Itc Lesson Plan To Weebly

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Hannah Solon English 40 minutes

Grade I

Lesson: Verb

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
I will give them an exam. There will be ten sentences
Learning the common verbs. and I will let them underline the verbs per sentences.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

What is common verbs? The student will be able to identify the
How to know if the student is doing the verb? meaning of verbs.
What is the connection of the verbs to the Biblical

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10 Beginning the Lesson
minutes First, I will let them recall of what they have learned from the previous lesson and
connect to the new lesson today.
At the very beginning of the lesson, I will ask them of what they do in the entire week and
let them share it to their classmates.
After sharing, I am going to ask them of what is the thing they do for the whole week.

25 Developing the Lesson

Minutes I will ask them of who were their favorite animals. And what they usually do. (dog-
I will read a story called Tit for Tat to the students.
Next, the students will identify the action words from the story like what are the words
that moves.
Then, from the answers of students, I will write all the action words in the board and
explain them that they are called Verbs.
Furthermore, I will give more examples of verbs especially good and bad verbs. (good-
talk, bad-bully)
In addition to the discussion, I will teach them how to construct sentences with verbs.
Assuming that they already know how to make sentence.
I will give them activity. The activity will be letting them to make their own sentences by
using the verbs that I will give them.

5 Closing the Lesson.

minutes Review the lesson and letting them ask questions from the lesson.
In addition, giving them homework to write 3 sentences with verbs.
Lastly, will be prayer.
Hannah Solon English 40 minutes
Grade I

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Making their own sentences. Giving them picture and match the pictures to the
Identify the action words in the story. animals given in the board.

Book, board, and chalk, pictures
[Teacher Name] [Unit Title] [Unit Length]


Term Definition Resources

Unit Overview Main Idea and Summative Assessment
copied from the unit plan in order to keep
the goal in mind during the writing and
implementation of the lesson plan.
Guiding Questions these questions guide the inquiry for
the lesson, leading students toward a
rich understanding of the objectives for
the lesson and ultimately, the unit.
Factual- knowledge or fact-based
Conceptual- questions that enable
exploration of big ideas that connect
facts and topics
Debatable- questions that expose areas
of ambiguity, disagreement, or tension
within the unit of study
Objectives The specific aims of the lesson. As a
result of the instruction, this is what the
students are expected to know,
understand, and be able to do. These
should align with and lead to the unit
understandings, knowledge and skills.
Time - Marks the amount of time needed for
each stage of the lesson. Enables
effective time-management for the
Beginning the The opening or warm-up that will
Lesson engage the learner, producing creative
tension. May include review and/or
activation of prior knowledge.
Developing the The content learned and the strategies
Lesson employed towards that end
Closing the Lesson A conclusion or review of what was
learned, providing closure to the lesson.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that
Assessment provides feedback that can be used to plan
or alter instruction. Should prepare
students for the summative assessment.
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet
the needs of diverse learners
Resources any texts, materials, technology,
people, places or other resources that
have informed the unit and learning

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