager G/L balance as of a specific cut-
off date. Clients typically reconcile their bank accounts each month.

For global clients: If you want to reconcile on a daily basis, there is an optional parameter that allows
you to do so. For more information, see “Daily Bank Reconciliation” on page 279.

Reconciling Bank Statements to the Voyager General Ledger

To perform a bank reconciliation, you will need a copy of the bank statement, and the bank account
must be set up in Voyager.
262 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

To reconcile a bank account

1 From the side menu, select G/L > Banking > Bank Functions > Bank Reconcile. The Bank Recon-
ciliation filter appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Bank The bank account code.

GL Cutoff Date Enter the date of the bank statement.

Ending Bal per Bank Stmt Enter the ending balance of the bank statement.

3 Click Submit. The Bank Reconcile screen appears.

4 Review the G/L Information section:

Closing Day The G/L Cutoff Date that was entered in the filter.

G/L Balance The ending G/L balance (on a cash basis) for the cash accounts /property combinations
that are linked to this bank account.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 263

+/- Book Reconciling Items Uncleared items that have been entered through the Bank Adjustments screen, with
a Type of Book, dated on or before the Closing Day.

Reconciled G/L Balance The value in this field is equal to the sum of: G/L Balance and +/- Book Reconciling

Difference The difference between the Reconciled Statement Balance and the Reconciled G/L

5 Review the Bank Information section:

Balance Per Bank Statement The balance from the Bank Reconciliation filter.

+ Deposits in Transit Uncleared deposits dated on or before the Closing Day.

- Outstanding Checks Uncleared checks dated on or before the Closing Day.

+/- Other Items Uncleared journal entries (to the cash account), NSFs, and payables with a Type of
Adjustment dated on or before the Closing Day.

+/- Bank Reconciling Items Uncleared items that have been entered through the Bank Adjustments screen, with
a Type of Bank dated on or before the Closing Day.

Reconciled Statement Balance The value in this field is equal to the sum of the items in this section: Balance Per Bank
Statement,+ Deposits in Transit, - Outstanding Checks, +/- Other Items and +/-
Bank Reconciling Items.

6 In the Bank Reconciliation Detail section, in the Item field, select the type of transaction you want
to clear (deposits, checks, and so on). The transactions appear below.

Transactions appear based on the transaction date, not the post month. The date must be before or
during the month being reconciled.

The Memo field contains identifying information. For checks, it displays the name of the vendor. For
deposits, it displays the memo entered on the receipt batch header. For journal entries and other
items, it displays text entered in the Notes field on the original records.

7 Compare the transactions that appear on the bank statement to the transactions on the screen.
Select the Clear checkbox for each transaction that matches the bank statement.

As you clear transactions, Voyager updates the fields in the Item Totals section of the screen. (The
totals are for cleared items.)

Use the scroll bar to view additional transactions. For more information about this part of the screen,
see “Using the Bank Reconciliation Detail Tab” on page 264.

8 If you want to specify the date a transaction cleared, type it in the Clear Date field. If you do not
specify a date, Voyager completes the field with the cut-off date from the Bank Reconcile filter
when you click Save. Clear dates are used in Historical Bank Reconcile reports.

9 Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each transaction type.

264 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

10 If you want to stop working on the reconciliation and return to it later, click Save.

You can view a reconciliation summary report at any time by clicking Print.

11 When the Reconciled Statement Balance agrees with the Reconciled G/L Balance, click Post. The
Bank Reconciliation Report appears.

You can print this report and file it as a Proof Of Cash report. You can view and print earlier bank
reconciliation reports by selecting G/L > Banking > Bank Reports > Bank Reconcile History

Using the Bank Reconciliation Detail Tab

This section explains the buttons and fields in the Bank Reconciliation Detail tab.

Item Select the type of transaction to display in the grid: deposits, checks, and so on.

Search To search for transactions:

Refresh 1. In the Search drop-down, select a search type. Options are:
c Number (> =)
c Number (> =)
c Date (> =)
c Date (> =)
2. In the field to the right of the Search drop-down, enter a number or a date.
3. Click Refresh to display the search results.

Select All Select or unselect all the Clear check boxes in the grid.
Unselect All

Print Open a summarized version of the Bank Rec in Progress report.

Adjust Open the Bank Rec Adjustment filter in another window, where you can create adjusting
transactions. This function is described in the next section of this chapter.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 265

Adjustments for Bank Reconciliation

You can create an adjustment to temporarily allow for discrepancies between your books and the bank
statement. It can be a bank reconciling adjustment (if the bank statement is incorrect) or a book recon-
ciling adjustment (if the G/L is incorrect). Reconciling adjustments do not affect the G/L and should
eventually be cleared—typically as part of the following reconciliation.

Use this procedure only for adjustments that will be cleared in a subsequent reconciliation. Misuse of this feature will
cause future bank reconciliation problems.

To make an adjustment for a bank reconciliation

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Functions > Bank Rec Adjustment. The Bank Rec Adjustment filter

You can also access this screen by clicking the Adjust button in the Bank Reconcile screen.

2 Complete the screen. The following fields require explanation:

Date The date the adjustment affects the bank record.

Reference A reference number for the adjustment.

Amount The amount of the adjustment (can be positive or negative).

Type Bank Adjustment Adjusts the bank balance.

Book Adjustment Adjusts the G/L balance (but not the G/L).

3 Click Submit. Voyager makes the bank reconciliation adjustment and displays a confirmation mes-

When you perform a bank reconciliation, adjustments appear as either Bank Reconciling Items or
Book Reconciling Items in the Bank Reconciliation Detail section of the Bank Reconcile screen,
and should be cleared during a subsequent bank reconciliation.

If you discover the reason for the adjustment, or correct the transaction that made the adjustment
necessary, you can reverse its effect by creating a offsetting adjustment for the same amount and
clearing both items.
266 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

Merging Deposit Records

You may have entered multiple deposits in Voyager that were treated as a single deposit by the bank.
This section explains how to merge deposit records so that they correspond to bank deposit records.

To combine two bank deposit records

1 From the side menu, select G/L > Banking > Bank Functions > Bank Deposit Merge. The Bank
Deposit Merge filter appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Merge Dep # The deposit number of the deposit record to merge from.

Into Dep # The deposit number of the deposit record to merge to.

Type Select Deposit or EFT Deposit.

3 Click Submit. Voyager merges the deposits and displays a report showing the payments included
in the merged deposit.

(In this case, “merge” means that the from deposit record is given the same number as the to deposit
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 267

Admin Procedures
In this section:
Check Book Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Unposting Bank Reconciliations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Modifying Bank Reconciliation Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Depositing Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269

Check Book Maintenance

The Check Book Maintenance function can be used to correct errors in transactions that affect the
bank, including checks, deposits, and journal entries. You can change dates and assign new numbers.

Note: Changing transaction dates can affect reporting.

To correct a transaction error

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Functions > Check Book Maintenance. The Check Book Mainte-
nance filter appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Item Type Select the type of transaction you want to correct. Options are Checks,
Deposits, Other Items, Bank Reconciling Items, and Book
Reconciling Items.

Number Range Enter a range of numbers for the transaction.

Show There are three options: Reconciled, Unreconciled, and Both.

268 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

3 Click Submit. The Check Book Maintenance screen appears, with a list of all transactions match-
ing the search criteria.

4 Make changes to the entries in the Number or Date columns as needed.

Unposting Bank Reconciliations

You can unpost the most recent bank reconciliation. Unposting means that all cleared transactions will
be uncleared, and you will have to redo the bank reconciliation. Use this function with caution.

If you need to unpost a bank reconciliation that is several months old, you can unpost the most recent
bank reconciliation, then unpost the one before that, and so on, until you get back to the one you
need to unpost.

To unpost a bank reconciliation

1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Unpost Bank Reconciliation. The filter appears.

2 Complete the filter. In the Reconciliation Date field, enter the date of the last posted bank reconcil-
iation for the bank account. If you are unsure of the date, open the Bank Account screen, where
you can find the date of the last posted bank reconciliation.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 269

3 Click Submit. Voyager displays a confirmation message. You can now rework and repost the bank

Modifying Bank Reconciliation Dates

If the date for a posted reconciliation is wrong, you can modify the date, as long as the new date is not
that of an existing posted date. You can modify only the most recent bank reconciliation date.

There are no changes to the status of posted transactions or monetary amounts.

To modify a bank reconciliation date

1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Modify Bank Reconciliation Date. The Modify Last
Bank Reconciliation Date filter appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Old Reconciliation Date Enter the date of the last posted bank reconciliation for the bank account (the date you are
going to correct).

New Reconciliation Date Enter the correct date for the bank reconciliation.

3 Click Submit. Voyager displays a confirmation message.

Depositing Receipts
This function creates deposit records for un-deposited receipts.

Un-deposited receipts are receipts that are not linked to deposit records. This can happen for the follow-
ing reasons:

c the receipts were created before bank records for the property/account combinations were in the
system, or

c the cash account used on the receipts was not flagged as a “Cash Account” on the GL Account

After you run this procedure, the un-deposited receipts will appear on the associated reconciliations.
270 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation function uses deposit records when determining which transactions need to
be cleared for the monthly bank reconciliation.

To deposit a receipt
1 From the Voyager System Administration side menu, select Toolbox > Deposit Receipt. The
Deposit Receipt screen appears.

2 Complete the fields on the screen with the applicable information, as needed, to locate the receipts
that you want to deposit.

Bank Account Identifies the bank account to which the receipts apply.

Property Specifies the property to which the receipts apply. Leave the field empty if you want to
locate all deposit receipts for this bank account, or if you want to search using the
following filter criteria.

Tenant Specifies the tenants for which the receipts apply. Leave the field empty if you want to
locate all tenants’ deposit receipts for the selected property or bank account, or if you
want to search using the following filter criteria.

Receipt Batch Specifies the batch in which the receipts were created. Leave the fields blank if you want
to include all batches in the search.

Notes Searches for receipts according to any included remarks or comments.

3 Click Submit. A table of un-deposited receipts appears, according to the selected filter criteria.

4 Select the check boxes in the rows for the receipts that you want to deposit. The total of all selected
items appears.

5 Complete the Deposit Control section for the new records.

Deposit Date Specify the date for the new deposit receipt records. The deposit date should be within
the same month as the receipts' post month in order to avoid bank reconciliation issues.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 271

Memo Add comments or remarks, if needed, to the Memo field on the new deposit receipt

6 Click Post.
272 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation Reports

In this section:
Bank Directory Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272
Property Funds Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273
Bank Reconciliation In Progress Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274
Bank Reconciliation Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275
Bank Reconcile History Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276
Bank Register Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278

To access the reports, select G/L > Banking > Bank Reports.

Bank Directory Report

The Bank Directory report shows the bank account setup in a report format.

To generate the Bank Directory report

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Reports > Bank Directory Report. The filter appears.

2 Complete the filter. The following fields require explanation:

Include Bank/Payer Adds detailed information to the report: Bank Name, Address, ABA Number, MICR Line, Payer
Name, and Address.

Include Notes Adds the notes (from the bank setup) to the report.

Include Properties Adds columns for properties and G/L accounts to the report.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 273

Inactive Bank Both = Show active and inactive banks.

Active = Only show active banks.
Inactive = Only show inactive banks.
The Bank Account screen has a check box for making a bank inactive. If the Inactive checkbox
is selected, the bank is “inactive.” If not, selected, the bank is “active.”

3 Click Submit. The report appears.

Property Funds Report

For a specific bank account, the Property Funds Report lists the cash accounts of the various properties
that are linked to it, and includes the ending balance of each cash account. It is used for trouble-shoot-
ing when a bank reconciliation does not balance.

The report, like the bank reconciliation, reports on Cash Books for the post month of the date specified
in the filter. The balance of this report should tie to the G/L balance on the Bank Reconciliation screen
for the same date, as well as to the General Ledger.
274 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

To generate the Property Funds Report

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Reports > Property Funds Report. The filter appears.

2 Complete the filter. In the GL Cutoff Date field, enter the ending date of the period.

3 Click Submit. The report appears.

Bank Reconciliation In Progress Report

This report can help you determine the difference between the reconciled statement balance and the
reconciled G/L balance. The report displays the bank balance, the outstanding items (the uncleared
items), the GL balance, the difference, and the cleared items.

To run the Bank Rec in Progress Report

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Functions > Bank Rec In Progress Report. The filter appears.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 275

2 Complete the screen.

Closing Day Enter the date of the bank statement.

Ending Bank Balance Enter the ending balance of the bank statement.

GL Balance Enter the GL Balance from the Bank Reconciliation screen.

Summary/Detail Summary The report consolidates the outstanding items into a single line for each type.
Detail The report has a separate line for each outstanding item.
Cleared items are always shown in detail.

3 Click Submit. The report appears.

Note: Due to space limitations, we do not show the cleared items in the screenshot above.

Bank Reconciliation Exceptions

The Bank Balance Exception Report displays transactions that cause the bank reconciliation to be out
of balance—for example, transactions with a transaction date that has a month different from the post
month. If the bank reconciliation does not balance, use this report for trouble-shooting.
276 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

To run the Bank Reconciliation Exception report

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Functions > Bank Rec Exception Report. The filter appears.

2 Complete the filter. In the Closing Day field, enter the date of the bank statement.

3 Click Submit. The report appears.

The report finds the following exceptions:

c A transaction with non-correlating dates, for example, the post month is not in the same month as
the transaction date.

c A receipt that does not have a deposit record.

c A journal entry to the cash account that was only made to the accrual books.

c A posted receipt that has a cash account in the detail lines.

c A posted charge or payable that has a cash account in the lines that are normally reserved for the
income and expense accounts

c A receipt where the total line does not match the total of the detail lines.

Bank Reconcile History Report

The Bank Reconcile History report displays posted bank reconciliations. To view a current, un-posted
bank reconciliation, use the Bank Reconciliation In Progress report.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 277

To generate the Bank Reconcile History Report

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Reports > Bank Reconcile History. The filter appears.

2 Complete the filter:

Summary/Detail Summary The report consolidates the outstanding items into a single line for each type.
Detail The report has a separate line for each outstanding item.
Cleared items are always shown in detail.

3 Click Submit. The report appears.

Note: The GL balance on the Bank Reconciliation Report shows the post month GL balance as of the
date the report is run.

If there are any changes to the GL after the reconciliation is performed (if somebody posts in a prior
period, for example), the report might be out of balance.
278 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation

We recommend that after posting a bank reconciliation, you run this report in detail mode and save
the results. If there is a change to the G/L later, and you are trouble-shooting problems with the bank
rec, you can compare the current report results with the version of the report made on the day you
posted the reconciliation.

Bank Register Report

The bank register report lists all the transactions within a date range.

To generate the Bank Register report

1 Select G/L > Banking > Bank Reports > Bank Register. A filter appears.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 279

2 Complete the filter and click Submit. The Bank Register report appears.

This report is similar to a checkbook. It shows each transaction and the resulting balance.

The column headers are self-explanatory, except for “RCN.” If the item has been reconciled in a posted
bank reconciliation, an “X” appears in this column. Otherwise, it is blank.

Daily Bank Reconciliation

If you want to reconcile on a daily basis, load the following optional parameter: OptBankRecDaily.

If you reconcile monthly, the G/L Balance figure includes all the transactions in the month. When you
load the optional parameter, the G/L Balance figure includes only the transactions up to the Closing

Note: This feature is only supported for clients with an International license.
280 Chapter 11: Bank Reconciliation


In this chapter:
Purchase Procedures Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Setup for Purchasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Purchase Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Optional Parameters for Receiving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299

Purchase Procedures Overview

Purchase requisitions, purchase orders, change orders, and recurring purchase orders enable the auto-
mation of requesting and receiving products and services. Automation helps prevent user error, as
well as saving time and money.
282 Chapter 12: Purchasing

The following diagram shows a typical purchasing workflow.

Employee creates a
purchase requisition
(a PR).

Purchasing Dept. PO goes through User creates a PO.

reviews PR and pulls approval workflow.
it into a PO.

PO is sent to vendor.

Vendor sends

User creates a
payable in Voyager.
Detail comes from

As the diagram shows, POs can come from PRs, or can be created without a PR. Each component of the
purchasing workflow is described in general terms below.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 283

Purchase Requisitions
A purchase requisition is a request for products and/or services, made by an employee in your com-
pany. The requisition is reviewed and approved (or denied). Approved requisitions are pulled into a
purchase order. Purchase requisitions add an additional layer of approval to the purchase order pro-

Purchase Orders
A purchase order is a document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed
upon prices for products or services the seller will provide to the buyer. Purchase orders are created in
Voyager. When they are complete and approved, they are sent to the vendor.

When the vendor sends an invoice, you can pull details from the PO into the payable record.

Change Orders
After a purchase order has been approved, if you need to modify it, you can create a change order.
Change orders go through the approval process for the sum of the amount on the original purchase
order and the change order.

Recurring POs
A recurring purchase order is a template you can use to quickly create purchase orders you need to add
on a regular basis.

About This Chapter

This chapter is not a comprehensive description of purchasing functionality in Voyager. It only
describes purchase orders — the setup required for them and how to use them.

Setup for Purchasing

In this section:
Setting Up Display Types for Purchase Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Setting Up Expense Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287

Setting Up Display Types for Purchase Orders

Purchasing > Purchase Order > Add PO Display Type

Display types are customized views of the Purchase Order screen. Before you can create purchase
orders you must have at least one purchase order display type in your database.
284 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Note: If you are upgrading from Voyager 6.0, a “standard” purchase order display type is added auto-
matically to the database, so that you can create purchase orders immediately without having to set
up display types.

Display types are associated with users. When a user opens the screen, the system remembers the last
display type used by that user. The user can choose another display type as needed.

In the PO Display Type screen, you name the display type, and you add optional elements as needed.
The elements then appear on the Purchase Order, Purchase Requisition, and the Recurring Pur-
chase Order screens. (Because the screens are similar, one set of display types applies to all of them.)

PO Display Type Screen: Top Part of Screen

At the top of the screen, enter identifying information: code, description, and notes.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 285

PO Display Type Screen: PO Detail Tab

The PO Details section determines what additional columns appear on the PO screen.

Inventory Control If you have Voyager Fixed Assets and/or Voyager Inventory Control, select this check box to display
the Inventory Location and Item Type columns on the purchase order.
If this check box is selected, then the Item Type and Net Amount (Instead of Qty/Unit Price)
check boxes must be clear.

Tax 1 If you have Voyager International, select this check box to display the Tax, Gross, Tran Type, and
Tax Rate columns on the purchase order.

Tax 2 If you have Voyager International Property Management, select this check box and the Tax 1 check
box to display the Tax 1, Tax 2, Gross, Tran Type, and Tax Rate columns on the purchase order.

Net Amount (Instead of Displays the Net Amount column instead of the Qty/Unit Price column on the purchase order.
Qty/Unit Price)
If this check box is selected, then the Inventory Control and Qty Received, Date Received check
boxes must be clear.

Job, Category If you have Voyager Construction Management, select this check box to display the Job and
Category columns on the purchase order.

Contract If you have Voyager Construction Management, select this check box to display the Contract
column on the purchase order.

Account Description Displays the Account Description column on the purchase order.

Base Total Displays the Base Total column on the purchase order. (Base total = quantity * unit price.)

Amt Posted, Balance Displays the Amount Posted and Balance Remaining columns on the purchase order.
286 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Unit Displays the Unit column on the purchase order.

Item Type Displays the Item Type column on the purchase order.
If this check box is selected, then the Inventory Control check box must be clear.

Qty Received, Date Displays the Qty Received and Date Received columns on the purchase order.
If this check box is selected, then the Net Amount (Instead of Qty/Unit Price) check box must be

Vendor Part No If you have Voyager PrivatePartner Military Housing, select this check box to display the Part No
column on the purchase order.

Purchase Req button on Displays the Purchase Req button on the purchase order, enabling purchase requisitions to be
PO pulled into a purchase order.

PO Display Type Screen: PO Header Tab

The PO Header section determines what additional fields appear in the top section of the PO screen
(the header section).

Payment Due Date These check boxes turn standard fields that are optional into required fields.
Scheduled Delivery Date

Show Budget Month Displays the optional Budget Month field on the purchase order header.

Show Procurement If you integrate with Procure to Pay, select this check box to display the procurement fields on the
purchase order header.
Purchase order displays types with this check box selected will only appear on the Procurement
screen, Display Type list. Purchase order displays types with this check box selected will not appear
on the Purchase Order screen, Display Type list.

Show Currency If you have Voyager International Property Management, select this check box to display the
currency selection field. It appears to the right of the Vendor field.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 287

PO Display Type Screen: User Group Security

Select the user groups that should not have access to the display type. By default, all groups have

Note: This feature was designed this way (preventing access instead of granting access) in order to
make transitioning to it easier. If the default was no access and you had to select each group that
should have access, when you upgraded no user groups would have access to any display type.

Setting Up Expense Types

Expense types are broad categories of expenses, for example, capital, tenant improvements, and main-

Expense types are defined by the user. They must be set up before you can create purchase orders (the
Expense Type field is a required field on this screen).

For more information, see the Core Financials Setup Guide.

288 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Upgrading Voyager 6.0 Purchase Orders to Voyager 7S

Prior to upgrading to Voyager 7S, you must contact Yardi Technical Support to review and prepare
your purchase orders for upgrade to Voyager 7S.

The Approval process in Voyager 7S is more robust, and Voyager 6.0 Approvals are no longer valid.
Work with Yardi Technical Support to set up Voyager 7S Approvals for purchase orders.

Important information:
c Before your upgrade date, Voyager 6.0 purchase orders in the approval process must be fully
approved or rejected.

Any approvals in process (not fully approved or rejected) will lose their approval history.
If any approvals are in process at the time of the upgrade, it will be necessary to begin the approval process from
the beginning (go to each Purchase Order screen and complete the Workflow field).

We strongly recommend working with Yardi technical support:

c Before your upgrade date: Set up roles and contacts in Voyager 6.0 that can be used in Voyager 7S
approval workflows.

c The morning after your upgrade: Set up 7S approval workflows.

At the time of the 7S upgrade, when the database schema is run, the following occurs:
1 Purchase orders are updated to include the new 7S fields.

2 Voyager 6.0 purchase orders without an expense type are brought over with an expense type of
XLegacyX, enabling you to find them easily and attach an appropriate workflow.

3 If you are using Voyager 6.0 Approvals:

a The system creates a 7S workflow record named 60Approval with two steps: Approved and

b Purchase orders are brought over with their approval and rejection histories.

• Purchase orders approved by employees in Voyager 6.0 show as Approved on the 7S Pur-
chase Order screen, Workflow, and Approvers tabs.

• Purchase orders rejected by employees in Voyager 6.0 show as Rejected on the 7S Purchase
Order screen, Workflow, and Approvers tabs.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 289

Purchase Orders
In this section:
Adding Purchase Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Purchase Orders and Workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Receiving Items on Purchase Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Using PO Details in Payables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
Manually Closing Purchase Orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Closing Purchase Order Detail Rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298

This section describes how to create and use purchase orders. A purchase order is a document issued
by a buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed upon prices for products or services the
seller will provide to the buyer.

When the requested products or services arrive, you can record in Voyager what you received—which
may be everything you ordered, or it may be less than you ordered.

When you receive an invoice from the vendor and you are ready to pay for the products or services
received, you can pull the purchase order (the whole purchase order or individual purchase order
detail lines) into a payable batch.

If you decide you want to inactivate a purchase order, you can close it.

PO Status: Approved vs. Unapproved

PO workflows are not required. If you are not using workflows, a saved PO is considered approved.

If you are using workflows, then the PO workflow must be completed before the PO is considered

Only an approved PO can be pulled into a payable.

PO Status: Open vs. Closed

A PO is considered open until all its detail lines have been pulled into payables, or until it is manually

A closed purchase order will no longer be displayed on selection lists, dashboards, and reports that fil-
ter on open purchase orders.

Posting a PO
Posting a PO is a function that creates a payable for the details of the PO. (It is another way to pull
details into a payable.)

The payable details honor the thresholds for overpayment entered in System Administration (System
> AP Configuration > Invoice Options).
290 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Adding Purchase Orders

Purchasing > Purchase Order > Add PO

Purchase Order Screen: Top Part of Screen

Before you start completing the screen, pick the correct Display Type. If you change display types in
the middle of completing the screen, you will have to start over.

The following fields require explanation:

Last Received Voyager automatically completes this field with the date items were last received. You cannot edit
this field.

From Date Used for purchase orders that affect a period.

To Date A date range is often used with European Service Charges when it is necessary to detail which
period a transaction covers.

Order Date Voyager automatically completes this field with the system date (today’s date). You may change it
if needed. This date is used to calculate budgets.
Note: If the Budget Month field appears on your screen, the Order Date field is not used to
calculate budgets.

Budget Month The month and year you want to be used to calculate budgets.
The Budget Month field defaults to the value specified on the property’s Property Control screen,
Accounting Control, A/P field. If necessary, you can change the Budget Month field to a month-
year up to three months in the future, but Voyager will not allow you to enter a month before the
A/P month or a month in the past.
This field appears only if the purchase order display type has Show Budget Month selected.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 291

Closed Leave these fields empty when adding a purchase order.

Close Date When editing an existing purchase order, if you want to inactivate the purchase order, select the
Closed check box and complete the Closed Date field. Selecting the Closed check box means this
purchase order is not going to be received or paid. This purchase order will no longer be displayed
on selection lists, dashboards, and reports that filter on open purchase orders.
For more information see, “Manually Closing Purchase Orders” on page 298.

Navigation When the Workflow Dashboard or Purchase Order Dashboard returns more than one purchase
order, the navigation buttons are available to easily move from one purchase order to the next.
To view the preceding purchase order, click the Previous button .
To view the next purchase order, click the Next button .

Purchase Order Screen: Details Tab

Additional columns on the right:

More Details button To add additional rows to the Details tab, click this button.

Change Order button This button becomes visible after a purchase order has been approved.

Check Budget button The Check Budget button does not appear until you click Save. If you want to check the budget,
click the Check Budget button. The Budget tab appears.
When budget warning is enabled in Accounts and Options, If entering a purchase order puts you
over budget, the Budget tab appears. If it is okay to go over budget, you can type an explanation
in the OVER BUDGET Explanation field and click Save.
If you want to require users to complete the OVER BUDGET Explanation field, load the optional
package, MMW PO Over Budget Narrative required (optPOOverBudNarr.pkg).
If you want to prevent users from being able to save over budget transactions, clear the Save Over
Budget PO check box on the AP Configuration screen.

Distribute button To distribute an amount over multiple properties, click this button. For more information, see
“Distribute Screen” on page 293.
292 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Search Suppliers button This button appears only if you are licensed for Voyager Inventory Control and have selected an
inventory control display type.
To find vendors identified as suppliers for an item, click a detail line and then click this button.
The Search Suppliers screen appears with the vendors that supply this product and their prices.
For more information about suppliers, refer to the Voyager Inventory Control User’s Guide.

Unit If this product or service is being ordered for a specific unit at a property, type or select the unit

Item Type If this is an inventory item, enter the item type code. Otherwise, leave this field empty. If you select
a item type code, Voyager completes the following fields automatically:
c Description
c GL Account
c GL Account Description
c Unit Price
Inventory is set up in the Voyager Maintenance module. For more information, see the Maintenance
Management User’s Guide.

Description If you are not using inventory items, complete these fields manually.
GL Account
Unit Price

Qty Received These fields are informational only and display the quantity and date of items received for this
purchase order.
Date Received

Payable Ctrl# If this purchase order is attached to a payable, the payable control number appears here.

Del To delete items, select the Del check box, next to lines you want to delete. Voyager deletes the lines
after you click Save.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 293

Distribute Screen
This screen appears when you click the Distribute button.

Property Type or select a property or property list.

If you choose a property list, Voyager automatically distributes the amount based on the % field on
the Property List screen.
If you choose multiple properties, Voyager automatically distributes the amount by dividing the
amount by the number of properties.

Quantity Type the total number of items to purchase. Voyager will divide this number among the designated

Account To use the same G/L account for each property, type or select that account number. To use different
G/L accounts, leave this field blank and type the account numbers on the Purchase Order screen.

Stock If this is an inventory item, enter the item type code. Otherwise, leave this field empty. If you select
a item type code, Voyager completes the following fields automatically:
c Description
c Unit Price
Inventory is set up in the Voyager Maintenance module. For more information, see the Maintenance
Management User’s Guide.

Description If you are not using inventory items, complete these fields manually.
Unit Price

Whole Numbers Only? Select Y if you want to distribute the quantity in whole numbers. If the quantity cannot be divided
evenly, some properties will get an extra item.
Select N if you want to divide an uneven quantity evenly as a decimal (rounded to four decimal
294 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Purchase Order Screen: General Info Tab

User Defined 1 - 8 These fields can be customized and may have different labels. Complete these customizable fields
as directed by your organization.
To define these fields go to Voyager System Administration, Admin > Environment, Purchase
Order Fields.

Print on PO Type remarks that you want to appear on the printed purchase order.

Notes Type remarks about the purchase order. If you select the Print Notes check box in the Options
section, these notes will appear on the purchase order.

Add Payable The default setting of this check box appears after the purchase order is saved, and comes from the
System Administration, Maintenance Options screen, Set Pay Flag check box (Maintenance
Management > Accounts & Options > Options).
If this check box is selected, this purchase order has the ability to become a payable.
If this check box is not selected:
c This purchase order will never be available to become a payable.
c This purchase order will never be available to be pulled into an invoice register or payable.

Update Inventory The default setting of this check box comes from the System Administration, Maintenance
Options screen, Update Inventory check box (Maintenance Management > Accounts &
Options > Options).
If this check box is selected, Voyager automatically updates the On Hold and On Hand figures for
inventory, when you post the purchase order.

Print Notes The default setting of this check box comes from the System Administration, Maintenance
Options screen, Print Ext. Desc check box (Maintenance Management > Accounts & Options
> Options).
If this check box is selected, Voyager includes the text from the Notes field on the printed purchase
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 295

Purchase Order Screen: Addresses Tab

Bill To Information After you click Save, the bill to address defaults from the Property Control screen, Management
Vendor field, for the first property listed in the first line of detail on the purchase order. If this field
is empty, it uses the Voyager System Administration, System > Accounts & Options screen,
Vendor field.
If needed, you can edit this information for this specific purchase order.

Ship To Information After you click Save, the ship to address defaults from the Property screen, for the property listed
in the first line of detail on the purchase order.
If needed, you can edit this information for this specific purchase order.

Purchase Orders and Workflows

If you use approval workflows with purchase orders, the following fields and tabs are relevant.

Approval Section

Workflow Manually select the workflow or it will automatically populate based on your workflow auto-attach
set up.
296 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Status The status of the purchase order in the approval workflow appears.
The Workflow tab displays detailed information about the progress of the purchase order through
the workflow.

Current Step The Approvers tab shows the approvers for the current workflow step in the approval workflow.

Next Step Select the appropriate next step in the workflow.

Notes Enter information about the approval or rejection of the purchase order. This note will appear on
the Workflow tab.

Purchase Order Screen: Workflow Tab

The fields on this tab are informational only and show the workflow history.

Purchase Order Screen: Approvers Tab

This tab shows the approvers for the current workflow step.

Preferred By default, all the Preferred check boxes are clear and all the users on this tab are notified.
If a Preferred check box is selected, only that user is notified—the other users are not notified.
For this option to work, the Workflow Step screen, E-mail tab, Email Preferred Approvers Only
check box must be selected.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 297

Receiving Items on Purchase Orders

Once a purchase order has been fully approved, you can receive all or part of the items ordered on a
purchase order. Receiving inventory items updates your inventory.

If you have Voyager Inventory Control, refer to the Voyager Inventory Control User’s Guide for information regarding how
to receive materials on purchase orders.

To record PO items as received

1 Open the Purchase Order screen.

2 Click the Receive PO link. The Receive Selected POs screen appears.

The top part of the screen is a filter. Because you started from the purchase order, the Vendor and
Purchase Order fields are pre-populated.

3 Click Submit. The bottom portion displays the purchase order details.

4 Complete the Date Received field and select the Receive check box of each line item you want to

5 If you are receiving fewer items than you ordered, edit the Quantity Received field appropriately.

When you receive fewer items than you ordered, Voyager adds a line to the Details tab for each item
not yet received.

6 Click Receive. Voyager updates the purchase order items.

Using PO Details in Payables

There are two ways to use PO details in payables:

c You can start in the Payable screen, and click the View POs button. This brings up a filter, where
you can search for PO detail to bring into the payable.
298 Chapter 12: Purchasing

c You can “post” the purchase order. This creates a payable for the details of the PO (within invoice
option thresholds) and links the PO details to the payable details. To post a PO, select Purchasing >
Purchase Order > Post PO.

Manually Closing Purchase Orders

There is no need to close purchase orders that are fulfilled. When all the details have been pulled into
payables, the purchase order is considered closed.

However, there are times when you decide you are not going to receive or pay for the items on an
open purchase order, and you want to manually close it.

To close a PO, select Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Close POs.

You can also manually close a purchase order by opening the purchase order record and selecting the
Closed check box.

A closed purchase order will no longer be displayed on selection lists, dashboards, and reports that fil-
ter on open purchase orders.

Note: If a purchase order is fulfilled, it is considered closed, but the Closed check box on the purchase
order record is not selected. If a purchase order is manually closed, the Closed check box is selected. In
either case, the purchase order will not appear on lists, dashboards, and reports that filter on open pur-
chase orders.

Closing Purchase Order Detail Rows

You can manually close a detail row without closing an entire purchase order. This means you have
received and paid for some of the items on the detail row, but will not be receiving or paying for the
remaining items.

For example, you ordered twenty door knobs from Ace Home Improvement, but only received fifteen,
because that is all they had in inventory. The door knob style has now been discontinued, so the five
remaining door knobs will never be received.

To close detail rows, select Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Close Partially Paid POs.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 299

Emailing Purchase Orders

With the Quick Email function, you can easily send an email with details from a PO.

Quick Email screen

Quick Email link

From the Links/Reports menu, select Quick Email. The Quick Email screen appears. In the Attach-
ments tab, you can select a report format for the PO details. When you click Send Email, Voyager gen-
erates the report and attaches it to the email. (The reports can be customized to fit your requirements.)

Note: This feature requires some setup. You have to add one or more scripted reports to the Reports
folder in your installation. Contact Yardi Technical Support for more information.

Optional Parameters for Receiving

In this section:
OptPOReceivePrompt.pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
OptPOReceivePreference.pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

The optional packages in this section can be installed by your system administrator to change the
behavior of the Receive Selected POs feature when you receive a partial quantity of an item.

Option What happens if you receive a partial quantity

No options loaded The system automatically splits the detail line, into received and unreceived.

Split package: This package adds a Split check box to each line.
OptPOReceivePrompt.pkg If you select the Split check box for a partial quantity, the system splits the line.
If you do not select the check box, the system closes the line.
300 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Close package: This package adds a Close check box to each line.
OptPOReceivePreference.pkg If you select the Close check box for a partial quantity, the system closes the line.
If you do not select the check box, the system splits the line.

This package changes the way you can receive partial shipments of items on purchase orders by
adding a Split column and a Check Split button to the Receive Selected POs screen.

Check Split button

Split column

“Split” means split the detail line on the PO into two lines — one for the quantity you will receive now,
one for the remainder which you will receive later.

“Check Split” means select the Split check box for all the items on the Receive Selected POs screen (in
other words, “check all”).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 301

Split Example:
Assume that the OptPOReceivePrompt.pkg optional parameter has been installed by your system
administrator. If you have a purchase order for widgets, you can partially receive, and then split the
detail for the widgets.

The following graphic shows an example of the original purchase order.

302 Chapter 12: Purchasing

The following graphic shows an example of the Receive Selected POs screen with the additional Split
column and Check Split button. The Split check box is selected for the first item.

The following graphic shows an example of the purchase order details after the PO was received. If the
remaining items do arrive, you can use this purchase order to receive them.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 303

This package changes the default behavior when receiving and unreceiving partial delivery on POs by
adding a Close column and Check Close button to the Receive Selected POs screen.

Check Close button

Close column

Use the Close check box when you receive a partial quantity for an item but do not expect to receive
the remainder. Voyager does not split the line, and closes the item.

“Check Close” means select the Close check box for all the items on the Receive Selected POs screen
(in other words, “close all”).
304 Chapter 12: Purchasing

Close Example:
Assume that the OptPOReceivePreference.pkg optional parameter has been installed by your
system administrator. The following graphic shows an example of the Receive Selected POs screen
with the additional Close column and Check Close button.

The following graphic shows the purchase order details after it has been received. The item that was
marked Close is no longer available. The item that was not marked Close was split. The remaining
quantity can still be received.


Cross Entity Transactions

In this chapter:
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
Creating Cross-Entity Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Reviewing and Posting Cross Entity Transactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Cross Entity Trans Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312

This chapter describes a feature that is only available to US clients. Global clients should use the IC Bill-
ing feature, which is described in the International User’s Guide.

The Cross Entity Trans feature allows you to create matching charges and payables between proper-

Property A Property B

Billing Entity Billed Entity


You create the charge and the payable at the same time for the same amount.

Using the Cross Entity Trans feature is a two-step process:

1 Create the transactions. You can:

• Create ad hoc transactions in the Add Cross Entity Trans screen, or

306 Chapter 13: Cross Entity Transactions

• import transactions from a CSV file.

2 Review and post the transactions in the Review Cross Entity Trans screen. (In this case, “post”
means to create unposted charge and payable batches.)

In this section:
Plug-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306
Creating Person Records to Charge and Pay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306
Optional Parameter for Auto Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307

The Cross Entity Trans feature is delivered in the GL Posting Utilities Plug-in.

Creating Person Records to Charge and Pay

Properties in Voyager cannot directly charge or pay other properties. The Charge To and Pay To fields
can only be completed with “Person Type” records:

We recommend that you use Customer records to represent properties to charge and Vendor records
to represent entities to pay.

Property A Property B

Billing Entity Billed Entity

Vendor Customer

In the example above, you would set up a Customer record for Property B (for the Charge To field on
the charge), and a Vendor record for Property A (for the Payee field on the payable).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 307

c For information about creating customers, see the Commercial User’s Guide.

c For information about creating vendors, see “Vendors” on page 119.

Optional Parameter for Auto Receipts

There is an option to automatically create receipts from Cross Entity transactions.

Load the following package:

c Cross Entity Trans Auto Receipt optCrossEntityAutoReceipt.pkg

When the charges are paid (when the matching payables are approved and processed), Voyager cre-
ates receipts and posts them.

Creating Cross-Entity Transactions

In this section:
Creating Ad hoc Cross-Entity Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Importing Cross Entity Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309

Creating Ad hoc Cross-Entity Transactions

Use the following procedure to create ad hoc bills between properties.

1 Select Payables > Cross Entity Trans > Add Cross Entity Trans. The Add Cross Entity Trans
screen appears:

2 Complete the fields on the screen as needed.

308 Chapter 13: Cross Entity Transactions

The following fields in the Charge To column require explanation:

Billing Entity The property creating the charge.

Charge To The “person” representing the property to be charged.

Charge Code The charge code for the charge.

Add Sales Tax Check this box to add sales tax to the charge. After checking, the
screen refreshes and displays the Sales Tax Code and Sales Tax Rate

Sales Tax Code The charge code for the sales tax charge.

Sales Tax Rate The rate of sales tax to apply to the charge.

The following fields in the Payable To column require explanation:

Billed Entity The property creating the payable.

Payee The “person” representing the corporate/management entity to be


Account The G/L expense account for the payable.

Inv # The invoice number for the payable.

3 Click Save. Voyager adds the record to the database and displays the following message:

4 Click OK. The Edit Cross Entity Trans screen appears. For more information, see “Reviewing and
Posting Cross Entity Transactions” on page 310.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 309

Importing Cross Entity Transactions

You can import external data into the Cross Entity Trans table. Create a CSV (comma separated value)
file with these exact column headings:

The column headings correspond to the fields on the Add Cross Entity Trans screen.

Importing the file is done in the Edit Cross Entity Trans screen. For more information, see “Reviewing
and Posting Cross Entity Transactions” on page 310 (the next section in this chapter).
310 Chapter 13: Cross Entity Transactions

Reviewing and Posting Cross Entity Transactions

In this case, “post” means to create charge and payable batches. The batches are unposted.

To review and post cross entity trans

1 Select Payables > Cross Entity Trans > Review Cross Entity Trans. The Edit Cross Entity Trans
screen appears:

Fields in the Charge To, Payable To, and Trans Batch Details columns are filters for displaying Cross
Entity Details. You can also use the Show Records field as a filter, as shown below:

The Unposted Batch option can help make sure the charge and payable batches are posted. (This
screen creates unposted batches that have to be posted later. If you filter for unposted batches, you
can see which batches still require posting. Records with either batch unposted show in the grid.)

2 To import cross entity transactions from a CSV file:

a Click Browse and select the import file.

b Click Import. Voyager inserts the records and displays the transactions in the grid.

3 To view or edit a cross entity transaction:

Click the Edit button in a row in the grid.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 311

You cannot edit a cross-entity transaction after you have created a charge and payable from it. If you
need to edit the transaction, you must first delete the charge and payable from their batches. Then
you can edit the cross-entity transaction in this screen and repost it.

4 To delete a transaction:

a Select the Delete check box in a row in the grid.

b Click the Delete button to delete it from the table.

You cannot delete a cross-entity transaction after you have created a charge and payable from it. If
you need to delete the transaction, you must first delete the charge and payable from their batches.

5 To post transactions (to create batches):

a Select the Post check box in the details lines. The Select All and Clear All links operate in the Post

b Click Create Batch. Voyager creates charges and payables for the selected records into unposted
batches. The screen refreshes and displays links to those charges and payables.

After Creating the Batches

Post charge and payable batches as usual.

Process payments against payables as usual. If the Cross Entity Trans Auto Receipt package is loaded,
Voyager automatically creates and posts receipts against charges created by Cross Entity Trans.

Redisplay the Edit Cross Entity Trans screen to access links to the receipts.
312 Chapter 13: Cross Entity Transactions

Cross Entity Trans Report

To run the Cross Entity Trans report
1 Select Payables > Cross Entity Trans > Cross Entity Trans Report. The filter appears.

2 Complete the filter as needed. The Post Months range is required.

3 Click Submit. The Cross Entity Trans Report appears.

Note: Due to space limitations, some of the columns on the right are not shown.


Service Contracts
In this chapter:
Service Contracts Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Initial Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Adding Service Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Posting Service Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
Changing Service Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Reviewing Service Contract Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

Service Contracts Overview

A service contract is an agreement with a vendor that specifies a service to be provided at regular
intervals at an agreed upon price. Recurring services, such as landscaping and cleaning, can be effi-
ciently managed using this feature. After adding a service contract record to Voyager, you can post it
periodically (typically monthly), to create payables or purchase orders.

Usually the monthly rate is the same throughout the year. But there is an option for seasonal services,
(snow removal, for example) that allows you to enter different amounts for each month.

In Voyager, a service contract record contains the following elements:

c A header section for general information and a grid for line-item detail, describing each service and

c A record of all the payables/purchase orders created for the contract.

c A record of change orders, documenting how the service contract evolved over time. (The Change
Order tab is an optional element.)
314 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Initial Setup
In this section:
Setting Up Service Contract Display Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314
Setting Up Approval Workflows for Service Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315
Data Permissions for Service Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316

This section describes the setup work required before you can add service contract records to the

Setting Up Service Contract Display Types

Display types determine which optional fields appear on the Service Contract screen. You can have as
many display types as required; you need at least one to use the Service Contract feature.

To set up a service contract display type

1 Select Service Contract > Add SC Display Type. The Service Contract Display Type screen

2 Complete the screen:

Currency Adds fields for vendor currency and exchange rate.

For use with Voyager International.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 315

Workflow If you want new service contracts to go through an approval workflow, select this check box.
This option adds the Approval section to the screen (containing the Workflow, Status, Current
Step, Next Step, and Notes fields).

Change Order Adds the Change Order tab to the screen, allowing you to create change orders.

Tran Type Adds the Tran Type column (where you select a tax transaction type).
For use with Voyager International.

Seasonal Contract Adds Seasonal Amount columns, one for each month, to the Contract Detail tab.

Intercompany Adds the Company field, allowing you to use intercompany accounting.

No Proration Adds the No Proration check box.

By default, if a service contract begins mid-month, the amount is prorated. This option allows
you to not prorate a service contract. (Without proration, the vendor is paid for the entire

Mandatory End Date Requires users to enter an end date when they set up a service contract. (When a service contract
reaches its end date, you can no longer use it to create payables or POs.)
If not selected, you can save a service contract without an end date.

Setting Up Approval Workflows for Service Contracts

If you want service contracts to go through a workflow, you must complete the following:

c Set up a service contract display type with the Workflow check box selected.

c Determine who will approve service contracts and set them up as approvers.

c Add a workflow record (with steps and navigation).

If a service contract goes through an approval workflow, the status of the contract is Pending until the
workflow is complete. You cannot manually change the status.

For more information about approvers and workflows, see the Voyager Workflows and Notifications
User’s Guide.
316 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Data Permissions for Service Contracts

The permissions specific to service contracts are listed below:

Permission Menu Path or Screen Access Level

Service Contract Approval Service Contract screen No Access: The Status field is disabled (grayed out).
Read: The same as No Access.
Read/Write: The Status field is enabled (you can
change the status).

Service Contract Attachment Service Contract screen: No Access: The Attachment link is hidden.
Function menu > Attachment
(view attachments) Read: The Attachment link is visible. You can open
the Attachment screen and view attachments, but
you can’t make any changes to the screen.
Read/Write: The Attachment link is visible. You can
open the Attachment screen and view attachments.
You can make changes to the screen.
Note: Adding attachments is controlled by another

Service Contract Attachment- Service Contract screen: No Access: On the Attachment screen, the Add
Add Function menu > Attachment button is disabled.
Access: The Add button is enabled.

Service Contract Change Order Service Contract screen: No access: The Change Order tab is not displayed.
Change Order tab > New Record
(add change orders) Read: You can view change orders, but you cannot
add a new change order.
Access: You can view change orders and add new

Service Contract Change Order Service Contract screen: No Access, Read, and Read/Write.
Approval Change Order tab
The same as for the Service Contract Approval

Service Contract Change Order Service Contract screen: No Access: You cannot edit the change order header.
Header Change Order tab
Access: You can edit the change order header.

Service Contract Memo Service Contract screen: No access: The Memo link is hidden.
Function menu > Memo link
(view) Read: The Memo link is visible. You can open the
Memo screen and view memos, but you can’t make
any changes to the screen.
Read/Write: The Memo link is visible. You can open
the Memo screen and view memos. You can make
changes to the screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 317

Permission Menu Path or Screen Access Level

Service Contract Memo-Add Service Contract screen: No Access: On the Memo screen, the Add button is
Function menu > Memo link disabled.
Access: The Add button is enabled.

Service Contract-Add Service Contract > Add Service No Access: The Save button is disabled.
Access: The Save button is enabled.

Service Contract-Delete Service Contract screen: No Access: The Delete button is disabled.
Delete button
Access: The Delete button is enabled.

Workflow Restart - Service System Administration: Admin > No Access: In the object type drop-down, Service
Contract Workflow > Workflow Restart. Contract is not available.
Object Type: Service Contract
Access: Service Contract is available.
318 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Adding Service Contracts

To add a service contract
1 Select Service Contract > Add Service Contract. The Service Contract screen appears.

Complete these fields first

2 Complete the following fields first. (They determine the appearance of other fields on the screen.)

Display Type If needed, change the display type. (Voyager defaults to the last display type selected by
the user.)
Check the display type before you enter any other data. If you change the display type
later, the data will be lost.

Post Type Payable or Purchase Order.

Payable Display Type or Select the display type for the system generated payables or POs generated.
PO Display Type

Frequency Select the frequency—how often you will post the service contract.
Months The options are Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Annually, Semi Annually, Quarterly, Seasonal,
Weekly, Bi-weekly, 4-Weekly.
Bi-weekly means every other week, for a total of 26 times a year. 4-Weekly means every
four weeks, for a total of 13 times a year.
After you select the frequency, the Months check boxes are completed automatically.
Verify that the selections fit your needs. For example, if you select Quarterly, the system
selects January, April, July, and October. You can change the months as needed.
For Weekly, Bi-weekly, and 4 weekly, no months are selected automatically, and no
months should be selected.
For Seasonal, no months are selected automatically. Select the months when you will
post the service contract (“post” = create POs or payables).
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 319

3 Complete the rest of the screen.

Contract # Enter a unique code for the service contract.

Brief Desc. Use the Brief Desc. field for additional identifying information.

Expense Type Select the Expense Type of the payables or POs that will be created.

Vendor Select the vendor.

Status When you first enter the contract, the Status field is set to Pending and cannot be edited.
After you save the contract, you can change the status to Approved or Rejected (if you have the
proper permission).
If the service contract goes through a workflow, the status is determined by the workflow.

Start Date The Start and End dates define the active period of the contract. (In the active period, you can
use the contract to create payables or POs.)
End Date
The Start Date is mandatory. By default, the End Date is optional. There is a display type setting
to make it mandatory.

Original Contract Enter the amount of the contract.

The sum of the detail lines must match this amount.

Renewable Yes You can use the Increase Service Contract function for this contract.
No You cannot use the Increase Service Contract function.
For more information, see “Increasing Service Contracts by a Percentage” on page 326.
320 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

4 Complete the Contract Detail tab.

Complete a line for each property/account combination. (Each line here becomes a detail line in the
payable/PO created by Voyager when you post the service contract.)

The following fields and buttons require explanation:

Monthly Rate The monthly rate (calculated by the system from the annual amount).

Annual Amount Enter the amount for the entire year.

The sum of the Annual Amounts must match the Original Contract amount in the

Distribute button Opens another screen, where you can distribute an amount among properties.

More button Adds additional detail lines to the screen.

If you use the Seasonal Contract option, the screen has columns for each month.

Enter the appropriate amount for each month. (With this option, the monthly amounts can vary.) The
sum of the monthly amounts must match the Original Contract amount at the top of the screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 321

5 Click Save.

The screen name changes to include a system-generated number for this service contract (for
example, Service Contract #4).

The screen also displays a link to the Functions menu and additional tabs.

Functions menu

System generated number Attachment link

Additional tabs

Using the Functions menu, you can add attachments to the record. For example, you could attach
the original contract documents.
322 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Posting Service Contracts

After creating service contracts you can post them to create purchase orders or payables. Posting ser-
vice contracts is typically part of the regular monthly procedures.

To post a service contract

1 Select Service Contract > Post Service Contract. The Post Service Contract screen appears.

2 Complete the screen. All the fields except Refresh are filter fields; they are used to select the con-
tracts and periods that you want to post. (For information about Refresh, see “Refresh Feature” on
page 325.)

3 Click Submit. The screen displays the matching results. Each line represents a contract/posting
period combination.

4 Select the Exclude check box for any lines that you do not want to post.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 323

5 Click the Post Month link to drill down to details.

The Service Contract Payment Schedule screen appears.

Pay Amount If necessary, you can change the amount.

If you are increasing the amount, you cannot exceed the amount you currently owe.
For example, suppose you normally pay 50.00 each month. In January, you paid 25.00. In
February, you can pay up to 75.00 (50.00 plus 25.00 outstanding from January).

Hold If you put a payment on hold, it will not be processed (Voyager will not create a payable or PO
for it).

6 Click Process to PO or Process to Payable. Purchase orders or payables for the selected contracts
are created. A confirmation message appears at the top of the Contracts tab.

To view the Payables/POs Created by Posting a Service Contract

If you want to see the payables or POs created by the system, you can click the Post Month link. The
Service Contract Payment Schedule screen appears, with links to the POs or payables.
324 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

This following screenshots are examples of a payable and a PO generated from service contracts.

Service Contract Payable Invoice

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 325

Service Contract Purchase Order

Refresh Feature

Refresh field

The Refresh feature is relevant if you use the same filter criteria twice.

For example, you are preparing to post a set of service contracts. You enter filter criteria, click Submit,
and review the contracts but don’t post them. Then, later on, you want to see the same contracts
again. You open the Post Service Contract screen and enter the same filter criteria.

If Refresh = No, Voyager will display exactly what it displayed the last time (Voyager will read the data
from the cache).

If Refresh = Yes, Voyager will ignore the cache and read the data from the contract records.

Refresh = No is faster, but it will miss any changes to the contract records that have happened after
the first time you submitted the filter criteria. If there have been change orders, they will not be
reflected in the data that appears.
326 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Changing Service Contracts

In this section:
Increasing Service Contracts by a Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326
Adding Service Contract Change Orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329
Reviewing and Editing Service Contract Change Orders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .332

Over time, when the contract is renewed (or renegotiated), you can change the service contract record
in Voyager:

c You can increase the entire contract by a fixed percentage (for example, you can increase all the line
items by 4%).

c You can add change orders that modify existing lines or add new ones.

Note: Service Contracts that have been approved cannot be edited directly — you can only change
them through change orders or the percentage increase function.

Increasing Service Contracts by a Percentage

If service providers increase the cost of their service by a percentage, you can use the percentage
Increase function.

This feature does not affect existing payables or purchase orders, only new ones.

To use this feature, the service contract must be renewable (the Renewable option must be set to Yes
on the Service Contract screen). This function does not change the status of the service contract, and
it does not require an approval.

To increase service contracts by a percentage

1 Select Service Contract > Increase Service Contract.

2 Use the Vendor and Expense Type fields as a filter (to search for the service contracts you want to
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 327

3 Click Display. The Contracts tab appears with the matching service contracts.

4 Complete the following fields:

Date of Increase Select the date the increase will take effect.

Increase% Enter the increase percentage.

For example, to increase the contract 3%, enter 3.

Exclude Select this check box to exclude a service contract from being increased.

5 Click Process. The selected contracts are increased. A confirmation message appears above the
Contracts tab.
328 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

The increase is reflected on Contract Detail tab of the Service Contract screen.

New lines for the percentage increase appear. The Notes field shows the formula used — the original
amount plus the percentage increase.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 329

Adding Service Contract Change Orders

After a service contract has been approved, if you need to modify the original service contract, you can
create a service contract change order. Service contract change orders go through an approval pro-

In order to use this feature, the original service contract must be set up with a display type that
includes the Change Order option. (This option adds the Change Order tab to the Service Contract

To add a service contract change order

1 Open the service contract.

2 Click the Change Order tab.

New Record button Change Order tab

330 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

3 Click the New Record button . The Contract Change Order screen appears.

The screen displays information from the existing contract.

4 Change the contract, as needed.

Change an existing line if anything changes on the current contract detail (a change of amount or GL
account, for example).

Only add a new line if the payable (or PO) needs to show an extra line (for extra costs with a different
GL account, for example).

In the following example, we edited the amount in the Contract Detail section.

5 Click Preview. The screen shows the changes to the Contract Detail section.

6 Click Save.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 331

7 In the Change Order tab, the change order shows a status of Pending.

8 You need to approve it (either manually or through an approval workflow, depending on your

When approved, the change order appears on the Contract History tab of the Service Contract

Change Order

The change order also appears as a new line on the Contract Summary tab and the Contract Detail

Change Orders for Previously Posted Periods

If a change order affects a period for which transactions have already been posted, you can go back
and post the period again for the differences.

For example, an original contract is for 1000 per month, and a change order raises it to 1200. The
change order is approved in March, but the date of the change is January, and payables have already
been created for January and February.
332 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

If you go back to the Post Service Contract screen and post the contract again, new transactions will
be created for the difference (for 200 for each month).

For service contracts that post to POs, there is an optional parameter:

c PO: Service Contract purchase order amount

When this parameter is loaded, the system does not generate new POs for the difference — it changes
the amounts on existing POs. (This only applies to un-paid POs.)

Reviewing and Editing Service Contract Change Orders

You can edit service contract change orders before they are approved. Afterwards, they can no longer
be edited.

To review a service contract change order

1 Open the service contract the change order is attached to.

2 Click the Change Order tab.

3 Click the Amount link of the service contract change order you want to review or edit.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 333

The Contract Change Order screen appears.

4 Edit the change order as needed.

Reviewing Service Contract Records

This section describes how to find and display service contracts. After a service contract has been
approved, it cannot be edited.

If you are on the Service Contract screen and you know the number of another Service Contract you want to display,
enter the Service Contract number in the Jump To field (upper right) and press the TAB key.

To review service contracts

1 Select Service Contract > Review Service Contract. The filter appears.
334 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

2 Complete the screen. The following fields require explanation.

Service Contract The code for the service contract (not the system-generated number). When you add a service
contract, the code is entered in the Contract # field.

Description Type a portion of the service contract description. For example, to find all the service contracts
whose Description field contains sweep, type sweep.

Notes Text Contains Type a portion of the service contract notes. For example, to find all the service contracts whose
Notes field contains parking, type parking.

3 Click Submit. The Service Contract screen appears.

4 For a complete description of a screen section or tab, see the following:

Z Top of screen: See “Adding Service Contracts” on page 318.

Z “Contract Summary Tab” on page 335.

Z “Contract Detail Tab” on page 336.

Z “Contract History Tab” on page 338.

Z “Change Order Tab” on page 338.

Z “Purchase Orders Tab” on page 340.

Z “Payable Tab” on page 340.

Z “Workflow Tab” on page 341.

Z “Approvers Tab” on page 341.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 335

Contract Summary Tab

Property The property code of the property receiving the service.

Start Date The date the service will begin.

Monthly Rate The monthly rate for the service of this property.

Annual Amount The annual amount for the service at this property.

Contract Summary Tab (Seasonal Contract)

Seasonal Amount month Seasonal contracts have twelve Seasonal Amount month columns—one for each month in the
336 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Contract Detail Tab

Distribute button Distributes an amount over multiple properties.

For more information, see “Distribute Screen” on page 337.

More button Adds additional detail lines.

Account Enter the G/L account number.

If the Usual G/L Account field is completed on the Vendor screen, this field is completed

Monthly Rate This field is calculated based on the Frequency field. If the Frequency field contains:
c Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Annually, Semi Annually, or Quarterly The field contains the annual
amount divided by 12.
c Seasonal The field Is empty.
Weekly Rate c Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or 4-Weekly The field contains the annual amount divided by 52.

Tran Type The tax transaction type.

Used by Voyager International.

Status The current status of the detail line.

Notes Remarks regarding this service contract line item.

InActive This check box distinguishes between active and inactive contract detail line items.
If there is more than one service contract detail line for the same date range, the lines that have
been superseded by change orders are shown as InActive.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 337

Contract Detail Tab (Seasonal Contract)

Seasonal Amount month Seasonal contracts have twelve Seasonal Amount month columns—one for each month in the

Distribute Screen
The Distribute screen allows you to divide an amount among several properties.

Property Enter properties or property lists.

Start Date By default, this field contains the start date of the service contract. You can change this date if

Account Enter the G/L account number.

If the Usual G/L Account field is completed on the Vendor screen, this field is completed

Distribute By Equal The amount is distributed by dividing the amount by the number of properties.
Per Area The amount is distributed based on property area.
Property List The amount is distributed based on the % field on the Property List screen.

Notes Type remarks.

These notes will appear in the Notes field in the Contract Detail tab.
338 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Contract History Tab

Brief Desc Voyager completes this field automatically with one of the following:
c Original Contract
c Change Order - number
c Contract Increase by n.nn%

Monthly Rate This field is is calculated based on the Frequency field. If the Frequency field contains:
c Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Annually, Semi Annually, or Quarterly, the field contains the annual
amount divided by 12.
c Seasonal, the field is empty.
Weekly Rate
c Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or 4-Weekly, the field contains the annual amount divided by 52.

Amount This field is informational and contains the total amount of the line item.
Clicking the link opens the Contract Detail screen, which shows the distribution of this line item
amount by property.

Change Order Tab

For more information about the change order process, see “Adding Service Contract Change Orders” on page 329.

Brief Desc By default, the brief description is Change Order - number.

Start Date The start date of the change order.

Monthly Rate This field is calculated based on the Frequency field. If the Frequency field contains:
c Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Annually, Semi Annually, or Quarterly Contains the annual amount
divided by 12.
c Seasonal Is empty.
Weekly Rate c Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or 4-Weekly Contains the annual amount divided by 52.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 339

Amount The net amount of the change order.

Clicking this link brings up the Contract Change Order screen. For more information, see
“Reviewing and Editing Service Contract Change Orders” on page 332.

Status If your service contracts go through a workflow, this field is informational and contains a status
based on the Next Step field.
If your service contracts do not go through a workflow, select a status.
If the workflow status is Pending, select Approved to approve the change order, or Rejected to
reject the change order.
340 Chapter 14: Service Contracts

Purchase Orders Tab

Depending on Post Type, the screen displays the Purchase Orders tab or the Payables tab.

PO The purchase order control number. To bring up the Service Contract Purchase Order screen click
this link.
To see an example of a service contract Purchase Order screen, see “Service Contract Purchase
Order” on page 325.

Net Amount Invoiced The amount of the purchase order that has been invoiced (posted to accounts payable).

Balance Remaining The amount of the purchase order that has not been invoiced.

Payable Ctrl # Clicking the links in this column brings up the PO Detail Payable screen.

Notes This field contains the text of the Notes field on the Purchase Order screen.

Payable Tab

Payable Ctrl# The payable control number. To bring up the Payable Invoice screen click this link.
To see an example of a service contract Payable Invoice screen, see “Service Contract Payable
Invoice” on page 324.

Net Amount Invoiced The amount of the payable that has been invoiced (posted to accounts payable).

Balance Remaining The amount of the payable that has not been invoiced.

Notes This field contains the text of the Notes field on the Payable screen.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 341

Workflow Tab

This tab shows the workflow history: who approved the previous workflow steps and their notes.

Approvers Tab

This tab shows the approvers for the current workflow step in the approval workflow.
342 Chapter 14: Service Contracts


Financial Admin Procedures

In this section:
Deleting Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Deleting Empty Batches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Rebuilding the General Ledger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Changing the Post Month of a Receipt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

These procedures are meant for system and database administrators. Non-administrators should not
be given access to them.

Deleting Transactions
The Delete Transaction function has been moved from Voyager Workstation Administration (VWA) to
Voyager and rewritten in .NET. You can search for transactions, view the results on the screen, and
select the transactions you want to delete.

You can also search for batches (the Tran Type field has options for batches). The function then deletes
all the transactions within the batch(es) you selected.

Use this function with caution. It permanently deletes transactions — they no longer exist in the data-
base and there is no audit trail.
344 Chapter 15: Financial Admin Procedures

To delete transactions
1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Delete Trans.

2 Use the top part of the screen as a filter.

3 Click Find. The screen displays the matching transactions. (Note: The screen displays only the
matching transactions that are unreconciled.)

4 Select the transactions you want to delete.

5 Click Delete. A message appears at the top of the screen:

6 Confirm your changes by selecting the Delete button again.

Uncreconciled Transactions
When you search for bank transactions on the Delete Trans screen, Voyager only displays unrecon-
ciled transactions. If you want to delete a reconciled transaction, you have to unpost the bank reconcil-
iation first. That changes the status of the transaction to Unreconciled, and it then becomes available
in the Delete Trans screen.

Delete Trans Report

There are two ways to access the Deleted Trans report:

c after you delete a transaction, a link to the report appears on the Delete Trans screen.

c you can select Toolbox > Delete Tran Report from the side menu.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 345

The following screenshots show how to go from the Delete Trans screen to the report.

When you delete a transaction, a confirmation message appears at the top of the screen, and a link to
the report appears at the bottom.

Confirmation message

Link to report
346 Chapter 15: Financial Admin Procedures

When you click the link, the Deleted Trans Report screen appears. The filter is prepopulated with
information about the deleted transaction. Click Display to view the report.

Click Display

Right side of screen:

Date, time, and user

The report shows information about the transaction, plus the date and time it was deleted and the
user who deleted it.

You can also access the report from the side menu (System Administration: Toolbox > Delete Tran

The filter fields are the same as on the Delete Trans screen, plus the Date Deleted fields, where you
can enter a date range to search for transactions deleted in a given time period. Click Display to view
information about deleted transactions.
Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 347

If you search for a batch in the Tran Type field, you can only view the batch header. To view the trans-
action within a batch, search for the transactions.

You can only view information about transactions that were deleted after the upgrade to PI 4. Prior
transactions are not available.

Unposted batches are not tracked on the Delete Trans report because the transaction were never
posted to the G/L. Only posted batches are tracked.

Deleting Empty Batches

Each time a user opens a batch header screen and clicks Save, Voyager creates a batch record, whether
or not there are any items in the batch. This can result in empty batch records that appear in search
results and “clutter up the system” in other ways.

This function that allows you to quickly delete empty batches.

To delete empty batches

1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Delete Empty Batches.

2 In the Report Only field, select Yes.

3 Click Submit. Voyager displays a table that shows the number of empty batches in the database for
each transaction type.
348 Chapter 15: Financial Admin Procedures

4 Return to the Delete Empty Batches screen (select Toolbox > Delete Empty Batches).

5 Change the Report Only field to No.

6 Click Submit. The empty batches are deleted.

Rebuilding the General Ledger

If your financial reports show out-of-balance accounts, you may need to rebuild the general ledger
(this can occur after importing transactions, for example).

Rebuilding the general ledger for past periods can change historical financial information.

Before rebuilding your general ledger, contact Yardi technical support to determine whether other
financial procedures may be more appropriate for correcting any out-of-balance issues.

To rebuild the general ledger

1 From the Voyager System Administration side menu, select Toolbox > Rebuild GL. The Rebuild GL
screen appears.

2 Complete the fields on the screen.

Property Specifies one or more properties for which you want to rebuild the G/L, or leave this
field empty if you want to select all properties in the database.

From Month Specifies the beginning month and year for rebuilding details or totals. The default is
the current operating month and year.

Rebuild Type Determines which of the tables are rebuilt. Select one or both options:
GlDetail Repopulates the GLDETAIL table from the TRANS and DETAIL tables.
Financial Analytics reports derive summary information from this table.
Totals Repopulates the GLTOTAL table from the GLDETAIL table.

3 Click Submit. A confirmation message appears once the process is completed.

Yardi Voyager Core Financials User’s Guide 349

Changing the Post Month of a Receipt

This procedure is a way to correct data-entry errors made in the Post Month field.

This procedure should be restricted to admin users and used with care. The permission for this feature
is Update Trans Post Month - Access.

Instead of using this procedure, we recommend reversing or reapplying the receipts. These functions
leave complete audit trails; the following procedure does not.

To change the post month of a receipt

1 In System Administration, select Toolbox > Change Receipt Post Month.

2 Use the top part of the screen to search for transactions. Enter search criteria and click Find.

Matching transactions appear in the datagrid in the lower part of the screen.

3 Select the transactions you want to update,

4 Enter the new post month.

5 Click Update. Voyager changes the post month for the selected transactions.
350 Chapter 15: Financial Admin Procedures

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