Rubric Popbl
Rubric Popbl
Rubric Popbl
2. PRESENTATION STYLE Deliver the presentation Deliver the presentation Deliver the presentation
with: with any THREE of the with ONE of the
-Very good fluency in followings: followings:
English -Very good fluency in -Very good fluency in
-Proper attire English English
-Very good -Proper attire -Proper attire
communication skills (loud -Very good -Very good
& clear) communication skills communication skills
-Very well prepared and (loud & clear) (loud & clear)
relaxed -Very well prepared and -Very well prepared and
relaxed relaxed
3. PARTICIPATION All members actively All members moderately Some are dominant
cooperating in the team cooperating in the team while others are passive
in the team
4. SELF CONFIDENCE -Extremely confident -Confident -Reading from poster
-Full eye contact -Occasional eye contact -No eye contact
-With appropriate body -With a few body gesture -Shaky voice
gesture -No body gesture
5 ORGANIZING AND Informative, creative, Informative, creative but Less informative, less
MANAGING carefully prepared, less organized. It creative and less
organized and supported supported the organized. Only few
the presentation presentation effectively. things supported the
effectively. It added impact presentation.
and interest to the
6 Q & A SESSION Able to answer ALL Able to answer SOME Unable to answer ALL
questions: questions: questions.
-Precisely with clear -Precisely with clear
information in detail information in detail
-Without hesitant -Without hesitant
-Immediately -Immediately
-In different perspective -In different perspective
Total Marks
Rubric for Reasoning/FILA Table (Weightage: 10%)
/ 8X10%