Art Lesson Plan

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Exploring Cultures

Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
We will discuss what a culture is. Then we will have the students create a paper doll or mask that
expresses their own culture then write a short explanation about it. The students will be
exploring and researching different cultures from around the world. They will choose a country
from the list that is provided and begin researching that country and its main culture. They will
then take their information and put it into a presentation, brochure, poster, or a folder suitcase.
After they are done creating their project they will write a narrative about what life would be like
in that culture and how it would be different from their own culture now. The students will then
present their projects to the class. While others are presenting they will fill out passport booklets
on the country. The teacher will formatively and summative assess during the process.
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
students to know.*
1. Visual Art: Artist can use everyday materials to reflect
culture and meaning.
2. Literacy: Writers should know how to write a reflection and
3. Social Studies: Cultures are a way of life of a group of
people that include many elements that make each culture

Grade Level*: 4th

Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

Essential Questions (1-2)*:

What is Culture?
What does culture look like?
What is the purpose of culture?
What are some elements that make up a culture?

Lesson Objectives/Goals: (Excellent resource at What

you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to make a paper doll or mask that represents their own culture/background.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to compare and contrast their own culture and one they have researched and complete a
creative writing. They should also be able to present their information to the class.
3. Social Studies: The students will be able to research a culture that is different from their own.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4)
Instructional Strategies (Teachers approach to helping students
achieve learning)
1. Visual Art (May use NAEA National standards): VA:Cn 10.1. 4a:
Whole Group Discussion: The teacher will ask what is
Create works of art that reflect community cultural traditions.
culture? The students will then discuss as a group and

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

2. Literacy: MO Standards: W.2.7 Writing: Research to Build
and Present Knowledge: Participate in shared research and
writing projects and conduct a short as well as more sustained
research project based on focused questions, demonstrating,
understanding of the subject under investigation.
3. Social Studies: Big Idea 2: PS 2 Interacting With Others in
Ways That Respect Individual and Group Differences: Respect
for Self and Others: DOK: Level 2 Recognize and respect the
differences between personal culture and other cultures.

Content Areas Integrated*:

1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Native American Mask - Nuxalt
Tribe By Leoboudv)
2. Literacy
3. Social Studies

share their thoughts and ideas. Then the teacher will

present them with the VTS and they will continue with
whole group discussion.
Independent Study, after whole group we will break off
and do independent study. During this time the
students will be working independently creating their
masks/paper dolls. They will be doing their research,
working on their projects, their writings and presenting
Whole group discussion: we will wrap up by ending
with a group discussion. The students will be on the
floor while the presentations are going on so we will
finish it by ending with a class discussion on cultures
and making sure we have an understanding of
different culture.

Lesson Structure & Procedure(s) Sequence of events of the lesson

elements. (The before, during, and after the lesson, e.g.
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion ,please be
very specific, walk me through step by step of the What of what is
happening with a rationale as to WHY you are doing this):

1. The teacher will have a class discussion on culture and

background. Then she will introduce the project to the class.
For homework each student will go home and ask their
parent/guardian about their culture/background and complete
the worksheet. If a student doesnt know their own culture
they can use their parents or ask the teacher to assign it.
2. The teacher will show the students artwork of a (Native
American Mask - Nuxalt Tribe By Leoboudv) and do a VTS
exercise on what they think/see in the art. The teacher will
then explain that Artist show/express their cultures and
backgrounds through their artwork/creations. The teacher will
then have the students create their own artwork that
represents their own culture/background. Teacher will show

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

her example.
3. Students will create paper dolls/mask that represent their
own culture using everyday materials found in the classroom.
After students finish their artwork they will write a
reflection/explanation about their piece.
4. The students will then begin their research portion of their
project. The teacher will provide a list of countries the
students can research. Each student will choose one then
complete the research paper.
5. After the student completes the research paper and is
approve by they teacher they can start working on their
project. The students will be able to choose one of the
following projects: PowerPoint presentation, poster, brochure,
or a folder suitcase.
6. The students will be given a class period to work on their
presentations and whatever they dont finish will be
homework. They will use everyday materials to complete this
7. Once their projects are done they will be writing a story in
Language Arts. Their story will be about what a day in the life
would be like in the culture they chose to research and how
that differs from their own culture.
8. Next the students will be doing a short 2-3 minute
presentation to the class on the culture they chose to
research. The students will present their project to the class.
9. While the students are presenting the teacher will assess
the students by completing the grading rubric.
10. While the other students are presenting they will fill out a
passport booklet on each culture they see. This will include
the culture name and 2 things they learned.
11.At the end of the presentations the teacher will have wrap
up with a class discussion about how we all come from
different backgrounds and we should respect cultures that

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

are different from our own.

Opening (Gaining Attention, what will you show, or demonstrate)*:
I will begin the lesson by doing a discussion on cultures and
introducing the project. They will be doing a VTS on the
artwork (Native American Mask - Nuxalt Tribe) by Leoboudv to
get ideas on how to create their own cultural art work.

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set, how will student share what they

Formative Assessment strategy: (how will you assess while the

Summative Assessment strategy*:

The students will be given a rubric before the lesson to follow
and the teacher will then use this rubric to assess the

learning is happening?)


They will be presenting their projects to the class to show

what they learned about the culture they researched. They
will fill out passport booklets to show what they learned from
other presentations. After the presentation we will do a wrap
up discussion.

The teacher will be formatively assessing students throughout

the lesson by asking questions and checking for understanding
through observation on the worksheets and as they work. The
teacher will then check the passports and worksheets for
understanding and completion.
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
The only prior knowledge the students might need would be what is culture? They will need to know the culture/background
they come from also. Another thing they will need to know prior to this project is how to research a topic on the internet and
write a narrative and reflection.

Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
The students will be using computers or Ipads to conduct their research. Some of the students may want to create a
PowerPoint presentation.
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This lesson will teach the kids how to be accepting of different cultures. They will come across many different cultures in their
lifetime and this lesson will help them understand how to recognize the differences between themselves and that person but
in an accepting way.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
They will be routinely reflecting on their learning by doing the worksheets and activities. The worksheet will allow them to
organize and record the new information they are learning about a culture. Also while others are presenting their projects they
will be doing a passport booklet that allows the students to record interesting things they have learned from the presenters

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.

For students who dont know their background/culture they can use their parent/guardians or ask the teacher to assign
them one.
Multiple forms of media the students can choose for their presentation.
Extra time on assignment
Allowing student to type if writing is difficult
For certain students you could cut down the amount of research or work.
Allow certain students to do presentation one-on-one with teacher instead of in front of the class.
Increase in Rigor:
For students who finish early you could have them create a paper doll/mask of the culture/background they researched.
They could also choose to research another culture
Do a creative writing about cultural traditions in their own culture or the one they researched.

Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
Mo standards app

* Include this information during the Padlet/prezi/ppt presentation.


"Native American Masks Worn during Tribal Ceremonies." Native Net. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

Polk, Amber. "Culture Around the World Project." Adventures of the Polka-Dotted Teacher. N.p., n.d. Web.
Ruopp, Amy. "LTC 4240: Art For Children Fall 2015." LTC 4240: Art For Children Fall 2015. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec.
2015. <>.

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