Unit Overview: CCR Standard(s)

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Unit Overview

Instructor/Program: Course/Setting:

NRS or CCRS Level(s): Unit Theme: Length (e.g., hours, days):

Rationale for this Unit: (Why is this unit important to my students?) Focus:
CCR Standard(s):
Primary Standard(s) (1-2 per lesson) :

Instructional Objective(s):
Supporting Standard(s):

Coherence: ACES TIF Skill(s):

Prerequisite or foundational content students need to succeed in the lesson:

Description of how the content of the lesson is related to other content taught at
the lesson’s level: Northstar Digital Literacy Standard(s):

Description of how content connects to future learning:

Components of Rigor: Additional Content Standards or Skills: (e.g. career, science, social
Conceptual Understanding Procedural Skill and Fluency studies, etc.)

Adapted from KYAE Lesson Plan Template for Mathematics

Template for CCRS Aligned Mathematics Lesson/Unit Planning September 2018
Standards for Mathematical Practice: Only select the 2-4 practices that are central to the lesson __MP 5: Use appropriate tools strategically
__MP 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them __MP 6: Attend to precision
__MP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively __MP 7: Look for and make use of structure
__MP 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others __MP 8: Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
__MP 4: Model with mathematics

Level(s) of Knowing: __Abstract: Writing with symbols and numbers

__Intuitive: Linking to what students already know __Application: Applying to different situations
__Concrete: Moving manipulatives __Communication: Explaining concepts, process and/or
__Pictorial: Drawing pictures solutions to others
Materials: Common misconceptions/misunderstandings by learners regarding the content that may
interfere with learning:

Adaptations and/or Accommodations: (How will EVERY student have access to the content of the

Key Math Terms and Symbols: Academic Vocabulary and Additional Language Demands: (Non-math academic vocabulary and
other language that may impact a student’s ability to access the content in directions, examples, problems,

Teacher Reflection
Notes for next time:

Adapted from KYAE Lesson Plan Template for Mathematics

Template for CCRS Aligned Mathematics Lesson/Unit Planning September 2018
Lesson Plan
Instructor/Program: Course/Setting:

CCR Math Standard(s): (Indicate which Primary Standard(s):

standards from the unit are targeted in this Supporting Standard(s):
specific lesson)
Instructional Objective(s): At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
(Statements written in teacher language, derived
from content standards)
Assessing Mastery of the Objective(s): By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to (objective) as evidenced by (task).
(Indicate when and how assessment will occur
during the lesson - formative and/or summative)
Learning Target(s): (Statements of what “I can…”
students will be able to do as a result of the
lesson, written in student-friendly language)

Explanation & Modeling:

Guided Practice:

Independent Practice:

Adapted from KYAE Lesson Plan Template for Mathematics

Template for CCRS Aligned Mathematics Lesson/Unit Planning September 2018
Student Reflection on Learning
Targets, Closure, & Connection to
Future Learning

Adapted from KYAE Lesson Plan Template for Mathematics

Template for CCRS Aligned Mathematics Lesson/Unit Planning September 2018

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