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(A Classroom Action Research at the Fifth Grade of Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah Islamic Elementary School Lengkong Batangan Pati in
the Academic Year of 2015/2016)

Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for Gaining the
Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education

By :
Nur Fahmiati
NIM : 103411039



I am student with following identity:

Name : Nur Fahmiati
Student Number : 103411039
Department : English Language Education
Certify that this thesis is definitely my own work. I am completely
responsible for the content of this thesis. Other writer’s opinions or
findings included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with
ethical standards.

Semarang, June 2016

The researcher,

Nur Fahmiati

Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka (Kampus 2) Ngaliyan Telp. 024-7601295 Fax.
7615387 Semarang 50185

Thesis with the following identity:
Title : Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Trough
Word Games (A Classroom Action Research at the 5th
Grade of MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong in the
Academic Year 2015/2016).
Name of Student : Nur Fahmiati
Student Number : 103411039
Department : English Department
Field of Study : Language Education
had been ratified by the board of examiner of Islamic Education and
Teachers’ Training Faculty of Walisongo State Islamic University and can be
received as one of any requirement for gaining the Bachelor Degree in
English Language Education.

Semarang, 24 juni 2016


Chair person, Secretary,

Dr.H. Ikhrom, M.Ag Muhammad Nafi’ Annury, M.Pd

NIP. 19650329 199403 1 002 NIP.19780719 200501 1 007
Examiner I Examiner II

Siti Tarwiyah, S.S, M.Hum Daviq Rizal, Mpd

NIP. 19721108 199903 2001 NIP. 1967102081997031001

Muhammad Nafi’ Annury, M.Pd

NIP.19780719 200501 1 007

Semarang, 8th June 2016
The Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty
Walisongo Islamic State University Semarang

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to

whatever extent necessary of the following thesis identity:


(A Classroom Action Research at the Fifth
Grade of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Islamic
Elementary School Lengkong Batangan Pati in
the Academic Year of 2015/2016)
Name : Nur Fahmiati
Student Number : 103411039
Department : Education English Department

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education and

Training Teacher Faculty Walisongo Islamic State University
Semarang to be examined at Munaqasyah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Muhammad Nafi Annury, M.Pd

NIP.19780719 200501 1 007



(An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade
of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Islamic Elementary
School Lengkong Batangan Pati in the
Academic Year of 2015/2016)
Writer : Nur Fahmiati
Student Number : 103411039

The background of this study is based on phenomenon that

students of V A class of MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah in the academic year
of 2015/2016 the teacher still use conventional methods to teach her
students and students’ achievement is still low and it needs to be
improved. The use of Word Games as media in teaching vocabulary is
expected to motivate students in learning process. They will be more
interested and fun in learning English.
The purpose of this study can be started as follow:
1. To describe the improving students’ vocabulary achievement using
Word Games is implemented at 5th grade students of MI Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah Lengkong
2. To find out improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement
after being taught using Word Games at 5th students grade of MI
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong.
The result of this study shows that in the pre cycle the students’
average score is 55.6. In the first cycle the students’ average score is
59.4. In the second cycle the students’ average score is 78.3. From pre
cycle, first cycle and second cycle. The average of students score is
always increasing. It means that there is an improvement of students’
vocabulary achievement after being taught using Word Games. In
conclusion, Word Games are effective to improve students’
vocabulary achievement.
The use of Word Games as media to improve students’
vocabulary achievement is also able to make students interested and
motivated in learning process. The games can make them more

v .
interested. So, the use of Word Games as media is very effective in
improving students’ vocabulary achievement.


ِ‫يم‬ َِ ِ‫س ِِم‬

ِ ‫للاِِال َر ْح َم ِِهِال َر ِح‬ ْ ِ‫ب‬
In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. I
do thank to Allah who has given me blessings, insight, and strength to
study and finish this research. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon
the prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.
The researcher realizes that she could not complete this thesis
without support, cooperation, help and encouragement from many
people. I wish, however, to give my sincerest gratitude and
appreciation to all people until this thesis can be completely finished.
Therefore, I would like to extent my appreciation to all of them,
especially to:
1. Dr. H. Raharjo, M.Ed.St the Dean of Education and Teacher
Training Faculty of UIN Walisongo Semarang.
2. Dr.Ikhrom,M.Ag the Head of English Education in Education and
Teacher Training Faculty UIN Walisongo.
3. Muhammad Nafi Annury, M.Pd. the advisor who already guided
and advised patiently during the arrangement of this final project.
4. All lecturers in English Department of Education and Teacher
Training Faculty for valuable knowledge, and advice during the
years of my study.
5. Abdul Shobib, S.Pd.I as the headmaster of MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah
who has given permission for doing the research.

6. Himmatul Aliyah, S.Pd.I. as the English Teacher of MI Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah who has given information during the research.
7. My beloved family, especially for my parents (Mr.Kasturi and Mrs.
Nyamirah), my brother (Zulianto) and my sister (Alfina Zahra
Nuraini) who always gives me support.
8. All friends MAFIA NUBY (Anik, Mira, and Jannah) and CIYE2
Boarding House (Maya, Zuhro, Anggi, Fitri, Luthfi, Nia, Vicky,
Ika, Ida and Us). Thank you very much for company me.
9. Last but not least, those who cannot be mentioned one by one have
supported, gave motivation and pray to the researcher to finish this
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from
being perfect; therefore, the researcher will be happy to accept
constructive criticism in order to make it better. The researcher hopes
that this thesis will be beneficial to everyone especially in developing
English Teaching and Learning process. Amen.

Semarang,10th June 2016

The researcher

Nur Fahmiati
NIM 103411039


PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................. i

THESIS STATEMENT ....................................................... ii
RATIFICATION .................................................................. iii
ADVISOR NOTE ................................................................. iv
ABSTRACT .......................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................... vi
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................. xi
LIST OF APPENDIX .......................................................... xii

A. Background of Study ............................... 1
B. Reason for Choosing the Topic ................ 9
C. Research Questions.................................. 9
D. Objective and Significance of the Study .. 10
E. Limitation of Study .................................. 11


A. Review of Theoretical Study ..................... 13
1. Teaching and Learning English at
Elementary School ........................... 13
a. Definition of Elementary School . 13
b. The Characteristic of Students’
Elementary School ...................... 17

2. Teaching Vocabulary ....................... 19
a. The Definition of Vocabulary ..... 19
b. How to Improve Vocabulary ....... 20
c. Teaching Vocabulary at Elementary
School ......................................... 23
3. Games .............................................. 25
a. General Concept of Games ......... 25
b. Types of Games .......................... 26
4. Word Games .................................... 29
a. Definition of Word games ........... 29
b. How to Apply Word Games ........ 31
c. Advantages and Disadvantages ... 33
B. Review of Previous Research .................. 36
C. Hypothesis ............................................... 38


A. Research Design ..................................... 39
B. Setting of Study and Time Line .............. 42
C. Variable and Indicator of Research ........ 43
D. Research Procedure ............................... 43
E. Population and Sample .......................... 41
F. Technique of Data Analysis ................... 51
G. Indicator of Achievement ...................... 52

. ix
A. Description of Research Finding ............ 53
B. The Data Analysis ................................... 54
1. Analysis of Pre Cycle ...................... 54
2. Analysis of First Cycle ..................... 56
3. Analysis of Second Cycle ................. 58


A. Conclusion ............................................. 62
B. Suggestion .............................................. 86
C. Closing ................................................... 87



Table 1 Form of Observation Check List

Table 2 The result of observation check list from Pre-Cycle
Table 3 Students’ score in Pre-Cycle
Table 4 The result of observation check list from First Cycle
Table 5 Students’ score in the First Cycle
Table 6 The result of observation check list from Second Cycle
Table 7 Students’ score in the Second Cycle
Table 8 The Result from the Pre-Cycle until Second Cycle


Appendix 1 The List of VA

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan
Appendix 3 Instrument of Try-out Test
Appendix 4 Instrument of Pre-test
Appendix 5 Instrument of Post-test
Appendix 6 Answer Key of Try-out Test, Pre-test and Posttest
Appendix 7 Documentation of research
Appendix 8 Weather Word Find Worksheet
Appendix 9 Clothes Word Find Worksheet
Appendix 10 Hygiene Word Find Worksheet
Appendix 11 Advisor Letter
Appendix 12 Research Letter from Headmaster of MI Tarbiyatul


Chapter 1 presents the introduction of the study. It consist of

background of the study, research questions, reasons for choosing the
topic, objective of the study, significance of the study and limitation
of the study.
A. Background of the Study
Allah create human in the world with various nations,
ethnics, and customs. Even so the language, one country and
another country have different language. Allah states about the
variety of language in surah Ar-Rum verse 22:

‫ٱۡل ۡر ِض َوٱ ۡخ ِت َٰلَ ُف أَلۡ ِسن َ ِت ُ ُۡك َوأَلۡ َٰ َو ِن ُ ُۡۚۡك إ َِّن ِِف‬
َ ۡ ‫ٱلس َٰ َم َٰ َو ِت َو‬
َّ ‫َو ِم ۡن َءايَٰ َ ِت ِۦه َخلۡ ُق‬
٢٢ ‫ني‬ َ ‫َٰ َذ ِ َِل َۡلٓيََٰت لِّلۡ َٰ َع ِل ِم‬
“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and the Variations in your languages and your colours: verily in
that are signs for those who know.”(Ar-Rum: 22)1
“the variations in languages and colours may be viewed from the
geographical aspect or from the aspect of periods of time. All
mankind were created of a single pair of parents; yet they have
spread to different countries and climates and developed different
languages and different shades complexions. And yet their basic
unity remains unaltered. They feel in the same way, and are equally
under God’s care. Then there are the variations in time. Old
languages die out and new ones are evolved. New conditions of life
and thought are constantly evolving new words and expressions,

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Holy Qur’an Text and Translation,
(Kuala Lumpur: islamic book trust, 2005), P.493.

new syntactical structures, and new modes of pronunciation. Even
old races die, and new races are born”.2

In surah above, Allah shows us the signs of His authority

through differences of tongue. Tongue means a language. There
are no people who have the same language in the world. It is
influenced by the location. People who live in difference location
have difference language. They have to cooperate with one another
to complete the necessities in their life.
Language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized, vocal,
written and gestural symbols that enable members of a
given community to communicate intelligibly with one another. 3
Language is used to express idea, thought, and feelings to other
people. People in a society use language, which is mutually
understood to communicate with others.4 Nowadays language as a
tool of communication and social control. Without language we
cannot communicate, express our feeling and share with other
people around the world.
Since English is used as a means of communication among
nation in the world we have to master it well. Although English is
not the largest number of native or first language speakers, it is

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, THE HOLY QUR’AN (Text, Translation and
Commentary), (New Delhi: Goodword Books, 2003), P.1056.
H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching,
(New York: Pearson Education, 2005), 4th Ed., p. 5.
Ramelan. English Phonetic. (Semarang: IKIP Semarang Press,
2003). P.1

widely used by many people all over the world as their second
language.5 English is a one of international language is used in
many countries over the world including Indonesia. In
Indonesia, English is the first foreign language which has played
important roles in the development of Indonesia; it is used as a
means of communication when Indonesia wants to cooperate with
other countries. It is also used as a national development. It is
apparent that English in Indonesia is very important.
As the most important foreign language in Indonesia,
English becomes one of the compulsory subjects taught in
education institute. English is also considered as a difficult subject
for the Indonesian students, because English is completely
different from Indonesian language being look at from the system
of structure, pronunciation and vocabulary. The government
always made effort to improve the quality of English teaching. By
improving the teachers’ quality and other components involved in
educational process, the English teaching in Indonesia improved
time to time.
Teaching English in elementary school is useful. As we
know that young students especially students in elementary school
have big memory to memorize everything they learn. Thus, in
elementary school, English is taught as an additional subject. As
elementary school is the place for students to learn English for the

Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. (New York:
Longman, 2001). P.1

first time, the students just learn the basic vocabulary. As stated in
verse 24 of Surah Ibrahim that learning vocabulary is very
important to learn a new language.

‫ٱَّلل َمث َ ال َ َِك َم اة َط ِّي َب اة َك َش َج َرة َط ِّي َبة أَ ۡصلُهَا ََثبِت‬ َ َ ‫أَل َ ۡم ت َ َر َك ۡي َف‬
ُ َّ ‫َض َب‬
‫ٱلس َما ٓ ِء‬
َّ ‫َوفَ ۡر ُعهَا ِِف‬
“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? A goodly Word
like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches
(reach) to the heavens.”(Ibrahim: 24)6
“Goodly Word is usually interpreted as the Devine Word, the
Devine Message, the True Religion. It may also be interpreted
in a more general sense as a word of truth, a word of goodness
or kindness, which follows from a true appreciation of Religion.
For religion includes our duty to God and our duty to man. The
“evil word” is opposite of this: false religion, blasphemy, false
speech, or preaching or teaching unkindness and wrong-doing.
The Word, in mystic language, is the root of the Deed, and is
identified with the Deed”.7

Actually this verse can be put in language teaching

context which states that learning vocabulary is very important.
“A good word” can be inferred with collecting and reaching
vocabulary to produce language accurately and appropriately.
Vocabulary is the one of the English components, which has to
be mastered and acquired by students in learning a new

Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, The Holy Qur’an Text and Translation,
(Kuala Lumpur: islamic book trust, 2005), P.297.
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf, THE HOLY QUR’AN (Text, Translation and
Commentary), (New Delhi: Goodword Books, 2003), P.626.

language.8 Vocabulary is very important to be mastered first since
it is an essential means in conducting communication. Based on
the reason above, the focus should be on the vocabulary in the
elementary school. It can help them understand the basis of
studying English and prepare to study English in higher level.
Vocabulary is major concern in elementary schools
materials because vocabulary is an essential means in conducting
communication. Students who want to improve their English
should master the vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the important
aspects in learning English. The mastery of it would be very
helpful when one was learning foreign language having a great
mastery on it; it would also facilitate him to comprehend the
subject learnt in which it was in English. Vocabulary is used in
any situation; it is in the form of spoken or written language.
We should have an adequate vocabulary to improve the four
language skills. Without grammar very little can be conveyed.
Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.9 As the writer
concluded that the quality of one’s language skill depends on the
quality and the quantity of vocabulary mastered, the more
vocabulary he mastered, the easier to develop four language skills

Frank, M. Modern English. (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1972).
P. 6
Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (London: Longman,
2002), P. 13.

(listening, speaking, reading and writing) and learn English as
second language generally.
Mastery of vocabulary is not an easy thing for students,
especially for young learners, because young learners have limited
ability in learning and memorizing the vocabulary. It is not an
easy task for teacher to teach vocabulary, because of the
limitation of students’ ability. So the teacher needs to apply
appropriate technique in the classroom. Beside appropriate
technique teacher also must use interesting medium in learning
Teaching learning process should be varied to make students
feel fun during the process. In language learning, they need more
than instruction and common from their teacher. This is challenge
for the teacher to be able to motivate the students to pay
attention. Hamalik says that “media can be used to motivate
students in learning”.10 The teachers’ creativity in using teaching
aid will increase the probability that the students will learn more
and the knowledge will retain better in their mind. The researcher
hopes that by using such kind of teaching aid, our students’ will
not be bored and learn English with full motivation. A good
teacher has some media and he will select the efficient one in
order the learners to be more interested in the lesson.

Azhar Arsyad, Media Pembelajaran, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo
Persada, 2003), 1st Ed. P. 15.

In teaching a language, a teacher might realize that
teacher could not apply only one or two strategies to all levels. In
reverse, teacher was required to be able to recognize the characters
of the students and to select an appropriate strategy to them. It was
not different from teaching English to elementary school
students, the teacher was supposed to know that the students
was so closed with something fun and enjoyable. So whenever the
teacher taught, teacher had to be selective in choosing a strategy
to introduce a learning material. A good teaching strategy would
automatically facilitate to get students’ interest in learning process.
Students in elementary school are still young learners. In this
research, the researcher focuses on the students on fifth graders at
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary School Lengkong.
Usually students in young learners think that English is
difficult. To improve students’ vocabulary achievement, teacher
should be more creative and keep the students away from feeling
bored. The teacher must be able to organize the students in
teaching learning process. If the teacher cannot teach the students
properly, the students will not enjoy their learning. Consequently,
the teaching learning will fail.
As it is found in Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary School
Lengkong, the teacher has some problems in teaching learning
process. For example, the students are bored, afraid to learn, and
still passive in the English class. It makes the students’
achievement in learning vocabulary low. Their difficulties in

learning vocabulary make their achievement fall below the
The problem that may occur in teaching learning
process may bring negative impact to the students; afraid to
learn, passive, and bored. It makes the teaching learning process
become unusual. If the teacher is not attractive, the students get
difficulty in studying English. Besides, they also cannot respond
the explanation of teacher. The students’ mastery of vocabulary
will be interested if the teacher uses suitable medium. If the media
is used by the teacher are not appropriate, the students are bored
and passive in learning process.
The writer looked that teacher of English subject on fifth
graders at in Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary School Lengkong
still use conventional methods, the teacher only translates the
words just monotone, so the students will easy to get bored
and they will say that English is difficult. The teacher must be
able to use strategies and technique in teaching and learning
Learning vocabulary can be done through many ways, such
as: dictionary, picture, guessing, reading, game etc. To make
effective techniques in teaching vocabulary especially common
nouns, the teacher should create various teaching techniques to
increase the motivation of students; one of them is using game
“word games”. Using game “word games” to improve students’
vocabulary achievement is appropriate technique to apply in class

because word games is one kind of medium that can help teacher
draw students’ interest and arouse their motivation in the teaching
learning process more effective.
Games have been shown to have advantages and
effectiveness in learning vocabulary in various ways. First,
games bring in relaxation and fun for students. Second,
games usually involve friendly completion and they keep
learners interested.
The facts above underline may intention to present
teaching vocabulary to fifth graders of Islamic Elementary
School by using “word games”. The students play the words that
are taught by the teacher. So, the teacher should place a higher a
priority on having fun in this teaching. The students are interested
in game while they learn something through it.
So, the writer wants to do research on “The Effectiveness of
Word Games to Improve Students’ Vocabulary Achievement to the
5th Grade Students of Islamic Elementary School” A Classroom
Action Research at the Fifth Grade Students of Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah Islamic Elementary School Lengkong Batangan Pati in
the Academic Year of 2015/2016.

B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

Some reasons for choosing the topic are as follows:

Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen and Khuat Thi Thu Nga, 'Learning
Vocabulary through Games',,on 11st
January 2011.

1. Teaching vocabulary to the elementary school is not simple
and easy case because teachers should be creative and able to
select the appropriate technique and media.
2. Many teachers think that using media in teaching vocabulary
is not widely available, expensive, and waste much time.
So, they teach through the media of learning vocabulary that
are not suitable, and even some times without the media.
3. There are a lot of types of teaching media. In this study,
the writer will discuss the visual media that is game. In this
case, the writer is going to use word games in order to make
the teaching learning process will be more interesting and

C. Research Questions
The problems can be stated as follows:
1. How is the implementation of Word Games to teach vocabulary
to the 5th grade of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary School
Lengkong in Academic Years 2015/2016?
2. How can Word Games improve students’ vocabulary
achievement to the 5th grade of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah
Elementary School Lengkong in Academic Years 2015/2016?

D. Objective and Significance of the Study

The objectives of the study as follows:

1. To find out the implementation of word games to teach
vocabulary to the 5th grade of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary
School Lengkong.
2. To find out the effectiveness of word games to teach
vocabulary to the 5th grade of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary
School Lengkong.
This research hopefully can provide the additional
information about the use of word clap game in classroom
activities, and provide information about the effectiveness of the
game to improve students’ vocabulary. The writer also hopes that
this research will be useful for students, teacher, and writer.
1. For the Students
Hopefully the result will be beneficial for the students, so that
the students can enjoy studying English by using games.
Teaching vocabularies by using word games will make
students relax and fun, because this method their learning
vocabulary easily without significant difficulties. This can
make students’ vocabulary getting better.
2. For the Teacher
Especially those who teach at Tarbiyatul Islamiyah
Elementary School Lengkong. in making be motivated to
learn English and teaching vocabulary. It is expected that the
study can enrich the teacher’s strategy in teaching vocabulary. This
research will provide supports to English teachers to develop the
teaching aids for English teaching. They may improve the traditional

methods in teaching and learning vocabularies. They may also use
the new methods for making students enjoy in learning, so they are
not confused anymore in choosing the appropriate methods for
students’ need. This method can help the teachers to improve
students’ interest in learning vocabularies.
3. For the Researcher
It is expected that it will be useful knowledge for the writer
when she start her profession as a teacher in the future time.

E. Limitation of Study
The scope of English study is so broad. The research may
not be able to reach all the aspects to be studied as a whole.
Particularly in English learning context, there are so many
components that may become the concern of the study such as the
students, the textbook used, the materials, the process of teaching
and learning, etc. Thus, the boundary of this study specifies on the
teaching vocabulary using word games is more effective than
teaching vocabulary without using word games to 5th grade
students of Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Elementary School Lengkong in
the academic year 2015/2016.


Chapter II consists of review of theoretical studies that discuss

general concept of elementary school that include its definition and
characteristic of students’ Elementary school. Then, discuss general
concept of games and word games that include definition of games
and word games, its types, and its procedures. It also discusses general
concept vocabulary that include definition of vocabulary, ways to
improve vocabulary, and teaching vocabulary in elementary school.
Moreover this chapter is also explains about review of previous
A. Review of Theoretical Study
1. Teaching and Learning English at Elementary School
a. The Definition of Elementary School
Now, English is not only taught at High School but
also Elementary School. According to Kasihani, there are
two function of English subject. First, English subject as
vehicle to the students’ development in the field of science,
technology and culture. Second, English as one of local
content subject function to improve students’ competence
based on their region.1 Besides, the earlier the students
learn English the more knowledge and skill in English they

Kasihani K. E. Suyanto, English For Young Learners, (Jakarta: PT.
Bumi Aksara, 2007), P.4

will have and the society or people in certain district the
necessity of English to be taught at Elementary School
students. Moreover, the function of language learning is
to be able to communicate with that language in their real
There are some experts who define the Elementary
School students. Before we conduct the definition, we
know that the Elementary school students are categorized
beginners or young learners. Piaget defines that “young
learners are the students who learn English as a local
content subject at Elementary School that they are between
six to twelve years old”.2 Philips explains that “young
learners mean children from the first year of formal school
(five or six years old) to eleven of twelve years of age”.3
Based on the definitions, it can be concluded that young
learners are the students who learn English at
Elementary School students that they are between six to
twelve years old.
According to Kasihani, young learners are divided
into two groups: younger group (6-8 years old) and
older group (9-12 years old). Based on the level of class,
Kasihani divides young learners into two groups: lower

Suyanto, English For Young Learners, P. 14
Sarah Philips, Young Learners, (New York: Oxford university press,
1993), P. 3

class (students are in the 1, 2 and 3 classes), and upper
class (students are in the 4, 5 and 6 classes). 4 Besides,
according to Scott and Ytreberg in Kasihani, they divide
young learners in to level one (5-7 years old) and level
two (8-9 years old).5 Based on this explanation, the
researcher concludes that elementary school students are
categorized at level beginner level.
There are three basic level distinctions of the
English students. They are beginner, intermediate and
There are three basic level distinctions of the
English students. They are beginner, intermediate and

Kasihani K. E. Suyanto, English For Young Learners, (Jakarta: PT.
Bumi Aksara, 2007), P.15
Suyanto, English For Young Learners, P. 5

Advanced Upper

Intermediate Mid



Lower intermediate / pre intermediate


Real Beginner / False Beginner

Figure 2.1: Representing different students’ levels6

Based on the figure above, the researcher

concludes that the Indonesian elementary school students
especially for 5th grade of elementary school are
categorized in to beginners in the Elementary level. They
are not in false beginners’ level. False beginners; level are
like adult who can’t really use any English but actually

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching,
(England: Person education Lt, 2001), 4th Ed, P.95

know quite a lot of which can be quickly activated.7 The
categorized of the grade 5 of elementary School students as
the beginners in the Elementary level appear with the
reason that the most of Indonesian elementary School
students have been taught English since they are the fourth
years. 8 So, it is crucial for the teachers to teach vocabulary
first that links the four language skills namely listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
b. The Characteristic of Students’ Elementary School
Teaching elementary school students is different
from teaching adults, because they have different
characteristics. According to Brumfit started that the
characteristics of young learners are:
1) Children respond the language well through concrete
things (visual things) rather than abstract things,
2) Children need physical movements and real activities
to stimulate their thinking,
3) Children will be enthusiastic if they are taught using
fun activities or being involved in activities,
4) Children love to play, and learn best when they
are enjoying themselves,
5) Children learn well through something that is close to
their culture, and

Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, P.95
Suyanto, English For Young Learners, P. 5

6) Children like to work together.9
Children of Elementary school are children at the
age 7 up to 12, they are in the smart age and often show that
they know and are proud of it.
The writer wants to add several characteristics
based on Mary and Jane opinion’s in teaching children
between seven and twelve. They are:
1) Are learning to read and write in their own language
2) Are developing as thinkers
3) Understand the difference between the real and the
4) Can plan and organize how best to carry out an activity
5) Can work with other and learn from others
6) Can be reliable and take responsibility for class
activities and routines
You as teacher can help them with:
1) Encourage them to red in English (stories, comics,
reading games)
2) Encourage them to work meaning out for themselves
3) Explain things about language, but only very simple
4) Use wider range of language input as their model for
language use

Brumfit, Http://
characteristics/, accessed 29th March 2016

5) Encourage creative writing and help them to
experiment with language
6) Explain your intentions and ask them to help with
organization of activities.10
From the explanation above, the writer
concludes that the elementary school students still need a
specific guide from their teacher and people around them
especially their parents in order to follow the lesson well.
In addition, they get bored easily during the class
activity, so teacher should make the class interesting.
2. Teaching Vocabulary
a. The Definition of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the language components
which have to be mastered by students of all level of
school in Indonesia in learning a new language. They will
get difficulties in using English if they are lack of
vocabulary. As we know the language learners want to
be success in studying language. Furthermore, they must be
mastery most vocabularies. If students did not have more
vocabulary, they cannot communicate effectively of
express their ideas both oral and written form.

Mary Slattery and Jane Willis, English For Primary Teachers,
(New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), P. 5

Vocabulary is a listing of the words used in some
According to the Oxford Dictionary, vocabulary is
the total of words you know in particular language.12
According the definitions above, the researcher
concluded that vocabulary is a stock of words in language,
written or spoken with the meaning that considered as
cultural meaning used by group or individual community
because it uses of the people to communicate and
interact to other people.
Learning is the process of changing behavior; it is
headed to behavior well and headed to bad
behavior. Learning is the development of new
associations as a result of experience.
b. Ways to Improve Vocabulary
Building up our vocabulary is arguably the most
important part of a language learning process. If we do
not have a base vocabulary to work with, we cannot
study grammar, we have absolutely no use for spelling or
pronunciation exercises and writing or reading is definitely
out of the question. That is why it is crucial to have a

11, accessed 28th March 2016
AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1995), P. 1337

good vocabulary work-up at the beginner of our studies but
also to keep building it up as we go.
Here are a few ways for us to improve vocabulary:
1) Translated Text
This is great method to use in the beginning of
our studies, when we cannot handle reading (and
understanding) a text solely in the foreign language we
are emphasizing on. Translated texts act as a natural
dictionary as they will involuntary form connections
as we read the two versions of the same text. The
downside however is that if the texts are too ambiguous
or too complicated, we risk misunderstanding
entire phrases or mistakenly attributing meanings to
certain words. That is why it is extremely important that
the translated text we’re working with is well written
and does not have any slang, confusing words, words
with different meanings and so forth. We should also
look for the most basic translated texts at first. Do not
worry if you find it silly to translate “It is hot during the
summer”, it is a starting point and we will not be better
off skipping it.
2) Vocabulary Games
Vocabulary games are a great way to enhance
our word base, but they should usually be used only as
an additional method for this purpose. The fact with

vocabulary games is that they cannot teach us the same
amount of new words as say translated texts or other
methods that deal with improving your vocabulary, but
they can be a fun alternative to take during those study
breaks. Also, remember that everything we learn while
relaxing and having fun is assimilated a lot easier and
for a longer period of time.
3) Foreign Language Media
Media is obviously a strong source of
vocabulary gain and the fun fact about it is that you will
not be shedding a sweat learning the new words, as they
will come naturally. Every bit of radio, TV, stationary
add, computer game or any other type of media we can
watch or hear in the foreign language we are
studying should be treated as an opportunity to improve
vocabulary. Obviously, some languages will be harder to
learn through this method, whereas other will be
extremely easy English. If you find a good learning
source, we could use foreign language media as main
method of vocabulary increase, but if these sources
are scare, we shouldn’t rely solely on it. 13
In this research, the writer uses “Vocabulary
Game” to teach vocabulary using word games.

13, accessed 28th
March 2016

c. Teaching Vocabulary at Elementary School
Learners see vocabulary as being a very important
part of language learning and one of the
difficulties in planning the vocabulary component of a
course is making sure that is does not overwhelm other
essential part of the course. The best way to avoid this is
for the teacher and course designer to have set
guiding principles that can be applied in a variety of
teaching and learning situations.14
These can then be applied in course where there
are parts of the course deliberately set aside for
vocabulary development or in course where vocabulary is
dealt with as it occurs in skill-focused or content focused
There are several principles for teaching
vocabulary as follows:
1) Focus on the Most Useful Vocabulary First of
Other has much more limited use. The
vocabulary will be given by the teacher to the
students is the vocabulary that will be needed in
their activity. For example, the teacher gives some

David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching, 1st
Edition, (America: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003), P. 135
Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching, 1st Ed, P.136

vocabulary relate to the objects in the classroom,
the objects in the kitchen, etc. Some words can be
used in a wide variety.
2) Focus on the Vocabulary in the Most Appropriate
The first principle looked at what words to
teach and learn. This principle looks at how they
should be taught and learned with appropriate
method. For example, the teacher uses total physical
response, silent way, direct method, etc. which are
appropriate with the theme of subject.
3) Give Attentions to High Frequency Words Across
the Four Stands of A Course
High frequency vocabulary needs to occur in
all four stands of a course. It should get deliberate
attention through teaching and study and should be
met in used in communicating massages in listening,
speaking, reading and writing. High frequency
vocabulary should also be fluently accessible for
receptive use. For example, the teacher gives
frequency word in speaking. The teacher asks the
students to mention they use to take a bath.

4) Encourage Learners to Reflect On and Take
Responsibility for Learning
So far, we have looked at principle that
relates to choose what vocabulary to teach and the
conditions needed for learning it. There is an
important principle that lies behind choosing and
learning and that is that learners need to realize that
they must be responsible for their own learning. So
that, the teacher should be creative in their teaching,
for example, they can select specific words they will
focus on each day. They can pre-select the words or
they can have their students decide what words will
be studied. For example, if students are going to
study about fruits, they could learn a different
variety each day, or teacher could ask each student to
bring a new words relating to the fruits on the next
3. Games
a. General Concept of Game
There is a common perception that all learning
should be serious and solemn in nature. Actually, it is not
really learning. This is misconception. Learning should be
full of fun, hilarity and laughter. It is possible to learn a
language as well as enjoy oneself at the same time. Games

Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching, 1st Ed, P.136

play an important role in teaching and learning process.
They can often help the students understand something
presented better than telling them verbally.
The enjoyment of games is not restricted by age.
Some individuals, regardless of age, maybe less interested
in games and the role of the player. It is generally
accepted that young learners and adults are very willing to
play games.
There are some characteristic of games such as below:
1) Clear, achievable goals, rules, measurable
outcomes and rewards
2) Appropriate challenge, gradually increasing difficulty
3) Interaction and feedback
4) A safe environment to explore and in which to make
5) Collaboration and/or competition
6) A narrative or fantasy setting. 17
b. Types of Games
Games usually use variety of techniques which are
important in language teaching. The simplest games are
shorting, ordering or arranging games. These are usually
played in pairs or small groups.

Wikipedia, “Using Game to Enhance LEARNING AND Teaching”,
teaching. On 11st January 2016

According to Hadfield, there are eight types of
game as follows: 18
1) Guessing games are familiar variant of games. The
player with the information deliberately with holds it,
while others guess what it might be.
2) Search games are another variant, involving the
whole class. In those games, everyone in the class has
one piece of information players must all or a large
amount of the information available to fill in a chart or
picture or to solve a problem.
3) Matching games are based on a different principle, but
they also involve a transfer or information. These
involve matching corresponding pairs of cards of
pictures, and may be played as a whole class activity.
4) Labeling games involve matching labels to items in
5) Exchanging games are based on the “barter” principle.
Players have certain article, cards or ideas which they
wish to exchange for others. The aim of the game is
to make an exchange which is satisfactory to both
6) Role play games are given the name and some
characteristics of a fictional character.

Teaching.doc, accessed 16th January 2016

7) Board games and Card games are familiar game
types, where the aim is to be the first round the board,
or to collect the most cards, or to get rid of the cards
and squares on the board are used as stimulus to
provoke a communication exchange.
From the types of game, word games is conclude of
search games and exchanging games. The Advantages of
1) The students could be more interested in learning the
2) The teacher did not need to explain too many
3) Games are a welcome break from the usual routine of
the language class.
4) They are motivating and challenging
5) Learning a language requires a great deal of effort.
Games help students to make and sustain the effort of
6) Games provide language practice in the various skills
7) They encourage students to interact and communicate
8) They create a meaningful context for language use.20

Nova Pravita Rusdiana, “The Advantages and Disadvantages of
using games in teaching vocabulary to the grades of top school the Faculty of
Letters and Fine Arts”, (The Library of University of Sebelas Maret)
Lee Su Kim, 'Creative Games for the Language Class',, On 11st January 2016

4. Word Games
a. Definition of Word Game
Word games are spoken or board games often
designed to test ability with language or to explore its
properties. Word games are generally engaged as a source of
entertainment, but have been found to serve an educational
purpose as well. For instance, young children can find
enjoyment playing modestly competitive games such as
Hangman, while naturally developing important language
skills like spelling. Solving crossword puzzles, which
requires familiarity with a larger vocabulary, is a pastime
that mature adults have long credited with keeping their
minds sharp.21
Word games are a great way for kids (and adults) to
"play" with words as they build vocabulary and spelling
skills. Here are some good software choices and online
sources that will feed your need for addictive word games
like Crosswords, Jumble, Word Searches, and more.22
The researcher conclude that word game is a
learning game which entertain and competitive to develop

“Word game from Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia” https://en.
wikipedia. org/ wiki/Word_game. accessed 6th March 2016
“Article: The Word on Word Game” http://www.edutainingkids.
com/articles/artwordgames.html. accessed 6th March 2016

language skill. By word game, play with word as they build
vocabulary and speaking skills.
Word game can be of several different types 23:
1) Letter Arrangement Games
The goal is to form words out of given letters. Example:
anagram, up-word, jumble word, etc.
2) Paper and Pencil Puzzle/games
The Example of paper and pencil puzzle/games are
crossword puzzle, hang man, word search, etc.
3) Structured Games
Games focusing on the semantics of words. Example:
taboo, fictionary, charades, etc.
4) Linguistic Recreation
These are games based on words and letters. Example:
Shiritori, word chain, kangaroo word, etc.
In this case, from many types of word games, the
researcher decided unused all of the word game, but choose
some word games that interest, simple, fun, easy and
convinient to apply for fifth grade students. The researcher
choose word chain, shiritori, word search, and word clap as
media to do this research.

“Word game from Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia” accessed 6th March 2016

b. How to Apply Word Games
1) How to Apply Word Chain
a) The students divided in groups, for each group they
are stand up in a long line one by one.
b) The teacher whisper a simple sentence to the first
student in line and that student have to continue or
whisper that simple sentence to the next student. The
whispering cannot listen by the next student and
cannot write the sentence.
c) The last student in line have to write that sentence on
the whiteboard.
d) The teacher correct and check the sentence that ware
written by students for each group. The group that can
write the sentence closed to the teacher sentence is the
2) How to Apply Shiritori
a) The students sit on each their bench and they will get
opportunity consecutively.
b) The teacher start the games by mention one word, and
that word had to continue by student consecutively.
The next word are begin by the last letter of word

Desy Danarti, 50 Games For Fun(belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
lebih menyenangkan),(Yogyakarta: CV. Andi OFFSET, 2008), P.42

LOVE – EAGLE – EARTH …and so on. Don’t
repeat word that was mentioned.
c) The students that success mention word, they free
from the game. The students that failed mention the
word, they have continue the game until all of
students’ success mention the word.25
3) How to Apply Word Search
a) The teacher divides the students into four groups
and to choose volunteer to be headman in each group
b) The teacher divides sheets of Word Find Puzzle to
each group
c) The teacher asks the head man to in front of the
class to give some clue or scrambled clue to his
group one by one
d) After the question was answered, each headman must
write down in the black board
e) The teacher discusses the students’ answer
f) The teacher asks the students to pronounced their
answer word by word together26

Desy Danarti, 50 Games For Fun(belajar bahasa Inggris dengan
lebih menyenangkan),(Yogyakarta: CV. Andi OFFSET, 2008), P.46
Lie Pu Hwa, Refresh Your Vocabulary(fun learning English
vocabulary), (Yogyakarta: CV. Andi OFFSET, 2009), P.22-23

4) How to Apply Word Clap
a) Teacher prepares the theme.
b) Teacher led the game.
c) Teacher explains the rule of playing this game.
d) Students stand or sit in a circle and follow teacher’s
lead, maintain a four-beat rhythm, clapping their
hands on their thighs three times (one-two-three...)
and then both hands together (four!).
e) Students have to mention a word from a pre-selected
lexical set (for example, fruit and vegetable) or
every fourth beat.
f) Students who either repeat the word already
mentioned, or break the rhythm or say nothing are
g) The game ends when the there is only one student
left as the winner.27
c. Advantage and Disadvantage
1) Advantage and Disadvantage of Word Chain
a) Advantage
i. Give training for students grow their
cooperative with their friend
ii. Increase their memorize ability

Scott Thornbury, How to teach Vocabulary,(Harlow, England: Long
Man, 2002), P.102

iii. Increase their ability to spell and write
vocabulary correctly
b) Disadvantage
i. The game cannot be applied successfully
when the Teacher cannot handle the class.
ii. Misunderstanding and miscommunicating if
the students did not concentrate and serious.
2) Advantage and Disadvantage of Shiritori
a) Advantage
i. Increase students concentrate
ii. Increase students memorize vocabulary
iii. Increase students spell vocabulary
iv. Students enjoyable, fun and competitive in
this game
b) Disadvantage
This game will be rather crowded and make bored
if that game is used in long time or repeated in
one time.
3) Advantage and Disadvantage of Word Search
a) Advantage
i. Portable and inexpensive entertainment - no
batteries required
ii. Improve word power and vocabulary
iii. A great way to learn English or practice other

iv. An appealing learning method for a range of
learning styles
v. The appeal of a solvable problem in a
complicated life28
vi. Students are able to learn how to solve
problem in which they are involved
vii. Students are satisfied where they find and
sense a new ideas and concepts are
viii. Game can created a big interest through
realistic participation, because this game
involves the students directly.
b) Disadvantage
i. They are interested in the game, not in the
subject matter the game represent.
ii. The game requires only a few people to play.
4) Advantage and Disadvantage of Word Clap
a) Advantage
i. The game is very interesting for the students to
increase their vocabulary, because they can
recall the vocabulary easily with clapping their

Douglas P.Lyle, “Benefit of solving
puzzle.html. accessed 2nd May 2016.

ii. This game is easy to be applied in the
iii. This game is simple and cheap, because there
was no fee for the teacher to buy some utilities
to be applied in a class. Just claps the hands and
say the words.
iv. This game can be applied not only for Junior
High School students, but also for Elementary
students, and Senior High Students.
v. This game can be applied not only for formal
education, but also for non-formal education.
Anywhere and anytime.29
b) Disadvantage
i. The class will be rather crowded when this
game applied, because the sound of the claps is
rather hard.
ii. The game cannot be applied successfully when
the Teacher did not comprehend the rhythm.

B. Review of Previous Research

In this part the writer describes some previous researches
which are relevant to this thesis. First, thesis under title, The
Effectiveness of Word Find Puzzle To Teach Common Noun For

Febriana Eka Setyaningsih, The Use of Word Clap Game to
Improve Student’ Vocabulary Mastery, thesis(Semarang:UNNES, 2015) P.11.

5th Grades Of Elementary School (An Experimental Study to The
5th Grades of SDN 03 Tengengwetan Siwalan Pekalongan In the
Academic Year of 2010/2011) by Ainatus Sholikhah (Student
Number: 063411001). She use word find puzzle as a media. Word
find is one of word game. The result of her research is using word
find puzzle is more effective than without using word find puzzle
in teaching common noun. It is showed of the mean of
experimental class is higher than control class. The hypothesis is
Second, thesis under title “The Effectiveness of Using
Card game in Teaching Vocabulary to Beginners (An
Experimental Study at the Year fourth the students of SDN
Kepohkencono 01 Puncakwangi Pati the Academic Year
2007/2008)”, by Hanik Mas’udah (NIM: 2201403584) of English
Department, Language and Art Faculty, State University of
Semarang 2008. In this research shows that using bingo game is
effective for teaching English nouns to beginner than
conventional method, because the experimental group get higher
result that the control group.31

Ainatus Sholikhah, “The Effectiveness of Word Find Puzzle To
Teach Common Noun For 5 Grades Of Elementary School (An
Experimental Study to The 5 Grades of SDN 03 Tengengwetan Siwalan
Pekalongan In the Academic Year of 2010/2011)”, thesis (Semarang: IAIN
Walisongo, 2011).
Hanik Mas’udah “The Effectiveness of Using Card game in
Teaching Vocabulary to Beginners (An Experimental Study at the Year

C. Hypothesis
Hypothesis is the assumption that possibly true or
possibly wrong.32 It is provisional truth determined by researcher
that should be tested and proved.33 Hypothesis is the provisional
answer to the problem of the research, theoretically it was
considered possibly or highest the level of his truth.
The hypothesis of this research is: “Word Games is effective
to improve students’ vocabulary achievement to the 5th grade students
of MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong in the academic year

fourth the students of SDN Kepohkencono 01 Puncakwangi Pati the

Academic Year 2007/2008)”, thesis (State University of Semarang of
UNNES: 2008).
Sugiyanto, Analisis Statistika Sosial, (Jawa Timur: Bayumedia
Publishing, 2004), p. 136.
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik,
(Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta,2006), p. 116.


This chapter deals with all of the research methods. It

contains some subchapters. They are research design, setting of
study, timeline, research subject, collaborator, research procedure,
variable, indicator, sample, technique of collecting data, technique
of analysing data and indicator achievement.
A. Research Design
In this study, the researcher used Classroom Action
Research. Action research is widely used in education especially
by teachers who use it to improve their teaching. Classroom
Action Research is a research of an action happens in a
classroom (educational situation) to solve the problems during
the teaching activities. It is related to the teacher as the subject of
teaching process.
According to Suyadi Classroom Action Research means
an action research which is doing in the class.1 While Arikunto
stated that the definition of Classroom Action Research is an
activity to observe an object by using way, rule or method to find
an accurate data about something which is can improve the
object that had been observed.2

Suyadi, Panduan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jogjakarta: Diva
Press, 2010), P. 17.
Suyadi, Panduan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, P. 18.

The purpose of Classroom Action Research is to improve
teaching learning process and improve the situation and place
where the research is conducted. According to Kemmis and Mc
Taggart (1988), there are four steps in Classroom Action
1. Planning
In this phase you identify a problem or issue and
develop a plan of action in order to bring about improvements
in specific area of the research context. This is a forward
looking phase where you consider what kind of investigation
is possible within the realities and constraints of your teaching
situation and what potential improvements you think are
Planning is a plan to conduct treatments or after
making sure about the problem of the research, a researcher
needs to make a preparation before doing an action research.
2. Action
The plan is a carefully considered one which involves
some deliberate interventions into your teaching situation that
you put into action over an agreed period of time. The
interventions are „critically informed‟ as you question your
assumptions about the current situation and plan new and

Anne Burns, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching,
(New York: Routledge, 2010), P.8.

alternative ways of doing things. This section discuss about
the steps and activities that would be taken by the researcher.
3. Observation
This phase involves you in observing systematically
the effects of the action and documenting the context, actions
and opinions of those involved. It is a data collection phase
where you use „open-eyed‟ and „open-minded‟ tools to
collect information about what is happening. In this step, a
researcher has to observe all events or activities during the
4. Reflection
At this point, you reflect on, evaluate and describe the
effects of the action in order to make sense of what has
happened and to understand the issue you have explored more
clearly. You may decide to do further cycles of CAR to
improve the situation even more, or to share the „story‟ of
your research with others as part of your ongoing professional
Classroom action research has three main characteristics,
they are:
1. Reflective inquiry. Classroom action research departs from
the real learning problems daily faced by faculty and students.
So classroom action research activities based on the execution
of tasks and taking action to solve problems.

2. Collaborative. Efforts to improve the learning process and
cannot be done alone by researchers outside the classroom
(teachers), but he had to collaborate with teachers.
3. Reflective. In contrast to the formal research approaches,
which often prioritize experimental empirical approaches,
classroom action research more emphasis on the process of
reflection and outcomes.4

B. Setting of Study and Time Line

The researcher conducted a CAR at the 5th grade of MI
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong in the academic year of
2015/2016. It is located at Lengkong village, Batangan-Pati.
The researcher chooses this place because the location is not
far from the researcher to reach. The students are
heterogeneous, it means that the students have different
In collecting data, the researcher needs three weeks
and done some steps as follows:
1. The researcher asked permission to the head master to do
research and gets familiar with the situation of school. (1st
2. The researcher conducted preliminary research. (1st week)
3. The researcher conducted cycle 1. (2nd week)

Suharsimi Arikunto,, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi
Aksara, 2008), P. 110-111

4. The researcher conducted cycle 2. (3rd week)

C. Research Subject and Collaborator

The subject of the research was the 5th grade students at
MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong in the academic year
2015/2016. There were two classes, class V A and V B. the
researcher used the class V A at MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah in
the academic year 2015/2016 as a participant of research that
consist of 12 students.
The collaborators in this research is especially Mrs.
Himatul Aliyah as an English teacher of class VA MI
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong. The school’s stakeholder
such as the principal who has given permission to researcher
to do a research also became the research collaborator. The
researcher asked their help to organize the students, analyse
the data, and motivate the students.

D. Research Procedure
In this classroom action research, the writer planned to
conduct two cycles through Word Games in teaching
vocabulary, which is each cycle consists of four stages, they
are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The four
stages of the classroom action cycle were conducted

integrated like spiral. The scheme or model of classroom
action research was as follow:5

1. Procedure of the Pre-Cycle

The first step in making classroom action research
was the researcher used pre-test to assess the students’
vocabulary mastery. In this activity the teacher taught
students with conventional method. The teacher explained
lesson material; kind, meaning, spelling, and pronouncing.
Then, the teacher gave the example of question related the
material. After that, the teacher asked to the students to
answer multiple choice questions related lesson material.
After the researcher gets the data from the pre-test
and the observation, researcher analysed the result to

Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas , (Jakarta: PT Rineka
Cipta, 2010), P. 16.

determine the effectiveness of Word Games to improve
student’s vocabulary achievement. After recognizing the
possible cause of problems faced by students, the next is
designing a plan which is the reflection problem.
2. The First Cycle
Researchers’ activity
No. Steps Teachers’ activity
as collaborator
- Researcher and - Preparing the teaching
teacher discussed material
the implementation
of Word Games
- Arranging a lesson
plan based on the
teaching material.
1. Planning - Preparing the
teaching material.
- Preparing the test
- Preparing the

- Researcher and the - Teacher greeted and

teacher enter the checked the students’
classroom together attendance.
- Researcher - Teacher explain the
introduced Word lesson material.
2. Acting
Find - Teacher asked
- Researcher explain students about their
how students do problem in previous
Word Find in a lesson.
- The researcher used - Teacher helped to
3. Observing observation observe students
checklist to during Word Find

observed students’ was implemented
- Observe students
respond toward
Word Find was
- Researcher analysed - The teacher and
the weakness and researcher discuss
strengthen of about teaching and
implementation learning process that
Word Find had been done to find
- Researcher made the weakness and
reflection and how to improve it in
conclude the result the next meeting.
of the first cycle. - The teacher and
4. Reflecting researcher evaluate
the teaching learning
process and analyse
the result of
observation checklist
to find out the
improvement of
students’ vocabulary
achievement taught
by using Word Find

3. The Second Cycle

Researchers’ activity
No. Steps Teachers’ activity
as collaborator
- Researcher and - Preparing the teaching
teacher discussed material
the implementation
1. Planning of Word Games
- Arranging a lesson
plan based on the
teaching material.

- Preparing the
teaching material.
- Preparing the test
- Preparing the

- Researcher and the - Teacher greeted and

teacher enter the checked the students’
classroom together attendance.
- Researcher - Teacher reviewed the
introduced Word previous lesson.
2. Acting
- Researcher explain
how students do
Word Clap in a
- The researcher used - Teacher helped to
observation observe students
checklist to during Word Clap
observed students’ was implemented
3. Observing activity.
- Observe students
respond toward
Word Clap was
- The researcher and - The teacher and
teacher discuss researcher evaluate
about teaching the teaching learning
learning process that process and analyse
had been done. The the result of
4. Reflecting
result of observation observation checklist
was analysed, so it to find out the the
could be seen the effectiveness of Word
effectiveness of Games to improve
Word Games to students’

improve students’ achievement.
achievement. - The teacher and
researcher reflected
the activities that
have been done. The
result of the analysis
could be used as
review that Word
Games could improve
students’ vocabulary
E. Variable and Indicator of Research
Variable refers to the object of research that becomes
research focus. The variable of this research refers to the
teaching learning method using Word Games (independent
variable). The indicators of using Word Games are as follows.
1. Class Presentation
In this phase, the students’ attentions become one
important element that should be done by the students
while the teacher gives the explanation.
2. Team Game
In this phase, the cooperation ability of the students
in team in explaining the given material is needed where
they should help to one another for getting understanding
to reach the team success.
The students’ achievement on Vocabulary
(dependent variable) with the indicator that the students are
able to improve vocabulary achievement by using Word

F. Technique of Data Collection
Instrument that are used to collect the date as follows:
1. Observation
Observation is the activity of giving total concern to
research object of the sense. The purpose of the
observation is to explain the situation in class activities,
individual involvement in some activities and the relation
between situation, activity and individual. In conducting
the observation, the researcher will use the observation
scheme to make it more systematic, containing list of
activity or event which may happen. In this research, the
observation is used to know how the students can improve
their vocabulary achievement through Word games.
Table 1
Form of Observation Check List
Paying Attention
Asking Questions
Responding to Question
Accomplishing Task
Being Enthusiastic an English Game

Table of observation check list will be used to record

the students’ activity linked to their behaviour and attitude
during the implementation of Word Games. This
observation check list will be used in pre-cycle, cycle I and

cycle II where a collaborator will help researcher to record
the students’ activity.
2. Documentation
Documentation is done to get information explicitly.
Document is note of past event. It needed to record students’
activity and teacher in teaching learning process such as.
photo or video.6 Documentation that done in this research
were picture of teaching learning process in the classroom,
observation notes, lesson plan, students’ score and
students’ task.
3. Test
Test is a stimulus that given to someone in order to
get answer or score.7 The test used in this research was
written form. The kind of the tests were multiple choice.
This kind of test was chosen because it kind of test that
easy to do and describe. There were 15 multiple choices.
The score of the students from the tests were used to know
the improvement of the students’ achievement after being
taught by Word Games.

Rosma Hartiny, Model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Yogyakarta:
Teras, 2010), P. 93.
Wijaya Kusumah and Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian
Tindakan Kelas, P. 78

G. Technique of Data Analysis
After the researcher collected the data, the next step that
must be done is analysing the data. Data analysis used to
answer the question of research or to examine the hypothesis
that has been formulated.
1. Observation
Data from observation included list of the
observation teacher’s activities and students’ activities in
during the research will be analysed by using this formula:

P = percentage of score
X = total score
Xi = maximum score8
The rubric used to describe the data is:
Category Percentage
Poor 0% - 20%
Fair 21% - 40%
Average 41% - 60%
Good 61% - 80%
Excellent 81% - 100%

2. Test
Test is given in every cycle to know the improvement
of achievement of the students. The mean is arithmetical

Rosma Hartiny, Model Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Yogyakarta:
Teras, 2010), P. 94.

average which is obtained by adding the sum offset score and
dividing the number of the students. The formula is:9

M = mean
∑ = total of score
= total of students
The formula above is used to find the mean of
singular data. From the result, the researcher analyzed to
find the improvement of students.

H. Indicators of Achievement
This study was said to success if the research
objectives’ indicators were reached. In this research, the
researcher formulated the research objectives’ indicators as
1. Students’ vocabulary achievement is improving after
students are taught by Word Games.
2. Word Games can improve students’ vocabulary
3. Students’ vocabulary achievement with the minimum
standard of score (KKM), which is 7.0.

Anas Sudjiono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali,
2010), P. 81


This chapter discusses about the collected data. In this

chapter, researcher explains the detail to the findings of the
collected data from beginning up to the end of the research. The
findings are taken from the results of cycle I and cycle II.
However, before the results of cycle I and cycle II being reported,
the researcher would like to present the result of pre-test. Pre-test
is a test done before research action of cycle I conducted. It is
needed to indicate the comparison of students’ mastery in lesson
between before and after the treatment of the implementation of
Word Games.
A. Description of Research Finding
The research held in MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong.
Abdul Shobib, S.Pd is a headmaster there. The school location is
in the environment of Al-Muwahidin Mosque Lengkong. This
research was carried out through two cycles and three meetings.
The researcher was teaching the students in every cycles. In the
end of cycle, the researcher gave multiple choice test for them.
The English teacher in MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah is Himatul
Aliyah, S. Pd. She was an observer during the researcher taught
the students. The class that is used by the researcher to run this
research is V A with 12 students.

B. The Data Analysis
1. Analysis of Pre-Cycle
This activity was done on Monday, April 25th,
2016. In this step Mrs. Himatul Aliyah as the English
teacher used conventional way in teaching vocabulary.
This is done to know students base score of vocabulary
mastery. In this activity, the teacher taught the students as
usual and used whiteboard in teaching learning process.
The whiteboard were only used to write the vocabulary
and meaning, but there were no technique or game during
teaching learning process.
In this meeting, the teacher was doing teaching
learning process. But, many students did not pay
attention to the teacher. They tended make noisy in
classroom, such as talking with other friend, reading
another book which is not English book, and sleepy.
There were only some students that pay attention to the
teacher. The data can be seen below:
Table 2
The result of observation check list from Pre-Cycle
Total of Students
YES % NO %
Paying Attention 4 33.3% 8 66.7%
Asking Questions 1 8.3% 11 91.7%
Responding to Question 1 8.3% 11 91.7%
Accomplishing Task 9 75.0% 3 25%
Being Enthusiastic an
0 0.0% 0 0.00%
English Game

= 25%
From the description above, it can be concluded
that students’ participation and their achievement about
material are fair during English lesson. To improve
students’ achievement and to make them not bored in
learning English, the researcher and English teacher
decided to implement Word Games in order to improve
students’ vocabulary achievement.
Table 3
Students’ score in Pre-Cycle
1 A-1 76
2 A-2 72
3 A-3 40
4 A-4 28
5 A-5 72
6 A-6 20
7 A-7 72
8 A-8 72
9 A-9 16
10 A-10 44
11 A-11 80
12 A-12 76

Total 668
Maximal Score 80
Minimal Score 16
Mean 55.6

The average score of the students in the pre-cycle
is 55.6. It can be categorized as less. KKM in MI
tarbiyatul Islamiyah is 70. Based on the criterion of
KKM, the students’ result in the pre-cycle can be said
that it was unsuccessful because the average score is
lower than 70. So, the researcher and Mrs. Himatul
Aliyah concluded that the treatment in each cycle was
necessary to improve students’ vocabulary achievement.
2. Analysis of First Cycle
The cycle 1 test was conducted on May 2nd, 2016.
The cycle 1 was about teaching and learning process and
writing test. The material was weather and clothes.
Table 4
The result of observation check list from First Cycle
Total of Students
YES % NO %
Paying Attention 9 75.0% 3 25.0%
Asking Questions 5 41.7% 7 58.3%
Responding to Question 6 50.0% 6 50.0%
Accomplishing Task 10 83.3% 2 16.7%
Being Enthusiastic an
9 75.0% 3 25.0%
English Game

= 65%

For the researcher, the introduction or explanation the material
was good. The instruction and managing the classroom from the
researcher were good. There was improvement from the previous
cycle. The researcher also gave motivation for the students in order to
increase their confident towards English. So, the students can active in
teaching-learning process. For the students, there were improvement
from some aspects. They started to concern towards teachers’
explanation. Their seriousness and enthusiasm in learning process was
good enough. They starting to attend teachers’ explanation although
still some students who enjoyed with themselves activity.
Table 5
Students’ score in the First Cycle
1 A-1 86.7
2 A-2 93.3
3 A-3 26.7
4 A-4 26.7
5 A-5 73.3
6 A-6 20.0
7 A-7 80.0
8 A-8 80.0
9 A-9 6.7
10 A-10 46.7
11 A-11 93.3
12 A-12 80.0

Total 713.33
Maximal Score 93.0
Minimal Score 20.0
Mean 59.4

The average of students’ score in the first cycle is
59.4. The Criterion Minimum Score in MI Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah was 70. It means that the next cycle could be
3. Analysis of the Second Cycle
The second cycle test was conducted on May 9th,
2016. The cycle 2 was about teaching and learning
process and oral test. The material was clothes, weather,
and healthy.
During teaching-learning process, the researcher was
helped by Mrs. Himatul Aliyah. She observed all of
activity in the second cycle, especially during Word
Games was run. From her observation, she got the
students more enjoy with play this game. They looked fun
and confident when they introduced and mentioned
vocabulary to their friends. When the game run, firstly,
the researcher made class in a circle. After this, the
researcher mention one word. So, the students tried to
concentrate and continue the word in circle. They looked
serious to mention a word correctly. They also concerned
with their friends’ word.
The students’ improvement is also supported by the
researchers’ improvement. The instruction and manage
the classroom were better than before. It can be seen from
the most of students understand with the researchers’

explanation. Their enthusiasm can be seen from they
always answer the researchers’ question. They also asked
to start the game. These description can be proved from
the table below.
Table 6
The result of observation check list from Second Cycle
Total of Students
YES % NO %
Paying Attention 11 91.7% 1 8.3%
Asking Questions 8 66.7% 4 33.3%
Responding to Question 9 50.0% 3 50.0%
Accomplishing Task 11 91.7% 1 8.3%
Being Enthusiastic an
10 83.3% 2 16.7%
English Game

= 81.7%
Table 7
Students’ score in the Second Cycle
1 A-1 93.3
2 A-2 93.3
3 A-3 73.3
4 A-4 80.0
5 A-5 46.7
6 A-6 80.0
7 A-7 86.7
8 A-8 53.3

9 A-9 73.3
10 A-10 93.3
11 A-11 86.7
12 A-12 80.0

Total 939.9
Minimum Score 53.3
Maximum Score 93.3
Mean 78.3

So, the mean of the students in the second cycle is

78.3. It means that the score in the second cycle can be
categorized as good because the result in this cycle is
more than 70 as stated of KKM in this school. The score
showed improving than previous cycle.
The result of the test from the pre cycle until second
cycle briefly can be seen from the tale below.
Table 8
The Result from the Pre-Cycle until Second Cycle
NO CODE Pre-Cycle First cycle Second cycle
1 A-1 76 86.7 93.3
2 A-2 72 93.3 93.3
3 A-3 40 26.7 73.3
4 A-4 28 26.7 80.0
5 A-5 72 73.3 46.7
6 A-6 20 20.0 80.0
7 A-7 72 80.0 86.7
8 A-8 72 80.0 53.3
9 A-9 16 6.7 73.3
10 A-10 44 46.7 93.3
11 A-11 80 93.3 86.7

12 A-12 76 80.0 80.0

Total 668 713.33 939.9

Maximal Score 80 93.0 93.3
Minimal Score 16 20.0 53.3
Mean 55.6 59.4 78.3

From the table above, it can be seen that there are

improving result from each cycle. From pre-cycle, it
shows that students’ achievement is 55.6. It means that
their achievement were poor because the standardized
from KKM is 70. In the first cycle, the students’
achievement is
59.4. There was improving result after the researcher
taught by using Word Games. It is under from
standardized KKM. It can be said that the result is still
poor. But, in second cycle, it shows that the students’
achievement is 78.3. There was improving achievement
than previous cycle. It means that Word Games can
improve students’ vocabulary achievement. So, this CAR
effectiveness of Word Games to improve students’
vocabulary achievement to the 5th grade students at MI
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong is success. It is
appropriate to the indicator of achievement, the students’
result of the test more than 75% and the students’ average
score more than 75. The improvement not only in
teaching learning but also in the result of the test.


The researcher wants to conclude the result of the research,

and wants to suggest to the reader especially to the students and
teachers in relation with the result of this research. The researcher
hopes it would be useful for the readers to improve the quality of
English teaching especially teaching vocabulary with the 5th
grade students of Elementary School.
A. Conclusion
The research conclusion is presented according to the
data which have been analysed in the previous chapter. From
all the data analysis about using Word Games to improve
students’ vocabulary achievement to the V A grades students
of MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong can be concluded that:
1. This research shows that the implementation of Word
Games can improve students’ vocabulary achievement.
2. The improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement
after being taught using Word Games can be seen from the
result of each cycle. The result in cycle one was 59.4 and
cycle two was 78.3. Word Games was also interesting to
the students. It can be seen in result of observation
checklist in the first cycle was 65% and the second cycle
was 81.7%. It means that majority of students participated
in the class enthusiastically.

B. Suggestion
The teacher must create enjoyable, fun and interesting
atmosphere in teaching and learning English at Elementary
School. The enjoyment is the one of basic modal that has to
be noticed in order to get students’ attention in learning. So,
the students are interested in learning. The teacher can create
an entertainment or enjoyment situation by giving Word
Games in delivering materials. Students do not only pay
attention to the material but also they able to corporate and
actively to increase their vocabulary in interesting and
different way by using Word Games. If the students have high
interest to that way (using Word Games), it would not be
difficult for the teacher to deliver the lesson. In addition, the
students also will be easily to open their minds on
understanding the material.
The researcher hopes that the school institution can
support teachers to create enjoyable, fun and interesting
atmosphere in learning such as Word Games as learning
technique in learning of recount reading. So, this research can
improve students’ English vocabulary.
This thesis is served to the readers. The researcher
realizes that it still less perfect. The researcher hopes any
suggestions and critics to make it perfect. The researcher
hopes that it can be useful to the readers. Aamiin.

C. Closing
Praise to be Allah SWT that has been giving protection
and power so that this thesis can be finished. The researcher
realized that this paper is far from being perfect, so that,
constructive critics and advices are really expected.
Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for the reader especially
for the teachers.

Appendix 1 List of Students V A

List of students' V A
No. Nama Code
1 Alfina Syafa`atur Rohmah A-1
2 Haidar Yahya Alawi A-2
3 Laili Nur Aulia Rahma A-3
4 Lusiani Nur Khasanah A-4
5 Melani Pramswari Putri A-5
6 Miftakhul Muhaimin A-6
7 Muhammad Arif Kholil Wafa A-7
8 Nasywa Zaida Salsabila A-8
9 Sindy Clara Gita A-9
10 Sirojul Muhlasin A-10
11 Zulfikri Rohmansyah A-11
12 Muhammad Alif Makruf A-12
Appendix 2

SCHOOL : MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong

SUBJECT : English
THEME : Clothes, Weather and Good Hygiene
SKILL : Listening
ALLOCATED TIME : 2x35 minutes

I. Competency Standard
5. Understanding the simple instruction using action in class

II. Basic Competence

5.2. Understanding the simple instruction verbally

III. Indicator
 Understand about clothes, weather and good hygiene.
 Know kind of clothes, weather and good hygiene.
 Mention kind of clothes, weather, and good hygiene.
 Pronounce the word about clothes, weather, and good
IV. Learning Aim
By the end of the lesson, the students will have been
able to know, mention and pronounce word related clothes,
weather and good hygiene.

V. Students Character Achievement

a. Accurate
b. Respect
c. Friendly
d. Trustworthiness
e. Cooperate

VI. Learning Material

VII. Learning Activities

Activities Time Interaction Samples of

Pattern Instruction
a. BKOF 5 minutes T – SS Assalamu’alaikum
(building Wr. Wb.
knowledge of
- Good morning,
- The teacher class? How are
greets the you today?
- Who is absent
- Teacher checks today?
the students’
- Let’s open our
- Teacher opens activity today by
the lesson. reciting Basmallah
- Teacher gives - Class. How many
some elicitation. weather in our
b. MOT
(modeling of
60 minutes T - SS - Well, I will show
- The teacher you some
explains vocabularies
vocabulary related clothes,
related weather, weather, and good
clothes and hygiene.
good hygiene. - For CLOTHES
there are t-shirt,
jacket, etc. for
T - SS WEATHER there
are spring,
- The teacher ask autumn, etc.
the students
pronounce - Now, I will teach
vocabulary you how to
related weather, pronounce the
clothes and T-SS vocabulary, I will
good hygiene read and please,
correctly after that follow
together. SS- SS me.

- The teacher
divides students
in group - Class, I will divide
you in groups.
- The students get
one paper of - Now, I will give
find word you a paper find
related clothes, T-S words, please do
weather and it together.
good hygiene. - Please share
After that, for your answer to
each group the class.
share their work
in class. The
other correct it.

- The teacher ask - The last, let’s

students to make a circle
make a circle line. Claps your
line. Teacher’s hands on your
lead, maintain a thighs three
four-beat times (one-two-
rhythm, three...) and
clapping their then both hands
hands on their together (four!).
thighs three Mention a word
times (one-two- from a pre-
three...) and 5 minutes selected lexical
then both hands set (for example,
together (four!). T – SS fruit and
Students have to vegetable) or
mention a word every fourth
from a pre- beat.
selected lexical
set (for
example, fruit
and vegetable)
or every fourth
beat. Students
who either
repeat the word
mentioned, or
break the
rhythm or say
nothing are out.
(independent - Have you
construction of understood our
text) material today?
- The teacher - How many theme
checking that we learnt this
students day?
understanding - What are they?
Please, mention it

- Oke, from what we

have learnt today,
we learn and know
- The teacher many vocabularies.
reviews the - Please mention
materials. vocabulary about
good hygiene!
- The Teacher
asks students
things dealing
with the - I think it’s enough
material. for today. See you
next week.
- Teacher closes
the lesson.
VIII. Learning Method
Communicative Teaching Learning
IX. Sources Learning
 KTSP Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum
X. Media Learning
 Paper of find word
XI. Assessment
a. Form : Spoken test
b. Techniques : The students are mentioned and shared their
words by whispering, read aloud words, and pronounce
words .
c. Aspects :
1. Content : 30%
2. Organization : 20%
3. Vocabulary : 20 %
4. Language use : 25%
5. Mechanics : 5%
d. Scoring Guidance :
Knowledgeable, relevant
Excellent 30
to assigned topic
Some knowledge of
subject, mostly relevant to
Good 25
topic, but not detail

Limited knowledge of
Fair 20 subject, in adequate
development of topic
Poor 15 Does not show knowledge
of subject, or not enough
to evaluate
Fluent expression, ideas
clearly stated/supported,
Excellent 20
well-organized, logical
Somewhat choppy,
loosely organized but
main idea
Good 15
standout, limited support,
logical but incomplete
Not fluent, ideas confused

or disconnected, lack
Fair 10
logical sequencing and
Does not communicate,
Poor 5 no organization, or not
enough to evaluate
Sophisticated range,
effective word/idiom
Excellent 20
and usage, word form
mastery, appropriate
Adequate range,
occasional errors of
Good 15 word/idiom
form, choice, usage but
meaning not obscured
Limited range, frequent

errors of word/idiom
Fair 10 form,
choice, usage, meaning
confused or obscured
Essentially translation,
Poor 5
little knowledge of
vocabulary, idioms, word
form, or not enough to
Few errors of agreement,
tense, number, word
Excellent 25
order/function, article,
pronoun, propositions
Minor problems in
complex construction,
errors of agreement,
Good 20
tense, number, word
order/function, article,
pronoun, propositions, but
meaning seldom obscured
Major problems in
frequent errors of
agreement, tense, number,
Fair 10
order/function, article,
pronoun, propositions,

meaning confused or
Virtually no mastery of
sentence construction
Poor 5
dominated by errors
Demonstrate mastery of
conventions, few errors of
Excellent 5 spelling, punctuation,

occasional errors of
Good 4
spelling, punctuation,
paragraphing but meaning
Frequent errors of
spelling, punctuation,
Fair 3
paragraphing, poor
meaning confused
No mastery of
conventions, dominated
by errors of
Poor 2
spelling, punctuation,

Rubric of assessment
No of Form instrument Criteria
1. Written test Answer For each true answer
questions related : 10

Approved by:
English Teacher Praktikan

Himatul Aliyah, S.Pd Nur Fahmiati

NIY. NIM. 103411039
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6

Answer Key of Try-out Test, Pre-test, and Post-test

Try-out Test
1. B 6. C 11. A 16. A 21. B
2. B 7. C 12. C 17. C 22. B
3. A 8. A 13. C 18. B 23. B
4. B 9. C 14. B 19. B 24. B
5. B 10. A 15. C 20. C 25. B

1. A 6. B 11. A
2. B 7. C 12. A
3. B 8. B 13. C
4. B 9. A 14. B
5. B 10.C 15. C

1. B 6. A 11. B
2. A 7. C 12. B
3. C 8. B 13. B
4. C 9. C 14. B
5. A 10.A 15. B
Appendix 7
Documentation of Research
Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Appendix 10

Name : Nur Fahmiati

NIM : 103411039
Place and Date of Birth : Pati, 15th December 1992
Original Address : Ds.Lengkong 03/02 Batangan-Pati
Mobile Number : 085799650441

Education : 1. RA Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong

2. MI Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong
3. MTs Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Lengkong
4. MAN Rembang
5. Student of Education and Teacher Traing
Faculty Walisongo Islamic State
University of Semarang

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