Udl Lesson Plan 3 Student Teaching
Udl Lesson Plan 3 Student Teaching
Udl Lesson Plan 3 Student Teaching
Lesson Title:
Teacher research/planning
Source of learning materials
Prior Learning Connections (Background Knowledge Support):
Is this an introductory, reinforcement, or mastery lesson?
What have you done to prepare students for this lesson?
Background knowledge support is provided by:
o identifying background knowledge
o connecting background knowledge with concepts and skills
How do you know students are ready for this lesson? What are their developmental skills levels,
interests, learning strengths and special needs?
Learning strategies that help students understand content or build skills to apply knowledge
Instructional materials are selected, designed, implemented and individualized as necessary to support
all students in meeting the lesson learning objectives.
Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
Targets all knowledge and skills that are indicated in learning objectives which are driven by the
Includes a variety of formats
Identified in lesson where the assessment is being administered (FA) or (SA)
Engagement: (Time)
Create interest and stimulate curiosity; provide meaningful context for learning; raise questions for
inquiry; reveal students’ current ideas and beliefs
Describe how the teacher will capture students’ interest.
What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?
Instruction/Exploration: (Time)
Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
Include a variety of whole group, small group, and independent learning opportunities
List “big idea” conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students’ exploration.
What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
List higher order thinking questions the teacher will use to solicit student explanations and help them to
justify their explanations.
Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.
How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?
There is ample evidence on reflection of instructional effectiveness
At least two pieces of evidence relative to reflection on instructional effectiveness are present and accurately