Thursday Note 28

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Vicarstown National School, S. N.

Bhaile an Bhiocáire,
Vicarstown, Bhaile an Bhiocáire,
Co. Cork. Co. Chorcaí.
P32 DX40 P32 DX40
Telephone: 021-7332179 Guthán: 021-7332179
Email: [email protected] Ríomhphost:[email protected]
Roll No: 06342L Uimhir Rolla: 06342L

28 February 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Reminder: Important Parents’ Association Meeting Tonight, 28th February at 8pm in the school. Guest speaker
will be present to outline our proposed after school care plan.

Confirmation Comitment Ceremony

Guthán/Facs: 021-
Thank to Mr. John O’Brien for all his preparation for the Commitment Ceremony. Thanks also to the 5th &6th class
children for their lovely singing and participating in the Mass last night. Thanks also to Fr. Lynch.

Well done to our chess team who did very well in the County Championship earlier in the week. We will be having
our own in house tournament before the end of the year and we will be hoping to get 1st and 2nd class playing in the
next term.
[email protected]
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Seachtain na Gaeilge is running from the 1st to the 17th of March. We will be all making an extra special effort to use
our Gaeilge in the coming weeks. We are preparing for our annual Ceili and I am attaching ‘Gaeilge do
Thuismitheoirí’ in the hope that we can use extra Irish with the children at home as well as school over the coming
fortnight. Bain triail as na frásaí agus na focail a úsáid le do pháiste nó do pháistí sa bhaile!

Engineers Week
Everyone here is looking forward to Engineer’s week, next week. We are delighted to inform you that we are
hosting a “Learn It” Lego workshop here in the school for all pupils next Friday 8 th of March. “Learn it” will offer a
hands on workshop using LEGO education kits, which will incorporate STEM subjects in a fun manner. Typically 80%
of each session is spent designing, building & experimenting on engineering and robotics projects. Subjects will cater
for students from Junior infants right up to 6th class. Please remit €5 per child at your earliest convenience. Thank

Cork City Sports

The annual Cork City Sports will take place on the 30th of May this year. We will be arranging practice sessions for
this in May. As always the City Sports Committee hold a draw, to raise funds to pay for the event. This year we are
distributing one raffle ticket per child in the school (€2 per ticket). Please remit tickets stubs and money to the
school office. You are under no obligation to buy tickets, however the pupils in this school have had a very good
track record in their performance at Cork City Sports therefore it would be great if we could help support this
voluntary endeavour.

Hurling Training
We are delighted to be welcoming back Mr. Timmy Murphy again for a new season of hurling/camogie training on
Thursday 28th of February. Don’t forget to pack hurleys, shin guards, and helmets. Spare equipment is available for
new players.
We had very good attendance this week for the knitting club again but on days when the weather is sunny we will
knit outside. We are making great progress. Some people are even fully fledged knitters and are even helping others
to cast on stitches.

Inniscarra GAA Club

Inniscarra GAA club wish to announce that training for this year’s under 6 boys (boys born in 2013) will commence
on Friday night 1st Marc 6.30-7.30pm at the school hall at Cloghroe National School. All boys born in 2013 welcome.
Please wear runners and prepare to have some fun. Equipment will be supplied on the night. We will have a short
talk with parents during the session to explain about Inniscarra GAA and our community. Look forward to seeing anll
future ‘Scarra players and parents.

Inniscarra Camogie Club

Our new online registration and payment system with Clubforce is now open. Follow the link below (or find the link
on our Facebook page), create an account, and follow the steps.
Under 8 membership costs €55 and Under 10 to Under 18 membership costs €75. Family membership is available for
up to 2 parents/guardians and family members Under 18. Social Membership is also available online for just €20 for
family, friends and supporters who would like to (a) keep up to date with Club events and fixtures by email/receive
our newsletters and (b) support the club.
Players should be registered on our new system before the end of February to ensure that they are insured and
registered with the Camogie Association to allow them to train and play as soon as possible (the girls must be
registered and insured before they can train or play).
If your child is interested in joining us, we would be delighted to welcome her to our club. If you have any further
questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
New coaches (or anyone who wishes to help out with the club) are also welcome and required to ensure the
continued success of our Club. In-house training will be provided.

Parents’ Association News

“Tidying up with Vera Keohane” – Thursday March 7th – 8pm Blarney Golf Resort, Club House
Vera Keohane is Ireland’s first and only Konmari Consultant! The Konmari method of tidying has taken the world by
storm thanks to the Netflix Series “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo”. Vera, who has been trained by Marie Kondo, will
be demoing on home decluttering & organisation. Tickets are €10 to see Vera and are available on the door on the
night, Please spread the word, all welcome.

Anti-Bullying Seminar by the The National Parents Council – 27th of March at 8pm in the School
Everyone is welcome to attend the National Parents Council talk on the Anti-Bullying Programme for parents of
primary and post primary children. The session will enable you to support your child with parenting skills and
approaches around issues of bullying. It will also inform you about the Anti-Bullying procedures for Primary and Post
Primary Schools.

Kind regards,

Peter Mulcahy,

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