Stephen P. Vrla Objective: Helping Young People Become Environmentally Literate and Socially Conscious Citizens Is My
Stephen P. Vrla Objective: Helping Young People Become Environmentally Literate and Socially Conscious Citizens Is My
Stephen P. Vrla Objective: Helping Young People Become Environmentally Literate and Socially Conscious Citizens Is My
VRLA | (602) 999-8447
Objective: Helping young people become environmentally literate and socially conscious citizens is my
calling, and I believe I am best suited to pursue that calling as an environmental science or social studies
teacher at an independent secondary school.
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Dual Major Ph.D. in Sociology and Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education May 2019 (expected)
Specializations: Environmental Science & Policy and Animal Studies
Certifications: Certification in College Teaching
Dissertation: Giving Voice to the Voiceless: The Theory and Practice of Multispecies Deliberative Democracy and
Deliberative Democratic Education
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Instructor and Graduate Teaching Assistant 2014 – present
Developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on sociology, social justice education,
and classroom management
Leading discussion sections in undergraduate courses on sociology, quantitative research methods,
environmental studies, animal studies, and other topics
Mentoring undergraduate and early graduate students in sociology and animal studies programs