Planetary Empires
Planetary Empires
Planetary Empires
What is known is that the Exodus system was lost for untold centuries, trapped within the depths of an intense
warpstorm and lost to the rest of the Imperium. When the storm receded, Exodus Prime had been scoured clean
of life and Imperial civilization, only ancient shattered edifices standing where a once great society had stood.
With the reappearance of a resource rich planet ripe for colonization, the Imperium wasted no time in sending
colonists and missionaries to rebuild upon the ruins of their ancient forbearers. Within the next decade, Imperial
scholars began to notice a troubling phenomenon: the colonists of Exodus Prime were spawning psykers at a much
higher rate than would otherwise be expected. Research would reveal a warp oddity from deep within the planet
itself, one that would beckon others to seek the paradise world.
What would follow would be an epic war of conquest that would shake the very foundation of the Imperium…
Once all of the tiles have been claimed, you are ready to play.
Once you and your opponent have agreed upon the points value, but before you and your opponent have chosen
your armies, check to see if either player is eligible for any of the following bonuses:
Consolidated Forces:
Compare the number of tiles each player controls. If one player has fewer tiles, they gain an additional 10% for
each additional tile the opponent controls.
If a player controls a spaceport he may bring in additional support from one of his allies. He may include an
additional 10%, but these units MUST start the game in reserve. Airlifted units may be chosen from the Codex of
any allied force.
Players may also spend Resource Points to recruit mercenaries. You may spend 5 Resource Points to add an
additional 5% bonus. Mercenaries may be selected from any Codex, but may only be Troops or Elite Choices.
For each Manufactorum controlled, the player may add an additional 10% to their army, though these must be
Troops choices. Tyranids may instead add an additional 15%. Space Marines and Chaos Marines only gain an
additional 5%.
Before the battle begins, each player chooses one of their opponent's territories. Each player then rolls a d6. The
winner may choose which of the two chosen territories will serve as the battlefield for the upcoming game. The
player who controls this territory is the defender. The other player is the attacker. The type of battlefield and the
attacking player's faction dictate the scenario for the game.
The type of battlefield and the attacking player's faction dictate the scenario for the game.
The type and amount of terrain is determined by the type of tile that is being invaded. The following are
guidelines, and may be adjusted if both players are in agreement.
The winning player may attempt to take over the tile chosen as the battlefield before the beginning of the game.
The chance of capturing the tile depends on its location and how easy it is to defend. The conquest table below
lists the 2d6 rolls that are required to capture different tiles and the modifiers that apply to the dice roll.
Base Values
3+ Tile is adjacent to one of the winner's tiles*.
4+ Tile is within one tile of one of the winner's tiles.
5+ Tile is not within one tile of one of the winner's
6+ Tile is not within five tiles of one of the winner's
-1 Tile has a river or defensive lines.
-2 Tile is a swamp or spaceport.
-3 Tile is a mountain.
+1 Tile is a crater.
-1 Tile is unowned.
Unowned Tiles
Any player who wins a game can choose to conquer
one of the tiles controlled by the player they defeated
or an unowned tile. The normal restrictions apply to
conquering the tile apply, though the difficulty of
conquering an unowned tile is reduced by 1.
At the beginning of the campaign, each player should choose a single character that they will serve as the army's
general for the duration of the Planetary Empires campaign. Each character should be given a name.
Commanders may not be Vehicles, though they may be mounted on bikes or cavalry.
Characters cost increases in accordance to its Experience. It's total cost equals the cost of the character and any
equipment that he has, plus the total number of Experience points spent.
Each time a commander earns 5 Experience points, the player may spend these points to make a roll on the
Character Advancement table (below). The bonus rolled is applied to that character for the duration of campaign.
2 Weapons Locker The character may choose any one piece of wargear from his army's Codex.
3-7 Skilled Warrior The character may choose from the Skills below.
8 Characteristic Increase Choose either +1 WS or +1 BS.
9 Characteristic Increase Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Initiative; 4-6 = +1 Leadership.
10 Characteristic Increase Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Strength; 4-6 = +1 Attack.
11 Characteristic Increase Roll again: 1-3 = +1 Wound; 4-6 = +1 Toughness.
12 Legendary Ability The character may choose from Legendary Abilities below.
Skills are useful, if common, abilities able to be taken by your character. Skills follow the same rules as the
Universal Special Rule with which they share a name. The list of skills, and any additional requirements, are as
Legendary Abilities represent truly unique abilities and skills possessed by only a handful of mighty warriors.
Note: Some of these abilities grant bonuses to the army as a whole, or to other units within your army. These
abilities may not be used it the character is not included in the army, or has to sit on the sidelines due to an injury.
Hits in close combat have the
Rending special rule.
For every roll of '1' to hit this
character in close combat, enemy
units immediately suffer an
automatic hit at the users base
Bionic Strength
The character may wield initiative
reduced weapons (powerfists, etc)
at their normal initiative.
You gain a 5+ invulnerable save.
Double Tap
This character may fire one
additional shot per turn if he does
not move and does not have a
Heavy Weapon.
Coordinated Assault
All friendly units within 6" of this
character gain +1 Attack.
Fearsome Reputation
When this character assaults a unit,
they must immediately make a
Morale test. If they fail, they must
fall back.
Gunnery Sergeant
All friendly units within 6" of this character gain +1 Ballistics Skill.
Master Psyker
The character knows all the Psychic powers available to his army.
All friendly units within 6" of this character gain +1 Weapon Skill.
After deployment, choose a single infantry or vehicle unit in your army. That unit has the Scouts special rule for
the duration of the battle.
Practiced Psyker
The character may use one additional Psychic power each turn.
At the start of your turn, as long as this character is still alive, roll a D6 for each Wound that he has lost: for every 6
rolled, he recovers a single Wound.
Choose one Elite choice from your Codex. When this character is included in your army, you may include that type
of unit as a Troops choice.
Enemies may not take cover saves against shots from this character.
Wounds caused by this character's Shooting attacks are allocated by his controlling player, rather than the
opposing player.
Superior Tactician
You may reroll dice rolls for picking deployment areas, seeing who goes first, and for reserves.
Tactical Precision
If this unit arrives by Deep Strike, it scatters D6" less than normal.
Tank Commander
This character may replace the crew of a tank. The tank may use his Ballistic Skill. If the tank suffers a vehicle
destroyed result, then this character is slain.
After each battle fought as part of the campaign, roll a D6 for any of your characters that have been slain in battle
(not fleeing or have fled from the table). If you won the game, a +1 bonus is added to your roll.
1 Captured - The character has been captured by the enemy. You must pay your opponent a number of Resource
Points equal to the characters total Experience before he will be returned.
2 Serious Injury - The character has survived but is greatly weakened by his injuries. He permanently loses 1
Wound and 1 point of Toughness from his starting profile for the duration of the campaign and cannot participate
in battle for the next game his army participates in.
3 War Wound - The character has survived but is weakened by his injuries. Roll a D6.
1: Blind in one Eye The character takes a -1 to BS. If he gets this result again, he must retire.
2-3: Broken Hand The character takes a -1 to WS.
5: Head Injury The character take a -1 to In.
6: Post Traumatic The character gains the Rage special rule.
4 Slow Recovery - The character has survived, but must rest and recover his strength before returning to the
battlefield. He may not participate in the next game his army participates in.
5 Traumatized - The near death experience has shaken the warrior. He looses 2 Experience points, but is
otherwise able to return to duty.
6 Full Recovery - Despite his wounds, the character has made a full recovery and is ready for battle in the next
After suffering grievous injuries, characters may be healed
at the hand of an Apothecary, Medic, or other healer. If
your army includes a model that grants the Feel No Pain
rule, roll a D6 after each game the injured character takes
part in. On a roll of 6, the character has been fully healed
and no longer suffers any of the injuries and penalties
received during the campaign. Necron and Tyranid
characters may always roll to Recover.
If a character's Wounds or Toughness is reduced to 0, the
character is dead. You may create a new character to take
his place, though this character starts with 0 experience.
At the end of each week, your force recovers and reaps the
benefits of their territories. Roll 3d6, plus an additional 1d6
for each tile you control. This is your income for the week.
Income is measured in Resource Points (RP).
One structure may be built each week. The player must pay
the listed Resource Points and may then place the structure
in any territory that they control. The cost for building is
doubled in a Mountain tiles.
At the start of the campaign, there will be a number of
power stations, command bastions, and manufactorums on
the map, and you will be able to add more as the campaign
These pieces have an important impact on how your army will perform in the battles you fight, as described below.
Note that some armies will gain greater benefits from certain pieces than other armies will. This is based on how
each army fights, and means that certain pieces will be more valuable to certain players than others are. Capturing
or building the right pieces is therefore vital to your success.
Manufactorum - 40 RP to build
Manufactorums produce the materials needed to equip and arm additional units for your army. For each
Manufactorum controlled, the player may add an additional 10% to their army, though these must be Troops
choices. Tyranids may instead add an additional 15%. Space Marines and Chaos Marines only gain an additional
Command Bastion - 20 RP
For each command bastion you control, you may choose to take one additional Elite choice. Imperial Guard may
take one additional Heavy Support choice. Eldar and Dark Eldar may take one additional Fast Attack choice.
After rolling for Resources, you may request or construct supplies that may be useful in future engagements. Each
stratagem requisitioned in this way may be used only once, and must be used in the week that they are purchased.
Defensive requisitions may only be used when you are defending. Offensive requisitions may only be used when
you are attacking.
Booby Traps (1 RP) –
Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, and Orks
At the start of the game, after terrain is placed, declare that you have placed booby traps and secretly write down
D3 pieces of terrain that have been booby-trapped in this fashion. Each terrain piece may only be booby-trapped
once. Booby-traps are automatically triggered the first time a unit (friendly or enemy) moves into the booby-
trapped terrain. When triggered the traps inflict 2D6 S6 hits with an AP of 4. Cover saves are not allowed against
the traps, as they strike from unexpected angles.
Darken the Skies (1 RP) –
Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, and Tyranids
You may use this stratagem at the beginning of any turn. Until the beginning of the next game turn, the Night
Fight rules apply. Furthermore, due to the sudden pall of darkness, any Morale tests taken by the defender are at -
1 until the beginning of the next game turn.
Deathstorm (1 RP) –
Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and Space Marines
The deathstorm is rolled for as if it were a unit held in reserve. At the beginning of the Shooting phase on the turn
the deathstorm arrives, any unit on the battlefield that is not inside a building (not a ruin), be it friend or foe,
suffers 3d6 hits with S1 and AP6.
Laserburn (4 RP) –
Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, and Tau
Place two coin sized markers within 8 inches of each other. Roll for scatter, though this scatter, though this scatter
cannot be corrected or rerolled, and you must roll 3D6 instead of 2D6 to determine scatter. Once the markers
Sabotage (2 RP) –
Dark Eldar, Imperial Guard, Orks, and Tyranids
The attacker chooses an enemy vehicle after the defender has set up and places a sabotage marker on it. Any
weapon on the vehicle with a sabotage marker must roll a D6 each time it wishes to fire. On a result of 1-3 it may
not fire that turn.
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv ______________________________
Injuries: __________________________________