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Jackson 5.

20 Homework Problem Solution

Dr. Christopher S. Baird
University of Massachusetts Lowell

(a) Starting from the force equation (5.12) and the fact that a magnetization M inside a volume V
bounded by a surface S is equivalent to a volume current density J M =( ∇ ×M) and a surface current
density (M×n) , show that in the absence of macroscopic conduction currents the total magnetic force
on a body can be written
F=−∫V (∇⋅M)Be d x+∫S (M⋅n)Be da

where Be is the applied magnetic induction (not including that of the body in question). The force is
now expressed in terms of the effective charge densities ρM and σM. If the distribution of magnetization
is not discontinuous, the surface can be at infinity and the force given by just the volume integral.

(b) A sphere of radius R with uniform magnetization has its center at the origin of coordinates and its
direction of magnetization making spherical angles θ0, ϕ0 . If the external magnetic field is the same as
in Problem 5.11, use the expression of part a to evaluate the components of the force acting on the

(a) Starting with the general force expression:
F=∫ J tot ×B d x

In the absence of macroscopic conduction currents (free currents), the only current present is the
magnetization current JM. In this case, there is only an external field Be and an object with a material
response and/or original permanent magnetization, both described by the magnetization current.

F=∫ J M ×Be d 3 x

Consider that the object occupies some finite volume V, so that outside V, the material response, and
therefore the magnetization and magnetization current, are zero. Also, the surface S that bounds the
object of volume V may have a discontinuity where we jump from object to not object. That gives rise
to the possibility of a surface magnetization current KM that can explicitly broken away from the total
F=∫V J M ×B e d x+∮S K M ×Be da

Now plug in the representation of the currents in terms of magnetization, and switch the order of the
cross products:
F=−∫V Be ×(∇ ×M)d 3 x−∮S Be ×(M×n)da

Recall the vector identity:

∇ (a⋅b)=(a⋅∇ ) b+( b⋅∇ )a+a×(∇ ×b)+b×(∇×a )

Arrange and label in an intuitive way to find:

Be ×(∇×M)=∇ ( M⋅Be )−(M⋅∇ ) Be −(Be⋅∇ )M−M×( ∇×Be )

In view of the relation ∇×Be =μ 0 J e and the fact that the external currents Je producing the external
field are by definition not found in the volume of integration, we have ∇×Be =0 leading to:

Be ×( ∇×M)=∇ (M⋅Be )−( M⋅∇ ) Be −(Be⋅∇ ) M

Plugging this in the force equation we have:

3 3 3
F=−∫V ∇ (M⋅Be ) d x+∫V (M⋅∇ ) Be d x+∫V ( Be⋅∇ )M d x−∮S Be ×(M×n) da

Also use an identity on the second integral: a×(b×c )=(a⋅c)b−(a⋅b)c which becomes

Be ×(M×n)=(Be⋅n) M−( Be⋅M)n

so that we have:

F=−∫V ∇ (M⋅Be ) d 3 x+∫V (M⋅∇ ) Be d 3 x+∫V ( Be⋅∇ )M d 3 x

−∮S (Be⋅n)M da+∮S (Be⋅M )n da

Use the divergence theorem on the first integral to get it into a surface integral and we find it cancels
the last term, leading to:
3 3
F=∫V (M⋅∇ )Be d x+∫V (Be⋅∇ ) M d x−∮S ( Be⋅n)M da

Using an integration by parts, you can show generally that:

∫V (a⋅∇ ) b dV =−∫V ( ∇⋅a) b dV +∫S (n⋅a)b

̂ da

Apply this to both volume integrals to find:

F=−∫V (∇⋅M) Be dV +∮S ( n⋅M)

̂ Be da−∫V ( ∇⋅Be )M dV

In general ∇⋅Be=0 leading to:

F=−∫V ( ∇⋅M) Be dV +∮S (M⋅n) Be da

F=∫V ρM Be dV +∮S σ M Be da where ρM =−∇⋅M and σ M =M⋅n

We can therefore treat a magnetized object as a collection of pseudo-magnetic charges and have these
charges experience forces in the usual way.

(b) First of all, the magnetization is uniform inside the sphere, so there is no effective magnetic volume
charge density:

ρM =0

There is an effective magnetic surface charge density on the sphere because of the discontinuity of
magnetization at the surface. Let as find the surface charge density:

σ M =M⋅n

σ M =M 0 r̂ 0⋅̂r

σ M =M 0 (cos θ cos θ 0+sin θsin θ0 cos ϕcos ϕ0 +sin θ sin θ0 sin ϕsin ϕ0)

Define x 0=sin θ 0 cos ϕ0 , y 0=sin θ 0 sin ϕ0 , z 0=cos θ 0 so that:

σ M =M 0 (z 0 cos θ+ x 0 sin θ cos ϕ+ y 0 sin θ sin ϕ)

The applied magnetic field is the one from 5.11:

B=B0 [ (1+β y ) ̂i+(1+β x) ̂j ]

B=B0 [ ( ̂i+̂j)+β r sin θ( ̂i sin ϕ+ ̂j cos ϕ) ]

Plug all of these in the force equation found in part a:

F=∫V ρM Be dV +∮S σ M Be da

F=∮S σ M Be da

2π π
F=∫ ∫ M 0 (z 0 cos θ+x 0 sin θ cos ϕ+ y0 sin θ sin ϕ) B 0 [( ̂i+ ̂j)+β R sin θ ( ̂i sin ϕ+ ̂j cos ϕ) ] R2 sin θ d θ d ϕ
0 0

After distributing out all factors, and doing many integrals, we find:

F=M 0 B 0 β π R3 ( y 0 ̂i+x 0 ̂j) or F=M 0 B 0 βV (sin θ 0 sin ϕ0 ̂i+sin θ0 cos ϕ0 ̂j)

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