What Is Culture
What Is Culture
What Is Culture
Help your students become global citizens with this lesson that teaches the about culture. Students will explore
their culture and the cultures of their classmates in this engaging, hands-on activity.
Learning Objectives
After the lesson, students will understand the basic components of culture.
Materials culture
My Culture
Get out the colored pencils, index cards, tape, and large piece of paper.
Tape up the large piece of paper on the white board. In the center of the paper, write “[Teacher's
Name]’s Culture.”
Point to the word culture. Ask the students what culture means.
Allow a few students to share their ideas, and then explain to them that someone’s culture has to do with
the way they speak, dress, celebrate, play, and live.
Get out the eight index cards and scatter them on a table or on the ground.
Call on a student to pick up one of the cards.
Read the card aloud, for example, “My Language,” and tape it up on the anchor chart.
Draw a line from the culture circle to the index card, then model thinking about what this index card
means. For example, explain that your language is what you speak to communicate with others. If you
speak one language at home and one at school, explain this to your students.
Draw a picture of you speaking to someone next to the card.
Continue this process with all of the index cards, thinking aloud as you explain what the index card
Explain to the students that your anchor chart shows all the characteristics of your culture, all of the
things that make you unique and special!
Enrichment: Students who need a challenge can complete the second page and use detailed sentences
to express what makes them special.
Support: Sketch small symbols in the boxes for the students who need guidance.
Assessment (0 minutes)
As you rotate around the room, make note of students who struggle to draw their pictures. Assist these
students as needed.
During review and closing students will share their finished work and reasons that make them special.
Call the students together as a group and ask them to bring their culture sheets.
Stand in a circle.
Explain to the students that as you share your pictures, you want them to notice the similarities and
differences between themselves.
Allow students to share their work with their classmates.
Replay the Hello Song!
Sing the song together as a class!