Bell Malerie - Pen Pal Unit Plan

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Date: 4/15/23
Teacher Candidate Name: Malerie Bell Grade: 4th

• Students can determine the differences between there/their/they’re.

Lesson Objectives • Students can take their own notes on a given topic.

Describe the focus Content/Subject Area: ELA/Writing (Basic Writing Skills)

area(s) for this lesson:
Topic: Learning Frequently Confused Words (There/their/they’re)

Primary standards • L.4.1g – Correctly use frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there,
addressed in this lesson their, they’re).
(can be cross-curricular) • W.4.8 – Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant
MI State Standards. information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize
Learning for Justice information, and provide a list of sources.
Teacher Actions: Anticipatory Set - Teacher: The teacher will pose a question that students must
quick research. This will be “Why do we have three types of there/their/they’re?”
Student Actions:
Students: Students must use the internet to find sources that help them answer this
Materials/Resources: question. Any information that they find relevant can be noted in their notebooks.
This will give students an idea of what the teacher will be teacher beforehand. This
can be done individually or in pairs!

Teacher: The teacher will ask students to share what they found and write down
some student ideas on the board.

Students: The teacher will call on students to share ideas. Students will listen to
classmates and contribute to the class discussion using what they found in their

Teacher: The teacher will provide an anchor chart to explain to students. This will
also be displayed in the classroom to assist students as needed. This can give
students tips for remembering the differences between their/there/they’re.

Students: Students will take any additional notes they want based on the
information on the anchor chart.
Teacher: As an exit ticket, students will complete a worksheet practicing
there/their/they’re. The teacher will be floating around the classroom to help
students if necessary. The teacher will be able to determine how much reviewing
and practicing to do in the next class period.

Students: The students will complete the worksheet as an exit ticket.

Teacher: As homework, students will be sent home with another worksheet for
additional practice outside of the classroom.

• Writer’s notebook
• Internet access for each student (can be pairs of students if needed)
• Anchor chart (created ahead of time)
• Fill-in the blank worksheet
• Additional worksheets if needed

List Scaffolded Students Below Grade Level: These students will work in a small group with a
Supports teacher or paraprofessional to complete the worksheet in class together. In addition,
(From HLPs and/or Essential the homework worksheet will also be completed together so the teacher or
Early Literacy Practices) paraprofessional is available to assist these students.
**Identify ONE possible
accommodation for a learner Students Above Grade Level: These students can be paired with students below
with special needs.
grade level to assist them with researching on the internet and help complete
worksheets. In addition, above grade level students could be challenged to write a
paragraph using examples of there/their/they’re.
• This lesson was planned with the intent to reintroduce students to the
Reflection on last differences between there/their/they’re. By allowing them to explore sources
session & rationale for ahead of time, they can collect information that may better stick with them
this lesson (use as they are learning the differences. A typical lesson given by the teacher did
evidence) not connect with the students as well, so this lesson gives students a new
way of learning the topic.
• These students enjoy using technology, so this gives them some freedom to
explore topics on their own. It also allows them to be creative and take their
own notes how they would like because this class has many independent
students who like completing tasks on their own.
Ways to integrate • Notes could be done online in a document
technology (EVEN if you • Online researching topics
are not implementing this • Links to worksheets to be sent home
technology in your session).
r/5.html) &
• Online games for practice (
Formative assessment • Exit Ticket: the worksheet will be completed as an exit ticket for the teacher
of learning outcomes: to manage student progress after the lesson.
• Homework worksheet: collect homework after it is complete to assess
students’ progress with the content.

Date: 4/17/23
Teacher Candidate Name: Malerie Bell Grade: 4th

• Students can explore various examples using their/there/they’re correctly in

Lesson Objectives different contexts.
• Students can contribute to class discussions using questions and evidence
from others.
Describe the focus Content/Subject Area: ELA/Writing (Basic Writing Skills)
area(s) for this lesson:
Topic: Reviewing Frequently Confused Words (There/their/they’re)

Primary standards • L.4.1g – Correctly use frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there,
addressed in this lesson their, they’re).
(can be cross-curricular) • SL.4.1c – Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up on
MI State Standards. information, and make comments that contribute to discussion and link to
Learning for Justice the remarks of others.
Teacher Actions: Anticipatory Set - Teacher: The teacher will conduct a read aloud activity with the
students using the book They’re There on Their Vacation by Brian P. Cleary. This
Student Actions: will let students know the learning objective for the day.

Materials/Resources: Students: Students will be actively listening and participating during the read aloud.
They will answer teacher given questions while engaging with the reading. Critical
thinking skills will be activated.

Teacher: A review video will be played for students to practice there/they’re/their.

The teacher must pause in between each question to allow discussion as a whole
class. Encourage students to use talking prompts such as, “I agree with your answer
because…” or “I have another answer to suggest because…” or “I chose ____ as my
answer because…” These prompts could be written on the board to encourage use
by students.

Students: Students will be watching the video that walks them through an activity
and answering the questions on a whiteboard. After each question, students will
raise their whiteboards in the air. Students will be encouraged to ask questions/offer
explanations of their answers using various given prompts.

• Book They’re There on Their Vacation by Brian P. Cleary
• Whiteboards/markers/erasers (1 per student)
• Video Review Activity

List Scaffolded Students Below Grade Level: These students will meet with the teacher or
Supports paraprofessional at a group table to work on the video activity. Additional
(From HLPs and/or Essential explanations will be provided to students during this time. For instance,
Early Literacy Practices) teacher/paraprofessional will walk students through their options for answers to
**Identify ONE possible make sure students know which answer best fits.
accommodation for a learner
with special needs. Students Above Grade Level: These students will meet in the conference room at a
group table. Each student will come up with three sentences using
there/their/they’re. Once complete, students will share will each other and
collaborate to determine correctness.
• This lesson was planned with the intent to give students additional practice
Reflection on last with the frequently confused words of they’re/there/their. These differences
session & rationale for are often mixed up with the students in the class. This was noticed in several
this lesson (use journals and writing samples.
evidence) • The use of both a read aloud and an interactive video activity will allow
students to connect with the material in different ways to increase the
engagement of all types of learners. By simply using one or the other, some
students have been shown previously to fall behind. This is why several
activity types are used throughout this lesson.
Ways to integrate • Video of read aloud (
technology (EVEN if you • Review video link (
are not implementing this • Online games for practice (
technology in your session).
• These can be shared with guardians for students to complete at home or if
they need additional assistance with the lesson materials

Formative assessment • Checklist: overall classroom engagement throughout the lesson assessing the
of learning outcomes: following: using whiteboard appropriately, attempting to participate in all
activities, staying on task.

Date: 4/17/23
Teacher Candidate Name: Malerie Bell Grade: 4th

• Students can correctly use quotations and commas in a sentence.

Lesson Objectives • Students can identify sentences with the proper structure that act as models.

Describe the focus Content/Subject Area: ELA/Writing (Text Generation)

area(s) for this lesson:
Topic: Quotes & Commas
Primary standards • L.4.2b – Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and
addressed in this lesson quotations from a text.
(can be cross-curricular) • RL.4.1 – Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the
MI State Standards. text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Learning for Justice
Teacher Actions: Anticipatory Set – Teacher Actions: Take out your independent reading books!
Glance through it. What do you notice about the sentences with quotation marks?
Student Actions: What’s around them?

Materials/Resources: Student Actions: Students will look through their independent reading books and
participate in class discussions with their findings.

Teacher Actions: Teacher will lead students through a writing workshop (mini
lesson, work time, and share time). First, a mini lesson will be given on quotation
marks and commas. Use the anchor chart below for inspiration and further

Student Actions: Students are encouraged to take notes on what they learn in the
mini lesson about quotation marks and commas.

Teacher Actions: Teacher guides students with instructions for their work time.
Have students go back to their books, and find one example using quotation marks.
They will then have to use that sentence as a model to create their own sentence
using quotation marks. Teacher will be walking around and assisting students with
the lesson if needed.

Student Actions: Students will write their sample sentence they found and a
sentence they create in their writer’s notebooks.

Teacher Actions: Encourage students to share out sentences! They can verbally
share, write on the whiteboard, etc.

Student Actions: Participate in discussions and share ideas and examples with the
class. Ask questions if necessary.

• Independent reading books
• Writer’s notebook

List Scaffolded Students Below Grade Level: These students will receive one-on-one assistance in
Supports a small group table with a teacher or paraprofessional. Students will be led through
(From HLPs and/or Essential examples of where to place quotation marks and commas as well as look for
Early Literacy Practices) incorrect usages.
**Identify ONE possible
accommodation for a learner Students Above Grade Level: These students will create a dialogue back and forth
with special needs.
between two characters. This will also make sure they are using filler words
between sentences correctly.
• This lesson was chosen because many students have been struggling to write
Reflection on last dialogue within their writing notebooks. Several journal assignments turned
session & rationale for in have had many mistakes involving quotation marks and commas relating
this lesson (use to creating dialogue or citations.
evidence) • The purpose of this lesson is to get students back to the basics to better
improve writing skills.
Ways to integrate • Online Review Games (
technology (EVEN if you • Explanation Video (
are not implementing this • Use a digital writer’s notebook or a digital book
technology in your session).
• The internet could be used to search for proper sentences with quotations

Formative assessment • Writer’s Notebook Check: students will turn in their writer’s notebooks for
of learning outcomes: the teacher to check on their work from the day.

Date: 4/17/23
Teacher Candidate Name: Malerie Bell Grade: 4th

• Students can name each of the FANBOYS.

Lesson Objectives • Students can engage with others in classroom activities.

Describe the focus Content/Subject Area: ELA/Writing (Basic Writing Skills)

area(s) for this lesson:
Topic: FANBOYS & Commas

Primary standards • L.4.2c – Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound

addressed in this lesson sentence.
(can be cross-curricular) • SL.4.1 – Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-
MI State Standards. one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and
Learning for Justice texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Teacher Actions: Anticipatory Set – Teacher Actions: The teacher will begin the lesson by asking
the class, “Does anyone know what an acronym is?” This will open up discussions
Student Actions: as a whole class to get students’ thinking.
Materials/Resources: Student Actions: Students will think critically and participate in class discussions
about acronyms. They can ask questions, share background knowledge, examples,

Teacher Actions: Today, we are going to be learning about one acronym to help us
with our comma rules. FANBOYS. The teacher will show an introductory video
that shares the FANBOYS and how they are used properly. FANBOYS Video
( Following the video, the teacher
will reiterate what was discussed and write the rules on the board.

Student Actions: Students will be watching the video about FANBOYS. It shares
what the acronym means as well as the rules to use FANBOYS. Following the
video, students will actively engage with the teacher as he/she is writing the rules on
the board. Students are always encouraged to write down notes in their writer’s
notebook if they prefer.

Teacher Actions: The teacher will explain the Quiz-Quiz-Trade activity that
students will be participating in. He/she will need one student volunteer to
demonstrate. Each person in the class will get a card. All cards have example
sentences that need one of the FANBOYS added. Student 1 will show the front side
of their card to student 2. There is a blank space where student 2 needs to decide
which FANBOYS would appropriately fit. There can be multiple answers, but they
will be found on the back of the card. Next, student 2 will show their card to student
1 for the same process to occur. Once both students completed the activity, they will
switch cards and find a new partner. Repeat this process by setting a timer for
around 15-20 minutes depending on your class.

Student Actions: Students will be wandering around the classroom engaging with
other students in this activity. They will make sure to try and be paired with each
student only once. Students will be encouraged to use positive encouragement if
there are struggling students. Student 1 will quiz student 2, student 2 will quiz
student 1, and they will switch cards and move to the next person.

Teacher Actions: Once the activity is complete, the teacher will lead students in a
debriefing discussion. What did they like? Dislike? What was hard? Easy? Before
finishing the lesson, the teacher will ask students to put their heads down. Next, they
can put up a thumbs up, thumbs in the middle, or thumbs down depending on how
confident they feel with FANBOYS after this beginner lesson.

Student Actions: Students will actively participate in debriefing discussions as well

as complete a formative assessment by answering thumbs up, thumbs in the middle,
or thumbs down depending on how confident they are feeling using FANBOYS.

• FANBOYS Video (
• Quiz-Quiz-Trade Cards (made ahead of time – one per student at least)
List Scaffolded Students Below Grade Level: These students will be pulled into a small group to
Supports work individually with a teacher or paraprofessional. Here, they will be given
(From HLPs and/or Essential sample sentences and have to choose which FANBOYS fits in the blank. They will
Early Literacy Practices) write their answer on a whiteboard and get both individual and group feedback.
**Identify ONE possible
accommodation for a learner Students Above Grade Level: Students who are already comfortable with
with special needs. FANBOYS can be paired with other struggling students who may need additional
support. Also encourage these students to explain the FANBOYS rules in class
because their terminology may be better interpreted by other students than the
teacher’s verbiage.
• This lesson was integrated into the curriculum because often times, students
Reflection on last are writing using the incorrect format of coordinating conjunctions. This was
session & rationale for seen in journal entries and class discussions.
this lesson (use • In addition, students should be challenged to use various vocabulary in their
evidence) writing. So, by encouraging them to use each one of the FANBOYS, this
will get them more comfortable in using differing vocabulary.
Ways to integrate • FANBOYS Video (
technology (EVEN if you • Conjunction games (
are not implementing this • Quiz-Quiz-Trade cards could be digital and distributed to students that way
technology in your session).

Formative assessment • Thumbs up, thumbs in the middle, or thumbs down: At the end of the lesson,
of learning outcomes: students will be asked to put their heads down on their desks in order to
answer with one of the three answers above with how they are feeling about

Date: 4/18/23
Teacher Candidate Name: Malerie Bell Grade: 4th

• Students can state FANBOYS rules.

Lesson Objectives • Students can properly use words from the word wall in sentences with
Describe the focus Content/Subject Area: ELA/Writing (Text Generation)
area(s) for this lesson:
Topic: FANBOYS & Commas

Primary standards • L.4.2c – Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound

addressed in this lesson sentence.
(can be cross-curricular) • L.4.2d – Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as
MI State Standards. needed.
Learning for Justice
Teacher Actions: Anticipatory Set – Teacher Actions: The teacher will read the book But and For,
Yet and Nor by Brian P. Cleary at the beginning of the lesson. This book will get
Student Actions: kids back into the FANBOYS mindset they previously had last lesson. The teacher
will be prepared with questions to ask students along the way while reading.
Student Actions: These students will engage in the read aloud and answer
questions as prompted. They will be actively listening and recalling information
learned in previous lessons.

Teacher Actions: To transition into the FANBOYS web activity, the teacher will
play the Conjunction Junction video

Student Actions: Students will engage with the video and learn FANBOYS in a
different way. By using music, they may be able to recall the information better.
Encourage them to sing along!

Teacher Actions: The next activity will need to be modeled to students. On the
whiteboard, the teacher will draw an outline of a web. See image below. In the
center, will be FANBOYS. Off of the center will be seven circles, one for each
FANBOYS. Then, a sample sentence will be written for each of the FANBOYS. By
modeling this for students, they will be able to create their own. The teacher will
explain that students must use words from the word wall within their example
sentences on their webs.

Student Actions: Students will use their creativity to make their own FANBOYS
web. They must include a sample sentence for each FANBOYS using words found
on their word wall. Students can use different colors, shapes, anything! They can
make it their own to be turned into the teacher.

• But and For, Yet and Nor by Brian P. Cleary
• Conjunction Junction video
• Plain paper and supplies for FANBOYS web (enough for each student)
List Scaffolded Students Below Grade Level: These students could be put into small groups to
Supports complete a puzzle activity. On the puzzle pieces would be words, phrases, clauses,
(From HLPs and/or Essential and FANBOYS for the students to practice matching up individually, but they will
Early Literacy Practices) get extra assistance in the small group by a teacher or paraprofessional.
**Identify ONE possible
accommodation for a learner Students Above Grade Level: These students will be encouraged to use
with special needs.
FANBOYS in various places in sentences (beginning, middle, end). Their overall
sentence structures should be challenged outside of the basic “phrase, FANBOYS,
phrase.” Have students look in book from the classroom library to find inspiration.
They can fill out a worksheet with these sentences they create.
• This lesson was given as a response to the first FANBOYS introductory
Reflection on last lesson. By spending a few days on this topic, students are better able to use
session & rationale for FANBOYS in various sentences after lots of practice and seeing the material
this lesson (use in multiple different ways.
evidence) • After the teacher engages students with a read aloud and video, they are able
to create their own FANBOYS web that will later be displayed around the
classroom for students to be proud of their work they created.
Ways to integrate • Conjunction Junction video
technology (EVEN if you (
are not implementing this • Additional video explanation
technology in your session). (
• Students could create FANBOYS webs online using google, Microsoft, etc.

Formative assessment • FANBOYS webs: these will be turned into the teacher to analyze their
of learning outcomes: sample sentences to see if they are completed properly. It can then be
determined if students need additional help with the topic.

Learning Outcomes Explanation

• Composition:
o In Lesson #3, students are writing and using a text to do so. They are also receiving feedback
from the class on the sentences they created. In Lesson #5, students will be creating their own
FANBOYS web. This will include them writing out sample sentences. In Lesson #1, students are
writing an exit ticket. In many lessons, students will be receiving feedback depending on what
they are writing. Modeling is also done many times throughout this unit plan.
• Motivation/Engagement:
o In Lesson #2, various instructional practices are used (read aloud, video, whiteboard activity) to
allow all types of learners to be engaged within the lesson in some way. In addition, each
anticipatory set is meant to get students interested and motivated in the lesson. Specific activities
chosen, such as using the internet, whiteboards, quiz-quiz-trade kagan strategy, and books, are
used with the intention of students having an increased motivation to learn.
• Spelling:
o In Lesson #1, students must complete a worksheet where they fill in the blank to spell
there/their/they’re correctly. In Lesson #5, students are using specific spelling words of the week
that are found on their word wall, so they will get practice spelling new words within the
• Syntax:
o In Lesson # 4, students are discussing word order and sentence structure using FANBOYS. They
will need to be familiar with FANBOYS rules in order to succeed in the lesson objectives. In
Lesson #5, students will be writing their own sample sentences using FANBOYS working on the
structure of the overall sentence.
• Vocabulary:
o In Lesson # 5, students will be using words from the word wall to create sentences. In order to do
so, they must have an understanding of what a word means in order to use it in a sentence. In
Lesson #4, students will also be using the various FANBOYS which will give them additional
words to add to their vocabulary.

Writing Sample Used

• The writing sample I used was the response to the first pen pal letter I wrote. After reading it, I
determined that this student could focus on the differences between there/their/they’re as well as comma
rules. The comma rules I chose to highlight were commas and quotations and commas with FANBOYS.
I used fourth grade standards to accomplish this. Evidence behind this includes, “I have four brothers
there all twins…” and, “I really like Metallica, The metal band.”

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