GP - Mapping of 2.1.1 Implementations To 2.2
GP - Mapping of 2.1.1 Implementations To 2.2
GP - Mapping of 2.1.1 Implementations To 2.2
Member release
November 2006
Document Reference: GPC_GUI_003
Table of contents
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. SECURITY DOMAINS ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. RECOMMENDED PRIVILEGES .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3. RECOMMENDED APPLICATION PROGRAMMING INTERFACES ................................................................................. 6
GlobalPlatform 2.2 ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Java Card ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4. CLARIFICATIONS FOR JAVA CARD AND EMV ...................................................................................................... 10
SECURITY PRINCIPLES........................................................................................................................................ 12
PRIVILEGES ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
ISSUER SECURITY DOMAIN ................................................................................................................................... 13
SUPPLEMENTARY SECURITY DOMAINS PRESENT ON AN IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................ 14
APPLICATIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
KEY USAGE............................................................................................................................................................... 22
SECURE CHANNEL................................................................................................................................................. 23
Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 36
Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 37
6.6. INSTALL ................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 38
6.7. LOAD ..................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 55
Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 55
6.8. MANAGE CHANNEL .............................................................................................................................................. 58
Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 58
OPEN Recommendations............................................................................................................................. 58
6.9. PUT KEY (DES KEYS) ........................................................................................................................................... 60
Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 60
Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 60
6.10. PUT KEY (RSA PUBLIC KEY) ............................................................................................................................... 64
6.10.1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 64
6.10.2. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 64
6.11. SELECT .................................................................................................................................................................. 66
6.11.1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.11.2. OPEN Recommendations............................................................................................................................. 66
6.11.3. Security Domain Recommendations............................................................................................................ 67
6.12. SET STATUS .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.12.1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 69
6.12.2. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 69
6.13. STORE DATA ......................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.13.1. Definition...................................................................................................................................................... 71
6.13.2. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................ 71
6.14. RESPONSE CODES .................................................................................................................................................. 77
1. Overview
This document provides implementation guidelines for mapping a GlobalPlatform card based on version
2.1.1 onto the card specification version 2.2. This guideline defines a subset of features defined in the
GlobalPlatform Card Specification version 2.1.1 thus it defines sample of implementations. These
implementations are based on the Java Card 2.1.1 or Java Card 2.2 specifications and implement the
Java Card 2.1.1 or Java Card 2.2 API.
Throughout this document, special clarification will be provided if a particular guideline does not apply to
all implementations or only applies to a particular implementation.
Security Domain
DAP Verification
Card Lock
Card Terminate
Card reset
CVM Management
Mandated DAP Verification
Trusted Path
Authorized Management
Global Lock
Global Registry
Final Application
The SecureChannel interface methods to be present for the Issuer Security Domain and for each
instance of a Supplementary Security Domain if the implementation supports Supplementary Security
The GPRegistryEntry object interface to be present for the Issuer Security Domain, for each instance
of a Supplementary Security Domain if the implementation supports Supplementary Security Domains and
for each instance of Application. For each GPRegistryEntry object the interface methods to be present.
The CVM interface methods to be present on all implementations.
The SecureChannelx interface method to be present for the Issuer Security Domain and for each
instance of a Supplementary Security Domain if the implementation supports Supplementary Security
All implementations support the Java Card API and pass the corresponding compliance tests.
In addition to the above 3 interfaces, the following interfaces are also supported implementations
supporting PKI functions:
In addition to the above 5 fields, the following fields within the KeyBuilder class are also present for
implementations supporting PKI functions:
For implementations supporting PKI functions, the buildKey() method supports any other keyLength
long as the length is between 512 and the maximum length supported by the card and is a multiple of 32
The following field within the MessageDigest class is supported for implementations supporting PKI
The following fields within the Signature class is present for all implementations:
In addition to the above 5 fields, the following fields within the Signature class are also present for
implementations supporting PKI functions:
The following fields within the Cipher class are present for all implementations:
In addition to the above 8 fields, the following fields within the Cipher class are also present for
implementations supporting PKI functions:
The RID of an Application instance AID does not have to be the same as the RID of the Package or
the same as the RID of the application class from which the Application was instantiated.
The parameters defined for the install() method contain more than just the Application Specific
Parameters i.e. the instance AID and Application Privileges are present in addition to the Application
Specific Parameters (refer to section 0 of this document for more detail).
The GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 mandates the suitable order as noted in the Java Card
Virtual Machine specification for the components of the CAP file.
If the GlobalPlatform implementation is for use on EMV compliant terminals, EMV level 1
requirements, except for item 2 and 3 below, take precedence over ISO/IEC 7816-4 and the protocol
rules described in the Java Card Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specification and Java Card
Application Programming Interface.
There are 3 known protocol discrepancies between ISO, EMV and Java Card:
1. Responding to a case 2 command issued with a length (Le) of binary zero ('00') for a T=0
All implementations respond to such a command with a '6Cxx' response instead of the '61xx'
response suggested by the Java Card specification and this, along with the subsequent re-issued
command, are managed by the JCRE. Refer to sections and in the Java Card 2.1.1
and Java Card 2.2 Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specifications respectively, and section
of Book1 Application Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements of EMV 2000
Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment Systems.
A simple example of the expected behavior is as such:
When an applet invokes the setOutGoingAndSend(bOff, len) method, the JCRE responds
with a '6Cxx' (xx = len) response if Le on the incoming command was '00'.
If the subsequent command is not the same as the previous incoming command, the card behavior
can be unpredictable. If the subsequent command is the same as the previous incoming command
with a Le not equal to '00':
The JCRE does not invoke the process() method of the currently selected application.
The JCRE does output Le bytes of data from the APDU buffer followed by a '9000' or
'61xx' returned code.
2. Responding to a case 4 command with a warning return code for a T=0 card.
While not defined as an option in EMV, a Java Card can only respond with the warning return code
following the last GET RESPONSE command. Refer to section of Book1 Application
Independent ICC to Terminal Interface Requirements of EMV 2000 Integrated Circuit Card
Specification for Payment Systems and the Java Card 2.1.1 Application Programming Interface or
Java Card 2.2 Application Programming Interface (specifically the APDU class).
A simple explanation of the issue relates to the SELECT command when the card is in the Life Cycle
State CARD_LOCKED and is as such:
When the Issuer Security Domain invokes the setOutGoingAndSend(bOff, len) method, the
JCRE does not at this point have any knowledge of the warning return code. The only option
available to the JCRE is to use the '61xx' return code and the GET RESPONSE command sequence.
Only when control is passed back to the Issuer Security Domain, it can set the value of the return
code to '6283'.
3. The class byte of the GET RESPONSE command.
While EMV states that the class (CLA) byte of a GET RESPONSE command will always be zero
('00'), ISO/IEC 7816-4 and other specifications do not mandate this. From a GlobalPlatform point of
view, in order to ensure that GlobalPlatform cards are accepted in the widest range of terminals
possible and in order to support logical channels, these implementations do not limit the value of
the CLA byte for a GET RESPONSE command.
2. Security Principles
The following are security principles as defined by this guideline for the possible entities on a
GlobalPlatform card:
2.1. Privileges
The following table lists the Privileges supported by the Issuer Security Domain and by each instance of
the Supplementary Security Domain if the implementation supports Supplementary Security Domain and
lists privileges that could be attributed to an Application:
Security Domain
DAP Verification
Delegated Management
Card Lock
Card Terminate
Card Reset
CVM management
Mandated DAP Verification
Trusted Path
Authorized Management
Token Verification
Global Delete
Global Lock
Global Registry
Final Application
Global Service
Receipt Generation
Table 1 : Supported Privileges
Ticks (9) denote recommended support.
Blanks denote that the support of the privilege is beyond scope of this guideline.
O denotes optional support.
For commands issued to the Issuer Security Domain when the card is in a Life Cycle State of
OP_READY or INITIALIZED, it is only recommended that a Secure Channel Session has been setup
with security level AUTHENTICATED.
For commands issued to the Issuer Security Domain when the card is in a Life Cycle State of
SECURED or CARD_LOCKED, a Secure Channel Session must have been setup and the security
level must indicate AUTHENTICATED and C-MAC on all commands within the Secure Channel
Any additional security required by the issuer over and above that enforced by the card Life Cycle
State must be indicated in the setup of the Secure Channel Session.
Security Domain
Card Lock
Card Terminate
CVM Management
Authorized Management
Global Delete
Global Lock
Global Registry
Final Application
In addition to above list the Issuer Security Domain has initially the following privilege:
Card reset
And if the implementation has support for personalization the Issuer Security Domain also has the
following privilege:
Trusted Path
For commands issued to the Security Domain when the card is in a Life Cycle State of OP_READY
or INITIALIZED, it is only recommended that a Secure Channel Session has been setup to security
For commands issued to the Security Domain when the card is in a Life Cycle State of SECURED, a
Secure Channel Session must have been setup and the security level must indicate
AUTHENTICATED and C-MAC on all commands within the Secure Channel Session.
Any additional security required by the Application Provider over and above that enforced by the
card Life Cycle State must be indicated in the setup of the Secure Channel Session.
DAP Verification
Mandated DAP Verification
And if the implementation has support for personalization the following privilege is implicitly given during
installation of an instance when install parameters are coded in 1 byte:
Trusted Path
2.4. Applications
Application behavior is outside the scope of this guideline and the following is only included for
informational purposes.
Applications may choose to follow exactly the same security principles as a Security Domain and to utilize
the same APDU command structures to provide similar functionality e.g. GET STATUS, PUT KEY, STORE
DATA etc.,
If an application utilizes the services of its associated Security Domain to provide it with Secure Channel
functionality, the Application developer must be aware that its associated Security Domain will enforce the
same security principles that apply to the Security Domain to all Secure Channel functionality that the
Security Domain is requested to process by the Application.
Each instance of an application may have the following privileges:
Card Lock
Card Terminate
Card Reset
CVM Management
Global Lock
Global Registry
3. Data Recommendations
The following are recommendations for support of data within the OPEN and Security Domains and for
support of data within the CVM interface:
3.1. OPEN
The AID for the Issuer Security Domain Application within the GlobalPlatform Registry is initially 'A0 00 00
01 51 00 00 00'. The Application Privileges of the Issuer Security Domain is initially set to '9E DE 00' if it
implements support for personalization (i.e. it has the Trusted Path privilege) otherwise to '9E 5E 00'.
For implementations supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the AID for the installable Security
Domain Executable Load File (package) within the GlobalPlatform Registry is 'A0 00 00 01 51 53 50' and
the Executable Module AID (applet) within the GlobalPlatform Registry is 'A0 00 00 01 51 53 50 41'. The
Issuer Security Domain is this Executable Load Files associated Security Domain.
If any other installable Executable Load Files exist within the GlobalPlatform Registry when the card
reaches the OP_READY Life Cycle State, the Issuer Security Domain is the associated Security Domain
for each of these Executable Load Files.
The GlobalPlatform Registry is able to store at least 21 entries of a combination of at least one Executable
Load File, at least one Executable Module and Applications.
Implementations are not required to store the package AID for any API in the GlobalPlatform Registry. If
the AID of any of these packages is stored in the GlobalPlatform Registry, they are not externally visible
using the GET STATUS command.
For implementations supporting symmetric cryptography only, the internal APDU buffer has the capability
of handling, at a minimum, a command or response data field of 128 bytes.
For implementations supporting symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, the internal APDU buffer has
the capability of handling, at a minimum, a response data field of 256 bytes.
On implementations that support at least one Supplementary Logical Channel, the number of available
logical channels and the fact that the card assigns logical channel numbers are indicated in the historical
bytes of the Answer To Reset string as defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4 (specifically table 87).
This guideline defines the Answer to Reset string for a T=0
'3B 68 00 00 00 73 C8 40 zz 00 90 00' or '3F 68 00 00 00 73 C8 40 zz 00 90 00'
Additional recommendations, beyond storing the data in the Data Store, exist for tag 'CF'. (See
section 6.5 of this document.)
The GlobalPlatform defined tag '4F' has additional recommendations as defined in section 6.13 of
this document and while it can be modified using the STORE DATA command, it cannot be retrieved
using the GET DATA command, as it will not be found in the Data Store.
The GlobalPlatform defined tags 'C1', 'E0' and 'C0' have additional recommendations as defined in
3.2.3 and 3.2.4 below and while they can be retrieved using the GET DATA command they cannot be
directly personalized using the STORE DATA command.
A vendor does not place tag '45' in the Data Store unless it has been informed by the intended Card Issuer
what the maximum length for this value is. If a vendor places tag '42' in the Data Store the maximum
length for this value is 6 bytes.
Card Data
Card/chip details
Implementations are not responsible for insuring the integrity of Card Recognition Data.
The Card Recognition Data is retrievable using the GET DATA command.
Optionally the Card Recognition Data (tag 73) is returned in response to a SELECT command sent to the
Issuer Security Domain.
3.2.4. Key Information Template and Key Information Data (tags 'E0' and 'C0')
The Issuer Security Domain is able to build a Key Information Template containing multiple Key
Information Data depending on the available keys.
The Key Information Template is retrievable using the GET DATA command.
Additional recommendations, beyond storing the data in the Data Store, exist for tag 'CF'. (See
section 6.5 of this document.)
The GlobalPlatform defined tags 'C1', 'E0' and 'C0' have additional recommendations as defined in
3.3.4 and 3.3.5 below and while they can be retrieved using the GET DATA command they cannot be
directly personalized using the STORE DATA command.
3.3.5. Key Information Template and Key Information Data (tags 'E0' and 'C0')
The Supplementary Security Domain is able to build a Key Information Template containing multiple Key
Information Data depending on the available keys.
The Key Information Template is retrievable using the GET DATA command.
The initial length of the PIN is 3 (i.e. number of bytes used to store the PIN).
These values can be modified using the update() and setTryLimit() of the new API.
This guideline assumes that the PIN will always be presented to the card within a PIN data block as
defined in EMV 2000 Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment Systems.
4. Key Usage
Each Security Domain requires keys that will facilitate the setting up of a Secure Channel.
For the Issuer Security Domain, this is initially Key Version Number 'FF' which has been deliberately
chosen to be outside of the allowable range ('01' to '7F') for a Key Version Number.
It is logical that the initial keys in the Issuer Security Domain be replaced by an initial issuer Key Version
Number in the range '01' to '6F'.
Initially and when supported, for a Supplementary Security Domain on an implementation, no keys exist
and the Security Domain uses the keys of its associated Security Domain to set up a Secure Channel.
This Secure Channel Session is used to populate the Security Domain with its own initial Secure Channel
Key Version Number in the range '01' to '6F'.
The 3 DES keys within a Key Version Number ranging from '01' to '6F' and the initial Key Version Number
'FF' have the following functionality:
The encryption key (Key Identifier '01') is used to generate an encryption session key that is then
used both for mutual authentication and, depending on the security level, to decrypt the complete
APDU command data field.
The MAC key (Key Identifier '02') is used to generate a MAC session key that is then utilized to
generate the card challenge value and to verify a MAC for APDU commands (command header and
command data).
The data encryption key (DEK) (Key Identifier '03') is used to generate a data encryption session key
(DEK session key) that is utilized to decrypt secret or application specific data.
Key Version Numbers '70' to '7F' are reserved for DAP Verification on an implementation supporting
Supplementary Security Domains and for future use.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the RSA public key with a Key
Version Number '73' and a Key Identifier of '01' has the following functionality in a Supplementary Security
Domain with the DAP Verification privilege:
The DAP Verification key is used to verify the signature of a Load File Data Block generated by an
Application Provider or Controlling Authority.
Management of any of the above keys is possible using either a PUT KEY command or the STORE DATA
5. Secure Channel
This section describes the generic recommendations of a Security Domain when processing a command
within a Secure Channel Session (SCP '02', implementation option '15').
Within a Secure Channel, the mandatory level of security of each command is dependent on the security
level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command. If the security level mandates secure messaging
the class byte for each command received by a Security Domain or passed to a Security Domain for
processing should also reflect the presence of secure messaging i.e. bit 3 of the class byte is set.
It is the responsibility of the Security Domain to unwrap the command i.e. the Security Domain decrypts
the data field (if necessary) and verifies the MAC.
Any command within a Secure Channel Session, immaterial of the security level defined in the EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command, may also contain data known by the Security Domain to be encrypted secret
data (i.e. the PUT KEY (DES) command or a STORE DATA command containing DES keys). The Security
Domain is also responsible for decrypting this data.
Regardless of the number of available logical channels only one Secure Channel Session is active at any
one time. No Application, other than the Application context that initiated the Secure Channel, will be able
make use of the Secure Channel.
6. APDU Commands
All APDU commands are received first by the JCRE/OPEN for dispatching to Applications. Except for the
SELECT and MANAGE CHANNEL commands whose behavior is described later (see 6.11 and 6.8 of this
section) and the two T=0 protocol specific commands whose behavior is described below, all other APDU
commands are dispatched immediately to the currently selected Application.
If the card is in the Life Cycle State TERMINATED, any Application command received is immediately
dispatched to the Issuer Security Domain. It is the responsibility of the Issuer Security Domain to reject all
commands except the GET DATA command when the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED.
Support of logical channels (defined in ISO/IEC 7816-4) is recommended. Implementations may support
only the required Basic Logical Channel or 1, 2 or 3 Supplementary Logical Channels in addition to the
required Basic Logical Channel. Implementations are also recommended to support the assignment of
logical channels numbers by the card therefore if the logical channel bits of the class byte (bits 1 and 2)
indicate a supported Supplementary Logical Channel that is not open, a response of '6881' is returned.
For cards implementing the T=0 protocol, the JCRE/OPEN is responsible for returning a '61xx' return code
and managing the subsequent GET RESPONSE command i.e. the GET RESPONSE command, immaterial of
its level of security, is not dispatched to the currently selected application but is managed by the
JCRE/OPEN itself.
Again for cards implementing the T=0 protocol, the JCRE/OPEN is responsible for returning a '6Cxx'
return code and managing the subsequent re-issue of the case 2 command i.e. the re-issued case 2
command is not dispatched to the currently selected application but is managed by the JCRE/OPEN itself
(see section 1.4 of this document).
The commands described in this guideline are the followings:
INSTALL [for extradition]
INSTALL [for install and make selectable]
INSTALL [for load]
INSTALL [for install]
INSTALL [for make selectable]
INSTALL [for personalization]
INSTALL [for registry update]
PUT KEY (Public Key)
See section 11.2 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the structure of the DELETE command.
Also refer to section 9.5 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the description of the OPEN
relating to content removal.
6.1.1. Definition
A DELETE command is used by the Issuer Security Domain only to delete an Application or an Executable
Load File. It cannot be used to delete packages required for the operation of a GlobalPlatform Java Card
i.e. it is not possible to delete the GlobalPlatform API or Java Card API packages immaterial of whether
these are present in the GlobalPlatform Registry.
The DELETE command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security for
the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the Issuer Security Domain is able to
delete any Application or Executable Load File immaterial of the Applications or Executable Load Files
associated Security Domain. Additional restrictions may exist when deleting a Security Domain (see
section 6.2.2 below)
6.1.2. Recommendations
If the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is returned.
If the card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED, a response of '6985' is returned.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the DELETE command is not able to
delete an instance of a Supplementary Security Domain that has DAP Verification privileges.
The DELETE command is able to delete an instance of an Application that is not referenced by any other
Application instance on the card.
The DELETE command is able to delete an Executable Load File including all the Executable Modules as
long as:
Any Applications instantiated from the Executable Load File have been previously deleted;
An Application instance does not reference code in the Executable Load File to be deleted; and
Another Executable Load File does not reference code in the Executable Load File to be deleted.
The DELETE command is able to delete an Executable Load File and all related Applications as long as:
An unrelated Application instance does not reference any of the related Applications to be deleted;
An unrelated Application instance does not reference code in the Executable Load File to be deleted;
Another Executable Load File does not reference code in the Executable Load File to be deleted.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
If a value other than '00' is present in this parameter, a response of '6A86' is returned.
6.2.1. Definition
The EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command is used by a Security Domain to authenticate the host and to
determine the level of security required for all subsequent commands.
A previous and successful execution of the INITIALIZE UPDATE command is necessary prior to processing
this command.
6.2.2. Recommendations
For the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is
If a Supplementary Security Domain has not yet been populated with its own Secure Channel Key Version
Number it uses the services of its associated Security Domain (i.e. the Issuer Security Domain) to process
this command. This behavior is further described in section 7.2.1 of this document.
If a previous INITIALIZE UPDATE command has not been received, a response of '6985' is returned.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1 (security level)
This parameter defines the level of security required for all commands following this EXTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE command (it does not apply to this command) and within this Secure Channel Session.
This may be an addition to the security required depending on the state of the card i.e. a host (issuer,
Application Provider or Controlling Authority) may require a higher level of security than that defined in
section 2 of this document.
The following rules apply if a Security Domain is the selected Application:
'00' All subsequent commands received by the Security Domain will not include any security i.e. no
MAC of the command header and data field nor any encryption of the data field. This option is only
applicable if the card is in the Life Cycle States OP_READY or INITIALIZED. If the card is not in
either of these states, a response of '6985' is returned.
'01' All subsequent commands received by the Security Domain must contain an 8-byte MAC of
the command header and data field. If the card is in the Life Cycle State OP_READY or
INITIALIZED, this setting indicates an additional level of security. If the card is in the Life Cycle State
SECURED or CARD_LOCKED, this level of security is recommended.
'03' All subsequent commands received by the Security Domain must contain an 8 byte MAC of
the command header and data field and the data field must be encrypted. This setting indicates an
additional level of security if the card is in the Life Cycle State SECURED or CARD_LOCKED and 2
additional levels of security if the card is in the Life Cycle State OP_READY or INITIALIZED.
If the value in this field indicates a security level other than those defined above or defined in the Appendix
E.5.2 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 but not supported by the implementation, a response of
'6A86' is returned and the Secure Channel Session terminates i.e. the card challenge, session keys and
any other data relating to the Secure Channel Session are cleared. A new INITIALIZE UPDATE command
would have to be issued to the card prior to attempting another EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
6.3.1. Definition
The GET DATA command is used to retrieve information pertaining to the keys present within a Security
Domain and to retrieve tagged data elements from the Data Store of a Security Domain.
If the GET DATA command is issued within a Secure Channel Session, the level of security for the
command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command. Note that
the GET DATA command is not issued within a Secure Channel Session.
6.3.2. Recommendations
The GET DATA command is the only command that can be processed by the Issuer Security Domain when
the card is in the TERMINATED Life Cycle State.
The GET DATA command is the only command besides the INITIALIZE UPDATE command that is fully
processed immediately following the selection of the Security Domain.
A Security Domain only returns data that has been populated i.e. tagged data elements that have been
previously written to the Security Domains Data Store or information pertaining to keys that have been
populated using the PUT KEY or the STORE DATA commands.
Class and Instruction Bytes
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '00', '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is
If the instruction byte is 'CB', a response of '6D00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameters 1 and 2
If these parameters are not '00E0' or '00C1' a search is conducted through the Data Store for the data
identified by the tags contained in these parameters. If these parameters do not reference tags of data
currently in the Data Store, a response of '6A88' is returned. (Note that for the Issuer Security Domain,
parameters '9F66', '9F67', '00CD' and '004F' cause a response of '6A88' to be returned, as these values
are never stored as individual objects in the Data Store).
Data field sent in the command message
No data field is present.
Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The information is output in the correct format dependant on the class byte (ISO or proprietary).
The response message to an ISO type command only contains the value of the data identified in
parameters 1 and 2. (If this value is retrieved from the Data Store, the number of bytes returned is the
actual length).
The response message to a GlobalPlatform type command contains the tag, length and value (TLV) of the
data identified in parameters 1 and 2. (If this value is retrieved from the Data Store, the length field is the
actual length).
If the tag is 'C1', the Secure Channel Sequence Counter of the default Key Version Number is returned. If
a Supplementary Security Domain has not yet been populated with keys or the Secure Channel keys have
not yet been used, the response is either 'C1020000' or '0000' dependant on the class byte.
If the tag has a value of 'E0', the data pertaining to each key (starting with the default Key Version
Number) in the Security Domain is returned. On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security
Domains, if a Supplementary Security Domain has not yet been populated with keys, the response is
either be 'E002C000' or 'C000' dependant on the class byte.
The following tables contain two examples of a response message for a tag of 'E0':
An Issuer Security Domain that has two Secure Channel keys (Key Version Numbers 1 and 4):
Value in Hex
according to proprietary class byte)
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
A Supplementary Security Domain that has 1 Secure Channel key (Key Version Number 2) and a DAP
Verification key (Key Version Number '73'):
Value in Hex
according to proprietary class byte)
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
Key Identifier
Key length
01 or 03
Exponent length
Table 4 : Example Response 2
6.4.1. Definition
The GET STATUS command is used by the Issuer Security Domain only to retrieve Executable Load File,
Executable Module, Issuer Security Domain and Application Life Cycle data.
The GET STATUS command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security
for the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
6.4.2. Recommendations
If the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is returned.
This command only returns Executable Load Files, Executable Modules and Applications as defined in the
GlobalPlatform specifications. It is not intended as a means to return information regarding the available
API packages. Information relating to the API packages is not returned in the response to this command.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
If a value other than '80', '40', '20' or '10' is received in this parameter and is not supported by the
implementation, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Implementations that do not support the retrieval of data relating to Executable Load Files and their
Executable Modules (value of '10' in this parameter) may return a response of '6A81'.
Reference Control Parameter 2
A value '00' for this parameter indicates the deprecated response data structure. A value of '02' indicates
the response data TLV structure. If the previously issued GET STATUS command returned a response of
'6310' this value is '01' or '03' respectively. If neither of the preceding conditions is met, a response of
'6A86' is returned.
Data Field Sent in the Command Message
If the data field is not formatted correctly, a response of '6A80' is returned.
If the value of P1 is '80', the Issuer Security Domain is located.
If the value of P1 is '40', a sequential search through the GlobalPlatform Registry for each Application
(includes each instance of the Supplementary Security Domain but always excludes the Issuer Security
Domain) that fully or partially matches the AID, is performed. If no entries match the AID, a response of
'6A88' is returned. If the data field contains '4F00' and no Applications besides the Issuer Security Domain
exist in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned.
If the value of P1 is '20', a sequential search through the GlobalPlatform Registry for each Executable
Load File that fully or partially matches the AID is performed. If no entries match the AID, a response of
'6A88' is returned. If the data field contains '4F00' and no Executable Load File exists in the Open Platform
Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned.
If the value of P1 is '10', a sequential search through the GlobalPlatform Registry for each Executable
Load File that fully or partially matches the AID is performed. If no entries match the AID, a response of
'6A88' is returned. If the data field contains '4F00' and no Executable Load File exists in the
GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned. For each Executable Load File located, its
linked Executable Modules are also located.
The implementation may support tag list (tag '5C') according to section of the GlobalPlatform
Card Specification 2.2. If the tag list is present and the bit 2 of P2 is not set to 1, a response of '6A86' is
returned. If an on-card entity that matches the search criteria is found in GlobalPlatform Registry without
the corresponding data object, a response of '6A88' is returned.
Data Field Returned in the Response Message
All matching entries located in the GlobalPlatform Registry is returned.
If the GET STATUS command request requires more Executable Load Files, Executable Modules or
Applications than will fit within a single APDU command, following the data that fits within the single
APDU, a warning response of '6310' is returned.
The data structure contains the entries as they were loaded or installed on the card i.e. the first Executable
Load File returned should be that of the first Load File Data Block loaded to the card or present in Mutable
Persistent Memory and the first Application should be the first Application installed on the card. In this
manner the structure could be viewed as a history of the loading and installation of Load File Data Blocks
and Applications to the card.
6.5.1. Definition
The INITIALIZE UPDATE command is used to exchange Secure Channel Session data between the card and
the host. This data facilitates the generation of the session keys used for the duration of the Secure
Channel Session. The INITIALIZE UPDATE command is only successfully processed if no Secure Channel
Session is currently active or if the Secure Channel Session is active on the same logical channel that this
command is being issued on.
Information relating to a Secure Channel Session is discarded and the Secure Channel Session
terminated for any one of the following reasons:
If the command immediately following this INITIALIZE UPDATE command on this logical channel is not
Application selection. The Security Domain code uses an implementation specific mechanism to
close an existing Secure Channel Session when a change of the current applet context occurs on
the logical channel on which the Secure Channel Session is active i.e. if the Application invoking a
method in the SecureChannel class is not the same Application that initiated the setting up of a
Secure Channel, the current Secure Channel is either already terminated or is terminated at this
point. This is over and above the responsibility of an Application that uses the services of its
associated Security Domain to invoke the closeSecureChannel() or resetSecurity()
methods within its own applet.deselect() method.
Secure Channel failure. Any error thrown by the Security Domain on the logical channel on which the
Secure Channel Session is active indicates a termination of the current Secure Channel Session.
These errors are caused by:
o The inability of the Security Domain to verify the host cryptogram of the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE
o The inability of the Security Domain to verify a MAC of any command received within the Secure
Channel Session.
o The Security Domain determining that padding resulting from command data field decryption is not
o The Security Domain receiving a message that did not have the required level of security.
All of these occurrences are further detailed in sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.5 of this document. While no
application specific errors causes a Secure Channel Session to terminate, an application using the
services of its associated Security Domain may terminate the session at any time by invoking the
closeSecureChannel() or resetSecurity() methods. The Secure Channel does not fail if an
Application on another logical channel attempts to initiate a new Secure Channel or attempts to use the
Secure Channel even though the attempt will be rejected.
Receipt of a subsequent INITIALIZE UPDATE command on the logical channel on which the Secure
Channel is active. At any point within a current Secure Channel Session, the INITIALIZE UPDATE
command can be issued to the card on the same logical channel on which the current Secure
Channel was initiated in order to initiate a new Secure Channel Session.
6.5.2. Recommendations
For the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if a Supplementary Security Domain
has not yet been populated with its own Secure Channel Key Version Number, it uses the services of its
associated Security Domain (i.e. the Issuer Security Domain) to process this command. This behavior is
further detailed in section 7.2.1 of this document.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the Security Domain code has a
mechanism of identifying whether another instance of a Security Domain, selected on another logical
channel, has already initiated a Secure Channel. If a Secure Channel is currently active on a logical
channel other than the logical channel on which this command was issued, a response of '6985' is
Command Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
If the Security Domain has more than one Key Version Number, this field may indicate the keys within a
particular Key Version Number ('01' to '6F') to be used to create session keys.
A value of '00' in this parameter indicates that the default Key Version Number is used. (For more
information on the default key, refer to 6.9 or 6.13 of this section.)
If the value in this field has a value greater than '6F', a response of '6A86' is returned.
If the value indicates a Key Version Number that is not present within the Security Domain or indicates a
Key Version Number that is incomplete (i.e. the Key Version Number does not contain Key Identifiers 1, 2
and 3), a response of '6A88' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 2
If a value other than '00' is present in this parameter, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The (C-)MAC, encryption and DEK session keys are generated as described in Appendix E.4.1 of the
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.
If the received host challenge is identical to the concatenation of the Secure Channel Sequence Counter
of the identified Key Version Number and the card challenge (6 bytes generated as described in section
5.4 of this document), a response of '6982' is returned.
A card cryptogram is generated for the response message using the Secure Channel encryption session
key as described in Appendix E.4.2.1 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.
Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The 10-byte value of tag 'CF' from the Security Domains Data Store is returned as Key Derivation Data.
The key information data includes the Key Version Number and the Secure Channel Protocol ('02'). If a
Key Version Number was specified in the command data, then that same Key Version Number is returned
in the response, else the Key Version Number chosen (default) by the Security Domain is returned.
The Sequence Counter is the Secure Channel Sequence Counter of the identified Key Version Number.
The card challenge is the data generated as described in section 5.4 of this document.
The card cryptogram is the cryptogram as described in section 0 above.
Copyright 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
See section 11.5 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the structure of the INSTALL command.
6.6.1. Definition
The INSTALL command is used to inform the Issuer Security Domain of the various steps required to load
application code and to install and make an Application selectable. On an implementation supporting
Supplementary Security Domains, the INSTALL command can also be used to inform the Issuer Security
Domain to extradite an Application from the Issuer Security Domain to a Supplementary Security Domain
within the card.
The INSTALL command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security for
the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
On an implementation with support for Supplementary Security Domains, the Issuer Security Domain
installs and makes selectable any Application immaterial of the Applications associated Security Domain.
6.6.2. Recommendations
If the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is returned.
If the card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED, a response of '6985' is returned.
For all implementations, the Issuer Security Domain supports INSTALL [for load] and INSTALL [for install and
make selectable] commands and may support INSTALL [for install], INSTALL [for make selectable] and
INSTALL [for personalization] commands. INSTALL [for extradition] is supported on an implementation
supporting Supplementary Security Domains.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, a Supplementary Security Domain
may support INSTALL [for personalization] command.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
The following are the allowable values of this parameter:
'02' Indicates that an attempt is being made to load application code to the card.
'0C' Indicates that an attempt is being made to install and make selectable an instance of previously
loaded application code.
'10' For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, this indicates that an attempt is
being made to extradite an Application associated with the Issuer Security Domain to a Supplementary
Security Domain.
If INSTALL [for install] supported then '04' Indicates that an attempt is being made to install an instance of
previously loaded application code.
If INSTALL [for make selectable] supported then '08' Indicates that an attempt is being made to make
selectable an instance of previously installed application.
If INSTALL [for install] is supported then INSTALL [for make selectable] is supported too.
If INSTALL [for make selectable] is supported then INSTALL [for install] is supported too.
If INSTALL [for personalization] supported then '20' Indicates that an attempt is being made to the
currently selected Security Domain to personalize one of its associated Applications and a subsequent
STORE DATA command is to be expected. See section 11.11 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2
for the structure of the subsequent STORE DATA commands.
This mechanism (i.e. the INSTALL [for personalization] command and the subsequent STORE DATA
commands) may be supported by implementations supporting Supplementary Security Domains to
personalize applications only.
An implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains supports a value of '02' or '0C'
and may support a value of 04, 08 or 20 in this parameter. Any other value causes a response of '6A86'
to be returned.
An implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains:
the Issuer Security Domain supports a value of '02', '0C' or '10' and may support a value of 04, 08
or 20 in this parameter. Any other value causes a response of '6A86' to be returned.
a Supplementary Security Domain may support a value of 20 in this parameter. Any other value
causes a response of '6A86' to be returned.
If a Supplementary Security Domain in the Life cycle State PERSONALIZED exists in the
GlobalPlatform Registry with bit 1 of its privilege byte set (mandates DAP Verification), a Load
File Data Block Hash is present.
If the Supplementary Security Domain to be associated to the resultant Executable Load File
has bit 7 of it privileges byte set (requires DAP Verification), a Load File Data Block Hash is
Load Parameters
An implementation supports Load Parameters Length coded in 1 byte and may support it in 2 bytes.
An implementation may require that TLV coded System Specific Parameters be present.
If an implementation does not require the presence of load parameters, the implementation ignores
these load parameters if they are present.
If an implementation does require the presence of load parameters tags 'C6', 'C7' and 'C8', the
implementation abides by the following rules.
For each tag that contains a value of 'FFFF', the implementation is not check for the available
For each tag that contains a value other than 'FFFF', the behavior of the implementation is
outside the scope of this document i.e. this guideline has no recommendations as to how these
values are used.
If the load parameters tag 'D6' is present but is not supported by the implementation, a response of
'6A80' is returned.
If an implementation supports the presence of load parameters tag 'D6', the implementation abides
by the following rules.
If the requested space is available the requested code memory space is reserved for this Load
If the tag 'B6' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Load Token
The content of this field is not present. If the Load Token field contains a value, a response of '6A80'
is returned.
The successful processing of all the above fields has no lasting effect on the card at all. This command is
only a precursor to a sequence of LOAD commands. The Load File AID, Security Domain AID and Load
File Data Block hash is however retained, as they are needed for processing during or on completion of
the receipt of the LOAD commands.
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is set, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, this privilege indicates that
the Application being installed is a Security Domain and Applications associated to this
Supplementary Security Domain may use its Secure Channel services. If the above Executable
Load File AID does not match the AID for the installable Security Domains code defined in
section 3 of this document, a response of '6985' is returned.
Bit 7 set (DAP Verification):
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is set, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is not set in
conjunction with bit 8, a response of '6A80' is returned. This privilege indicates that the
Application being installed is an Application Providers on card Supplementary Security Domain
and may, once in the Life Cycle State PERSONALIZED, be requested to perform DAP
Verification. As an implementation is only recommended to support the presence of one DAP
Block in the Load File, if a Supplementary Security Domain already exists within the
GlobalPlatform Registry that has bit 7 of its Application Privileges set, the implementation may
reject this INSTALL command with a '6985' response code.
Bit 6 set (Delegated Management):
If this bit is set, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 5 set (Card Lock):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed will have the ability to successfully
invoke the lockCardManager() or lockCard() methods, which will cause the card to be
Bit 4 set (Card Terminate):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed will have the ability to successfully
invoke the terminateCardManager() or terminateCard() methods, which will cause the
card to reject all commands besides the GET DATA command.
Bit 3 set (Card Reset):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed becomes the default selected
application and has the privilege to modify historical bytes on one or more card interfaces. If the
Issuer Security Domain is not the current application with Card Reset Privilege (i.e. some other
Application within the GlobalPlatform Registry has already been installed with this privilege), a
response of '6985' is returned.
Bit 2 set (CVM management):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed will have the ability to successfully
invoke the setPin(), update(), blockState(), resetAndUnblockState() and
setTryLimit() methods which will cause the value of the global PIN or variables pertaining to
the management of the Global PIN to change.
Bit 1 set (Mandated DAP Verification):
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is set, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is not set in
conjunction with bit 8 and bit 7, a response of '6A80' is returned. This privilege indicates that the
Application being installed is a Controlling Authorities on card Supplementary Security Domain
and once in the Life Cycle State PERSONALIZED mandates that Load Files contain a DAP
When coded in 3 bytes the middle byte bitmap value and its implication are defined as follows:
Bit 8 set (Trusted Path):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed is a Security Domain and supports
personalization of its associated applications through Trusted Path using its Secure Channel
services. If the Security Domain does not support this function a response of '6A80' is returned.
If this bit is not set in conjunction with bit 0, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 4 set (Global Lock):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed may lock or unlock any other
application. If the implementation does not support this option a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 3 set (Global Registry):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed Application may access any entry in
the GlobalPlatform Registry. If the implementation does not support this option a response of
'6A80' is returned.
When coded in 3 bytes the rightmost byte is not set to '00', a response of '6A80' is returned.
Install and Make Selectable Parameters
An implementation supports Install Parameters Length coded in 1 byte and may support it in 2 bytes.
The install parameters are parameters that are specific to the system and the Application being
installed. Install parameters are TLV structured data and at least contains the tag 'C9'.
Application Specific Parameters (tag 'C9') are outside the scope of this document except in the case
of a Security Domain being installed i.e. if it is intended that the Security Domain be capable of
accepting extradition requests, this field contains 'C90145'.
An implementation may require that TLV coded System Specific Parameters be present.
If an implementation does not require the presence of install parameters tags 'C7' and 'C8', the
implementation ignores these install parameters if they are present.
If an implementation does require the presence of install parameters tags 'C7' and 'C8', the
implementation abides by the following rules.
For each tag that contains a value of 'FFFF', the implementation does not check for space nor it
reserves space. The implementation allocates space to the Application on a per use basis.
For each tag that contains a value other than 'FFFF', the behavior of the implementation is
outside the scope of this document this guideline has no recommendations as to how these
values are used.
If the tag 'CB' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
If the install parameters tag 'D7' or 'D8' is present but is not supported by the implementation, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
If an implementation supports the presence of install parameters tags 'D7' and 'D8', the
implementation abides by the following rules.
If the requested space is available the requested memory space is reserved for this instance.
The presence of tag 'CA' is ignored.
The presence of tag 'CF' is ignored if not supported by the implementation.
If an implementation supports the presence of install parameters tag 'CF', the implementation abides
by the following rules in addition to the rules defined in sections 11.1.7 of the GlobalPlatform Card
Specification 2.2. For each tag 'CF' the bitmap value and its implication are defined as follows:
Bit 8 set (Contactless I/O):
The application becomes implicitly selectable on contactless interface and specifically on the
logical channel defined by bits 1 and bit 2. If an application other than Issuer Security Domain is
already the implicitly selectable application on contactless interface and specifically on the
logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2, a response of '6985' is returned.
If the contactless interface or the logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2 is not supported then
this parameter is ignored.
Bit 7 set (Contact I/O):
The application becomes implicitly selectable on contact interface and specifically on the logical
channel defined by bits 1 and bit 2. If an application other than Issuer Security Domain is already
the implicitly selectable application on contact interface and specifically on the logical channel
defined by bit 1 and bit 2, a response of '6985' is returned.
If the contact interface or the logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2 is not supported then this
parameter is ignored.
Bit 6 set (RFU):
The content of this bit is ignored.
Bit 5 to bit 3 set (Logical Channel number 4 to 19):
The contents of these bits are ignored.
Bit 2 bit 1 set (Logical Channel number 0 to 3):
If the logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2 is not available then this parameter is ignored.
The presence of tag 'EA' is ignored.
If the tag 'B6' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Install and Make Selectable Token
The content of this field is not present. If the Install Token field contains a value, a response of '6A80'
is returned.
The successful processing of the above fields results in the following:
The install() method of the application code is invoked.
The parameter bArray of the install() method contains the concatenation of the following data:
The length of the Application Specific Parameters (byte following the tag 'C9')
If Application Specific Parameters do not exist (length of the Application Specific Parameters is '00'),
the Supplementary Security Domain always, when requested, rejects extraditions to this Security
If Application Specific Parameters do exist (length of the Application Specific Parameters is '01') but
the byte following the length is not '45', the Supplementary Security Domain always, when
requested, rejects extraditions to this Security Domain.
If the length of the Application Specific Parameters do exist (length of the Application Specific
Parameters is not '00') and the byte following the length is '45', the Supplementary Security Domain
always, when requested, accepts extraditions to this Security Domain.
On successful completion of the install() method, an entry is created for the Application in the
GlobalPlatform Registry and the Life Cycle State of the Application is set to SELECTABLE.
The Application Privileges are linked to this Application. If the Application is to have the Card Rest
privilege, the Card Reset privilege is linked to this Application and the implementation sets the bit 3 of byte
1 (leftmost byte) of the Issuer Security Domains Application Privileges to 0.
The Security Domain linked to the Executable Load File from which this Application was instantiated is
associated to this Application.
If the install parameters within the command data field are coded in one byte the implementation sets the
value of byte 2 (middle byte) and byte 3 (rightmost byte) as follows:
When installing a Supplementary Security Domain and the support for personalization is
implemented, to '80 00'. If the support for personalization is not implemented, to '00 00'
Refer to sections 9.3.3 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the description of the OPEN
relating to installing an Application. Refer to Table 11-43 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for
the data field structure of this command. If the data field is not formatted correctly (i.e. missing or incorrect
length fields), a response of '6A80' is returned. The following recommendations exist for these fields:
Executable Load File AID
The Executable Load File AID indicates within which Executable Load File the applet to be installed
resides. If this value does not reference an Executable Load File present within the GlobalPlatform
Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned.
Executable Module AID
The Executable Module AID is the Java Card name of the applet present within the applet
component of an Executable Load File already present on the card. If this value does not reference
an Executable Module present within the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned.
Application AID
The Application AID is the AID with which the applet will be instantiated and as such become the AID
that will be used to select this Application. It may have the same value as the Executable Module
AID but if this AID is already present within the GlobalPlatform Registry as an Application AID or
Executable Load File AID, a response of '6985' is returned.
Application Privileges
An implementation supports Application Privileges coded in 1 byte and coded in 3 bytes. When
coded in 1 byte or the leftmost byte when coded in 3 bytes the bitmap value and its implication are
defined as follows:
Bit 8 set (Security Domain):
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is set, a
response of '6A80' sis returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, this privilege indicates that
the Application being installed is a Security Domain and Applications associated to this
Supplementary Security Domain may use its Secure Channel services. If the above Executable
Load File AID does not match the AID for the installable Security Domains code defined in
section 3 of this document, a response of '6985' is returned.
Bit 7 set (DAP Verification):
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is set, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is not set in
conjunction with bit 8, a response of '6A80' is returned. This privilege indicates that the
Application being installed is an Application Providers on card Supplementary Security Domain
and may, once in the Life Cycle State PERSONALIZED, be requested to perform DAP
Verification. As an implementation is only required to support the presence of one DAP Block in
the Load File, if a Supplementary Security Domain already exists within the GlobalPlatform
Registry that has bit 7 of its Application Privileges set, the implementation may reject this INSTALL
command with a '6985' response code.
Bit 6 set (Delegated Management):
If this bit is set, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 5 set (Card Lock):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed will have the ability to successfully
invoke the lockCardManager() or lockCard() methods, which will cause the card to be
Bit 4 set (Card Terminate):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed will have the ability to successfully
invoke the terminateCardManager() or terminateCard() methods, which will cause the
card to reject all commands besides the GET DATA command.
Bit 3 set (Card Reset):
If this bit is set, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 2 set (CVM management):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed will have the ability to successfully
invoke the setPin(), update(), blockState(), resetAndUnblockState() and
setTryLimit() methods which will cause the value of the global PIN or variables pertaining to
the management of the Global PIN to change.
Bit 1 set (Mandated DAP Verification):
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is set, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if this bit is not set in
conjunction with bit 8 and bit 7, a response of '6A80' is returned. This privilege indicates that the
Application being installed is a Controlling Authorities on card Supplementary Security Domain
and once in the Life Cycle State PERSONALIZED mandates that Load Files contain a DAP
When coded in 3 bytes the middle byte bitmap value and its implication are defined as follows:
Bit 8 set (Trusted Path):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed is a Security Domain and supports
personalization of its associated applications through Trusted Path using its Secure Channel
services. If the Security Domain does not support this function a response of '6A80' is returned.
If this bit is not set in conjunction with bit 0, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 4 set (Global Lock):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed may lock or unlock any other
application. If the implementation does not support this option a response of '6A80' is returned.
Bit 3 set (Global Registry):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed Application may access any entry in
the GlobalPlatform Registry. If the implementation does not support this option a response of
'6A80' is returned.
When coded in 3 bytes the rightmost byte is not set to '00', a response of '6A80' is returned.
Install Parameters
An implementation supports Install Parameters Length coded in 1 byte and may support it in 2 bytes.
The install parameters are parameters that are specific to the system and the Application being
installed. Install parameters are TLV structured data and at least contains the tag 'C9'.
Application Specific Parameters (tag 'C9') are outside the scope of this document except in the case
of a Security Domain being installed i.e. if it is intended that the Security Domain be capable of
accepting extradition requests, this field contains 'C90145'.
An implementation may require that TLV coded System Specific Parameters be present.
If an implementation does not require the presence of install parameters tags 'C7' and 'C8', the
implementation ignores these install parameters if they are present and are not supported by the
If an implementation does require the presence of install parameters tags 'C7' and 'C8', the
implementation abides by the following rules.
For each tag that contains a value of 'FFFF', the implementation does not check for space nor
does it reserve space. The implementation allocates space to the Application on a per use basis.
For each tag that contains a value other than 'FFFF', the behavior of the implementation is
outside the scope of this document this guideline has no recommendations as to how these
values are used.
If the tag 'CB' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
If the install parameters tag 'D7' or 'D8' is present but is not supported by the implementation, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
If an implementation supports the presence of install parameters tags 'D7' and 'D8', the
implementation abides by the following rules.
If the requested space is available the requested memory space is reserved for this instance.
The presence of tag 'CA' is ignored.
If the tag 'CF' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
The presence of tag 'EA' is ignored.
If the tag 'B6' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Install Token
The content of this field is not present. If the Install Token field contains a value, a response of '6A80'
is returned.
The successful processing of the above fields results in the following:
The install() method of the application code is invoked.
The parameter bArray of the install() method contains the concatenation of the following data:
The length of the Application Specific Parameters (byte following the tag 'C9')
If Application Specific Parameters do not exist (length of the Application Specific Parameters is '00'),
the Supplementary Security Domain always, when requested, rejects extraditions to this Security
If Application Specific Parameters do exist (length of the Application Specific Parameters is '01') but
the byte following the length is not '45', the Supplementary Security Domain always, when
requested, rejects extraditions to this Security Domain.
If the length of the Application Specific Parameters do exist (length of the Application Specific
Parameters is not '00') and the byte following the length is '45', the Supplementary Security Domain
always, when requested, accepts extraditions to this Security Domain.
On successful completion of the install() method, an entry is created for the Application in the
GlobalPlatform Registry and the Life Cycle State of the Application is set to INSTALLED.
The Application Privileges are linked to this Application.
The Security Domain linked to the Executable Load File from which this Application was instantiated is
associated to this Application.
Copyright 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
If the install parameters within the command data field are coded in one byte the implementation sets the
value of byte 2 (middle byte) and byte 3 (rightmost byte) as follows:
When installing a Supplementary Security Domain and the support for personalization is
implemented, to '80 00'. If the support for personalization is not implemented, to '00 00'
Refer to section 9.3.7 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the description of the OPEN relating
to installing an Application. Refer to Table 11-44 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the data
field structure of this command. If the data field is not formatted correctly (i.e. missing or incorrect length
fields), a response of '6A80' is returned. The following recommendations exist for these fields:
If the Length field contains a value other than 00, a response of '6A80' is returned.
If the Length field contains a value other than 00, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Application AID
The Application AID is the AID with which the applet is instantiated and as such becomes the AID
that will be used to select this Application.
If this value does not reference an Application AID in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of
'6A88' is returned.
If this value does reference an Application AID in the GlobalPlatform Registry but the Application is
not in the state INSTALLED, a response of 6A80 is returned.
Application Privileges
An implementation supports Application Privileges coded in 1 byte and coded in 3 bytes. When
coded in 1 byte or the leftmost byte when coded in 3 bytes the bitmap value and its implication are
defined as follows:
Beside the application Card Reset privilege bit all other application privilege bits is ignored.
Bit 3 set (Card Reset):
This privilege indicates that the Application being installed for make selectable becomes the
default selected application and has the privilege to modify historical bytes on one or more card
interfaces. If the Issuer Security Domain is not the current application with Card Reset Privilege
(i.e. some other Application within the GlobalPlatform Registry has already been installed with
this privilege), a response of '6985' is returned.
Install Parameters
The presence of tag 'CF' is ignored if not supported by the implementation.
If an implementation supports the presence of install parameters tag 'CF', the implementation abides
by the following rules in addition to the rules defined in section 11.1.7 of the GlobalPlatform Card
Specification 2.2. For each tag 'CF' the bitmap value and its implication are defined as follows:
Bit 8 set (Contactless I/O):
The application becomes implicitly selectable on contactless interface and specifically on the
logical channel defined by bits 1 and bit 2. If an application other than Issuer Security Domain is
already the implicitly selectable application on contactless interface and specifically on the
logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2, a response of '6985' is returned.
If the contacless interface or the logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2 is not supported then
this parameter is ignored.
Bit 7 set (Contact I/O):
The application becomes implicitly selectable on contact interface and specifically on the logical
channel defined by bits 1 and bit 2. If an application other than Issuer Security Domain is already
the implicitly selectable application on contact interface and specifically on the logical channel
defined by bit 1 and bit 2, a response of '6985' is returned.
If the contact interface or the logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2 is not supported then this
parameter is ignored.
Bit 6 set (RFU):
If the logical channel defined by bit 1 and bit 2 is not available then this parameter is ignored.
If the tag 'B6' is present, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Make Selectable Token
The content of this field is not present. If the Install Token field contains a value, a response of '6A80'
is returned.
The successful processing of the above fields results in the following:
The Life Cycle State of the Application in the entry created for the Application in the GlobalPlatform Registry
is set to SELECTABLE. If the Application is to have the Card Rest privilege, the Card Reset privilege is
linked to this Application and the implementation sets the bit 3 of byte 1 (leftmost byte) of the Issuer Security
Domains Application Privileges to 0.
Refer to section 7.3.3 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the description of the OPEN relating
to personalizing an Application. Refer to Table 11-47 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the
data field structure of this command. If the data field is not formatted correctly (i.e. missing or incorrect
length fields), a response of '6A80' is returned. The following recommendations exist for this field:
Application AID
The Application AID references an Application within the GlobalPlatform Registry that is associated
to the Security Domain to which this command is submitted. If this value does not reference an
Application in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned. If this value does not
reference an Application associated to the Security Domain to which this command is submitted, a
response of '6985' is returned.
Refer to section 9.4.2 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the description of the OPEN relating
to registry update. Refer to Table 11-46 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the data field
structure of this command. In this guideline this command is used only to restrict a functionality of OPEN.
The following recommendations exist for these fields:
Application Privileges
If the Application Privileges Length is different of '00' i.e. the Application Privileges field is present, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
Registry Update Parameters
The install parameter is specific to the system. Install parameters are TLV structured data and
contains the tag 'EF'. Within the tag 'EF' the system parameter 'D9' is present in one byte and lists
the function to be disabled. Following indicate the bitmap value of tag 'D9' and its implication:
Bit 1 may be set to 1, indicating the disabling of the delete function. The successful processing
of the above fields results in the immediate and irreversible disablement of the following
command for any existing security domains or any security domains instantiated from this point
a. DELETE command
Bit 2 set to 1, indicating the disabling of the load function. The successful processing of the
above fields results in the immediate and irreversible disablement of the following commands for
any existing security domains or any security domains instantiated from this point on:
b. INSTALL [for load] command
c. LOAD command
Disabling functions associated to other bitmap values are out of scope of this document.
A request to disable load function that is already disabled is rejected and a response of 6985 is
Registry Update Token
The content of this field is not present. If the Extradition Token field contains a value, a response of
'6A80' is returned.
The successful processing of the above fields results in disabling the requested functionality of OPEN.
Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The data field returned in the response message contains a value of '00'.
6.7. LOAD
See section 11.6 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the structure of the LOAD command.
Refer to sections 9.3.2 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the description of the OPEN
relating to processing a Load File.
6.7.1. Definition
A sequence of LOAD commands follows a successful INSTALL [for load] command and contains a Load File
containing application code and possibly authentication data.
6.7.2. Recommendations
If the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is returned.
If the card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED, a response of '6985' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if more than one DAP Block is
present in the Load File, the behavior of such an implementation is outside the scope of this document.
If a LOAD command is not preceded by a successful INSTALL [for load] command, a response of '6985' is
As the size of the LOAD command is constrained by the maximum size of the command data and maybe
the size of the APDU buffer within the card, the DAP Block and Load File Data Block is divided into as
many numbered LOAD commands as required. An implementation is capable of managing data that is split
across multiple LOAD commands.
Any error returned by this command indicates that the full load sequence has failed i.e. the content of the
card is not altered in any way (no trace of the load process remains) and the full sequence will have to be
restarted including the INSTALL [for load] command.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
If a value other than '00' or '80' is present in this parameter, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 2 (block number)
The block number is coded sequentially from '00' to 'FF'.
If a block number is received out of sequence, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Data Field Sent in the Command Message
If the data field does not contain a portion of a correctly formatted Load File, a response of '6A80' is
returned. The recommendations listed hereunder relate to the Load File and not to a specific data field
within the load sequence.
The following are recommendations only for an implementation supporting Supplementary Security
If one of the following 2 conditions are met but no DAP Block is present in the Load File, a response
of '6985' is returned:
o If a Supplementary Security Domain exists in the GlobalPlatform Registry with bit 1 of its
Application Privileges set (mandates DAP Verification), a DAP Block (tag 'E2') precedes the
Load File Data Block.
o If the Supplementary Security Domain to be associated to the resultant Executable Load File
(Security Domain AID present in the INSTALL [for load] command and not the Issuer Security
Domain) has bit 7 of it Application Privileges set, a DAP Block (tag 'E2') precedes the Load File
Data Block.
If, due to one of the above 2 conditions, a DAP Block is present, then:
o If the Security Domain AID present in the DAP Block does not match the AID of the Security
Domain requiring the DAP Block, a response of '6985' is returned.
o The Supplementary Security Domain requiring the presence of the DAP Block is requested to
verify the Load File Data Block signature and:
If the Supplementary Security Domain is not in the Life Cycle State PERSONALIZED, the
Security Domain indicates that signature verification failed.
Load File Data Block signature verification is performed using Key Version Number '73' of the
Security Domain as defined in Appendix C.6.1 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.
o If no hash was present in the INSTALL [for load] command or if the Supplementary Security Domain
indicated that signature verification failed, a response of '6982' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the TLV structure for the Load File
Data Block follows a required DAP Block in the Load File. If no DAP Block is required, the Load File only
contains the TLV structure for the Load File Data Block.
For an implementation without support for Supplementary Security Domains, the Load File only contains
the TLV structure for the Load File Data Block.
Note: unlike most data in commands that is either less than 128 bytes long or in the LV format as opposed
to the TLV format, the content of the Load File Data Block is TLV coded and the length field adheres to
TLV coding rules:
The length field of the DAP Block is 2 bytes long and will contain a value between '818A' and '8195'
(1 byte tag and 1 byte length for the Security Domain AID with a length of 5 to 16 bytes plus 1 byte
tag and 2 byte length for the Load File Data Block signature with a length of 128 bytes).
The length field of the Load File Data Block Signature is 2 bytes long and will contain a value of
'8180' (length of 128 bytes).
The length field of the Load File Data Block could theoretically range from 1 to 3 bytes i.e. '01' to '7F'
if less than 128 bytes long, '8180' to '81FF' if ranging from 128 bytes to 255 bytes and '820100'
onwards if greater than 255 bytes.
Besides the DAP Blocks, if the content of the Load File is not structured according to the suggested order
of the Java Card 2.1.1 Virtual Machine and Java Card 2.2 Virtual Machine specification, a response of
'6A80' is returned.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, as part of the processing performed
for the Load File Data Block, if a DAP Block is present within the Load File the hashing of the Load File
Data Block is performed according to Appendix C.2 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.
On receipt of the last LOAD command in the sequence (P1 set to '80'), the following processing occurs:
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains that required the presence of a DAP
Block, if the hash does not match the hash received in the INSTALL [for load] command, a response of
'6982' is returned.
An entry is created for the Executable Load File within the GlobalPlatform Registry.
The Security Domain identified in the INSTALL [for load] processing is associated to the Executable Load
For each applet present within an applet component of a .cap file, an entry for an Executable Module with
this AID is created in the GlobalPlatform Registry.
6.8.1. Definition
The MANAGE CHANNEL command is the only command described in this document that is handled
exclusively by the OPEN and never forwarded to the Application. The intention of the MANAGE CHANNEL
command is to open a Supplementary Logical Channel that is not yet open and close a Supplementary
Logical Channel that is currently open. A Supplementary Logical Channel can be used to close itself. As
this guideline specifies that the card assign logical channel numbers, using the MANAGE CHANNEL
command to specify which logical channel is to be opened is outside the scope of this guideline.
If P1 contains a value of '00' (indicating that a Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened) and this
parameter contains a value other than '00', a response of '6A81' is returned.
If P1 contains a value of '00' (indicating that a Supplementary Logical Channel is being opened) and all
supported Supplementary Logical Channels are already in use, a response of '6A81' is returned.
Copyright 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
6.9.1. Definition
The PUT KEY command is used to:
For all Security Domains, these keys will be in the Key Version Number range '01' to '6F'.
The PUT KEY command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security for
the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, a Supplementary Security Domain
only uses the Secure Channel services of the Issuer Security Domain to populate its first Secure Channel
Key Version Number. Once it has been populated with this Key Version Number, the Secure Channel is
set up using the Security Domains own Secure Channel keys.
6.9.2. Recommendations
For the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is
For the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED, a response of '6985' is
For an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if a Supplementary Security Domain
has not yet been populated with its own Key Version Number, the Secure Channel Session will have been
set up using the services of the Security Domains associated Security Domain (i.e. the Issuer Security
Domain) and therefore the Issuer Security Domain will also manage the level of security of the command
and decrypt the keys within the data field. This behavior is further detailed in sections 7.2.5 and 7.2.6 of
this document.
As all Secure Channel Key Version Numbers in the range '01' to '6F' require 3 keys, even if a single key is
being added for a new Key Version Number, the implementation may immediately allocate space for 3
keys. Note that a Secure Channel Key Version Number is only usable once all 3 keys have been
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, the first Application Providers or
Controlling Authorities Key Version Number loaded to a Supplementary Security Domain using this
command becomes the default Key Version Number for the Supplementary Security Domain.
For the Issuer Security Domain, when loading the issuers first Key Version Number, the Key Version
Number 'FF' (currently the default) is replaced or disabled and this first Key Version Number becomes the
default Key Version Number for the Issuer Security Domain.
For any Security Domain, if the keys within the default Key Version Number are updated at a later stage
and the Key Version Number is also updated, the new Key Version Number becomes the default.
Copyright 2006 GlobalPlatform Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The technology provided or described herein is subject to updates, revisions, and extensions by GlobalPlatform. Use of this
information is governed by the GlobalPlatform license agreement and any use inconsistent with that agreement is strictly
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1 (Key Version Number)
The high order bit of this parameter indicates to the Security Domain that this command either contains
the full content required for updating of the key data or that subsequent PUT KEY commands are expected.
This guideline has no recommendations as to the behavior of the implementation with regards to this bit.
The low order 7 bits of this parameter define the current Key Version Number that will be modified based
on information in the data field.
If this parameter contains a value greater than '6F', a response of '6A88' is returned.
A value of zero in these 7 bits indicates that no existing Key Version Number will be overwritten i.e. a new
Key Version Number (defined in the command data) is being added.
If this parameter contains a value of zero, the new Key Version Number (in the command data) has a
value other than zero.
If this parameter contains a value other than zero, this current Key Version Number is present within the
Security Domain. If this condition is not met, a response of '6A88' is returned.
It is not possible to explicitly replace or disable the initialization key (i.e. 'FF' would be an illegal value for
this parameter and a response of '6A86' is returned). In order to replace or disable the initial key, the value
in this parameter is '00'.
Reference Control Parameter 2
The high order bit of this parameter indicates to the Security Domain that the data field contains either a
single key or multiple keys. If multiple keys exist in the data field, they all relate to the same Key Version
The low order 7 bits of this parameter contain the Key Identifier of the key or the Key Identifier of the first
key in the data field. If this Key Identifier is zero or greater than 3, a response of '6A86' is returned.
If this PUT KEY command is being issued to the Issuer Security Domain that only has initial keys (Key
Version Number 'FF') or is the first PUT KEY command issued to a Supplementary Security Domain, this
parameter has a value of '81'. If not, a response of '6A86' is returned.
1 byte
1 byte
1 byte
DES key
16 bytes
1 byte
Check value
3 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
DES key
16 bytes
1 byte
Check value
3 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
DES key
16 bytes
1 byte
Check value
3 bytes
If the data field is not formatted correctly or is formatted according to section Format 2 of the
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 but Format 2 is not supported by the implementation, a response of
'6A80' is returned.
The new Key Version Number identifies either the Key Version Number that will replace a current Key
Version Number or that a key will be added to the Security Domain.
If the new Key Version Number has a value of 00 or a value greater than '6F', a response of '6A80' is
If the key type of any of the keys in the data field is not '80', a specific response of '6A80' is returned.
If the key length of any of the keys in the data field is not '10', a response of '6A80' is returned.
If the combination of the Key Identifier in P2 and the number of keys in the data field would result in a Key
Identifier greater than 3 for a Key Version Number, a response of '6A80' is returned.
Each encrypted key within the data field is decrypted and verified.
Decryption of the key is performed as described in section 5.3 of this document and the resulting key is
verified against its associated check value. This is achieved by encrypting binary zeroes (8 bytes of '00')
with the plain text value of the key and comparing the left most 3 bytes with the associated check value. If
this comparison fails, a response of '6982' is returned.
If keys are being updated (current Key Version Number identified in P1), the Secure Channel Sequence
Counter associated with a Key Version Number is reset to zero and:
Each key in the data field replaces the current key data. This starts with the Key Identifier defined in
P2 and if there are subsequent keys in the data field, each subsequent Key Identifier is replaced.
If a new Key Version Number is indicated in the data field, the Key Version Number for all Key
Identifiers previously associated with the current Key Version Number, is changed regardless of how
many keys were updated.
If the Security Domain has not previously encountered this Key Version Number, a new Secure
Channel Sequence Counter with an initial value of zero is associated to this Key Version Number.
Populate the key data. This starts with the Key Identifier defined in P2 and if there are subsequent
keys in the data field, each subsequent Key Identifier is populated.
The implementation associates the Key Usage with value '18' (C-ENC), '14' (C-MAC) and '48' (C-DEK)
respectively to the first, second and third key.
The implementation associates the Key Access value '00' to these three keys meaning the key can be
used by the Security Domain and any associated Application.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, a Supplementary Security Domain is
responsible for transitioning its own Life Cycle State to PERSONALIZED on receipt of its first set of
Secure Channel keys except if the Supplementary Security Domain has the DAP Verification privilege. In
this case, the Supplementary Security Domain will only transition its Life Cycle State to PERSONALIZED
on receipt of its DAP Verification key (see 6.10 and 6.13 of this section).
This command is based upon the structure of the PUT KEY command as described in section 11.8 of the
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2.
A Supplementary Security Domain on an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains is
able to differentiate between a PUT KEY command that contains DES keys and a PUT KEY command that
contains a public key. This can be achieved through the Key Version Number.
This guideline defines an option which allows the RSA Public Key to be populated using the STORE DATA
This PUT KEY command is used by a Supplementary Security Domain that supports DAP Verification (i.e.
has the DAP Verification privilege) to add a public key modulus and it related exponent.
The PUT KEY command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security for
the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
A Supplementary Security Domain may not use the Secure Channel services of its associated Security
Domain (i.e. the Issuer Security Domain) to load a public key i.e. the Secure Channel is set up using the
Security Domains own Secure Channel keys.
If the Supplementary Security Domain does not have DAP Verification privileges, a response of '6A81' is
If the Supplementary Security Domain does not yet have its own Secure Channel Key Version Number, a
response of '6985' is returned.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
The high order bit of this parameter indicates that this command contains the full content of the key data.
As the public key components are only loaded once and not updated, the low order 7 bits of this
parameter are always zero.
If this parameter contains a value other than '00', a response of '6A86' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 2
The high order bit of this parameter indicates that the data field contains a single key.
The low order 7 bits of this parameter contain the Key Identifier of the key that is always 1.
If this parameter does not contain a value of '01', a response of '6A86' is returned.
New Key
1 byte
1 byte
1 byte
128 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
See section 11.9 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the structure of the SELECT command.
Also refer to sections and of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the
description of the OPEN relating to SELECT command processing.
This SELECT command is utilized for selecting an application on an open logical channel. As this guideline
specifies that the card assign logical channel numbers, using the SELECT command to open a logical
channel is outside the scope of this guideline.
OPEN Recommendations
The runtime environment (combination of OPEN and JCRE) is responsible for determining which
Application will become the currently selected Application on the indicated logical channel on receipt of a
SELECT [by name] command.
If the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is returned. (The selected Application is
first deselected and if the command is being issued on a Supplementary Logical Channel, that logical
channel is closed.)
If an attempt is made to select an Application on a Supplementary Logical Channel when the card Life
Cycle is in the state CARD_LOCKED a response of '6A81' is returned (The selected Application is first
deselected and the Supplementary Logical Channel closed).
If an attempt is made to select an Application other than the Issuer Security Domain on the Basic Logical
Channel when the card Life Cycle is in the state CARD_LOCKED, a response of '6A81' is returned (The
Application on the Basic Logical Channel is first deselected and the Issuer Security Domain becomes the
selected Application on the Basic Logical Channel).
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '00', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
If this parameter contains a value other than '04' (SELECT [by name] command), the SELECT command is
passed on to the Application currently selected on this logical channel for further processing.
Reference Control Parameter 2
If this parameter contains a value of '02' (SELECT [next occurrence] command) but a previous SELECT [first
or only occurrence] command has not been received within this Card Session on the Basic Logical
Channel or since the opening of the Supplementary Logical Channel, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Data Field Sent in the Command Message
If the data field is empty the Issuer Security Domain becomes the currently selected application on the
specified logical channel and the SELECT command is dispatched to the Issuer Security Domain.
If the value in P2 indicates next occurrence ('02') but the data field does not match the data field of the
previous SELECT command, the behavior is at the discretion of the implementer.
If a matching Application is found but the Application is in the Life Cycle State LOCKED, then if no
subsequent matching Application exists in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A82' is returned.
If a matching Application that does not implement the multiSelectable interface is found and this
Application or any other Application instantiated from the same Executable Load File is selected on
another logical channel, then if no subsequent matching Application exists in the GlobalPlatform Registry,
a response of '6985' is returned.
If no matching Application is found and the value in P2 indicates next occurrence ('02'), a response of
'6A82' is returned.
The following description of the SELECT command relates directly to how the Issuer Security Domain
should process this command and how a Supplementary Security Domain should process this command.
Reference Control Parameter 1
All Security Domains are only required to process the SELECT [by name] command. If a value other than
'04' is received in this parameter, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 2
The content of this parameter is ignored.
Data Field Sent in the Command Message
The Security Domain ensures that the SELECT command received is due to this Application being selected.
If the SELECT command has been received due to the AID being selected not being located by the OPEN
in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A82' is returned.
Data Field Returned in the Response Message
The following table defines the FCI returned by a successful selection of a Security Domain:
Proprietary data
The optional FCI discretionary may contain card vendor proprietary data in the case of a Supplementary
Security Domain.
The optional Security Domain Management Data for the Issuer Security Domain is coded according to
section 0 of this document.
The optional Security Domain Management Data for a Supplementary Security Domain is coded using the
same values defined in section 0 of this document except for the Card configuration details that the value
to be used is '2A 8648 86FC6B 02 01 03 '.
In the case of the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle is in the state CARD_LOCKED, a warning
response of '6283' is returned. (Contrary to the EMV 2000 Integrated Circuit Card Specification for
Payment Systems, it is only necessary to return this warning response following the transmission of the
response message.)
See section 11.10 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the structure of the SET STATUS
command. This guideline defines an option which allows the Life Cycle State of the card to be transitioned
using the STORE DATA command.
The SET STATUS command is used by the Issuer Security Domain only to change the Life Cycle State of
the card and to lock or unlock an Application.
The SET STATUS command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security
for the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
If the value of P2 is not coded according to Table 11-6 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2,
a response of '6A86' is returned.
If the value of P2 does not abide by the transitioning rules diagrammed in Figure 5-1 of the
GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2, a response of '6985' is returned.
If the Life Cycle State of the card is currently set to the value of P2, a response of '6985' is returned.
The Life Cycle State of the card is set to the value of P2.
If the AID cannot be located in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned. This
search through the GlobalPlatform Registry only locates Applications (no Executable Load Files or
Executable Modules) that fully match the AID.
If bit 8 of P2 is set and the Life Cycle State of the Application is LOCKED, a response of '6985' is
If bit 8 of P2 is not set and the Life Cycle State of the Application is not LOCKED, a response of
'6985' is returned.
If bit 8 of P2 is set, the Life Cycle State of the Application is set to LOCKED i.e. bit 8 of the Life Cycle
State byte is set.
If bit 8 of P2 is not set, the Life Cycle State of the Application is set to its Life Cycle State prior to
becoming LOCKED i.e. bit 8 of the Life Cycle State byte is cleared.
If the AID cannot be located in the GlobalPlatform Registry, a response of '6A88' is returned. This
search through the GlobalPlatform Registry only locates Security Domains (no Executable Load
Files or Executable Modules or Applications) that fully match the AID.
If bit 8 of P2 is set and the Life Cycle State of the Security Domain is LOCKED, a response of '6985'
is returned.
If bit 8 of P2 is not set and the Life Cycle State of the Security Domain is not LOCKED, a response of
'6985' is returned.
If bit 8 of P2 is set, the Life Cycle State of the Security Domain and all its associated Applications is
set to LOCKED i.e. bit 8 of the Life Cycle State byte is set.
If bit 8 of P2 is not set, the Life Cycle State of the Security Domain is set to its Life Cycle State prior
to becoming LOCKED i.e. bit 8 of the Life Cycle State byte is cleared. The Life Cycle State of the
Security Domain's associated Applications are set to their Life Cycle State prior to the instant when
the Security Domain's Life Cycle was set to LOCKED.
See section 11.11 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 for the structure of the STORE DATA
The STORE DATA command is specifically used to personalize non-key related data for Security Domains.
The key data for a Security Domain is personalized either using the PUT KEY command(s) or this STORE
DATA command. The Life Cycle of the card is transitioned either using the SET STATUS command or this
STORE DATA command.
The STORE DATA command may only be issued within a Secure Channel Session and the level of security
for the command is dependent on the security level defined in the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.
Initially to populate data or DES keys within a Supplementary Security Domain, the Security Domain may
use the Secure Channel services of its associated Security Domain. To populate the DAP Verification key
within a Supplementary Security Domain, the Security Domain may only set up the Secure Channel using
the Security Domains own Secure Channel keys.
For the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle State is TERMINATED, a response of '6D00' is
For the Issuer Security Domain, if the card Life Cycle State is CARD_LOCKED, a response of '6985' is
For the Issuer Security Domain, data being populated is indiscriminately written to, or updated in, the
Issuer Security Domains Data Store except in the cases listed in 0 below.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, data being populated to a
Supplementary Security Domain is indiscriminately written to, or updated in, the Security Domains Data
Store except in the cases listed in 0 below.
When using the STORE DATA command to populate keys, the Data Grouping Index (DGI) for the key values
and the DGI for the key related data are present within a single command. The Security Domain is
capable of receiving multiple DGI blocks within one command.
As the STORE DATA command data field may contain multiple DGI blocks, and within each DGI, multiple
pieces of TLV coded data, successful completion indicates that all data has been populated correctly while
unsuccessful completion indicates that no data has been populated.
Class Byte
If the class byte excluding the Logical Channel number is not '80' or '84', a response of '6E00' is returned.
Reference Control Parameter 1
The content of this parameter is ignored.
Reference Control Parameter 2 (block number)
The block number is coded sequentially from '00' to 'FF'.
If a block number is received out of sequence, a response of '6A86' is returned.
Description of contents
One or more TLV coded objects
1 byte
Description of contents
One or more TLV coded objects
48 bytes
12 bytes
129 or
6 bytes
10 bytes
o If the value within this DGI is not coded according to Table 11-6 of the GlobalPlatform Card
Specification 2.2, a response of '6A86' is returned.
o If the value within this DGI does not abide by the transitioning rules diagrammed in Figure 5-1 of
the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2, a response of '6985' is returned.
o If the Life Cycle State of the card is currently set to the value within this DGI, a response of '6985'
is returned.
o The Life Cycle State of the card is set to the value within this DGI.
For the Issuer Security Domain, if any TLV object within a DGI of '0070' contains:
The Issuer Security Domain AID (tag '4F') and the length of the AID is not between 5 and 16 bytes, a
response of '6A80' is returned.
The value within this TLV object is not stored by the Issuer Security Domain at all but becomes the
AID of the Issuer Security Domain (the interface between the Issuer Security Domain and the
GlobalPlatform Registry that achieves this result is outside the scope of this guideline). While it is not
logical to change the AID of the Issuer Security Domain more than once, there is no
recommendation for an implementation to prohibit an attempt to do so.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if the value of the DGI being directed
to a Supplementary Security Domain is '00CF' then:
The Key Derivation Data that is currently present in the Data Store is overwritten.
On an implementation supporting Supplementary Security Domains, if any TLV object within a DGI of
'0070' being directed to a Supplementary Security Domain contains:
The Secure Channel Sequence Counter (tag 'C1'), a response of '6A80' is returned.
For all other TLV coded pieces of data received within a DGI of '0070' by a Security Domain (Issuer
Security Domain or Supplementary Security Domain) a search is conducted through the Data Store of that
Security Domain. If the tag already exists within the Data Store, but the new data length is greater than the
maximum data length, a response of '6A80' is returned. If the remaining TLV coded pieces of data (those
not already present in the Data Store) will not fit within the Data Store, a response of '6A84' is returned.
Data that is currently present within the Data Store is overwritten in the Data Store i.e. the actual length
and the value. Data that is not currently present within the Data Store is written to the end of the Data
Store i.e. the tag, the maximum length and actual length and the value. The maximum length and actual
length is identical in value.
The data field of the STORE DATA command containing Secure Channel key information is expected to be
formatted as such:
Key data DGI
Key data length
2 bytes
1 byte
2 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
'00' or '01' to
1 byte
'01' to '6F'
Key type
1 byte
3 bytes
3 bytes
3 bytes
If a new Key Version Number is being added (current Key Version Number within DGI '7F01' is '00'), a
new Secure Channel Sequence Counter with an initial value of zero is associated to this Key Version
Number and the first key becomes the key value for Key Identifier 1, the second key becomes the key
value for Key Identifier 2 and the third key becomes the key value for Key Identifier 3.
The implementation associates the Key Usage with value '18' (C-ENC), '14' (C-MAC) and '48' (C-DEK)
respectively to the first, second and third key.
The implementation associates the Key Access value '00' to these three keys meaning the key can be
used by the Security Domain and any associated Application.
A Supplementary Security Domain is responsible for transitioning its own Life Cycle State to
PERSONALIZED on receipt of its first set of Secure Channel keys except if the Supplementary Security
Domain has the DAP Verification privilege. In this case, the Supplementary Security Domain will only
transition its Life Cycle State to PERSONALIZED on receipt of its DAP Verification key (see 6.10 of this
section or the subsequent description below).
The data field of the STORE DATA command containing the DAP Verification key information is expected to
be formatted as such by a Supplementary Security Domain:
2 bytes
1 byte
'81' or '83'
2 bytes
1 byte
1 byte
1 byte
1 byte
Length of modulus
1 byte
1 byte
Length of exponent
1 byte
'01' or '03'
Response codes
This section describes the response codes for the OPEN, Issuer Security Domain and Supplementary
Security Domains.
Card locked
Wrong length
No specific diagnosis
Incorrect P1/P2
'6E00' Class not supported. This response indicates that the class byte received is not recognized
or supported by the application.
'6D00' Instruction not supported or invalid. This response indicates that the instruction byte
received is not recognized or supported by the application or contains an invalid value e.g. an odd
'6400' No specific diagnosis error. This response indicates that processing could not occur.
Typically this would be due to a low level error e.g. memory could not be written.
'6200' No specific diagnosis warning. This response indicates that processing did not complete
fully i.e. the request was fulfilled but all the actions required could not take place.
'6283' Card locked warning. This response indicates that while the SELECT command completed
successfully, the subsequent functionality of the card is limited i.e. it is not possible to update content
or select any other Application.
'6300' Authentication failed warning. This response indicates that the authentication of the host
cryptogram failed.
'6310' More data available. This response warns that all the available data have not yet been
returned. The command that caused this response should be re-issued with the [get next] option set
to retrieve the remaining data.
'6700' Wrong length error. This response indicates that the length byte of the header (Lc or Le)
was not a length expected by the application.
'6F00' No specific diagnosis error. This response indicates that processing aborted for some
reason. Typically this would be due to a low level error e.g. runtime exception.
'6881' Logical channel error. This response indicates that a Supplementary Logical Channel is
either not supported by the card, currently not opened or cannot currently be opened.
'6982' Security status not satisfied error. This response indicates that the required authentication
failed i.e. this error could be due to the padding for encryption being inconsistent with that expected
(this indicates that decryption of the command data field failed), that the verification of the MAC
failed or that some other security condition was not met.
'6985' Conditions of use not satisfied error. This response indicates that the correct sequence of
events has not been followed or that some control has not been performed prior to issuing the
current command.
'6A80' Incorrect values in data field. This response indicates that the data in the command data
field is not that expected by the application.
'6A81' Function not supported. This response indicates that the function or command is not, or is
no longer, supported by the card.
'6A82' Application not found. This response indicates that the application is not present on the card
or that no more applications with the partial AID are present on the card.
'6A84' Insufficient memory space. This response indicates that there is not enough memory in
order to complete the request.
'6A86' Incorrect P1/P2 This response indicates that the values in P1/P2 are not valid for the
command or the required process.
'6A88' Referenced data not found. This response indicates that data referenced by the command
is not present.
'9000' Successful execution of command. This response indicates that the required process
completed correctly.
class GPSystem
The value of tag 'CF' (Key Derivation Data) from the Security Domains Data Store is placed at offset
The Key Version Number used to generate the session keys is placed at offset CDATA+10.
The Secure Channel Sequence Counter of the identified Key Version Number is placed at offset
The data (card challenge) generated as described in section 5.4 of this document is placed at offset
The data (card cryptogram) generated using the Secure Channel encryption session key as
described in Appendix E.4.2.1 of the GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 is placed at offset
If the format of the data field is deemed to be incorrect by the implementation, any information
relating to a current Secure Channel Session is discarded, the SCFlag is set to '00'
(NO_SECURITY_LEVEL) and an exception of '6982' is thrown.
If MAC verification fails, any information relating to a current Secure Channel Session is discarded,
the SCFlag is set to '00' (NO_SECURITY_LEVEL) and an exception of '6982' is thrown.
If the MAC is valid, it replaces the previous MAC and will be maintained for the life of the Secure
Channel Session (It will be used to precede the command header for the next MAC verification in a
subsequent unwrap() method).
9. List of tables
Table 1 : Supported Privileges ...................................................................................................................... 12
Table 2: Card Recognition Data.................................................................................................................... 18
Table 3 : Example Response 1 ..................................................................................................................... 32
Table 4 : Example Response 2 ..................................................................................................................... 33
Table 5 - DES Key Data Field Structure........................................................................................................ 62
Table 6 - Public Key Data Field Structure ..................................................................................................... 65
Table 7 - Security Domain SELECT Response Message ............................................................................. 67
Table 8 Issuer Security Domain supported Data Grouping Indexes........................................................... 72
Table 9 Supplementary Security Domain supported Data Grouping Indexes............................................. 72
Table 10 Secure Channel Key Information ................................................................................................ 74
Table 11 - DAP Verification key information.................................................................................................. 75
Table 12 : Response Codes ......................................................................................................................... 77