Pocket Landship Version 1.13

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Pocket Landship version 1.

13 copyright 2018 Narrow Gate Games

Pocket Landship

Example of enemy Landship card:

Take command of a fully armed Dreadnought Badger Class Landship​ = unit name
class landship, or choose less armament plus a 2.5​ = Relative attack strength of enemy card
Corvette class landship and/or a squad of Shock (underline denotes this as a “normal” enemy
Troops. Your task is to take on the enemy and card, not an alternate card)
everything they will throw at you: minefields, Dice Box text​ = action that this card takes when
infantry, artillery, and their landships. a die of each value is assigned to this unit
5 4 3 2 1​ = Damage track for unit, when unit
Components: strength hits zero, the unit is destroyed and
● 6 2-sided enemy unit cards: landships, removed from the game
artillery, infantry, minefield, ambush Outlined 5​ = starting strength of unit
● 1 Landship Hull card
● 1 Landship Cannon / Corvette class Mine Field and Ambush note:
Landship card Mine Field and Ambush cards cannot be
● 1 Landship Sponsons (side guns) / attacked. The Mine Field card is used twice
Shock Troops card then discarded. The Ambush card is used once
● 4 D6 dice then discarded. Each time a die is assigned to
● 9 tracking cubes (red, or any color) one of these cards, advance the tracking cube
down one position (even if the action caused no
Object: Defeat all 6 enemy units before the damage). When the cube arrives at the bottom
enemy destroys you.. “--” position, discard the card.

Pocket Landship version 1.13 copyright 2018 Narrow Gate Games

Set Up:
1. Select 6 enemies to face in the game.
For your first few games, select the
enemy cards with the underlined red
strength numbers. These cards will
provide a “normal difficulty” game
2. Shuffle the enemy deck, then deal them
face up in a 2 row, 3 column grid.
3. Place a tracking cube on the
the starting strength square of
each enemy card.

Game set up ready to start.

4. Choose your weapons: The
Landship Hull, plus two more
cards. For your first few Note: The standard set up for the Player - Hull,
games, the Hull, Cannon, and Cannon, Sponsons - is probably the best set-up.
Sponsons should be selected. The Corvette can replace the Cannon, and has
Place the 3 cards near you. some added possibilities, but, it cannot repair
other units. The Shock Troops can replace the
Sponsons. So, possible set-ups are from best /
easiest to play to most difficult:
1. Hull - Cannon - Sponsons
2. Hull - Cannon - Shock Troops
3. Hull - Corvette - Sponsons
4. Hull - Corvette - Shock Troops

5. Place a tracking cube on outlined

number in the damage track.
6. Roll and sum 3 dice. If even number,
the enemy goes first, if odd number,
player goes first.

Pocket Landship version 1.13 copyright 2018 Narrow Gate Games

Game Play ○ Player turn:

1. Every round​ will be 1 enemy turn plus 1 ■ Roll 3* dice. Decide which die
player turn (in the order determined by to place on each player card.
the Set Up dice roll). ■ In any order, take the action
○ Enemy turn: identified on the card for the
■ Roll 3* dice. Place the lowest value of the die. You may
value die below the left front choose to not take an action, if
enemy card, place the middle desired.
value die below the middle front ■ Track damage to the enemy
card, place the highest value die units using each card’s tracking
below the right front card. cube.
■ From left to right, take the action * = Roll the number of dice
identified on each front row card equal to the number of player
for the value of the die. cards remaining.
■ Track damage to the player’s
cards using card’s tracking

* = Roll the number of dice

equal to the number of front line
cards of the enemy.

Emergency Repair option:​ If desired,

the player may choose to roll 1, 2, or 3
fewer dice any turn and repair 1 damage
on 1, 2, or 3 cards (only +1 on each
card). The repaired card(s) cannot take
Note: If an Enemy’s action is a Deploy action any other action that turn.
where it swaps position with an adjacent Enemy
card, the dice move with the cards. Then,
resolve the action of the just swapped card (if
not already resolved).

Pocket Landship version 1.13 copyright 2018 Narrow Gate Games

2. Final Battle​: When the enemy is down Card Action Note:

to 3 cards, or the player is down to 2 1. For the Player’s “Adrenaline” action, on
cards, the final battle begins. Neither your next turn, roll 4 dice and select 3 to
the player or the enemy can repair use. If you only have 2 cards remaining,
during the final battle. If an enemy card roll 3 dice and select 2 to use.
is directly to “retreat & repair”, it does 2. The Corvette’s “Out Maneuver” action
nothing that turn. can not swap Mine Field or Ambush
Card Notes: 3. When an Enemy card has a a “Deploy
1. If the Sponsons, or Shock Troops card Left” or “Deploy Right” action, slide the
is destroyed, remove it from the game - dice with the cards being swapped. The
it can not be repaired once it is deploying card completes it action, then
destroyed. In future turns, player rolls (if a deploy right) , the card swapped to
only 2 dice instead of 3. the left takes its action with its die.
2. If your Hull, Cannon, or Corvette card is 4. Enemy “Deploy Left” or “Deploy Right”
destroyed, you lose the game. actions do NOT wrap around the game
3. When a front enemy card is destroyed, area. For example, if an enemy card is
remove it from game and move the in the rightmost position and gets a
closest rear enemy card forward. “Deploy Right” action, do nothing.
4. When “Retreat & Repair”-ing with less
than 3 cards in the back line, retreat the
front line card straight back and replace Credits
it with the nearest back line enemy card. Game Design: Scott Allen
5. If the enemy gets down to 3 cards and Explosion Icon: game-icons.net
plays the “Retreat & Repair” action, Art: Muirhead Bone, WWI and WWII artist
there is no action.
6. If the enemy gets down to 2 cards, place
them in the front left and right position,
and roll only 2 dice for the enemy.
Player actions to the front center
position do nothing.
7. If the enemy gets down to 1 card, any
player attack (left, center, or right) hits
this card.

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