Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
May 7, 2009
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Disciples Women’s Ministry
“The birds begin to sing – the flowers start their blooming” Those
words seem to express the joy we feel this time of year – the dark
time is past, Christ is risen, and the world is renewing itself once again!
Here at FCC, we are gearing up for the good times and new beginnings ahead. The
nominating committees are meeting, the VBS help flyers are being circulated, and
the Disciples’ women are gearing up with some great May events.
While you have that calendar out, you may want to pencil in our June 28th lunch-
eon. This will be our installation of new officers, and Linda Huston will be our In-
stalling Officer. Come help us welcome some new leaders to the Board.
So many great things are happening as we, as disciples’ women share this special
ministry. There is so much that can be done, and we are a part of a larger group of
regional workers, with the same goals – serving our Lord. If you go on the FCC
website, and click on the “regional” tab, you will find a calendar of events through
our region that affect you as a Disciple’s Woman. It is certainly worth checking out!
Just in case you didn’t recognize the song at the beginning of this article – it ends
“That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it
You want to sing, it’s fresh like spring, you want to Pass it On.”
Thank you
Doug Crawford Lee Sebaugh Andrea Whobrey Gene Wiehe Doris Wilson
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Ed Shroyer has been well enough to be in worship, but continues to have
discomfort connected to dialysis treatment.
Delores Koontz continues to have good and not so good days in her struggle with respira-
tory disease.
Julie Vernon asks for prayer as she recovers from surgery related to Crohn’s Disease.
Julie is a former choir director for our church who now lives in Springfield, Illinois.
Shirley Bill asks for prayer on behalf of two cousins: Carolyn Schmidt, who has liver can-
cer, and Mary Ellen Crabtree, who has breast cancer.
Carole Jones’s 17 year old granddaughter, Cassandra, is home from the hospital, but still
under observation for symptoms of her congenital tumor-generating disease.
Marilyn Roehl asks prayers for her brother, Don, who will be having surgery for a cancer-
ous growth on his lung.
Anne Beecher asks for continued prayers for her brother, Brett, who must live with the
symptoms of a non-malignant mass in his inner ear.
Carol Wilk’s father, Jim Baker, has had a second surgery to re-implant a heart defibrillator,
and is doing well.
Gene & Doreen Jackson will be on vacation starting June 15th. If you can help tend to the
church roses while they are gone, please contact the church office.
Please continue to pray for the work of our church’s Mission Discernment Group, the Fi-
nance Committee, and the Nominating Committee.
8:30 and 10:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
3 4 5 6
10 11 12 13
Youth Adventure 12:00 Disciple Women Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Cho
CYF 12:00 7:00 Cabinet 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p
17 18 19 20
24 25 26 27
Youth Sunday
Women’s Lunch
12:00 Page 6
sday Friday Saturday
1 2
May Birthday’s
Doug Crawford (5)
Melanie Emmen (8)
Shirley Brummett (8)
Haley Crawford (9)
7 8 9 Camelia Olloque (12)
Carole Jones (16)
Melissa Bell (16)
Bj Chamberlain (17)
Hope Ryan Rogers (17)
p.m. Samantha Fender (20)
Shirley Fender (23)
James Johnston (23)
Betty Sleeth (24)
14 15 16 Clifford Marvin (24)
Ed Shroyer (24)
Jacob Gonzalez (25)
Gabrielle Carmona (26)
oir Robert Reeley (29)
Family Night William Dieker (29)
Mabel Simmons (31)
21 22 23
28 29 30
oir Bob & Mary Ann Swartzlander (1)
p.m. Gene & Doreen Jackson (1)
Ed & Kathy Shroyer (6)
Rich & Kathi Koontz (6)
Russell & Lynne Lear (20)
Aaron & Cynthia Fried (21)
John & Phyllis King (23)
Al & Samantha Lubrani (25)
Larry & Peggy Campbell (25)
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Education Notes & News
Youth Sunday
On Sunday May 31st, our youth will be sharing of themselves with their church family. This
will be a morning that our young people will be leading both services. Both groups have al-
ready started preparing for this special morning and they hope that you will come and join
them. Parents check your calendars and let me know if your youth will be available.
“How great is the love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of
God!” 1 John 3:1
As Son Rock Campers you will learn how your life can be transformed by God’s great love
for you. Registration forms will be arriving soon.
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Youth Adventure has adopted a missionary family through Global Ministries. Our family is
Anil and Teresa Henry and they are in Mungeli India (Southern Asia). They have 3 children -
a daughter Ankita who is 16 and twin boys Abhisher and Abhijeet that have just turned 11 on
April 20th. Anil is a doctor and Teresa is an anesthesiologist appointed to serve a four-year
term with the Synodical Board of Health Services of the Church of North India. This is a
joint appointment by the Common Global Ministries Board of the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ.
Please look up on the internet with your child to learn more about the Henry family at:
I will be sending a letter to the Henry family made up of information and questions by our
Youth Adventure children. I don't have an email address for them so it will take time to re-
ceive a response due to snail mail.
Once our children become familiar with the Henry's, we will introduce our church family to
Ryan Rogers gave his confession of faith almost two years ago, on Dick Talley’s last Sunday
as pastor, and he was baptized on April 26, during 8:30 Worship. Ryan works in the aero-
space industry, and he is an avid fisherman. He and his extended family have been a part of
First Christian Church for several years—he now joins wife Kelly and sons Dylan and Eli as a
baptized member.
Please add the following information for new member Paul Hextall to your directories:
Paul Hextall
936 Paseo La Cresta
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
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Upcoming Sermons
May 10 – “Wives’ Tales” (Luke 24:1-11)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ was met with joy and amazement—and also fear and disbe-
lief. The first witnesses were women, who, Luke tells us, were not believed. As we ob-
serve Mothers’ Day, what might the resurrection mean, not just for us as individuals, but for
our collective salvation?
Sermons on line
Those wishing to listen to past sermons, or our Easter cantata, can access them on our
church website ( by clicking on Worship Media, and then the title or
date of the sermon. Dates are listed by year, month and day—for example, April 26, 2009
is 20090426.
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“Jesus asked them, ‘But who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered him, ‘You are
the Christ, the Son of the living God.’” (Matthew 16:15-16)
Most Sundays, we note in some fashion that our church does not require any doctrinal
tests of faith—rather, we come together to offer a common confession—we bear wit-
ness to the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ. And we use a simple,
biblical phrase—“The Good Confession”—to articulate that relationship.
A couple of you have inquired about a recent change in the way we say the Confes-
sion—we’ve removed the line “with all my heart” from “I believe with all my heart
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” The quick answer is that the sim-
pler confession is closer to the biblical version. But from my point of view, that’s not
the full answer.
Certainly, it is good to aspire to whole-heartedness. “Blessed are the pure in heart…”
But honestly—please don’t be shocked!—on any given day, I don’t believe with “all
my heart.”
On some wonderful, exuberant days, I’m streaking along somewhere around 95% of
my heart. But many times, I’m probably closer to 70%. Mornings are often better
than afternoons, Sundays are almost always better than Mondays. But then there are
those days, rare but hard, where believing with any of my heart is a struggle. Perhaps
you have some of those days too?
Here’s the point: no matter how much of our heart we bring, we are always welcome at
the table—the symbolic table of worship, and the metaphorical altar of prayer. We’re
welcome not because of what we bring, but because of who God is. Blessed be the
God of grace and mercy!
Shalom, Steve
Home phone: 310-212-5950 email: [email protected]
(Disciples of Christ)
Chair - Doug Crawford
First Christian Church
Torrance, CA 90503
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