Affect-Adaptive Activities in A Personalised
Affect-Adaptive Activities in A Personalised
Affect-Adaptive Activities in A Personalised
1. Introduction
The numerous developmental phases of information technology have
transformed education system in recent years. This development gave access
to global communications and resources available to today's students at all
levels of schooling (Yaun et al., 2013; Jones & Jo, 2004).
2. Literature Review
With the emergence of ubiquitous learning (u-learning), access to education
by students have become flexible, and seamless. The definition of u-learning
can be broadly classified into three categories: the adopted technologies, the
education objects and the learning process (Peña-Ayala & Cárdenas, 2016). In
a definition influenced by the classification of learning environments, u-
learning was described as a combination of the e-learning and m-learning
paradigms (Behera, 2013).
Learning Styles
A learner whose learning style is not supported by a particular learning
environment is bound to face difficulties during learning (Entwistle &
Ramsden, 2015; Felder and Silverman, 1988). Felder and Silverman Learning
Style Model (FSLSM) is one of the learning style models used in learning style
related research for information technology-based learning systems. The
FSLSM has been demonstrated to be most appropriate for hypermedia
courseware (Tortorella & Graf, 2017; Liyanage et al., 2016; Fasihuddin et al.,
2017). FSLSM distinguishes among four different dimensions. These
dimensions are active, reflective, sensing, intuitive, visual, verbal, sequential
and global dimension. A combination of these dimensions makes up the
learners‟ individuals learning preferences.
Adaptive Learning
Adaptive learning can be referred to a concept that learning methodologies to
learners' individuals learning styles. Some of the elements of adaptive
learning has been demonstrated to include: monitoring activity, interpreting
the results, understanding requirements and preferences, and facilitated
learning process with gained information (Zimmerman, 2013; Paramythis &
Loidl-Reisinger, 2004).
Personalised Learning
Personalised learning allows learners‟ specific requirements to be identified
and addressed during a learning process. Advances in information
technology enable teachers to develop rapidly personalised learning
instruction materials and utilise real-time data for a feedback mechanism.
This learning paradigm promotes learner‟s choice in his education. It closes
the gaps in the individual learner, learning styles and provides the needed
support to succeed in his/her education. In this paradigm, teachers become
mentors or facilitators while learners have controls over what, how and
where they learn.
Ubiquitous Learning
With the emergence of ubiquitous learning (u-learning), access to education
by students have become flexible, and seamless. U-learning has been
described as a hybridisation of the best features of e-learning and m-learning
paradigms (Wong et al., 2015; Casey, 2005). Therefore, u-learning is a learning
paradigm that enables learning what is necessary at the right place and time
in the right way (Yahya et al., 2010). This learning paradigm was made
possible due to the availability of mobile, wireless communication and
sensing technologies (Hsu et al., 2016) which can support real-world contexts
learning (Yin et al., 2016). This learning paradigm has been described as the
context-aware ubiquitous learning or contextual mobile learning (Brown &
Mbati, 2015; Chen & Huang, 2012; Hwang et al., 2008).
Affective Computing
Affective computing can be referred to systems and device study and
development that can simulate, recognise, interpret, and process human
affects (Becker-Asano & Wachsmuth, 2010; Picard, 1997). Haijan et al. (2017)
proposes a study based on learner‟s interest and emotion recognition to
effectively construct affective education to optimise and enhance the teaching
effectiveness. Learner‟s voice, text and behaviour extraction was carried out
using Semantic Orientation-Pointwise Mutual information. Research on
recognising emotion has made great progress since affective computing was
proposed by Professor Picard in 1997 (Picard, 1997).
Different methods for detection of emotion are the use of biophysical signals,
speech signals, facial expressions, machine learning techniques applied on
learners‟ preferences and behaviours in the systems, different text-based
method and virtual reality (Callaghan et al., 2009). The former methods
though give better accuracy, are quite expensive and cumbersome and are
less practical to implement in a large-scale e-learning environment, whereas,
the methods like machine learning, text-based methods and virtual reality are
less cumbersome and are more suitable in such scenario (Marczak et al.,
affective states will be used in this paper to identify the pattern of behaviour
of the learners‟ affective states.
3. Methodology
This section discusses the system architecture and models used.
A. System Architecture
Figure 1 consists of the key components of the system architecture. These
include Learners location detection, learner interface, learners profile,
adaptive learning system, learning resources, learning activities, affect
recognition module, web server and evaluation module while the access
point (AP) wireless signal is used for detecting and calculating learners‟
location via mobile devices.
The learners use the learner interface to interact with the adaptive system
to get learning resources and participate in learning activities such as
forum discussion and content outline. The learners‟ profiles contain the
affect states and learning progress of individual learner. The adaptive
system also interacts with the learning resources which are stored in a
web server based on learner‟s profile. Learners‟ behaviours are captured
during the learning procedure. Affect recognition module help detect
what the learners‟ emotions are (Confidence, Effort, Independence and
Confusion) which are used to improve the system.
Detect Leaners Locations Personalisation
Learning Activities
x 2 xn1 − xn3 2 ya1 − yn3
y = X
2 xn2 − xn3 2 ya2 − yn3
2 2 2 2
xn1 − xn3 + yn1 − yn3 + d2n1 − d2n3
2 2 2 2
xn2 − xn3 + yn2 − yn3 + d2n2 − d2n3
According to equation 2 (Lin et al., 2014),
- Trilateration algorithm is used to calculate the target point
- The radius of the three Access Points (Aps) represent the distance
between the target and the corresponding APs
- Target point is the interception of the APs location.
f(Si ) = 1/n Pij (3)
1−e −cf (S i )
Pp = 1 − (4)
1+e −cf (S i )
1−e −cf (S i )
Pd = 1 − (5)
1+e −cf (S i )
forumassignmntpostrepl exercsstay
Graf et al. (2009) proposed an approach for calculating learning style from
behavioural pattern through hints calculation. Hints are represented by
four values that is 0-3, where 0 denotes weak indication towards the
respective learning style used for learning preferences. Learners‟
behaviour indicates average if the hint value is 2 (two), which means that
a specific hit is not provided. Also, the learners‟ behaviour is said to be in
disagreement with its learning style or affective state if the hint value is 1.
Hint value 0 indicates zero information on learners‟ behaviour.
Outlinevisit 33 1 21 1
Contentvisit 90 3 45 2
Contentstay 57 2 32 1
Assignmntrevision 24 1 2 0
Response Timing.
The observations from this Table 4 are discussed as follows: The response
timing for course A with respect to Discussion 1 is that 64% of the learners
responded on the due date while. 4% responded after the due date while in
discussion 2, only 2% responded after the due date. This response suggests an
improvement of student understanding. In course B, there was a decrease in
the number of learners that submitted their responses by due date with only
32% and 41% for both discussion 1 and discussion 2 respectively.
Quantity of Post
Individual participant is expected to reply to the forum post at least once in
the online forum discussion. There were about 308 valid responses for course
A as shown in Table 5 and about 212 valid responses for Course B. With both
Course A and Course B having an average of 2.39 posts per person and 1.64
posts per person responses respectively. Course A shows more intensity and
interest of learners to participate in the online discussion when compared to
course B. Course A benefitted immensely when learners‟ affective states are
Course A
of Course A Course B Course B
Discussion 2
responses Discussion 1 Discussion 1 Discussion 2
From Table 7, the analysis was made according to how well the learners
participated online. Course A show more vibrant and aggressive participation
when compared to Course B.
Confide Course Course Course Indepen Course Course Confusi Course Course
eB Effort
nce A Log. A Log B Log dence A Log B Log on A Log B Log
5. Conclusion
This research work was conducted to identify learners‟ affect-adaptive states and
see how learning performances can be improved using these states in a
personalised ubiquitous learning system. The use of ubiquitous technology
makes accessibility to education resources available at anywhere and anytime.
Considering adaptability, personalisation and ubiquity, this research paper
investigates learners’ affective states such as confidence, effort, independence
and confusion when learning. Trilateration and fingerprint techniques are both
used to determine the learners’ locations. The learners’ preference is determined
using Felder Silverman learning style dimensions based on learners’ activities in
online learning process. The ant colony clustering algorithm is used to determine
learners’ activities. The four affective states are determined from the learners’
forum threads, content activities, assessment, timing, and discussion through
learners’ engagement. The result of the study suggests that performance of
learners improves when learners‟ affective states are considered during learning.
6. Acknowledgement
The research is sponsored by Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) in the
context of “Personalised Adaptive Ubiquitous Learning System” under the
National Research and Innovation Grant.
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C. Rangkuman
Seorang pelajar yang gaya belajarnya tidak didukung oleh lingkungan belajar tertentu pasti akan
menghadapi kesulitan selama pembelajaran (Entwistle & Ramsden, 2015; Felder dan Silverman,
Felder dan Silverman Learning Style Model (FSLSM) adalah salah satu model gaya belajar yang
digunakan dalam penelitian terkait gaya belajar untuk sistem pembelajaran berbasis teknologi
informasi. FSLSM telah terbukti paling sesuai untuk courseware hypermedia (Tortorella & Graf,
2017; Liyanage et al., 2016; Fasihuddin et al., 2017). FSLSM membedakan antara empat dimensi
yang berbeda. Dimensidimensi ini adalah dimensi aktif, reflektif, penginderaan, intuitif, visual,
verbal, sekuensial dan global. Kombinasi dari dimensi-dimensi ini membentuk preferensi belajar
individu peserta didik.. Kemajuan teknologi informasi telah banyak mengubah praktik
pembelajaran dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Namun, platform pembelajaran seperti Moodle,
Blackboard, dan lain-lain tidak mendukung adaptivitas penuh yang didasarkan pada gaya belajar
dan keadaan afektif (Jones & Jo, 2004).
Pembelajaran adaptif dapat dirujuk pada konsep metodologi pembelajaran yang disesuaikan
dengan gaya belajar individu peserta didik. Beberapa elemen pembelajaran adaptif telah ditunjukkan
meliputi: aktivitas pemantauan, menafsirkan hasil, memahami persyaratan dan preferensi, dan
memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran dengan informasi yang diperoleh (Zimmerman, 2013;
Paramythis & Loidl-Reisinger, 2004).
Jenis sistem pembelajaran ini menawarkan keuntungan besar dalam memberikan pengetahuan
yang spesifik dan personal kepada peserta didik selama pembelajaran. Penggunaan strategi adaptif
dapat ditanggalkan kembali sejak awal abad kedua puluh ketika pendidik mulai mencari cara lain
untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar pemahaman dan pembelajaran siswa (Moore & Kearsley, 2011;
Zimmerman, 2013). Pengembangan system semacam itu pasti akan memberikan atau mendukung
pengalaman belajar yang efektif untuk jenis pembelajar yang berbeda di seluruh pandangan domain
pengetahuan yang lebih luas. Oleh karena itu, sistem pembelajaran adaptif harus menampilkan
preferensi, minat, konten pembelajaran, dan perilaku penelusuran peserta didik untuk menyediakan
layanan pembelajaran yang adaptif dan personal (Premlatha, 2016; Wang et al., 2017; Beldagli &
Adiguzel, 2010).
Dengan munculnya pembelajaran di mana-mana (u-learning), akses ke pendidikan oleh siswa
menjadi fleksibel dan tanpa batas. U-learning telah digambarkan sebagai hibridisasi fitur terbaik
dari paradigma e-learning dan m-learning (Wong et al., 2015; Casey, 2005). m-learning
(Wong et al., 2015; Casey, 2005). Oleh karena itu, u-learning adalah paradigma pembelajaran
yang memungkinkan mempelajari apa yang diperlukan di tempat dan waktu yang tepat dengan
cara yang tepat (Yahya et al., 2010). Paradigma pembelajaran ini dimungkinkan karena
tersedianya teknologi komunikasi dan penginderaan nirkabel yang mobile (Hsu et al.,
2016) yang dapat mendukung pembelajaran konteks dunia nyata (Yin et al., 2016). Paradigma
pembelajaran ini telah dideskripsikan sebagai context- aware ubiquitous learning atau
contextual mobile learning (Brown & Mbati, 2015; Chen & Huang, 2012; Hwang et al., 2008).
Penelitian ini dapat di jadikan rujukan agar guru dapat mengidentifikasi keadaan afektif-adaptif
pembelajar dan melihat bagaimana kinerja pembelajaran dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan
sistem pembelajaran di mana-mana yang dipersonalisasi. Selain itu Penggunaan teknologi di mana-
mana membuat aksesibilitas ke sumber daya pendidikan tersedia di mana saja dan kapan saja, serta
guru dapat menyelidiki keadaan afektif pembelajar seperti kepercayaan diri, usaha, kemandirian dan
kebingungan saat belajar. Penggunaan teknologi juga seperti Teknik trilaterasi dan sidik jari digunakan
untuk menentukan lokasi pembelajar.