12 Trainees Record Book

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Instructions: Unit of Competency 1:

Provide a Link Between

Kitchen and Service
This Trainees’ Record Areas
Book (TRE) is intended to ________________________________________
serve as record of all T D I
accomplishment/task/activ Lear a at n
ities while undergoing ning s e s Trainee’s Record Book
training in the industry. It Outc k/ Ac tr
ome a co u
will eventually become
ct m c
evidence that can be iv pli t
submitted for portfolio it sh o
assessment and for y ed r’
whatever purpose it will re s
serve you. It is therefore q R
ui e
important that all its
re m Trainee’s No. _______________
contents are viably entered d a
by both the trainees and r
instructor. k Name:
Qualification Food and Beverage Services NC II
Training Duration:
1.1 Liaise between
kitchen and service
The Trainee’s Record Book contains all the required
competencies in your chosen qualification. All you have to do is to fill 1.2 Clean and clear
in the column “Task Required” and “Date Accomplished” with all the food service areas
activities in accordance with the training program and to be taken up
in school and with the guidance of the instructor. The instructor
likewise indicates his/her remarks on the “Instructor’s Remarks”
column regarding the outcome of the task accomplished by the
trainees. Be sure that the trainee will personally accomplish the task
and confirmed by the instructor.

It is of great importance that the content should be written legibly

on ink. Avoid any corrections or erasures and maintain the cleanliness
of this record.

This will be collected by your trainer and submit the same to the
LPU Instruction Supervisor and shall form part of the permanent
trainee’s document on file.

Thank You

Unit of Competency 2: Unit of Competency 3:

Provide Food and Beverage Service Provide Room Service

Task/Activity Date Instructor’s Task/activity Date Instructor’s

Learning Outcome Required Accomplished Remarks Learning Outcome required Accomplished Remarks
2.1 Prepare 3.1 Take and process
dining/reataurant area room service orders
for service
2.2 Prepare and set 3.2 Set up trays and
tables trolleys
2.3 Welcome 3.3 Present room
customers service meals and
beverage to guests
2.4 Take and process 3.4 Present room
orders service accounts
2.5 Serve and clear 3.5 Clear room
food and drinks service area

Unit of Competency 4:
Develop and Update Food and Beverage Knowledge

Task/Activity Date Instructor’s

Learning Outcome Required Accomplished Remarks
4.1 Research general
information on food and
beverage cocktails

4.2 Share information

with customers

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