A Limitations

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Airbus A320-232 Limitations (IAE V2527-A5)

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Compiled by Matt Zagoren

All references to airspeed or Mach number relate to Indicated Airspeed or Indicated Mach Number,
unless otherwise noted. All references to altitude relate to Pressure Altitude, unless otherwise

Autoland is permitted using full flaps only.

Autoland - Maximum Winds

Headwind - 25 kts
Tailwind - 10 kts
Crosswind other than CAT II/III - 15 kts
Crosswind CAT II/III (AFM) - 10 kts

Autopilot Engaged - Minimum Altitude

After Takeoff/Go-Around - 30' AGL
Enroute - 500' AGL
Non-Precision Approaches - 50' Below MDA
Coupled Approaches - 50' AGL
Autoland (One or Two Autopilots) - Touchdown

ILS Approaches (AFM)

Do not arm the ILS APPR mode above 8200' AGL.

Inertial Reference System

In the NAV mode the IRU will not provide valid magnetic heading above 73° North and below 60°
South. Flights above/below these latitudes are not permitted.


EGT and Thrust - Maximum

Time Limit Instrument EGT

(minutes) Marking (°C)

Start None Red 635

Takeoff/Go-Around 5 Red 635
Unlimited Amber 610

Oil Quantity and Consumption (Quarts)

Minimum Before Engine Start (warm) 17.0 + est. consumption
Minimum Before Engine Start (cold/30°C) 10.5 + est. consumption
Minimum When Engine is at Idle rpm 12.0
Estimated Consumption per Hour .6

Reverse Thrust
Reverse levers must remain in forward thrust range while in flight.
Prohibited for power back on the ground.
RPM - Maximum
N1 - 100%
N2 - 100%

Fuel Capacity (pounds)
Outer Wing Tanks 3,100
Inner Wing Tanks 25,000
Center Tank 14,900
Total 43,000

Fuel Imbalance - Maximum

Maximum difference between wing tanks for takeoff and landing - 4410 lbs.

Fuel Temperature
Maximum: 54°C
Minimum: -36°C
If fuel temperature is below minimum temp limit, change to a warmer altitude.
Fuel Usage
Takeoff with center tank supplying the engines is prohibited.

Landing Fuel - Minimum (Pounds)

Fuel At Touchdown: Ensures adequate fuel boost pump coverage during reverse thrust and landing
To Execute Go-Around: The required amount of fuel to execute go-around at runway threshold to
1000' AGL, fly a VFR pattern, intercept a 3° glideslope at approx 2 1/2 miles from the runway and
continue to landing.
Fuel Quantity Indicator Error: The maximum design quantity error for all tanks.

Minimum Desired Landing Fuel: Ensures sufficient fuel on board at the threshold in a worst case
scenario with max fuel quantity indicator error.
Fuel At Touchdown 400
To Execute Go-Around 800
Fuel Quantity Indicator Error 400
Minimum Desired Landing Fuel

Operating Fuel Values (Pounds)
Taxi Fuel Per Minute (not included in takeoff weight) 25
Minimum for Dispatch (not including taxi fuel) 6800
Minimum Hold for Contingencies (AFM Limit) 1000
Minimum Alternate Fuel 1200
Holding Fuel Per Hour 5000

APU Fuel Per Hour 290

Brake Temperature
Maximum Brake Temperature for Takeoff - 300°C

Flaps/Slats Extended Altitude

Maximum - 20,000 MSL

Speed Brakes (AFM)

IMC Do not use from FAF inbound.
VMC Do not use below 1000' AGL.
Inflight With Flaps Retracted Do not use below 200 KIAS.


Engine Anti-Ice

• Engine anti-ice must be ON during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions
exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when temperature is below -40°C
• Engine anti-ice must be ON prior to and during descent in icing conditions, including
temperatures below -40°C SAT.

Wing Anti-Ice
• Wing anti-ice is not permitted on the ground (AFM), or in flight when TAT exceeds 10°C.
• Use of APU bleed air for wing anti-ice is not permitted.

Cockpit Window Open Speed

Maximum - 200 KIAS

Design Maneuvering Speeds - Va (KIAS/Mach)

* Only when in alternate or direct flight control laws.

Pressure Altitude (1000 Feet)

SL 10.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 30.0 39.0
* Va 248 250 260 270 280 290 295 .78

Flaps/Slat Extended Speeds - Vfe (KIAS)

Config 1 1+F 2 3 FULL

Vfe 230 215 200 185 177

Slats 18 18 22 22 27

Flaps 0 10 15 20 40
Initial Takeoff/ Takeoff/Approach
Remarks Takeoff Landing
Approach Approach Landing

Takeoff with Flaps 1

When Flaps 1 is selected for takeoff (1 + F), the flaps automatically retract to 0 at 210 KIAS.
Takeoff or Go-Around with Flaps 2 or 3
When Flaps 1 is selected, the 1+F configuration is obtained if airspeed is less than 210 KIAS. The
flaps automatically retract to configuration 0 at 210 KIAS.
Flaps Selection in Flight
When the flaps lever is moved from 0 to 1 in flight, only the slats are extended.

Landing Gear Limit Speeds - Vlo/Vle (KIAS/MACH)

Retraction - Vlo 220
Extension - Vlo 250
Extended - Vle 280 / .67
Maximum Tire Speed 195 Knots Groundspeed

Maximum Operating Limit Speeds - Vmo/Mmo

Pressure Altitude
SL - 25,000 25,000 - 39000

Vmo/Mmo 350 .82

Minimum Control Speed Air - Vmca

Vmca - 119 KIAS

Minimum Control Speed Ground - Vmcg

Vmcg - 114 KIAS

Operating Speeds (KIAS/Mach)
Optimum Climb (FMGC Operative) ECON CLIMB
Standard Climb (FMGC Inoperative)
FL 290 and above .78
10,000' to FL 290 290
Best Climb Rate 280
Best Climb Angle 220
Optimum Cruise (ECON) Cost Index = 35
Standard Cruise
FL 310 and above .80
10,000' to FL 310 300
Optimum Descent (FMGC Operative) ECON DES
Standard Descent (FMGC Inoperative) .78
10,000' and above 280

Stall Speeds
Stall speeds apply to takeoff and landing altitudes only.
Gross Weight Flap Position
(1000 lbs) 0 1 1+F 2 3 FULL
170 179 140 134 125 124 121
160 170 136 130 120 119 117
150 161 132 125 116 115 113

140 154 127 119 112 111 109

130 144 121 115 108 107 105

120 138 116 110 104 103 101
110 132 111 105 99 98 96
100 126 106 100 95 94 92
90 119 100 95 90 89 87
80 114 95 90 85 84 82

Taxi Speed - Maximum

When takeoff weight is higher than 167,550 lbs, do not exceed 20 kts in a turn.

Structural Weights (Pounds)

Maximum Taxi 170,600
Maximum Takeoff 169,750
Maximum Landing 142,200
Maximum Zero Fuel 134,400


Center of Gravity Limits
The A320 has two certified CG envelopes. One is a curtailed (normal) envelope with a forward
limit of 25%. The other is a full envelope with a forward limit of 15%. Most airplane combinations
of fuel and passenger loading will operate in the curtailed envelope. When load planning identifies
an aircraft as having a forward CG use the Forward Center of Gravity procedure in the takeoff

Flight Load Acceleration Limits (G Load)

Clean Configuration -1.0 to +2.5
Flaps Retracted and Slats Extended -1.0 to +2.5
Flaps and Slats Extended 0.0 to +2.0

Pressure Altitude - Maximum

Takeoff and Landing - 8000'
Operating Altitude - 39,100'
Runway Slope
Maximum - +/- 2%

Winds - Maximum (Knots)

The following are the maximum demonstrated
crosswinds with flight controls in normal and
direct law (with or without the yaw damper).
Crosswind -Takeoff 29
Crosswind -Landing 33
Crosswind with Gusts 38
Tailwind - Takeoff and Landing 10

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