Teaching English As A Foreign Language For Dummies - Info
Teaching English As A Foreign Language For Dummies - Info
Teaching English As A Foreign Language For Dummies - Info
lish courses.
I'm planning to teach English as a foreign language and this was my first choice
as a primer. It's complete and contains a vast amount of information, all of wh
ich is relevant. It is well-organised and clearly written by a master of her cra
ft. What surprised me was that there was so much on the business of teaching stu
dents of all ranges of ability. There is a lot of treatment of the teaching of g
rammar as well, and these parts are quite intense. Actually, I learned a lot abo
ut my own languages; for example, I didn't realise that there are twelve tenses
(plus four conditional moods) in English! My only criticism was that, when refer
ring to tenses, the writer spoke of the 'past perfect simple' tense, which confu
sed me because it is clear that the simple and perfect are separate tenses. In a
ddition, the process of converting it to Kindle format has lost some of the foot
note and sideline layout but that's not really important. Those points aside, it
contains links to good and useful resources and I found this book easy to read
and will keep it as a basic reference.
This book is well organized, well-written and simple enough without being condes
cending. It is definitely for TOTAL newbies in the field of ESL, those that don'
t even know what country they wish to teach in. It has details of several of the
different ESL countries, but also goes in depth on classroom management and tec
hniques for teaching reading-writing-listening-speaking. Overall a great intro f
or beginning teachers.
I bought this book because I work with someone who wanted to learn English bette
r. I offered to teach him, but cautioned him by stating, "Look, I'm not a teache
r, but I'll do my best to help you." The biggest challenge is explaining the atr
ocity known as written English... But this book does a fabulous job in giving so
me direction on where to start, and where to take it.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language For Dummies. Good information and instruc
tion in the book; easy to understand; applicable information in the book.