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Drow: City Management


- A two-sided board for each player

- 32 cards per player, 3 of them grey (star=ng cards)
- 4 Catan die die per player, plus 2 Catan die.


Each player gets a board and the 3 grey cards of House, Field and Prefecture. For the
first game, take the side of the board with a house, a field and a prefecture drawn. If
you take the other side, draw these three buildings wherever you want.

Turn sequence:

1) DraL. If this is the first turn, there is no draL.

2) If this is the first turn, roll 6 die. If not, roll the die you chose before.
3) Construc=on: use the resources from the die, the resources from your buildings
and your gold (2 gold = 1 resource). All the construc=on =me cannot sum more
than 4.
4) Building abili=es: use your free peasants to ac=vate building abili=es (aPack
other players, create more peasants, etc.)

The dra8

For 2 or more players, pick 3 cards each player. Keep one and pass the rest. When you
have your three cards, choose one of them and put the rest face up close to you. Some
abili=es may let you get one of these cards. By the end of the turn, discard all the cards
you did not get.

For solo players, pick 3 cards from the deck and choose one. Put the rest face up close
to you. By the end of the turn, discard all the cards you did not get.

If there are no more cards to draL, shuffle the discarded cards and create a new deck.

The resources

Peasants: you get 1 peasant every =me you get a sheep (the sheep represent food for
new peasants). You cannot have more peasants than those that your houses, mansions
and towns can accommodate. Each house can accommodate up to 2 peasants, each
mansion up to 4 and each town up to 8. Also, each of these buildings must be at most
at 2 squares of distance from a food providing building (like fields or taverns).
Whenever you get a new peasant, put a / in the peasant track. This bar represents an
available peasant. If this peasant is assigned to a working place or dies (because you
sent him or her figh=ng or whatever reason), mark that square with an X.

Construc=on resources: stone, wood, clay, wheat. These resources come from the die
or the produc=on buildings. You will use them to create new buildings during
construc=on phase.

Gold: whenever you take a gold dice, put a / in the gold track. You can use 2 gold as any
other construc=on resource. When you do so, put a X on that square.

Building cards

These cards represent the blueprint of the different buildings that can be built. These
cards have a few elements.

1) Name
2) Cost
3) Construc=on =me
4) Peasants needed to make it work
5) Building shape
6) Icon to draw it
7) Benefits. There are two types: permanents and ac=vated.
To draw a building, first draw the shape and then, the picture inside. If it is a building
that needs peasants, leave some space to draw them.

Distance between players: make and suffer damage

A player is at distance 1 from another player if they are si`ng next to each other. A
player is at distance 2 if there is another player between them. This means that players
on your leL and right are at distance 1, while players si`ng at leL and right of them are
at distance 2.

When a card makes damage, it is represented by a square with a star inside. Depending
on the number of squares, the damage has different reach.

For example, the card Barracks let you make damage at distance 1, while Archery
Range let you make damage either at distance 1 or 2. With Archery Range you can
- APack other players at distance 1 or 2. If you aPack a player at distance 2, you
can only aPack buildings in the periphery.
- If you aPack players at distance 1, you can aPack either buildings on their
periphery of buildings in contact with the periphery.

When a player receives damage, each shield that player has prevents one damage.
Each shield can only be used once per turn, unless otherwise is specified.

When a building suffers an aPack and it is not prevented, cross out one of that building
squares. If all the squares are crossed out, that building will stop working.

Maximum popula@on

Most building need peasants to work in them. There are 3 buildings that increase the
maximum popula=on value: houses (+2), mansions (+4) and towns (+8).

Each =me you get food (represented by a sheep), you get 1 peasant, if you have
enough space. This is represented by a /. When you assign a peasant to a building,
cross out that bar, so it gets into a X.

Your popula=on is the sum of all working peasants and the free peasants (those
represented by a /). During the game, you may lose some peasant. In this case, these
peasants do not count.

End of the game

The game ends aLer 10 rounds. Then you sum:

- Free peasants.
- Points by buildings.
The player with more points wins.

Cards detail

Here is a descrip=on of the benefits of each card.

You get 1 wood during die roll phase.

You can get one extra building during draL phase.

Pay 2 or 4 peasants to make 1 or 2 damage respec=vely, at distance 1 or 2.

You get 1 sheep or 1 wheat during die roll phase.

You can assign either 1 or 2 peasants to this building. You get 1 sheep for each peasant
assigned during die roll phase.

Increase your maximum popula=on by 2.

You get 1 extra point by the end of the game. For each pair of Music Schook +
Playground, you get 2 extra points.
In each turn, you have 1 extra =me unit.

Pay 1 to 4 peasants to make 1 to 4 damage respec=vely, at distance 1.

Increase your maximum popula=on by 4.

You get 10 points by the end of the game. For each crossed out square, you lose 2

You can make 1 building cost 1 clay less.

You can make 1 building cost 1 wood less.

You can make 1 building cost 1 stone less.

You can make 1 building cost 1 wheat less.

You get 1 gold during die roll phase.

You get 1 stone during die roll phase.

You get 2 points by the end of the game. For each pair of Music Schook + Playground,
you get 2 extra points.

Prevents 1 damage to your city. If you page 2 peasant, you can make 1 damage at
distance 1.
You can make an ac=vated ability of a building cost 1 peasant less, but never less than

When you build it, get +1 devo=on. You can pay 1 peasant to get +2 devo=on.
Prevents 1 damage to your city. If you pay 1 peasant, you can prevent 2 damages to
your city.

By the end of the die roll phase, you get one extra die. If there are no more die, throw
one and get the result.

Increase your maximum popula=on by 8.

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