MATH 6 Q1 - 10th Week

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GRADES 1 TO 12 School Grade Level

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area Mathematics

Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1st Quarter
Days ------------- Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
The learner solves multi-step routine and non-routine problems involving division and any of the other The learner creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving
C. Learning Competencies/ operations of decimals, mixed decimals and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem division without or with any of the other operations of decimals,
Objectives solving strategies and tools. mixed decimals and whole numbers including money.

Numbers and Number Sense

Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
(Solves multi-step routine and Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense
(Solves multi-step routine and (Solves multi-step routine and
non-routine problems involving (Creates problems with (Creates problems with
non-routine problems involving non-routine problems involving
division and any of the other reasonable answers) involving reasonable answers) involving
division and any of the other division and any of the other
operations of decimals, mixed division without or with any of division without or with any of
II. CONTENT operations of decimals including operations of decimals and
decimals and whole numbers the other operations of decimals, the other operations of decimals,
money using appropriate mixed decimals including money
including money using mixed decimals and whole mixed decimals and whole
problem solving strategies and using appropriate problem
appropriate problem solving numbers including money) numbers including money)
tools) solving strategies and tools)
strategies and tools) M6NS-Ij-121.2 M6NS-Ij-121.2
M6NS-Ij-120.3 M6NS-Ij-120.3
Curriculum Guide in Curriculum Guide in Curriculum Guide in Curriculum Guide in Curriculum Guide in
A. References
Mathematics 6 Mathematics 6 Mathematics 6 Mathematics 6 Mathematics 6
Lesson Guide In Mathematics Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6, Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6, Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6, Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6,
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
pages pages pages pages pages
2. Learner’s Materials
Elementary Mathematics Elementary Mathematics Elementary Mathematics Elementary Mathematics Elementary Mathematics
3. Textbook pages
pages pages pages Pages Pages
4. Additional Materials
Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Worksheets in Mathematics 6 Worksheets in Mathematics 6 Worksheets in Mathematics 6 Worksheets in Mathematics 6 Worksheets in Mathematics 6

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Drill: Division of flashcards. The teacher recalls and reviews The teacher recalls and reviews The teacher recalls and reviews The teacher recalls and reviews
A. Reviewing previous Review: Recall on dividing on what are the steps on solving on what are the steps on solving routine and non-routine solving the elements on creating problem.
lessons or presenting the simple decimal numbers. word problem. word problem. problems involving division of
new lesson decimals, mixed decimals and
whole numbers including money.
The teacher shows and presents The teacher shows and presents The teacher presents a given data
problem opener on dividing problem opener on dividing Motivation: and let the children creates their
decimals. decimal and mixed decimals and Read and study this problem. own problem.
whole numbers including money. Father gave Carla P120 for his
Problem Opener: allowance. Mother gave him
Motivation? Mang Tisoy brought 2 bags Problem Opener: another P135. How much did
B. Establishing a purpose for Do you have allowance? of onions to market. One bag Aling Rosie bought a 50kg Andy have after spending.
the lesson What did you do with your weighed 8kg and the other bag sack of sugar for P1,000.00. She
allowance? weighed 6.5kg. He repacked the packed it into 2.5 kilograms per Can you solve the problem? Why
Did you save some of it? onions in plastic bags of 0.25 pack and sold each pack for not? What is needed information
kilogram per pack and sold each P70.00. How much did she gain? to solve the problem?
pack for P12.50. How much will
he get if all the packs were sold?

The teacher shows and presents From the problem opener, the From the problem opener, the The teacher shows jumbled word The teacher discusses to them
problem opener involving teacher discusses and shows to teacher discusses and shows to phrases problems on the board how create or make problems
division of decimal numbers. the pupils on how to solve word the pupils on how to solve wordand let them arrange it to form a involving division of decimals,
problem. problem. word problem. mixed decimals and whole
Problem Opener: numbers including money with
Rico wants to buy a battery- The teacher informs the pupils The teacher informs the pupils Problem Opener: reasonable answers. (Teacher
C. Presenting operated toy car which cost the objective for the day. the objective for the day. They have 48 cups of buko salad. Modelling)
examples/instances of P587.50, He already save
the new lesson P150.00 and his Ninong gave How many servings can be made?
him P200.00. If he saves P12.50
a day from his allowance, how A cafeteria is offering buko salad
for desert.
long will it take him to save the
rest of the money to buy the toy Each serving is 2/3 of a cup.

The teacher discusses further and The teacher discusses further and The teacher discusses further and The teacher discusses to them
analyse the problem by answering gives more examples on dividing gives more examples of routine how create or make problems The teacher asks the pupils to
D. Discussing new concepts the following problem. routine and non-routine word and non-routine problem solving involving division of decimals, come on the board and
and practicing new skills 1, What is asked in the problem? problem involving decimals and involving division of whole mixed decimals and whole formulate some problems based
#1 2. What are the given facts? mixed decimals. (Teacher numbers and decimals including numbers including money with on the reasonable data given.
3. What are the hidden question? Modelling) money (Teacher Modelling) reasonable answers. (Teacher (Guided Practice)

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4. Write the mathematical
expression for each hidden
5. What is the answer?
The teacher gives more example. The teacher asks the pupils to The teacher asks the pupils to The teacher asks the pupils to
E. Discussing new concepts solve some problems on the solve some problems on the come on the board and formulate
and practicing new skills board involving division of board involving division of some problems based on the
#2 decimals and mixed decimal decimals and mixed decimal reasonable data given. (Guided
numbers. (Guided Practice) numbers. (Guided Practice) Practice)
The teacher groups the pupils in The teacher groups the pupils in The teacher groups the pupils inThe teacher groups the pupils in The teacher groups the pupils in
to four and collaboratively solves to four and collaboratively solves to four and collaboratively solves
to four and collaboratively to four and collaboratively
the problems involving division the problems involving division the problems involving division formulates problem based the formulates problem based the
F. Developing Mastery
of decimal numbers including of decimals and mixed decimal of decimals and mixed decimal data given by the teacher or by data given by the teacher or by
money. (Group Practice with numbers. (Group Practice with numbers. (Group Practice with themselves. (Group Practice with themselves. (Group Practice with
different activities) different activities) different activities) different activities) different activities)
The teacher give more problem The teacher gives more problem The teacher gives more problem The teacher asks the pupils to The teacher asks the pupils to
G. Finding practical then ask pupils to solve on the then ask pupils to solve on the then ask pupils to solve on the create problems individually create problems individually
applications of concepts board. (Independent Practice / board. (Independent Practice) board. (Independent Practice) based on the data given with based on the data given with
and skills in daily living board work) reasonable answers. (Independent reasonable answers. (Independent
Practice) Practice)
The teacher asks the pupils on The teacher asks the pupils on The teacher asks the pupils on The pupils are asked on what are The pupils are asked on what are
H. Making generalizations what are the steps in dividing how to solve routine and non- how to solve routine and non- the elements needed in making the elements needed in making
and abstractions about decimals? routine problems involving routine problems involving and creating problems. and creating problems.
the lesson division of decimals and mixed division of whole numbers and
decimal numbers. decimals including money
Solve the following problem The teacher provides and gives The teacher provides and gives Create a problem using the given
using the steps on solving word evaluation to the class involving evaluation to the class about data. Then solve the problem.
problem. how to solve routine and non- routine and non-routine
1. Lerma and her routine problems involving problems involving division of 1. Given: P65.50 cost of a
classmates went on division of decimals and mixed whole numbers and decimals meter
swimming. They spent decimal numbers. including money. 6.4meters needed
P1,206.25 for food and Asked: total cost of the cloth The teacher provides them
P1,172.50 for Problem: ________________ reasonable data and asks them to
I. Evaluating learning
transportation and create problems with reasonable
entrance fees. They got answers.
P1,196.75 from the
club funds and each one
share P98.50 to pay for
the remaining expenses.
How many shared in the

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The teacher gives enrichment The teacher gives enrichment The teacher gives enrichment Create a word problem by
problems to the pupils involving problems to the pupils involving routine and non-routine completing the data needed.
division of decimals including subtracting of simple fractions problems to the pupils involving Then solve the problem.
money. and mixed numbers. addition of simple fractions and 1. If the exchange rate is
J. Additional activities for
mixed numbers. _____to a dollar, how
application or
much will a tourist get
remediation from exchanging
Solution and answer:

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
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Checked by: Monitored/Observed by:

_________________________ ______________________________
Elementary School Principal (EPS/PSDS/School Head)

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