Connection: Celebrating With A Different Kind of Gift

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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

Vol. 2 No. 42 October 21, 2010

Celebrating With A Different Kind of Gift

By Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
Num- ture must be John 3:16. My son, impressive for ten-year-olds. For
bers William was born on 9/9/00, and that matter, it’s impressive for any of
can be last year on 9/9 he turned 9. us. They realized that the gifts that
special This year witnessed another would truly last were the gifts they
to us. number miracle. Emily Gresh and could provide for others, especially
They her friend Riley Henson both had those in need.
are their 10th birthday on 10/10/10. It’s a great lesson for all of us.
very Pretty impressive, huh? They share This Christmas season we will be
signifi- many things in common—their focusing on gifts that don’t break—
cant hometown, a love of art, a Girl gifts that touch the hearts of others
in the Scout troop and a soccer team. So and that serve others. You will have
Bible. 12 disciples, 12 tribes of this year they had a joint birthday the opportunity to give donations in
Israel, 40 days in the desert, 153 fish celebration. But instead of asking for honor or memory of loved ones. I
in a net, even 7 days in a week—all gifts, they decided to ask their guests think it’s a great idea for many occa-
have significance. What about your to donate to their favorite charities. sions. It reminds us that all we have
lucky numbers? On 10/10/10, Breakfast on Bou- comes from God.
I was born on March 16—3/16, at levard and the Regional Food Bank Meanwhile, I wonder who has a
3:16 pm in room 316 of the hospi- of Oklahoma received gifts in honor birthday on 11/11/11?
tal. So, naturally my favorite scrip- of these two loving servants. Pretty

Gratitude For Your Support!

I would like to say thank you to all of role models to learn from when
the First Christian Church members she attends Sunday school, UNITE,
who donated money to Breakfast on helps with Sprouts or sits at the
Boulevard for my 10th birthday. I Welcome desk or any other areas
was able to give BOB over $500.00 she can be found in while hanging
Thank you very much! around her second home! We feel
Emily Gresh blessed to have so many outstand-
ing people here at FCC that con-
We would like to add that we are so tribute so much to Emily’s life.
lucky to have such a great base of We are so grateful to you all!
Christians who are helping us raise Frank and Debby Gresh
our daughter. She has wonderful
New Ministry Opportunity
By Rev. Dr. Jerry Black, Associate Minister
Do you of the possibilities, but just don’t know For that reason, your Membership
remember who to talk to or where to begin. Ministry Team is looking for a few
what it Such are the feelings of many servants who are comfortable with
was like who decide to join our church family. home visits, meeting new members,
to be a First, there is the question of which personally welcoming them, and
newcom- family—a Sunday School Class, a helping them assimilate into the life of
er—one Unite program, and/or a worship our church family. This is obviously a
who has group? Then, there is that over- ministry of grand importance.
just joined whelming flow of activities and church To become a Welcome Servant,
a new ministries they have begun to learn call Jerry at 341-3544 or email him at
group and the awkwardness of finding about in Discover First Christian. But [email protected] Thank you
your way into the life of that group? where does that new member begin for prayerfully considering this new
—learning names and being included? to connect, invest energy, become and vital, ministry opportunity.
It’s unsettling, isn’t it? Uncomfortable. involved, and commit? It’s so discon- Your Membership Ministry Team
You want to participate, know some certing, yet vital to feeling connected.

College/Young Adult Class Begins!

By Rev. Greg Bunton, Associate Minister of Student Ministries

A new Sunday morning class geared need your assistance. Here are a few with this
toward our college students/young ways you can help. ministry in
adults began on Sunday, October 10. 1. Pass the word to those who might any way,
Kevin and Sally Leonard, as well as be interested in being a part of this please let
some of our college students, will be class and encourage them to attend. us know.
offering leadership for this class. Cur- 2. If you have a college student and/ We would
rently they are meeting in the Fellow- or young adult you would like to have like to
ship Hall at 10:00 a.m., with plans to placed on our e-mail list, please send build a
move to room 208 within the next few their name and e-mail address to network of
weeks. Greg at [email protected] adults who are willing to share in the
To help us in this endeavor, we 3. If you are interested in helping leadership of this important ministry.

Table on Sunday mornings or con-

Buy Butter tact Robbi Kinnaird at 340-2427.
Butter Braids are frozen pastries
Braids for The which bake up warm and fluffy with
yummy fruit fillings. They make
Holidays! great holiday gifts and excellent
morning treats. See an FCC Youth
The FCC youth are selling yummy to order yours! All proceeds benefit
Butter Braids, Tea Rings & Swirls the FCC youth mission fund and
now through October 27th for youth room remodel. And, as al-
$12.00 each in a variety of flavors. ways, if you don’t want to purchase
To place your order for holiday but still want to support our efforts,
delivery, see a youth at the Rotunda donations are gladly accepted.
Prayers of the People Happy Birthday!
10/24 Richard Finley, Devin Giddens
OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Teddi 10/25 Mattie Huff, Shannon Smith
Long-Owen, Mercy; Bart Rodr, OK Heart 10/26 Lynn Daylor, Virginia Hiebert,
Teddi Owen, Sara Shipley, Russell
Ralph Eastwood (Jackie Stafford’s dad), Jeff Stephens, Dorothy Bryan, Chuck
10/27 Amy Quade, Terri Turner
Hague (Suzanne Allison’s brother), Chelyne Barney (Marjorie Anderson’s
10/28 Benny Christensen, Thomas Clark
daughter-in-law), Ann Douthitt (Duke Douthitt’s mom), Garry Sloan (former
10/29 Greyson Ferrell, Deneen Gambrell
FCC minister of music), Lorelle Watts, Sharon Luton (Susan Black’s cousin), Ed
10/30 Monty Bratcher
Berry, Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas’ brother) 10/31 Patricia Hill

The November Mary Group of

Attention Members Disciples Women will meet
Comet Cleaner’s Parking Lot Changes Tuesday, November 2
Please be aware that the parking lot just east of the church is now less from 5:30-7:00 at the church.
available for our use. Comet Cleaners, who lease our building, will soon open We will gather for a light
for business.Obviously, some parking spaces in front of the building will be supper, continue our
reserved. Please respect the needs of those who lease this space and those “Season of Encouragement”
who use the cleaner’s services. Do not block the drive through or park in those discussion and assemble
reserved spaces. You may continue to use the unmarked spaces. We have shoe boxes for Samaritan’s Purse.
been privileged to use all of this parking lot for some time, but now must Hostess are Glo Rehrig and
make some usage adjustments—even on Wednesday nights. Thank you for Michele Schlough. All ladies of the
respecting these changes. church are welcome to join us!
If you have any questions, please contact our Business Administrator, Please contact Robbi Kinnaird
Karla Mahan at 341-3544, ext. 14 or [email protected] or Billy at 340-2427 to RSVP
Harrison, Board Moderator at [email protected]. or with any questions.

“Star of Wonder”
A Kid’s Christmas MINISTRY First Christian Church
of Edmond, OK

Musical of Hope Christmas Cantata

Rehearsals Underway!
Do you love to sing? Come learn
Rehearsals Underway! Bring YOUR Child Each Wedneday!
Practice for our annual Children’s Christmas musical has begun. If your this year’s cantata, “Night of the
child would like to participate in the annual Christmas program, join Father’s Love” by Pepper Choplin
us for rehearsal on Wednesdays for Children’s Choir: Grades K-5 5:00 and join the Chancel Choir for
- 6:00pm and Cherub Choir: Ages 3-5 5:30-6:00 for more information this short time committment.
contact Diane Ball, Minister of Music, [email protected] We rehearse Wednesdays from
Dress rehearsal is scheduled for Saturday, December 4th from 9:30-11:30 7:30-8:15 in the sanctuary.
a.m. If your child is participating in the musical, please bring 2-3 dozen Questions? Contact Diane Ball
cookies to share for the annual cookie reception immediately following at [email protected]
the musical. Be sure to check out our children’s artwork on display in or 341-3544.
the Fellowship Hall during the Advent season!
Classics Tour Peppers Ranch &
Worship Armstrong Auditorium
at First Christian
8:15, 9 & 11am
Day Trip Set for November 3
October 24, 2010 On Wednesday, November 3 the Classics will tour Peppers Ranch -
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow a home to children, who through no fault of their own, have been
Scripture: Luke 18:9-14
the victims of abuse and neglect. Peppers Ranch provides shelter,
October 31, 2010 counseling, and growth-oriented activities, seeking to “break the cycle”
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow of child abuse and neglect. The creative, safe and nurturing environment
Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3
of the ranch allows physical and emotional wounds to heal and inspires
and equips children to reach their full potential. There have been many
improvements to the Peppers Ranch facility, so even if you have been
before you’ll want to take this tour to see all the new things happening!
The Chalice CONNECTION After our tour we will have lunch, and then at 2pm we will tour the
Shelley Regan, Editor
new $20 million dollar concert hall - Armstrong Auditorium.
[email protected]
Read News Online
@ Plan to meet at the church at 10am on the 3rd to travel together. Please
Submit Articles to call Winnie Hall at 341-4297 to make your reservation.
[email protected]

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