Acasestudyon Process Condensate Stripperin Ammonia Plant
Acasestudyon Process Condensate Stripperin Ammonia Plant
Acasestudyon Process Condensate Stripperin Ammonia Plant
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1 author:
Prem Baboo
The Institution of Engineers (India)
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All content following this page was uploaded by Prem Baboo on 15 September 2022.
A case
se study on Process Condensate S
tripper in Ammonia Plant
Prem Baboo
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India)
Abstract kg/cm2. A new Plate heat exchanger was
A trouble shooting case study in Fertilizers unit, procured & installed for the heat recovery.
Solving the problem of Feed/Effluent Keyword-Process condensate stripper.
Exchanger E-3321A/B
3321A/B in Process Condensate Methanol,Ammonia,CO2.Energy,Primery
stripping section of Ammonia plant by Reformer, HP stripper.
Analytical approach. The problem solved by in Description
house experts without changing the heat Process condensate, which is separated from the
exchangers while others plant change the heat synthesis gas produced in the front end, is
umber of modification done and purified in the processs condensate stripper.
huge amount of energy saved. The paper Small amounts of ammonia are formed in the
intended how to save energy by changin
changing heat secondary reformer
rmer and small amounts of
exchanger and pressure of PC Stripper. The methanol are formed in the low temperature CO
treated process condensate was earlier cooled by converter. Together with the carbon dioxide in
CW in final cooler from about 90ºC to 40ºC. the raw synthesis gas, these compounds enter the
This available heat of PC is being recovered by process condensate according to the following
exchanging heat with DM water in a plate heat equilibrium reactions:
exchanger. The pressure
sure of PC stripper has been 1. NH3 + H2O ⇔ NH4 + + OH-
raised to about 1.5 kg/cm²g to make the extra 2. CO2 + H2O ⇔ H+ + HCO3 –
heat recovery possible. Now pressure is 41.5 3. HCO3 - ⇔ CO3 2- + H+
4. NH3 + HCO3 - ⇔ NH2COO- + H2O
The methanol simply dissolves in the process containing mostly water and an equilibrium
condensate. In order to reduce the consumption amount of CO2 is formed.
of regeneration chemicals in the 1. This stream normally known as
demineralization unit, the condensate is stripped “Benfield” condensate is subsequently
using medium pressure steam. The process pressurized and added to the condensate
condensate stripper operates at a pressure of 41.5 stream obtained at the end of the LTS
kg/cm2 g. The overhead steam from the process step. The resultant stream called
condensate stripper is returned to the front-end “process” condensate.
and used as process steam for the reforming 2. Typically contains ammonia, methanol
section. In the reforming section, methanol and and carbon dioxide, each in the range of
ammonia undergo chemical reactions and end up 300 to 2000 ppm by weight, depending
as nitrogen, hydrogen and carbon oxide. The on the variations in process and
stripped condensate is cooled to approximately operating conditions in a plant. A
90°C in the process condensate feed/effluent comprehensive analysis and
exchanger where it is used to preheat the process characterization of process condensate
condensate going to the process condensate has been carried out by the investigators
stripper. The stripped condensate is finally earlier and reported.
cooled to 44°C in the stripped condensate cooler 3. The current method of treating process
and exported to the BFW/CPU preparation unit. condensate involves steam stripping to
The stripped process condensate is of a suitable reduce the ammonia, methanol and
quality so that it can be further processed into carbon dioxide content to below 5 ppm
boiler feed water. Part of the process steam is by weight for each and re-use the
used to strip the process condensate in order to purified condensate as boiler feed water
remove methanol, NH3, CO2 and other (BFW). The stripper has to operate
remaining dissolved gasses. The amount of under severe operating conditions where
stripping steam used is controlled by FIC, which a large amount of superheated steam is
operates at the steam inlet of the process consumed making it a highly energy
condensate stripper. After passing through PCS intensive operation. Even then, the BFW
the steam is returned to the HS steam line specifications for recycle are hard to
upstream the steam/natural gas mixing point. achieve. This can result in degradation
The flow signals from three independent flow of condensate to lower duty or rejection
transmitters FXT- ensure that the primary and increase of stripper steam.
reformer interlock safety group is tripped if the Advantages of HP Stripper
steam/carbon ratio or the flow of natural gas or Steam quality is better than in the single steam
process steam is too low. In the ammonia system, Most of the impurities in process
manufacturing process, when syngas is cooled condensate are recycled to the reformer as
after the low temperature shift (LTS) step, the process steam and all the process condensate can
unreacted steam (used in reforming and shift be recycled without restriction.
conversion) forms a condensate stream which
Energy Saving –In HP stripper the HP
contains impurities, the major ones being
steam is used in reformer hence about 0.05
ammonia (NH3), methanol (CH3OH) and carbon
G.Cal /ton of energy saved. Otherwise in LP
dioxide (CO2). The syngas from this step goes to
stripper the steam cannot be utilized and
a CO2 separation step where another stream
generally it is vented.
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Fig- Modification –plate type heat exchanger provided with DM water cooling
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This is an open access article, Research Gate is a European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers