2 Ijhrmraug20182
2 Ijhrmraug20182
2 Ijhrmraug20182
This paper reviews the literature in the area of Leadership Challenges in the Indian Air Force due to
Changing Economic Conditions. The survey conducted on both the male and female employees of IAF in India.
In the analysis part, SPSS 21 version used to understand the relationship among the selected variables, for this some
statistical tools were applied simple frequency, percentages, chi-square test for goodness of fit on demographic
information and to hypothesis testing for how the IAF employees are facing Leadership Challenges, with one way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), F-test, reliability test, and t-Test. The study identified that leadership challenges due to
changing Economic Conditions in the Indian society. From the factor analysis the IAF employee roles (staff and
Original Article
supervisory ) are happy with ‘The implementation of the VIIth pay commission, has brought in improvements in the
quality of personal life’.
Received: May 19, 2018; Accepted: Jun 08, 2018; Published: Jun 02, 2018; Paper Id.: IJHRMRAUG20182
The modern concept of wealth is of significance in all areas of economics, and clearly so for growth
economics and development economics yet the meaning of wealth is context-dependent. At the most general level,
economists may define wealth as "anything of value" that captures both the subjective nature of the idea and the
idea that it is not a fixed or static concept. Various definitions and concepts of wealth have been asserted by
various individuals and in different contexts. Defining wealth can be a normative process with various ethical
implications since often wealth maximization is seen as a goal or is thought to be a normative principle of its own.
Concepts of wealth also vary across time. Modern labor-saving inventions and the development of the
sciences have vastly improved the standard of living in modern societies for even the poorest of people. This
comparative wealth across time is also applicable to the future; given this trend of human advancement, it is
possible that the standard of living that the wealthiest enjoy today will be considered impoverished by future
Arnould (l989), Belk (1988), Ger and Belk (l990), Witkowski (l993) Several authors have pointed out
the growing economic and consumer power of India. Many multinational corporations are beginning to invest in
India. In this respect, India is no different from many other emerging consumer economies, whether they are in
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20 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
Eastern Europe, Asia or Latin America (Arnould l989, Belk 1988, Ger and Belk l990, Witkowski l993). This fact by itself
does not give any special clue to the Indian scene unless one also examines what peculiar circumstances pertain to India.
Caldara (2002) and Lakhani (1988) recommend many incentives, such as increased pay and benefit packages, to
encourage soldiers to remain. Though these incentives are useful, they are not within the span of control of unit
Dahl, (2005); Fowler, (2002); Leonard, (2003); Tebo, (2004), many employers took action and chose to provide
the mobilized service members with additional benefits such as continued health care, salary matching, and support for the
families left behind.
To evaluate the economic conditions/wealth power in the IAF employees when compared with civilian counter-
The sample survey conducted on employees of IAF, India. The survey conducted on both the male and female
employees of IAF organizations with 823 respondents. Among 823, 46 are female respondents and 777 are male
respondents. A structured Questionnaire used to collect data, in that to measure the attitude of respondents used Likert five
-point rating scale with strongly disagree to strongly agree and in-depth interview was conducted on some of these
respondents to understand the leadership challenges. A probability convenience sampling techniques were adapted to
selected sample from the population.
Here, the researcher collected demographic information; these variables analyzed the simple frequency,
percentage, cumulative percentage and graphical representation. The selected Ethical Values ten variables have been
analyzed through the statistical techniques, Reliability, mean, SD, ANOVA, t-test and factor analysis.
Generally, military sex is very important to get selected for suitable positions to perform an assigned task,
moreover some areas only male employees to be selected to perform job duties and responsibilities effectively. In IAF,
Navy and Armed forces female participation is limited.
Table 1 reveals that 94.4 percent are male and 5.6 percent are female in IAF employees. Male employees are
dominating, which as shown graphically.
Total Service
Experienced people give more accurate, quality, time-saving, use of fewer resources and better handling of human
resources. Especially in IAF needs experienced people to lead the team.
Table 2 shows that employees in IAF are below 8 years Experience (22.1%), 9 - 16 years Experience employees
are 27.6%, 17 - 24 years Experience employees are 20.3%, 25 - 32 years Experience employees are 21.6% and 33 - 40
years of Experienced employees are very less and stood at 8.4%.
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22 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
Only less number of people is working for more than 33 years of service. And because of recent recruitments
from the decade 2000 onwards youth are more percent of employees in this IAF. That is below 16 years of experienced
employees are around the half-half the total employees. This is shown in figure 2
The employees in any sector they have to perform different roles to run the organization. Here the role and
responsibilities are to save and serve the mother country. And by experience, they understood the role of individuals. IAF
needs a leadership-oriented people to handle the duties given by the high command.
Table 3 shows that employees with their own job role and responsibilities in IAF, as command are 5.1%, as In-
charge 17.6%, as Supervisory 24.9%, as staff 46.8% and other duties (not applicable to the above role) are very less and
stood at 5.6%.
Majority of the employees are working as staff which stood are more than half-half the total employees in IAF.
This is shown in the following figure 3.
The researchers again prove the test results in selecting the correlated variables Total Service and Gender as
independent variables.
Table 4: Chi-Square Test for the Variables Total Service and Gender
Total Chi-Square d.f P-Value
Male Female
1- 8 years 166 16 182
9 - 16 years 209 18 227
Total Service 17 - 24 years 162 5 167 11.578a 4 .021
25 - 32 years 173 5 178
33 - 40 years 67 2 69
Total 777 46 823
Null Hypothesis Ho: There is no association between Total Service and Gender.
Alternate Hypothesis H1: There is an association between Total Service and Gender.
P-Value (0.021) > 0.01, So Null Hypothesis has been accepted at 1% level of significance.
Therefore, there is no association between Total Service and Gender. It is a clear indication that the reliability of
data male has more experience and female have less experience and vice versa is wrong. These two variables Total
Service and Gender are not associated.
The central assumption of reliability theory is that measurement errors are essentially random. This does not mean
that errors arise from random processes. For any individual, an error in measurement is not a completely random event.
However, across a large number of individuals, the causes of measurement error are assumed to be so varied that measure
errors act as random variables.
The reliability value 0.625 that is close to ‘1’ then all the selected ten variables reliable and support to Economic
Conditions related variables.
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24 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
Table 6: Contd.,
You are happy with the free healthcare and medical facilities that IAF provides to
4.47 .897 823
your door- step.
Financial assistance provided during the time of need by way of loans and grants
3.99 .435 823
through AFGIS and IAFBA is an added advantage.
If you consider that the pay & allowances and other facilities are inadequate, is that
2.63 1.07 823
a reason for excessive stress, if any?
You consider that serving the IAF is not just about pay and allowance and it is an
4.25 1.07 823
emotional bond that goes much beyond money.
The above table 6, reveals that almost all the variables except 9th variable, mean values are closely 4 and above 3
it indicates the majority of the respondents are at an agreed level on the 9 variables out of 10 variables. And its standard
deviation value is closely one it indicates based on their Demographic information their opinion varies on selected 823
sample size.
The information about the precision of the mean we obtained. One can obtain this by determining the standard
deviation of the sampled mean. Assuming statistical independence of the values in the sample, the standard deviation of the
mean is related to the standard deviation of the distribution;
The above table 7, reveals that the combined mean, variance and standard deviation of the all the selected 10
variables under the Economic Conditions related variables. The combined mean is 37.75 and moderate standard deviation
is 3.890. It indicates all the Economic Conditions related 10 variables are varied their opinions neutral to agreed level.
Here the researcher is to identify the variance of different service group employees’ opinion on Economic
Conditions 10 variables.
Table 8: One Way ANOVA for Economic Conditions Variables by Total Service
Sum of Mean
df F p-Value
Squares Square
Living conditions in the IAF are Between Groups 9.920 4 2.480 4.70 .001
comparable to that of your civilian Within Groups 431.626 818 .528
counterparts of equal status. Total 441.546 822
You frequently compare your pay & Between Groups 6.349 4 1.587 3.23 .012
allowances and other perks with that of Within Groups 401.496 818 .491
your civilian counterparts. Total 407.844 822
The implementation of the VIIth pay Between Groups 34.038 4 8.510 11.3 .001
commission, has brought in Within Groups 610.793 818 .747
improvements in the quality of your
personal life. Total 644.831 822
Your wealth power (getting good pay & Between Groups 33.629 4 8.407 18.6 .001
allowances and other facilities) is Within Groups 369.640 818 .452
adequate to provide reasonable amount
of comforts to yourself and your family. Total 403.269 822
Table 8: Contd.,
Between Groups 53.544 4 13.386 26.2 .001
You feel happy and secure with the job
Within Groups 416.983 818 .510
security that the IAF provides.
Total 470.527 822
With the schooling facilities provided by Between Groups 10.138 4 2.535 5.81 .001
the IAF, you are able to provide quality Within Groups 356.493 818 .436
education to your dependent children at
a reasonable cost. Total 366.632 822
You are happy with the free health care Between Groups 56.743 4 14.186 19.2 .001
and medical facilities that IAF provides Within Groups 604.154 818 .739
to your door step. Total 660.897 822
Financial assistance provided during the Between Groups 1.307 4 .327 1.73 .141
time of need by way of loans and grants Within Groups 154.518 818 .189
through AFGIS and IAFBA is an added
advantage. Total 155.825 822
If you consider that the pay & Between Groups 45.458 4 11.364 10.3 .001
allowances and other facilities are Within Groups 898.510 818 1.098
inadequate, is that a reason for excessive
stress, if any? Total 943.968 822
You consider that serving the IAF is not Between Groups 27.402 4 6.850 6.08 .001
just about pay and allowance and it is an Within Groups 920.535 818 1.125
emotional bond that goes much beyond
money. Total 947.937 822
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant effect of Total Service on Economic Conditions variables.
Alternate Hypothesis H1: There is a significant effect of Total Service on Economic Conditions variables.
Table 8 reveals that 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th variables p-values < 0.01 except 2nd and 8th variables,
which is Null Hypothesis has been rejected. Hence, alternate hypothesis H1 is accepted at 1% level of significance
showing that there is a significant effect of Total Service on Economic Conditions variables in IAF. That is persons with
different experiences persons have different opinions on the eight Economic Conditions related variables.
i.e 1-8 years, 9-16 years, 17-24 years, 25-32 years and 33 years & above service having employees in IAF opinion
is different on the following eight variables;
• Living conditions in the IAF are comparable to that of your civilian counterparts of equal status.
• The implementation of the VIIthpay commission, has brought in improvements in the quality of your personal
• Your wealth power (getting good pay & allowances and other facilities) is adequate to provide the reasonable
amount of comforts to yourself and your family.
• You feel happy and secure with the job security that the IAF provides.
• With the schooling facilities provided by the IAF, you are able to provide quality education to your dependent
children at a reasonable cost.
• You are happy with the free healthcare and medical facilities that IAF provides to your doorstep.
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26 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
• If you consider that the pay & allowances and other facilities are inadequate, is that a reason for excessive stress,
if any?
• You consider that serving the IAF is not just about pay and allowance and it is an emotional bond that goes much
beyond money.
But 2nd and 8th variables p-values > 0.01, hence null hypothesis has been accepted at 1% level of significance, i.e.,
all the levels of experienced employees are with the same opinion on the following two variables;
• You frequently compare your pay & allowances and other perks with that of your civilian counterparts.
• Financial assistance provided during the time of need by way of loans and grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is
an added advantage.
This is independent sample t-Test, test variable is Economic Conditionsvariables and Independent variable
should be in two groups. In demographic profile, the selected one variable for testability is gender. Here the researcher is
interested to find the opinion of male and female on Economic Conditions variables. The following Table is computed
gender wise t-Test values with the standard level of significance level.
Table 9: t- Test to Know the Opinion of Male and Female on Economic Conditions variables
t- P-
Gender N Mean SD S/NS
Value Value
Living conditions in the IAF are comparable to that of Male 777 3.08 .749 .361 .718 NS
your civilian counterparts of equal status. Female 46 3.04 .362 .672
You frequently compare your pay & allowances and Male 777 3.75 .719 -2.37 .018 S
other perks with that of your civilian counterparts. Female 46 4.00 .298 -4.97
The implementation of the VIIthpay commission, has Male 777 3.51 .898 -3.35 .001 HS
brought in improvements in the quality of your personal
life. Female 46 3.96 .469 -5.87
Your wealth power (getting good pay & allowances and Male 777 3.68 .713 -2.57 .010 HS
other facilities) is adequate to provide reasonable amount
of comforts to yourself and your family. Female 46 3.96 .362 -4.61
You feel happy and secure with the job security that the Male 777 4.54 .771 -3.25 .001 HS
IAF provides. Female 46 4.91 .285 -7.38
With the schooling facilities provided by the IAF, you Male 777 3.77 .682 -2.75 .006 HS
are able to provide quality education to your dependent
children at a reasonable cost. Female 46 4.04 .206 -7.11
You are happy with the free health care and medical Male 777 4.45 .914 -2.80 .005 HS
facilities that IAF provides to your door step. Female 46 4.83 .383 -5.80
Financial assistance provided during the time of need by Male 777 3.99 .445 .463 .643 NS
way of loans and grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is an
added advantage. Female 46 3.96 .206 .891
If you consider that the pay & allowances and other Male 777 2.58 1.009 -5.93 .001 HS
facilities are inadequate, is that a reason for excessive
stress, if any? Female 46 3.52 1.60 -3.95
You consider that serving the IAF is not just about pay Male 777 4.24 1.095 -.783 .434 NS
and allowance and it is an emotional bond that goes
much beyond money. Female 46 4.37 .610 -1.30
HS=Highly Significant (*at 1% Level of Significance), S=Significant (**at 5% Level of Significance), NS =Not
Significant (***at 1% & 5% Significance).
If P-value > 0.05, then Null hypothesis is accepted at 1% & 5% level of significance. That is not significant (NS).
If, P-value < 0.05, then Null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significance i.e. data is significant (S) and if P-value <
0.01, then Null hypothesis is rejected at 1% level of significance, i.e. data is highly significant (HS).
Hypothesis Testing
Null Hypothesis H0: There is no significant difference in the opinion of Male and Female on Economic
Conditions related variables.
Alternate Hypothesis H1: There is a significant difference in the opinion of Male and Female on Economic
Conditions related variables.
Table 9 reveals that opinion of male and female on Economic Conditions related variables. 1st, 8th and 10th
variables P-values are > 0.05 hence Null Hypothesis has been accepted at 1% & 5% level of significance, that is there is
no significant difference in opinion of male and female i.e. male and female have the same opinion on the following three
• Living conditions in the IAF are comparable to that of your civilian counterparts of equal status.
• Financial assistance provided during the time of need by way of loans and grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is
an added advantage.
• You consider that serving the IAF is not just about pay and allowance and it is an emotional bond that goes much
beyond money.
But 2nd variable P-value < 0.05 hence Null Hypothesis has been rejected at 5% level of significance i.e. data is
significant (S), that is there is a significant difference in opinion on male and female. i.e. male and female have the
difference ofopinion on the variable, ‘You frequently compare your pay & allowances and other perks with that of your
civilian counterparts’.
And 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th variables P-values are < 0.01 hence Null Hypothesis has been rejected at 1% level
of significance i.e. data is Highly Significant (HS) that is there is a significant difference in opinion on male and female.
i.e. male and female have the difference of opinion on the following six variables;
• The implementation of the VIIthpay commission, has brought in improvements in the quality of your personal
• Your wealth power (getting good pay & allowances and other facilities) is adequate to provide the reasonable
amount of comforts to yourself and your family.
• You feel happy and secure with the job security that the IAF provides.
• With the schooling facilities provided by the IAF, you are able to provide quality education to your dependent
children at a reasonable cost.
• You are happy with the free healthcare and medical facilities that IAF provides to your doorstep.
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28 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
• If you consider that the pay & allowances and other facilities are inadequate, is that a reason for excessive stress,
if any?
• Factor Analysis - the influence of IAF employee role as staff on “Economic Conditions” factor
The researcher applies the identified independent variable IAF employees’ role and its one of the value IAF employee
staff, now the influence of IAF employee staff on the “Economic Conditions” factor. Its KMO value evaluated as
Table 10 specifies that the KMO value is greater than 0.5, which necessitates factor analysis and the researcher
identified latent factor as indicated. Its KMO value is 0.770 at 5% level of significance.
a. Only cases for which Present role in the IAF = Staff is used in the analysis phase.
The above Table 11 shows that, Present role in the IAF as Staff has given weight to 5th component as ‘You feel
happy and secure with the job security that the IAF provides’ because its highest extracted value is 0.763, 4th component as
‘Your wealth power (getting good pay & allowances and other facilities) is adequate to provide reasonable amount of
comforts to yourself and your family’ and 3rd component as ‘The implementation of the VIIth pay commission, has brought
in improvements in the quality of your personal life’ its extracted values are 0.761 and 0.759 respectively.
The above Table 12, Eigenvalues and Extraction sum of squared loadings and Rotation Sums of Squared
Loadings of two prime components stood at 66% of Eigenvalues.
The table 13 depicts that the three identified components influence on the all the ten variables of “Economic
Conditions” factor, with reference to the independent variable ‘Present role in the IAF’ as Staff. The highest value in each
component influences the respective component.
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30 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
Interpretation of Factor Analysis 13: The identified independent variable is IAF employees’ Present role in the
IAF’ and its one of the value staff. Now the influence of staff on the “Economic Conditions” factor is described as below.
Present role in the IAF as staff, influences only three components out of the ten variables employee, with priority wise as
• You feel happy and secure with the job security that the IAF provides
• Your wealth power (getting good pay & allowances and other facilities) is adequate to provide the reasonable
amount of comforts to yourself and your family
• The implementation of the VIIth pay commission, has brought in improvements in the quality of your personal
Factor Analysis - The Influence of IAF Employee Role as Supervisory on “Economic Conditions” Factor
The researcher applies the identified independent variable IAF employee role and its one of the value
Supervisory, now the influence of IAF employees role as Supervisory on the “Economic Conditions” factor. Its KMO
value evaluated as follows.
Table 14 specifies that the KMO value is greater than 0.5, which necessitates factor analysis and the researcher
identified latent factor as indicated. Its KMO value is 0.718 at 5% level of significance.
The above Table 15 shows that, Present role in the IAF as Supervisory has given weighte to 7th component as
‘You are happy with the free healthcare and medical facilities that IAF provides to your doorstep’ because its highest
extracted value is 0.863, 8th component as ‘Financial assistance provided during the time of need by way of loans and
grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is an added advantage’ and 3rd component as ‘The implementation of the VIIth pay
commission, has brought in improvements in the quality of your personal life’ its extracted values are 0.754 and 0.746
The above Table 16, Eigenvalues and Extraction sum of squared loadings and Rotation Sums of Squared
Loadings of three prime components stood at 63% of Eigenvalues.
The table 17 depicts that the three identified components influence on the all the ten variables of “Economic
Conditions” factor, with reference to the independent variable ‘present role in the IAF’ as supervisory. The highest value in
each component influences the respective component.
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32 Nagaraju Battu & Jonnalagadda Sudhkar
Interpretation of Factor Analysis 17: The identified independent variable is IAF employees’ Present role in the
IAF’ and its one of the value Supervisory. Now the influence of Supervisory on the “Economic Conditions” factor is
described as below. Present role in the IAF as Supervisory, influences only three components out of the ten variables
employee, with priority wise as follows,
• You are happy with the free healthcare and medical facilities that IAF provides to your doorstep
• Financial assistance provided during the time of need by way of loans and grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is
an added advantage
• The implementation of the VIIth pay commission, has brought in improvements in the quality of your personal
All the levels of experienced employees are with the same opinion on the following two variables; 1) frequently
compare your pay & allowances and other perks with that of your civilian counterparts. 2) Financial assistance provided
during the time of need by way of loans and grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is an added advantage.
Male and female have the same opinion on “Living conditions in the IAF are comparable to that of your civilian
counterparts of equal status,
Financial assistance provided during the time of need by way of loans and grants through AFGIS and IAFBA is
an added advantage and serving the IAF is not just about pay and allowance and it is an emotional bond that goes much
beyond money.
The factor analysis the IAF employee roles (staff and supervisory ) are happy with ‘The implementation of the
VIIth pay commission, has brought in improvements in the quality of personal life’.
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