Research/Capstone Project Rubric

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Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
2 pts 3 pts 4 pts 5 pts
1.Title & Abstract Contradicting terms used in title. Title is Some errors exist in the title but could easily Title is well formatted, good and very clear. Exemplary, Well formulated title at an
5% misleading, cannot be well comprehended. be replaced. Title meets minimal Somewhat well- formulated Abstract. Clear expert level. Exemplary, Well formulated
Abstract is confusing, several key requirements. Abstract is not well- introductory sentence(s) that guides the abstract. Includes all components needed
components were missing. formulated. reader to the problem statement and the for an ideal work. All formatted at an expert
clinical/scientific significance. level.
2.Problem,Background Evidence presented does not support the Fairly posed statement of the problem that Well posed statement of the problem that Very clearly posed statement of the problem
& Significance project or problem statement. Major is somewhat unique. provides evidence but the evidence is not as and supported with high quality (strong)
10 % portions of the background information is Some important background information is strong as it could be. Background is evidence.
lacking; Cannot be sure how the intent of missing; It has potentials for improving somewhat clear and concise. The intent of Excellent background information given.
this project is going to make a difference. current practice, enhancing knowledge, or the project alludes to improving current Ample current Evidence/ statistics
making a positive difference in the field. practice. Some current evidence presented presented to support potentials to improve
to justify the significance and relevance of current practice; enhance knowledge and to
the topic. make positive social change.
3.Project Goals/Aims & The project goal was poorly stated and/or The project goal was incompletely stated The project goal was well stated and The project goal was exceptionally stated
Objectives not implemented in the study. Objectives and/or were not implemented within the implemented but not within the time lines. and definitely implemented within the time
5% were listed but were confusing. time lines. Objectives were not very clear; Objectives were clear. lines of the proposal. Clearly stated
Objective of the Project The intent of the project needs minor objective in an exemplary manner.
4.Literature Review Selects & discusses relevant & current Selects and discusses relevant and current Selects and discusses relevant and current Selects and discusses
5% research on a few of the obvious aspects of research on a few of the obvious aspects of research on most of the obvious aspects of relevant and current research on all
the topic. Logical sequencing missing and the topic. Logical sequencing missing. of the research topic in a logical and obvious aspects of the research topic in a
repetitious style detracts reader. Surface level review. interesting way. Sufficient in depth. logical and interesting way. Review in in-
Insufficient information provided to support depth and beyond the obvious.
the research topic.
5.Project Design Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
Design does not allow adequate test of Design is appropriate. Method is seriously Design is appropriate. Method provides Design is appropriate.
hypotheses. Method is seriously flawed. flawed. awkward, but doable implementation. Method provides practical way to
implement the design.
6.Methods Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
Major details missing from the methods; Some details may be missing in the Somewhat clear list of methods; Plan of Clear list of methods; Well described
There is a limited content of the collection methods sections, but a sensible methods action for collecting was displaying. It is methods containing all essential
of data. There is confusion as to how the were presented. Data collected can serve a clearly evident that the data collected information. All methods displayed
data were used to draw conclusions. purpose important to the project. serve a purpose important to the project. professionally throughout the entire
7.Findings Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
2.5 %
Report is incomplete and is not clear. Clarity of report needs improvement. All Report is generally clear and complete. All Reported clearly and is complete. All
finding were stated. Minor errors in table finding were well stated in an appropriate findings were presented in a pleasant and
and graph format. way and in a good format. exceptional format. graphs and tables were
attracting and professionally presented.
8.Analysis Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
Data is analyzed incorrectly. Data analysis has some errors or is Data analysis is clear and made correctly Data analysis is very clear and made
incomplete. with minor errors. correctly with no errors.
9.Discussion Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
Missing discussion of some major results in Some results were discussed in terms of Most results were discussed in terms of Results were well discussed in terms of
terms of hypotheses, theory, practical hypotheses, theory, practical implications, hypotheses, theory, practical implications, hypotheses, theory, practical implications,
implications, and future research. and future research. Discussion often lacks and future research. Discussion is usually and future research. Discussion is logical
Discussion lacks logic. logic. logical. all-through.
10.Conclusion/ Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
2.5 % Fails to include a statement that describes It is included but is unclear. It is included and is about 50% clear It is included and is 100% clear and
The last paragraph should what the sustainability project is trying to Does not include a clear statement of what and/or comprehensive. Includes a clear comprehensive.
be a thorough summary of accomplish. the sustainability project is trying to statement of what the sustainability project Includes a clear and well articulated
the points made within the accomplish. is trying to accomplish, but isn't articulated statement of what the sustainability project
essay. The points should well. is trying to accomplish.
once again be tied back to
the essay purpose. It
should end with a clear
purpose based on the
essay type, such as a "end
with a warning."
11.Formal- Structure - Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
7.5 % Paper demonstrates poor academic writing Paper demonstrates acceptable academic Paper demonstrates good academic writing Paper demonstrates solid academic writing
format is followed precisely skills. writing skills. The student can synthesize skills. skills.
and APA 6th ed. guidelines Poorly synthesizes material, makes material, make appropriate connections to Connections between relevant topics is The student expertly:
format is smoothly utilized inappropriate connections to other topics, other topics, Mostly clear, concise so that evident. Content is easy to understand. synthesizes material, makes several
in all areas. Title page, Ideas are fragmented so that it is hard to the content is understandable. Material is Material is well organized. Consistent connections between relevant topics. Ideas
headers, footers, and understand text. fairly well organized. Following the 6th ed. following of the 6th ed. APA. Minor APA are sequenced and logical so that the
Works cited page, margins, Poor or weak ability to express thoughts. APA Guidelines is observed. format issues content is easy to understand. Clear,
font, and line spacing all Material is poorly organized. Consistent concise Material is exceptionally organized.
correctly done. following of the 6th ed. APA Guidelines is APA format issues (3-5). Consistent with the 6th ed. APA
not observed. Major APA format issues Guidelines.
(more than 5).
12.Grammar/Spelling Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
All assignments are Major grammatical and spelling errors, Grammatical and spelling errors, not Writing mechanics, Writing mechanics,
expected to meet minimum very limited attention paid to detail. enough attention paid to details. Multiple word usage, grammar and word usage, grammar and spelling contain
standards for proper errors, but they do not substantially spelling contains few rare errors that do not effect the paper's
English. This means that distract from the content. errors that mostly do not effect the paper's content. Well organized and carefully
grammar, mechanics, content. edited.
punctuation, spelling and
sentence structure should
all be checked carefully by
the student prior to
submission. Spell check
and grammar check are
useful, but will not catch
13.Citation & Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
5% Many errors in citation. Citations and the Use of professional sources without a All sources cited and conform to APA All sources cited & conform to APA citation
Reference page may not match up, some thoughtful summary as to why the sources citation requirements with minor errors. requirements. Excellent reliability of
cited work isn’t found on the Reference are relevant or how they enter into writer's Reliability of professional sources. Use of professional sources. Follows APA format
page. Much of paper is copied from discussion/critique.The references are not source information within the paper is with the majority of references being peer
sources, no original work is evident. Many all from reliable sources. Few are peer effective and necessary. More than half of reviewed journals. The Reference page is
errors in the Reference page. most of the reviewed. APA format is followed. references all not peer reviewed, but are formatted correctly, per APA.
references are from unreliable sources, reputable and reliable sources. The
such as Wikipedia.
Reference page is formatted correctly, per
APA, although there may be minor errors.
14.Originality Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
All assignments are Much of the paper is copied from other Most sources cited but there are problems Raises important questions relevant to the Work reflect clear originality & expertise in
expected to reflect original sources, minimal original work is evident. with the APA citation requirements: with assigned topic, & answers them with writing reflecting uniqueness at a scholarly
thoughts and Direct quotations exceed 20%. Fails to incorrect information given either in the evidence from professional sources. Paper level. Less than 10% of similarity/direct
interpretations of the raise any important questions related to sentence or in the parenthetical references. clearly reflects write's work originality. quotations & are only used to raise
information. Direct the topic assigned. Direct quotations are between 15-20%. Similarity/direct quotations are between important questions relevant to the
quotations should be kept 10-15%. assigned topic.
to a minimum and used
only when they enhance
the message the student is
trying to convey. The topic
posed is only part of the
total. Does student find
interesting angles from
which to explore? All
assignments are expected
to reflect original thoughts
and interpretations of the
15.Length - Word count The length of the work exceed the Minor errors, about 10% more or less of Evidence of efforts made to meet the Exemplary, follow exact guidelines.
2.5 % guidelines by at least 25%. the length as per guidelines. guidelines.
16.Oral presentation No interest in presentation. Only mild enthusiasm, problems with Moderately enthusiastic, comprehensible, Enthusiastic, poised, comprehensible, can
10 % Little evidence of fluency. comprehensibility, cannot be heard very generally can be heard, and moderately be heard by all, interesting to audience.
Delivery, Fluency, Inaccuracies in grammar throughout. well, not very interesting to audience interesting Communicates confidently using Gets the idea across fully with little
Correctness Vocabulary, & Errors interfere with comprehensibility and Consistently uses simple structures, simple structures; Evidence of fluency hesitation; goes beyond the minimum.
Pronunciation force interpretation by the listener. vocabulary, etc. Some signs of fluency, but outweighs moments of uncertainty or Communicates with ease overall.
Mispronunciations force the listener to hesitant performance and/or excessively stumbling. Consistent accuracy with simple Expression was as grammatically accurate
interpret. simple language predominate. structures. Minor errors in grammar and as can be reasonably expected for this
Vocabulary was inadequate for this level. Minor errors with simple structures; usage. Vocabulary was generally level.
Pronunciation was generally appropriate, despite limitations. Pronunciation was accurate throughout,
comprehensible, with few errors but do not with good rhythm and intonation for this
interfere with communication. level.
Vocabulary tends to be simple. Few Knows and uses precise words for the
inaccuracies. situation.
17.Timelines Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
2.5 %
Length of Presentation More than 50% of the presentation allotted Entire presentation was exceeded 10 Entire presentation exceeded 5 minutes of Entire presentation was within the allotted
time was not used. minutes of allotted time. allotted time. time.
18.Accuracy & Major objectives are not identified. Barely touching on the relevant content, Correctly addressing the most critical All important objectives are identified.
Understanding Content Insufficient information. Not identifying poorly identifying and addressing a key content, identifying and addressing some of Exemplary understanding of the presented
2.5 % some key concept. Most of the points in the concept or main idea, not substantiating the key concepts or main ideas, issue(s) by thoroughly and correctly (1)
The student is able to Project Proposal were included in the oral points with relevant or accurate examples. substantiating some points with accurate addressing the relevant content,
demonstrate content report. Oral presentation does not reflect Only or two of the points in the Project examples. Most of the points in the Project (2)identifying and addressing the key
(factual) knowledge and understanding of the content. Proposal were missed in the oral report. Proposal were included in the oral report. concepts or main ideas,
understanding of material (3) substantiating points with several
addressed in question. accurate examples. All of the points in the
The oral presentation Project Proposal were included in the oral
includes all points listed in report. It was well presented in a proficient
the assignment. manner.
19.Scholarly Standards Substantial inaccuracies in use of the Doesn't fully address other viewpoints Writer's perspective Elaborates fully on clearly laying out a
5% references and understanding of the and/or doesn't clarify own views. Writer's is acceptable but not well sequentially successful path in professional sources. Has
content. Elaboration of evidence is perspective is acceptable, but not easy to formatted. Follow logical format. Good flow defined the concepts, discussed, and uses
insufficient or not understandable to follow. Attempts to follow logical format, but of paper that reflects writer's opinions clear and effective examples. Answers the
the reader. Does not follow in a logical wonders from one concept to another supported by evidenced-based reports. questions: All opinions supported by clear
format. Does not convey organized without clear flow or Does not address 1 -2 of the questions. evidences. Reflect a clear scholarly work.
thoughts. Does not address most rational. Thoughts are not well organized.
questions. Does not address 3 or more of questions.
20.Overall Impression Project description is there but is confusing; Project is somewhat clearly described. The Clearly described project; The project is Excellent; Solid evidence of its significance
5% not quite sure what issue is being project ties directly to a current or relevant directly tied to a current and relevant issue, to cause a positive social change.
Overall Impression about addressed; not quite sure what the project issue related to the topic, however there gap, or flaw that exists in the field of
the Project is designed to do. No clear evidence of its may be some confusion about the knowledge surrounding the topic. The
significance to cause a positive social reasonableness of carrying out such a project makes sense and seems
change. project. manageable and reasonable to carry out.
Total Score Poor; Below Expectations Meets Minimal Expectations Proficient; Good Exemplary; Excellent
100 %
40/100 - 40% 60/100 - 60% 80/100 - 80% 10/100 - 100%

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