Engineering Design Project Assessment Tool

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Design Project Title:

Group Members: Course Code:
Course Title:
Sem./School Year:

SOs Addressed by the
Performance Indicators Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Score
1 2 3
Identify, formulate, and solve Identify an engineering The engineering problem The engineering problem The engineering problem
complex engineering problems problem and/or satisfy a need and/or need is unidentified and/or need is identified and/or need is clearly and
(student outcome b) specifically identified
Formulate engineering The engineering solution to The engineering solution to The engineering solution to
solutions to a given problem a given problem and/or a given problem and/or a given problem and/or
and/or need need is not formulated need is partly formulated need is correctly and
completely formulated
Solve the engineering problem The engineering problem The engineering problem The engineering problem
and/or satisfy the need and/or need is unsolved and/or need is solved by and/or need is innovatively
adopting existing solved by adopting new
technologies, systems, technologies, systems,
components, or processes components, or processes
and methods and methods
Solve complex engineering Apply appropriate constraints Less than three constraints Three constraints are More than three
problems by designing in the design process are applied in the design applied in the design appropriate constraints are
systems, components, or process process applied in the design
processes to meet process
specifications within realistic Apply appropriate standards Appropriate standards and Appropriate local Appropriate local and
constraints such as economic, and codes in the design codes are not applied in standards and codes are international standards and
environmental, cultural, social, process the design process applied in the design codes are applied in the
societal, political, ethical, process design process
health and safety, Use trade-offs to determine Less than three options Three options were used in More than three options
manufacturability, and final design choice were used in the trade-offs the trade-offs to determine were used in the trade-offs
sustainability in accordance to determine the final the final design choice to determine the final
with standards design choice design choice
(student outcome c)
SOs Addressed by the
Performance Indicators Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exemplary Score
1 2 3
Use the techniques, skills, and Identify appropriate techniques, Techniques, skills, and Techniques, skills, and Techniques, skills, and
modern engineering tools skills, and modern engineering modern engineering tools modern engineering tools modern engineering tools
necessary for engineering tools necessary in the design are not clearly identified in are well identified in the are appropriately identified
practice in complex process the design process design process in the design process
engineering activities Use appropriate techniques, Techniques, skills, and Techniques, skills, and Appropriate techniques,
(student outcome e) skills, and modern engineering modern engineering tools modern engineering tools skills, and modern
tools in the design process are not appropriately used are appropriately used in engineering tools are
in the design process the design process accurately used in the
design process
Apply principles of ethics and Demonstrate ethics by Design project submitted Design project submitted Design project submitted or
commit to professional ethics submitting or presenting a or presented does not cite or presented partly cited presented completely cited
and responsibilities design project that cites references references references
(student outcome h) references
Demonstrate professionalism Design project is not Design project is submitted Design project is submitted
by submitting or presenting the submitted or presented on or presented on schedule or presented ahead of
design projects on schedule as schedule as planned as planned schedule as planned
Communicate effectively on Deliver effective oral
complex engineering activities presentations Use the mean score from the rubric for oral presentation of design projects
with various communities
including engineering experts Write a design project report
and society at large using that illustrates effective writing
appropriate levels of discourse Use the mean score from the rubric for design project report
in English
(student outcome j)
Total Score
Total Score
Percentage Rating= ( ) x 100

Evaluated by:

______________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Signature over Printed Name


Design Project
Group Members: Course Code:
Course Title:
Sem./School Year:

Intended Learning Outcome: Ability to write a design project report that illustrates effective writing in English.


1 2 3
Content (Substance) The report presents The report lacks The report presents
irrelevant relevant complete and relevant
data/information data/information data/information
Format The report does not The report follows some The report fully
follow the prescribed of the prescribed format complies with the
format prescribed format
Coherence (Logical flow of The report does not Some parts of the The whole report
discussion) present a logical flow of report present a logical presents a logical flow
discussion flow of discussion of discussion
Grammar, Spelling, Writing There are many There are occasional The report is free of
Mechanics (punctuation, grammatical and spelling errors and violations errors and violations
italics, capitalization, etc.) errors, and writing
mechanic violations
𝐓𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞
𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐞 =
Total Score
Rating = ( ) x 100

Evaluated by:

______________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Signature over Printed Name

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