Chapter 4 Fatxi
Chapter 4 Fatxi
Chapter 4 Fatxi
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents detailed description of findings and discussions, this study consists of three
sections first section Demographic data, second section data representations and analysis and
third section major findings and discussions of the study. To achieve those declared objectives
questionnaire employed in this study. Data were collected from minm
This part presents the background information of the respondents who participated in this study;
the purpose of this background information is to find out the characteristics of the respondents.
Furthermore, the respondents have also given the promise that all the data they provided is used
only for academic purpose research and the identities of the respondents will be confidential. In
total, 53 respondents filled in the questionnaire selected from of employee of commercial banks
in Mogadishu Somalia. The shape of the questionnaire in the demographic section is looked
upon in terms of Gender, Age, marital status, level of education and experience.
Table 4.1.1 shows 71.3% of the respondents are male while 28.7% of the respondents are female.
Based on data gathered, the majority of the respondents are male, while other number of the
respondents are female. Thus, male have significantly dominated the of employees of
commercial banks in Mogadishu Somalia
4.1.2 Age of the Respondents
Table 4.1.2 shows that 57.5% of the respondents were between 20-30, while 35.0% of the
respondents were between 30-40, while 3.8% of the respondents were between 40-50. while
3.8% of the respondents were 50 plus. So majority of the respondents were between 20-30 and
scored 57.5% this implies, that majority of the employees of employee of commercial banks in
Mogadishu Somalia.
Table 4.1.2 shows 56.3% of the employee of commercial banks in Mogadishu Somalia
are single while 36.3% of the employees of employee of commercial banks in Mogadishu
Somalia are married. Based on data gathered, the majority of the employees employee of
commercial banks in Mogadishu Somalia
4.1.4 Educational level of the respondents
The table 4.1.4 shows that the sample was including 53 respondents. The sample of this study
consists of 48(60.0%) respondents are a bachelor degree, 15(18.8%) have master degree,
9(11.3%) are diploma, and 6(7.5%) are secondary, and 6(7.5%) are secondary. This means that
the employees of most employee of commercial banks in Mogadishu Somaliaare bachelor
The volume of accounts receivable
80 3.13 1.400 Very good
indicates firm's supply of trade credit
one of the most important part of working
80 3.32 1.290 Very good
According to the descriptive statistical table, results in table 4.2.1 shows that measures the
unpaid claims a firm has over its customers at a given time (Mean=2.80) Std. Deviation 1.453
which indicated very good, the volume of accounts receivable indicates firm's supply of trade
credit (Mean=3.13) Std. Deviation 1.400 which indicated very good. one of the most important
part of working capital (Mean=3.04) Std. Deviation 1.290 which indicated very good,
Receivables often represent large investment in asset and involve significant volume of
transactions and decisions (Mean=3.04) Std. Deviation 1.546 Which indicated very good.
According to the descriptive statistical table, results in table 4.2.1 shows that Should be available
in proper quantity at all times. (Mean=2.84) Std. Deviation 1.436 which indicated very good,
refers to the stockpile of the products a firm is offering for sale and various components that
make up these products (Mean=3.03) Std. Deviation 1.518 which indicated average. Constitutes
a major component of working capital (Mean=3.04) Std. Deviation 1.427 which indicated very
good, the success or failure of a business depends upon its inventory management performances
(Mean=3.10) Std. Deviation 1.506 Which indicated very good.
4.2.4 Effect Account payable management on profitability
According to the descriptive statistical table, results in table 4.2.1 shows that Deferral period is
the average time taken by a company to pay its trade payables (Mean=2.79) Std. Deviation 1.384
which indicated very good, Period is computed by dividing account payables by net purchases
multiplied by 365 days. (Mean=3.23) Std. Deviation 1.358 which indicated average. Account
payables involve the timing of payments (Mean=3.32) Std. Deviation 1.474 which indicated very
good, another argument for prolonging the time for payment is that the producing companies.
(Mean=3.14) Std. Deviation 1.348 Which indicated very good.
4.2.5 Profitability
According to the descriptive statistical table, results in table 4.2.1 shows that is defined as the
earnings of a company that are generated from revenue after deducting all expenses incurred
during a given period. (Mean=2.86) Std. Deviation 1.439 which indicated very good,
Profitability help to continue the stability of the financial system. (Mean=3.18) Std. Deviation
1.348 which indicated average. As the earnings of a company that are generated from revenue
after deducting all expenses incurred during a given period profitability is defined (Mean=3.31)
Std. Deviation 1.365 which indicated very good, Profitability is measured with income and
expenses. Income is money generated from the activities of the business (Mean=3.29) Std.
Deviation 1.407 Which indicated very good.
4.3 Correlation
The table 4.3.1, shows the relationship between strategic asset management and operational asset
management on economic growth.
the first of the objective one (the effect of account receivable) on profitability, the findings
indicate that their high positive correlation on profitability as indicated the Pearson Correlation
(r=.986, p=.000), And in the second variable (the effect inventory management) on profitability,
The findings indicate that there high positive correlation on profitability performance as
indicated the Pearson Correlation (r=.981, p=.000). in the third variable (the effect account
payable management) on profitability, the findings indicate that there high positive correlation
on profitability performance as indicated the Pearson Correlation (r=.987, p=.000).