Portfolio Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan


1. Philosophy/ Broader Aims
I believe in empowering the voices of the youth, especially in a society where young voices
are often overlooked and the voices of people of color are ignored. In this first unit of the
speech elective I teach, students are building the foundational skills for effective
communication and public speaking. Learning and integrating these skills into their lives -
such as choice of words, tone, eye contact, and empathizing with their audience - will open
doors for them to be heard, seen, and make a difference in our world.

2. Standards *
Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, assessing
the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used.

3. Learning Objectives *
I can analyze a speech to determine HOW the speaker connects with his/her audience.
I can identify, interpret, and use the four elements of style appropriately when speaking.

4. Essential Questions
What does it mean to be an effective public speaker? What are the skills and qualities of an
effective speaker? How do I captivate the attention of my audience while speaking?


5. Assessments *

Informal​​ -
Students will be able to integrate their knowledge on the four elements of style (voice,
diction, syntax, and tone) to produce their own examples of each.

Formal​​ -
Students will be able to complete their warm up log at the beginning of class in order to
set a productive and focused tone for the rest of the period.
Students will be able to analyze Barack Obama’s Inaugural Speech in order to interpret the
four elements of style and explain its effects on the audience.
6. Instructional Resources and Materials *
Instructional resources and materials (including technology) used to engage students in learning. ​If technology is
used, be sure to indicate how it enhances the lesson.​

● Laptop: used to project daily agenda and show speech videos students will be
● Projector: displays daily agenda; very helpful for students who are visual learners
and students with IEPs/504s who need a visual to keep them focused
● Warm Up Log (students already have)
● 4 larger chart papers
● Sticky notes (4 per students)
● Analyzing Style handout
● Barack Obama Inaugural Speech transcript

7. Instructional Strategies/ Learning Tasks *

What teacher and students will be doing Points of evaluation
Introduction​: Introduction​:
Warm up (5 minutes total) Students complete a
Students will respond to the warm up prompt on their Warm daily warm up. At the
Up Log - Which component of speaking style do you want to end of the week, teacher
improve in? Voice, diction, syntax, or tone? What will you do collects their Warm Up
to improve in this area? (3 minutes) Logs and grades them
Students will share their responses with their table groups. based on completion.
Teacher will facilitate a short share out of student responses to While students are
warm up prompt. (2 minutes) completing the
bellringer, teacher will
Objective and Agenda (1 minute) circulate room to make
After the bellringer, teacher will introduce the bell ringer by sure students are on task
having a student read it aloud to the class. Teacher will then go and focused on the bell
through the agenda for the day. ringer. Teacher will also
jump in with one group
while they share out.

Lesson​: Lesson​:
1. Review of Elements Style (10 minutes ) 1. Teacher can gauge
a. Teacher will facilitate a quick discussion-based students
review of the four elements of style. Students learned understanding of
about the four elements the day before and will recall the four elements of
their learning from this lesson. style during the
quick review.
Teacher will hone in
on elements that
students aren’t quite
2. Style Gallery (25 minutes total) understanding.
a. Students will be given 4 post-its and will write down 2. Teacher will
examples of each element on them (1 post-it for circulate the room
voice, diction, syntax, and style). They will put their while students are
post-its on the respective chart paper around the writing examples on
room. (15 minutes) their post-its.

b. Students will walk around the ‘gallery’ and read Teacher will take
through each component of style’s chart paper. Four questions and assist
students will share at least 2 examples from each students who are
component. (10 minutes) struggling with a
specific component
of style.
teacher will read
through the chart
papers while
students are
walking around the
Closure​: gallery.
Exit Slip (5 minutes) Closure​:
Students will complete an exit slip by answering the prompt - Teacher will collect and
Which of the four elements of style do you understand best? read through their exit
Which of the four elements do you struggle with the most? slips. Based on the
What do you need to understand it better? feedback from students,
teacher can review a
specific element of style
many students are
struggling with for the
next lesson in order to
set them up for success
when they analyze the
four elements of style in
a speech.
8. Adaptations and Extensions
Instruction will be differentiated and modified based on students’ IEP’s and 504’s.
Teacher will prompt the use of a projected agenda to support students with specific
learning disabilities and other health impairments. Students will have a visual cue as to
what they are doing in class and are more likely to stay focused.
Additionally, teacher will circulate the room and check for on-task behaviors, specifically
for students with other health impairments.
Since students are able to work with their groups during the activities in class, those who
are finish faster than others can help those in their group.

9. References *
“​President Barack Obama's Full Inauguration Speech 2009.” ​The New York Times​.
Verderber, Rudolph F., et al. ​Essential Speech​. South- Western, 2011.

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