Test Configurations
Test Configurations
Test Configurations
B250 KIT • IDTM AASHTO TP31 B220-01 KIT Manual DTS-16 B250-03 Asphalt proving ring
Indirect Tensile Modulus Resilient modulus of bituminous with Climatic chamber (B221) B250-04 100 mm diameter PVC
Comprises: mixtures by indirect tension B220-02 KIT Motorized specimen
B250-01 Basic IDT Jig ASTM D4123 DTS-16 with Climatic chamber B250-05 150 mm diameter PVC
B250-08 Yoke Indirect Tension Test for (B221) specimen
Resilient Modulus of Bituminous B230 DTS-30 with Climatic
B250-09 Assembly for B250 KIT Mixtures B250-06 KIT Torque screwdriver
chamber (B231 or B232) (B250-13) with hexagonal head
B290-01 LVDT (0.2 mm) AS/NZS 2891.13.1
(2 pieces) B240 DTS-130 with Climatic 4 mm (B250-14)
Resilient modulus of asphalt - chamber (B231 or B232)
Indirect tensile method
EN 12697-26
Annex C - Indirect tension to
cylindrical specimens (IT-CY)
B251 KIT • IDTF EN 12697-24 B220-01 KIT Manual B251-51 Pair of LVDT
Indirect Tensile Fatigue Annex E – Indirect tensile DTS-16 with Climatic chamber mounting strip to suit 100 mm
Comprises: test on cylindrical shaped (B221) specimen (needed accessory)
B250-01 Basic IDT Jig specimens B220-02 KIT Motorized And/or
B290-03 LVDT, double ball DTS-16 with Climatic chamber B251-52 Pair of LVDT
ended (3.75 mm) (2 pieces) (B221) mounting strip to suit 150 mm
B251-01 LVDT mounting strip B230 DTS-30 with Climatic specimen (needed accessory)
gluing jig chamber (B231 or B232) B201-52 5 Minute, two
B240 DTS-130 with Climatic part epoxy 24 ml
chamber (B231 or B232)
B253 KIT • IDTOS ASTM D7369 B220-01 KIT Manual B253-53 Gauge point
Indirect Tensile modulus, creep Resilient Modulus of Bitumi- DTS-16 with Climatic chamber (24 needed pieces)
compliance and strength using nous (B221) B201-52 5 Minute, two part
on-specimen transducers Mixtures by Indirect Tension B220-02 KIT Motorized epoxy 24 ml
Comprises: Test DTS-16 with Climatic chamber
B250-01 Basic IDT Jig AASHTO T 322 (B221)
B253-01 AASHTO T322 LVDT Creep Compliance and Strength B230 DTS-30 with Climatic
mounting Jig of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) Using chamber (B231 or B232)
the Indirect Tensile Test Device
B290-04 Miniature LVDT B240 DTS-130 with Climatic
(1 mm) (4 pieces) chamber (B231 or B232)
B253-02 AASHTO T322
gauge point template (100 mm
B253-03 AASHTO T322
gauge point template (150 mm
B261 KIT • PD AS/NZS 2891.12.1 B220-01 KIT Manual DTS-16 B260-04 150 mm top platen
Permanent deformation Determination of the with Climatic chamber
Comprises: permanent compressive strain (B221)
B260-01 Base assembly characteristics of asphalt - B220-02 KIT Motorized
Dynamic creep test DTS-16 with Climatic chamber
B260-03 100 mm top platen B261 KIT
B290-02 LVDT (10 mm)
(2 pieces) B230 DTS-30 with Climatic
chamber (B231 or B232)
B240 DTS-130 with Climatic
chamber (B231 or B232)
B262 KIT
B255 KIT • E* AASHTO T342 B230 DTS-30 with Climatic B202 Gauge Point Fixing Jig
Dynamic modulus Determining Dynamic Modulus of chamber (B231 or B232) B203 Dynamic Verification
Comprises: Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) B240 DTS-130 with Climatic Device
B200-02 105 mm bottom chamber (B231 or B232) B253-53 AASHTO T342 gauge
loading platen point
B200-03 105 mm top loading B201-52 5 Minute, two part
platen epoxy 24 ml
B253-04 AASHTO T342 LVDT
mounting jig (3 pieces)
B290-06 LVDT (1 mm)
(3 pieces)
B253-05 Screwdriver hex bit
with spherical head size 2 mm
B271 KIT • CCT EN 12697-25 B220-01 KIT Manual B290-02 Displacement transducer
Cyclic triaxial compression Cyclic compression. DTS-16 with Climatic cham- (10 mm) (2 pieces needed)
Comprises: Test Method B - Triaxial cyclic ber (B221) B270-04 Air reservoir assembly
B270-01 Triaxial cell, ompression test B220-02 KIT Motorized confining pressure upgrade kit
suitable for 100 mm dia., up to 200 DTS-16 with Climatic cham- (needed accessory for DTS-16)
mm height specimens ber (B221) or
B270-02 Triaxial cell external LVDT B230 DTS-30 with Climatic B270-03 Air reservoir assembly
mounting jig chamber (B231 or B232) with confining pressure control
(needed accessory for DTS-30/130)
B293-02 Pressure transducer B240 DTS-130 with Climatic
(± 600 kPa) chamber (B231 or B232) Requires pressurized air, minimum
7 bar (not included)
B270-06 110 mm diameter top
loading platen for EN 12697-25B
B270-15 110 mm diameter base
pedestal for 100 mm height specimen
B272 KIT • TRM AASHTO T307 B220-01 KIT Manual B290-02 Displacement transducer
Triaxial resilient modulus Determining the resilient DTS-16 with Climatic cham- (10 mm) (2 pieces needed)
Comprises: modulus of soils and ber (B221) B270-04 Air reservoir assembly
B270-01 Triaxial cell, suit able for aggregate materials B220-02 KIT Motorized confining pressure upgrade kit
100 mm dia., up to 200 mm height DTS-16 with Climatic cham- (needed accessory for DTS-16)
specimens ber (B221) or
B270-02 Triaxial cell external B230 DTS-30 with Climatic B270-03 Air reservoir assembly
LVDT mounting jig chamber (B231 or B232) with confining pressure control
(needed accessory for DTS-30/130)
B293-02 Pressure transducer B240 DTS-130 with Climatic
(± 600 kPa) chamber (B231 or B232) Requires pressurized air, minimum
7 bar (not included)
S315-07 100 mm diameter
bott om platen
S314-03 100 mm diameter top platen
B254 KIT • SCB EN 12697-44 B220-01 KIT Manual B250-01 Basic Indirect Tensile Jig
Semi-Circular Bending Tensile Strength and Fracture DTS-16 with Climatic cham- (needed accessory)
Comprises: Toughness-Crack Propagation ber (B221) B290-07 Deformation gauge
B254-01 SCB jig B220-02 KIT Motorized B290-02 Displacement transducer
B254-51 Pair of SCB wear plates DTS-16 with Climatic cham- (10 mm) (2 optional pieces)
ber (B221)
B230 DTS-30 with Climatic
chamber (B231 or B232)
B240 DTS-130 with Climatic
chamber (B231 or B232)
B282 KIT • TSRST AASHTO TP10 B230 DTS-30 with Climatic B290-09 Displacement transducer
Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Thermal Stress Restrained chamber (B232) (5 mm) (2 pieces needed)
Test Specimen Tensile Strength B240 DTS-130 with Climatic B261-01 B230/B240 tension base
Comprises: EN 12697-46 chamber (B232) (needed accessory for DTS30/130)
B282-01 TSRST Temp. Transducer Low Temperature Cracking and B282-08 TSRST specimen gluing
(-80°C to +80°C) (3 pieces) Properties by Uniaxial Tension jig (1 piece needed)
B282-02 Rod End (2 pieces) B201-52 5 minute, two part epoxy
B282-03 Clevis Yoke and Pin (2 pieces) 24 ml
B282-04 Platen (2 pieces)
B282-05 LVDT Holder (2 pieces)
B282-06 Invar Rod (250 mm long)
(2 pieces)
B282-07 Multi tack adhesive squares
B264 KIT · DT EN 12697-26 B230 DTS-30 with Climatic B253-04 LVDT mounting
Direct tension testing kit Annex E - Test applying direct chamber (B232) (3 pieces needed) jig
Comprises: tension to cylindrical specimens B240 DTS-130 with Climatic B290-06 LVDT (1 mm)
B261-02 Spherical seat coupling (DT-CY) or to prismatic speci- chamber (B232) (3 pieces needed)
(2 pieces) mens (DT-PR)
B253-05 Screwdriver hex bit with
B261-03 100 mm tension platen Annex D - Direct tension-com- spherical head size 2 mm
(2 pieces) pression test on cylindrical
specimens (DTC-CY) B201-52 5 Minute, two part epoxy
24 ml
AASHTO TP 107-14
Standard Method of Test for B202 Gauge point fixing jig
Determining the Damage B253-53 Gauge Point (24 pieces)
Characteristic Curve of Asphalt B261-01 B230/B240 tension base
Mixtures from Direct Tension (needed accessory for DTS30/130)
Cyclic Fatigue Tests
B284-01 • DC(T) ASTM D7313-07a Determin- B230 DTS-30 with Climatic B290-12 Epsilon Clip-On gauge
Disk Shaped Compact Tension Test Kit ing fracture energy of asphalt chamber (B231 or B232) 12.5 mm (needed accesory)
aggregate mixtures using the B240 DTS-130 with Climatic or
disk-shaped compact tension chamber (B231 or B232) B290-07 Deformation gauge
geometry (needed accesory)
C090-18 Knife edge (Pack of 24)