RBSE Class 12 Syllabus
RBSE Class 12 Syllabus
RBSE Class 12 Syllabus
Subject : Physics
Subject Code : 040 Class :
Theory Paper
Unit Chapter
Title Deleted Subtitle/ Portion
No. No.
I Electrostatic Potential and Potential Difference, Electric
3 Electric Potential
Potential due to a charged spherical shell
I Capacitance of a Parallel Plate Capacitor filled with
4 Electrical Capacitance
Different Materials of Different Thickness
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Polarised and Unpolarised Light, Plane of Polarisation and
Vibrations, polarisation, Methods for Production of Plane
VI 12 Nature of Light
Polarised Light- Polarisation of Light by Reflection and
Unit Chapter
Title Deleted Subtitle/ Portion
No. No.
by double Refraction, Nicol Prism, Polarisation by Dichroism,
Polaroids and their uses, Detection of Plane Polarised and
Unpolarised Light, Malus Law.
Wavelength of matter Waves, Wavelength of Matter waves
Photoelectric Effect and Associated with Different Types of Particles,
VII 13
Matter Waves Davisson-Germer experiment and its conclusion,
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
VIII Atomic Physics
Second Postulate using de Broglie Principle
15 Nuclear Forces, Radioactivity, Alpha, Beta and Gamma
particles/rays and their Properties, Radioactive Decay
VIII Nuclear Physics
Law, Half-Life and Mean Life, Binding Energy per
Nucleon and its variation with Mass Number
16 Special Purpose Diodes: Zener Diode, Photo Diode, Light
IX Electronics
Emitting Diode
17 Electromagnetic Waves,
X Communication and Displacement Current, Nanotechnology
Contemporary Physics
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Magnetic Flux, Electromagnetic induction; Faraday's
laws of Electromagnetic induction; Lenz's Law, Induced
Chapter 9:
EMF in- a conductor rod, moving in a Uniform magnetic
Field, a Rectangular Loop Moving in a Non-Uniform
Induction Magnetic Field and Energy Conservation, a Metal Disc
Rotating in a Uniform Magnetic Field, Rotation of a
Rectangular Coil in Magnetic Field, Eddy currents. Self
Unit-V: and Mutual induction.
Electromagnetic Direct Current, Alternating Currents, Instantaneous, Peak,
Induction and Average And RMS Value Of Alternating 07
Alternating Current/Voltage; Phase Relation Between Alternating
Voltage And Alternating Current In Different Types Of
Currents AC Circuits And Phasor Diagram (I) Pure Ohmic
Chapter 10:
Resistance (Ii) Pure Inductance (Iii) Pure Capacitance (Iv)
Alternating Current
Series Combination Of Resistance and Inductance (V)
Series Combination Of Resistance and Capacitance (Vi)
Series Combination Of Resistance, Inductance and
Capacitance, Series LCR Resonance Circuit, Bandwidth
and Quality Factor In A Series Resonance Circuit,
Average Power In AC Circuits, , Transformer.
11: Ray
Formula, Magnification, Power Of a Lens, Combination Of
Chapter Thin Lenses In Contact, Refraction Of Light Through A
Optics Prism. Dispersion of Light, Optical Instruments - Simple
Microscopes, Compound Microscopes, Astronomical
Telescopes (Reflecting And Refracting) And Their
Magnifying Powers.
12: Nature of ,
reflection and refraction of plane wave at a plane surface,
Unit VI: Optics Interference of Light and Coherent Sources, Necessary 09
Conditions for Interference, Young's Double Slit
Chapter Experiment, Analytical treatment of Interference and
expression for fringe width, Interference Fringes Produced
by White Light, Diffraction, Comparision of
Diffraction of Sound and Light, Type of Diffraction,
Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum,
Difference Between Interference and Diffraction,
resolving power of microscope and astronomical telescope
Unit No. and Title Chapter No. and Title and Subject Matter Marks
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Chapter 14: Atomic Bohr Model of Atom, Line
Physics Spectrum of Hydrogen and its Explanation, Limitation of
Unit VIII: Bohr Model
Atoms and Nuclear Structure, Size of the Nucleus, Atomic Mass 06
Chapter 15:
Nuclei Nuclear Physics
Unit, Mass Defect and Nuclear Binding Energy, Nuclear
Energy, Nuclear Fission, Controlled and Uncontrolled
Chain Reactions, Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear Fusion.
Energy bands in Solid, Classification of Conductors,
Semiconductors and Insulators, Intrinsic and Extrinsic
Semiconductor, Minority and Majority charge Carriers,
P-N Junction Diode, Forward and Reverse bias
Characteristic Curve, Avalanche and Zener Break Down,
Chapter 16: Use of P-N junction diode as a Half Wave and Full Wave
Unit IX: Rectifier, Junction Transistor, Operation of a Transistor,
Electronics 06
Electronics Transistor Circuit Configurations- Common Base,
Common Emitter and Common Collector, Transistor
Characteristic Curves - Common Base and Common
Emitter Configuration, Relation between and,
Transistor Amplifier (Common Emitter Configuration),
Logic Gates, OR, AND, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR gate
Unit X: Chapter 17:
Electromagnetic Electromagnetic
Waves, Electromagnetic waves, their characteristics,
Waves, 04
Communication and Electromagnetic spectrum, Propagation of
Communication and
Contemporary Electromagnetic Waves, Communication
Contemporary Physics
Physics System, Modulation
Total 56
Total 30 Marks
1. Using Vernier Calipers
(i) To measure dimensions of a given regular object and find out its density body (ii)
To measure internal diameter and depth of a given container.
2. Using screw gauge-
(i) To measure diameter of a given wire
(ii) To measure thickness of a given sheet.
3. To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a spherometer.
4. To find the weight of a given body using parallelogram law of vectors.
5. Using a simple pendulum, find gravitational acceleration (g) and use it to find the effective length of second's
6. To study the relationship between force of limiting friction and normal reaction and to find the co- efficient of
friction between a block and a horizontal surface.
7. To find moment of inertia of object of regular shape using oscillation method.
8. To find the downward force, along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to gravitational pull of the earth and
study its relationship with the angle of inclination.
9. To find force constant of a loaded spring.
1. To make a paper scale of given least count.
2. To determine mass of a given body using a meter scale by principle of moments.
3. To plot a graph for a given set of data, with proper choice of scales and error bars.
4. To measure distance between two parallel lines using microscope.
5. To study the variation in range of water jet with angle of projection.
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6. To determine deviation in average value and root mean square of the given data set using logarithm table.
7. To adjust physical balance and measure mass of a solid.
1. To determine Young's modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire.
2. To determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
3. Verify Newtons cooling law.
1. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax.
2. To study the effect of detergent on surface tension of water by observing capillary rise.
3. Compare accuracy and precision of two measuring instrument of different least count.
4. To observe and explain the effect of heating on a bi-metallic strip.
5. To study the effect of load on depression of a suitably clamped meter scale loaded at (i) its end (ii) in the middle.
6. To note the change in level of liquid in a container on heating and interpret the observations.
7. To study the factors affecting the rate of loss of heat of a liquid.
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