TDS - Micro-Air 120
TDS - Micro-Air 120
TDS - Micro-Air 120
DELVO ACTIVATOR ME is provided in drums of
DELVO ACTIVATOR ME is compatible with all
210 litres or in bulk.
BASF Construction Chemicals Admixtures.
DELVO ACTIVATOR ME is supplied in 210 litre
ME when used as a Waste Management System
plastic drums or bulk. Due to it’s pH value it
enables the re-use of returned concrete without
should always be stored in its original packing.
affecting the hardened properties of the concrete.
By utilizing this technology significant operational
DELVO ACTIVATOR ME should be stored in
cost savings can be realised whilst reducing the
tightly closed original containers, has a shelf life of
environmental impact that waste concrete and
at least 12 months. The temperature of the
washwater has on the environment.
storage place may not drop below +5°C, nor
exceed +50°C.
Activation procedure
1. Determine and record the concrete
Additional information
For additional information on the use of this
2. Determine the DELVO® Activator dosage from
system please contact your local BASF
trials and record the total DELVO® Activator
dosage in ml.
Safety precautions
Safety glasses or goggles and rubber gloves must
be worn when handling DELVO® Stabiliser and
DELVO® Activator. In case DELVO® Stabiliser or
DELVO® Activator come in contact with eyes, skin
or clothing, immediately flush with water (for skin,
wash with soap and water) for 15 minutes.
Remove contaminated clothing and shoes, and
wash clothing before reuse. DO NOT take
internally. Keep product away from children at all
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
supervisory responsibility. For additional
information contact your local BASF
01/2007 BASF_CC-UAE
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.
As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.