Connection: Celebrating With A Different Kind of Gift
Connection: Celebrating With A Different Kind of Gift
Connection: Celebrating With A Different Kind of Gift
A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK
A new Sunday morning class geared need your assistance. Here are a few with this
toward our college students/young ways you can help. ministry in
adults began on Sunday, October 10. 1. Pass the word to those who might any way,
Kevin and Sally Leonard, as well as be interested in being a part of this please let
some of our college students, will be class and encourage them to attend. us know.
offering leadership for this class. Cur- 2. If you have a college student and/ We would
rently they are meeting in the Fellow- or young adult you would like to have like to
ship Hall at 10:00 a.m., with plans to placed on our e-mail list, please send build a
move to room 208 within the next few their name and e-mail address to network of
weeks. Greg at [email protected] adults who are willing to share in the
To help us in this endeavor, we 3. If you are interested in helping leadership of this important ministry.
“Star of Wonder”
A Kid’s Christmas MINISTRY First Christian Church
of Edmond, OK
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