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W. Grattieri, C. Medich, R. Vanzan


Within the scope of the demonstration projects of Preserves Industry) in Parma (Italy). Such a plant is
efficient electrotechnologies for industrial processes, currently used for the concentration of tomato sauce,
CESI has identified Mechanical Vapour which is an extremely widespread process: think that
Recompression (MVR) as an advantageous system for about 1.8 million tons of water are evaporated to
use in the concentration and drying of food products. concentrate tomato juice in Italy alone every year.
With MVR steam is compressed and delivered to the The experimental tests have demonstrated that, when
same process, or to another one, in such a way that it properly applied, MVR can provide for major energy
will be able to exchange heat with the process. Under and cost savings. Moreover, no marked problems have
these operating conditions primary, energy been detected concerning the dirtying of the
consumption reduces to less than 1/3 with respect to a compressor and heat exchanger, nor drawbacks arose
traditional triple-effect evaporator. tied to the acidity of the product to concentrate.
In practice however major obstacles exist to MVR For the execution of these tests, suitable components,
diffusion, because most potential users are concerned but not specific to this purpose, have been used (for
about the cost, complexity, and reliability of the instance the compressor), nevertheless obtaining
compressors available. For this reason it was decided satisfactory results, it is expected that even better
to initiate a demonstration project aimed to prove the outcomes can be obtained when the proper equipment
suitability and effectiveness of MVR in evaporation can be found. Therefore it is sought that this experience
processes. For the case study, reference was made to a can feed a sufficient demand to induce manufacturers
plant converted from thermal energy to MVR installed to develop and put on the market a sufficiently wide
at the SSICA (Experimental Center for the Food and range of purposely made components.

W. Grattieri, C. Medich, R. Vanzan.

CESI, Milano


The Mechanical Vapour Recompression (MVR) is a sophisticated alternative techniques, based on thermal
very effective technique for heat recovery from the evaporation. Figures 1 and 2 show two typical
steam produced in liquid solution concentration and simplified diagrams, for an electrical MVR plant and
distillation processes. It consists in increasing the for a 3-effect one supplied with boiler water,
steam temperature through compression, which can respectively. The literature relates of number of MVR
thus be re-employed as heating fluid in the process applications, mainly encountered in the agricultural-
itself, in which it is allowed to condense. In this way, food sector, where it is successfully employed for the
in respect with a comparatively moderate contribution, concentration of skim milk, whey, fruit and vegetable
in terms of electric power spent for the operation of the juice (apple, beetroot, tomato, etc.), corn maceration
compressor (or fan), it is possible to recover the water, etc. There are important installations also in the
condensation latent heat. Being said heat equal to the pharmaceutical (production of distilled water) and
one required for evaporation, the whole process is able chemical industry (various concentration processes), as
to self-sustain without the supply of additional heat, well as for the treatment of waste water in different
but for the starting phase, and for the compensation of industries (paper, textile, etc.).
heat losses, for the amount possibly exceeding the The main advantages of the MVR, versus competitive
thermal contribution of the demanded electric power. technologies can be summarized as follows:
• Higher energy efficiency, resulting in important
Fig. 1: MVR Evaporator operation cost saving;
• Upgrade of evaporation plants without the need for
Solution to
concentrate adaptation of steam generators; more compact
plants at equal performance, so that the same can
compressed be better housed in buildings;
steam • higher operation flexibility and reduced detergent
consumption, thanks to the lower mass.
electric Fig. 2: Three-effect Evaporator

condensate steam

Solution to Solution to Solution to

separator concentrate concentrate concentrate cooling
process process process
concentrate steam steam steam steam

The specific consumption of electric power is function

of the temperature increase suffered by steam during
compression and of the complexity (number of stages)
of the evaporation plant, typically it ranges from 10 to condensate

30 kWh per ton of evaporated water. Considering the 1st effect 2nd effect 3rd effect concentrate
separator separator separator
electric power generation and distribution efficiency, condensate
these values correspond to primary energy
consumption 50% lower than the demand of the more

>>>>> O <<<<<
• Reliability of compressors not completely
• Use of complex equipment, requiring more
skilled personnel.
Industries counting important concentration processes
are largely spread over Italy, food industry above all. Answering to the first three issues, it can be affirmed
The analysis of the more diffused applications in the that the cost of electric power is expected to decrease
different production sectors, has highlighted the in time, following the opening of the market and the
evaporation needs summarized in the following establishment of competition among the suppliers. The
Table I. In general, it is noticed the need for above, shortening the pay back time of investment,
evaporation in the range of approximately 12 million would make the recourse to the MVR more interesting,
tons/year of water, shared over about 11 different for the application of which, compressors with
applications: minimum unavailability rates at acceptable costs, are
Though the MVR can in principle be employed in all available on the market since long.
the cases mentioned above, on the contrary, in practice To disprove the last objection and prove the
it is detected that the more widely employed effectiveness of the MVR, a research and
technology is that of multi-effect evaporators, fed with demonstration action was started, choosing as
boiler produced steam. In fact, only occasional application the concentration of tomato juice that, as
applications of the MVR are detected, mainly in the highlighted in the previous table, shows a particularly
following sectors: milk-dairy for whey concentration, important diffusion potential, requiring each year the
agricultural- food for the concentration of fruit juice evaporation of approximately 1.8 million tons of water.
and pharmaceutical for the production of distilled
water. On the contrary, whenever the MVR should find
TABLE I: Quantity of yearly evaporated water in Italy FOR THE CONCENTRATION OF TOMATO
in the main food processes JUICE
Production Product Evaporated
Sector Water
(kton/year) For the execution of demonstration tests on the
Dairy Powdered whey 1614 effectiveness of the MVR in the concentration of
Concentrate whey 460. tomato juice, a co-operation agreement has been signed
Powdered milk 6 by CESI and SSICA (Experimental Station for Food
Milk condensed 1 Conservation Industry), for the transformation to MVR
Fruit and Tomato concentrate 1430 of the present thermal evaporator existing at SSICA
Vegetable Peeled tomato, juice, 365 Canned Vegetables laboratory. This evaporator is a
Juices mashed tomato simple effect system, with a production capacity of 90
Citrus juice 384 kg/h of evaporate, employing saturated steam at 0.6
Grape musts 480 MPa coming from the Laboratory boiler.
Beetroot sugar juice 2700 The main components of the plant under
Other sugar products 1669 transformation are:
Starch Starch 2516 - Evaporator: is a vertical heat exchanger having
concentric tubes with a thermal exchange surface of
0.9 m2. The product in evaporation is pumped in the
systematic application, we would have a diffusion
primary circuit, while the secondary one is fed with
technical potential equivalent to a consumption of 240
live steam coming from the boiler. The primary fluid is
GWh/year, to which a net reduction of 400000 t/year of
kept under vacuum at approximately 60°C temperature,
CO2 emissions would correspond. This hypothesis
while steam in the secondary condenses at approx.
alone would enable to reach 6.7 % of the share of CO2
100°C. An extraction pump with level regulation valve
emission abatement in the energy end-users pertaining
is tasked of condensate discharge.
to Italy for year 2006. on the basis of Kyoto
- Separator: is an expansion tank, having the function
to keep the steam phase from the liquid one separate.
From investigations recently made with some groups
The separator is fed by the boiling liquid, coming from
of potential users, it appeared that the limited diffusion
the evaporator, tangentially injected above the liquid
of the MVR in our Country could be explained through
surface, in order to avoid foam formation. A mixer
the following reasons:
keeps the liquid phase homogeneous.
• Comparatively high cost of electric power,
- Feeding and pre-heating unit: the plant is
making this technology less attractive from
continuously fed; the product to concentrate is heated
the economical point of view than in other
with steam in a tank outside the plant. The product
mass is weighed before starting feeding. The
• Technology requiring higher investments than
the competitive technology;
concentration process is vacuum made (18 kPa) with a roots type compressor, High vacuum version, having
the aid of a liquid ring pump three-lobe rotary reels, with descending vertical flow.
- Condenser: it has an important role in the thermal The remaining transformations have been conditioned
process since it determines the vacuum in the plant by the dimensions of the existing plant, which has been
primary side. modified as for the following elements:
- Vacuum Pump: is of the liquid ring type, it has the - Evaporator: completely replaced by a horizontal heat
function to remove non-condensable gases. exchanger with concentric tubes, fit with motor
Transformation Works: the steam compressor operated scraper. The exchange surface is still 0.9 m2.
represents the most important component in the - Re-circulation unit: completely modified.
transformation, whose acquisition required a particular - The steam line connecting the separator to the
research effort in a market, such as the Italian one, condenser has been modified with insertion of the
featuring for a poor offer of equipment and steam compressor.
components that can be used in the electroheat domain. - Condenser: it has been cut off from its function of
In fact, the already scarce availability of national and condenser, but it remained in the circuit as connection
foreign manufacturers of steam compressors conflicted between the plant and the vacuum production unit.
with the need to procure equipment having a capacity The plant has finally been completed with the
under the standard dimensions available on the market. installation of measuring instruments for absolute and
After a careful evaluation of the compressors available differential pressure, temperature, level, and flow rate.
on the market, we finally directed our choice to an air Fig. 3 shows the new plant configuration and
compressor, generally employed as vacuum pump. It is highlights the position of measures acquired.
The main characteristics of the new plant are:

Rated capacity: 152 Nm3/h

Fluid type: saturated steam
Suction pressure Compressor: 20 kPa
Suction Temperature Compressor: 60 °C
Delivery pressure Compressor: 40 kPa
Maximum temperature downstream Compressor: 143 °C
Compressor Rated Power: 3 kW
Suction Pressure drops: 0.1-0.2 kPa
Rated thermal power: 59 kW
Evaporated capacity: 0.025 kg/s (90 kg/h, 152 N m3/h)
Re-circulation rated capacity: 13.6 t/h

Figure 3: diagram of the evaporation plant transformed to MVR

CP: Steam Compressor

SC1: Heat Exchanger
SC0: Condenser
SC3:Cooled Dripper PR-1
Steam supply
SP: Steam Separator LR-3
V-1 TR-4
PV: Vacuum Pump
DPR-1 V-8
PAC: Condensateaccumulator
V-7 S
P1: Re-cycling Pump
FR-2 TR-8
P2: CondensatePump V-11
P: Feeding Pump
TR-x: Temperature SC1
DPR-x, LR-x:Diff. Pressure TR-2
V-17 TR-7
PR-x: Aps. Pressure FR-3 TR-6
LR-1 V-12 FR-4
FR-x: Flow Rate
V-x: Valves
Concentrate V-6
LR-2 FR-1
P1 V-5
Solution Inlet P2
This procedure is repeated three times, starting from
TESTS FOR THE EVALUATION OF ENERGY different concentrations of tomato juice, as indicated in
AND PRODUCTION PERFORMANCES Table II, (tests C1807, C1907 and C2407).
The tests on the concentration of fresh tomato juice had
the target to confirm the validity of this concentration
The plant transformed for operation with MVR has technique without impairing the quality of the product.
been commissioned on July 4, 2000. To this purpose, two tests have been conducted: the
The tests have been divided into three groups, see first one (P1209) to confirm the power consumption
Table II summarising the experimental matrix: and the process operation; the second one (P2109), to
- Characterisation tests and plant testing, using pure be compared with the test (PT2109), made with the
water traditional thermal process, starting from the same
- Concentration tests of simulating product, obtained initial product, has been made to evaluate the quality of
from tomato concentrate diluted with water. the final product.
- Concentration tests of fresh tomato juice. Table III shows the main characteristic results of the
The testing of the plant enabled to perform the tests, which have been successful under different
following inspections: viewpoints. They, in fact, have proved that the
- Check the operation of the measurement and concentration of tomato juice with the MVR can be
control instrumentation of the plant, evaluate air quality, if not better than that obtained with the thermal
penetration in the circuit; conventional system. In this specific case it has been
- Evaluate thermal losses; possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy
- Set up the test procedure; and CO2 emissions to one seventh.
- Check the technical characteristics of the
compressor. TABLE II, Experimental Matrix
- Evaluate the mass and energy balance. Test N°(*) Concentration [brix]
The Concentration Tests of the Juice obtained from Starting Final
tomato concentrate diluted with water had the A0407 0 0
following two targets:
C18 07 4.7 8.75
- Demonstrate the feasibility of the concentration
C1907 8.3 15
process with the MVR technique;
C2407 11.8 20.7
- Set up a procedure of industrial interest, enabling a
reduction of energy costs and of the environmental P1209 5.2 10
impact, protecting the product quality. P2109 6 10
From the operational point of view, the tests have been PT2109 6 10
conducted as follows: the plant has been filled with the (*)Note: A: testing with pure water;
product to concentrate, appropriately heated at 70°C C: tests starting from the tomato concentrate
out of line. On the moment of filling starting, the re- opportunely diluted at the pre-set starting
circulation pump is started, keeping it operating during concentration
the whole test, while the heat exchanger is supplied P: tests with fresh tomato;
with live steam until the whole apparatus reaches 60°C PT: comparison tests made with the standard
temperature. In this phase the compressor is in off process (thermal)
mode. When steady conditions are reached, the .
vacuum pump is started, taking the plant at 18 kPa As far as the plant operation and specific consumption
absolute pressure. The opening of the bypass valve of are concerned, no significant difference has been
the compressor facilitates a homogeneous heating of appreciated in the concentration of fresh tomato juice
steam ducts. After a consistent steady period, the steam and of that obtained through concentrate dilution.
compressor is started closing the bypass valve and
commencing the actual concentration phase.

TABLE III: Test Results

Test N° Separator Compression Minimum Compressor Isentropic Specific Coefficient Of
pressure ratio Compression Power[kW] efficiency consumption Performance
[kPa] ratio [kWh/t] [COP]
A0407 18 2 1.5
C1807 18.2 1.97 1.63 1.440 0.83 37 17.25
C1907 18 2.16 1.76 1.530 0.87 40 16.3
C2407 18 2.24 1.67 1.560 0.65 57 11.7
P1209 16.2 2.2 1.5 1.383 0.85 43.4 15.2
P2109 15.4 2 1.54 1.468 0.71 44.7 14.9
PT2109 13.9 --- --- 35.655 --- 660.3 1
The global ebullioscopic increase 1 does not exceed CONCLUSIONS
one and a half centigrade, almost enabling to
completely employ the temperature boost offered by The Mechanical Vapour Compression shows in Italy
the compressor. an important potential for saving energy in a lot of
From the quality point of view, the tests have also concentration processes. Among these, particularly
enabled to check the possibility to operate with important is the tomato juice concentration, whose
temperature differences of approx. 10°C, both at feasibility has been demonstrated transforming an
medium concentrations (10 to 20% of dry matter). experimental thermal plant to MVR. Test results have
Moreover, no marked problems have been detected been successful and have demonstrated not only the
concerning the dirtying of the compressor and heat energy advantages, but also the economic – production
exchanger, nor drawbacks arose tied to the acidity of ones of this technology.
the product to concentrate. For the execution of these tests, suitable components,
but not specific to this purpose, have been used (for
instance the compressor), nevertheless obtaining
satisfactory results, it is expected that even better
outcomes can be obtained when the proper equipment
can be found. Therefore it is sought that our experience
can feed a sufficient demand to induce manufacturers
to put on the market a sufficiently wide range of
purposely made components. In Fig. 4 a picture is
shown of the evaporator equipped with MVR.

Fig.4: Plant transformed to MVR

The ebullioscopic increase represents the boiling
temperature increase depending on the concentration of
solids dissolved in the solution.

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