Mace Syllabus in Tle 7

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The learner understands the basic concepts and underlying

GRADE LEVEL STANDARD theories in agri-fishery art production.

Demonstrate understanding of one’s environment and market

CONTENT STANDARD and process/production and delivery of high-value vegetables

Produce high-value and marketable agri-fishery products.


 Orientation
Week 1
- Students Activity
- Rules and Regulation
- Pre-test

 Basics of - Know the Formative:

Week 2 Vegetable importance of - Picture analysis
Gardening vegetable - Discussion
 Seeds gardening and - Recitation (Site some instances
 Garden Tools seeds. how they use the different tools
and Equipment and equipment in gardening.)
- Demonstrate the - Actual tools in Gardening
different uses of
Valuing: Garden Tools and Summative:
Appreciate the equipment - Short Quiz (Identify the different
importance of Vegetable vegetables that commonly grown
Gardening and Seeds. in a backyard garden)
- Demonstration
(demonstrate the different
plant material of seeds)
- Group Activity
- Perform the different uses of
gardening tools in making a plot.

Week 3  Garden - Explain the proper - Picture analysis
Preparation Garden Preparation - Discussion
 Methods of - Explain the proper - Recitation
Planting garden preparation
- Short Quiz (3 types of Vegetable
Valuing: Garden.)
Deepen the - Group Activity
understanding and - Pair Activity
importance of Garden
Preparation and
Methods of planting.

Week 4  Garden - Apply the proper Formative:

Management way of garden - Picture analysis
 Harvesting and management - Discussion
Marketing - Have Perspective - Oral Recitation
on the vegetable
Valuing: production industry Summative:
Emphasize the of the country - Group Work
importance of planting - Pair Activity
and appreciate the - Short Quiz
proper harvesting and - Make a project plan on how to
employing good and put up a vegetable garden for
marketing techniques. growing high value vegetables.

Week 5 FIRST MID-QUARTER Applies the lesson Summative:

EXAMINATION learned during the - Written test regarding topics
week 1 to 4. tackled/discussed on the first Mid-

 Basic Information - Identify basic Formative:

Week 6 information on - Picture Analysis
poultry raising - Discussion
 Stock Selection - Explain the
preliminary Summative:
 Brooding consideration in - Game
Management poultry raising - Board Work
- Pair Activity (Visit a poultry farm
Valuing: in your area. Write an observation
Deepen the on a piece of paper if the poultry
understanding about farm meets the basic
the basic requirement of requirements for a small-scale
poultry raising; the first poultry operation.)
priority in starting a
poultry project until it
reach the most critical
period in their life.

Week 7  Broiler - Determine the - Picture analysis
management exact feeds of a - Discussion
broiler to eat.
 Capon Production - know the Summative:
importance of - Quiz Activity
castrated male - Group Work
Valuing: chickens. - Pair activity (Visit a poultry farm
Appreciate the and make a short interview
importance of broiler guided with a question, What is
management and capon the purpose of castrating male
production. chicken?. And report it to the

Week 8  Management of - Apply the - Discussion
replacement principles on site, - Group Work
Pullets stocks selection and - Picture Analysis
 Management of housing
laying flock for requirements. Summative:
table eggs - Explain brood, - Board Work
broiler, laying flock - Game
Valuing: production and - Group Activity (each group will
Understand the different fertile egg research and report on one of the
techniques in poultry management following topics: a. average size
raising. of eggs b. age of bird during the
peak production period c. color of
eggs preferred by consumers d.
average culling age of birds (in

Week 9  Production of  Demonstrate the - Picture analysis
Fertile Eggs incubation - Discussion
 Artificial process - Questioning
incubation - Have perspective on
the poultry raising Summative:
industry in the country - Board work
-Short Quiz
Valuing: - Group Activity (Each group
Appreciate and will research on one of the
Cooperate Honestly. following topic: 1. Type of
poultry for layers producing
fertile eggs. 2. Methods of
identifying sick birds in the flock
3.Methods of identifying les
productive or non-productive
birds 4. Longest production
period allowed for layers
producing fertile eggs (in

FIRST GRADING Applies all the Summative:
Week 10 EXAMINATION learning’s gained - Written test regarding the topics
from week 1-9. tackled/discussed.

The learner understands the basic concept and
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD underlying principles in developing fundamental skills.

Demonstrate understanding of the process and delivery

CONTENT STANDARD of quality food products; Understanding of one’s
environment and market as well as the process and
delivery of quality baked products.
Cook and Perform simple dishes and Bake simple
PERFORMANCE STANDARD breads, pies, pastries, cookies, and cakes.

 Orientation
Week 1 - Student Activity
- Pre-test
 Cooking Basics  Identify basic Formative:
Week 2 cooking - Picture Analysis
information - Discussion
Valuing:  Demonstrate - Oral Recitation
Appreciate the the different
importance of cooking cooking terms Summative:
and apply it in real life. - Written test
- Demonstration (how to use the
different cooking utensils and
 Methods of  Identify the Formative:
Week 3 Cooking cooking utensils - Picture analysis
and equipment - Discussion
Valuing:  Tell the use of - Recitation (Cite some
Deeping the each utensil instances how they use the
Importance of and equipment different cooking utensils
cleanliness and  Explain the
orderliness on the food different Summative:
production industry methods of - Short Quiz
cooking - Group activity (Perform the
different cooking methods)
- Individual Activity (Choose one
dish from your list and write
down its recipe.)
 Safety - Follow the procedure Formative:
Week 4 Precautions in in cooking the simple - Video Presentation
Food Handling meal products. - Discussion (Short Skit about
and Cooking the proper handling and cooking
Follow and Appreciate Summative:
the steps in handling to - Short Quiz (Arranging the
prevent accidents in steps chronologically regarding
cooking. the steps in handling to prevent
accidents in cooking).

Applies the lesson Summative:

Week 5 SECOND MID- learned during week 1 - Written Test regarding the
QUARTER EXAM to 4 topics tackled/discussed on the
first Mid-Quarter

 The Art of - Identify basic baking Formative:

Week 6 Baking information - Discussion
- Identify the baking - Video Presentation (about the
utensils and proper use of baking utensils
equipment and equipment)
- Tell the use of each - Questioning by WH question.
utensil and equipment - Oral Presentation
- Demonstrate the use
of the different baking Summative:
terms - Short Quiz
- Demonstrate the different kinds
of Baking Terms
Valuing: - Perform the different important
Deepen the baking tips.
understanding about - Group Activity (Research on
the Art of Baking and the different ways on how baking
know the importance of is done. Demonstrate while
baking utensils and describing your actions to the
equipment. other groups. Use an oral
presentation rubric to evaluate
one another’s presentation).
 Breads, Pies, - Explain the different Formative:
Week 7 and Pastries methods of baking - Discussion
- Video Presentation
- Questioning by WH question
Appreciate the value of Summative:
Breads, Pies, and - Short Quiz
Pastries. - Individual Activity (Go to
Be knowledgeable bakery in your neighborhood.
enough to perform the Look at the kinds of baked
Basic Cooking goods that they sell. Describe as
many as you can).
- Bake or perform from the kinds
of breads, pies, and pastries.
 Cookies and - Follow the procedure Formative:
Week 8 to Cakes in baking simple - Picture analysis
Week 9 breads, pastries, pies, - Video Presentation (about
cakes, and cookies. baking cakes and cookies).
Valuing: - Demonstrate the - Questioning
Appreciate and different ways in
emphasize the baking baking cookies and Summative:
products. cakes. - Short Quiz
- Group Work
- Perform and make a chiffon
cake and cookies
SECOND GRADING - Applies all the Summative:
Week 10 EXAMINATION learning’s gained from - Pair Work (Make a chiffon
week 1-9. Cake and Guided by a Scoring

The learners will deepen their understanding and
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD underlying principles in the concepts of Drafting.

Demonstrate understanding of the environment and

CONTENT STANDARD market as well as the process/production and delivery of
quality products/services in technical drawing

The learners will come up with a project in technical

Week 1  Drawing - Use the different Formative:
instruments drawing instruments - Picture analysis
appropriately - Discussion
- Know the uses of -Questioning
different Drawing
Valuing: instruments. Summative:
Know the importance - Short Quiz
of drawing instruments - Group work
- Seat work
- Activity (Bring drawing
instruments and explain or
demonstrate how to use them).

Week 2  Drawing Lines - To Draw Accurately Formative:

with T-squares - Picture analysis
and Triangles - Discussion

Valuing: Summative:
Appreciate the value - Short Quiz
of drawing - Pair activity (Bring a portable
instruments. drawing board, T-square and
protractor .Draw a graphing
paper with 10-millimeter space
between lines).
Week 3  Geometric - To know how Formative:
Constructions geometric shapes and - Picture analysis
construction drawn - Discussion
Valuing: using drawing -Recitation
Have patience and instruments.
cooperation in making Summative:
shapes and - Short Quiz
construction - Seat work
- Activity (make a plate on
geometric construction. Draw all
the geometric figures using
drawing constructions).
Week 4  Sketching - Identify the basic Formative:
 Lettering information about - Picture analysis
sketching and lettering  Discussion
- To learn how to make  Questioning
sketching and lettering  Recitation
Valuing: accurately
Participation Summative:
Cooperation  Short Quiz
Patience  Role playing
 Pair activity (make a
sketch of an office table
with on drawer at the
center and three drawers
at one side. Sketch a
complete working
drawing to show how to
assemble the parts.
 Activity (Bring graphing
paper and make plates
on the basic strokes of
the following:
a. Vertical capital letters and
b. Vertical Lowercase letters
c. Inclined capital letters and
d. Inclined lowercase letters
Week 5 THIRD MID- Applies all the Summative:
QUARTER EXAM learning’s from week 1  Written Test (about the
to week 4 topics
Week 6  Logo Designing - Identify the basic Formative:
information about Logo  Picture analysis
Valuing: designing  Discussion
Patience - Apply it in Logo  Recitation
Cooperation Making
 Short Quiz
 Seat work
 Activity (Design a logo for
your future business.
Make sure to apply what
you have learned in logo
Week 7  Basics of Sign - Identify the basic Formative:
Painting information about sign  Picture analysis
painting  Discussion
Valuing: - Learn to apply and  Questioning
Patience develop skills in sign
Participation painting Summative:
Cooperation - Quiz
- Seat work
- Activity (Design a work bench
that suits your needs and skill
level. Draw the working drawing
to show how the parts will be
assembled. Construct a
miniature of the workbench.
Week 8 to Week 9  Essentials of - Demonstrate the Formative:
Practice different Practices that - Picture analysis
are important in - Discussion
Valuing: Drafting - Questioning
Patience - Identify the different
Appreciation strokes may use in Summative:
Cooperation drafting - Short Quiz
- Group Work
- Activity (Study the different
basic strokes for letters and
Week 10 THIRD QUARTER Applies all the Formative:
EXAMINATION learning’s gained from - Picture analysis
week 1-9. - Discussion
- Hands on Making
- Questioning

- Quiz
- Group Work
- Seat work
- Activity (Design a logo for the
school, with your own
interpretation. Apply what you
have learned in sign painting.
Explain the meaning of your

GRADE LEVEL The learners will demonstrate the entrepreneurial characteristics of very
STANADARDS entrepreneurs.

CONTENT STANDARDS Demonstrate understanding of one’s Personal Entrepreneurial

Competencies, the environment and market as well as the
process/production and delivery of quality products/services in general
PERFORMANCE Manifest the qualities of a good entrepreneur in the different business
STANDARDS ventures planned

Week 1  Orientation
- Student Activity
- Pre-test

Week 2  Entrepreneurship  Define Formative:

entrepreneur  Picture analysis
Valuing:  Differentiate  Discussion
Participation entrepreneur  Recitation
Cooperation from
entrepreneurship Summative:
 Short Quiz
 Seat work
 Role playing
Week 3  The Personal Explain the Formative:
Entrepreneurial different  Picture Analysis
Competencies Personal  Discussion
(PECs) Entrepreneurial  Questioning
 Characteristics of Competencies
an entrepreneur (PECs)
 Interpret the Summative:
Valuing: different PECs  Quiz
Cooperation and  Give examples  Activity (answer the
deepen the of successful following: 1. If you are
understanding about entrepreneurs to be an entrepreneur,
the Entrepreneurial  Describe said which of the
Competencies and Entrepreneurs competencies will you
Characteristics of an  Give perspective develop the most?
entrepreneur on Why?
entrepreneurship 2. Select three PECs and
in the country give ways that each can be
 Emphasize with developed.)
the  Role playing
entrepreneurs on
the state of
in the Philippines
Week 4 FOURTH MID – Applies all the
QUARTER EXAM learning’s gained about
the lessons

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