Side by Side 1 PDF
Side by Side 1 PDF
Side by Side 1 PDF
Describing People
Objectives 3
English beginners with little or no experience.
make simple statements on personal details and very familiar topics;
manage very short, isolated, mainly pre-packaged utterances; and
search for expressions and articulate less familiar words independently,
albeit with much pausing.
“Be” verbs
Simple Present
Present Continuous Tense
Yes-No Questions with Do
English users who have basic knowledge of grammar, structure, and know
some situational conversations.
relate basic information on familiar matters using simple terms;
make himself understood in very short utterances
use some simple structures correctly, but may systematically make basic
Regular Verbs—Simple Past Tense
Irregular Verbs—Simple Past Tense
Simple Future Tense
Leveling System
English users who have limited expression patterns but can conduct daily
conversations with ease.
relate comprehensibly the main points he/she wants to make;
link simple elements into a connected sequence to discuss familiar
subjects within his/her field of interest; and
use a general repertoire associated with more predictable situations.
Present Perfect Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Should/ have to/ ought to
English users who can use English expressions and conduct conversation
fluently using good grammar.
express points of view at length without noticeable strain;
interact on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest;
correct his/her communication errors independently.
Future Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Modals of Obligation
Used to
Leveling System
English users who can communicate in English confidently and have
mastered professional and business English.
show fluent, spontaneous expression in clear, well-structured
speech; and
give clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects with high
degree of accuracy and minimal errors.
Past Perfect Tense
Present perfect Continuous Tense
Subjunctive Mood
Mixed Conditionals
Adjective + Preposition Pairs
English users whose skills are the same as those of native speak-
ers’ skills.
convey finer shades of meaning precisely and naturally;
interact spontaneously and fluently; and
produce clear, smoothly-flowing, well-structured descriptions.
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Mixed Conditionals
Discourse Markers
Subjunctive Mood
Free Trial Lesson Flow
3-minute Warm-up
19-minute Textbook Teaching
3-minute Wrap-up
25-minute Lesson
3-minute Warm-up
SMILE! Hi! Good morning, Summer! Welcome
Start with an enthusiastic, lively to 51Talk English Online School. We
voice. are number 1 in China. I am Teacher
Make sure you make a video call. Bianca and I will be your teacher for
Project a light and positive impression. today. How are you?
Sit down properly.
Type down your name as you say it.
Ask the following questions one at a time. Pay attention to the student’s answer.
* Please make sure you give the student enough time to respond. Para-
phrase the student’s answer to verify your understanding.
Before we start our lesson, I would like
Tell the student that you will give you to know that I will give corrections
corrections during the lesson. when needed. Is it okay with you?
19-minute Textbook Teaching
Ensure a good transition from the
warm-up to the textbook teaching. You reserved “Kids English-
Proceed to the lesson that the stu- Side by Side 1, Describing
dent has chosen. Speak confidently People” am I right? Have you
as you confirm the lesson. opened the textbook?
Facilitate the discussion by asking Let’s go to the first part of our text-
questions that allow the student to book: Vocabulary Preview. Could
talk most of the time. Avoid discuss- you please read the first two words
ing irrelevant topics for the entire 20 on the list?
Lesson Material
Lesson Material
Lesson Material
Side by Side 1 Sample Dialogue
Teacher: I am beautiful and smart. Do you agree?
Student: Yes, teacher!
Teacher: Haha! What about you? Can you describe yourself for me, please?
Student: Well, I am thin and tall and am pretty.
Teacher: Nice start! You can improve that sentence though. You can say: Well, I am thin, tall and pretty.
Could you repeat that?
Student: Well, I am thin, tall and pretty.
Teacher: Great job! Are you smart, too?
Student: Yes, I am smart.
Teacher: I think so, too. What about the weather? Can you describe the weather today?
Student: It’s very hot today.
Teacher: Do you like this kind of weather?
Student: No. It’s too hot. I feel very uncomfortable. I want to go swimming.
Teacher: Perfect! We can now proceed to our textbook.
Teacher: Let’s talk about new words. Please read the words from number 1—4.
Student: Sure. Tall and short. Young and old. Heavy/ fat and thin. New and old.
Teacher: Great! Do you understand all the words you read?
Student: Yes. No problem.
Teacher: Good. Now, let’s go to the next number.
Teacher: Let’s use the new words that you learned as we practice answering yes or no questions.
Let’s read the sample dialogue. I will read letter A and you will read letter B. Are you ready?
Student: Yes, I am.
Teacher: Let’s start. Is Bob tall or short?
Student: He’s tall.
Teacher: Is Bill tall or short?
Student: He’s short.
Teacher: Good job. Who is taller?
Student: Bob is taller than Bill.
NOTE: You can ask more follow up questions for this type of student. You can talk about the pic-
tures by asking the student to describe them. Continue answering the activity until you reach
number 22. Don’t forget to give some corrections as you go along.
Side by Side 1 Dealing with other Stages
N T !
Your WRAP-UP should include:
3-minute Wrap-up
Go back to the lesson objectives as You did well during our lesson today!
you evaluate your student. Mention You were able to use the words in your
how the objectives were met during own sentences, and you were able to
pronounce them properly. I was really
the lesson.
impressed! We just need to work on
your grammar. I noticed that you were
Give specific feedback regarding using the present tense to talk about
your student’s performance during events in the past. In our future les-
the lesson. Tell the student his/her sons, we can practice the three main
estimated stage based on his/her tenses: past, present, future so you can
performance during the lesson. Use improve your sentences. Do you think
that would help?
the leveling system indicators
Join 51Talk and book my next lesson. I’ll be waiting for you, okay?
3-minute Wrap-up
Appendix Sample Spiels
From the way you answered the questions during the lesson, you were
able to express yourself quite well, using coherent sentences and ap-
propriate vocabulary. You paused a lot though. I think you need to be
more confident. You seem to have trouble with the /l/, /r/, and /v/
sounds, like English and overseas. In our next lesson, I can help you
improve your pronunciation.