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Chapter - 1: Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and Waste Ceramic Tiles

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and

Waste Ceramic Tiles


Foundry sand is a sand that when moistened and compressed or oiled or heated tends
to pack well and hold its shape. It is also known as moulding sand. It is used in the process of
sand casting for preparing the mould cavity. The foundry sand is high quality sand with
uniform physical characteristics. It is a by product of ferrous and non-ferrous metal casting
industries where sand has been used for centuries as a molding material because of its
thermal conductivity and its unique engineering properties. In modern foundry practice, sand
is typically recycled and reused through many production cycles. Industry estimates are that
approximately 100 million tons of sand is used in production annually. The main ingredients
for manufacturing of concrete are cement, course aggregates, fine aggregates, waste ceramic
tiles and waste foundry sand. Foundries successfully recycle and reuse the sand many times
in a foundry. When the sand can no longer be reused in the foundry, it is removed from the
foundry and is termed as waste foundry sand.

The sand is used in two different ways in metal casting: as a molding material, which
forms the external shape of the cast part, and as cores, which form internal void spaces in
products such as engine blocks. Since sand grains do not naturally adhere to each other, the
binders must be introduced to cause the sand to stick together and hold its shape during the
introduction of the molten metal into the mold and the cooling of the casting. Two general
types of binder systems are used in metal casting depending upon which the foundry sands
are classified as: clay bonded systems (Green sand) and chemically- bonded systems. Both
types of sands are suitable for beneficial use but they have different physical and
environmental characteristics.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles

1.1 Materials:

The materials used during the study include:

 Cement
 Fine aggregate
 coarse aggregate
 Water
 Waste Foundry Sand
 Waste Ceremic Tiles

1.1.1 Cement:

Portland cementis the most common type of cement in general use around the world, used
as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, and most non-speciality grout. It was
developed from other types of hydraulic lime in England in the mid-19th century and usually
originates from limestone. It is a fine powder produced by heating materials in a kiln to form
what is called clinker, grinding the clinker, and adding small amounts of other materials.
Several types of Portland cement are available with the most common being called ordinary
Portland cement (OPC) which is grey in colour, but a white Portland cement is also available

Portland cement is caustic, so it can cause chemical burns, the powder can cause irritation
or with severe exposure lung cancer, and can contain some hazardous components such as
crystalline silica and hexavalent chromium. Environmental concerns are the high energy
consumption required to mine, manufacture, and transport the cement and the related air
pollution including the release of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide), dioxin, NOx, SO2,
and particulates.

The low cost and widespread availability of the limestone, shale, and other naturally
occurring materials used in Portland cement make it one of the lowest-cost materials widely
used over the last century throughout the world. Concrete produced from Portland cement is
one of the most versatile construction materials available in the world.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles

Fig 1.1 Cement bag of 50 kg

1.1.2 Fine Aggregate:

Aggregates are defined as inert, granular, and inorganic materials that normally
consist of stone or stone-like solids. Aggregates can be used alone (in road bases and various
types of fill) or can be used with cementing materials (such as Portland cement or asphalt
cement) to form composite materials or concrete. The most popular use of aggregates is to
form Portland cement concrete. Approximately three-fourths of the volume of Portland
cement concrete is occupied by aggregate. It is inevitable that a constituent occupying such a
large percentage of the mass should have an important effect on the properties of both the
fresh and hardened products. As another important application, aggregates are used in asphalt
cement concrete in which they occupy 90% or more of the total volume. Once again,
aggregates can largely influence the composite properties due to its large volume fraction.
Fine agrregate 4.75mm down locally available at Kalaburagi Karnataka.

Classification of aggregate: Aggregates can be divided into several categories according to

different criteria.

Fine aggregate (sand): Aggregates passing (4.75 mm) sieve and predominately retained on
the (75 mm) sieve.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
1.1.3 Coarse Aggregate:

Coarse aggregate: Aggregates predominately retained on the (4.75 mm) sieve. For
mass concrete, the maximum size can be as large as 150 mm. coarse aggregate 20mm down
sized available locally at Kalaburagi Karnataka.

In accordance with sources:

Natural aggregates: This kind of aggregate is taken from natural deposits without changing
their nature during the process of production such as crushing and grinding. Some examples
in this category are sand, crushed limestone, and gravel

Manufactured (synthetic) aggregates: This is a kind of man-made materials produced as a

main product or an industrial by-product. Some examples are blast furnace slag, light weight
aggregate (e.g. expanded perlite), and heavy weight aggregates (e.g. iron ore or crushed

Fig 1.2. Coarse aggregate 20mm down

1.1.4 Water:

Portable water from the Department of Civil Engineering, Appa Institute of Engineering
& Technology and was used both for the mixing of concrete as well as in curing of the cubes.
The M-sand was sun dried for 24 hours to remove moisture from it. The burnt sand was
collected and sieved through a IS sieve (75 microns). The resulting sand, which has the
required fineness, was collected for use. Using a mix design ratio of 1:1:3 and water binder
ratio of 0.45, a total of 45 concrete cubes of size 150mmx150mmx150mm were cast using
varying OPC-CSA ratio of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, 100:100, respectively, i.e., 9 cubes per
% replacement. The cubes were cured and crushed after 3, 7, 28 days respectively and
strength results are presented.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
1.1.5 Waste Foundry Sand (WFS):

Foundry sand is high quality silica sand with uniform physical characteristics. It is
produced from ferrous and nonferrous metal casting industries, where sand has been used for
centuries as a molding material because of its thermal conductivity. Indian foundries produce
approximately 1.71 million tons of waste foundry sand each year (Metal World, 2006). In the
casting process, heat and mechanical abrasion eventually render the sand and thus unsuitable
for use in casting molds, and a portion of the sand is continuously removed and replaced with
new one. This sand is treated as waste from casting industry and because of high silica
content it cannot be disposed easily. Waste foundry sand is made up of mostly natural sand
material. Its properties are similar to the properties of natural or manufactured sand, the
fineness modulus of waste foundry sand is 3.027. Thus it can normally be used as a
replacement of sand.

The considerable disposal expense has made the current practice of WFS disposal in
landfills less favorable. Besides the financial burden to the foundries, land-filling WFS also
make them liable for future environmental costs, remediation problems and regulation
restrictions. This issue is increasingly addressed by alternate options of reusing WFS
beneficially. Beneficial reuses of WFS in variety of applications related to infrastructure
engineering and rehabilitation works. Some of the researchers have reported the possible use
of waste foundry sand in different civil engineering applications. These alternate applications
offer cost savings for both foundries and user industries and environmental benefits at the
local and national level.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
Chemical Properties of Foundry Sand”

Sl.No. Constituent Value (%)

1 SiO2 83.93
2. Al2O3 0.021
3. Fe2O3 0.950
4. CaO 1.03
5. MgO 1.77
6. SO3 0.057
7. LOI 2.19

1.1.6. Waste Ceramic Tiles (WCT):

India ranks in the top 3 list of countries in terms of tiles production in the world. This
huge amount of ceramic tiles are not recycled but is often used as pavement material or
landfill. Ceramic tile aggregates are hard having considerable value of specific gravity, rough
surface on one side and smooth on other side, having less thickness and are lighter in weight
than normal stone aggregates. Using ceramic tile aggregate in concrete not only it will be cost
effective, but also provide considerable strength to the concrete. Construction industries
requires huge amount of ceramic tiles and other ceramic for architectural appearance, the
productions of which are drastically increased, due to this waste is also produce during
handling and usage of ceramic tiles. As 30 to 40% of the total production from manufacturing
units is solid waste. So, we selected these waste tiles as a replacement material to the basic
natural aggregate. Tiles are a mixture of clays that are pressed into shape and fired at high
temperatures which gives the hardness. Ceramic products are made from natural materials
which contain a high proportion of clay minerals.

These, through a process of dehydration followed by controlled firing at temperatures

of between 700ºC and 1000ºC, acquire the characteristic properties of “fired clay”. Ceramic
waste may come from two sources. The first source is the ceramics industry, and this waste is
classified as non-hazardous industrial waste (NHIW). The second source of ceramic waste is
associated with construction and demolition activity, and constitutes a significant fraction of
construction and demolition waste (CDW). Reuse of this kind of waste has many advantages,

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
not least of which are the economic advantages, including job creation in companies
specializing in the selection and recycling of this kind of material. It goes without saying that
reuse is better than recycling.

“Figure1. Waste Ceramic Tiles” “Figure2. Waste Foundry Sand”

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles


 To investigate by improvement in compressive strength, flexural strength and tensile

 To check the workability of the concrete by replacing natural sand by Waste Foundry
Sand & Waste Ceramic Tiles.
 To identify the use of this waste materials in regular construction.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles


Many authors have submitted the report for the use of foundry sand and waste
ceramic tiles in different civil engineering applications and different engineering structures
like dams, bridges, high rise buildings and other type of structures. Tarun R. Naik, Viral M.
Patel, 1994 conducted a project to evaluate performance and leaching of CLSM in which
both clean and used foundry sands were incorporated. The clean sand was obtained from a
sand mining company in Wisconsin and the used foundry sand was obtained from a steel
company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For purposes of comparison, properties of regular
concrete sand (meeting ASTM C 33 requirements for use in making concrete) were also
measured. Physical properties of these three foundry sands were determined using the
appropriate ASTM standard .However a modified ASTM C 88 was used to measure
soundness of foundry sands.

The properties of used foundry sand vary due to the type of foundry processing
equipments used, the type of additive for mold making, the number of times the sand is
reused, and the type and amount of binder used. Hanyoung also investigated two types of
foundry sands like silicate bonded sand as a fine aggregate and clay bonded sand also as a
fine aggregate for the concrete and also performed the test for the basic and important
properties of concrete like slump test, workability test, initial setting time of concrete, final
setting time of concrete with the use of waste foundry sand and then, compared the results of
tests with another concrete without mixed with waste foundry sand. Also measured the
compressive strength, tensile strength and split tensile strength of that concrete for 7 days and
28 days.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles


The materials used for concrete for this study were Portland cement, waste foundry
sand natural sand, aggregate and waste ceramic tiles, manufactured by Ultra Tech Cement
from Mulched was used. Aggregate of nominal size 20mm was used as coarse aggregate. The
sand used was source from sand suppliers. The average bulk density was 1550 kgm-3, with a
fineness modulus of 2.5. It was flushed with water to remove fines and dirt and sun dried
before use. The waste foundry sand obtain from stone crusher, Kalaburagi. Ordinary potable
tap water produced at campus was used in mixing the materials. It appeared clean and free
from any visible impurities conforming to the requirements of

A concrete mix of ratio of 1:1:2 by volume, with a water cement ratio of 0.46 was
used as control, which the properties of all other mixes were compared. Waste Foundry sand
& waste Ceramic tiles were used to replace 0%, 10%, 20%, 30, and 40% of the natural sand
and coarse aggregate by volume. Different mixes were batched and 15, specimens of each
mix were produced. Concrete was cast in pre-oiled cast iron moulds.

Fig. 4.1: Cast iron moulds

After casting, the moulds were covered with plastic sheets to prevent water loss
through evaporation. After 24 hours, the cubes were demoulded and immersed in a curing
tank to cure for strength gain. The curing process is beneficial to hydration of cement, while
improving the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. On each day of testing, the
specimens were removed from the tank and placed in the open air for about two hours.The
compressive strength of the concrete specimen was determined by crushing after
determination of density. The results for the density and compressive strengths are the
average of three tests.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles


5.1 Specific gravity of cement

5.2 Specific gravity for fine aggregate

5.3 Specific gravity for coarse aggregate

5.4 Specific gravity of waste foundary sand

5.5 Slump test

5.6 Compressive strength test

5.7 Split tensile

5.8 Flexural strength test

5.1 Specific gravity of cement


01 Specific gravity 3.11
02 Standard consistency 33%
03 Initial setting time in min 30
04 Final setting time in min 480

5.2 Specific gravity for fine aggregate



01 Specific gravity 2.61

02 Fineness modulus 2.853
03 Water absorption 1.23 %
04 Zone I

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles

5.3 Specific gravity for coarse aggregate


01 Specific gravity 2.85
02 Fineness modulus 2.56
03 Water absorption 1.23

5.4 Specific gravity of waste foundry sand:


01 Specific gravity 2.59
02 Fineness modulus 2.6
03 Water absorption 1.1

Sieve Analysis:

The name given to the operation of dividing a sample of aggregate into various
fraction each consisting of particles of the same size. The sieve analysis is conducted to
determine the particle size distribution in a sample of aggregate, which we call gradation.

Fig. 5.1: IS Sieves

The aggregate used for making concrete are normally of the maximum size
80mm,40mm, 20mm, 10mm, 4.75mm, 2.36mm, 600micron, 300micron, 150micron and

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
75micronS Sieves. In the IS and AST standards, the sieve sizes are given in times of the
number of openings per inch is equal to the square of the number of sieves. In the IS460-
1962, the sieves are designed by size of the aperture in mm.

5.5 Slump Cone Test:

 The apparatus used for conducting the slump test consists of slump cone.
 The internal surface of the mould is thoroughly cleaned and free from
moisture and adherence of any old set concrete before commencing the test.
 Concrete is placed in the mould and is removed for slump value.

The test is carried out using a mould known as a slump cone or Abram’s cone. The
coneis placed on a hard non-absorbent surface. This cone is filled with fresh concrete in three
stages. Each time, each layer is tamped 25 times with a rod of standard dimensions. At the
end of thethird stage, concrete is struck off flush to the top of the mould. The mould is
carefully liftedvertically upwards with twisting motion, so as not to disturb the concrete cone.
Concrete subsides. This subsidence is termed as slump, and is measured to the nearest 5 mm
if the slump is <100 mm and measured to the nearest 10 mm if the slump is >100 mm.

Fig. 5.2: Types of slump

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
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Table 5.5 Workability of concrete at conventional and replace stages

% W/C Degree of
Sl.No. Water Added Slump
Replacement ratio Workability
1 0 200 0.46 7 Low
2 10 200 0.46 42 Low

3 20 200 0.46 76 Medium

4 30 200 0.46 105 High

5. 40 200 0.46 137 High

Percentage of Waste foundry sand v/s slump value

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles

5.6 Compressive Strength Test:

To calculate the compressive strength of concrete cubes the universal testing machine
(UTM) having capacity of 2000 kN tonne was used. Compressive strength test, mechanical
test measuring the maximum amount of compressive load a material can bear before
fracturing. The test piece, usually in the form of a cube, prism, or cylinder, is compressed
between the platens of a compression-testing machine by a gradually applied load.

Brittle materials such as rock, brick, cast iron, and concrete may exhibit great
compressive strengths; but ultimately they fracture. The crushing strength of concrete,
determined by breaking a cube, and often called the cube strength, reaches values of about 3
tons per square inch, that of granite 10 tonnes per square inch, and that of cast iron from 25 to
60 tons per square inch.

Some ductile metals, such as mild steel, have very great compressive strengths; but
the actual values are difficult to measure. When a load is applied to a ductile metal, it deforms
elastically up to a certain point, and then plastic deformation occurs. Increasing loads may
even completely flatten a test piece without any definite fracture occurring, so that no value
can be obtained for the compressive strength. The custom of quoting tensile-strength values
in these cases is inaccurate but safe, compressive strength being always greater.

Fig. 5.3: Compression testing machine

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
It is the standard test, to determine the compressive strength of concrete in an indirect way
.This test could be performed in accordance with IS: 5816-1970.

A standard test cube of concrete specimen (150 mm X 150mm X 150mm) is placed

horizontally between the loading surfaces of Compression Testing Machine (Fig-4.1)

Now we got the ultimate load. So we can now calculate the concrete compressive strength.

Compressive strength =

= (N/mm2)

5.7 Split Tensile Test

It is the standard test, to determine the tensile strength of concrete in an indirect

way .This test could be performed in accordance with IS: 5816-1970.

A standard test cylinder of concrete specimen (300 mm X 150mm diameter) is placed

horizontally between the loading surfaces of Compression Testing Machine (Fig-4.1). The
compression load is applied diametrically and uniformly along the length of cylinder until the
failure of the cylinder along the vertical diameter. To allow the uniform distribution of this
applied load and to reduce the magnitude of the high compressive stresses near the points of
application of this load, strips of plywood are placed between the specimen and loading
platens of the testing machine. Concrete cylinders split into two halves along this vertical
plane due to indirect tensile stress generated by Poisson’s effect.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
Fig. 5.4: Split Tensile testing machine

Due to this compressive loading, an element lying along the vertical diameter of the cylinder
is subjected to a vertical compressive stress and a horizontal stress (Fig-4). The loading
condition produces a high compressive stress immediately below the loading points. But the
larger portion of cylinder, corresponding to its depth is subjected to uniform tensile stress
acting horizontally. It is estimated that the compressive stress is acting for about 1/6 depth
and the remaining 5/6 depth is subjected to tension due to Poisson’s effect.

Assuming concrete specimen behaves as an elastic body, a uniform lateral tensile stress of
ftacting along the vertical plane causes the failure of the specimen, which can be calculated
from the formula as,

Split tensile strength =


P = Compressive load at failure

L = Length of cylinder

D = Diameter of cylinder

The above test result represents the "Splitting Tensile Strength" of concrete that varies
between 1/8 to 1/12 of the cube compressive strength.

5.8 Flexural Strength Test:

The test could be performed in accordance with as per BS 1881: Part 118: 1983. A
simple plain concrete beam is loaded at one-third span points. Normal standard size of
specimen is 100x100x500 mm. If the largest nominal size of the aggregate does not exceed
25mm, size of 100x100x500 mm may also be used. Span of the beam is three times its depth.

Equal Loads are applied at the distance of one-third from both of the beam supports. It
induces equal reaction same as the loading at both of the supports. Loading on beam is
increased in such a manner that rate of increase in stress in the bottom fibre lies within the

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
range of 0.02 MPa& 0.10 MPa. The lower rate being for low strength concrete and the higher
rate for high strength concrete.

From the above loading configuration it is clear that at the middle one-third portion,
in between two loadings, beam is subjected to pure bending. No shear force is induced within
this portion. It is this portion of beam where maximum pure bending moment of Pd/2 is
induced accompanied by zero shear force.

As loading increases, if fracture occurs within the middle one-third of the beam, the
maximum tensile stress reached called "modulus of rupture" fbtis computed from the
standard flexure formula.

Flexural strength = 2 = (N/mm2)

P = Compressive load at failure
L = Beam span between supports
d = Depth of beam
b = Width of beam

Fig. 5.5: Flexural testing machine

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles



Mix design is a process of selecting suitable ingredients for concrete and determining
their proportions which would produce, as economically as possible, a concrete that satisfies
the job requirements. In pursuit of the goal of obtaining concrete with desired performance
characteristics, the selection of component materials is the first step, the next step is a process
called mix design by which one arrives at the right combination of the ingredients. The mix
proportion was modified by replacing fine aggregate by waste foundry sand (WFS) and
coarse aggregate by waste ceramic tiles (WCT) in the range of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%
both. Mix design was carried out manually conforming to IS10262:2009.

6.1 Mix design for M30 grade Concrete

a) Grade of designation = M25

b) Type of cement = OPC 43 grade
c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate = 20 mm
d) Minimum cement content = 320 kg/m3
e) Maximum w/c ratio = 0.50
f) Workability =75 mm slump
g) Exposure condition = Moderate (R.C.C)
h) Method of concrete placing = manually
i) Degree of supervision = good
j) Type of aggregate = crushed angular agg
k) Maximum cement content = 450 kg/m3


a) Cement used = Opc 43 grade

b) Specific gravity of cement = 3.11
c) Specific gravity of
1) Coarse aggregate = 2.85
2) Fine aggregate = 2.61
3) Manufacturing sand= 2.54
d) Water absorption
1) Coarse aggregate = 0.9 %
2) Fine aggregate = 1.23 %
3) Manufacturing sand= 1.1 %
e) Free moisture
1) Coarse aggregate = NIL
2) Fine aggregate = NIL
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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
3) Manufacturing sand= NIL

f) Fine aggregate= conforming to grading zone 1

Step 1 : Target strength for mix proportioning

Fck = fck + 1.65 x S

= 30 + 1.65 x 4

= 38.26 N/mm2

Step 2 : Selection of water cement ratio

Adopting 0.45 w/c ratio

Step 3 : Selection of water content

From table 2, minimum water content = 186 litres (25 to 50mm slump) Estimated water
content for 100mm slump

= 186+

= 197 Ltrs

Step 4 : Calculation of cement content

Water cement ratio = 0.45

Cement content = = 437.78 kg/

437.78 kg/ >320 kg/


Step 5 : Proportion of volume of Fine aggregate and Coarse aggregate

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
From table 3 volume of C.A. corresponding to 20mm size aggregate and F.A zone-I for W/C

ratio of 0.45 = 0.6

For mannully concrete these values should be reduced by 10%

Therefore volume of C.A = .6 x 0.9 = 0.54

Volume of the F.A = 1 - 0.54 = 0.46

Step 6 : Mix calculations

The mix calculations per unit volume of concrete shall be as follows

a) Volume of concrete = M30

b) Volume of cement =

= 0.141

c) Volume of water =

= 0.197

d) Volume of all in aggregate = [a-(b+c)]

= [1-(0.141 + 0.197)]

= 0.662

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
e) Mass of Coarse aggregate = [d x volume of CA x S.P of CA] x 1000

= [0.662 x 0.54 x 2.85] x 1000

= 1132.02

f) Mass of fine aggregate = [d x F.A x S.P of F.A] x 1000

=[ 0.662 x 0.46 x 2.6] x 1000

= 691.12 kg

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Step 7 : Mix proportions

Cement = 437.78 kg/

Water = 197 kg/

Fine aggregate = 691.12 kg/

Coarse aggregate = 1132 kg/

Water cement ratio = 0.45

Ratio = 1:1.58:2.58

Table. Conventional Concrete Mix Proportion (M25)

Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate

Water (Lit) Cement (Kg/m3)
(Kg/m3) (Kg/m3)
203 435.5 653.38 1173.7
0.46 1 1.5 2.696

Modified Mix Proportion for Replacement of Fine Aggregate by WFS and Coarse
Aggregate by WCT”

Concrete mix design proportion

Sl.No. % Replacement w/c
1 0% 0.46 1 1.5 2.696 0 0
2 10% 0.46 1 1.35 2.43 0.15 0.27
3 20% 0.46 1 1.2 2.16 0.3 0.54
4 30% 0.46 1 1.05 1.89 0.45 0.81
5 40% 0.46 1 0.9 1.62 0.60 1.08
C=Cement, FA=Fine Aggregate, CA=Coarse Aggregate, WFS=Waste Foundry Sand,
WCT=Waste, Ceramic Tiles
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Coding % replacement
Concrete mix design

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Table 7.1: Compressive strength test

% age of Curing Surface Load Compressive

replacement age Area (mm2) (Kn) strength
(days) (N/mm2)
7 22500 422 18. 5
7 22500 425 18. 8
7 22500 428 19.02
0 28 22500 708 31.5
28 22500 702 31.2
28 22500 715 31.8
7 22500 435 19.33
7 22500 440 19.56
7 22500 437 19.42
28 22500 738 32.8
28 22500 744 33.1
28 22500 748 33.28
7 22500 452 20.10
7 22500 456 20.24
7 22500 459 20.4
28 22500 817 36.3
28 22500 807 35.9
28 22500 812 36.1
7 22500 408 18.15
7 22500 410 18.20
7 22500 413 18.32
28 22500 722 32.10
28 22500 715 31.8
28 22500 727 32.35

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7 22500 364 16.15

7 22500 367 16.28
7 22500 368 16.35
28 22500 650 28.9
28 22500 656 29.15
28 22500 660 29.35

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
Table 7.2: Average Compressive strength

% age of Curing age Average strength

Replacement days (N/ )

7 18.77
28 31.5
7 19.43
10% 28 33.06
7 20.24
28 36.1
7 18.22
30% 28 32.08
7 16.26
40% 28 29.13

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Compressive strength v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 7 days

Compressive strength v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 28 days

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Compressive Testing Cubes:

Fig. Test Setup for Cube

Fig. Failure pattern of Cube

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles
Table 7.3: Split tensile strength test

% age of Curing age Surface area Load Split tensile

replacement (day) (mm2) (in kn) strength (n/mm2)
7 17671.4 143 2.02
7 17671.4 144 2.04
7 17671.4 142.5 2.01
28 17671.4 220 3.12
28 17671.4 222 3.15
28 17671.4 221 3.09
7 17671.4 148 2.10
7 17671.4 152 2.13
7 17671.4 149 2.12
28 17671.4 233 3.30
28 17671.4 236 3.34
28 17671.4 234 3.32
7 17671.4 148 2.10
7 17671.4 149 2.12
7 17671.4 147 2.09
28 17671.4 249 3.53
28 17671.4 253 3.59
28 17671.4 251 3.56
7 17671.4 148 2.10
7 17671.4 147 2.08
7 17671.4 145 2.05
28 17671.4 229 3.25
28 17671.4 231 3.28
28 17671.4 230 3.26
7 17671.4 120 1.7
7 17671.4 122 1.74
7 17671.4 127 1.8
28 17671.4 215 3.05
28 17671.4 217 3.08
28 17671.4 214 3.03

Table 7.4: Average split tensile strength

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles

Average strength
% age of Curing age
Replacement days (N/ )

7 2.02
28 3.12
7 2.12
28 3.32
7 2.11
28 3.56
7 2.08
28 3.26
7 1.75
28 3.05

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Split tensile v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 7 days

Split tensile v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 28 days

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Fig. Test Setup for cylinder

Fig. Failure pattern for cylinder

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Waste Ceramic Tiles
Table 7.5: Flexural strength test

% age of Curing age Surface area Load Flexural strength

replacement (days) ( mm2) (kn) (n/mm2)
7 50000 2.94 1.47
7 50000 2.92 1.45
7 50000 2.8 1.48
28 50000 3.1 1.57
28 50000 3.2 1.60
28 50000 3.35 1.58
7 50000 2.94 1.47
7 50000 2.92 1.45
7 50000 2.8 1.48
28 50000 3.1 1.57
28 50000 3.2 1.60
28 50000 3.35 1.58
7 50000 3.5 1.60
7 50000 3.6 1.68
7 50000 3.8 1.65
28 50000 4.5 2.42
28 50000 4.8 2.53
28 50000 4.9 2.55
7 50000 2.5 1.52
7 50000 2.6 1.49
7 50000 2.8 1.53
28 50000 2.2 2.28
28 50000 2.4 2.3
28 50000 2.0 2.20
7 50000 2.6 1.45
7 50000 2.7 1.48
7 50000 2.5 1.47
28 50000 2.4 2.08
28 50000 2.3 1.96
28 50000 2.5 2.06

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles

Table 7.6: Average flexural strength

Average strength
Curing age
% Replacement
days (N/ )

7 1.47
28 1.58

7 1.47
28 1.58

7 1.65
28 2.5

7 1.51
28 2.26

7 1.46
28 2.04

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Flexural strength v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 3 days

Flexural strength v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 7 days

Flexural strength v/s percentage of waste foundry sand replacement for 28 days

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Waste Ceramic Tiles

Fig. Test setup for prism

Fig. Failure pattern for prism

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Waste Ceramic Tiles


Depending upon above results and methodology adopted following conclusion were
made regarding properties of concrete incorporating waste foundry sand and waste ceramic
 It is found that compressive strength of concrete mix is increases with increase in
percentage of waste foundry sand and waste ceramic tiles as compare to regular
concrete. It was maximum for 20 % replacement after that it reduces.
 It is also found that split tensile strength increases with increase in percentage of
waste foundry sand and waste ceramic tiles up to 20 % replacement after that it
 Workability of concrete mix increases with increase in percentage of waste foundry
sand and waste ceramic tiles as compare to regular concrete.
 As waste foundry sand is waste from metal industries and waste ceramic tiles is waste
from construction industries therefore both waste can be effectively use in concrete
mix hence an eco-friendly construction material.
 By using this waste in concrete, problems regarding to safely disposal is reduced.

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Experimental Analysis of Concrete Incorporating Waste Foundry Sand and
Waste Ceramic Tiles


Principal objectives and scope the main aims of this report are to present state-of-the-art
knowledge regarding production and utilisation of quarry dust. The overall objective is to
develop a technology platform for the shift from natural to manufactured aggregates based on
hard rock. This includes knowledge of resource management, cost effective production, use
of manufactured aggregates in concrete and mix design concepts for concrete.

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Waste Ceramic Tiles

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