Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Of St. John's in Pine Meadow
Keeping in touch
Being a sort of old-age techie, I use Facebook It takes time, effort, and a willingness to be
as a way of keeping in touch with people. I started open to get to know one another.
out wanting to keep in touch with young people in The time and effort come first in worshipping
the parish who were off to college, as well as with together, then in taking part in other activities.
nieces and grandson. Then lots of my contempo- Coffee hour can be one time for us to visit and
raries started using it, and now I’ve reconnected learn a little bit more about one another. Taking
with high school classmates, people I worked with part in some of the activities of the parish is an-
in the 70’s, etc., etc, etc. other. I’ve heard some good conversations while
It’s good to stay aware of what’s going on people were painting the church or cleaning the
with friends and with groups we belong to. How- garden, not to mention enjoying a concert on a
ever, in our busy lives which go in many different spring afternoon. The Funraising efforts are in-
directions it’s a challenge to keep everybody tended to bring us together as a community, as
equally informed. This newsletter is one commu- well as to raise funds for the parish budget.
nication that goes to everybody in the parish. The We tend to think of summer as a time when
weekly bulletin and announcements reach those less is happening in the church, so we don’t need
who are in church. The weekly email alerts those to be there. However, with fewer planned activi-
who use the internet regularly. And the recently ties may come a better chance to take time to have
updated website (www.reddoors.com) is a way to conversation with one another. The single service
reach people who may be thinking about joining at 9 in July and August means there is also one
us, as well as supplementing other communica- coffee hour. People who may go to different ser-
tions with additional pictures, schedules, newslet- vices for the rest of the year have a chance to
ters, etc. catch up or to begin to know one another.
All of these ways of staying in touch are as In our baptisms we promise to do all in our
good as the effort we expend to use them. How- power to support one another in our lives in
ever, they still fairly superficial. They are good at Christ. Taking time to get to know one another is
helping us know “what’s going on” and “when the beginning of keeping that promise. It’s a good
things are happening.” They really don’t help summer ministry.
much with “who we are” and “what we care Blessings & Peace,
about.” At this week’s Vestry meeting we dis-
cussed how little we may know about one another,
even after attending the same church, maybe even
serving on the same committee, for years .
Bits & Pieces
HOW WE’RE DOING SO FAR Prayer Requests— Requests are handled confi-
dentially through the Rector. Prayers will continue
APRIL 2010 RESULTS for a month unless other time periods are specified.
Operating Income $ 35,659* You may fill out a prayer request form or call the
Operating Expenses $ 21,069 rector at 693-1851.
Year To Date Wednesday Evening Services—Please join us at
Operating Income $ 70,092* 7:30 PM for a quiet service offering time for reflec-
Operating Expenses $ 75,889 tion and prayer. Anointing for healing of mind,
body & spirit is offered following communion.
*Includes $15,000 withdrawn from investments during
April for operating expenses.
Congratulations—Brian Phillips & Alan Welch
were selected for both the All-State Band and the
Please remember to keep your pledge current during the
All New England Band.
summer months. We will still have bills to pay, and we
want to minimize withdrawals from the endowment.
Diane Hayes, Treasurer
Farmers’ Market on the Green Help for the Food Banks
Food Lists in Narthex
At the FUNRAISING-sponsored coffee hour on
May16th, the committee members were inspired by Last year we contributed 60 bags of groceries to the
the enthusiasm and support for our parish. Many local food banks. Some of the food was brought in
people signed up to man St. John's booth at the by parishioners and some came from asking shoppers
New Hartford Farmers’ Market from 4-7 PM on at grocery stores to donate one or more items.
June 4, July 9, August 6, September 3 & October 1,
as well as donate handmade items such as: baked We’ll have lists in the narthex with suggestions.
goods, jams, beaded necklaces, bracelets, pillows, We’d also like adults to supplement the work of the
scarves, cocktail napkins, baby quilts, homegrown youth group in asking for help at the grocery stores
flowers and vegetables. You can help us offset St. on June 5. Contact the rector to help.
John's budget deficit and support community pro-
jects. We welcome your donations of time and
goods! Please contact Nancy Linton (489-8506) or
Sue Hall (379-1943).
An Easy Way to Help
Opportunity to Help When you buy shopping/gift cards through St.
John’s, you are making a contribution that does not
On Sunday, June 13th after the 10:00 a.m. service, cost you financially. It may take a little planning.
we need help moving file boxes and small furniture Orders are taken the 1st and 3rd Sundays, and
pieces from the existing office building into the at- cards are delivered on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.
tached garage. Office and storage space in the for- Order folds are available in the narthex and can be
mer Licia House will be rented during construction placed in the lockbox at any time.
of the addition. Please contact John Gargiulo (379-
1544) or Rose Osborne (379-5535) to volunteer.
Coffee Hour Hosts
10:00 a.m. Service
Help us welcome visitors and newcomers. Prepa-
ration instructions are posted. Coffee supplies
other than cream are available in the kitchen. Special Thanks to all the volunteers who
Baked goods are terrific, but not always necessary. helped with the Spring clean-up of the Gill Gar-
den—Barbara Henri, Gordon Ross, Blake Hall,
A sign-up sheet is Susie & Gray Horn, John & Reid Gargiulo, Ann
posted in the parish Atwood, Ruth Grobe, Austin Marek, Peter &
hall. There are open- Maggie Stull, Alan Lawson.
ings during June. Many Thanks from the church school staff to
all the parents for their support this year. Special
thanks to the following church school teachers
Coffee hour is hosted during July
who have devoted so much time and energy this
& August by the greeters at the 9:00 a.m. service.
past year: Pre K-K class--Joe Kenney & Jill
Healey; First & Second Grade—Beth Coates &
Sue Bremer; Third & Fourth Grade—Krista War-
ren & Cheryl Maust; Fifth & Sixth Grade—Kevin
Case & Mark Warren.
The concert for Haiti was wonderful. Special thanks
go to Brian Phillips, Luke Alibozek, and Mimi
Harden for bringing the event together. Gill Memorial Garden
Summer Schedule
The Youth Group will host coffee hour on June 13.
Help from youth and their families will be greatly Week Beginning May 31
appreciated as we honor graduating seniors. Bobbie Krohner
Week Beginning June 7
We are working on a date to celebrate all the hard Judy Jones & Barbara Douglass
work and fun times we’ve enjoyed this year.
Week Beginning June 14
John Gargiulo
Awards ceremony and signing the Lord's Prayer for the congregation during the 10 AM Service.
Interested in teaching Sunday school next year? Think about sharing a class with another teacher and vol-
unteer every other week. Contact Debi Althen 860-379-9079 or [email protected] if interested.
P. O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
Phone: 860 379-3062
7:30 pm
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM 7:30 PM
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Holy Eucharist Kimberly & Jim Holy Eucharist Diane & Guy
8 & 10 AM Grustas 7:30 PM Hayes
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Holy Eucharist Leah & Larry Holy Eucharist Susie & Gray Betty & Henry
8 & 10 AM Alibozek 7:30 PM Horn Castonguay
Peter’s Retreat
27 28 29 30
Holy Eucharist Vestry 7:00 PM Holy Eucharist
8 & 10 AM 7:30 PM
Ann & Robert
Nancy & Jeff