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Investigation To Improve The Sand Molding Formula of The Erg by Incorporating Local Materials

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 4, Aug 2018, 517-530
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of TAHRI Mohamed BECHAR,
Mechanical Engineering Reliability Laboratory, Bechar, Algeria

In the field of molding, the use of a large quantity of sand from the beach causes an ecological problem for
Algeria, plus its price which keeps increasing in the Algerian market leads to the search for solutions, to replace this
type of sand which was nowadays among the first concerns of the country. Thus the proposal to substitute beach sand
by the sand of Western ERG of Algeria gave satisfactory results presented on a first place as a simple and effective
solution, knowing that this type of sand is in abundance and occupies nearly 6% of the surface of our country. The
subject on which this work focuses is part of the problematic associated with the study of valorization of the sand of the

Original Article
ERG in the process of molding of parts and the investigation to the improvement of the sand casting formula of the
ERG by incorporating local materials. However, the development of ERG sand has an economic and ecological impact
for Algeria. Among other things, the addition of Bentonite in the molding formulation is an economic problem because
this type of material is very rare, very expensive and is currently imported from abroad. Indeed, we want to improve the
sand molding formula of the ERG by adding materials that replace the Bentonite to greatly reduce manufacturing costs
in molding. The investigation in this area is relevant to our country.

KEYWORDS: Molding, ERG Sand, Formulation, Surface Condition, Ecology & Binder

Received: May 27, 2018; Accepted: Jun 17, 2018; Published: Jul 16, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDAUG201853


Basically, sand casting is a process where the mold is fabricated by patterning a refractory material to
form a cavity of the desired shape so that the molten metal can be cast into the cavity. The mold cavity should
retain its shape until the metal is solidified and the molded product is removed. This may seem simple,
but depending on the choice of metal, the mold must have certain characteristics. In case of projection clamping
molding, shaking or pressure molding can be used to form the mold, wooden or plastic patterns. High density and
high-pressure sand casting and casting methods almost always require metal model equipment. High density and
high-pressure casting normally produce a well pressed mold which produces better surface qualities, dimensions,
and tolerances of the cast product. Green casting properties are adjustable over a broad spectrum, allowing this
process to be used with all types of green casting equipment for a majority of cast alloys.

The most commonly used method in sand casting manufacturing is casting to green. In this process, the
granular refractory sand is coated with a mixture of Bentonite clay, water and, in some cases, other additives.
The additives help to harden and hold the shape of the mold to withstand the pressures of the molten metal.

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518 M. Dahmani, A. Tafraoui, S. Tafraoui,
A. Chaoufi & M. Zaoui

The green sand mix is mechanically compressed or hand-compressed around a pattern to create a mold.
The mechanical force required for the sand molding process can be induced by projection, shaking or compression molding
[1, 5, 4, 8, 11, 13]. For many metal applications, green casting processes are the most cost-effective of all metal forming
operations. These processes lend themselves easily to automated systems for large volumes of work as well as for small
series and prototype work. It is aimed at molding either for the manufacture of complicated shapes that would be difficult
or impossible to achieve by any other method, either for production at more interesting cost prices of simpler parts, or to
take advantage of physical properties or use (expansion, corrosion, friction, wear, low and high temperatures) and
mechanical properties of various metals and cast alloys, or finally to cast non-corrodible alloys or difficult machining.

The molding operation is one of the most important of the foundry's industrial process. It determines, according to
the model, the shapes of the part to be cast, its dimensions and their precision, its surface conditions; it’s cooling and plays
a preponderant role on many parameters influencing its quality. Many molding processes exist and this very wide variety
of processes requires classifying them to allow their presentation. [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12]

We generally classify them according to the molding and hardening modes of the materials used at the time of
manufacture of the mold or cores and the nature of the models that must be compatible with the processes used. After an
exhaustive presentation of the molding processes, we will study more precisely the molding technique using dune sand
from the western ERG of the south-west region of ALGERIA. The molding process has become very expensive today in
terms of prices and transport costs and illustrates the example of an economic study conducted in France in 2005 as shown
in the following table (Table 1), while in our southernmost most materials and molding raw material are available and for
many years.

The quantity of new siliceous sand sold to French foundries is about 600 000 tonnes in 2005 (source SIFRACO
and FULCHIRON) which are the two main suppliers.

Table 1: Cost of New Sand for 1 ton of

Sand without Preparation
Buying Cost Excluding Transport Transport
Distance Total
Price Transport Price Cost
DA/t For 1 t DA/t/km km For 1 t
Sand (88%) 1530 1350 63 200 1108,8
Bentonite (8%) 13500 1080 81 350 226,8
Carbon additive (4%) 23400 936 162 200 129,6
Total new sand 3366 1465,2 4831,2



The materials used for the formulation of molding sand are: (Figure 1)

• Western ERG dune sand from the Bechar area (see Tables 2 and 3)

• Bentonite (local clay) (see Table 4 and 5): The clay (Bentonite) that binds the silica grains together and prevents
the mold from deteriorating after removal of the model. In some cases instead of clay, other binders such as
vegetable oils, water glass, resins, bitumen’s, sulfuric lye etc. are used. Bentonite is imported clay available in the
white colloid powder market named after Fort Benton, Wyoming, USA. Also known as fuller's earth, it can be
considered as a smectite, consisting essentially of montmorillonite and clay, which explains its water retention

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Investigation to Improve the Sand molding Formula of 519
the ERG by Incorporating Local Materials

capacity. Other minerals such as quartz, mica, feldspar, pyrite or calcite are also found. The deposits of Bentonite
are of volcanic and hydrothermal origins.

Bentonite has various properties. In particular, it absorbs proteins, reduces the activity of enzymes. Bentonite
sludge (containing a fraction of Bentonite) is used in earthworks, molded walls, because of their ability to leave the room
quickly and easily poured concrete in their place. The CAS number of the Bentonite is 1302-78-9. Source tap water (local
water supply)

Sand Dune Bentonite Local Clay

Figure 1: Materials Used

Table 2: Chemical Characteristics of Dune Sand in %

Oxides SiO2 AL2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K 2O SO3 Fire Loss
(%) 97.33 0.830 0.24 0.41 0.07 0.09 0.04 0.18 0.40

Table 3: Physical Characteristics of the Sand Dune

Specific Surface BET Average Size, D50
Actual Density Hardness
(cm2 / g) (µm)
115 200 3 7

Table 4: Chemical Characteristics of Bentonite in %

oxides SiO2 AL2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K 2O MnO TiO2 H 2O SiO2/AL2O3
(%) 61,01 16,10 2,80 3,53 3,15 1,50 1,60 0,04 0,22 10,16 6,44

Table 5: Characteristics of Bentonite (Trace Elements)

Trace Elements Ba Sr Cu Pb Zn S SO4
PPM 210 160 20 35 70 270 810

Physicochemical study of the Sand of Western ERG (South-West of Algeria)

The sands studied are from:

• The region of Taghit (BECHAR Wilaya).

• The region of Igli (BECHAR Wilaya).

• The region of Beni Abbes (BECHAR Wilaya).

The microscopic observations made on one of these sands (Taghit sand) (Figure I-1 and I-2) showed that the
samples consist essentially of quartz (SiO2) in the form of rounded and sub-rounded grains. The presence of iron oxides
(Fe2O3) has also been detected either in the form of independent grains or in the form of inclusions or coating of the quartz

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520 M. Dahmani, A. Tafraoui, S. Tafraoui,
A. Chaoufi & M. Zaoui

grains. A predominance of silica in all fractions (> 92% for fractions greater than 0.04 mm). Aluminum (Al2O3),
calcium (CaO) or iron (Fe2O3), and potassium (K2O) are in decreasing percentage, while other elements such as Ti, P, Mn,
Cr, Na are in the form of traces (<1%).

Several methods have been used to characterize Western ERG sand such as:

• Particle size analysis (Figure 3)

• Microscopic observation (Figure 2)

• Elemental analysis by X-ray diffractometry (Figure 4)

Thus, it can be concluded that the sand of the western ERG of south-west Algeria constitutes a deposit rich in fine
particles. Fractions of 0.10 to 0.25 mm seem the most interesting because the richest in silica. [9]

Figure 2: Observations of Sand Grains under an

Optical Microscope [9]

Figure 3: Observations of Sand Grains at MEB [9]

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Investigation to Improve the Sand molding Formula of 521
the ERG by Incorporating Local Materials

Figure 4: XRD Analysis of TAGHIT Sand [9]

Realization of the Mold

Tools for Making Molds and Models (Figure 5)

Materials for mold design

Figure 5: Molding Equipment and Tools

Mold Making (Figure 6)

We made the red wooden molds of thickness 20 mm and in three different forms: 30x30cm, 24x18cm, 20x14cm,
so they are equipped with locating pins and guiding and lifting wrists on their sides. These marking pins are made of metal
material with fixing screws. Moreover, we proceeded to strengthen these molds at their corners by metal flats. To avoid
any cracking of the wood we have introduced these molds in a tray of wool oil in two separate times to ensure better

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522 M. Dahmani, A. Tafraoui, S. Tafraoui,
A. Chaoufi & M. Zaoui

Figure 6: Different Types of Molds for Molding

Choice of Models (Figure 7)

The making of the models is made of wood, plastic, wax or Bakelite however, this operation is very delicate
requiring a modeller to qualify, for this purpose we proceeded to the making of the models using the used parts of
lightweight so that the machined part of these is camouflaged by a sticky paste that hardens quickly (Figure 4).

Figure 7: Models

Formulation (Figure 8)

The formulation used is presented in Table 6:

Table 6: Formulation of Molding Sand

Materials Amount (%)
Sand dune of the ERG 70 à 80
Bentonite (local white clay) 15 à 20
Water 8 à 10

The sand/water mixture and additional Bentonite (local clay) is done in the mixer or manually, slowly so as not to
create clumps and until total humidification of the sand and to ensure a certain permeability for degassing. We then recover
the sand in a tray. This sand is then ready to be used to make the molding. We seek to obtain a clay mixture. It is therefore,
necessary to have the appropriate amount of water to avoid having mud in case of excess water and crumbling in the
opposite case. It takes 8 to 10% of specific water for 70% of sand and 20% of Bentonite (local clay). However, the problem
lies in the fact that the sand already contains a certain amount of water due to the humidity of the air. It would be necessary
to determine how much it contains to know how much to add. For this purpose, a certain amount of sand is weighed before
and after baking, assuming that the difference in mass is due to the evaporation of the water contained in the sand in the
oven. We did not carry out this calculation of the quantity of water during our experiment, because the climate of the
region is very dry so the quantity of water in mass is very negligible and does not exceed the 0.2% of water in mass.

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Investigation to Improve the Sand molding Formula of 523
the ERG by Incorporating Local Materials

Therefore we had to add to 10kg of sand a volume of 800ml of water.

Figure 8: Formulation of Molding Sand

Operating Mode

We want to achieve a very good footprint and a satisfactory traceability of the model. The model is placed on a
smooth and clean surface (Figure 9a) on which is the lower frame (Figure 9b) and then we model a small amount of TALC
powder on the model to facilitate demolding, (Figure 9c). The filling of the frame will be carried out progressively (Figure
9 d) by sand while compacting it with the aid of the hammer and the palette (Figure 9 e).

Figure 9: Manufacture of the Lower Part of the Mold

(Carcass of an Aluminum Fuel Filter)

Making the Upper Part of the Mold (Figure 10)

For the upper part of the mold: we position the second part of the model on the first one, then we put the model
(Figure 10 a).

The positioning is performed by centering studs. In any case, this positioning must not be neglected, which is
decisive in the positioning of each half-mold relative to the plane of the joint. Then, the casting mandrel and the vent
mandrel are pushed slightly into the sand while leaving a cavity for the flyweight (Figure. 10b, c).

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524 M. Dahmani, A. Tafraoui, S. Tafraoui,
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Figure 10: Making the Upper Part of the Mold

The first amount of sand deposited on the model must be sieved to ensure that no clods are inserted and especially
that the sand will perfectly fit the shape of the model. We fill up to a height of a few centimeters before starting to pack.
We fill the mold with sand up to the level of the frame. We scrape the extra thickness with a metal or wooden ruler.
We obtain a flat surface at the height of the frame. It remains to remove the model from the mold.


• Before separating the two frames, remove the casting and vent mandrel.

• Slowly removing the model after shaking it (Figure 11 a, b).

• See different impressions after demolding (Figure 12)

Figure 11: Demolding

Figure 12: Different Impressions after Demolding

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Investigation to Improve the Sand molding Formula of 525
the ERG by Incorporating Local Materials

Remolding (Figure 13)

• The upper frame is placed on the lower frame while checking their position and contact. (Figure 13 a)

• In order to avoid the lifting of the upper frame, screw fasteners are made or we put on the latter weights to ensure
a certain pressure during the casting of the metal and then laying the casting channel and the vent channel
(Figure13 c).

Figure 13: Remolding

• See the case of a cored molding (Figure 14)

Figure 14: Core Casting

Pouring of the Liquid Metal

At first, the lead was used as casting metal for the production of the blank.

For the second test, pure aluminum was used as casting metal.

• The liquid metal, intended to fill the impression of the mold, is obtained after melting the lead or aluminum in a
crucible (Figure 15), representing a preheated refractory ceramic container or a metal bowl made of heat-resistant
steel at the temperature of fusion of aluminum.

Figure 15: Fusion of Lead and Aluminum

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526 M. Dahmani, A. Tafraoui, S. Tafraoui,
A. Chaoufi & M. Zaoui

• The liquid metal is poured through the taphole until it is completely filled (Figure 16). When the quantity of metal
to be poured is relatively large or when the part represents high parts, we add weights, wholevolume.

• In order to avoid metal leaks that occur in the mold joint plane due to the vertical thrust of the metal entering the
cavity, the frame is loaded with weights (or the two frames are connected by studs).

Figure 16: Casting System


• The shakeout of the work piece will start only when the temperature is low enough when the work piece is fully
solidified (Figure 17)

• The casting system and the counterweight are separated from the work piece with a hacksaw without any damage
to the work piece.

Figure 17: Raw Parts after Shakeout

Sand Blasting

In contact with cold sand, the metal cools rapidly and its outer surface is coated with grains of sand for this
purpose and in order to rid the piece of sand that adheres to its surfaces, it is necessary to go to the grit removal operation.
it is most often carried out by sand descaling (very dry silica sand shock) or shot-blasting by means of a jet of compressed
air (Figure. 18 a, b).

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Investigation to Improve the Sand molding Formula of 527
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Figure 18: Parts after Grit Removal


Deburring consists in eliminating the casting heel, the burrs at the joints, the spikes of the tapholes and the
roughnesses, it is usually performed by grinding (Figure 19 a, b).

Figure 19: Parts after DeBurring

Control and Heat Treatment: If applicable

Machining, Finishing, and Drilling: If applicable.


After several tests, we came to conclude that a quantity of 20% of Bentonite (local clay),10% of natural water and
70% of sand, gave us a much-needed humidification, plasticity and cohesion so this formulation has met several very
important characteristics for the realization of our experience which is the "Sand dune molding" such as:

• The faithful reproduction of the model piece.

• The surface condition as fine as possible.

• The sand does not disintegrate during the extraction of the model.

• Resistance to the high temperature of the metal during casting.

• Resistance to erosion by the liquid metal during casting.

• The permeability to allow the passage of gases produced during casting.

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528 M. Dahmani, A. Tafraoui, S. Tafraoui,
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• The easy stall.

However, we did not introduce organic binders or adjuvants that are commonly used to promote demolding and
shakeout to fully understand the behavior of our sand in conventional molding. Dune sand has given us good results in the
molding process without recycling or organic additions at very high temperatures with a good appearance of the model.


In this work, we have been able to develop the Western ERG dune sand in the formulation of the molding which
has been developed a mixture of sand, clay and adequate amount of water to avoid having mud in case of excess water and
crumbling in the opposite case. After a series of tests on some examples of molds, we had a reproduction of the details of
the model parts with detailed impressions and smooth and fine surfaces. The mixture does not disintegrate during the
extraction of the model and will allow easy unplugging. Also, the mixture withstands the high temperature and erosion
during the casting of the metal with sufficient permeability allowing the passage of gas produced. However,
the physicochemical study tends to prove that this ERG sand has characteristics allowing it to be exploited in the industrial
manufacturing and especially in the development of the molding. As a result, we can note that in industry, dune sand
casting for series ranging from 1 to 100, is more profitable for larger pieces from 40kg to 2T, more time dune sand is very
available in quantity and quality in our region. This type of sand has an economy compared to the beach sand currently
used in molding. From the environmental point of view, the sand of the ERG is not similar in its natural properties to the
sand of the beach, because it is very clean and it does not need to be washed, cleaned or rinsed so it has not any
environmental impact on nature, because it is highly resistant to heat fusion during several molding operations is that it
lose its physicochemical characteristics quickly.


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