Notes 0
Notes 0
Notes 0
High pass, low pass RC circuits, their response for sinusoidal, step, pulse, square and ramp
inputs. RC network as differentiator and integrator, attenuators, its applications in CRO probe,
RL and RLC circuits and their response for step input, Ringing circuit.
A linear network is a network made up of linear elements only. A linear network can be
described by linear differential equations. The principle of superposition and the principle of
homogeneity hold good for linear networks. In pulse circuitry, there are a number of waveforms,
which appear very frequently. The most important of these are sinusoidal, step, pulse, square
wave, ramp, and exponential waveforms. The response of RC, RL, and RLC circuits to these
signals is described in this chapter. Out of these signals, the sinusoidal signal has a unique
characteristic that it preserves its shape when it is transmitted through a linear network, i.e. under
steady state, the output will be a precise reproduction of the input sinusoidal signal. There will
only be a change in the amplitude of the signal and there may be a phase shift between the input
and the output waveforms. The influence of the circuit on the signal may then be completely
specified by the ratio of the output to the input amplitude and by the phase angle between the
output and the input. No other periodic waveform preserves its shape precisely when transmitted
through a linear network, and in many cases the output signal may bear very little resemblance to
the input signal.
The process whereby the form of a non-sinusoidal signal is altered by transmission through a
linear network is called linear wave shaping.
At zero frequency, the reactance of the capacitor is infinity (i.e. the capacitor acts as an
open circuit) so the entire input appears at the output, i.e. the input is transmitted to the output
with zero attenuation. So the output is the same as the input, i.e. the gain is unity. As the
Sinusoidal Input
The Laplace transformed low-pass RC circuit is shown in Figure 1.2(a). The gain versus
frequency curve of a low-pass circuit excited by a sinusoidal input is shown in Figure 1.2(b).
This curve is obtained by keeping the amplitude of the input sinusoidal signal constant and
varying its frequency and noting the output at each frequency. At low frequencies the output is
equal to the input and hence the gain is unity. As the frequency increases, the output decreases
and hence the gain decreases. The frequency at which the gain is l/√2 (= 0.707) of its maximum
value is called the cut-off frequency. For a low-pass circuit, there is no lower cut-off frequency.
It is zero itself. The upper cut-off frequency is the frequency (in the high-frequency range) at
which the gain is 1/√2 . i-e- 70.7%, of its maximum value. The bandwidth of the low-pass circuit
is equal to the upper cut-off frequency f2 itself.
For the network shown in Figure 1.2(a), the magnitude of the steady-state gain A is given by
Let V’ be the initial voltage across the capacitor. Writine KVL around the IOOD in Fieure 1.1.
Thus, the rise time is inversely proportional to the upper 3-dB frequency.
The time constant (Τ= RC) of a circuit is defined as the time taken by the output to rise to 63.2%
of the amplitude of the input step. It is same as the time taken by the output to rise to 100% of
the amplitude of the input step, if the initial slope of rise is maintained. See Figure 1.3(b). The
Greek letter T is also employed as the symbol for the time constant.
Pulse Input
The pulse shown in Figure 1.4(a) is equivalent to a positive step followed by a delayed
negative step as shown in Figure 1 .4(b). So, the response of the low-pass RC circuit to a pulse
for times less than the pulse width tp is the same as that for a step input and is given by
v0(t) = V(l – e-t/RC). The responses of the low-pass RC circuit for time constant RC » tp, RC
smaller than tp and RC very small compared to tp are shown in Figures 1.5(a), 1.5(b), and 1.5(c)
If the fime constant RC of the circuit is very large, at the end of the pulse, the output voltage will
be Vp (t) = V(1 – e-tp/RC), and the output will decrease to zero from this value with a time constant
RC as shown in Figure 1.5(a). Observe that the pulse waveform is distorted when it is passed
through a linear network. The output will always extend beyond the pulse width tp, because
whatever charge has accumulated across the capacitor C during the pulse cannot leak off
A pulse shape will be preserved if the 3-dB frequency is approximately equal to the reciprocal
of the pulse width.
Thus to pass a 0.25 μ.s pulse reasonably well requires a circuit with an upper cut-off frequency
of the order of 4 MHz.
Square-Wave Input
A square wave is a periodic waveform which maintains itself at one constant level V’
with respect to ground for a time T1 and then changes abruptly to another level V", and remains
constant at that level for a time T2, and repeats itself at regular intervals of T = T1 + T2. A square
This shows that a quadratic response is obtained for a linear input and hence the circuit acts as an
integrator for RC/T » 1.
The transmission error et for a ramp input is defined as the difference between the input
and the output divided by the input at the end of the ramp, i.e. at t = T.
For RC/T « 1,
Exponential Input
For the low-pass RC circuit shown in Figure 1.1, let the input applied as shown in Figure
1.8 be vi(t ) = V(l – e-tlτ), where T is the time constant of the input waveform.
As time increases, the voltage drop across C does not remain negligible compared with
that across R and the output will not remain the integral of the input. The output will change
from a quadratic to a linear function of time. If the time constant of an RC low-pass circuit is
very large in comparison with the. time required for the input signal to make an appreciable
change, the circuit acts as an integrator.A criterion for good integration in terms of steady-state
analysis is as follows: The low-pass circuit acts as an integrator provided the time constant of the
circuit RC > 15T, where T is the period of the input sine wave. When RC > 15T, the input
sinusoid will be shifted at least by 89.4° (instead of the ideal 90° shift required for integration)
when it is transmitted through the network.
An RC integrator converts a square wave into a triangular wave. Integrators are almost
invariably preferred over differentiators in analog computer applications for the following
This is the expression for the lower cut-off frequency of a high-pass circuit.
This equation applies only when the tilt is 10% or less. When the tilt exceeds 10%, the voltage
should be treated as exponential instead of linear and the equation should be
Step Input
When a step signal of amplitude V volts shown in Figure 1.32(a) is applied to the high-
pass RC circuit of Figure 1.30, since the voltage across the capacitor cannot change
instantaneously the output will be just equal to the input at t = 0 (for f < 0, v,- = 0 and va = 0).
Later when the capacitor charges exponentially, the output reduces exponentially with the same
time constant RC. The expression for the output voltage for t > 0 is given by
Figure 1.32(b) shows the response of the circuit for large,
small, and very small time constants.For t > 5r, the output will reach more than 99% of its final
value. Hence although the steady state is approached asymptotically, for most applications we
may assume that the final value has been reached after 5f. If the initial slope of the exponential is
maintained, the output falls to zero in a time t = T.
The voltage across a capacitor can change instantaneously only when an infinite current
passes through it, because for any finite current i(t) through the capacitor, the instantaneous
change in voltage across the capacitor is given by
Pulse Input
A pulse of amplitude V and duration tp shown in Figure 1.4(a) is nothing but the sum of a
positive step of amplitude V starting at t = 0 and a negative step of amplitude V starting at tp as
shown in Figure 1.4(b). So, the response of the circuit for 0 < t < t,, for the pulse input is the
same as that for a step input and is given by v0 (t) = Ve-t/ RC. At t = tp, vo(t) = V = Ve-t/RC . At t = tp,
Square-Wave Input
A square wave shown in Figure 1.34(a) is a periodic waveform, which maintains itself at
one constant level V with respect to ground for a time T{ and then changes abruptly to another
level V" and remains constant at that level for a time T2, and then repeats itself at regular
intervals of T = T\ + T2. A square wave may be treated as a series of positive and negative steps.
The shape of the output depends on the time constant of the circuit. Figures 1.34(b), 1.34(c),
1.34(d), and 1.34(e) show the output waveforms of the high-pass RC circuit under .steady-state
conditions for the cases (a) RC » T, (b) RC > T, (c) RC - T, and (d) RC « T respectively.
When the time constant is arbitrarily large (i.e. RC/T1 and RC/T2 are very very large in
comparison to unity) the output is same as the input but with zero dc level. When RC > T, the
output is in the form of a tilt. When RC is comparable to T, the output rises and falls
exponentially. When RC « T (i.e. RCIT\ and RC/T2 are very small in comparison to unity), the
output consists of alternate positive and negative spikes. In this case the peak-to-peak amplitude
of the output is twice the peak-to-peak value of the input.In fact, for any periodic input waveform
under steady-state conditions, the average level of the output waveform from the high-pass
Under steady-state conditions, the output waveform (as well as the input signal) is repetitive with
a period T so that v0(T) = v0(0) and v,(T) = v,(0).
Hence Since this integral represents the area under the output waveform over one
cycle, we can say that the average level of the steady-state output signal is always zero.This can
also be proved based on frequency domain analysis as follows.The periodic input signal may be
resolved into a Fourier series consisting of a constant term and an infinite number of sinusoidal
components whose frequencies are multiples of / = 1/T. Since the blocking capacitor presents
infinite impedance to the dc input voltage, none of these dc components reach the output under
steady-state conditions. Hence the output signal is a sum of sinusoids whose frequencies are
multiples of/. This waveform is therefore periodic with a fundamental period T but without a dc
component.With respect to the high-pass circuit of Figure 1.30, we can say that:
1. The average level of the output signal is always zero, .independently of the average level of
the input. The output must consequently extend in both negative and positive directions with
respect to the zero voltage axis and the area of the part of the waveform above the zero axis must
equal the area which is below the zero axis.
2. When the input changes abruptly by an amount V, the output also changes abruptly by an
equal amount and in the same direction.
3. During any finite time interval when the input maintains a constant level, the output decays
exponentially towards zero voltage.
When a ramp signal is transmitted through a linear network, the output departs from the input. A
measure of the departure from linearity expressed as the transmission error e, is defined as the
difference between the input and the output divided by the input. The transmission error at a time
t = T is then
For large values of t in comparison with RC, the output approaches the constant value aRC as
indicated in Figure 1.36(b).
Exponential Input
When the high-pass RC circuit of Figure 1.30 is excited by an exponential input v,(r) =
V(l - e~'H) shown in Figure 1.8, where T is the time constant of the input, the output taken across
the resistor is given by
This equation agrees with the way the circuit should behave for an ideal step voltage. The
response of the high-pass circuit for different values of n is shown in Figure 1.37.
Near the origin of time the output follows the input. Also, the smaller the circuit time constant,
the smaller will be the output peak and the narrower will be the pulse. The larger the circuit time
constant, the larger will be the peak output and also the wider will be the pulse.
To obtain the maximum value of output, substitute this value of -x in the expression for v0(t)
Thus we see that the output is proportional to the derivative of the input.The high-pass
RC circuit acts as a differentiator provided the RC time, constant of the circuit is very small in
comparison with the time required for the input signal to make an appreciable change.The
derivative of a step signal is an impulse of infinite amplitude at the occurrence of the
discontinuity of step. The derivative of an ideal pulse is a positive impulse followed by a delayed
negative impulse, each of infinite amplitude and occurring at the points of discontinuity. The
derivative of a square wave is a waveform which is uniformly zero except, at the points of
discontinuity. At these points, precise differentiation would yield impulses of infinite amplitude,
zero width and alternating polarity. For a square wave input, an RC high-pass circuit with very
small time constant will produce an output, which is zero except at the points of discontinuity. At
these points of discontinuity, there will be peaks of finite amplitude V. This is because the
voltage across R is not negligible compared with that across C.An RC differentiator converts a
triangular wave into a square wave.For the ramp vi = at, the value of RC(dv/dt) = aRC. This is
true except near the origin. The output approaches the proper derivative value only after a lapse
of time corresponding to several time constants. The error near θ= 0 is again due to the fact that
in this region the voltage across R is not negligible compared with that across C.
If we assume that the leading edge of a pulse can be approximated by a ramp, then we
can measure the rate of rise of the pulse by using a differentiator. The peak output is measured
on an oscilloscope, and from the equation = aRC, we see that this voltage divided by the product
RC gives the slope a.A criteria for good differentiation in terms of steady-state sinusoidal
analysis is, that if a sine wave is applied to the high-pass RC circuit, the output will be a sine
wave shifted by a leading angle θ such that: with the output being
proportional to sin(a>t + θ). In order to have true differentiation, we must obtain cos ωt. In other
words,θ must equal 90°. This result can be obtained only if R =,0 or C = 0. However, if ωRC =
Pulse and Digital Circuits 24
0.01, then 1/ωRC = 100 and θ = 89.4°, which is sufficiently close to 90° for most purposes. If
ωRC = 0.1, then 90 - 84.3° and for some applications this may be close enough to 90°.If the peak
value of input is Vm, the output is and if ωRC « 1, then the output
is approximately VmωRC cos (at. This result agrees with the expected value RC(dvt/dt). If ωRC =
0.01, then the output amplitude is 0.01 times the input amplitude.
Figure 1.38 shows two RC coupling networks in cascade separated by an amplifier A. It
is assumed that the amplifier operates linearly and that its output impedance is small relative to
the impedance of /?2 and C2. so that this combination does not load the amplifier. Let R\ be the
parallel combination of R and the input impedance of the amplifier. If the time constants R\C\
and R2C2 are small relative to the period of the input waveform, then.this circuit performs
approximately a second-order differentiation.
This circuit (Figure 1.38) can convert a ramp voltage into a pulse. The initial slope of the output
wave is the.initial slope of the input multiplied by the gain of the amplifier. For this reason this
circuit is also called a rate-of-rise amplifier.
Attenuators are resistive networks, which are used to reduce the amplitude of the input
signal. The simple resistor combination of Figure 1.61 (a) would multiply the input signal by the
ratio a = R2/(R1 + R2) independently of the frequency. If the output of the attenuator is feeding a
stage of amplification, the input capacitance C2 of the amplifier will be the stray capacitance
shunting the resistor R2 of the attenuator and the attenuator will be as shown in Figure 1.61(b),
and the attenuation now is not independent of frequency. Using Thevenin's theorem, the circuit
in Figure 1.61(b) may be replaced by its equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1,6l(c), in which R is
equal to the parallel combination of R1 and R2. Normally /?t and R2 must be large so that the
nominal input impendence of the attenuator is large enough to prevent loading down the input
signal. But if R1 and R2 are large, the rise time tr = 2.2 will be large and a large rise
time is normally unacceptable.
The attenuator may be compensated by shunting R\ by a capacitor C\ as shown in Figure
1.61(d), so that its attenuation is once again independent of frequency. The circuit has been
drawn in Figure 1.61(e) to suggest that the two resistors and the two capacitors may be viewed as
the four arms of a bridge. If R1C1 = R2C2, the bridge will be balanced and no current will flow in
the capacitors for an irifinitesimally small time so that a finite charge is delivered to
each capacitor. The initial output voltage is determined by the capacitors.
Since the same current flows through the capacitors C1 and C2, we have
The final output voltage is determined by the resistors R\ and R2, because the capacitors C[ and
C2 act as open circuits for the applied dc voltage under steady-state conditions. Hence
Looking back from the output terminals (with the input short circuited) we see a resistor R =
R{R2/(Ri + R2) in parallel with C = C1 + C2. Hence the decay or rise of the output (when the
attenuator is not perfectly compensated) from the initial to the final value takes place
exponentially with a time constant r = RC. The responses of an attenuator for Cj equal to, greater
than, and less than R2C2/R{ are indicated in Figure 1.62.
In previous session we discussed the behaviour of RC low-pass and high-pass circuits for
various types of input waveforms. Suppose the capacitor C and-resistor R in those circuits are
replaced by a resistor R' and an inductor L respectively, then, if the time constant LIR' equals the
time constant RC, all the preceding results remain unchanged.
Figure 1.74 shows how a square wave may be converted into pulses by means of the peaking coil
L. It is assumed that the bias voltage and the magnitude of the input are such that the transistor
operates linearly. Since the instantaneous voltage L(dildt) across an inductor cannot be infinite,
the current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously. Hence the inductor acts as an
open circuit at the time of an abrupt change in voltage. Figure 1.74(a) shows a transistor peaking
circuit. The input current waveform is shown in Figure 1.74(b). The output voltage waveform is
shown in Figure 1.74(c).
RLC Series Circuit
Consider a series RLC circuit shown in Figure 1.75.
is similar
to that to the current through the RLC series circuit with the difference that the input to the RLC
parallel circuit is a step current.
In the series RLC network, the current response to a step input voltage ultimately dies to
zero because of the capacitor in series. In the parallel RLC circuit the voltage across the RLC
network is zero because of the inductance.
Diode clippers, Transistor clippers, clipping at two independent levels, Transfer characteristics of
clippers, Emitter coupled clipper, Comparators, applications of voltage comparators, clamping
operation, clamping circuits using diode with different inputs, Clamping circuit theorem,
practical clamping circuits, effect of diode characteristics on clamping voltage, Transfer
characteristics of clampers.
In the previous chapter we discussed about linear wave shaping. We saw how a change of
wave shape was brought about when a non-sinusoidal signal is transmitted through a linear
network like RC low pass and high pass circuit. In this chapter, we discuss some aspects of
nonlinear wave shaping like clipping and clamping. The circuits for which the outputs are non-
sinusoidal for sinusoidal inputs are called nonlinear wave shaping circuits, for example clipping
circuits and clamping circuits.
Clipping means cutting and removing a part. A clipping circuit is a circuit which removes
the undesired part of the waveform and transmits only the desired part of the signal which is
above or below some particular reference level, i.e. it is used to select for transmission that part
of an arbitrary waveform which lies above or below some particular reference. Clipping circuits
are also called voltage (or current) limiters, amplitude selectors or slicers.
Nonlinear wave shaping circuits may be classified as clipping circuits and clamping
circuits. Clipping circuits may be single level clippers or two level clippers.
Single level clippers may be series diode clippers with and without reference or shunt
diode clippers with and without reference. Clipping circuits may use diodes or transistors.
Clamping circuits may be negative clampers (positive peak clampers) with and without
reference or positive clampers (negative peak clampers) with and without reference.
In general, there are three basic configurations of clipping circuits.
1. A series combination of a diode, a resistor and a reference voltage.
2. A network consisting of many diodes, resistors and reference voltages.
3. Two emitter coupled transistors operating as a differential amplifier.
Diode Clippers
Figure 2.1(a) shows the v-i characteristic of a practical diode. Figures 2.1(b), (c), (d), and
(e) show the v-i characteristics of an idealized diode approximated by a curve which is piece-
wise linear and continuous. The break point occurs at Vr, where Vr = 0.2 V for Ge and Vr = 0.6 V
for Si. Usually Vr is very small compared to the reference voltage VR and can be neglected.
For v, > VR, the diode is reverse biased because its cathode is at a higher potential than its
anode, it does not conduct and acts as an open circuit and the equivalent circuit shown in Figure
2.4(e) results. No current flows through R and so no voltage drop across it. So the output voltage
v0 = VR and the slope of the transfer characteristic is zero. Since the input signal above V R is
clipped OFF for v, > VR, this region is called the clipping region. The equations V0=Vi for Vi <
VR and V0= VR for Vi > VR are called the transfer characteristic equations.
Clipping below the reference voltage VB
Figure 2.5(a) shows a series clipper circuit using a p-n junction diode and a reference
voltage source VR. The diode is assumed to be ideal (Rf = 0, Rr = °°, Vy = 0) so that it acts as a
short circuit when it is ON and as a open circuit when it is OFF. Since the diode is in the series
path connecting the input and the output it is called a series clipper. The transfer characteristic is
shown in Figure 2.5(b). The output for a sinusoidal input is shown in Figure 2.5(c).
Figure 2.5 (a) Diode series clipper circuit diagram, (b). transfer characteristics, (c) output for a
sinusoidal input, (d) equivalent circuit for vi- < VR, and (e) equivalent circuit for vi- > VR.
The circuit works as follows:
For vi < VR, D is reversed biased because its anode is at a lower potential than its
cathode. The diode does not conduct and acts as an open circuit and the equivalent circuit shown
in Figure 2.5(d) results. No current flows through R and hence no voltage drop across R and
For v, < - VR2, DI is OFF and D2 is ON and the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2.9(b) results.
So the output v0 = - VR2 and the slope of the transfer characteristic is zero. For-VR2 < v, < VRI, D!
is OFF and D2 is OFF and the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2.10 results. So the output v0 =
v/ and the slope of the transfer characteristic is one.
The circuit of Figure 2.7 is called a slicer because the output contains a slice of the input between
two reference levels VR! and VR2. Looking at the input and output waveforms, we observe that
this circuit may be used to convert a sine wave into a square wave, if VDI = Vm. and if the
amplitude of the input signal is very large compared with the difference in the reference levels,
the output will be a symmetrical square wave. Two zener diodes in series opposing may also be
used to form a double-ended clipper.
2. Another circuit which provides for temperature compensation is shown in Figure 2.18(a). This
arrangement avoids the use of V. In this arrangement, the battery VR not only acts as the
reference voltage but it also keeps the diode D2 conducting if v, < VR.
Transistor Clippers
A nonlinear device is required for clipping purposes. A diode exhibits a nonlinearity,
which occurs when it goes from OFF to ON. On the other hand, the transistor has two
pronounced nonlinearities, which may be used for clipping purposes. One occurs when the
transistor crosses from the cut-in region into the active region and the second occurs when the
transistor crosses from the active region into the saturation region. Therefore, if the peak-to-peak
value of the input waveform is such that it can carry the transistor across the boundary between
the cut-in and active regions, or across the boundary between the active and saturation regions, a
portion of the input waveform will be clipped. Normally, it is required that the portion of the
input waveform, which keeps the transistor in the active region shall appear at the output without
distortion. In that case, it is required that the input current rather than the input voltage be the
waveform of the signal of interest. The reason for this requirement is that over a large signal
excursion in the active region, the transistor output current responds nominally linearly to the
input current but is related in a quite nonlinear manner to the input voltage. So, in transistor
clippers a current drive needs to be used.
A transistor clipper is shown in Figure 2.19. The resistor R which represents either the
signal source impedance or a resistor deliberately introduced must be large compared with the
input resistance of the transistor in the active region. Under these circumstances, the input base
current will very nearly have the waveform of the input voltage, because the base current is
given by where Vr is the base-to-emitter cut-in voltage. Vy » 0.1 V for Ge and Vy ~
0.5 V for Si.
The waveforms which result when a sinusoidal voltage v, carries the transistor from cut-
off to saturation are shown in Figure 2.21. The base circuit is biased so that cut-in occurs when
VBE reaches the voltage V.
Emitter-Coupled Clipper
An emitter-coupled clipper is shown in Figure 2.22. It is a two-level clipper using
transistors. The base of Q2 is fixed at a voltage VBB2, and the input is applied to B1. If initially the
input is negative, Q1 is OFF and only Q2 carries the current. Assume that VBB2 has been adjusted
so that Q2 operates in its active region. Let us assume that the current / in the emitter resistance is
constant. This is valid if IVBE2I is small compared to VBB2 + VEE When vt is below the cut-off
point of Q1, all the current 7 flows through Q2. As v, increases, Q1 will eventually come out of
cut-off, both the transistors will be carrying currents but the current in Q 2 decreases while the
current in Q1 increases, the sum of the currents in the two transistors remaining constant and
equal to 7. The input signal appears at the output, amplified but not inverted. As v1 continues to
increase, the common emitter will follow the base of Q1. Since the base of Q2 is fixed, a point
will be reached when the rising emitter voltage cuts off Q 2. Thus, the input signal is amplified
but twice limited, once by the cutoff of Q1 and once by the onset of cut-off in Q2. The total range
A comparator circuit is one, which may be used to mark the instant when an arbitrary
waveform attains some particular reference level. The nonlinear circuits, which can be used to
perform the operation of clipping may also be used to perform the operation of comparison. In
fact, the clipping circuits become elements of a comparator system and are Usually simply
referred to as comparators. The distinction between comparator circuits and the clipping circuits
is that, in a comparator there is 'no interest in reproducing any part of the signal waveform,
whereas in a clipping circuit, part of the signal waveform is needed to be reproduced without any
Comparators may be non-regenerative or regenerative. Clipping circuits fall into the category of
non-regenerative comparators. In regenerative comparators, positive feedback is employed to
obtain an infinite forward gain (unity loop gain). The Schmitt trigger and the blocking oscillator
are examples of regenerative comparators. The Schmitt trigger comparator generates
approximately a step input. The blocking oscillator comparator generates a pulse rather than a
step output waveform. Most applications of comparators make use of the step or pulse natures of
the input. Operational amplifiers and tunnel diodes may also be used as comparators.
Applications of voltage comparators
Voltage comparators may be used:
1. In accurate time measurements
2. In pulse time modulation
3. As timing markers generated from a sine wave.
4. In phase meters
5. In amplitude distribution analyzers
6. To obtain square wave from a sine wave
7. In analog-to-digital converters.
Negative Clamper
Figure 3.1 (a) shows the circuit diagram of a basic negative clamper. It is also termed a positive
peak clamper since the circuit clamps the positive peak of a signal to zero level. Assume that the
signal source has negligible output impedance and that the diode" is ideal, Rf= 0 n and Vy = 0 V
in that, it exhibits an arbitrarily sharp break at 0 V, and that its input signal shown in Figure
2.71(b) is a sinusoid which begins at t = 0. Let the capacitor C be uncharged at t = 0.
During the first quarter cycle, the input signal rises from zero to the maximum value. The
diode conducts during this time and since we have assumed an ideal diode, the voltage across it
is zero. The capacitor C is charged through the series combination of the signal source and the
diode and the voltage across C rises sinusoidally. At -the end of the first quarter cycle, the
voltage across the capacitor, vc = Vm.When, after the first quarter cycle, the peak has been passed
and the input signal begins to fall, the voltage vc across the capacitor is no longer able to follow
the input, because there is no path for the capacitor to discharge. Hence, the voltage across the
capacitor remains constant at vc = Vm, and the charged capacitor acts as a voltage source of V
Figure 2.71 (a) A negative clamping circuit, (b) a sinusoidal input, and (c) a steady-state
clamped output.
Suppose that after the steady-state condition has been reached, the amplitude of the input signal
is increased, then the diode will again conduct for at most one quarter cycle and the dc voltage
across the capacitor would rise to the new peak value, and the positive excursions of the signal
would be again restored to zero.
Suppose the amplitude of the input signal is decreased after the steady-state condition has been
reached. There is no path for the capacitor to discharge. To permit the voltage across the
capacitor to decrease, it is necessary to shunt a resistor across C, or equivalently to shunt a
resistor across D. In the latter case, the capacitor will discharge through the series combination of
the resistor R across the diode and the resistance of the source, and in a few cycles the positive
extremity would be again clamped at zero as shown in Figure 2.72(b). A circuit with such a
resistor 'R is shown in Figure 2.72(a).
Let the input voltage be vi = Vm sin (ot as shown in Figure 2.73(b). When v, goes negative, the
diode gets forward biased and conducts and in a few cycles the capacitor gets charged to Vm with
the polarity shown in Figure 2.73(a). Under steady-state conditions, the capacitor acts as a
constant voltage source and the output is
Based on the above relation between v0 and v,, the output voltage waveform is plotted. As
seen in Figure 2.73(c) the negative peaks of the input signal are clamped to zero level. Peak-to-
peak value of output voltage = peak-to-peak value of input voltage = 2Vm. There is no distortion
of waveform. To accommodate for variations in amplitude of input, the diode D is shunted with a
resistor as shown in Figure 2.74(a). When the amplitude of the input waveform is reduced, the
output will adjust to its new value as shown in Figure 2.74(b).
Figure 2.79 Clamping circuit considering the source resistance and the diode forward resistance.
The precision of operation of the circuit depends on the condition that R » Rf, and Rr » R.
When the input is positive, the diode is ON and the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2.80(a)
results. When the input is negative, the diode is OFF and the equivalent circuit shown in Figure
2.80(b) results.
Figure 2.80 (a) Equivalent circuit when the diode is conducting and (b) the equivalent circuit
when the diode is not conducting.
In the interval T1< t < T1 + T2, the input is at its lower level; so the diode is OFF and the
capacitor discharges with a time constant (R + RS)C, and the output rises towards zero with the
same time constant. Hence ---------(ii)
Considering the conditions at t= 0. At t = 0~, vs = V", v0 = V2, the diode D is OFF and
the equivalent circuit of Figure 2.80(b) results. The voltage across the capacitor is given by
At t = 0+, the input signal jumps to V, the output jumps to Vt, the diode conducts and the
equivalent circuit of Figure 2.80(a) results. The voltage across the capacitor is given by
Since the voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously, equating equations
(iii) and (iv), we have
At t = Tr, , vs = V"=v0 = V2, the diode D is OFF, and the equivalent circuit of Figure 2.80(b)
The voltage across the capacitor is given by
Since the voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously, equating equations
(vi) and (vii), we get
From equations (i), (ii), (v) and (viii), the values V1, V’, V2 and V2’ can be computed and
the output waveform determined.
If the source impedance is taken into account, the output voltage jumps are smaller than
the abrupt discontinuity V in the input. Only if Rs = 0, are the jumps in input and output voltages
equal. Thus, when Rs = 0, Observe that the response is independent of the
absolute levels V' and V" of the input signal and is determined only by the amplitude V. It is
possible, for example, for V" to be negative or even for both V and V" to be negative.
The average level of the input plays no role in determining the steady-state output waveform.
Under steady-state conditions, there is a tilt in the output waveform in both positive and
negative directions. The relation between the tilts can be obtained by subtracting Eq. (viii) from
Eq. (v), i.e.
Since Rs is usually much smaller than R, then, the tilt in the forward direction Ay is almost
always less than the tilt Ar in the reverse direction. Only when Rs « Rf, are the two tilts almost
Clamping Circuit Theorem
Under steady-state conditions, for any input waveform, the shape of the output waveform
of a clamping circuit is fixed and also the area in the forward direction (when the diode
conducts) and the area in the reverse direction (when the diode does not conduct) are related.
The clamping circuit theorem states that, for any input waveform under steady-state
conditions, the ratio of the area Af under the output voltage curve in the forward direction to
that in the reverse direction Ar is equal to the ratio R//R-
This theorem applies quite generally independent of the input waveform and the magnitude of
the source resistance. The proof is as follows:
Consider the clamping circuit of Figure 2.79, the equivalent circuits in Figures 2.80(a) and
2.80(b), and the input and output waveforms of Figures 2.82(a) and 2.82(b) respectively.
In the interval 0 < t < T, the input is at its upper level, the diode is ON, and the equivalent
circuit of Figure 2.80(a) results. If v/(f) is the output waveform in the forward direction, then the
capacitor charging current is Therefore, -the charge gained by the capacitor during
In the interval TJ < t < T{ + T2, the input is at its lower level, the diode is OFF, and the
equivalent circuit of Figure 2.80(b) results. If vr(t) is the output voltage in the reverse direction,
Therefore, the charge lost by the capacitor during the reverse interval is
Under steady-state conditions, the net charge acquired by the capacitor over one cycle
must be equal to zero. Therefore, the charge gained in the interval 0 < t < T}, will be equal to the
charge lost in the interval T1 < t < T1 + T2, i.e. Qg = Ql
Electronic devices such as junction diodes, thermionic diodes, transistors, and vacuum
tubes all have extreme regions of operation in which they nominally do not conduct even when
large voltages are applied, and there are regions in which they conduct heavily even when
relatively small voltages are applied- In the first of these regions, the device is described as being
OFF, OPEN, or non-conducting. In the other extreme region the device is described as being
ON, CLOSED or conducting, when the device is driven from one extreme condition to the other,
it operates much like a switch.
The magnitude of the overshoot will increase as the magnitude of the input current
increases. At large current amplitudes, the diode behaves as a combination of a resistor and an
inductor. At low currents the diode is representable by a parallel resistor-capacitor combination.
At intermediate currents, the diode behaves as a resistor, inductor, and capacitor circuit and
oscillations may be produced.
The forward recovery time ffr, for a specified rise time of the input current is the time difference
between the 10% point of the diode voltage and the time when this voltage reaches and remains
within 10% of its final value. The forward recovery time does not usually constitute a serious
Diode reverse recovery time
When an external voltage is impressed across a junction in the direction that reverse
biases it, very little current called the reverse saturation current flows. This current is because of
the minority carriers.
The density of minority carriers in the neighbourhood of the junction in the steady state is
shown in Figure 3.2(a). Here the levels pnl) and n are the thermal equilibrium values of the
minority carrier densities on the two sides of the junction in the absence of an externally
impressed voltage. When a reverse voltage is applied, the density of minority carriers is shown
by the solid Sines marked pn and np. Away from the junction, the minority carrier density
remains unaltered, but as these carriers approach the junction they are rapidly swept across and
the density of minority carriers diminishes to zero at the junction. The reverse saturation current
which flows is small because the density of thermally generated minority carriers is very small.
At the time t ~ t[, the input voltage reverses abruptly to the value V; = - VR, the current reverses,
until the time t - t2. At t ~ t^ as shown in Figure 3.3(c), the injected minority carrier
density at the junction drops to zero, that is, the minority carrier density reaches its equilibrium
state. If the diode ohmic resistance is RA, then at time t\, the diode voltage falls slightly by [(VF +
VR)] but does not reverse as shown in Figure 3.3(e). At t = ?2 when the excess minority carriers
in the immediate neighbourhood of the junction have been swept back across the junction, the
diode voltage begins to reverse as shown in Figure 3.3(e) and the magnitude of the diode current
begins to decrease as shown in Figure 3.3(d). The interval from t\ to t2 for the minority charge to
become zero is called the storage time ts. The time which elapses between r2 and the time when
the diode has nominally recovered is called the transition time tt. The recovery interval will be
completed when the minority carriers which are at some distance from the junction have diffused
Figure 3.3 The waveform in (b) is applied to the diode circuit in (a), (c) the excess carrier
density at the junction, (d) the diode current, and (e) the diode voltage.
The numerical values of Vy and Rf to be used depend upon the type of diode and the
contemplated voltage and current swings. Typically: For current swings from cut-off to 10 mA
Avalanche breakdown
Thermally generated minority carriers cross the depletion region and acquire sufficient
kinetic energy from the applied potential to produce new carriers by removing valance electrons
from other bonds. These new carriers will in turn collide with other atoms and thus increase the
number of electrons and holes available for conduction. Because of the cumulative increase in
carrier density after each collision, the process is known as avalanche breakdown.
Zener breakdown
Even if the initially available carriers do not gain enough energy to disrupt bonds, it is
possible to initiate breakdown through a direct rupture of the bonds because of the existence of a
strong electric field. Under these circumstances the breakdown is referred to as zener breakdown.
Zener breakdown occurs at voltages below 6 V. The operating voltages in avalanche breakdown
are from several volts to several hundred volts with power rating up to 50 W. The breakdown in
a p-n junction diode is shown in Figure 3.5.
A transistor can be used as a switch. It has three regions of operation. When both emitter^
base and collector-base junctions are reverse biased, the transistor operates in the cut-o! region
and it acts as an open switch. When the emitter base junction is forward biased and the collector
base junction is reverse biased, it operates in the active region and acts as auf amplifier. When
both the emitter-base and collector-base junctions are forward biased, it! operates in the
saturation region and acts as a closed switch. When the transistor is switched! from cut-off to
saturation and from saturation to cut-off with negligible active region, thej transistor is operated
as a switch. When the transistor is in saturation, junction voltages are'i very small but the
operating currents are large. When the transistor is in cut-off, the currents* are zero (except small
leakage current) but the junction voltages are large.
In Figure 3.6 the transistor Q can be used to connect and disconnect the load RL from the source
Vcc When Q is saturated it is like a closed switch from collector to emitter and when Q is cut-off
it is like an open switch from collector to emitter.
Referring to the output characteristics shown in Figure 3.6(b), the region below the IB = 0
curve is the cut-off region. The intersection of the load line with I B = 0 curve is the cut-off point.
At this point, the base current is zero and the collector current is negligible. The emitter diode
comes out of forward bias and the normal transistor action is lost, i.e, VCE(cut-off) = Vcc. The
transistor appears like an open switch.
Figure 3.7 (a) Transistor as a switch, (b) input waveform, and (c) the response of collector
current versus time.
Figure 3.8 (a) CB characteristics extended into the breakdown region and (b) idealized CE
characteristics extended into the breakdown region.
If a current IE is caused to flow through the emitter junction, then neglecting the
avalanche effect, a fraction α IE reaches the collector junction, where a is the common base
current gain. Taking multiplication into account, /c has the magnitude Mα. Consequently it
appears that in the presence of avalanche multiplication, the transistor behaves as though its
common base current gain were
Now α is a positive number with a maximum magnitude less than unity but A/a may equal unity
in magnitude at which point /IFE becomes infinite. Accordingly, any base current no matter how
small, will give rise to an arbitrarily large collector current whenever Ma = 1 . It means
breakdown has occurred. Therefore, whenever the base current is kept fixed, breakdown occurs
at the voltage VCB which satisfies the equation
Since VCB at breakdown .is much larger than the small forward base-to-emitter voltage
VBE, we may replace VCB by VCE in the above equation. Also
For an n-p-n Ge transistor, a reasonable value for n is 6. If hfe= 50, then BVCEO -
If BVCEO = 40 V, BVCBO is about half of that, i.e. about 20 V.
The breakdown voltage with base not open-circuited
Assume that the base is returned to the emitter through a resistor RB as shown in Figure
3.9(a). We accept that the breakdown voltage BVCEO lies between BVCER and 5VCBO-To
estimate BVCEO some assumptions are made concerning the emitter-base junction diode. The
semiconductor junction diode exhibits a threshold voltage Vr in the forward direction. That is,
until the forward voltage attains about 0.2 V in Ge or 0.6 V in Si, the forward current is very
small. We shall assume that until the threshold has been reached, the collector current will flow
entirely to the base and hence through I B. We also assume that once the threshold voltage is
exceeded, nearly all the additional collector current will flow through the emitter junction and
the corresponding breakdown voltage is 5VCBO. Therefore, when the collector-to-emitter voltage
is larger than BVceo the threshold voltage of the emitter junction is reached, breakdown will
occur. On this, we accept breakdown when the collector current A//CO satisfies the relation,
Figure 3.9 (a) Plot extended into the breakdown region of collector current against V CE
for various connections to the base. The sustaining voltage is (Vcgo and 0>) common collector
transistor circuit.
This equation is valid if the current in Rs is very large compared with the currents in
collector and emitter. If Rs = 0, i.e. if the base is short-circuited to emitter,
In these characteristics, the 0 to - 0.5 V region of Figure 3.10(b) has been expanded and
the same load line is drawn. At /B = - 0.15 mA, the transistor is in saturation and 1VCEI = 175
mV. At IB = - 0.35 mA, Ice' has dropped to 100 mV. For a transistor operating in the saturation
region, a quantity of interest is the ratio VCE(sat)/Ic- This parameter is called the common emitter
saturation resistance.
The saturation voltage VCE(sat) depends not only on the operating point but also on the
semiconductor material (Ge or Si) and on the type of transistor construction. Alloy-junction
transistors and epitaxial transistors give the lowest values for V CE(sat), whereas the grown
junction transistors yield the highest. Germanium transistors have lower values for Vc E(sat) than
those for silicon. An alloy-junction Ge transistor may allow, with adequate base currents, values
for VCE(sat) as low as tens of milli-volts at collector currents which are some tens of milli-
amperes. Similarly, epitaxial silicon transistors may yield saturation voltage as low as 0.2 V with
collector currents as high as an ampere. On the other hand, the grown junction Ge transistors
have saturation voltages which are several tenths of a volt and silicon transistors of this type may
have saturation voltages as high as several volts.
Analysis and Design of Bistable, Monostable, Astable Multivibrators and Schmitt trigger using
Multi means many; vibrator means oscillator. A circuit which can oscillate at a number
of frequencies is called a multivibrator. Basically there are three types of multivibrators:
1. Bistable multivibrator
2. Monostable multivibrator
3. Astable multivibrator
Each of these multivibrators has two states. As the names indicate, a bistable
multivibrator has got two stable states, a monostable multivibrator has got only one stable state
(the other state being quasi stable) and the astable multivibrator has got no stable state (both the
states being quasi stable). The stable state of a multivibrator is the state in which the device can
stay permanently. Only when a proper external triggering signal is applied, it will change its
state. Quasi stable state means temporarily stable state. The device cannot stay permanently in
this state. After a predetermined time, the device will automatically come out of the quasi stable
In this chapter we will discuss multivibrators with two-stage regenerative amplifiers.
They have two cross-coupled inverters, i.e. the output of the first stage is coupled to the input of
the second stage and the output of the second stage is coupled to the input of the first stage. In
bistable circuits both the coupling elements are resistors (i.e. both are dc couplings). In
monostable circuits, one coupling element is a capacitor (ac coupling) and the other coupling
element is a resistor (dc coupling) In astable multivibrators both the coupling elements are
capacitors (i.e. both are ac couplings).
A bistable multivibrator requires a triggering signal to change from one stable state to
another. It requires another triggering signal for the reverse transition. A monostable
multivibrator requires a triggering signal to change from the stable state to the quasi stable state
but no triggering signal is required for the reverse transition, i.e. to bring it from the quasi stable
state to the stable state. The astable multivibrator does not require any triggering signal at all. It
keeps changing from one quasi stable state to another quasi stable state on its own the moment it
is connected to the supply.
A bistable multivibrator is the basic memory element. It is used to perform many digital
operations such as counting and storing of binary data. It also finds extensive applications in the
generation and processing of pulse type waveforms. The monostable multivibrator finds
extensive applications in pulse circuits. Mostly it is used as a gating circuit or a delay circuit. The
astable circuit is used as a master oscillator to generate square waves. It is often a basic source of
fast waveforms. It is a free running oscillator. It is called a square wave generator. It is also
termed a relaxation oscillator.
The binary discussed earlier is a saturated binary. When the transistors are driven into saturation, because
of the storage time delay, the speed of operation is reduced. The speed of operation can be increased by
not allowing the transistors to go into saturation. Such a binary in which the transistors always operate in
the active region only, is called a non-saturating binary.
Figure 4.22 shows the circuit diagram of a non-saturating binary. This is obtained adding two zener
diodes and two p-n junction diodes to the collector-coupled binary sho' in Figure 4.21. These diodes
ensure that the collector ta» junctions are reverse biased hence the transistor is always operating in the
active region. Both the zener diodes D3 D4 are always biased in the breakdown direction and each has a
voltage Vz < VQC it. The voltage across the diode DI or D2 is very small in the forward direction. When is
ON, its emitter junction is forward biased with VBE2 * 0 V. So, the left side of D2 is at Vz and the right side
is at VcE(sat). Therefore, D2 is ON and acts as a short circuit. Hence C2 = ^z> making the collector
junction reverse biased, and the transistor Ch operates in the active region.
This negative voltage keeps Qt cut-off. With Q, cut-off, VCEI is HIGH and so the diode DI is back biased.
The output swing is approximately equal to VCG - Vz.
The non-saturating binary is preferred over the saturated binary only when an extremely high speed of
operation is required because of the following drawbacks:
1. The non-saturating circuits are more complicated than the saturated, circuits.
2. The non-saturating circuits consume more power than the saturated circuits.
3. The voltage swing is less stable with temperature, ageing and component replacement than in the case
of saturated binary.
width equals the interval between the triggers. Symmetrical triggering is used in binary counting circuits
and other applications. .
The sensitivity of the binary to a pulse of such polarity as to turn OFF the conducting device will
appreciably exceed the sensitivity to a pulse of opposite polarity. The triggering signal may be applied at
the output of a stage or at the input of a stage. In transistor circuits the triggering signal may be applied at
the collector of the transistor, or at the base.
An excellent method for triggering a binary unsymmetrically on the leading edge of a pulse is to apply the
pulse from a high impedance source to the output of the non-conducting device For p-n-p transistors, a
positive pulse needs to be applied.
The triggering signal may be applied through a resistor and a capacitor or through a unilateral device such
as a diode. Figure 4.23 shows a method of triggering unsymmetncally through a resistor and a capacitor.
If p-n-p transistors are employed, the polarity of the . triggering signal should be reversed.
must be large, and large values of commutating capacitors lengthen the settling time of the binary.
Therefore this method of triggering without the auxiliary steering diodes is not employed where the
shortest possible resolution time is required.
Figure 4.27 shows the arrangement for triggering a self-biased bistable multivibrator without steering
diodes. Here a positive step is applied at the common emitters of the flip-flop.
Figure 4.28 shows a direct-connected binary. No coupling elements are used and the collector of each
transistor is connected to the base 6f the other transistor directly by a wire. In one stable state, transistor
Qi is in saturation and Q2 is conducting slightly, and in the other stable state, Q2 is in saturation and Q! is
conducting slightly.
Initially if we assume that Q] is ON, since its emitter is grounded and since its base and collector are
connected to Vcc through a resistor Rc, then
is at its lower level. With Q2 conducting, there will be a voltage drop across RE -7B2)/?E> and this will
elevate the emitter of Q\. As the input v is increased from zero, the circuit will not respond until Qi
reaches the cut-in point (at v = Vt). Until then the output remains at its lower level. With Oj conducting
(for v > V|) the circuit will amplify because Q2 is already conducting and since the gain Av</Av is
positive, the output will rise in response to the rise in input. As v continues to rise, C t and hence B2
continue to fall and E2 continues to rise. Therefore a value of v will be reached at which Qa is turned
OFF. At this point v0 = VCc and the output remains constant at this value of Vcc, even if the input is
further increased. A plot of va versus v is shown in Figure 4.30(a) for loop gain < 1.
Figure 4.30 Response of emitter-coupled binary for (a) loop gain < 1 and (b) loop gain > 1.
The behaviour of the circuit may be described by using this S curve. As v rises from zero voltage, v0 will
remain at its lower level (= VCc ~ 'c2 ^ca) unt*l v reaches V\. (This value of v = V, at which the transistor
The S curve is a plot of values which satisfy Kirchhoff's laws and which are consistent with the transistor
characteristics. At v = V, the circuit will be at a or c, depending on the direction of approach of v towards
V. When v = V in the range between V2 and V|, the Schmitt circuit is in one of its two possible stable
states and hence is a bistable circuit.
Applications of Schmitt trigger circuit
Schmitt trigger is also a bistable multivibrator. Hence it can be used in applications where a normal binary
is used. However for applications where the circuit is to be triggered back-and-forth between stable states,
the normal binary is preferred because of its symmetry. Since the base of Q] is not involved in
regenerative switching, the Schmitt trigger is preferred for applications in which the advantage of this free
terminal can be taken. The resistance KC2 m me output circuit of Q2 is not required for the operation of the
binary. Hence this resistance may be selected over a wide range to obtain different output signal
A most important application of the Schmitt trigger is its use as an amplitude comparator to mark the
instant at which an arbitrary waveform attains a particular reference level. As input v rises to Vi or falls to
V2, the circuit makes a fast regenerative transfer to its other state.
Another important application of the Schmitt trigger is as a squaring circuit. It can convert a sine wave
into a square wave. In fact, any slowly varying input waveform can be converted into a square wave with
faster leading and trailing edges as shown in Figure 4.31, if the input has large enough excursions to carry
the input beyond the limits of the hysteresis range, VH = V\ - V2.
In another important application, the Schmitt trigger circuit is triggered between its two stable states by
alternate positive and negative pulses. If the input is biased at a voltage V between V2 and V\ and if a
It is possible for Q2 to be in its active region or to be in saturation. Assuming that Q 2 is in its active region
In the circuit shown in Figure 4.32, to calculate V\, we replace Vcc, KCI> ^i anc* ^2 of Figure 4.29 by V and
RB at the base of Q2.
Since VyJ is the voltage from base to emitter at cut-in where the loop gain just exceeds unity, it differs
from VBE2 in the active region by only 0.1 V for either Ge or Si.
This indicates that V, may be made almost independent of h^, of the emitter resistance RE, of the
temperature and of whether or not a silicon or germanium transistor is used. Hence the discriminator level
Vt is stable with transistor replacement, ageing, temperature changes, provided that (/IPE + l)/?E » RB and
that V" » 0.1. Since V depends on Vcc, RCI, R\ and R2, where stability is required it is necessary that a
stable supply and stable resistors are selected.
Derivation of expression for LTP
The lower triggering point LTP is defined as the input voltage V2 at which the transistor Q2 resumes
conduction. Vi can be calculated from the circuit shown in Figure 4.33 which is obtained by replacing Vcc,
Figure 433 The equivalent circuit of Figure 4.29 when Q2 just resumes conduction.
The voltage ratio from the collector of Qi to the base of Q2 is Figure 4.33, the input
signal to Qi is decreasing, and when it reaches V2 then Q2 comes out of cut-off.
Writing KVL around the base circuit of Q2,
As the name indicates, a monostable multivibrator has got only one permanent stable state, the other state
being quasi stable. Under quiescent conditions, the monostable multivibrator will be in its stable state
only. A triggering signal is required to induce a transition from the stable state to the quasi stable state.
Once triggered properly the circuit may remain in its quasi stable state for a time which is very long
compared with the time of transition between the states, and after that it will return to its original state. No
external triggering signal is required to induce this reverse transition. In a monostable multivibrator one
coupling element is a resistor and another coupling element is a capacitor.
When triggered, since the circuit returns to its original state by itself after a time T, it is known as a one-
shot, a single-step, or a univibrator. Since it generates a rectangular waveform which can be used to gate
other circuits, it is also called a gating circuit. Furthermore, since it generates a fast transition at a
predetermin6d time T after the input trigger, it is also referred to as a delay circuit. The monostable
multivibrator may be a collector-coupled one, or an emitter-coupled one.
transmitted through the coupling capacitor C to the base of Q 2. So at t = 0+, the base voltage of Q2 is
The circuit cannot remain in this state for a long time (it stays in this state only for a finite time T) because
when Qt conducts, the coupling capacitor C charges from Vcc through the conducting transistor Qi and
hence the potential at the base of Q2 rises exponentially with a time constant
where R0 is the conducting transistor output impedance including the resistance Rc. When it passes the
cut-in voltage Vy of Q2 (at a time t = T), a regenerative action takes place turning Q| OFF and eventually
returning the multivibrator to its initial stable state.
The transition from the stable state to the quasi-stable state takes place at t = 0, and the reverse transition
from the quasi-stable state to the stable state takes place at t = T. The time T for which the circuit is in its
quasi-stable state is also referred to as the delay time, and also as the gate width, pulse width, or pulse
duration. The delay time may be varied by varying the time constant t(= RC).
Expression for the gate width T of a monostable multivibrator neglecting the reverse saturation
current /CBO
Figure 4.42(a) shows the waveform at the base of transistor Q2 of the monostable multivibrator shown in
Figure 4.41.
For t < 0, Q2 is ON and so vB2 = VBE(sat). At t = 0, a negative signal applied brings Q2 to OFF state and
Q[ into saturation. A current /| flows through Rc of Qt and hence vci drops abruptly by /|7?c volts and so vB2
also drops by I\RC instantaneously. So at t - 0, vB2 = VBE(sat) - I}RC. For t > 0, the capacitor charges with a
time constant RC, and hence the base voltage of Q2 rises exponentially towards VCc with the same time
constant. At t = T, when this base voltage rises to the cut-in voltage level Vy of the transistor, Q2 goes to
ON state, and Qj to OFF state and the pulse ends.
Figure 4.42(a) Voltage variation at the base of Q2 during the quasi-stable state (neglecting /cuoX
Normally for a transistor, at room temperature, the cut-in voltage is the average of the saturation junction
Figure 4.42(b) Voltage variation at the base of Q2 during the quasirstable state (considering
Since /CBO increases with temperature, we can conclude that the delay time T decreases as
temperature increases.
Waveforms of the collector-coupled monostable multivibrator
The waveforms at the collectors and bases of both the transistors Q] and Q 2 of the monostable
multivibrator of Figure 4.41 are shown in Figure 4.44.
The triggering signal is applied at t = 0, and the reverse transition occurs at t = T.
The stable state. For t < 0, the monostable circuit is in its stable state with Q2 ON and Q, OFF. Since Q2 is
ON, the^ase voltage of Q2 is vB2 = VBE2(sat) and the collector voltage of Q2 is vC2 = VCE2(sat). Since Q, is
OFF, there is no current in Rc of Q! and its base voltage must be negative. Hence the voltage at the
collector of Q| is, vC1 = VCC
The quasi-stable state. A negative triggering signal applied at t = 0 brings Q2 to OFF state and Qi to ON
state. A current /, flows in tf c of Q]. So, the collector voltage of Qj drops suddenly by I}RC volts. Since the
voltage across the coupling capacitor C cannot change instantaneously, the voltage at the base of Q 2 also
drops by /itfc, where I{RC = Vcc -VcE2(sat)- Since Qi is ON,
In the interval 0 < t < T, the voltages VGI, VBI and Vc2 remain constant at their values at f = 0, but the
voltage at the base of. Q2, i.e. vB2 rises exponentially towards Vcc with a time constant, t - RC, until at t =
T, vB2 reaches the cut-in voltage Vx of the transistor.
Waveforms for t > T. At / = 7*1", reverse transition -takes place. Q2 conducts and Qi is cut-off. The
collector voltage of Q2 and the base voltage of Qi return to their voltage levels for / < 0. The voltage vcl
Figure 4.43 Equivalent circuit for calculating the overshoot at base 62 of Q3.
Since C] and B2 are connected by a capacitor C and since the voltage across the capacitts cannot change
instantaneously, these two discontinuous voltage changes 5 and 5' must bl equal.
Equating them,
vB2 and vcl decay to their steady-state values with a time constant
Thus the pulse width is a function of auxiliary voltage V. For this reason the monostable multivibrator
shown in Figure 4 .45 (a) is termed a voltdge-to-time converter. It is also called a pulse width modulator.
When Q| conducts, the voltage at the collector of Qj and hence the voltage at the base of Q 2 drops by
I\Rc\- Therefore,
If Q2 did not conduct, then as t —» «, VBN2 would approach VCc- Hence the instantaneous voltage at the
base of Q2 is given by
of the other transistors through the coupling capacitors C s and C2. Since both are ac couplings, neither
transistor can remain permanently at cut-off. Instead, the circuit has two quasi-stable states, and it makes
periodic transitions between these states. Hence it is used as a master oscillator. No triggering signal is
required for this multivibrator. The component values are selected such that, the moment it is connected
to the supply, due to supply transients one transistor will go into saturation and the other into cut-off, and
also due to capacitive couplings it keeps on-oscillating between its two quasi stable states.
The waveforms at the bases and collectors for the astable multivibrator, are shown in Figure 4.54. Let us
say at t = 0, Q2 goes to ON state and Q] to OFF state. So, for t < 0, Q2 was OFF and Qi was ON. Hence
for t < 0, vB2 is negative, vC2 = Vcc, VB! = VBE(sat) and vcj = VCE(sat). The capacitor C2 charges from Vcc
through R2 and vB2 rises exponentially towards Vcc. At t = 0, vB2 reaches the cut-in voltage Vy and Q2
conducts. As Q2 conducts, its collector voltage Vc 2 drops by /2/?c - ^cc ~ VcE(saO- This drop in vc2 is
transmitted to the base of Qj through the coupling capacitor C 2 and hence vB1 also falls by /2/?c- Qi goes
to OFF state. So, VB] = VBE(sat) - /2tfc, and its collector voltage vcl rises towards VCc- This rise in vc] is
coupled through the coupling capacitor C2 to the base of Q2, causing an overshoot § in vB2 and the abrupt
rise by the same amount 8 in VCL as shown in Figure 4.51(c). Now since Q2 is ON, C\ charges from Vcc
through Rlt and hence VB] rises exponentially. At t = 7"], when VB! rises to VY, Qi conducts and due to
regenerative action Qi goes into saturation and Q2 to cut-off. Now, for t > T\, the coupling capacitor C2
charges from Vcc through R2 and at / = 7", + 7"2, when vB2 rises to the cut-in voltage Vr, Q2 conducts and
due to regenerative feedback Q2 goes to ON state and Q| to OFF state. The cycle of events repeats and the
circuit keeps on oscillating between its two quasi-stable states. Hence the output is a square wave. It is
called a square wave generator or square wave oscillator or relaxation oscillator. It is a free running
On similar lines considering the waveform of Figure 4.54(b), we can show that the time T2 for which Q2 is
OFF and Qj is ON is given by The period of the waveform,
The frequency of oscillation may be varied over the range from cycles to mega cycles by varying RC. It is
also possible to vary the frequency electrically by connecting R\ and R2 to an auxiliary voltage source V
(the collector supply remains +VCC) and then varying this voltage V.
Neglecting the junction voltages and the cut-in voltage of the transistor
Figure 4.56 (a) Waveform at the base of Q, and (b) waveform at the base of Q2 for the circuit of Figure 4.55.
The input v, to Q3 can assume one of two values. One level is chosen such that Q3 is OFF. With Q3 OFF,
Qj will be OFF, and Q2 will be ON and the circuit is quiescent, i.e. it does not oscillate. The second binary
level is chosen such that Q^ is driven into saturation. Hence, at any instant (say t - 0) that this voltage is
applied, Q, goes ON and Q2 is driven OFF. The circuit operates as an astable multivibrator with
waveforms which are essentially those in Figure 4.54 starting at t = 0.
During the interval preceding t = t\, the capacitor C charges from a fixed voltage ^BB ~ V0 through the
resistor RE2. All circuit voltages remain constant except vEN2, which falls asymptotically towards zero.
The transistor Q2 will begin to conduct when vEN2 falls to
Calculations at f = tf
When Q2 conducts, vEN2 and vEN1 rise. As vENi rises, Q] comes out of saturation and vCN1 (= vBN2) also
increases, causing a further increase in the current in Q2. Because of this regenerative action, Qi is driven
OFF and Q2 is driven into its active region where its base-to-emitter voltage is VBE2, its base current is /B2
and its collector current is /C2. From Figure 4.64, we see that after transition, at t = rf.
Since the base voltage of Qi is fixed, then to carry the transistor from the cut-in point to
saturation the emitter must drop. However this drop S is small, since S = Va~ Vr= 0.2 V. Because the
emitters are capacitively coupled there will be an identical jump S in vEN2, After / = t2, in the interval T2,
conditions are the same as they were for t < t\.
Therefore, the cycle of events described above is repeated and the circuit behaves as an
astable multivibrator.
From Figure 4.64(a), we see that the voltage VENI starts at V\ at t = t\ and falls to
*^BB - Vj,at f = t2. Since this decay is exponential with a time constant #E|C and approaches
zero asymptotically,
If VCC| and VBB are arranged to be proportional to one another, then the frequency is independent of the
supply voltages.
When QJ is OFF, its collector-to-ground voltage is approximately VCC1 and equals the base-to-ground
voltage of Q2. Since it is desired that Q2 be in its active region, then VBN2 should be less than VCN2 or VCC[
< VCC2. Since Qj is to be driven into saturation, then its base voltage may be almost as large as its
collector supply voltage. However, to avoid driving Q\ too deeply into saturation it is better to arrange
that VBB < VCC1, A circuit which uses a single supply and which satisfies the requirements that VBB be
proportional to Vca and that VBB < VCC1 < VCC2 is shown in Figure 4.65. Since C' is a bypass capacitor
intended to maintain VBB constant, it is not involved in the operation of the circuit. We assume that /?!
and RI are small enough so that the voltage VBB at the junction of R} and R2 remains normally constant
during the entire cycle of operations of the multivibrator. Using Thevenin's theorem we see that the circuit
of Figure 4.65 is of the same form as that of Figure 4.63 with VCc2 ~ ^cc a°d with
The advantages and disadvantages of the emitter-coupled astable multivibrator over the collector-coupled
astable multivibrator are given below:
1. It is inherently self-starting.
2. The collector of Q2 where the output is taken may be loaded heavily even capacitively.
3. The output is free of recovery transients.
1. This circuit is more difficult to adjust for proper operating conditions.
2. This circuit cannot be operated with T\ and T2 widely different.
3. This circuit uses more components than does the collector-coupled circuit.
Figure 5.1 (a) General sweep voltage and (b) saw-tooth voltage waveforms.
As shown in Figure 5.2(a), vs is the actual sweep and v's is the linear sweep.
where as shown in Figure 5.2(b), V's is the input and Vs is the output at the end of the sweep, i.e.
at t = TS
If the deviation from linearity is small so that the sweep voltage may be approximated by the sum
of linear and quadratic terms in t, then the above three errors are related as
which implies that the sweep speed error is the more dominant
one and the displacement error is the least severe one.
3. The Miller circuit. In this method an operational integrator is used to convert an input step voltage
into a ramp waveform.
4. The Phantastron circuit. In this method a pulse input is converted into a ramp. This is a version of the
Miller circuit.
5. The bootstrap circuit. In this method a capacitor is charged linearly by a constant current which is
obtained by maintaining a constant voltage across a fixed resistor in series with the capacitor.
6. Compensating networks. In this method a compensating circuit is introduced to improve the linearity
of the basic Miller and bootstrap time-base generators.
7. An inductor circuit. In this method an RLC series circuit is used. Since an inductor does not allow the
current passing through it to change instantaneously, the current through the capacitor more or less
remains constant and hence a more linear sweep is obtained.
Figure 5.3(a) shows an exponential sweep circuit. The switch S is normally closed and is open at t = 0. So
for t > 0, the capacitor charges towards the supply voltage V with a time constant RC. The voltage across
the capacitor at any instant of time is given by After an interval of time Tx when
the sweep amplitude attains the value Vs, the switch again closes. The resultant sweep waveform is shown
in Figure 5.3(b).
For small Ts, neglecting the second and higher order terms
If a capacitor C is charged by a constant current /, then the voltage across C is ft/C. Hence the rate of
change of voltage with time is given by
Sweep speed = I/C
As the name implies a UJT has only one p-n junction, unlike a BJT which has two p-n junctions.
It has a p-type emitter alloyed to a lightly doped n-type material as shown in Figure 5.4(a). There are two
bases: base B| and base B2, base B] being closer to the emitter than base B 2. The p-n junction is formed
between the p-type emitter and n-type silicon slab.
Originally this device was named as double base diode but now it is commercially known as UJT.
The equivalent circuit of the UJT is shown in Figure 5.4(b). /?B] is the resistance between base B! and the
emitter, and it is basically a variable resistance, its value being dependent upon the emitter current i'E. /?B2
is the resistance between base 62 and the emitter, and its value is fixed.
If IE = 0, due to the applied voltage VBB, a current i results as shown in Figure 5.4(c).
From the equivalent circuit, it is evident that the diode cannot conduct unless the emitter voltage
It is obvious that if VE < VP, the UJT is OFF and if VE > VP, the UJT is ON.
The symbol of UJT is shown in Figure 5.5(a). The input characteristics of UJT (plot of VE versus /E) are
shown in Figure 5.5(b). The main application of UJT is in switching circuits wherein rapid discharge of
capacitors is very essential. UJT sweep circuit is called a relaxation oscillator.
Figure 5.6 (a) UJT sweep circuit and (b) output waveform across the capacitor.
The switch S is opened at t = 0. Assuming that VEB remains constant for t > 0, the collector current will
be a constant whose nominal value is
So the capacitor charges linearly with time and a sweep is obtained. The equivalent circuit from which to
On applying KVL to the input mesh and KCL to the output node of Figure 5.9(b), we have
Expanding the exponential into a power series in t/T and retaining only the first term,
At t = TS
Figure 5.10 (a) The current decreases exponentially with time and (b) the current remains constant.
In the circuit of Figure 5.10(b) suppose the point Z is grounded as in Figure 5.11(a). A linear sweep will
appear between the point Y and ground and will increase in the negative direction. Let us now replace the
fictitious (imaginary) generator by an amplifier with output terminals YZ and input terminals XZ as
shown in Figure 5.11(b). Since we have assumed that the generated voltage is always equal and opposite
to the voltage across the capacitor,
Figure 5.11 (a) Figure 5.10(b) with Z grounded and (b) Miller integrator circuit.
Neglecting the output resistance in the circuit of Figure 5.13{b), if the switch is closed at t = 0 and if the
initial voltage across the capacitor is zero, then v0 (f = 0+) = 0, because at / = 0~, V; ~ 0 and since the
voltage across the capacitor cannot change instantaneously.
This indicates that the output is exponential and the sweep is negative-going since A is a negative number.
where Vs is the sweep amplitude and V is the peak-to-peak value of the output.
The deviation from linearity is times that of an RC circuit charging directly from a source V.
If R0 is taken into account, the final value attained by v0 remains as before, AV = - \A\V. The initial value
however is slightly different.
To find v0 at t = 0+, writing the KVL around the mesh in Figure 5.13(b), assuming zero voltage across the
capacitor, we have
Figure 5.14 Bootstrap circuit of Figure 5.12 with switch S which opens at ( = 0, input resistance Rf, and
Thevenin's equivalent of the amplifier on the output side.
At t = 0~, the switch was closed and so vt - 0, Since the voltage across the capacitor cannot change
instantaneously, at t = 0* also, v(- = 0 and hence Av, = 0, and the circuit shown in Figure 5.15 results.
The output has the same value at t = 0 and hence there is no jump in the output voltage at t = 0.
At t = <*>, the capacitor acts as an open-circuit and the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 5.16 results.
Since R0 « /?, v0 at t = 0 can be neglected compared to the value of v0 at t - <». Then the total excursion of
the output is given by
This shows that the slope error is [1 - A + (R/Rj)] times the slope error that would result if the capacitor is
charged directly from V through a resistor.
Comparing the expressions for the slope error of Miller and bootstrap circuits, we can see that it is more
important to keep R/Rj small in the bootstrap circuit than in the Miller circuit. Therefore, the Miller
integrator has some advantage over the bootstrap circuit in that in the Miller circuit a higher input
impedance is less important.
Figure 5.17 shows the circuit diagram of a transistor Miller time-base generator. It consists of a three-
stage amplifier. To have better linearity, it is essential that a high input impedance amplifier be used for
the Miller integrator circuit. Hence the first stage of the amplifier of Figure 5.17 is an emitter follower.
The second stage is a common-emitter amplifier and it provides the necessary voltage amplification. The
third stage (output stage) is also an emitter follower for two reasons. First, because of its low output
impedance R0 it can drive a load such as the horizontal amplifier. Second, because of its high input
Under quiescent condition, the output of the Schmitt gate is at its lower level. So transistor Q 4 is ON. The
emitter current of Q4 flows through RI and hence the emitter is at a negative potential. Therefore the diode
D conducts. The current through R flows through the diode D and the transistor Q4. The capacitor C is
bypassed and hence is prevented from charging. When a triggering signal is applied, the output of the
Schmitt gate goes to its higher level. So the base voltage of Q4 rises and hence the transistor Q4 goes OFF.
A current flows now from 10 V source through RI. The positive voltage at the emitter of Q4 now makes
the diode D reverse biased. At this time the upper terminal of C is connected to the collector of Q4 which
is in cut-off. The capacitor gets charged from VBB and hence a run down sweep output is obtained at the
emitter of Q3. At the end of the sweep, the capacitor C discharges rapidly through D and Q4.
Considering the effect of the capacitance C\, the slope or sweep speed error is given by
Quiescent conditions
Under quiescent conditions, i.e. before the application of the gating waveform at t - 0, Q| is in saturation
because it gets enough base drive from YCC through ^B- So the voltage across the capacitor which is also
the voltage at the collector of Qj and the base of Q2 is VCE (sat). Since Q2 is conducting and acting as an
emitter follower, the voltage at the emitter of Q2 which is also the output voltage is less than this base
voltage by VBE2, i.e.
is a small negative voltage (a few tenths of a volt negative). If we neglect this small voltage as well as the
small drop across the diode D, then the voltage across C\ as well as across R is Vcc-Hence the current i>
through R i§ Vcc/R- Since the quiescent output voltage at the emitter of Q 2 is close to zero, the emitter
current of Q2 is VEE/J?E. Hence the base current of Q2 is iB2 = VEE / hFE RE
iR = iC1 + iB2
Since the base current of Q2, i.e. /B2 is very small compared with the collector current i C1 of Q1
For Qj to be really in saturation under quiescent condition, its base current (( Bi = VCC/RB) t be at least
equal to I'CI#*FE> i.e. VCC//IFE^. so that
Formation of sweep
When the negative-going gating waveform is applied at t - 0, the transistor Q] is driven OFF. The current
/Ci now flows into the capacitor C and so the voltage across the capacitor rises according to the equation
Figure 5.19 Voltage time-base generator of Figure 5.18: (a) the base voltage of Q1% (b) the collector current of
Qi, and (c) the output voltage at the emitter of Q2-
whereas if the sweep amplitude Vs is less than Vcc> then the maximum ramp voltage is given by
Retrace interval
At t = Tg, when the gate terminates, the transistor Qi goes into conduction and a current r' Bi = VCC/R-Q
flows into the base of Qi. Hence a current/ci =/IFE*BI flows into the collector of Qj. This current remains
constant till the transistor goes into saturation. Since Q] is ON the capacitor C discharges through Qi.
Because of emitter follower action, when vc falls, v0 also falls by the same amount and so the voltage
across R remains constant at Vcc. The constant current iR = Vcc/R also flows through Qi. Applying KVL
at the collector of Qi and neglecting /B2,
Since the discharging current of C, i.e. IA is constant, the voltage across C and hence the output voltage
falls linearly to its initial value.
After C is discharged, the collector current is now supplied completely through R and becomes
established at the value V^c/R-
The retrace time can be reduced by choosing a small value of Rs. However if RR is reduced
greatly, then the collector current may increase to the point where the transistor
dissipation may be excessive.
The recovery process
During the entire interval the capacitor C[ discharges at a constant rate because the
This shows that T\ is independent of C\ and varies inversely with VEE. T\ can be reduced by increasing
VEE. However this modification will increase the quiescent current in Q 2 and hence its dissipation.
increases linearly with time. This continues till t = Tg, at which time the gating signal comes to its lower
level and so the transistor will be cut-off. During the sweep interval Ts (i.e. from t = 0 to t = Tg), the diode
D is reverse biased and hence it does not conduct. At t ~ Ts, when the transistor is cut-off and no current
flows through it, since the current through the inductor cannot change instantaneously it flows through the
diode and the diode conducts. Hence there will be a voltage drop of lLRd across the resistance Rd. So at t =
Tg, the potential at the collector terminal rises abruptly to Vcc + fiftd* i-e- there is a voltage spike at the
collector at t = Tg. The duration of the spike depends on the inductance of Z-^but the amplitude of the
spike does not. For t > Tg, the inductor current decays exponentially to zero with a time constant T- LIRd.
So the voltage at the collector also decays exponentially and settles at Vcc under steady-state conditions.
The inductance L normally represents a physical yoke and its resistance RL may not be negligible. If RCs
represents the collector saturation resistance of the transistor, the current increases in accordance with the
If the current increases linearly to a maximum value IL, the slope error is given by
The inductor current waveform and the waveform at the collector of the transistor are shown in Figures
5.26(c) and 5.26(d) respectively. To maintain linearity, the voltage (RL + /?csXt across the total circuit
resistance must be kept small compared with the supply voltage Vcc.
A pulse or digital system may involve several different basic waveform generators and the system
may require that all these generators be operated synchronously—in step with one another, i.e. each one
of them arrives at some reference point in the cycle at exactly the same time. Two or more waveform
generators are said to operate in synchronism if each one of them arrives at some reference point in its
cycle at the same time. Synchronization is the process of making two or more waveform generators arrive
at some reference point in the cycle at exactly the same time. Synchronization may be on a one-to-one
basis or with frequency division. Synchronization is said to be on a one-to-one basis if all the generators
operate at exactly the same frequency and arrive at some reference point in the cycle exactly at the same
time. Synchronization is said to be with frequency division if the generators operate at different
frequencies which are integral multiples of each other but arrive at some reference point at the same time.
The two processes, i.e. (i) synchronization and (ii) synchronization with frequency division are basically
very nearly alike and no clear-cut distinction can be drawn between them. Counting circuits are an
example of frequency division.
In Figures 6.7(a) and (b) are shown the waveforms for the case where positive pulses are applied to one
base, say BI- The division ratio is 6. The cycle would normally have terminated at t = T0, when the base
voltage reached the cut-in level Vy, as shown by the dashed extension of the base waveform in Figure
6.7(a). The cycle is prematurely terminated at the sixth pulse since the amplitude of the sixth pulse added
to the base waveform Bj, at the time of the sixth pulse, raises the base voltage above VT Observe that
while the complete multi period has been synchronized, the individual portions have not been
synchronized. Thus T' in Figure 6.7(a) is the same as it would be without synchronization because the
waveform at B2 is unaltered by the application of the synch pulses.
Figures 6.7(c) and (d) show the base waveforms for the case where negative pulses are applied to both
multi bases simultaneously. Here the division ratio is 5. Both timing portions of the multi waveform are
synchronized and are necessarily of unequal duration since the division ratio is an odd number. The
positive pulses superimposed on the exponential portions of the waveforms result from the combination
of the negative pulses applied directly and the inverted and amplified (hence positive and larger) pulses
received from the other transistor.
A special situation of interest is illustrated in Figure 6.8. Here positive pulses are being applied to BI
through a small capacitor from a low-impedance source. During the time when Q! is conducting, the base
draws current at each input pulse. At the end of the pulse the input capacitor discharges, giving rise to a
negative overshoot. Alternatively, we may say that during the conduction period of Qj, the pulse input
time constant is small and the input pulse is quasi differentiated. The negative overshoot is amplified and
inverted by Q! arid appears a t Q2 as a positive overshoot, which may then serve to mark the end of the
cut-off period of Q2. Hence the net result is that both portions of the multi cycle have been synchronized
without the need for applying pulses to both transistors simultaneously. Observe that one portion of the
Figure 6.7 (a) and (b) base waveforms for division by 6 through the application of positive pulses to one base, (c)
and (d) base waveforms for division by 5 through the application of negative pulses to both bases.
which case the counting ratio will become respectively 3 or 2. Finally, with a large overshoot, the timing
portion will terminate at the trailing edge of pulse 4, and the circuit will not operate as a multivibrator at
The delay between the input pulse to a divider and the output pulse is referred to as phase delay. It results
from the finite rise time of the input trigger pulse and the finite response time of the relaxation time
devices. The phase delay may vary with time due to variations in device characteristics, supply voltages,
etc.Occasionally some extraneous signal may be coupled unintentionally into the divider. Such a signal
may have an influence on the exact moment at which a basic waveform, say, reaches cut-off. In this case
the phase delay may be subject to periodic variations. All these factors which affect the phase delay give
rise to what is termed phase jitter. In large-scale counters consisting of many stages, the phase jitter is
compounded. In many applications, phase jitter is of no particular consequence but it constitutes an
important difficulty in connection with nanosecond pulses.
A method for achieving division without phase jitter is illustrated in Figure 6.10. The train of regularly
spaced input pulses (I) is applied to the divider input. The output of the divider consists of the pulses (D).
These latter pulses trigger a gating waveform generator, say, a monostable multivibrator which provides a
gate of duration Tg adequate to encompass each pulse labeled T. This waveform is applied to a sampling
gate which opens for a time Tg. The input pulse train is sampled and the output waveform then consists of
each pulse labeled T. The condition for proper transmission is Tp < Tg < 2Tp, i.e. it is enough if Tg
Figure 6.12 (a) Shows the timing of the sweep voltage with respect to Vp for a case in which T < TQ = TO'(dashed
line) and (b) pertains to the general case, T * T0.
The general situation may be described by reference to Figure 6.12(b). When T = TQ, the sweep is
terminated at point O, leaving the period unaltered. When T > TQ, the sweep terminates at a point such as
X—between O and the positive maximum A. When T < TQ, the sweep terminates at a point such as Y—
between O and the negative maximum B. When the period T is such that the sweep terminates either at
the point A or B, the limits of synchronization have been reached since at A the sweep period has been
lengthened to the maximum extent possible whereas at B the shortening is at maximum.
In Section 6.6, we discussed synchronization of a sweep generator using a symmetrical (sinusoidal)
signal. The operation of a sweep circuit as a divider is an extension of the process of synchronization.
Figure 6.13 shows the operation of the sweep circuit for frequency division. The solid lines in the figure
show the sweep and synchronizing waveforms for division by a factor of 4. This case is one in which the
natural period TO is slightly smaller than 47". The sync signal changes the sweep period from T0 to Tf,
Figure 6.13 Frequency division using a sweep circuit. Illustrating the change in frequency division ratio with
synch signal amplitude.
Earlier it was conveniently assumed that the range of synchronization (or counting) extends from
the point where the sweep intersects the VP curve at a maximum to the point where the intersection is at a
minimum of the VP curve. This normally holds only for small values of sync voltage, but may not hold
when the sync amplitude is comparable to the sweep amplitude. In Figure 6.13, we can observe that the
sweep will never be able to terminate at a maximum of VP, because to do so, it is required that the sweep
must first cross the previous negative excursion of the Vp waveform.
Figure 6.14 illustrates a case (dashed sweep) where the sync amplitude, in principle, is just large enough
to cause 1:1 synchronization. The actual sweep waveform, however, as shown consists of alternate long
and short sweeps. So, when a sweep is used in connection with a scope, it is advisable always to use as
small a sync signal as possible.
Figure 6.14 Illustrating a possible result of excessive amplitude of the sync signal in a sweep.
(i) CMOS Inverter: It is complementary MOSFET obtained by using P-channel MOSPET and n-
channel MOSFET simultaneously. The P and N channel are connected in series, their drains are
connected together, output is taken from common drain point. Input is applied at common gate
terminal. CMOS is very fast and consumes less power.
Case 1. When input Vi = 0. The (Gate source) voltage of Q1 will be 0 volt, it will be off.
But Q2 will be ON; Hence output will be equal to +VDD or logic 1.
Case 2. When input Vi = 1, The (Gate source) voltage of Q2 will be 0 volt, it will be OFF,
But Q1 will be ON. Hence output will be connected to•
ground or logic 0.
In this way, CMOS function as an inverter.
Propagation delay is the average transition delay time for a pulse to propagate from
RTL, DTL, DTL are the logic families which are now obsolete.
TTL is used in SSI and MSI Integrated circuits and is the fastest of all standard logic
Totem pole TTL has the advantage of high speed and low power dissipation but its
(a) High
(b) Low
(c) High Impedance
ECL is the fastest of all logic families because its propagation delay is very small i.e. of
about 2 nsec.
ECL can be wired ORed.
MOS logic is the simplest to fabricate.
MOS transistor can be connected as a resistor.
MOSFET circuitry are normally constructed from NMOS devices because they are 3 times
faster than PMOS devices.
CMOS uses both P-MOS and N-MOS.
CMOS needs less power as compared to ECL as they need maximum power.
Ans. RTL was the first to introduced. RTL NOR gate is as shown in fig.
Case I: When A = B = 0.
Both T1 and T2 transistors are in cut off state because the voltage is insufficient to drive the
transistors i.e. VBE < 0.6 V: Thus, output Y will be high, approximately equal to supply voltage
Vcc. As no current flows through Rc and drop across Rc is also zero.
Thus, Y = 1, when A = B = 0.
Case III : When A = B = 1. Both the transistors T1 and T2 goes into saturation and output
voltage is equal to saturation voltage.
Thus, Y = 0,when A = B = 1
Truth Table
Case I: When A = B = 0. Both transistors T1 and T2 goes to cut off state. As the voltage is not
sufficient to drive the transistor into saturation. Thus, the output voltage equal to Vcc.
When A = B = 0, output Y = 1
Case II: When A = 0 and B = 1 or A = 1 and, B = 0. The corresponding transistor goes to cut off
state and the output voltage equals to Vcc.
Thus, When A = 0 and B = 1 or A = 1 and B = 0, Output Y = 1.
Case III: When A = B = 1. Both transistors T1 and T2 goes into saturation state and output
voltage is insufficient to consider as ‘1’
Thus when A B = 1, output Y = 0.
Truth Table
Compare standard TTL, Low power TTL and high speed TTL logic families.
Case I : When A = B = 0, the reference voltage of T3 is more forward biased then T1 and T2.
Thus, T3 is ON and T1, T2 remains OFF. The value of R1 is such-that the output of NOR gate is
high .i.e. ‘1’.
Case II: When A = 1 or B = 1 or A = B = 1, the corresponding transistors are ON, as they are
more forward biased that T3 and thus T3 is OFF. Which makes the NOR output to be low i.e.
This shows that the circuit works as a NOR gate.
TTL inverter.
The above fig. shows the simplified tristate inverter. It has two inputs A and E. A is the normal
logic input whereas E is an ENABLE input. When ENABLE input is HIGH, the circuit works as
a normal inverter. Because when E is HIGH, the state-of the transistor T1 (either ON or OFF)
depends on the logic input A and the additional component diode is open circuited as cathode is
at logic HIGH. When ENABLE input is LOW, regardless of the state of logic input the base-
emitter junction of T is forward biased and as a result it turns ON. This shunts the current
through R1 away from T2 making it OFF. As T2 is OFF, there is no sufficient drive for
T4 conduct and hence T4 turns OFF. The LOW at ENABLE input also forward biases diode D2,
which shunt the current away from the base of T3, making it OFF. In this way, when ENABLE
output is LOW, both transistors are OFF and output is at high impedance state.
ECL OR gate
ECL or gate : Emitter-coupled logic (ECL) is the fastest of all logic families and thus it is used
in applications where very high speed is essential. High speeds have become possible in ECL
because the transistors are used in difference amplifier configuration, in which they are never
driven into saturation and thereby the storage time is eliminated. Here, rather than switching the
transistors from ON to OFF and vice-versa, they are switched between cut-off and active regions.
Propagation delays of less than 1 ns per gate have become possible in ECL.
Basically, ECL is realized using difference amplifier in which the emitters of the two transistors
are connected and hence it referred to as emitter-coupled logic. A 3-input ECL gate is shown in
Fig. (A) which has three parts. The middle part is the difference amplifier which performs the
logic operation.
The circuit diagram of 2-input NAND gate open-collector TTL gate is as shown:
Case.1 : When A = 0,B = 0
When both inputs A and B are low, both functions of Q1 are forward biased and Q2 remains off.
So no current flows through R4 and Q3 is also off and its collector voltage is equal to Vcc i.e. Y
Case2 : When A = 0, B = 1 and
Case 3: When A = 1, B = 0
When one input is high and. other is low, then one junction is forward biased so Q2 is off and
Q3 is also off. So collector voltage is equal to Vcc i.e. Y = 1
Case 4: When A = 1, B = 1
When both inputs are high, Q1 is turned off and Q2 turned ‘ON’ Q3 goes into saturation and
hence Y = 0. The open-collector output has main advantage that wired ANDing is possible in it.
Case 1:
Case 4: A = 1, B = 1
Both diodes D1 and D2 will be off. D3 will be ‘ON’ and Q2 will ‘ON’ making Q4 also ‘ON’.
But Q3 will be ‘OFF’. So output voltage Y = 0.
All the four cases shows that circuit operates as a NAND gate.
Totem pole can’t be Wired ANDed due to current spike problem. The transistors used in circuits
may get damaged over a period of time though not immediately. Sometimes voltage level rises
high than the allowable.