DLL - Tle 6 - Q1 - W3
DLL - Tle 6 - Q1 - W3
DLL - Tle 6 - Q1 - W3
A. Content Standards: Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
Standards: Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees
C.Learning Discusses the importance Explains benefits Identifies successful Maintaining your nursery
Competencies/Obje of planting and derived from planting orchard growers in the Prepare ad undertake
ctives: propagating trees and trees and fruit-bearing community or adjacent nursery work
Write the LC Code for fruit-bearing trees and trees to families and communities
each marketing seedlings communities 12b famous orchards farms
TLE6AG0a-1 in the Philippines
II. Content - Importance of trees - Characteristics of trees -Identifying successful -Common nursery -Benefits derived from
and fruit bearing and fruit bearing trees orchard growers in Work a nursery
trees Activities: the community -Proper use of nursery -Nursery plant
-Classification of the -Benefits derived from - Sources of Trees and tools and equipment maintenance, operation
different trees and trees and fruit trees Fruit bearing Trees: -Nursery hygiene and and activities
fruit bearing trees -Commercial safe work practices Greening the nursery
-roducts obtained from Nursery -Varieties of seedlings
in your/the
trees and fruit trees - Agricultural of trees and fruit trees,
-Importance of planting Institutions and
- Department of their characteristics
and propagating trees and Agriculture
fruit trees -Bureau of Plant Industry - Ways how to care for
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
A.Reviewing Ask any one from the Read the different Students will report Discussions about “Plant Discussions about the
Previous Lesson or members of the class benefits derived on personalities, Nursery” benefits we can get from
Presenting the to tell something from planting experts and Used of different tools in having a Nursery and how
New Lesson about the word trees and fruit practitioners who are the nursery to green the nursery
Presentation about the
“Agriculture” trees to family successful orchard systematic and
Identify some trees and and community growers scientific
fruit trees available in the Identify some well known ways of caring for
community Ask students to identify orchards/agri-farms in the nursery, orchards
some products we can get Provinces and
from trees and fruit trees farmland
B.Establishing a Discuss the Show pictures of Learners will identify Students will describe Students will
Purpose for the importance of some the different what they see inside determine the
Lesson planting and by-products derived sources of trees the nursery, plant
propagating trees and from and fruit trees nursery maintenance and
fruit trees Demonstration of the operation/activities
trees and fruit trees and
different systematic and
scientific ways of caring for a some organic ways in
greening the nursery
nursery, an orchard and a
farm land
C.Presenting Introduction to Presentation of some Identify some Presentation of the Presentation of
Examples/Instanc data gathering of products derived from government and non- different types or different agricultural
es of the Lesson some trees government entities, classification of produce/organic
elements to be and fruit trees private agencies that plant nursery produce from a nursery
observed in planting
trees and fruit distribute trees and fruit
trees trees
D.Discussing New Data presentation Product presentation Presentation skills using Product presentation
Concepts and skills Interviewing skills video footages skills
Practicing New
Skills #1
E. Discussing New Identify the List down some Identify some Presentation on nursery List down some
Concepts and scientific practices benefits derived personalities benefits derived from
Practicing New in planting from known for Identification of managing a
Skills #2 trees and fruit trees trees and fruit trees exemplary performance different tools used in Nursery
in growing and a nursery
maintaining orchard Identification of Describe the
Identify some well Systematic and maintenance,
known orchard farms in scientific ways of caring for operations
the provinces nursery, orchards and and the different activities
farmland in a nursery
F. Developing Present before the Present actual, real Present before the Present before the Present before the
Mastery class the by- products class videos, film class the scientific class the different
(Leads to Formative scientific derived from clips of practices in caring for a by-products
practices in planting trees and fruit trees different personalities nursery produced in the nursery
Assessment 3) trees and fruit trees and their farm, Show the different tools,
orchard that have materials used in a nursery
given them
recognition of
Show some footages
of different
government, non-
government as well
as private entities, where
trees and fruit trees are
obtained from
G.Finding Practical The Importance of The benefits derived Some known Managing a nursery; Benefits derived from a
Applications of propagating trees and from personalities describing the different nursery and its by-
Concepts and fruit trees planting trees and fruit who have excelled in activities; identifying products
trees maintaining orchards the tools and the
Skills in Daily and farmlands where materials
Living trees and used in maintaining a
fruit trees are grown nursery and an orchard
H. Making Written examination Oral recitation Reporting and Group presentation Written examination
Generalizations presentation Product Analysis
and Abstractions skills
about the Lesson
I. Evaluating Take Video footages of Preparation of Picture Invite at least one Develop a flip chart of Video shoot of different
Learning some trees and fruit Album about the practitioner different systematic and types of nursery and
trees grown in their benefits derived from who can share scientific ways of products
respective trees and fruit his/her expertise in maintaining a nursery
community trees growing trees,
fruit trees and managing
an orchard
J. Additional
Activities for
Application or
A. No. of learners who VI- Earth: VI- Earth: VI- Earth: VI- Earth: VI- Earth:
earned 80% in the VI- Venus: VI- Venus: VI- Venus: VI- Venus: VI- Venus:
evaluation VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury:
B. No. of learners who VI- Earth: VI- Earth: VI- Earth: VI- Earth: VI- Earth:
require additional VI- Venus: VI- Venus: VI- Venus: VI- Venus: VI- Venus:
activities for VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: VI- Mercury: