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The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

The Daimler Armoured Car

The Daimler Armoured Car was a development of the Daimler Scout car, design began in 1939, and
resulted in what was basically an enlarged Dingo fitted with a turret, even the hexagonal fighting
compartment and hull front bin were found on both. Other items shared with its older little brother were
rear engine (but a bigger 6 cylinder, 95bhp, 4095cc one) and transmission via separate driving shafts and
universal joints to each of four wheels. Each wheel station was independently sprung, with four large coil
springs mounted as two units of pairs one inside the other. This gave a large wheel travel and good cross
country performance. The pre-selector gearbox was another Dingo feature, the armoured car having five
speeds available for forward or reverse travel using a transfer box via a fluid flywheel.

The original vehicle was to have been called the BSA Light Wheeled Tank, and have two machine guns
as per the Guy Wheeled Tank and also four-wheel steering as on the Dingo. This steering arrangement
was never fitted in production, indeed only the earliest Dingo’s had it, and armament was a 2pdr gun
even on the prototypes. This gave the car firepower similar to current British tanks and better than the
machine guns of earlier armoured cars.

Image courtesy of the authors own collection

DESCRIPTION: A rare photo of the Daimler Armoured car prototype.
The photo of the prototype shows that it had no side doors and small detail differences form the
production cars. Turret vision slots were different, smoke dischargers were fitted one each side of the
turret, and there was a raised section above the driver's position as well as headlight differences.
Production vehicles had escape hatches in each hull side. The three man crew was the largest which
could be fitted in, and without a major redesign a more powerful gun could not be fitted.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

(Photos courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum, numbers not known)

DESCRIPTION: A front view of the Daimler Armoured car prototype.

One feature which was useful for reconnaissance work was the rear driving position, with a steering wheel
and throttle on the left rear of the fighting compartment and a small peep slot in the hull rear. Turret hatch
opened in a manner similar to early Crusader tanks, a series of rods and torsion bars allowed the hatch to
open with a cantilever action. This meant the hatch was either fully open or fully closed.

First vehicles were issued in the UK in 1941 and small numbers of cars went to North Africa from mid 1941
for evaluation. It was not until 1942 that the 11th Hussars became the first active service users. Initially
Daimlers served alongside other cars, mostly Humbers, and armoured car units also used Dingo’s. Looking
at the 1944 establishment, it was possible to see Daimler armoured and scout cars working with
Staghounds as command and anti aircraft vehicles, supported by AEC Matador Mk III cars or 75mm guns
on half-tracks - surely this gave unit mechanics and logisticians busy days and sleepless nights! Later on,
the Daimler became the standard car in British armoured car regiments and the Reconnaissance Corps
units attached to infantry divisions in place of Humbers, although Staghounds were used as command

As was common, detail improvements were introduced as production progressed. Most noticeably, the
external stowage changed, a spare wheel was fitted on the left hull side (unfortunately blocking one of
the side escape hatches) and later a rack to carry two sand channels on the right side. I have never seen
these used for their original purpose in photos, and indeed cars in North Africa and Sicily often carried a
rack for petrol or water cans on the hull side with the sand channels being carried on the front of the hull,
while a sun compass bracket could be fitted on the right side of the turret. An external condenser can
was carried in hot climates.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

It was planned to replace both Daimler and Humber armoured cars with the Coventry, designed and
built jointly by both manufacturers. In the event, more Daimlers were built. Mk II cars had a more rounded
gun mantlet, the older 'Mounting, 2pdr and Medium BESA MG No 4 Mk II' with its square-ended mantlet
being replaced by the 'No 10 Mk I'.

There was now an escape hatch above the driver, the left hand side door was eliminated, while
improved engine cooling meant armoured louvers over the whole hull rear plate and only two covered
slots in the horizontal engine cover instead of four (oddly, the prototype seemed to have had this later
arrangement) as well as a number of mechanical improvements.

Post war, both marks remained in service, many photos even show both in use in the same unit at the
same time. The only changes made were the replacement of the 4" smoke bomb throwers with sets of six
barrelled dischargers as used on many British AFVs of the period.

The Daimler Armoured Car. Like the scout car, it incorporated some of the most advanced design
concepts of the time and is considered one of the best British AFVs of the Second World War.
The prototypes had been produced in 1939, but problems with the transmission caused by the weight of
the vehicle delayed service entry until mid-1941. 2,694 armoured cars were built by Daimler.

The Daimler had full independent suspension and four wheel drive. Epicyclic gearing in the wheel hubs
enabled a very low ratio in bottom gear - it was credited with managing 1:2 inclines.
It also used Girling hydraulic disc brakes and another steering wheel and controls were available to the
commander to drive to the rear.

The rugged nature combined with reliability made it ideal for reconnaissance and escort work.

(Photos courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum, numbers not known)

DESCRIPTION: A demonstration of the big Daimlers off road ability.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

2,694 armoured cars were built by Daimler.

Surviving vehicles are highly prized among UK vehicle collectors, while Mk Is is on display in the Imperial
War Museum in London and the Museum of British Road Transport in Coventry and an Mk II at the Tank
Museum in Bovington.

(Photo courtesy of Daimler.co.uk)

DESCRIPTION: The car stripped of the armour.

Note the following:

Two low level fuel tanks protected by there own armoured casing and
the provision of the two steering wheels, the farthest one for the driver and nearest one for the
commander to aid quick reversing.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Fitting the wheels completed chassis and engine assembly

Fitting the turret the fluid flywheel half’s

On training exercise commander and gunner

Images courtesy if the IWM film section & Norman Barr
PHOTOGRAPHER: WD training film
DESCRIPTION: images are screen shots from the original WD crew training film for the Daimler armoured
Circa 1942

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Basic Statistics Armament

Length 13' 2.5" (hull only 13') 2pdr gun with 52 rounds
Width 8' 10" 7.92mm BESA with 2,700 rounds
Height 7' 4" .303" Bren AA with 500 rounds
Ground Clearance 1' 4" .45" Thompson with 200 rounds or 9mm Sten
Wheelbase 8' 6" machine carbine with 300 rounds
Wheel Track 6' 6" 2 x 4" smoke dischargers or (post-war) two sets of six
Tyres 10.5 or 11 by 20 barrel smoke grenade launchers
Approx Weight 6.75 tons empty, 7.75 tons in battle
order Armour
Bridge Class 7 16mm turret front & mantlet, hull rear
Speed 50mph 14mm hull front & turret sides
Range 205 miles 10mm hull sides
Fording depth 4' prepared 8mm turret & hull top
7mm hull floor
Radio No 19 set

(Photo courtesy of internet – site unknown)

DESCRIPTION: Daimler in northern Europe. Most units used the vehicles as issued, not only as armoured
cars but as homes, so often carried large amounts of stowage.

This was draped over and fitted to the mudguards and engine covers, turrets were left clear and usually
space left to allow a good view through the rear driving lookout.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Mark 1 Daimler Armoured Car

Image courtesy of Daimler.co.uk

DESCRIPTION: the Daimler armoured car climbing a steep bank, the car was designed to climb up to a 1
in 2 slope and be tilted to the side without overturning up to 50 degrees
Circa 1942

(Photos courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum, numbers not known)

DESCRIPTION: Mark 1 Daimler Armoured Car (F19931).
The mark one car used the turret that was used on Tetrarch tank except that smoke dischargers were
fitted to the turret sides.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Mark 1 CS, Daimler Armoured Car Close Support

(Photos courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum, numbers not known)

DESCRIPTION: Mark 1 Close Support

A version with a 3 inch (76.2 mm) Howitzer that could fire both HE and smoke was also few produced, but
not in great numbers, perhaps following the then current tank policy of CS or Close Support vehicles.

These do not seem to have seen action.

Units used either 75mm guns on half-tracks or other types of car such as AEC Matadors for heavy

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Mark 1 HA, Daimler Armoured High Angle Gun Mounting

(Photo courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum, number not known)

(Photo courtesy of Bovington Tank Museum, film 437C)

DESCRIPTION: DAC Mk 1 HA Experimental model carried out in the middle east to produce extra high
elevation to the 2pdr and BESA MG main armament.

A special sight arrangement with linking to gun was mounted onto of the turret and it would allow the
target to be sighted by both turret crew.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

The sighting arrangement is similar to that found on Bofers antiaircraft guns, and it is assumed that the
both crew members would be responsible for traversing and raising gun elevation.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Mark 2 Daimler Armoured Car

DAC F208344

DAC F20894

(Photos courtesy of IWM & Bovington Tank Museum, numbers not known)

DESCRIPTION: Improved turret with additional armour around the pistol port, modified gun mount, better
radiator, driver escape hatch above the front view port, and larger rear view port for

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Mark 3A Daimler Armoured Car,

(Photo courtesy of IWM-B-10147)

Photographer's name: Laing (Sgt) - No 5 Army Film & Photographic Unit

DESCRIPTION: Regimental command version, known as SOD (Sawn-Off Daimler), and other recce vehicles
on the road near Lille St Hubert (St Huibrechts), 20 September 1944.

The SOD were converted Heavy Daimlers cars used to make up for the lack of available scout cars in late

The Inns of Court Yeomanry overcame a lack of scout cars in 1944 by taking turrets and mudguards off
some of their cars. A Bren gun was carried as anti aircraft protection, together with the PLM mounting to
allow it to be used from under armour, although I have never seen photos of either fitted.
The turret less regimental command version was known as the SOD (Sawn-Off Daimler)

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Image courtesy if the IWM H24027

PHOTOGRAPHER: Spender (Lt): War Office official photographer


DESCRIPTION: Daimler armoured car F20023 and infantry advance through a smokescreen during a large-
scale exercise in Salisbury involving regular troops, the Home Guard and civil defence workers,
26-27 September 1942

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Image courtesy of the publication Household Cavalry at War by ORDE.

PHOTOGRAPHER: War Office official photographer
DESCRIPTION: Weymouth, Household Cavalry Daimler armoured car heading for the shore after
waterproofing tests in rough seas s.
13 December 1943.

Image courtesy if the IWM H34779

PHOTOGRAPHER: Hardy (Sgt) War Office official photographer
DESCRIPTION: Daimler armoured car F2073?? on the beach at Weymouth during landing trials,
unprepared fording depth was 20 inches and prepared depth 3 feet 6 inches.
13 December 1943.
The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Image courtesy of the authors own collection

DESCRIPTION: Daimler armoured car entering a depth trail with a water height of six feet. How the driver is
managing to breath can only be guessed, but his head would be at least a foot under the water level
Date unknown.

Other Variants

The 11th Hussars fitted a Vickers Gas Operated Observers Gun (the K as used on SAS jeeps) to the turret
top of some of their vehicles in Europe, and from 1944 many cars were fitted the Littlejohn tapered bore
extension which with special ammunition improved the performance of the 2pdr and allow for greater
armour penetration.

Combat history

They were first used in North Africa during 1941 and 1942, replacing the Marmon-Herrington vehicles of the
11th Hussars. It was also used in Europe and a few vehicles in the South-East Asia theatre. To improve the
gun performance, some Daimlers in the European Theatre had their 2 pounders fitted with the Littlejohn
adaptor which worked on the squeeze bore principle.

Daimlers were used by the territorial units of the British Army until 1960s, outlasting their planned
replacement, the Coventry Armoured Car.

The Daimler Fighting Vehicles Project – Part Af
Daimler Armoured Car– Design & Development

Image courtesy of the authors own collection

DESCRIPTION: Daimler armoured car F339226, post war number 85ZR63 on exercise
Date and location unknown.


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