Meeting Expert VCM OPS
Meeting Expert VCM OPS
Meeting Expert VCM OPS
Health-sector responses
to violence against women
17–19 March 2009
Geneva, Switzerland
Abbreviations v
Acknowledgements vi
Introduction 1
Aims of the meeting 2
Summary of evidence on effectiveness of health-sector interventions 3
Key themes emerging 5
National policy context 5
The development of networks and partnerships 5
Forms of violence addressed 6
Approaches to training health-care professionals 6
Approaches to the identification of violence against women 6
Documentation of abuse and forensic evidence collection 7
Framework for recommendations for health-sector responses to violence against women 8
1. Enabling environment 8
2. Training 8
3. Systems and services 9
4. Accountability and monitoring 10
5. Research and surveillance 10
6. Approaches to psychosocial and emotional support 11
7. Non-negotiable issues and principles (ethical and safety issues, documentation) 12
8. Screening 12
9. The development of networks 13
10. How to link violence against women with child protection in the guidelines 13
11. Mandatory reporting 14
12. The role of health-care services in responding to men as victims and perpetrators 14
13. The role of the health sector in prevention and the role of health promotion 15
References 16
Appendix: Country case-studies 17
Case-study from Thailand 17
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 17
Case-study from Mexico 17
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 18
Case-study from Scotland 18
Lessons learnt in the development and implementation of the intervention 19
Challenges encountered 19
Case-study from Malaysia 20
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 20
Measures taken 21
Case-study from India: the Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT) 22
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 23
Case-study from Romania 23
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 24
Case-study from Hong Kong 24
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 25
Case-study from the Philippines: Project HAVEN (Hospital Assisted Crisis Intervention for Women
Survivors of Violent Environments) 25
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 26
Key gaps and issues that remain 26
Case-study on sexual violence in selected African countries 26
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 27
Case-study from Maldives: the Family Protection Unit (FPU) 28
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 28
Case-study from Yemen 28
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 29
Case-study from Iraq 29
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt 30
Case-study from Mozambique 31
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
We are grateful to the experts who supported and attended this meeting.
Dr Chanvit Tharathep
Director, Health Service System Development Bureau
Department of Health Service Support
Ministry of Public Health
Dr Agnes Tiwari
Associate Professor & Assistant Dean
Department of Nursing Studies
L9 Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
The University of Hong Kong
4/F, William MW Mong Block
21, Sassoon Road
China, Hong Kong SAR
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Professor Gene Feder presented an overview of the partner violence, morbidity and mortality show
evidence for health-sector interventions to address that it is a major public health problem and
partner violence, from two systematic reviews that potentially an appropriate condition for screening
he has led. (Feder et al., 2009; Ramsay, Rivas & Feder, and intervention. There are several short screening
2005). Ramsay et al. (2005) published a systematic tools that are relatively valid and reliable for use in
review of controlled evaluations of interventions health-care settings. There is sufficient evidence
to reduce violence and promote the physical and that screening for partner violence is acceptable
psychosocial well-being of women who experience to women. However, the acceptability of partner
partner violence. The review concluded that violence screening among health-care professionals
advocacy interventions can reduce the levels of varies widely, and the overall evidence showed that
abuse, increase social support and quality of life, the UK National Screening Committee criteria for
and lead to increased use of safety behaviours and implementing a universal screening programme
accessing of community resources. This form of were not met.1 In terms of the effectiveness of
intervention is particularly beneficial to women interventions for women who have been identified
who have left the abusive relationship, who are through screening, there is insufficient evidence
actively seeking professional help or are in a refuge to implement a screening programme for partner
setting. However, it is not clear whether advocacy violence against women in health services, with
is an effective intervention for abused women the possible exception of screening in antenatal
identified in health-care settings, due to the lack of settings. The question of when clinicians should ask
studies and their relatively poor design. There is also about partner violence is a major issue. The focus
some evidence that psychological interventions should be on getting a low threshold for asking,
are likely to improve women- and child-centred by thinking about “clinical enquiry” as opposed
outcomes for women who have disclosed partner to routine screening. Health professionals should
violence. System-based interventions involving be trained to ask directly about partner violence
changes within the health-care system, for example, when women present with certain conditions, such
can, with some degree of staff training and as injuries; symptoms of anxiety, depression or
supportive materials, increase the rates of referral substance abuse; sexually transmitted infections
to specialist agencies in the short term. However, (STIs); repeat non-specific symptoms; recurrent
from studies with longer-term follow-up, there is gynaecological symptoms; and during the course
evidence that reinforcement and training of new of antenatal/prenatal care. The way the questions
staff is needed to sustain this effect. There is no are asked is important as it can discourage women
clarity from studies about whether reinforcement (e.g. “you’re not a victim of domestic violence are
and structural changes help to improve outcomes you?”). Screening tools have been developed and
for women. tested and coupled with training in how to ask they
have been shown to increase the identification of
Other recently published systematic reviews by women suffering violence.
Feder et al. (2009) and Ramsay et al. (2002; 2005)
explored the question of whether screening for
partner violence fulfils the public health criteria
1 The US Preventive Services Task Force similarly reviewed the
for a screening programme. The reviews found benefits and harms of screening for family violence evidence and
that even at the lower prevalence estimates of found no studies examining its effectiveness. (U.S. Preventive
Services Task Force, 2004; Nelson et al., 2004).
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
There have been some concerns about routine Professor Jacqueline Campbell presented an
screening in the context of mandatory reporting overview of the largely North American evidence
of partner violence to authorities. Mandatory for the adverse health consequences associated
reporting is on the statute books in some states with partner violence (see Campbell, 2002).
of the United States of America and in several Professor Campbell discussed a new surveillance
countries. Studies of women’s views show that system that has been implemented in the USA,
women do not want mandatory reporting and where men and women are asked about IPV.
that it may deter them from seeking health care.
(Rodriguez et al., 1998) Mandatory reporting is a There was discussion within the group about
breach of patient confidentiality and autonomy the need to clarify the debate around gender
when a competent person does not want the symmetry, i.e. that women and men are equally
violence reported. It also requires strong evidence violent. This is an issue in the developed world
of potential benefit, which at present is absent. where surveillance systems ask men and women
Studies show that what women want from the same questions about partner violence. It
health-care providers is: (i) before disclosure or is important to include questions about fear,
questioning: to try and ensure continuity of care; injury and contextual factors that may help to
(ii) to make it possible for women to disclose improve the understanding of the differences
current and past abuse; (iii) when the issue of as well as the similarities in the experiences of
partner violence is raised, not to pressurize women women and men. For example, in the British Crime
to fully disclose; (iv) that the immediate response Survey, although the reported prevalence of
to disclosure is to ensure that women feel they intimate partner violence was similar for men and
have control over the situation and to address women, a question on living in fear of the partner
any safety issues; (v) that in later consultations, demonstrated clearly how the experiences were
the health-care provider should understand the qualitatively different for women and men. Women
chronic nature of the problem and provide follow- reported experiencing more threats and fear, as
up support. well as injuries (Mirrlees-Black, 1999).
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
The meeting reviewed different models of health The development of networks and
care provision for violence against women (see partnerships
Annex 1 for a more detailed presentation of case-
Partnerships between the health-care sector and
studies). The discussions of the models presented
other statutory bodies and NGOs are critical to
led to the identification of the key themes discussed
the success of VAW interventions, since many
women will present with complex multiple needs.
In the Romanian case-study, a basic protocol
National policy context outlining the roles and responsibilities of different
The importance of having national policy directives organizations was developed and the Romanian
underpinning strategies to address violence against Ministry has used this as a national standard for
women was evident in many of the presentations. multisectoral working.
Some countries had specific policies in place
Mutual respect of institutional and organizations’
for addressing VAW (e.g. Mexico, Romania and
needs and resources is necessary for successful
Scotland) or linked violence against women to
government organization (GO)/NGO
related issues such as sexual health, safer pregnancy,
collaboration. In Malaysia, a health-advocacy
gender equality, human rights and child protection.
network brings together women, NGOs and
In countries such as China, Iraq and Yemen, violence
ministries of health. However, historically there
against women is not recognized as a priority issue,
has been a lack of acceptance of women’s NGOs
making it difficult to develop a national response
as partners in responding to VAW. In the Hospital
within the health sector. For example, in Yemen
Assisted Crisis Intervention for Women Survivors
violence against women is framed within the wider
of Violent Environment (HAVEN) in the Philippines,
context of violence and injuries, as opposed to
the model is a collaboration between government
gender-based violence (GBV).
and nongovernment agencies. In Thailand,
One of the challenges identified was securing network strengthening is a key component of the
high-level “buy-in”. Having prevalence data, from one stop crisis centres.
national or local surveys, on the extent of different
In Mexico, there are different referral pathways
forms of violence against women gives the issue
depending on the severity of the violence. Women
greater visibility and the data can be used as a tool
are initially provided with medical treatment
to encourage governments to address the issue.
and counselling within the health-care setting.
Government has to be engaged at the highest level
However, those at high risk, requiring immediate
in order to make sure that health-sector responses
safety or “death prevention”, are referred to
to the problem are monitored and accountable. In
specialized VAW services such as refuges.
many examples, ministries of public health were
However, one of the challenges of multisectoral
responsible for approving and funding intervention
working is the documentation and sharing of
models, while setting national targets (e.g. Mexico’s
information across organizations for the purposes
programmes to address IPV, Scotland’s National
of documenting the woman’s experiences and
Gender-based Violence Programme and the one-
coordinating support plans.
stop crisis centres (OSCCs) in Thailand.)
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Forms of violence addressed core team then trains their own colleagues and
the training has been well received compared to
Some intervention models had a broad focus
training provided by non-health-care providers.
in terms of the types of VAW being addressed.
A training cell consists of core groups of trainers
In the Scottish National Gender-based Violence
from different hospitals. The training is a nine-
Programme, the definition of VAW includes intimate
day educational programme on violence against
partner violence, rape and sexual assault, child
women. The content includes domestic violence
sexual abuse, commercial sexual exploitation,
awareness, the health implications and role of
harmful traditional practices, and sexual
health-care providers in responding to patients,
harassment and stalking. Broadening the scope to
and a follow-up module that focuses on the skills
include all forms of VAW helped to engage health-
needed for screening women for domestic violence.
care professionals. This approach also facilitates
linkages between the intervention programme
In the Romanian case-study, a joint training
and a range of national policies and legislative
programme was developed for the police,
frameworks. Levers at a national level include the
health-care providers, social workers and other
National Strategic Framework on Violence Against
service providers. This approach fits well with
Women (formerly the Domestic Abuse Strategy);
the overarching philosophy of the Romanian
National Training Strategy on Domestic Abuse
intervention model, which is to develop
(now Violence Against Women); National Strategic
partnerships between organizations so that there is
Approach for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse;
a supportive multisectoral network that promotes
National Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan for Children
communication between organizations and
and Young People (developed under the auspices
facilitates support for women.
of Getting it Right for Every Child); and a legislative
obligation under the Public Sector Duty for Gender
Equality Act 2006; and a commitment to addressing Approaches to the identification of
inequalities (Better Health, Better Care). violence against women
Approaches to the identification of abused women
Other models, such as the HAVEN case-study ranged from screening all women to selective
from the Philippines, the one stop crisis centres in screening. In the Mexican case-study, the focus of
Thailand and Malaysia, and the Romanian case- the intervention is early diagnosis to target women
study also address a broad spectrum of VAW. The in the early stages of the abuse trajectory. The
Hong Kong case-study focused on partner violence approach to identification of abuse is made through
during pregnancy, while other models, mainly identification of symptoms as opposed to routine
from African countries, focused on sexual violence, screening – for example, if a woman presents with
particularly post-rape care. depression, anxiety or repeat STIs.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Kong, routine screening for partner violence during plays in any presenting medical conditions. Records
the antenatal period was discontinued when the containing documentation of abuse should be kept
project did not received ongoing funding. The in a confidential environment, but easily accessible
Scottish case-study provides an example of the to professionals involved in the woman’s care. It
kind of infrastructure needed to support a routine is also important to recognize that documenting
enquiry programme. Under Scotland’s National violence against women in an unsafe way can
Gender-based Violence Programme, routine enquiry create unintended harmful outcomes.
will be introduced in a staged and incremental way
by targeting priority settings such as mental health, In the Thailand case-study, part of the medical
maternity, sexual health, addictions, community record goes to the OSCC and the other part stays in
nursing and accident and emergency. There will be the health-care facility. This procedure is detailed
monitoring and evaluation of routine enquiry using in the clinical guidelines for health professionals.
a paper-based system in all health-care settings. Furthermore, only professionals involved in the
The national programme is run by a national team case can access the part of the medical record that
consisting of a programme manager, three regional contains documentation of the violence. However,
advisers, a research manager, an information and there can be disadvantages to this approach, for
performance manager and an administrator. There example if health professionals do not look at the
is national guidance in terms of a set of tools and background medical records and are therefore not
resources on gender-based violence and routine aware of the violence. In the Maldives case-study
enquiry, as well as local training consortia. There are the hospital-based Family Protection Unit (FPU)
also funds for dissemination of information and to has two different forms for documenting violence
raise staff awareness. experienced by an adult or a child. Medical-legal
forms are completed for each client and sent to the
police through the chief executive officer’s office.
Documentation of abuse and The case notes of all clients who come into contact
forensic evidence collection with the FPU are stored in the FPU database. A
Accurate and meticulous documentation of abuse monthly report is sent to concerned authorities at
is needed in order to enable a woman to obtain the end of each month. Hospital staff are trained
the protection she needs. Careful documentation and orientated to FPU activities. In the Mozambique
and photographs of injuries provide compelling case-study, general practitioners and surgeons are
evidence and may increase the likelihood that a being trained to undertake high-quality medico-
perpetrator is brought to justice. It is also critical legal assistance. Similarly, in the Maldives case-
that each professional involved in the woman’s study, medical staff receive training in collecting
care understands the potential role that the abuse forensic medical evidence.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Basic service-provision principles include: Gender inequalities must be part of the training,
privacy and confidentiality; good since part of the aim is to change organizational
communication skills; and policies for culture as well as raise individual awareness.
addressing institutional violence such as sexual Integral to any training response is
harassment, bullying, and providers’ own consideration of how to address violence in
experiences of violence. the health-care system itself.
Care pathways for abused women must be Agencies involved in the care pathway should
available. be named and involved in the training process.
There must be a budget allocation for VAW. The care pathway, both internal and external,
must be clearly defined during the training.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
The training needs to be adjusted according to Midlevel management needs training in order to
the needs of personnel and reflect the clinical be convinced about the importance of the issue
context in which they are working. and understand what is needed.
Training must recognize time limitations and Training should be included in undergraduate
what can realistically be achieved. curricula, induction programmes, and in-
service sessions for continuing professional
There is a need to consider how the training is
delivered, by whom, and the advantages and
disadvantages of different models. For example, Obtaining accreditation for the training will give
it may be beneficial for the trainer to be a health it credibility and get “buy-in” from health-care
professional, in order to gain more acceptance managers and policy-makers.
for policy changes among staff.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
A monitoring system must be part of any health- There may not be enough data on VAW in some
sector response to VAW, to demonstrate that the countries to convince governments to address
problem exists and provide data on the number the issue. However, prevalence studies do not
of cases. have to be large and it is possible to collect
and use local data on prevalence to develop
There should be regular case reviews to monitor
the quality of service and support health
professionals in responding to VAW. It is important to recognize that there is limited
research funding, and intervention studies
Debriefing support should be made available to
should be prioritized over studies that only
health professionals.
measure prevalence or health consequences
A system should be in place to learn from of partner violence. Therefore, it may be more
women’s experiences of the service in order to cost effective to include additional research
improve quality. questions in intervention studies. For example, it
is possible to collect data on baseline prevalence
Interagency meetings should occur at a local
of partner violence and cost-effectiveness within
and national level.
intervention studies, as well as doing nested
Clinical guidelines for responding to VAW must qualitative studies on health professionals’ views
be in place and their implementation should be and experiences of the intervention.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Crisis-intervention models have been shown Health professionals must document cases
not to be effective. Programmes for men who accurately and meticulously without judgement.
perpetrate abuse only work if they want to They should not interpret what the woman
change. Identifying these men can be difficult. says, but provide an accurate account of what
she says and what is observed by the health
7. Non-negotiable issues and professional (e.g. injuries etc.). The medical
principles (ethical and safety issues, record should be kept somewhere confidential
documentation) and should not be accessible to the perpetrator
It is important to address contradictions or family members.
between medical ethics and the laws of the Personal details of the woman that can help to
country, particularly those related to mandatory identify her should not be shared for any form of
reporting. surveillance or monitoring.
It is important to consider the unintended Health professionals should not take actions
harmful consequences that may occur as a result that will stigmatize a person suffering from
of badly implemented interventions. violence.
There should be absolute confidentiality, and With regard to the perpetrator, he must be
information should only be shared with other made responsible for his actions, but there may
professionals if there is a real risk to the woman’s be scope to address other issues such as alcohol
life, a child is being abused, or a person discloses or substance abuse.
that they intend to harm or kill someone else.
While it is always preferable to do this with the
8. Screening
consent of the woman, in some cases it may
Using the public-health model, there is not
be necessary to do this without her consent.
enough evidence to recommend screening for
However, she should always be informed of
IPV across all health-care settings. In the context
what information is being shared, with whom
of antenatal care, it is possible to make a case for
and why.
asking at least once based on trial evidence, if it
There is a need to consider how to deal with can be done in a safe way without the partner
confidentiality in rural areas. For example, present. It may also be appropriate to screen in
in small towns it may be safer to submit a the context of pregnancy termination.
mandatory report to the police in another
The high prevalence of violence experience in
women with mental health problems may justify
The safety of the woman disclosing abuse, and screening women who present with depression
her children, is always the main priority. It is and anxiety disorders.
important to believe what the woman is saying,
It may be more appropriate to ask women
empathize, and not belittle her experiences.
about IPV (or SV) if they present with certain
The health professional must listen carefully
health conditions. For example, an accident and
to the details, to be able to assess the risks and
emergency department asking every woman
support the woman to have a safety plan.
who attends with an injury, or, in a primary
The woman’s decision should prevail and she care setting, every woman who presents with
should be allowed to take action when she recurrent non-specific symptoms (like “tired all
wants to. The woman should have the right to the time”). This constitutes appropriate clinical
treatment irrespective of whether a criminal enquiry as opposed to screening all women.
case is pursued.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Campbell JC. Health consequences of intimate Ramsay J et al. Should health professionals screen
partner violence. Lancet, 2002, 359(9314):1331– women for domestic violence? Systematic review.
1336. British Medical Journal, 2002, 325:314–326.
Feder G et al. How far does screening women for Ramsay J, Rivas C, Feder G. Interventions to reduce
domestic (partner) violence in different health violence and promote the physical and psychosocial
care settings meet the UK National Screening well-being of women who experience partner violence:
Committee criteria for a screening programme? a systematic review of controlled evaluations.
Systematic reviews of nine UK National Screening London, Department of Health, 2005.
Committee criteria. Health Technology Assessment,
2009, 13:16. (accessed Rodriguez, MA et al. Patient attitudes about
10 March 2010). mandatory reporting of domestic violence –
implications for health care professionals. The
Heise L, Ellsberg M, Gottemoeller M. Ending Western Journal of Medicine, 1998, 168:337-341.
violence against women. Population Reports, 1999,
Series L(11):1–14. Tiwari A et al. A randomised controlled trial of
empowerment training for Chinese abused
Mirrlees-Black, C. Domestic violence: findings pregnant women in Hong Kong. British Journal of
from a new British Crime Survey self-completion Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2005, 112(9):1249–
questionnaire. Home Office Research Study 191. 1256.
London, United Kingdom, Home Office, 1999.
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Screening
Nelson HD, Nygren P, McInerney Y, Klein J. Screening for family and intimate partner violence:
women and elderly adults for family and intimate recommendation statement. Annals of Internal
partner violence: A review of the evidence for Medicine 2004, 140:382-386.
the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of
Internal Medicine 2004, 140:387-396.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Country case-studies
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
services; and (iii) highly specialized VAW services abuse, commercial sexual exploitation, harmful
such as refuges. In Mexico, health professionals traditional practices, and sexual harassment and
favour diagnosis of partner violence through stalking. Levers at a national level include the
symptoms detection as opposed to routine National Strategic Framework on Violence Against
screening (e.g. if a woman presents with depression, Women (formerly the Domestic Abuse Strategy);
anxiety, repeat STIs, etc.). If a woman discloses National Training Strategy on Domestic Abuse
partner violence, then further in-depth questions (now Violence Against Women); National Strategic
are asked before referring her to the appropriate Approach for Survivors of Childhood Sexual
organizations or professionals. If a woman reports Abuse; National Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan for
“no violence”, but the health-care professional Children and Young People (developed under the
suspects that she is a victim of violence, the auspices of Getting it Right for Every Child); and a
suspicion will be documented and she will be asked legislative obligation under the Public Sector Duty
again at her next visit. for Gender Equality Act 2006 and a commitment to
addressing inequalities (Better Health Better Care).
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt The work programme has four key deliverables:
There is a need for: (i) implementation of routine enquiry in key priority
settings; (ii) guidelines for health-care providers;
more preventive work; (iii) production of an employee policy on GBV;
more detection at first-level contact; and (iv) improved multi-agency collaboration,
particularly in relation to child protection and
improved quality of services;
more epidemiological surveillance;
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Women who disclose abuse in these settings There are two main reporting mechanisms into
may be offered counselling or therapy if required. the Scottish Government. This is important in
Where there is an ongoing relationship, e.g. with helping boards to understand where and how
a health visitor, there may also be advocacy and information on their progress is being reported.
emotional support. In all settings, however, women
would be offered information on local services Challenges encountered
for women experiencing abuse, and referred on
The geography of Scotland has required the
to them as appropriate. In the implementation of
programme to be developed in a way that
the programme, it is also expected that staff will
meets the different needs of urban, rural and
undertake risk assessment with each woman and
island communities. The number of boards and
support her in creating a safety plan. Although
their hugely varied demographics mean there
there is variation across the country, every health
is a need to design and agree individual targets
board area has a multi-agency partnership on
and performance measures against which to
VAW, which offers different support to women, and
measure progress.
health services would refer women to these local
initiatives. There is a national helpline for domestic Lack of national datasets for recording of
abuse and another for rape and sexual assault, and disclosures, etc., is a major problem and one that
women would be given details of how to access is difficult to resolve within the timescale of the
these. programme. Accurate data will consequently
be difficult to gather. Given the above, the
Lessons learnt in the development and development of the monitoring and evaluation
implementation of the intervention framework presents a key challenge in seeking
to reflect adequately the implementation of the
There is a need for communication across
the health directorates within the Scottish
Government to ensure appropriate inclusion At a conceptual level, it has been crucial to help
of this issue in strategic and operational boards understand that the programme is not
developments. interested merely in identifying the numbers of
service users who have been abused, and that
There is a need to ensure that information on
routine enquiry is a means to an end not an end
the evidence base for this work is clear and
in itself. It is designed to improve the health-
readily available to staff.
care assessment and response – the process has
It is important to identify where the differential therefore had to be slowed down in some areas
responsibilities lie and harness support, e.g. where there is inadequate preparation for its
the policy for employees will be developed implementation.
nationally through the staff governance team
There are competing priorities within boards
and then disseminated to the 22 health boards
that are focusing on meeting national health
rather than the boards individually creating their
There is some degree of anxiety about the
Each board has been asked to identify a senior
impact of routine enquiry on staff, both
executive lead for the work and an operational
personally and professionally.
manager – this has been important in achieving
“buy-in” for the programme and a clear line of There is concern about the capacity of external
accountability for its implementation. agencies to absorb the anticipated increase in
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
There are difficulties linking in to all the national that deal with the issue of VAW directly and
developments that have relevance for this indirectly. The interagency committee/network
work, e.g. in workforce development, strategic plays the role of the community arm for the OSCC.
frameworks for mental health, addictions, The interagency committee will examine issues
others, and identifying mechanisms to ensure its faced by survivors, work on the support system
integration and mainstreaming. between agencies, and also recommend policy
changes at relevant levels. The members of the
The scale of the training programme and
interagency committee come from all relevant
planning across 22 health boards, which has to
government agencies as well as NGOs. In some set-
be undertaken before the implementation of
ups, the interagency meeting is held on a monthly
routine enquiry, also presents a challenge.
basis to resolve any issues regarding the survivors
There is a variation in availability of services for and services, but most commonly they will meet
women across the country. once or twice a year to discuss overall issues
pertaining to the operation of the OSCC. This set-up
Case-study from Malaysia exists at all levels from federal to district level.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Developing an integrated model at local level: and health-sector personnel. Indeed, one is able
to observe more genuine interest among these
–– the OSCC service at the Hospital Universiti
Sains Malaysia is currently a regular reference
for local practitioners. It has a dedicated
nursing team and a committed team of Case-study from India: the Centre
medical and social workers, as well as for Enquiry into Health and Allied
piloting an electronic documentation system Themes (CEHAT)
that ensures confidentiality and reduces the Ms Padma Deosthali presented work undertaken
practice of repeating questions to survivors by the Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied
of violence. It also carries out monthly case Themes (CEHAT). Dilaasa, India’s first hospital-based
reviews with supervision. crisis department was established at KB Bhabha
Hospital, Bandra to make the public health-care
Improving networking:
system take account of the issue of domestic
–– OSCCs rely on a multidisciplinary approach violence. It was set up in 2001 as a collaboration
to be effective; therefore, strengthening of the public health department of the MCGM
the collaboration of the network is (Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai) and
critical to ensuring that survivors of CEHAT (the research centre of the Anusandhan
violent experiences receive the necessary trust). Another such department was initiated
support. The efforts made include regular at Kurla Bhabha Hospital in 2006. The strategic
collaborative training and regular meetings location of Dilaasa in a hospital has helped around
either during the monthly case conference or 1500 women facing domestic violence to access
by meeting annually at district or state level; services easily. Dilaasa means “reassurance”, and it
seeks to provide psychosocial support to women
Reviving OSCCs at local level:
survivors of domestic violence. The objectives are
–– at least three major hospitals from different to: (i) provide social and psychological support
states in the country have shown interest in to women coming to the department; (ii) assist
reviving their OSCC services. This may be the the key trainers of the five hospitals to train their
beginning of a revival that may be followed hospital staff on an ongoing basis; (iii) build
by other states and district hospitals. This capacity of the training cell members to train the
process will not only provide a revival for staff of the 16 hospitals and work towards making
the OSCCs that are less active, but will also the hospital patient friendly; and (iv) network with
provide an opportunity for a comprehensive other organizations working on women’s issues, for
evaluation of OSCCs in the country. mutual support and sharing.
Since the introduction of OSCCs throughout Training at Dilaasa is aimed at improving the
the country in 1996, the OSCC as a model has response of hospital staff to women facing
shown that it is not easy to attract health-sector domestic violence. The training programmes, such
involvement in VAW. It takes a long time to change as gender-sensitization training of the entire staff,
the mindset of medical and health personnel and to are conducted mainly by health professionals,
convince them that they are part of the detection, i.e. doctors, nurses and social workers, and target
treatment and prevention team. However, those screening women patients reporting for
having an OSCC set up in all hospitals has helped treatment in various departments of the hospital.
thousands of women and children who experience The training activities have now been expanded
violence, and it speeds up the development of to five hospitals across the city of Mumbai. This
an awareness about the issue among medical training is conducted by trained hospital staff
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
with support from CEHAT staff. Methods include: SAFE Kit is a “model kit for comprehensive care
(i) an orientation module that aims to develop an and documentation of evidence in cases of sexual
understanding of domestic violence as a health- assault”. The kit was designed to address issues
care issue, and the role of health-care providers of care and documentation in relation to sexual
in responding to patients; and (ii) a follow-up assault. Critical components of sexual assault
module that aims to build skills in screening intervention include: (i) consent; (ii) collection of
women for domestic violence and also provides evidence; (iii) documentation; and (iv) medical and
an understanding of the cycle of violence and psychological support.
specific needs of women living in violent homes.
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt
Within the intervention, a core group of trainers Difficulties have been encountered with health
has been established, consisting of doctors and professionals not wanting to document forensic
nurses who have undergone intensive training. evidence, in order to avoid appearing in court.
This helps to promote a sense of ownership
of the work and their roles within the project. A lack of institutional policies and guidelines
The members of the core team train their own has been found.
colleagues, and the training is well received There is a perception among some health
compared with non-health-provider training. professionals that VAW is not a health problem.
Having the core group develop their own proposal
and set up their own intervention in the hospital Health professionals are reluctant to become
proved to be successful, as it guaranteed their involved in cases of torture and conflict,
investment in the project. A training cell consists particularly when they involve the State.
of core groups of trainers from different hospitals.
The SAFE kit does not ensure a sensitive response:
They have developed a nine-day VAW educational
programme. Additionally, some nurses have
partial evidence collection is not offered with
been trained as counsellors to provide support to
women in the hospitals. Hence, there is potential
for nurses to play a large role, but this requires there is mandatory reporting of sexual assault
changes in national policy. Key intervention and rape to the police, which may deter some
components include a crisis-counselling model women from seeking help from health-care
based on feminist counselling principles, suicide- professionals;
prevention counselling, and education of
there is a lack of confidentiality and privacy, e.g.
mainstream health providers.
examinations for sexual assault and rape take
place on the labour ward;
In the counselling impact study, the focus of the
counselling was removing blame. Safety plans admission is mandatory.
were useful, though not always effective. It was
important for women to have a space where Case-study from Romania
someone listened and believed them and where
Ms Ionela Cozos presented Romania’s strategy
they could get immediate help in an emergency.
to address VAW. This model was selected by the
Even women facing extreme restrictions on their
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as one
mobility were able to get help on the pretext of
of 10 case-studies of successful programming
going to the hospital.
for addressing VAW, and a similar model is being
adopted in Moldova. She highlighted the impor-
In addition to the counselling intervention, the
tance of the national policy context, as Romania
Sexual Assault Care and Forensic Evidence or
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
has many national strategies and legislative frame- between institutions; active local coordination
works that support work on VAW. These include groups that develop action plans and meet
the Law on Equal Opportunities Between Men and regularly; a joint training programme for health-
Women and the Law on Preventing and Combating care professionals, police, social workers and
Domestic Violence, in addition to the provisions other experts; an integrated system of referrals
under criminal law. Key actors involved in work on and services where everyone in the network
VAW include: national government institutions; understands the roles and responsibilities of other
local administration institutions; civil society; and members; and an integrated information system.
international partners such as WHO and UNFPA. What works well with regard to this approach
VAW is also a priority area for the Sexual and is the grass roots working at the highest levels
Reproductive Health Strategy (e.g. safe mother- of government, taking a multisector approach;
hood making pregnancy safer; family planning; building the technical and management capacity
abortion services; prevention and management of of professional staff; introducing an integrated
STIs and HIV/AIDS; prevention and management information system, important not only for
of infertility; sexual health of ageing people; sexual defining and quantifying the problem, but for
and reproductive health of adolescents and youth; tracking cases; and using the media as an ally.
and early detection of genital and breast cancer).
The programme has a broad remit and addresses Challenges encountered/lessons learnt
all forms of VAW. The objective of the programme is Partnerships are critical to the success of VAW
to enhance the capacity of governmental institu- projects and local authorities must be part of
tions at national and local levels, and of civil soci- the process.
ety, to formulate, implement and evaluate policies
to combat VAW. There is identified service provision Efforts to combat VAW must address victims and
for victims and perpetrators, and referrals are made perpetrators.
within a network of statutory organizations and Quality – high standards set by the lead
NGOs. institution tend to be adopted by partners.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
al., 2005). Women who received the empowerment Interventions should be theory based, evidence
intervention (which was adapted from an inter- based and protocol driven.
vention in the USA by Parker et al., 1999) reported
It is important to have a well-trained and
reduced psychological and minor physical abuse,
committed research team.
reduced symptoms of postnatal depression, and
improved health-related quality of life post-delivery Clinicians and practitioners should be involved
compared to the control group (Tiwari et al., 2005). in the research.
Unfortunately, the intervention did not receive Close monitoring is necessary to ensure
ongoing funding, so there is no practice of intervention fidelity and adherence.
routine screening for IPV in Hong Kong. The focus It is unethical and unsafe not to give the control
therefore of Dr Tiwari’s research is now on primary group any treatment.
prevention. Dr Tiwari referred to two new primary
prevention projects that she is involved in: (i) the
Case-study from the Philippines:
positive fathering project; and (ii) the positive
Project HAVEN (Hospital Assisted
parenting project. In the positive fathering project
Crisis Intervention for Women
the emphasis is on couple communication, coping
Survivors of Violent Environments)
with Chinese and western expectation and beliefs
Ms Teresa Balayon presented project HAVEN
about childbirth and the postpartum period. The
(Hospital Assisted Crisis Intervention for Women
positive parenting project focuses on the family as
Survivors of Violent Environments), which was
a whole, with trained voluntary workers to support
established at the hospital-based crisis centre at
parents and children. The project also emphasizes
East Avenue Medical Centre in the Philippines
child-friendly parenting in order to decrease
Women and Children’s Crisis Centre and
physical punishment and negative verbal messages.
Protection Unit (WCCCPU). The model utilizes a
Capacity-building strategies include: (i) having a holistic and integrated approach to addressing
“champion” within the health-care setting, which VAW, underpinned by collaboration between
is immensely helpful to raise the profile of the government and NGOs. The original purpose
research team, create open lines of communication, of the intervention was to (i) mainstream and
make public their recognition of the research, institutionalize experiences of NGOs in the health-
and provide financial back-up when needed; care-delivery system, to provide medical, health
(ii) providing exposure to the issue for faculty and psychosocial services for women-victim
through practice in shelters for abused women survivors, in an environment that is gender sensitive
and providing health assessment and education; and woman friendly; and (ii) institutionalize
(iii) designing and implementing courses for government and NGO collaborative response, with
undergraduate and postgraduate students on the long-term goal of replicating the hospital-based
partner violence prevention and intervention; and crisis centre in all government hospitals.
(iv) providing continuing education sessions at the
The intervention model addresses a broad
College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
spectrum of violence, including IPV, sexual
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt assault and trafficking. Current objectives within
the intervention model include: (i) to provide
It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel when
gender-sensitive and holistic health care to
researching interventions, but they should be
women and children victims/survivors of violence;
culturally appropriate.
(ii) to create and sustain a woman- and child-
sensitive environment within the hospital; (iii) to
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
sensitize and reorient personnel at all levels and Responses to VAW must recognize the inherent
departments of the hospital, to the issue of VAW; capacities of victim-survivors to cope with
(iv) to develop a career path or subspecialty in a failure of social institutions to eliminate
health and GBV; (v) to develop a systematic and conditions that create abuse and violence.
gender-sensitive documentation and monitoring
Holistic, complementary, and integrated victim-
system; (vi) to develop training materials that have
centered perspectives and approaches as well as
evolved from experiences of staff of the WCCCPU;
interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies of
and (vii) to assist the Department of Health in
GBV are critical to responses of the health sector
developing a model for replication in government
to VAW.
Health services must continuously improve
Services provided to victims include crisis interven- their response to VAW through education and
tion, counselling, medical treatment, legal refer- training, environmental scanning, coordination
ral and temporary shelter. Support programmes with the community, periodic organizational
include education and training, survivors’ support, assessment, and planning involving survivors
policy advocacy and monitoring, documentation, and other service providers.
and generation of knowledge. Ms Balayon also
referred to the context in which the intervention Mutual respect of institutional and
occurred. There was a strong demand for woman- organizational needs and resources is
centred approaches to VAW, responsive national necessary to successful government and NGO
machinery for women’s concerns, receptive govern- collaboration.
ment officials and hospital administrators, com- Compliance with international standards
mitted women’s organizations, and commitment requires appropriate complementary
from governments to international standards of mechanisms at mid and local levels.
responses to VAW.
Key gaps and issues that remain
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt Provision of after-care for survivors of VAW.
There have been shifts in policy regarding
Conceptual and values clarification of
government/NGO collaboration.
Periodic turnover of medical personnel can
Assessment of current responses to VAW.
cause difficulties.
Improving compliance to intervention
Lack of access to services among poor and
disadvantaged women is challenging.
Management of knowledge generated from
Problems have been encountered with
current responses to VAW.
implementation of the WCCCPU protocol within
the hospital system. How to create a culture that is free of violence
and abuse.
Inappropriate implementation of national laws
and local government ordinances has caused
Case-study on services for sexual
violence in selected African
It is important to eliminate vestiges of unequal countries
power relations at interpersonal, institutional Dr Jill Keesbury presented a review of services
and structural levels. for sexual violence in selected African countries.
Generally, services to meet the needs of survivors
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
are weak and poorly understood. There is a lack of One-stop shops are not the only way, or the
documented experiences about what works, and ideal model for delivering SGBV services.
the focus is on prosecuting the perpetrator rather One-stop shops are resource intensive, there
than caring for the survivor. Furthermore, the needs are issues around sustainability, there is urban
of survivors vary greatly depending on sex, age, the bias and questions about what works in rural
nature of the assault, disease epidemiology, legal areas, and they have not been evaluated in
options available and sociocultural context. low-resource settings. Alternative models
include integrated care within existing health
Most African countries are characterized by a lack facilities, linking to the police; strengthening
of dedicated medico-legal services or by poorly police services and linkages to health centres;
organized and separate services. The African regional and a victim advocate or “buddy system” where
sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) initiative integrated services are not available.
of the Population Council incorporates 9 countries
Legal concerns can serve as a barrier to accessing
and 20 partners. Key elements included in the
medical and other management services. Public
response are: (i) medical (e.g. management of SV
barriers include: not wanting to prosecute
at first point of contact with the survivor, sensitive
family members, transportation costs may act
approaches to managing child survivors of SV, and
as a disincentive to visiting a second point of
encouraging and enabling presentation by male
contact, and limited or incorrect awareness of
survivors, screening for signs and symptoms of
the requirements for receiving care. Health-care-
violence during consultations); (ii) justice system
provider barriers include: limited or incorrect
(e.g. collection of forensic evidence and creation
awareness of the requirements for delivering
of a chain of evidence that can be used during
care, limited awareness of forensic evidence-
prosecution, strong links between medical and
collection procedures, and unwillingness or
police facilities to enable incidents to be referred
inability of health-care providers to present
in either direction); and (iii) community (e.g.
evidence in court.
psychological counselling, new or strengthened
community-based prevention strategies that are The majority of survivors reporting sexual
relevant and appropriate for the local context, to assault are children or adolescents, yet services
convey messages about IPV in prevention strategies). are commonly designed for adults.
The objectives of the SGBV network are to: Very little is know about addressing the
(i) pilot innovative approaches to SGBV service immediate and long-term psychological needs
strengthening; (ii) document the feasibility of these of survivors in Africa, and the feasibility, safety
approaches; and (iii) promote evidence-based and effectiveness of addressing intimate partner
policies and programmes across the region. violence in low-resource health services.
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
Case-study from Maldives: the A total of 188 staff at IGMH have been trained and
Family Protection Unit (FPU) orientated to FPU activities, including 41 doctors,
117 nurses and 30 paramedical staff. Various staff
Dr Aseel Jaleel presented the work of the Family
members have attended external training courses,
Protection Unit (FPU) at Indhira Gandhi Memorial
conferences and workshops on GBV and health-
Hospital (IGMH) in the Republic of Maldives.
sector responses, including a workshop on the
Qualitative research conducted in 2004 highlighted
forensic investigation of rape cases. Advocacy
the need to establish a support service in the health
materials for health-care professionals include
sector to address GBV. The aims of the intervention
information on the services provided by the FPU,
model are to: (i) improve the responsiveness of the
referral procedures and the responsibilities of
health sector to GBV and child abuse; (ii) establish
health-care professionals. Advocacy materials
a dedicated FPU to deal effectively and sensitively
for patients include information on the services
with cases of abuse at the hospital; (iii) develop
provide by the FPU, location of the service and
specific hospital protocols and procedures for
issues of confidentiality.
dealing with abuse cases; (iv) develop and display
advocacy materials; (v) train/sensitize all hospital
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt
staff on GBV, identifying signs and symptoms of
GBV, following protocols, effective documentation Strengthening institutionalization of FPU
of abuse and appropriate referrals; (vi) train medical services at IGMH
staff personnel in collecting forensic evidence; Designating a FPU coordinator
(vii) develop a confidential database of all abuse
cases that can produce data on the number of Improving the physical capacity of the FPU
cases; (viii) have dedicated staff working for the
Improving the pathway of care
FPU at IGMH; (ix) offer a safe, child-friendly and
comfortable space for examinations and private Developing guidance and information material
counselling; and (x) offer on-site counselling and to raise staff awareness
referral to outside support services.
Screening for gender-based violence and child
Between 15 August 2005 and 27 February 2009, the
total number of cases referred to the FPU included Strengthening the capacity building of health
105 GBV, 270 child-protection issues, 47 other cases personnel on identification and management of
and 95 unmarried pregnancy cases, giving a total victims of abuse
of 517 cases. The FPU has two different forms for
documenting violence experienced by an adult Strengthening the referral system between the
or a child. Child-abuse cases are referred to the hospital and other sectors in providing support
Child and Family Protection Services (CFPS) using services to abused women and children
a referral form, and adult clients are provided with
Raising public awareness about the existence of
the contact numbers of counselling agencies.
FPU services and the unacceptability of GBV and
Medical-legal forms are completed for each client
child abuse
and sent to the police through the chief executive
officer’s office. Case notes of all clients who come
Case-study from Yemen
into contact with the FPU are filed at the FPU.
Dr Eman Alkobaty presented the Violence and Injury
Information about the client, including name and
Prevention Programme in Yemen that was initiated
address, are stored in the FPU database. A monthly
by the Ministry of Public Health and Population in
report is sent to concerned authorities at the end of
2004. However, the programme was not active for
each month.
some time due to the lack of resources. In 2008,
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women
the programme merged with the Injury Prevention There is poor coordination between the relevant
Programme funded by the WHO (Injury and partners at government level and NGOs who
Violence Prevention Department). The Ministry of work on the issue of VAW (e.g. Ministry of Public
Public Health implemented a surveillance system Health and Policy, Ministry of Justice, Ministry
on violence and injuries in 10 major hospitals that of Interior Affairs, Ministry of Social Affairs and
were equipped with computers. Doctors are trained Labor and NGOs).
to use a special form to document cases of violence,
and a training manual on diagnosis of violence Case-study from Iraq
cases will be developed by a multidisciplinary team Dr Faiza A Majeed presented the challenges of
of health-care professionals (e.g. forensic doctors, addressing VAW in Iraq. The status and situation
gynaecologists, paediatricians). Guidelines for of Iraqi women has deteriorated with three wars
addressing violence against children and adults since the mid-1980s, which resulted in a decade
were developed. The surveillance system has been of sanctions. The Iran–Iraq war, with an estimated
implemented since July 2009, when doctors in the one million soldiers killed, created a segment
emergency departments in the 10 hospitals were of “traumatized women and girls” who suffered
trained. Since Yemen has no data on the extent over the loss of their families. Different forms
of different forms of VAW, the new system will of VAW exist apart from IPV, for example sexual
generate data. harassment, detention, and torture for political
reasons. The events in Iraq after the 2003 war,
The presentation highlighted how difficult it is
particularly the sectarian conflicts, led to an
to develop work on VAW in a country where the
increase and emergence of new forms of VAW that
national policy context does not recognize VAW as
are continuously threatening Iraqi women’s rights
an abuse of human rights. VAW is not considered
to security, mobility and access to health care and
as a significant issue in itself, but is framed within a
education, as well as employment. This includes
wider context of violence and injuries, which makes
targeted killings of women to settle political, ethnic
it more difficult to give it any visibility.
or family scores; threats by militant groups to force
women to restrict their movement in public; and
Challenges encountered/lessons learnt
violation against women’s rights, such as forced
VAW is not a priority issue and there is a lack of early marriage of young girls, induced by economic
awareness about the issue. and sociocultural factors.
VAW is not an explicit component in the
The social stigma attached to sexual violence crimes
prevents many women from accessing medical
There is a lack of local/national data on the treatment or seeking psychosocial counselling, as
extent of VAW. reporting can also lead to other social and cultural
consequences such as rejection or even honour-
There is a culture of silence, which creates
related murder for having caused shame to the
further stigma around the issue of VAW.
family. Vulnerability and exposure to violence has
There is a lack of systems. increased among internally displaced women.
Women may be forced into trading sex for food
Resources are deficient.
and shelter for their families, especially in refugee
There is a lack of services to support abused situations (among widows). The extent of sexual
women in terms of legal support and social and assault of female prisoners is unknown.
medical care.
The Iraq Family Health Survey measured the extent
of domestic violence and found that among women
Expert meeting on health-sector responses to violence against women