Ied 137 SV DesignAProtectiveCaseChecklistRubric
Ied 137 SV DesignAProtectiveCaseChecklistRubric
Ied 137 SV DesignAProtectiveCaseChecklistRubric
D2 Design Process
Basic Proficient Advanced
KS: Carry out a plan to Proposed solutions are evaluated at Proposed solutions are evaluated with All proposed solutions are evaluated with common
compare competing solution a superficial level. common criteria that relate to requirements criteria that relate to requirements previously defined.
ideas and justify the selection Decision matrix or other tool is used previously defined. Selection of a solution path includes prioritizing or
of a solution path with respect but incorrectly. Decision matrix or other tool is used to weighting design requirements.
to design requirements and Justification of selected solution organize decision-making. Selected solution path(s) is clearly justified and
constraints. path(s) is minimal. Solution path is selected and justified. supported by evidence.
KS: Develop a potential Proposed solutions have limited Proposed solutions, including significant Proposed solutions, including all iterations, are
solution and implement a plan documentation of iterations. Any iterations, are documented with technical comprehensively documented with technical writing and
to test and evaluate the solution documentation displays significant writing and engineering best practices. engineering best practices.
with respect to design criteria gaps in student knowledge. Multiple iterations of a prototype or model Multiple iterations of prototype or model are
and constraints. Some documentation of a prototype are documented. comprehensively documented.
or model is presented but not Prototype or model is generally Prototypes or models are sufficient to validate
complete. Prototype or model documented to allow for replication; there compliance with design requirements when tested.
cannot be replicated from are only minor omissions. Prototypes or models are documented precisely to allow
documentation. Prototype or model can be tested to satisfy for replication.
Prototype or model can be tested to most requirements including all important If necessary, more than one type of model
satisfy a limited number of requirements. (mathematical, computer 3D solid, physical, graphic,
requirements. Significant Testing plan sufficiently defines conceptual) is created to test all aspects of the design
requirements cannot be tested with procedure, conditions, and methodologies effectively.
the prototype or model. used. Detailed, comprehensive testing plan defines the
Testing plan does not sufficiently Tests are documented, and key data are procedure, conditions, and methodologies used.
define the procedure, conditions, recorded and presented in clear format. If appropriate, multiple iterations of tests are performed.
and methodologies used.
Presentation of test results demonstrates All tests are documented, and data is recorded and
Tests are documented, but gaps competent understanding of how to presented in clear format.
exist for important data. analyze and interpret data. Presentation of test results demonstrates complex
Presentation of test results either is Tables, graphs, and/or equations are used understanding of how to analyze and interpret data.
lacking or demonstrates gaps in to represent data and communicate test Tables, graphs, and/or equations used to communicate
student understanding of how to results. test results are complete, easy to understand, and
analyze and interpret data.
tailored to the audience.
KS: Identify design flaws of No reflection on work or limited Reflection on significant decisions during Reflection on each step of the design process, expanding
and potential enhancements to a reflection on some decisions during design process is provided. on significant decisions, is made at multiple points.
proposed design solution. design process is presented. Some evidence is provided that the Valid justification for each major decision is provided.
Significant gaps in thought solution tested meets most design Sufficient evidence is provided to validate that the
processes and justification of design requirements; recommendations for solution tested meets all design requirements, or specific
decisions remain. Someone improvement are provided to address most recommendations for improvement of product or testing
unfamiliar with the work could not important design requirement(s) not met. are provided to address each design requirement not
follow the thought process. Basic plans to implement improvements met.
Solution tested does not meet most are provided. Detailed and comprehensive plans to implement all
design requirements; few Evidence of design improvement through recommended improvements are provided.
recommendations for improvement design iteration is provided. Evidence of iteration of steps of the design process
are provided. resulting in improvements to the design that are
validated through testing is provided.
D8 Communication
Basic Proficient Advanced
KS: Present information, findings, For the criteria to meet this KS at Basic, Proficient, and Advanced levels, see the complete Technical Writing rubric in the General
and supporting evidence clearly, Student Resources.
concisely, and logically in writing,
in which the development,
organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose,
D13 Modeling
Basic Proficient Advanced
O: Develop models and simulations to represent information, processes, and/or objects to an appropriate level of abstraction for the intended purpose.
KS: Recognize that models use abstraction to Explains generally that a model Explains how a particular model Identifies all important limitations of the model,
represent a simplified version of a complex is a simplification of a real simplifies the real object or including accuracy, precision, and range of
phenomenon and there is no guarantee that the object or phenomenon and will phenomenon that it represents. conditions. Provides rationale for use of the model
model accurately represents the real object or not provide the same features or Lists differences in behavior despite these limitations.
phenomenon. List differences (potential or behave the same as the eal object between the model and real object
real) between model behavior and the or phenomenon. or phenomenon that it represents
behavior of the real object, system, or process and identifies limitations of the
that it represents, and identify limitations of model, especially those associated
the model. with characteristics being studied.
Limitations may include specific
characteristics being studied, accuracy,
precision, range of conditions, and so on.
KS: Develop a model to accurately represent Develops a specific type of Develops a model that (within Strategically chooses a specific type of model based
information or important characteristics of an model according to instructions. expectations) represents on purpose, merits, and limitations to represent,
object, data, process, or design idea for an Struggles to justify use of a information or important investigate, or predict each characteristic or aspect of
intended purpose. model over alternative types or characteristics of object, data, an object, system, or phenomenon.
Notes on scope: Intended purpose may vary configurations of models based system, process, or design idea. Justifies the chosen model and its configuration over
and could include organizing information to on purpose or merits and Provides evidence that the model other types/configurations of models as the best
show relationships; providing a visual limitations of the models. meets expectations for its intended option to investigate a given characteristic.
representation of the object/design to purpose. Analyzes model performance related to the intended
demonstrate how the object might “look”; purpose to evaluate precision and accuracy. If
functional model to demonstrate the necessary, revises the model to more accurately
operation; prototype of a specific component represent information or important characteristics or
to test fit, performance, durability, or behavior of real object, data, process, system, or
compatibility with other components in a design idea, and to better serve intended purpose.
system; and so on. The model could be Moves flexibly between model types based on merits
conceptual, mathematical, computer/virtual, or and limitations of each.
physical model, as appropriate for the testing
O: Create and interpret a computer model or simulation of simple objects, assemblies, or systems to inform engineering decisions and solve problems.
KS: Create a computer model to represent an Produces an inefficient computer Produces a relatively efficient, Produces a highly efficient, computer model with
object or conceptual idea and inform design model to accurate size that computer model with enough detail enough detail to demonstrate design intent, and the
decisions. resembles design intent, but the to demonstrate design intent, and model can be used to inform design decisions.
model would be difficult to use the model can be used to inform
to inform design decisions. design decisions.
KS: Correctly build and constrain a three- Produces an inefficient three- Produces a relatively efficient, Produces a highly efficient, three-dimensional, solid
dimensional, solid computer model to dimensional, solid computer three-dimensional, solid computer computer model using precise dimensions. Model
accurately represent the physical model to accurate size that model in enough detail to can be used to determine physical properties.
characteristics and behaviors of a design idea resembles design intent. demonstrate design intent.
or real object.
Scope: This could include the appropriate
application of geometric (horizontal, vertical,
parallel, perpendicular, tangent, concentric)
and dimensional constraints, as well as
modeling other physical properties (density,
color, texture, and so on).
O: Create technical drawings using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software to document a design according to standard engineering practices.
KS: Generate an annotated multiview With some inaccuracies, With few inaccuracies, generates Accurately generates an annotated multiview
technical drawing using CAD software to generates an annotated an annotated multiview technical technical drawing using CAD software to fully
fully describe a simple part. multiview technical drawing drawing using CAD software to describe a simple part.
using CAD software to fully fully describe a simple part.
describe a simple part.
KS: Apply appropriate and sufficient With some inaccuracies, applies With few inaccuracies, applies to Accurately applies to drawing appropriate and
annotation (including dimensioning) methods to drawing appropriate and drawing appropriate and sufficient sufficient annotation, including dimensioning,
to a drawing to fully describe an object or sufficient annotation, including annotation, including methods to fully describe object or system using
system using accepted technical drawing dimensioning, methods to fully dimensioning, methods to fully accepted technical drawing techniques.
techniques. describe object or system using describe object or system using
accepted technical drawing accepted technical drawing
techniques. techniques.