Lesson 13
Lesson 13
Lesson 13
W E E K LY T E S T S 1 3 . 1
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Test Record Form
TOTAL 50 40
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Target Vocabulary
Read the selection. Then read each question that follows that selection. Decide
which is the best answer to each question. Mark the space for the answer you
have chosen.
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Skills in Context
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Skills in Context
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Skills in Context
20 The path was steep, and soon Kayla and Wes were out
of breath. Going up the hill was hard work.
21 Finally they reached the top. “There’s the waterfall,”
said Wes. “Where is the cracked boulder?”
22 There were boulders all around. Everyone spread out
and examined the rocks. Suddenly, Kayla spotted one
with a jagged split. “I think I found it!” she shouted.
Everyone came running. Aunt Jessie peered into the
crack. “There’s something in there.” She reached in and
pulled out a small plastic box. “Here’s the letterbox!”
23 They all cheered as they opened it. Kayla, Uncle Jim,
and Aunt Jessie marked the notebook with their stamps.
Then they used the stamp in the box to mark their own
24 “I wish I had a stamp, too,” said Wes.
25 “Don’t worry,” laughed Uncle Jim. “We’ll all go
letterboxing again soon!”
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Skills in Context
1 How are Kayla and Wes 3 Why does Kayla draw a flower
different? on the eraser?
Kayla is good at arts and To test the pen
crafts, but Wes is not. To show where to cut
Kayla dislikes playing To decorate the eraser
basketball, but Wes To avoid using the inkpad
loves it.
Kayla does not have a
4 In paragraph 19, the word
rubber stamp, but Wes
peak means —
has several.
Kayla thinks letterboxing a flat field
will be fun, but Wes is not the bottom part
interested. a tunnel through
the highest point
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Skills in Context
6 How are Kayla and Wes alike? 9 The end of the story takes
They both make a rubber place —
stamp. in a kitchen
They both get a notebook in a letterbox
from Uncle Jim. inside a cave
They both get out of near a waterfall
breath going up the hill.
They both see the cracked
10 How is Wes different at the
boulder at the same time.
end of the story?
He wants a rubber stamp.
7 What happens right after they He knows what a
reach the top of the hill? waterfall is.
Everyone cheers. He no longer enjoys
Wes sees the waterfall. basketball.
Aunt Jessie finds the He decides he does not
letterbox. like hiking.
Kayla sees the cracked
Use what you know about the target vocabulary and homophones and
homographs to answer questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to
each question.
1 What does the word pausing 3 What does the word rugged
mean in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
Before crossing the street, the The pioneer wagons could not
students were pausing to look cross the rugged mountains.
both ways.
Sandy and wet
Hurrying forward Windy and cold
Opening their eyes Grassy and green
Pushing and shoving Bumpy and rocky
Stopping for a moment
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
5 What does the word examined 8 Which word best completes the
mean in the sentence below? sentence below?
Steve examined the old car for When the cousins left, we all
scratches and dents, but he did waved —
not see any.
Gave a test buy
Drove around bay
Banged and hit bie
Looked at carefully
9 Which word best completes the
6 Which word best completes the sentence below?
sentence below? I don’t know what this old tool
If you drop the plate, it will — is used —
brak fore
break fur
brake for
brook four
7 Which word best completes the 10 Which word best completes the
sentence below? sentence below?
Neil is seven now. Next year When the elf laughs, he sounds
he will turn — happy and —
at marry
ate Mary
eat merry
eight murry
Vocabulary 40 Grade 3, Unit 3: Learning Lessons
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Selection Test
Think back to the selection “Yonder Mountain: A Cherokee Legend” to answer
questions 1–10. Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
1 How are the three young men 3 How are the beautiful stones
alike? like the herbs?
They all return with torn They are both useful for
clothes. the tribe.
They all bring back pretty They will both help heal
stones. sickness.
They all stay away for a They will both be traded
long time. for food.
They all have to take the They are both on the
chief’s test. mountain peak.
2 What happened just before 4 The first young man and the
the first young man closed second young man both —
his eyes? get lost on the mountain
He saw herbs growing stop to rest on the
nearby. mountain
He saw lights twinkling refuse to go up the
in the sun. mountain
He saw an eagle fly across think the mountain is too
the sky. steep
He saw sick people from
another village.
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
5 How is the third young man 6 How are the first two young
different from the first two men different from the third
young men? young man?
The third young man The first two young men
returns very quickly. want to go live in another
The third young man village.
brings nothing from the The first two young men
mountain. do not know how to read
The third young man smoke signals.
cares about the people in The first two young men
his village. worry about the people in
The third young man the other village.
waits and goes up the The first two young men
mountain later. do not follow the chief’s
order to go to the peak.
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
7 All of the people in Chief Sky’s 9 The third young man can best
village — be described as —
have to climb up the caring
mountain afraid
want to trade stones for lazy
medicine lonely
think the three young
men are foolish
10 How did Chief Sky show who
are eager to see what
would be the next chief?
each young man brings
back He hugged Soaring Eagle.
He shook Soaring Eagle’s
8 Why did Chief Sky wait for the He gave Soaring Eagle
third young man? his robe.
He knew the tribe that He gave the stones and
was in trouble. herbs to Soaring Eagle.
He wanted his people to
learn patience.
He wanted to be fair to all
the young men.
He already knew which
was the best young man.
Use what you know about contractions to answer questions 1–10. Mark the
space for the best answer to each question.
1 What is the base word in the 4 What does the word I’d mean
word haven’t? in the sentence below?
have I’d like to watch the movie
hav with you.
haven I did
I am
I have
2 What is the base word in the I would
word we’ve?
5 What does the word isn’t mean
in the sentence below?
have Steve isn’t going to the parade
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
6 What does the word he’d mean 9 What does the word they’ve
in the sentence below? mean in the sentence below?
Jerry said he’d read that book Tom thinks they’ve moved out
before. of town.
he is they are
he had they have
he were they were
he could they would
7 What does the word weren’t 10 What does the word we’d mean
mean in the sentence below? in the sentence below?
The glasses weren’t in the box. The man said we’d enjoy the
we not
was not we is
were not we will
would not we had
we would
should is
should not
should will
should have 34/0
Use what you know about subject-verb agreement to answer questions 1–10.
Mark the space for the best answer to each question.
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Yonder Mountain:
A Cherokee Legend
Language Arts