Computer Aided Simulation of Multiple Effect Evaporator For Concentration of Caustic Soda Solution
Computer Aided Simulation of Multiple Effect Evaporator For Concentration of Caustic Soda Solution
Computer Aided Simulation of Multiple Effect Evaporator For Concentration of Caustic Soda Solution
Research Article
Abstract: In this work, a mathematical model has been developed for the simulation of
Article History multiple effect evaporators (MEE) system from a set of non-linear equations, Evaporation is
Received: 18.09.2020 the most energy intensive unit in pulp and paper industries, feed and product flashing,
Accepted: 05.10.2020
condensate, boiling point rise, vapour bleeding, etc are considered to reduce energy
Published: 29.10.2020
consumption. An inquiry into PZ PLC, a manufacturing industry situated in Aba, Abia state;
Journal homepage: for concentrating liquor using falling film plate evaporator in steam splitting in the first two effects to generate vapour used in vapour bodies within the system. Evaporation is the
removal of solvent as vapour from a solution. It is the operation which is used for
Quick Response Code concentration of solution. There could be single effect evaporator or multiple effect
evaporators. With addition of each effect steam economy of the system also increases.
Evaporators are integral part of a number of a process industry like Pulp and Paper, Sugar,
Caustic Soda, Pharmaceuticals, Desalination, Dairy and Food Processing etc. Caustic Soda
Industry is of present interest. The system consists of triple effect having falling film
evaporator as each effect. There is forward feed and backward feed flow. This paper
describes a steady state model of multiple effect evaporators for simulation purpose. The
model includes overall as well as component mass balance equations, energy balance
equations and heat transfer rate equations for area calculation for all the effects. Each effect
in the process is represented by a number of variables which are related by the energy and
material balance equations for the feed, product and vapour flow for forward feed &
backward feed, The results of present work with concentration in effect-I at 0.853558 was
validated against previous work of (Kumar and Zain, 1996) at 0.7942216 and it shows close
agreement. Also considering a backward result of effect-III product as 0.327396 while
that of (Kumar and Zain, 1996) as 0.398923 from the comparison with past work as well as
industrial data at an inlet temperatures of 90 and 76 for 1st and 2nd effects respectively,
it shows that the present model can be applied to simulate a real MEE system by improving
steam economy up to 2.46 through the incorporation of flash vapours from condensate
steam. The code has been developed using MATLAB 5.8B. Results of the present approach
are validated with industrial data.
Keywords: Triple/Multiple Effect Evaporator, Newton Raphson Method, Caustic Soda,
Matlab 5.8B, Forward/Backward Feed.
Copyright © 2020 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use provided the original
author and source are credited.
hot and cold fluids in a counter-flow heat exchanger method has been used by many researchers for the
and a parallel-flow heat exchanger have identical inlet simulation of multiple effect evaporator systems [12,
temperatures, the log-mean temperature difference is 13, 3, 2], and there simulation results have been
larger in the counter-flow heat exchanger. Since heat reported. However, no specific study has been made
transfer between the hot and cold fluids is proportional about the computational aspects. During this work, we
to the log-mean temperature difference, the counter- present the computational experiences in industrial
flow heat exchanger can transfer more heat than the scale which we encountered during the simulation of a
parallel-flow heat exchanger that has the same heating triple effect evaporators used for concentrating the
surface area. As a result, if the inlet temperatures of the caustic soda solution. Besides, empirical correlations
hot and cold fluids are fixed, the counter-flow heat for the enthalpies of steam condensate and caustic soda
exchanger will yield lower outlet temperature of the hot solution have been developed. A new arrangement of
fluid and higher outlet of the cold fluid. Superior energy model equations is also proposed to facilitate their
efficiency of the counter-current flow or backward-feed solution. An enquiry into the caustic soda employed by
arrangement in the multiple-effect evaporators was a manufacturing industry, PZ, PLC in Aba, Nigeria,
demonstrated by Bhargawa et al. [2]. The backward- indicates that the caustic soda solution employed in
feed arrangement is used in several industries. their soap production is prepared from imported
concentrated anhydrous caustic pellets, diluted to a
There have been several investigations on the required concentration. This is probably due to the fact
improvement of energy efficiency of the MEE system there is no caustic soda concentration plant, available in
by reducing steam consumption in the evaporator [3] the country; therefore, leading to revenue loss.
recommended retrofitting the evaporation process to
improve heat recovery [4] performed an analysis In this paper, performances of MEE systems
showing that steam consumption could be reduced by that use the backward-feed multiple-effect evaporator
increasing the number of effects. Mechanical vapour and the forward-feed multiple-effect evaporator in their
compression and thermal vapour compression have also evaporation processes are compared. Mathematical
been suggested, [5] and [4] as methods of increasing the models of both multiple-effect evaporators were
energy efficiency of a multiple-effect evaporator. Steam developed for this purpose. It will be demonstrated by
consumption by a multiple-effect evaporator can also be simulation that the backward-feed multiple-effect
minimized by distributing heating surface areas evaporator is responsible for the higher energy
optimally in the process. Previous investigations by [4] efficiency of the MEE system. The simulation of a
have demonstrated the existence of the optimum caustic soda concentration plant is therefore necessary
distribution of heating surface areas that results in the to fully comprehend the operation of a real situation of
minimum steam consumption. Modelling and caustic concentration, using multiple effect evaporators.
simulation of multiple effect evaporator systems has
been subject of many investigations Stewart and MATERIALS AND METHODS
Beveridge, Radovic et al. [6], Newell [7], Kumar and Model Development
Zain, [8], Bhargava et al. [2], Miranda et al. [9], Development of Models for N-Forward and N-
Vazquez et al. [10], etc. Holland [11] talked about a Backward Multiple Effect Evaporators
general simulation model in an excellent monograph on Figure 1 and 2 shows a multiple effect
fundamentals and modelling separation processes evaporator system of N-Forward feed and N-Backward
whereby a large number of non-linear equations are to feed arrangement of a triple stage for the concentration
be solved during simulation of a MEE system. The of caustic soda solution. This evaporator system is
extent of non-linearity depends upon the number of depicted schematically, for system of
effects and complexities of the constitutive relationships evaporators.
etc. Use of Newton Raphson numerical method was
recommended by [11] to solve model equations, this
[ ] (4)
iv. From mass equilibrium relationship, considering appreciable heat of dilution and Boiling Point
Elevation effects, applying Duhring’s rules (1998):
Also, (11)
Hence, eliminating equation (2) without losing form by substituting equations (10) & (11) into equations (3), (4)
(7) and (9) gives a compressed four models, as:
[ ) [ ) [ ] [
This is derivable from equation (11), through algebraic manipulations as follows:
[ ] (17)
Expanding equation (16), gives
Modifying equation (17), without altering the equation form:
[ ] [ ] (21)
[ ( ) ( )] [ ] [ ]
Forward Feed N-Effect steady state Model Equations
( ) V0 o ( ) (23)
V0 o (24)
( )[ ] ( ) (27)
( ) [ ] (28)
( ) ( ) (29)
[ ] (31)
[ ] (32)
( )[ ] ( ) (35)
( ) [ ] (36)
( ) ( ) (37)
V0 o (39)
V0 o (40)
= V0 o (44)
= (45)
= (46)
= (47)
= [ ] (48)
= (49)
= (50)
= [ ] (51)
= [ ] (52)
= (53)
= (54)
= V0 o (64)
= (65)
= (66)
Thermodynamics Relations
The following thermodynamic parameters pertaining caustic soda solution has been correlated:
a) Boiling point of solution (Bhargava et al., 2008)
The variation in boiling point rise can be calculated using the following expression [2]:
T = 20 X (0.1 + (68)
where: = Solution Temperature. T = Saturation Temperature.
b) Overall heat transfer coefficient [14]
, where: x = Mass fraction of solute.
c) Latent hat of vaporization of Steam [14]
, The applicable temperature range
d) Enthalpy of saturated and superheated steam [14]
( ) ( ) (71)
Operating Parameters
Table 1 and 2 show the input parameters from PZ industry, Operational Manual [16] for dilute caustic soda
concentration to 50% weight, using triple-effect system.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION reasonably well with the plant data. These results show
Table 4 & 5 shows the comparison between deviations ranging from 0.05 to 19.6 % for the forward
industrial plant data and predictions from the model feed and 0.07 to 19.5 % for backward feed multiple
(3…..- 3….), indicating that the predicted data agree effect evaporators respectively.
The detailed simulation results are shown in the value of U. Table 4 shows that product is exiting
Table 4 and 5, where it shows that liquor gets much the system with flow rate of 5.69049kg/s which
concentrated when it moves from 3rd Effect to 1st Effect. corresponds to the concentration of 0.853558. For
The rate of water evaporation in the effects is due to Effect-I total steam consumption is 1.480kg/s.
availability of temperature change, it also depends on
From Figure 1 and 2, the mass of solute coefficient that an average value of it was reduced when
product concentration from Effect-I of forward and fouling resistance was taking into consideration which
backward simulation were 0.853558 and 0.402108 was an obvious trend.
respectively, which showed that the product
concentration was considerably less in Effect-I of Condensate leaving from each effect was
backward simulation. flashed to lower temperature to obtain vapor that would
be used as heating medium in the subsequent effects
The reduction in steam economy when along with the vapor emerging from previous effect.
compared to Effect-I of Backward simulation was lower This can be used as energy reduction scheme to reduce
which was due to the effect of Overall Heat Transfer energy demand
Fig-3: Variation of Mass Fraction of Caustic Soda with Number of Effects for Forward Feed Evaporators
Fig-4: Variation of Mass Fraction of Caustic Soda with Number of Effects for Backward Feed Evaporators
From outside and enhance steam economy of from previous effect, this can be used as energy
the system. In the multiple effect evaporator system, reduction scheme to reduce energy demand from
there were 3 condensate flash tanks placed in between outside and enhance steam economy of the system.
effects I, II and III. The condensate from each of the
effect entered the respective flash tanks and the flashed The easiest model of the present investigation
vapor was used as heating medium for next effects. is Effect-I, which is derived based on boundary
conditions, the solution of this model is varied with
Simulation results from Effect-III of both known values of U and area.
forward and backward feeds were developed
considering steam splitting. Total steam was split CONCLUSION
equally in 1st and 2nd Effects and entered at 90 and The main objective of this paper is to
76 respectively, the rise in evaporation rate was due demonstrate that the backward-feed multiple-effect
to larger temperature difference caused by steam evaporator is more energy efficient than the
splitting in the first two effects and the steam conventional forward-feed multiple-effect evaporator
consumption was more at 1.64kg/s, consequently steam that has the same total heating surface area and process
economy for Effect-III was reduced to 2.8. Hence, the same amount of solute. Mathematical models were
introduction of steam splitting increased evaporation developed for both evaporators for this investigation.
rate but reduced the economy of multiple effect Comparison was made between multiple effect
evaporator system because for Effect-III steam was fed evaporator systems that use the forward-feed and
to the first two effects at higher temperatures of 90 backward-feed multiple-effect evaporators. Both
and 76 . It was a fact that as steam/vapor temperature evaporators had the optimum distributions of heating
decreased, latent heat of vaporization increased, so at surface areas that yielded the maximum inlet caustic
higher temperature of the first two effects, Effect-III soda solution flow rates. Since each system consumed
gets lesser amount of vaporization heat which caused the same amount of fuel, and produced the same
higher steam flowrate. It can be seen from Table 3 that amount of product, the energy efficiency parameter was
the rate of evaporation had increased in the 3rd effect the power output.
and decreased from Effect-I and Effect-II due to the fact
that in the 3rd effect latent heat was supplied by the Hence from Table 3 steam economy
vapor streams emerging from 1st and 2nd effects ( + comparison, the forward feed simulation is more ideal
) together, however combined value of and for hot feed condition. But for practical feed condition
caused more evaporation in the entire Multiple Effect of dilute caustic soda stored at room temperature, the
Evaporator (MEE) system. backward feed simulation finds more relevance in this
respect leading to better steam economy and also cost
Steam is split equally in 1st and 2nd effects and saving in feed preheating for use in forward feed.
enters these effects at 900C & 760C as the data is used Computational aspects associated with the
to compute liquor flow rate, this is because steam is fed numerical solution of model equations of multiple
to the first two effects at higher temperatures. It is a fact effect evaporator system by Newton Raphson method
that as temperature of steam/vapour decreases latent have been studied. It has been found that the
heat of vaporization increases. Condensate leaving computation should be done using double precision
effect II is flashed to lower temperature to obtain arithmetic in order to obtain the converged solution. In
vapour that can be used as heating medium in the the process, empirical correlations for the enthalpy of
subsequent effects along with the vapour emerging steam condensate and caustic soda solution have also
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the Forward-Feed Multiple Effect Evaporator systems. Multiple Effect Evaporators, Ph.D Thesis,
University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India
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