Note To Parents 14 12 17
Note To Parents 14 12 17
Note To Parents 14 12 17
Bhaile an Bhiocire,
Vicarstown, Bhaile an Bhiocire,
Co. Cork. Co. Chorca.
P32 DX40 P32 DX40
Telephone: 021-7332179 Guthn: 021-7332179
Email: [email protected] Romhphost:[email protected]
Roll No: 06342L Uimhir Rolla: 06342L
Christmas Play
Kindly note the following arrangements for the Christmas show next week:
Guthn/Facs: 021-
We will have two practice sessions in Ballyanly next week. Please drop your child/ren to the Community Centre for
9am on Wednesday 20th of December and also for 9am on Thursday 21st of December the day of the show,
children will be brought back to school by bus on both days. On Thursday night entry for the participating children is
via the kitchen door of the Community Centre. Adults and non participating children may enter via the main door.
All children should be dropped to Ballanly for 6.30pm. Audience need to be seated for 6.50pm. Tickets will cost 8
for adults, 2 adults for 15 and children 2.
[email protected]
Teachers will communicate using a separate note about costumes to each of their classes, but for children in Junior
and Senior Infants please ensure that you child has a short sleeved top/tee-shirt and leggings/tracksuit pants to wear
under the costumes, any colour will be fine. Children will put costumes on in the hall before the show.
At the interval the younger children will return to their parents in the audience. We ask that all parents supervise
their children during the entire show which will allow us to appreciate all the hard work and preparation which has
been undertaken in the last few weeks. We would appreciate your cooperation in this important matter.
School will commence as normal on Friday morning after the show. However children may come in at 10am due
to the late night if parents wish.
Homework Club
Homework Club will run on Monday, Tuesday but NOT Wednesday next week. The club will be focused on fun and
Christmas activities.
Thanks to Rita ORegan and Card Players
Once again we would like to thank Rita ORegan for her very generous contribution of 400, proceeds from the
cards. The money will be used for educational toys for each classroom in the school.
Toys/Games request
As it is that time that you may be looking to clear out unwanted toys, we are looking for the following in good
condition*please do not be offended if we need to return toys as we may get multiple items*.
We are looking for:
Toys Board games( These only please)
Dolls Houses Chess
Lego Draughts
Kitchen accessories Scrabble
Vehicles-cars, tractors etc Pictionary
Costumes/dress up Snakes and Ladders
Construction blocks etc Connect 4
Jigsaws (full sets and various age groups) Hungry Hungry hippos
Duplo Blocks Guess Who?
Stickle Bricks Geography Games
Head Banz
Yours sincerely,
Peter Mulcahy,