Udl Lesson Plan 3 Student Teaching

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UDL Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Amber Soukup

Date Created: 10/07/2022

Content Area: Science

School: Alexander Elementary

Grade Level: 2nd

Lesson Title:

Michigan Academic Standards: (include code and standard)

(Example: ELA.S.5.1a Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion.)

Performance Based Learning Objectives:

 Learners will be able to …
 Performance based – conditions, target behavior, and criteria
 Aligned with Michigan Academic Standard(s)
(Example: Given two hours of instruction daily for five school days, learners will be able to accurately play
a new song on their individual musical instrument with five or fewer errors.)

Materials: (Low Tech, including number needed)



Technology: (High Tech)

o Teacher laptop o Digital camera
o SMART Board o Document camera
o LCD projector o Digital microscope
o SMART Senteos (class set) o Video camera
o Computers o Scanner
o iPad or tablet o Color printer
o iPod or mp3 player(s) o Calculators
o Early childhood learning technologies o FM system
o Webcam o Other______________

 Teacher research/planning
 Source of learning materials

Prior Learning Connections (Background Knowledge Support):
 Is this an introductory, reinforcement, or mastery lesson?
 What have you done to prepare students for this lesson?
 Background knowledge support is provided by:
o identifying background knowledge
o connecting background knowledge with concepts and skills

 How do you know students are ready for this lesson? What are their developmental skills levels,
interests, learning strengths and special needs?
 Learning strategies that help students understand content or build skills to apply knowledge
 Instructional materials are selected, designed, implemented and individualized as necessary to support
all students in meeting the lesson learning objectives.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities

Special Concerns (including medical, behavioral, and/or environmental):

 Targets all knowledge and skills that are indicated in learning objectives which are driven by the
 Includes a variety of formats
 Identified in lesson where the assessment is being administered (FA) or (SA)



During Lesson: (General Guidelines)

 Provides multiple instructional strategies including technology:
o to help students develop an understanding of content areas and their connections
o to build skills to apply knowledge
 Provides clear understanding of the concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline
 Demonstrates clear understanding of content knowledge for teaching across curricular content areas
 Displays clear understanding of the aspects of UDL by providing information in multiple formats,
multiple ways to respond, and multiple ways to engage.

Engagement: (Time)
 Create interest and stimulate curiosity; provide meaningful context for learning; raise questions for
inquiry; reveal students’ current ideas and beliefs
 Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
 What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?


Instruction/Exploration: (Time)
 Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
 Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
 List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration.
 What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
 List higher order thinking questions the teacher will use to solicit student explanations and help them to
justify their explanations.
 Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
 How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?


After Lesson: (Time)

 Refer and tie back to course objectives
 One last quick assessment

 There is ample evidence on reflection of instructional effectiveness
 At least two pieces of evidence relative to reflection on instructional effectiveness are present and accurately

Strengths of the Lesson:

Areas for Growth:

Focus for next lesson:

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