Ssunit Lesson3 Culture
Ssunit Lesson3 Culture
Ssunit Lesson3 Culture
● Definition of Diversity
● Definition of Culture
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
“Let's take a look back on yesterday we focused on a specific word, Diversity. So I need
someone to give me an example of diversity and the somebody tell me what it means to be
● Give the students a couple of minute to think out their answers
● Call on one student to give and example of diversity
○ Student answers will vary
○ Students should try to refer back to the fact that Diversity means different
things and you can often think of a buffet. Everything at the buffet is different.
There are different varieties byet each food holds something different for the
customer to eat.
■ I feel allowing the students to refer to examples first helps them better
remember the terms and they get a picture in their mind to help them
connect the dots on the definition of the word.
● Have students answer back that it means to be different.
○ Allow students to refer back to the different types of foods, language, names,s
■ The book “Welcome to Our World” gave all different types of examples
of diversity.
“Great job on making those connections, now let's put our thinking caps on because we are
going to take all those differences we learned yesterday and apply it to culture. Now you are
probably wondering what culture is. Culture is the way of life. Please repeat it with me.”
● Have students constantly repeat “Culture is the way of life” throughout the lessons
allow the students to engrave it in their mind.
Development/Teaching Approaches
What is Culture? “Culture is the way of life”
● Have students constantly repeat “Culture is the way of life.”
○ Students will build memory based on constantly repeating it.
● What does “Way of life'' mean?
Introducing what “Way of life means.
● Have students try to make the connection that other languages and cultures exist
around the world.
● Have the students look into the differences by giving them different examples of things
they can make connections with throughout the world.
Holidays- Ask students about a variety of holidays that the students may celebrate at home.
Ask the surfnet to raise their hands for each question. students will look around the room to see
their peers and which holidays that they celebrate at home. H
● Popular holidays- These holidays are more likely seen celebrated amongst the
population of students in the area because they have family members who celebrate
and pass on tradition.
○ Birdathy: “Who celebrates their birthdays in this room?”
○ Christmas: “Who celebrates Christmas, in this room?”
○ New Years, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Easter
● Less popular Holidays
○ Hannakak: “Does anyone celebrate Hannakah?
○ Lunar New Year: Does anyone celebrate Lunar New Year?
○ Ramidah: Does anyone celebrate Ramidah?”
Ask students to have an open discussion and talk about any other holidays that they may
celebrate at home and no one else may not celebrate. Is there something that may be special to
them that is different from their peers and what they celebrate at home.
High five example- Go up to another student and gesture for a high five, the student will most
likely respond back with a high five to the student teacher.
● Explain to students that something so simple as to a high give can be a way of life we
in America live. This can also be viewed as a custom.
● In other countries the idea of “High fiving” may not have the same gesture or meaning
to a lifestyle in another country.
● When you think about it, when someone goes to give you a high five other people in
different countries may get confused on what you are gesturing. Not all customs that
we see in the United States are universal to everyone around the world. It is important
to acknowledge that there are so many different types of living and styles of life outside
of where we live.
Video- “Now let's take a look at some other examples that we may see around the world. I
think it is important to discover other people your age and what their family's culture may
bring. Please look at the examples, cultures can be found in all sorts of diverse ways such as
food, songs, art, etc.
Show students the Culture video of other kids their age show their Cultural-
● Pause: 1:01- Refer to the little boy with the food and his picture of his shrine. That is to
help remember his late grandfather and the food that was eaten to help celebrate his
memory in his family's country.
● Pause: 1:41- The little girl in this video shares her great grandma's art work and she
shares a little bit about her italians heritage by saying her name in italians which means
● Pause: 2:26- The little girl shares her song from her heritage. Ask students if they
remember nurse song rhymes singing when they were younger, the song she is singing
now is very much different from signs we had all learned growing up.
● Pause: 3:04- The little boy shows his bow to his parents when they celebrate the
holidays during lunar new year.
● Pause: 4:09- The little boy shares food from his family's culture and the kids etry the
food. Food plays a huge part of culture because growing up what you eat does play a
huge role.
Towards the end of the video, allow students to share anything fascinating that they may have
learned from the video.
● Anything that they may have learned was something new.
Something that they may have known.
● SOmething that they may want to learn more of.
● Did they make any connection with any of these cultura; traditions?
Anchor Chart: Culture
● Definition: The way of life
○ Have the students repeat “Culture is the way of life”
What is culture?
● Definition: A shared way of living from a group of people.
● Nationality/Origin, Traditions, Religion, language, songs, etc
○ Focus: Food, Holidays, Language
■ Food: Go back to the food discussion
■ Holidays: Ask students some of the holidays that they may celebrate
■ Language: What are some languages you can speak or someone you
may know can speak?
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
“Wow, you have learned so much about diversity and culture today!”
● Ask a volunteer to tell you to want diversity means
● Ask volunteers to give an example of a culture they have learned about today
“Awesome job guys! Now I want you to go home and I want you to bring back some
information about your own families, I am curious to know where you came from!”
● Students will be instructed to take the My Family Interview paper home and fill it out
on their own
● Students will bring it back the next day and it will transition into our next lesson
Follow all IEPs
Student K is a life skills student who only comes during co coirrculars or during the science or
social studies time. For this lesson I think I should have accomdiated more when it came to the
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Additional reflection/thoughts
I think something that I tried to focus on was the content of this lesson but I feel that it
was incredibly difficult to have incorporated any strong forms of assessment that I could have
recorded when it came to their data. I think it was incredibly difficult because this lesson I
didnt really have a hard focus on any criteria of where they need to know something just yet. I
had the students do more discovery when it comes.