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Rubric for Report Writing (Weightage: 20%)

Good Fair Poor

No. Criteria Mark(s)
3 2 1
1. TITLE Titleisinformative, Titleisrelevant,offering Titlelacksrelevanceor
succinct,andoffer detailsabouttheproject. failstooffer
sufficientlyspecificdetails appropriatedetails
abouttheproject. abouttheproject.
2. PROJECTDESCRIPTION& Clearlydescribed; Somewhatclearly Veryconfusing;
PROBLEMSTATEMENT Theprojectisdirectlytied described; Notquitesurewhat
toacurrentandrelevant Theprojecttiesdirectly issueisbeing
issue,gap,orflawthat toacurrentorrelevant addressed;notquite
existsinthefieldof issuerelatedtothetopic, surewhattheprojectis
knowledgesurrounding howevertheremaybe designedtodo.
thetopic.Theproject someconfusionabout
makessenseandseems thereasonablenessof
manageableand carryingoutsucha
reasonabletocarryout. project.
3. OBJECTIVES Clearlystatedobjective; Objectiveissomewhat Objectiveislistedbutit
Theintentoftheprojectis clear;Theintentofthe isconfusing;
clearlytoimprovecurrent projectalludesto Cannotbesurehowthe
practice;enhance improvecurrentpractice, intentofthisprojectis
knowledge;ortomakea enhancingknowledge,or goingtomakea
positivedifferenceinthe makingapositive difference.
field. differenceinthefield.

4. METHODS Clearlistofmethods;well Somewhatclearlistof Somemajordetailsmay

describedplancontaining methods; bemissinginthe
allessentialinformationto Thereisaplanofaction; methodssections,buta
showcasethesteps theplancontainsmostof limited,yetsensible,
plannedforcarryingout theinformationto planispresented.
theproject(e.g.resources, showcasethesteps
materials,5w's,project plannedforcarryingout
steps,methodsfor theproject.
5. RESULTS&ANALYSIS ALLresultsinthereport MOSToftheresultsin Showingonlyresults
areaccompaniedby thereportare withoutanyanalysis
analysisandreasoningof accompaniedbyanalysis
theresults andreasoningofthe
6. REFERENCES Excellentandappropriate Adequateresourcesare Insufficientlistof
resourcesarelisted; listed;consistentAPA resources;someerrors
consistentIEEEformatting; formatting;510 inAPAformatting;less
atleast10resourcesare resourcesarelisted. than5resourceslisted.
7. GRAMMAR&SPELLING 12spellingand Somespellingand Grammaticaland
grammaticalerrors.Well grammarerrors(35). spellingerrors(510),
organizedandcarefully notenoughattention
edited. paidtodetails.
Total Marks / 21x20%
Rubric for Oral Presentation (Weightage: 20%)

Good Fair Poor

No. Criteria Mark(s)
3 2 1
1. TOPIC Deliver the presentation Deliver the presentation Deliver the presentation
UNDERSTANDING with: with any THREE of the with ONE of the
- Very well organized following: following:
ideas - Well organized ideas - Well organized ideas
-Very clear and precise -Very clear explanation -Very clear explanation
explanation using simple using simple sentences using simple sentences
sentences -Good technical -Good technical
-Very good technical knowledge knowledge
knowledge -Ability to explain the -Ability to explain the
-Ability to explain the subject material from subject material from
subject material from different perspective different perspective
different perspective

2. PRESENTATION STYLE Deliver the presentation Deliver the presentation Deliver the presentation
with: with any THREE of the with ONE of the
-Very good fluency in followings: followings:
English -Very good fluency in -Very good fluency in
-Proper attire English English
-Very good -Proper attire -Proper attire
communication skills (loud -Very good -Very good
& clear) communication skills communication skills
-Very well prepared and (loud & clear) (loud & clear)
relaxed -Very well prepared and -Very well prepared and
relaxed relaxed

3. PARTICIPATION All members actively All members moderately Some are dominant
cooperating in the team cooperating in the team while others are passive
in the team
4. SELF CONFIDENCE -Extremely confident -Confident -Reading from poster
-Full eye contact -Occasional eye contact -No eye contact
-With appropriate body -With a few body gesture -Shaky voice
gesture -No body gesture
5 ORGANIZING AND Informative, creative, Informative, creative but Less informative, less
MANAGING carefully prepared, less organized. It creative and less
organized and supported supported the organized. Only few
the presentation presentation effectively. things supported the
effectively. It added impact presentation.
and interest to the
6 Q & A SESSION Able to answer ALL Able to answer SOME Unable to answer ALL
questions: questions: questions.
-Precisely with clear -Precisely with clear
information in detail information in detail
-Without hesitant -Without hesitant
-Immediately -Immediately
-In different perspective -In different perspective

Total Marks
Rubric for Reasoning/FILA Table (Weightage: 10%)

Good Fair Poor

No. Criteria Mark(s)
3 2 1
1. FACTS The participant The participant is at The participant is
demonstrates full ease with expected uncomfortable with
knowledge (more than facts but fails to write information and is
required) by uncovering it clearly and concisely able to discover only
all facts with clear and rudimentary facts
concise descriptions
2. IDEAS The participant The participant is at The participant is
demonstrates full ease with expected uncomfortable with
understanding (more ideas but fails to information and is
than required) by elaborate able to generate only
generating all ideas superficial ideas
with explanations and
3. LEARNING ISSUES The participant The participant is at The participant is
demonstrates full ease with expected uncomfortable with
understanding (more learning issues, but information and is
than required) by listing fails to elaborate able to discover only
all learning issues with rudimentary learning
explanations and issues.
4. ACTION PLAN The participant The participant is at The participant is
demonstrates full ease with the listed uncomfortable with
understanding (more learning issues and the listed learning
than required) of all able to list the issues and unable to
learning issues and able practical action plan, list and elaborate the
to list the most practical but fails to elaborate. practical action plan
action plan with
explanations and
Total Marks
Rubric for Creativity and Design (Weightage: 10% + 30%)

Good Fair Poor

No. Criteria Mark(s)
3 2 1
1. OPERATIONAL / All parts can be connected All parts can be Only some parts are
FUNCTIONAL and work perfectly. connected and only a few working.
parts are not working
2. FINAL DESIGN Very creative, innovative Less creative, less Less creative, less
and commercial oriented. innovative but innovative and not
commercial oriented. commercial oriented.
3. SCOPE FULFILLMENT 100% using recycled More than 50% but less Less than 50% using
materials than 100% using recycled recycled materials
4. EXTRA FEATURES Showing measurements at Showing measurements 1 No extra features
least 2 of the following: 2 of the following:
i. Speed i. Speed
ii. Torque ii. Torque
iii. Power/Efficiency iii. Power/Efficiency
iv. Voltage/Speed iv. Voltage/Speed
Regulation Regulation
5. ELECTROMAGNETIC Showing at least THREE Showing TWO of these Showing ONE of these
PRINCIPLES of these principles: principles: principles:
i. Electromagnetic action i. Electromagnetic i. Electromagnetic
ii. Transformer action action action
iii. Motor action ii. Transformer action ii. Transformer action
iv. Generator action iii. Motor action iii. Motor action
iv. Generator action iv. Generator action
Total Marks
Rubric for Collaboration (Weightage: 10%)


4- Excellent 3- Good 2- Fair 1- Poor
Workload Did a full share of the Did an equal share of the Did almost as much work as Did less work than others;
workor more; knows what work; does work when others; seldom asks for help. doesnt get caught up after
needs to be done and does it; asked; works hard most of absence; doesnt ask for
volunteers to help others. the time. help.
Communication Group member shared many Group member freely Group member shared ideas Group member did not share
/Participation in ideas related to the goals, shared ideas, listened to when encouraged, allowed ideas, watched but did not
Discussions encouraged all group others and considered sharing by all group contribute to discussions
members to share their other people's feelings and members, listened to others and did not show
ideas, listened attentively to ideas. and considered other consideration for others.
others and empathetic to people's feelings and ideas.
other people's feelings and
Total marks

/ 8X10%

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