Solved Chapter 9
Solved Chapter 9
Solved Chapter 9
Haus, Hermann A., and James R. Melcher. Solutions Manual for Electromagnetic
Fields and Energy. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare). (accessed MM DD, YYYY). License: Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike.
Also available from Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990. ISBN: 9780132489805.
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M = M o cos p:z:(i x + i)')
The volume charge density
9-2 Solutions to Chapter 9
we find
f H·ds=O
because there is no J present. This means that H = - V "\If and "\If is a scalar
potential that satisfies Laplace's equations, since H is divergence-free. The
only possible solution to this problem, subject to "\If = const at y = 0 and
y = a, is "\If = constj and hence H = O.
(b) Since
B = JLo(H + M) (1)
we have
B = iyJLoMo cos (3(x - Ut) (2)
The flux linked by the turn is
The voltage is
d>' sin (3d .
v = dt = -2(3UJLoldM0--rid sm(3Ut
9.3.1 The given answer is the result of using (4.5.24) twice. First, the result IS
written with the identification of variables
ao JLoMo
- -+ - - j Xl = a, x2 = -a, Y -+ Y - b (1)
Eo JLo
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-3
representing the upper magnetic surface charge. Second, representing the potential
of the lower magnetic surface charge,
- ---+ - Mo ; Xl = a, x2 = -a, Y ---+ Y+ b (2)
The sum of these two results is the given answer.
9.3.2 In the upper half-space, where there is the given magnetization density, the
magnetic charge density is
Pm = -V· J1. oM = J1. oM oa. cos fJxe- ay (1)
while at the interface there is the surface magnetic charge density
Um = -J1.oM z (Y = 0) = -J1.oMocosfJx (2)
In the upper region, a particular solution is needed to balance the source term, (1)
introduced into the magnetic potential Poisson's equation
given the constant coefficient nature of the Laplacian on the left, it is natural to
look for a product solution having the same x and y dependence as what is on the
right. Thus, if
then (3) requires that
aWG aW b
-J1.o ay + J1.o ay = -J1.oM o cos fJx (6)
we take the solution in the upper region to be a superposition of (5) and a suitable
solution to Laplace's equation that goes to zero at y ---+ 00 and has the same x
wG = [Ae-,8y + Moa. 2 e- ay ] cos fJx (7)
(fJ2 - a. )
Similarly, in the lower region where there is no source,
Wb = Ce,8y cos fJx (8)
Substitution of these solutions into the two boundary conditions of (6) gives
A= Mo (9)
2(a.- fJ)
C=- Mo (10)
2(a. + fJ)
and hence the given solution.
9-4 Solutions to Chapter 9
9.3.3 We have
wp = 2 2 cos f3x exp ay
a - (3
The homogeneous solution has to take care of the fact that at y = 0 the magnetic
charge density stops. We have the following solutions of Laplace's equation
There is no magnetic surface charge density. At the boundary, wand awlay must
be continuous
exf3Mo + f3B = -f3A
ex 2 - (32
Solving, we find
B = - 2(exM_ (3) ( ex)
1 + 73
1 a 1 a
Pm = -'\1. 1-£0M = -1-£0;: ar (rMr ) - 1-£0;: at/! M.p
= -1-£0 M p(rl R)p-l cos p(t/! - ')') + 1-£0 Mo p(rl R)P-l cos p(t/! - ')')
r r
There is no magnetic volume charge density. All the charge density is on the surface
9.4.1 (a) With the understanding that Band H are collinear, the magnitude of B is
related to that of H by the constitutive law
B = ~olH + M o tanh(aH)] (1)
For small argument, the tanh function is approximately its argument. Thus,
like the saturation law of Fig. 9.4.4, in the neighborhood of the origin, for
aH <: 1, the curve is a straight line with slope ~o(1 + aMo ). In the range of
aH Il:$ 1 the curve makes a transition to a lesser slope ~O.
(b) It follows from (9.4.1) and (1) that
dA2 _ 1rW2 N dB
dt - -4- 2di"
where we need the dispersion diagram to relate H. (i.e. i) to B (see Fig. 89.4.2).
B tB(t) dB
di ex v(t)
Figure 99.4.2
9.5.1 The postulated uniform H field satisfies (9.5.1) and (9.5.2) everywhere inside
the regions of uniform permeability. It also satisfies the continuity conditions, (9.5.3)
and (9.5.4). Finally, with no H outside the conductors, (9.5.3) is satisfied. The only
way in which the permeable materials can alter the uniform field that exists in
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-7
9.5.2 From Ampere's law applied to a circular contour around the inner cylinder,
anywhere within the region b < r < a, one finds
where i<f> points in the clock-wise direction, and z along the axis of the cylinder.
The flux densities are
B _ IJ-a t and
<f> - 21rr
A = l{ {R IJ-b dr
Jb 21rr
r i
IJ-a dr}
= 2l1r[IJ-bln(R/b) + IJ-aln(a/R)]i
The inductance is
9.5.3 For the reasons given in the solution to Prob. 9.5.1, the H field is simply
(i/w)i•. Thus, the magnetic flux density is
A = ( Bzdydx = djD (-IJ-m ) 3:..dx = IJ-:;ld i (2)
Js -I l w _w
9.5.4 The magnetic field does not change from that of Prob. 9.5.2. The flux linkage
is a
The inductance is
i i dr = I-'m l (a-b)
>. = l b I-'m(r/b) 21lT -b- i
L = I-'ml-
9.5.5 (a) The postulated fields have the r dependence of the H produced by a line
current i on the z axis, as can be seen using Ampere's integral law (Fig. 1.4.4).
Direct substitution into (9.5.1) and (9.5.2) written in polar coordinates also
shows that fields in this form satisfy Ampere's law and the continuity condition
everywhere in the regions of uniform permeability.
(b) Using the postulated fields, (9.5.4) requires that
(d) The inductance follows by integrating the flux density over the gap. Note
that the same answer must be obtained from integrating over the gap region
occupied by either of the permeable materials. Integration over a surface in
region a gives
>. = 'ib
a A
l-'a dr
= ll-'aAln(a/b) = ll-'aln(a/b)i
Because>' = Li, it follows that the inductance of the shorted coaxial section
is as given.
(e) Since the field inside the volume ofthe inner conductor is zero, it follows from
Ampere's continuity condition, (9.5.3), that
Note that these surface current densities are not equal, but are consistent with
having the total current in the inner conductor equal to i.
9.5.6 The H-field changes as one proceeds from medium J.'G to the medium J.'fI. For
the contour shown, Ampere's law gives (see Fig. 89.5.6):
Figure S9.5.8
The flux continuity gives
9.6.1 (a) At the interface, Ampere's law and flux continuity require the boundary con
The z dependence of the surface current density in (1) suggests that the
magnetic potential be taken as the solutions to Laplace's equation
{Ae-Ifll sinpz
Celfll sin pz (3)
and hence
A __ l!- Ko •
- P.o 13[1 + ::]'
Thus, the magnetic potential is as given.
(b) In the limit where the lower region is infinitely permeable, the boundary
condjt:;on at y = 0 for the upper region becomes
aw G
which is the same as the limit p./P.o -+ 00 of (5a).
(c) Given the solution in the upper region, flux continuity determines the field in
the lower region. In the lower region, the condition at y = 0 is
aW- ( y=O )
- =- aw-
P.o -
y=O ) P.o .
= -Kosmpz (8)
ay p. ay p.
9.6.2 (a) The H-field is the gradient of a Laplacian potential to the left and right of
the current sheet. Because D x D = 0 at y = ±d, qI = const.
(b) At the sheet
D x (HG - Db) =K (1)
and thus
aqlG aqlb ~y
- + -ay = Kosin (-)
-ay 2d
From (2) we see that qlG and qlb oc cos(~y/2d) and thus
2d A - 2d B =Ko
qI: =± K o cos (~Y)e'FJI'Z/2d
(~/d) 2d
aqlG aqlb
= -~- +~o- =0
ar ar (2)
To satisfy these, it is appropriate to choose as solutions to Laplace's equation
outside and inside the winding
Substitution of these relations in (1) and (2) shows that the coefficients are
NiR 1£ A
A= ; (4)
211 + (1£/1£0)1 , 1£0 R2
and substitution of these into (3) results in the given expressions for the
magnetic potential.
(b) The magnetic field intensity inside is uniform and ~ directed. Thus, the in
tegration over the area of the loop amounts to a multiplication by the area.
The component normal to the loop is Hz cos a, Hz = -0. Therefore,
9.6.4. (a) It is best to find the H-field first, then determine the vector potential. The
vector potential can then be used to find the flux according to 8.6.5. Look at
stator field first (r = a). The scalar potential of the stator that vanishes at
On surface of stator
nxH· =K (2)
where n = -il ..
K = i.i 1 N. sin ~ (3)
where the stator wire density N. is
N _ N1
• - 2a
with N 1 the total number of turns. Since
n X H• _.I. = - -a1 A.
= -r1 -a'a~iJI Ir-a .I.
sin 'I' (ab b).
- - -
We find
A = -'- N 1i1 ab (5)
2 a2 - b2
The H field due to stator windings is:
We find similarly,
The H -field is
Br =
N . b
~Z2 a2 _ b2 [(1 + :2) cos(~
- O)i r - (1- :2) sin(~
- O)i<f>J (9)
ab (r
= 1-'0--
2 a
2 b -b
- 2
+ -rb).sm cP
N 2i 2 ba ( r
+ 1-'0-- -
2 a2 - b2 a
+r -a).sm(cP - 0)
Of course, the cP component gives the same result.
(b) The inductances follow from evaluation of the flux linkages. The flux of one
stator turn, extending from cP = -cPo to cP = 1r - cPo is
The inductance is
In a similar way we find
The mutual inductance is evaluated from ~>.., the flux due to the field pro
duced by the stator, passing a turn of the rotor extending from -~o + 0 to
1r - cPo + 0
~>.. = l[A:(1r - cPo + 0) - A:(-~o + O)]r=b
= l-'olN1i 1 22abb2 sin (cPo - 0)
9-14 Solutions to Chapter 9
A21 = 1'"
4>0=0 2
Nb2~';.·bd<P. = ~o1NIN2il 22abb2 coso
a -
r2 = V(y + h)2 + z2
The field in the ~material is represented by the vector potential
• 8A a • 8A a
~o H = V X A = Ix 8y - 1~ 8z
~o {.
271" Ix
(1 V(y _ Y- h
h)2 + z2 3
'b V(y
Y+ h
+ h)2 + z2 3
.(1 V(y - z
h)2 + z2
S + 'b
V(y + h)2 + z2
) i y>O
= - -2- 1 3
{.Ix (Y - h) - I~Z
• }i 1/<0 (4b)
71" V(1/ - h)2 + z2
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-15
and thus
(b) When p. ~ p'o, then H tan ~ 0 on the interface. We need an image that cancels
the tangential magnetic field, i.e.
9.6.6 The field in the upper region can be taken as the sum of the field due to
the wire, a particular solution, and the field of an image current at the position
y = -h, z = 0, a homogeneous solution. The polarity of this latter current is
determined by which of the two physical situations is of interest.
(a) IT the material is perfectly conducting, there is no flux density normal to its
surface in the upper region. In this case, the image current must be in the -z
direction so that its y directed field is in the opposite direction to that of the
actual current in the plane y = O. The field at y = h, z = 0 due to this image
current is
J.&oH = (2~(~h) i x (1)
and therefore the force per unit length is as given. The wire is repelled by a
perfectly conducting wall.
(b) In this case, there is no tangential magnetic field intensity at the interface, so
the image current is in the same direction as the actual current. As a result,
the field intensity of the image current, evaluated at the position of the actual
current, is the negative of that given by (1). The resulting force is also the
negative of that for the perfect conductor, as given. The wire is attracted by
a permeable wall.
9.6.'1 (a) In this version of an "inside-outside" problem, the "inside" region is the highly
permeable one. The field intensity must be H~. in that region and have no
tangential component in the plane z = O. The latter condition is satisfied by
taking the configuration as being that of a spherical cavity centered at the
origin with the surrounding highly permeable material extending to infinity
in the ±z directions. At the surface where r = a, the normal flux density in
the highly permeable material tends to be zero. Thus, the approximate field
takes the form
wa = -Horcos(J + A - (1)
where the coefficient A is adjusted to make
8w a
n . Blr=a = 0 =* a;:-(r = a) = 0 (2)
Substitution of (1) into (2) gives A = _a3 H o /2 and hence the given magnetic
(b) Because there is no surface current density at r = A, the magnetic potential
(the tangential field intensity) is continuous there. Thus, for the field inside
Wb(r = a) = Wa(r = a) = -3Hoa/2 (3)
To satisfy this condition, the interior magnetic scalar potential is taken to
have the form
Wb=Crcos(J=Cz (4)
Substitution of this expression into (3) to evaluate C = -3Ho/2 results in the
given expression.
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-17
9.6.8 The perfectly permeable walls force the boundary condition ff = 0 on the
surfaces. The bottom magnetic surface charge density is neutralized by the im
age charges in the wall (see Fig. 89.6.8). The top magnetic surface charge density
produces a magnetic potential ff that is
ff = A sinh ,8(y - a) cos,8z y > d/2 (1a)
ff = Bsinh,8(y+~) cos,8z y < d/2 (16)
At the interface at y = d/2, ff is continuous
- I + -off I = Mocos,8x (5)
oy y=d/2+ oy y=d/2_
and we find
-Acosh,8(~ - a) + Bcosh,8d = M o (6)
2 ,8
Using (3) we obtain
A = _ Mo sinh,8d
,8 cosh,8(~ - a) sinh,8d - cosh,8dsinh,8(~ - a)
~ ~~ m
= -T sinh,8(~ + a)
The vertical component of B, By, above the tape, for y > d/2, is
off sinh,8d ,
By = -P.o-;- = p.oMo . (d ,) cosh,8(y - a) cos,8x (8)
uy smh,8 2" + a
Note that in the limit a --+ d/2, the flux is simply p.oMo as expected. IT the tape
moves, cos,8z has to be expressed as cos,8(z' - Ut). The flux is
sinh,8d d j'll'},
A=wNp.oMo . (d ) cosh,8(h+-2 -a) X ' cos,8(x'-Ut)dz' (9)
smh,8 2" + a -1/2
The integral evalues to
A= aKo (4)
9.6.10 The solution can be divided into a particular part due to the current density
in the wire and a homogeneous part associated with the field that is uniformly
applied at infinity. Because of the axial symmetry in the absence of the applied
field, the particular part can be found using Ampere's integral law. Thus, from an
integration at a constant radius r, it follows that
r< R (2)
R < r
in polar coordinates
H = .!
(.! atP i
aA z r
_ aA z
i",) (3)
r<R (4)
R< r
In view of the applied field, the homogeneous solution is assumed to take the form
1 8Aa 1 8A b
--_% + -_% = 0 (7)
J1.a 8r J1.b 8r
The first of these guarantees that the flux density normal to the surface is continuous
at r = R while the second requires continuity of the tangential magnetic field
intensity. Substitution of (5) into these relations gives a pair of equations that can
be solved for the coefficients C and D.
The coefficients which follow are substituted into (5) and those expressions respec
tively added to (4) provide the given expressions.
9.6.11 (a) Given the magnetization, the associated H is found by first finding the distri
bution of magnetic charge. There is none in the volume, where M is uniform.
The surface magnetization charge density at the surface, say at r = R, is
From the () dependence in (3), it is reasonable to assume that the fields outside
and inside the sphere take the form
~ = - H a r cos () + A co. 9
{ -Hrcos()
r2 (4)
H = Ha - 3M ~ M = 3(Ha - H) (5)
(b) This relation between Band H is linear and therefore a straight line in the
B - H plane. Where B = 0 in (6), H = 3Ha/2 and where H = 0, B = 3J1.aHa'
Thus, the load line is as shown in Fig. S9.6.11.
9-20 Solutions to Chapter 9
2 4 6 8"
H(units of Idamps/m)-
Figure 99.8.11
(c) The values of Band H within the sphere are given by the intersection of the
load line with the saturation curve representing the constitutive law for the
magnetization of the sphere.
(d) For the specific values given, the load line is as shown in Fig. 89.6.11. The
values of Band H deduced from the intersection are also indicated in the
9.6.12 We assume that the field is uniform inside the cylinder and then confirm the
correctness of the assumption. The scalar potentials inside and outside the cylinder
'Ii - {-HoRcos4J(r/R) + A cos 4J(R/r) r> R
- Ccos4J(r/R) r < R (1)
n·M=Mcos4J (3)
and the internal (r < R)H field is (we use no subscripts to denote the field internal
to cylinder):
The magnetization causes a "demagnetization" field of magnitude M/2. We can
construct "load line" to find internal B graphically. 8ince
B = 11-0(H + M) (7)
we find from (6) for the magnitude of the internal H field
H = (H _ M + H + H) = H _ ~ + H (8)
o 2 2 0 211-0 2
H= 2Ho - - (9)
The two intersection points are (see Fig. 89.6.12)
H=2Ho for B=O
B = 211-0Ho for H= 0
We read off the graph: B = 0.67 tesla, H = 2.5 X 105 amps/m.
I I h!!i
(Ieslol (tesla)
2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
~ H(units of ,domps/m)-
H (units of 10 omps/ml-
9.6.13 The relation between the current in the winding and Hand M in the sphere
are given by (9.6.15).
M= 3(- - H) (1)
From this, the load line follows as
B == 11-0(H + M) = 11-0 ( Ii" - 2H) (2)
The intercepts that can be used to plot this straight line al<; shown in Fig. 89.6.13.
The line shown is for the given specific numbers. Thus, within the sphere, B ~ 0.54
and H ~ 1.8.
9-22 Solutions to Chapter 9
9.1.1 (a) Because of the high core permeability, the fields are approximated by taking
an "inside-outside" approach. First, the field inside the core is approximately
subject to the condition that
n 'B =0 at r = a and r = b (1)
which is satisfied because the given field distribution has no radial component.
Further, Ampere's integral law requires that
2ft' H",rd~ = Ni = 12ft' -rd~
= Ni (2)
1 o 0 21/"r
In terms of the magnetic scalar potential, with the integration constant ad
justed to define the potential as zero at ~ = 1/",
18'if! Ni Ni
--- = - => 'if! = --~+const
r 8~ 21/"r 21/" (3)
Ni ~
= 2(1-;J
This pot.ential satisfies Laplace's equation, has no radial derivative on the
inside and outside walls, suffers a discontinuity at ~ = 0 that is Ni and has a
continuous derivative normal to the plane of the wires at ~ = 0 (as required.
by flux continuity). Thus, the proposed solution meets the required conditions
and is uniquely specified.
(b) In the interior region, the potential given by (3), evaluated at r = b, provides
a boundary condition on the field. This potential (and actually any other
potential condition at r = b) can be represented by a Fourier series, so we
represent the solution for r < b by solutions to Laplace's equation taking the
'if! = L
,pm sin m~ (~) m (4)
Because the region includes the origin, solutions r- m are omitted. Thus, at
the boundary, we require that
N' ~ 00
(1- -)
1/" L- ,pm sin m~
= '" (5)
Multiplication by sin n~ and integration gives
1 2ft' -;(1-;)
N' ~
sin(n~)d~ =
L 1 00
o 0 m=l (6)
= ,pn1/"
,pm N'1
= -'
21/" 0
ft' ~ sin m~d~ = -'
(1 - -)
N' (7)
Substitution of this coefficient into (4) results in the given solution.
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-23
W= L -'
W= L -'
(a/r)m sin mfji'
m=1 m1l"
Figure S9.1.3
From the integral form of flux continuity, for a closed surface S that intersects the
middle leg and passes through the gaps to right and left, we know that the flux
through the middle leg is equal to the sum of those through the gaps. This flux is
linked N times, so
Substitution of (1) and (2) into this expression gives
9.'1.4 The field in the gap due to the coil of N turns is approximately uniform
because the hemisphere is small. From Ampere's law
Hh=Ni (1)
where H directed downward is defined positive. This field is distorted by the sphere.
The scalar magnetic potential around the sphere is
q; = R cos 6[(r/ R) - (R/r)2] (2)
where 6 is the angle measured from the vertical axis. The field is
Figure 89.7'.4
~A = 1 a
lJoH r 21rR2 sin6d6
N" fa
= -3IJoT 21rR2 10 sin6cos6d6 (4)
3IJo Ni
=---1rR 2( 1-cos2a)
2 h
But 1 - cos 2a = 2 sin 2 a which will be used below. The flux linkage is '>'21 where 1
stands for the coil on the 1r /2 leg of the "circuit", 2 for the hemispherical coil
'>'21 =1
r/ 2
~A R sinaRda
3 Nn 3 (5)
= -"4lJoTi1rR2 sin ada
Nn R 2 '
= - 1J0 2h: 1r ,
The mutual inductance is
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-25
9.1.5 In terms of the air-gap magnetic field intensities defined in Fig. S9.7.5, Ampere's
integral law for a contour passing around the magnetic circuit through the two
windings and across the two air-gaps, requires that
Figure S9.1.5
In terms of these same field intensities, flux continuity for a surface S that encloses
the movable member requires that
The flux linking the first winding is that through either of the gaps, say the upper
one, multiplied by N 1
The second equation has been written using (3). Similarly, the flux linking the
second coil is that crossing the upper gap multiplied by N 2 •
9.1.6 Denoting the H field in the gap of width z by H s and that in the gap g by
H g , Ampere's integral law gives
The flux is
The inductance is
L = N ~ A = -=,IJ_o_N_2-;;-
, s3
tra +-'-
9.1.1 We pick two contours (Fig. 89.7.7) to find the H field which is indicated in the
three gaps as Ha, Hb and Hc. The fields are defined positive if they point radially
outward. From contour 0 1 :
I"" • • • ITI'"
I H.. H, H.
-~- I- f--d- I-e-
Figure 89.7'.7'
From contour O2
(-Ha + Hc)g = N 1 i 1 + N2 i 2 (2)
The flux must be continuous so that
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-27
d - N1i 1e N 2 i.
Hb = - - - - - - - -
e (5)
2d g 2d g
9.1.8 (a) 1J! must be constant over the surfaces of the central leg at x = Tl/2 where
we have perfectly permeable surfaces. In solving for the field internal to the
central leg we assume that a1J!/ an = 0 on the interfaces with fJ-o.
(b) If we assume an essentially uniform field HI-' in the central leg, Ampere's
integral law applied to a contour following the central leg and closing around
the upper part of the magnetic circuit gives
9-28 Solutions to Chapter 9
N1i 1 + N 2 i 2
'1'(x = 1/2) = 2 (3)
(c) In region a, at y = 0, '1' must decrease linearly from the value (2) to the value
y= a, '1'=0 (5)
At x = ±1/2,0 < Y < a, '1' must change linearly from (2) and (3) respectively,
to zero
'1'(x = _~, y) = N1i 1 ; N 2 i 2 y) (a: (6)
'1' = Axy + Bx + Cy
We have, at y = 0
and thus
B = _ N1i1 + N 2 i 2
In a similar way we find at y = a
Aax + Bx + Ca = 0
and thus
C=O, Aa=-B
which gives
where K is the ("surface-") current in the thin sheet. This surface current is driven
by the electric field induced by Faraday's law
ua (3a + w) = f E . ds = _!!.
f J.'oD . da
dH 1
Solutions to Chapter 9 9-29
9.7.10 The cross-sectional areas of the legs to either side are half of that through
the center leg. Thus, the flux density, B, tends to be the same over the cross
sections of all parts of the magnetic circuit. For this reason, we can expect that
each point within the core will tend to be at the same operating point on the given
magnetization characteristic. Thus, with H g defined as the air-gap field intensity
and H defined as the field intensity at each point in the core, Ampere's integral law
requires that
2Ni = (l1 + l2)H + dHg (1)
In the gap, the flux density is J1- o H g and that must be equal to the flux density just
inside the adjacent pole faces.
J1- o H g = B (2)
The given load-line is obtained by combining these relations. Evaluation of the
intercepts of this line gives the line shown in Fig. 89.7.10. Thus, in the core, B ~ 0.75
Tesla and H ~ 0.3 X 104 A/m.
(tesla)-- -- III
0.5 61 1.5
0.5xI0 4 Hb(units of 10 omps/m)
H (omps/m)-
Figure S9.7.10 Figure S9.7.11
9-30 Solutions to Chapter 9
9.1.11 (a) From Ampere's integral law we obtain for the field H b in the J.L material and
H a in the air gap:
bHb + aHa = Ni (1)
Further, from flux continuity
and thus
Ni b
Hb = - - - --M (5)
a+b a+b
This is the load line.
(b) The intercepts are at M = 0
Ni Ni 6
H b = - - = - = 0.25 X 10
a+ b 2a
and at H b = 0
M = b = 0.5 X 106
We find
M = 0.22 X 106 Aim
H b = 0.13 X 106 Aim
The B field is