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1.a) Write the time constant of RC & RL circuit.

Time constant, denoted as 'τ'. In an RC circuit, τ = RC, and in an RL circuit, τ = L/R.

b) Define attenuator.
A device consisting of an arrangement of resistors which reduces the strength of a radio or audio
c) What is meant by Non linear wave shaping?
The process whereby. The form of a signal is changed. by transmission through a non- linear
network is called Non- linear Wave Shaping.
d)What is the difference between the clamper and clipper?
The process of removing some part of the input signal is known as clipping. The process of shifting
the input signal to a particular value on the amplitude axis (vertically) is known as clamping circuit.
e) Draw the piecewise linear diode characteristics.

2. Derive the expression for percentage tilt for a square wave output of RC high pass circuit.
We will derive an expression for the percentage tilt when the time constant RC of the
circuit is very large compared to the period of the input waveform, i.e. RC » T. For a symmetrical
square wave with zero average value

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